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1、Words ExplanationinterimPosition:page28,paragraph1,line9Pronunciation: ntrmMeanings:1.adj 临时的,暂时的;中间的;间歇的 eg1: Please give me an interim receipt. 请给我一张临时的收据。 eg2: As an interim measure, Shell has offered to lend the government the money to back its share of the financing costs until the scheme is fi

2、nished. 作为一项过渡措施,壳牌集团将借钱给政府,用以支付政府应分担的融资成本,直至该计划得到落实。interim2.N 过渡时期,中间时期,暂定 eg: China was in interim from the New-Democratic society to Socialist society, which from the foundation of the PRC to the basic success of the socialist transformation of the private ownership. 从中华人民共和国成立,到社会主义改造基本完成,中国处于从

3、新民主主义社会向社会主义社会过渡的时期。Meaning in our text:过渡时期interim同近义词: 临时的,暂时的:temporary, extraordinary. 中间的: mid, medium, middle 过渡时期,中间时期 :transition period词组短语:interim government 临时政府;过渡政府 interim report 期中报告 interim measure 临时措施 modishPosition:page28,paragraph1,line11Pronunciation: modMeanings:adj in the curr

4、ent fashion or style(流行的;时髦的)eg1: He was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him. 他袋子里总记得放些钱,而且衣服总要穿得体面些,免得儿子的脸上不光彩。modisheg2. Sophie got out the modish black-and-white, which was the only hat even remotely likely to interest

5、this lady. 苏菲拿出那顶时髦的黑白相间的帽子,这是唯一或许能稍稍引起那位女士兴趣的帽子了。Meaning in our text:流行的modish近义词:popular, fashionable, modern.词根:mode(模式;方式;风格;时尚)cruisePosition:page28,paragraph2,line15Pronunciation:krzMeanings: drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure; travel at a moderate speed(巡航,巡游;漫游)V-I If y

6、ou plan to cruise, how many crew may be aboard? 如果你计划巡航,船上将有多少位水手?cruiseeg2. Your vacation cruise was so fantastic that you took 500 photos, and put them all in a digital photo album to impress your friends.假日漫游如此美妙,照了500张相片,把它们放在数码相册中,给朋友留下了深刻的印象。cruiseVT 巡视,猎艳,寻欢; eg: Airliners now cruise the ocea

7、n at great speed. 现在的班机以高速作越洋飞行。N. 巡航,巡游;乘船游览 eg: We had glorious weather for our cruise, sunshine all day and every day.我们这次巡航天气实在太好了,一连几天阳光普照。Meaning in our text:四处奔波(仅代表个人观点) 过去分词 crusied 现在分词 crusingcruise近义词: range, expatiatekspeet(详述;细说;漫游)同根词: cruiser 巡洋舰,巡航飞机,警察巡逻车词组短语: cruise missile 巡航导弹 c

8、ruise ship 游轮,游艇 cruise control 恒速操纵器 wheedlePosition:page29,paragraph2,line18Pronunciation: widlMeanings:1 vt.以甜言蜜语劝诱;以谄媚来说服 to wheedle someone into doing something eg:That woman can wheedle you into doing anything she wants.那个女人可以哄骗你做任何她想要你做的事儿。wheedle2 vi.以甜言蜜语劝诱、说服、骗取: to wheedle for somethingeg:But like all parents all adults they didnt fight and wheedle for their turn. 但是就像所有家长,所有成人一样,它们不会争吵或骗取他们先来。Meaning in our text:带有褒义的“哄骗”(仅代表个人观点)wheedle近义词近义词: coax koks 哄;哄诱过去分词:wheedled现在分词;wheedlingThanks for listening!



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