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1、Unit3 English StudyWarming up & Reading Lead-in English is very important. But some of us think it is very difficult to learn English. How can we learn English well? Study English textbooks, read English books and newspapers. Sing English songs. Join the English corner Watch English programs on TV S

2、urf the Internet for more reading materials Attend the English Speech Contestothe English Corner “英语角英语角”: 就是大家聚集在一起专门就是大家聚集在一起专门练习英语口语的集体活动,锻炼自己的英语口语以及和陌生人练习英语口语的集体活动,锻炼自己的英语口语以及和陌生人交流的能力。交流的能力。oThe English Speech Contest “英语演讲比赛英语演讲比赛”oCCTV 9 “中央电视台第九频道中央电视台第九频道”。中央月电视台英语频道于。中央月电视台英语频道于2000年年9 月月2

3、5日开播,节目全部使用英语播音,为广大海内日开播,节目全部使用英语播音,为广大海内外英语观众提供服务。频道以新闻和新闻性节目为主,以专题,外英语观众提供服务。频道以新闻和新闻性节目为主,以专题,文化和文艺类节目为补充,及时,准确,客观地报到发生在中文化和文艺类节目为补充,及时,准确,客观地报到发生在中国和世界各地的新闻时事和重大事件,介绍中国的历史,地理,国和世界各地的新闻时事和重大事件,介绍中国的历史,地理,文化和自然风光等。文化和自然风光等。oJoin in=take part in 参加(活动),参加(活动),join参加(某个组织,参加(某个组织,并成为其中一员)。并成为其中一员)。o

4、 surf the Internet for “上网搜索上网搜索”o It is important /necessary to do “做做是重要的是重要的/必要的必要的 ”o A good way of doing sth. is “做某事的好方法是做某事的好方法是”o I think1.It is important/necessary to_.2.A good way to learn English /of learning English is to_.3.You can/should_. o I think that singing and listening to Englis

5、h songs are necessary because they can help me to improve my listening. My listening is not good, so I also watch English p r o g r a m s o n C C T V 9 . .英英 文文 歌歌 曲曲 是是 有有 必必 要要 的的唱唱 歌歌 和和 听听他他 们们 能能 够够 帮帮 助助 我我 提提 高高我我 的的 听听 力力观观 看看 英英 文文 节节 目目oI think a good way of learning English is reading Eng

6、lish books and newspapers. In this way, we can not only improve our English level, but also enrich our English vocabulary. So it is very important to read English books and newspapers. .读读 英英 文文 书书和和 报报 纸纸提高我们的提高我们的英语水平英语水平丰富丰富词汇量词汇量读读 英英 文文 书书 和和 报报 纸纸 是是 非非 常常 重重 要要 的的 There are many good ways to

7、learn English. Today, we will learn the text. In this passage, the writer tells us a good example and several ways on how to learn English. Lets read it. . Fast reading 略读 (4mins)1.Can the salesgirls in Xiushui Market speak English well? 2.Did the salesgirls in Xiushui Market study at university?3.W

8、hat school did they graduate from?4.Why do some students lose their confidence in learning English?5.How can we practice reading English?6.How can we improve our listening and speaking skill?7. What should we do in order to write well?ReadingLearning English “ Yes, please!” Come on and have a look!”

9、 “10 percent discount, OK?You cant find better or cheaper ones.” The salesgirls in Beijings Xiushui Market are giving the foreign customers very good service in English. They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales. Those who have ever been to Xiushui

10、 Market would admire the salesgirls perfect English and this highlight also makes Xiushui Market more famous. It is said that most of the salesgirls didnt have the chance to study in a university. Many of them just graduated from vocational schools or high schools. How can they speak English so well

11、? There is nothing secret. They just keep on learning by themselves and put what they have learned into practice in their jobs with c o n f i d e n c e . . 课文参考译文 学学 英英 语语 “请吧!请吧!” “来吧!过来看一看!来吧!过来看一看!” “九九折可以吗?没有比这更好更便宜的了。折可以吗?没有比这更好更便宜的了。” 北京秀北京秀水市场的女售货员们正在用英语为外国顾客提供优水市场的女售货员们正在用英语为外国顾客提供优质服务。他们在生意

12、中能用流利的英语推销商品促质服务。他们在生意中能用流利的英语推销商品促进销售。那些去过秀水市场的人们都很欣赏女售货进销售。那些去过秀水市场的人们都很欣赏女售货员们的完美英语,员们的完美英语, 这一亮点也使得秀水市场更加这一亮点也使得秀水市场更加闻名。闻名。 据说,据说, 这里大多数的女售货员都没有在大这里大多数的女售货员都没有在大学学习的机会。他们很多人只是毕业于职业学校或学学习的机会。他们很多人只是毕业于职业学校或者是高中。她们怎么英语说得这么好呢?这没有什者是高中。她们怎么英语说得这么好呢?这没有什么秘密。她们只是满怀信心地坚持自学,并把她们么秘密。她们只是满怀信心地坚持自学,并把她们学到

13、的东西用于工作实践。学到的东西用于工作实践。 When we first start to study English, many of us think English is too difficult to learn. So some of us lose confidence or even give up. What a pity! The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example to us in learning English. The following ideas maybe helpful to you. .

14、 刚开始学英语时,我们当中呢许多人认刚开始学英语时,我们当中呢许多人认为学习英语太难了没法学。于是,为学习英语太难了没法学。于是, 有些人有些人就失去信心,就失去信心, 甚至放弃了。多么遗憾!秀甚至放弃了。多么遗憾!秀水市场的售货员们在学英语方面给我们树立水市场的售货员们在学英语方面给我们树立了好榜样。下面的看法可能会对你有所帮助。了好榜样。下面的看法可能会对你有所帮助。 Reading is an important way for Chinese students to learn English. The more you read, the more you learn. When y

15、ou meet new new words, dont feel bored, just try your best to think them over, understand and remember them. A dictionary usually helps you. The more words and idioms you know, the easier English becomes. . 阅读是中国学生学习英语的重要途径。 你读得越多, 你获得的越多。 当你遇到生词的时候, 不要感到厌烦,要尽力去思考, 理解并记住这些生词。 字典常常会帮助你的。你学到的词汇和习惯用语越多

16、, 英语就会变得越容易。 If you have difficulty speaking English, you should listen as much as possible; repeat what you have heard and try to say what you want to say in English. Dont be afraid of making m i s t a k e s . . 如果你在说英语方面有困难,如果你在说英语方面有困难, 你应该尽你应该尽可能多地听英语,复述你所听到的东西,想可能多地听英语,复述你所听到的东西,想说什么就尽力用英语说。不要怕

17、说错。说什么就尽力用英语说。不要怕说错。 Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English. The answer is to listen as much as you can. Take it easy at first. Success with simple tapes at the beginning is a better way. . 很多学生发现听懂英语口语有困难。答很多学生发现听懂英语口语有困难。答案是尽可能多听。首先是别紧张。初始阶段案是尽可能多听。首先是别紧张。初始阶段用简单的磁带取得成功是比较好的方

18、法。用简单的磁带取得成功是比较好的方法。 How can you learn to write well? You have to read more and do more writing practice with model sentences and useful expressions. . 你怎样才能学习写好英语呢?你必须得你怎样才能学习写好英语呢?你必须得多读,多读, 用样板语句和常用的表达方式多做用样板语句和常用的表达方式多做写的练习。写的练习。 Learning is difficult but interesting. Nothing can be learned with

19、out giving time and effort. Please remember, “ Where theres a will, t h e r e s a w a y . ” 学习是艰难的,但却是有趣的。不花费学习是艰难的,但却是有趣的。不花费时间,不付出努力是什么也学不到的。请记时间,不付出努力是什么也学不到的。请记住:有志者,事竟成。住:有志者,事竟成。Intensive Reading ( 精读 ) 判判 断断 正正 误误 oThe salesgirls in Xiushui Market are the foreigners, so they can speak English

20、 fluently. .oThe salesgirls can recommend commodities and promote sales because of their fluent E n g l i s h . .oMost of the salesgirls graduated from universities or colleges.FTFo According to the text, we know that keeping on learning and putting what we have learned into practice are very import

21、ant.o Some students give up learning English at the beginning because they find it hard to study.oIf you meet some new words in reading, you need just to look up the dictionary one by one.oIf you want to improve your writing, you may listen to some tapes and repeat model sentences.TTFFReading Compre

22、hensionComplete the answers to the questions according to the information from the text.1. How do the salesgirls in Xiushui Market recommend commodities to foreign customers? They can speak fluent English in their business to recommend commodities and to promote sales.2. Who admires the salesgirls i

23、n Xiushui Market for their perfect English? All those who have ever been to Xiushui Market admire the salesgirls perfect English. .3. What is one of the highlights that makes Xiushui Market more famous? The salesgirls can speak fluent English in their business. This is one of the highlights that mak

24、es Xiushui Market more famous.4.Are the salesgirls in Xiushui Market graduates from universities? No, most of the salesgirls didnt study in a university. They just graduate from vocational schools or high schools.5.How can the salesgirls speak English so well? They just keep on learning by themselve

25、s and put what they have learned into practice in their jobs with full confidence. .6.Why do some students lose confidence at the beginning of their English study? Some students think that English is too difficult to learn.7.What should you do when you meet new words in reading? We should try our be

26、st to think them over, understand and remember t h e m. . 8.What should you do if you have difficulty speaking English? We should listen to English as much as possible, repeat what we have heard and try to say what we want to say in English anytime. We should not be afraid of making mistakes.Workboo

27、k: Comprehensive Exercises1. Read the text “ learning English” again and fill in the blanks with the information from the text to complete the following passage . . When we first start to learn English, many of us think that English is too difficult to learn. So some of us lose confidence and even g

28、ive up. The salesgirls in Xiushui Market have set a good example to us in learning English. The following ideas may be helpful to you. . Reading is an important way to learn English. The more you read, the more you get. When you meet new words, dont feel bored, just try your best to think them over,

29、 understand and remember them. Sometimes a dictionary would help you. The more words and idioms you have got, the easier English becomes. . If you have a problem with speaking English, you should listen to English as much as possible, repeat what you have heard and try to say what you want to say. D

30、ont be afraid of making mistakes. . Many students find it difficult to understand spoken English. Listen as much as you can. Take it easy and listen to simple tapes at first. If you want to improve your writing, you have to read more and do more practice on writing with model sentences and useful expressions. Learning is difficult but interesting. Please remember, “Where theres a will, theres a way.” ”



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