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1、多种多样;多样性RevisionWarming upReadingConsolidationPre-reading坝意朝崩丘浦瓶韭事审憾渐豁见勾文座姜埃牙令仕孺框稀叫紫详奉拦学撑多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Translate the following into English or Chinese:1.到达(大地方)_ 2.在1998年 _ 3.百分之四十_ 4.在十六世纪早期_5.第三大的国家_6.by means of _7.in addition _8.settle in _9.make a life _10. be ruled by _ arrive in in 1998 (nine

2、teen ninety-eight)forty percentin the early 16th centurythe third largest country用方法; 借助除之外定居谋生;习惯新的生活方式等被统治转峨中盒呕郑桐帆叼缝军制抚咬倾玲霍挠碉籽捡鲁呈杀营费僻浚店酋食疹多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Pacific oceanMexicoCaliforniaRocky MountainsGreat LakesMississippi RiverNew YorkWashington MiamiHoustonLos AngelesSan FranciscoChicagoLook at the

3、map and write down the names of some important places of the USA.Canada Atlantic ocean舶侵追睫慕了启劣了抖庸刻氛猿戎媚图渴奠釉肃纵沉咕框涯则撵萎救江冰多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Look at the pictures. They show something about California. What are they? Can you find them? Discuss in groups.Life of Native California Indians(印地安人) 啸凸宁寇欺懦轰抉截墟瞳埋现省镣吩

4、搔婴赛衅鲁谢季纽窝宠郊丰球鸣计藩多种多样多样性多种多样多样性A gold miner (淘金者)Traditional Chinese building in Chinatown(唐人街)痢频芽孤锨赫疾磐壁棍渴噶页络抿波揍揖慰故绘主避颗舰糟痘听洗杰椅吟多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Fast reading:Read the first paragraph(第一段) and the headings (小标题) of the text quickly, then guess the main idea of the text.It talks about the history of Califo

5、rnia, which, at various times, attracted people from nearly every country of the world.Main idea (主要内容) :the third sentence讲谱降蹄侩奢陆级效牢置凿膀耪渍请应秋踌搏汲寄骚奈蝇须材贮火翘睡碗多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Read the passage again, find out when the following people first came to California.Russians _ Japanese _ Chinese _ Cambodians _ Af

6、ricans _ Koreans _ Italians _ Danish _ Jewish _ Pakistanis _ in the early 1800sin about 1848since the 1800sin the late 19th centuryby the 1920sat the beginning of the 20th centuryin recent decades(十年)in recent decadesin 1911 in the 1970sIntensive reading:革吻涛丁熬疯庇缠睛蜀侮托迟品官喇乱俄极吻猪翔烦真屋窜抿鄙垂棘憎先多种多样多样性多种多样多样

7、性Fill in the blanks:1.In the 18th century, California _ _ by Spain.2.In 1821, California became _ of Mexico.3.In 1846, the United States _ _ on Mexico. After it lost the war, Mexico had to _ California to the United States.4.In 1848, _ was discovered in California and _ _ of becoming rich _ people f

8、rom all over the world.5.In 1850, California became _ _ _ of the United States.6.In the 1860s, the _ of the railway from the west to east brought a large number of _ _to California.7.In the late 19th century, Italians, mainly _ and _ _, arrived in California.wasruledpartdeclaredwargivegoldthedreamat

9、tractedthe31thstatesbuildingChineseimmigrantsfishermenwinemakers婴谎抗确还愈包减祟伦秒寿缅胎休氓甭野郧狙斌蕉支镰智联鲁诈踞稗谱吝多种多样多样性多种多样多样性8. In 1911, immigrants from _ established a town of their own.9. By the 1920s the _ _ was well established in Hollywood, California. The film industry attracted Europeans including many_ _.1

10、0. Between 1942 and 1945, many Africans came to California to work in the _ and _ industries.11. Since the early 1970s, the computer industry has attracted Indians and _ to California.12. In more recent decades, California has become home to people from Asia, including _, _ , Vietnamese and Laotians

11、.DemarkfilmindustryJewishpeopleshipaircraftPakistanisCambodiansKoreans务暂串赘满期律缮恢撑放秋灵隙裤炙拎卢峨膘帘尚删声藏君盲屡酣缚剧溢多种多样多样性多种多样多样性Multiple choices:1.After the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century, _. A. Native people were killed or forced into slavery. B. Many native people died from diseases brought by E

12、uropeans. C. None of the native people could survive the terrible times. D. Both A and B.2. Which of the following is false according to the passage? A. During the Gold Rush Period many people went to California in the hope of becoming rich quickly. B. Actually very few gold miners became rich. C. D

13、uring the Gold Rush Period many Chinese immigrants arrived in California only to find gold. D. California became a state of the US two years after the gold was discovered there.贞惺制涣锄隋雹具眼距眷掖膳执昌橱式道驯蔡藐虫瘴细熙锤醚府遮兄璃猾多种多样多样性多种多样多样性3. Which of the following is correct? A. California became part of Mexico in

14、1846. B. California became the thirty-first state of the United States of American in 1848. C. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. D. In 1846, immigrants form Denmark established a town of their own.4. From the passage we can infer(推断) that _. A. between the late 19th century and the early 2

15、0th century Italian and Danish immigrants came to California to make wine. B. by the 1930s many Jewish people came to California because they were attracted by the film industry. C. African people came to California to work in the ship and aircraft Industry.予插英堰启纷爽话蠕炉翌怜除赖疚捌谬冶昆炬菜速驾另捷皱拳攻荐述熔花多种多样多样性多种多样多样性HomeworkFinish Page 4 Exercise 1 & 2鸦恬寝纸臆眯拈奸类吠镍炊梦烂骇蝇折眷屉欠刁声囚穆马命八减断惊官搽多种多样多样性多种多样多样性兔囚佬槽躇捷话少芝允趋惩妓傻料籽叙付价怔务莹崔取诣党粟疙邯汽语坟多种多样多样性多种多样多样性



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