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1、European Culture An IntroductionDivision TwoThe Bible and Christianity Christianityn nCatholicism 天主教天主教n nEastern Orthodoxy东正教东正教n nProtestantism新教新教Vocabularyn nChristianity基督教n nJudeo-Christian 犹太-基督教n nJudaism 犹太教n nJew 犹太人 Jewish 犹太人的n nPalestine 巴勒斯坦n nHebrew 希伯来人n nCanaan 迦南n nChristian Bible

2、圣经n nthe Old Testament 旧约n nthe New Testament 新约General Introductionn nJudaism & ChristianityJudaism & Christianity-Jewish tradition has given birth to Christianity-Jewish tradition has given birth to Christianityn nHebrews (wanderers)Hebrews (wanderers)-ancestors of the Jews-ancestors of the Jews-s

3、ettled in Palestine(Canaan=the Promised Land)-settled in Palestine(Canaan=the Promised Land)n nThe Old TestamentThe Old Testament-history of Hebrews-history of HebrewsThe Old Testamentn nThe Bible is a collection of The Bible is a collection of religious writings comprising religious writings compri

4、sing two parts: the Old Testament two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The and the New Testament. The former is about God and the former is about God and the Laws of God; the latter, the Laws of God; the latter, the doctrine of Jesus Christ. The doctrine of Jesus Christ. The word word

5、 “ “TestamentTestament” ” means means “ “agreementagreement” ”- namely, the - namely, the agreement between God and agreement between God and Man.Man.n n1. The Pentateuch The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and The Old Testament consists of 39 books, the oldest and most important of w

6、hich are first five books, called most important of which are first five books, called PentateuchPentateuchn n1. The Pentateuch1. The Pentateuchn n摩西五书摩西五书n nGenesis Genesis 创世记创世记n nExodus Exodus 出埃及记出埃及记n nLeviticusLeviticus利未记利未记n nNumbers Numbers 民数记民数记n nDeuteronomy Deuteronomy 申命记申命记n nThe Fal

7、l of Man The Fall of Man 人的堕落人的堕落n nNoahNoah s Ark s Ark 诺亚方舟诺亚方舟n nTen Commandments Ten Commandments 摩西十诫摩西十诫2 The Historical Booksn nBook of Judges 士师记n nBooks of Kings 列王记n nChronicles历代志n n The history of the Hebrew people around The history of the Hebrew people around 1200 B.C. till 586 B.C. 12

8、00 B.C. till 586 B.C. n nFirst kingSaul 扫罗n nThe greatest kingDavid 大卫n nKing of wisdom and wealth Solomon 所罗门 3 The Poetical Booksn na. Job约伯记n nb. Psalms诗篇n nc. Proverbs箴言n nd. Ecclesiastes传道书n ne. Song of Solomon雅歌4 The Prophets n nThe Prophets 先知n nEarlier prophets lived in Groups as temple offi

9、cials. Later on there appeared independent prophets. The major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. The Minor Prophets are Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Malachi.Rise of Christianityn nAbout 200 century B.C. 200 A.D.About 200 century B.C. 200 A.D., secret secret o

10、rganization , Messiah organization , Messiah 弥赛亚弥赛亚n nMessiahMessiah,first - spiritual leaderfirst - spiritual leader,later son of God later son of God foundation of Christianity foundation of Christianityn nJesus StoryJesus Storyn n1. Birth1. Birthn n2. Performance2. Performancen n3. Death The Last

11、 Supper Judas Crucified 3. Death The Last Supper Judas Crucified n n4. Rebirth Ascension 4. Rebirth Ascension n nSt. Pauls Missionary workSt. Pauls Missionary workn n- Greatest contribution - Greatest contribution n n- Epistles - Epistles 保罗书信保罗书信 n nFollowers in RomanFollowers in Roman:first - poor

12、first - poor,later - richlater - rich Translations of the Biblen nOriginallyOld TestamentHebrewOriginallyOld TestamentHebrewn n New TestamentGreek New TestamentGreekn nTranslationsTranslationsn nSeptuagint Septuagint 七十子希腊文本七十子希腊文本n nLatin version St. JeromeLatin version St. Jeromen nFirst English version John Wycliff groupFirst English version John Wycliff groupn nAuthorized King James version - 1611Authorized King James version - 1611n nRevised Version 1885Revised Version 1885n nNew King James Bible - 1979New King James Bible - 1979 刚才的发言,如刚才的发言,如有不当之处请多指有不当之处请多指正。谢谢大家!正。谢谢大家!17



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