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1、课题: Unit8 An outing 班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1. 知识与技能:帮助学生学习新词和句型。2. 过程与方法:能正确书写本课所学的如何介绍某人的相同和不同。3. 情感态度与价值观:通过情景学习,让学生体会志同道合的友谊。学法指导独立完成导学案。 利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一Think and say 1. What fairy tales do you know?2. What are they?A boy and a

2、wolfA girl and three bears Three little pigsThe ugly ducklingThe giant s garden专题二Match and say 教学重点:词汇: map hill fimd another lake key think at the top of 教学难点:通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答、小组卡片游戏等活动,帮助学生巩固词汇。教学策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案课件课时安排 : 1 课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:map hill fimd another lake key think

3、 at the top of 教学流程:StepWarm-up 1Say a rhyme: What are you doing now? I m singing 专题三 write down the following words 1. map_2. hill _ 2. find_4.another _ 5. lake _6.key_ 7. think _ 8. at the top of _ 9.get through_ 专题四 translate the sentences 1. What are you doing?_ 2. I m reading the map. _ now. Wh

4、at are you doing now? I m writing now. What are you doing now? Im sleeping now. 2.Play a game: Guess, what is he doing? ( 让一个学生表演让别的学生猜一猜。游戏一直是学生喜闻乐见的课堂教学方式之一,设计这个游戏的目的是学习和巩固已学短语句型)T: What is he doing? Is he cleaning the window? Ss: No. he is cleaning the desk. StepPresentation T: look, its amap of

5、China. Do you know which province is it? Ss: No T: its Zhejiang. and there is a beautiful place .look, where is it? Ss: the West Lake. T: great! Its so beautiful. T: (show a picture of hill) this is a hill. follow me. hill Ss: hill呈现 listen and say寻宝的场景,引出对话的主题。T: the children are on an outing today

6、. They go to a beautiful place. Theyre doing something very special too. They re having a treasure hunt. Theyre looking for something special. Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 1. Where are they? (They are at Green Hill) 2. How many children are on the treasure hunt? (Four) 3. What are th

7、ey looking for? (They are looking for a diamond) 4.How many letters do they find at Green Hill?(Two) 5. What does the first letter say? (It says, You can find a diamond at the top of Green Hill ) StepConsolidation 1. Read the text after the tape. 2. Read it in roles. 3. put the sentences in order. (

8、Page 53) 我的收获及困惑小组评价独立思考认真完成字迹工整书写美观善于倾听乐于表达及时纠错补充归纳课题: Unit8 An outing班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1. 知 识 与 技 能 : 学 会 重 点 词 汇both,same 的用法。2. 过程与方法:会用情景对话, 小组合作学习的方式,巩固和运用核心句型。3. 情感态度与价值观:综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能。学法指导独立完成导学案。 利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一 学生根

9、据关键词 retell a story. Picture1:rabbit,coat,late Picture2:run away,run after Picture3:jump,hole Picture4:find,door,key Picture5:small,too big,get through 专题二 Check 1.-What _ Alice see? -She can see a white rabbit. A.does B.is C.am 2.Alice opens the small door _the key. A.uses B.in C.with 专题三学生逐句听音,跟读。

10、1.What happens next? 2.Look at the pictures and put the 教学重点:词汇: in our class same clsss 教学难点:日常用语: who is she ? 教学策略:引导学生通过对话,学生小组内对话,引导学生通过阅读抓住关键信息,能够通过本单元的问句,来询问对方的生日信息。教学准备:导学案课件课时安排 : 1 课时作业设计:基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:sentences in order. 3.T or False ( )1. Alice sees a rabbit. It is wearing a

11、 coat. ( ) 2. The rabbit plays with Alice. She is happy. ( ) 3. Alice jumps into a big hole and sees a small door. ( ) 4. The rabbit runs through the door. But Alice cannot. ( ) 5. Alice drinks the water in the bottle and becomes big.Alice in Wonderland Picture1:rabbit,coat,late Picture2:run away,ru

12、n after Picture3:jump,hole Picture4:find,door,key Picture5:small,too big,get through教学流程:1. 出示一些故事书的封面,与学生一起就 What is he /she doing?或 What are they doing ?展开讨论。2. 出示 Alice in Wonderland的图片,让学生猜猜故事内容。T:Whats in the picture?Whats the little girls name? Whats she doing? Whats the name of the story?What

13、s a wondreland?Whats in it? Ask and answer: P1:1. Where is Alice? 2. What does Alice see? 3. What is the rabbit wearing? 4. What is the rabbit thinking? 我的收获及困惑小组评价独立思考认真完成字迹工整书写美观善于倾听乐于表达及时纠错补充归纳课题: Unit8 An outing班级:姓名:小组:时间:学习目标1. 知识与技能:通过开展听录音朗读、连线、快速应答帮助巩固词汇。 并能应用到生活实际中去。2. 过程与方法:能利用新学词汇, 解决生活中

14、的问题。3. 情感态度与价值观:通过本课学习,让学生感受与朋友在一起的快乐。学法指导独立完成导学案。 利用教材配套磁带或光盘来听书上的单词和句子,反复练习,并在课堂的小组活动中和小组成员对比发音,练习使用本课功能语言。对于仍不能解决的疑惑,向全班同学和老师请教。自学导航教学流程专题一课堂练习用正确形式填空1.the rabbit -(jump) into a big hole. 2.Alice can t -(get) through the door. 专题二 选出不同类的一项1hill 2. lake 3. river 4. key 1. cooking 2. playing 3writi

15、ng 4.jumping 1.wear 2. run 3 jump 4.bottle- 1.big 2.fat 3drink 4.small- 1. become 2. gets 3. finds 4. drinks- 专题三选择题1.The lake is - a big diamond. A . likes B. look like C. like 2.- funny! A .What B. How C. Where 3.There - a tiger and two lions in the cage. 教学重点:词汇: bus stop meet cook 教学难点:现在分词的用法教学

16、策略:引导学生小组交流合作探索。教学准备:导学案课件课时安排 : 1 课时基础题:新课标同步演练探究题:新课标拓展延伸板书设计:Lily read some books The books are not interesting. Lily plays word games , but they are too easy . lily s mother is busy in the kitchen. 教学流程:StepI 1Look at the pictures and tell me what is he doing? What are they doing? A . is B. am C

17、. are 2.T: What s in the picture? What s the little girls name? Whats she doing? Whats the name of the story? StepPresentation T: The storys name is Alice in wonderland. Follow me. Wonderland.仙境。Ss: Wonderland.仙境T: wonder 奇妙的,非凡的。 Land 陆地,地面。 Wonderland.仙境Ss: wonder 奇妙的,非凡的。 Land 陆地,地面。 Wonderland.仙

18、境 Now read the text and answer the questions. 1. Where does Alice see a white rabbit? 2. What is the rabbit wearing? 3. What does Alice do after she sees the rabbit? 4. What does Alice find in the hole? S1: She opens the door with a key. T: yes, key. This is a key.(老师拿出钥匙 ) , but the key has another

19、 meaning. Another 另一个。 Ss: another 另一个。 T: but the key has another meaning. 另一个意思是关键。So key has two meanings. One is 钥匙another is 关键. T: you know the door is too small, she can t get through the door, so how can she get through the door? Now please look at the pictures and put the sentences in order on page55. b-c-e-d-a StepConsolidation Read it in roles. 分六小组,表演课本剧。我的收获及困惑小组评价独立思考认真完成字迹工整书写美观善于倾听乐于表达及时纠错补充归纳



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