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1、怎样解中考英语阅读理解词义推断题怎样解中考英语阅读理解词义推断题近年来中考英语阅读理解试题非常注重对考生词义推断能力的考查, 出现了代词指代判断题、 熟词新义判断题和生词词义判断题,其解题方法如下:一、分析人称演变过程,推断代词正确指代代词指代判断题要求考生借助语境逻辑推断人称代词和指示代词的正确指代。人称代词指代判断题主要要求考生判断it ( 指代动物、无生命事物、特定事件和人) ,they ( 指复数的人、动物、物品和事件, 属主格) , them ( 指复数的人、 动物、 物品和事件, 属宾格) ,he, she等代词的指代对象。指示代词指代判断题主要要求考生对this, these,

2、that, those等代词指代对象进行准确判断, 以考查考生对特定的人、物和事件的再认能力。 历年中考实践表明代词指代判断题多出现在人称转换多、动作变换频的语境中。 解题时考生应认真阅读特定代词所在句和前后邻近句的内容, 弄清人称转换和动作变换的详细过程,把握其来龙去脉和前因后果,只有这样才能准确推断其所指代的对象。例 1: ( 2013年南京卷)原文: There are three parts to the Global Positioning System.The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your hand,or h

3、ave it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part isa group of satellites orbiting the Earth. The receiver contactsat least four of the satellites and calculates ( 计算) itsposition. The third part of the system is a network of groundstations. They are al 1 over the world. They control thesatell

4、ites and make sure they are working well.试题:43. The underlined word They in paragraph 3 meansA . R e c e i v e r s B . G P S d e v i c e sC . S a t e l l i t e s D . G r o u n d s t a t i o n s解析:Do认真阅读分析画线词所在句及前两句可知,前两句为画线词所在句背景信息,因此画线词T h e y就指前一句中的T h e y ,也指再前一句中的g r o u n d s t a t i o n s o例2

5、: ( 2 0 1 3年南昌卷)原文:N a t h a n s w o r k h a s a p p e a r e d i n m u s e u m s a r o u n d t h ew o r l d . C h i l d r e n l o v e h i s a r t b e c a u s e i t i s m a d e o u t o f t h e s a m et o y s t h a t t h e y p l a y w i t h a t h o m e a n d a d u l t s l o v e h i s w o r k b e c a u

6、 s ei t i s f a s c i n a t i n g . S i n c e i t b e g a n i n 2 0 0 7 , N a t h a n s e x h i b i t i o n“ T h e A r t o f t h e B r i c k “ h a s b e e n v e r y p o p u l a r w i t h m u s e u mv i s i t o r s e v e r y w h e r e .试题:8 4 . W h a t d o e s t h e u n d e r l i n e d w o r d i t i

7、n P a r a g r a p h3 r e f e r t o ?A . N a t h a n s w o r k .B . N a t h a ns e x h i b i t i o n .C . N a t h a n s a r t .D . N a t h a ns s e l f p o r t r a i t .解析:Bo认真阅读分析原文可知,i t应指代N a t h a n se x h i b i t i o n o例3 : ( 2 0 1 3年扬州卷)原文:B i l l K r e j c i , a w e b d e s i g n e r , f e l

8、t t h a t h e n e e d e d t od o s o m e t h i n g m o r e f o r t h i s a m a z i n g l y h o n e s t m a n . S o o n F e b r u a r y1 8 t h , h e s e t u p a s p e c i a l p a g e t o r a i s e m o n e y f o r h i m . I n j u s tf o u r d a y s , B i l l y r e c e i v e d o v e r $ 8 5 , 0 0 0 a n

9、 d t h e r e s e e m s t o b en o e n d y e t .T h a t i s n o t e n o u g h . B i l l y i s l i v i n g w i t h a p e r s o n w h o i sg e n e r o u s i n s t e a d o f 1 i v i n g i n t h e s t r e e t s . A n d t h a t s n o ta l l - T h a n k s t o t h e n e w s r e p o r t , h e g o t t o g e t

10、 h e r a g a i n w i t h h i so l d e r b r o t h e r , E d w i n H a r r i s w h o h e h a d b e e n u n a b l e t o f i n d f o r2 7 y e a r s .试题: 40. The underlined word That in Paragraph 4 referst。( 指代)A. returning the ringB. setting up a pageC. living in the streetsD. receiving money解析:D o 由于原

11、文第三节和第四节信息是连贯的,因此That应指代第三节最后一句内容即receiving money。二、分析原始含义和所在句语境,推断熟词新义众所周知,英语单词的词义非常丰富,搭配能力很强,这样一些熟词随语境不同就会产生新含义, 这种新含义来自原含义又体现新特点。解题时同学们应将原含义与新语境有机结合起来,综合考虑,整体思维,从而准确判断熟词在特定语境中的新含义。例 1: ( 2013年天津卷)原文:The city is still an amazing mix ( 混合体)of peoplefrom different countries. The people from 150 coun

12、tries liveand work in Dubai, and foreigners now outnumber Dubai natives( 本地人)by eight to one!试题:63. What does the underlined word “ outnumber mean?A. To be smaller in size than another group.B. To be more in number than another group.C. To be bigger in area than another group.D. To be smaller in are

13、a than another group.解析:Bo by eight to one为 outnumber所示动作的结果,结合其表面意义可知其意为“ 在数目上超过”。 例 2: ( 2013 年山西卷)原文:You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10minutes break. But when the bell for the next class rings,you can t believe how quickly time has passed. If you have thisexperience, you 11 know how t

14、ime flies when you are having funand drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up witha reason why this happens.试题:56. What does the underlined word “ drags“ probablymean?A. passes slowlyB. runs quicklyC. moves actively解析:A o 原文第一节前两句表明快乐会使人觉得时间过得快,而厌烦会使人觉得时间过得慢,可 见 drags应 为 how time flies的

15、反面意义, 结 合drag的 本义 拖、 拉 可 知 drags应指时间过得慢。三、分析语境逻辑,推断生词含义分析近年中考英语阅读理解题不难发现, 生词词义判断题是中考英语阅读理解词义判断题中考查最多的试题,因推断力度大、分析要求高、解题难度较大。解题时考生必须借助上下文语境逻辑,利用转折、递进、条件、因果、让步、并列、对比或定义解释等语境逻辑仔细分析已知信息和生词之间的关系,从而准确推断其正确含义。例 1: ( 2013年无锡卷)原文: “ Well, no. Does a boy get the opportunity to painta fence every day? You ve n

16、ever painted a fence, have you?Auntie says I have to do it with great care!”试题:31. Which of the following has the closest meaningto the underlined word “ opportunity“ in the passage?A. Reward. B. Interest.C. Ability. D. Chance.解析: Do 原文第六节中的 You ve never painted a fence, haveyou?表明粉刷篱笆的机会不多,由此可以推出画线

17、词与Chance意义最接近。例 2: ( 2013年南通卷)原文:Using rainwater is another simple way to save cleanwater. You can use rainwater to wash your hands after gardening,flush the toilet, and wash your car, your pet, your drivewaywhen they are dirty.试题: 36. The underlined word “ flush“ in Paragraph 4 meansA. clean someth

18、ing with waterB. pour water over somethingC. make something wet with waterD. get water out of something解析:A o认真阅读分析画线词所在句可知,wash your handsafter gardening, flush the toilet, and wash your car, your pet,your driveway when they are dirty都是用雨水可以做的事情,结合the toilet可知flush意为 用水冲洗 。例3: ( 2013年武汉卷)原文:Martin

19、Lynch, an American businessman, had been goingon vacation to a small Mexican fishing village for a number ofyears. One morning while going for a walk along the beach, hesaw his friend Pablo Perez, a local fisherman. Martin watchedPablo unload his boat and pack the fish in a box.试题 :69. The underlined word “ unload“ in the passagemeans .A. put intoB. take away fromC. break downD. set off解析:B o认真阅读分析画线词所在句可知,pack the fish in abox为unload his boat后的结果, 由此可见unload意为 卸货”,即 take away from。



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