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1、第二章第二章 词词 类类第一节第一节 名名 词词 知识梳理知识梳理一、名词的概念一、名词的概念 表示人、物、事、时、地等实体或抽象概念的词叫作名词。二、名词的分类二、名词的分类1.可数名词的单数形式前面要用a / an, 表示特指的时候,前面要用the,谓语动词用单数形式。如: I can see a cat in the tree. Could you please give me an orange? The girl is a Chinese.2. 不可数名词不能按个数来计算,前面不能加 a / an, 但是特指时,也要加 the,在句子中谓语动词对应地要用单数形式。如:No news

2、is good news. There is lots of rice in the bag. The milk in the bottle is fresh. 【注】不可数名词不能用 many 表示“许多”,而要用much 或者 lots of 等来表示。3. 集体名词中有的词只能当复数看待。如:The Chinese people are hard-working. The police are looking for the lost boy. 【注】也有些集体名词被看作一个整体时,其谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,但若考虑构成这个集体的各个成员时,其谓语动词应用复数形式。这类词包括fam

3、ily, class, team, group等。如:My family is a large one. My family are watching TV now. 三、可数名词的复数变化规则三、可数名词的复数变化规则1. 可数名词复数形式的规则变化。(1)一般情况下在末尾直接加s。如:mapmaps, bagbags(2)以s,x,,sh,ch结尾的名词,在末尾加es。如:busbuses, boxboxes, dishdishes, watchwatches(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i,再加es。如:familyfamilies, flyflies【注】以元音字母加y结尾的名

4、词,y不变,直接在末尾加s。如: boyboys, monkeymonkeys(4)以o结尾的名词,变复数时, 一般情况下在末尾加s。如:photophotos, pianopianos, zoozoos【注】小学阶段有两个以o结尾的名词,变复数时,要在末尾加es。它们是:potatopotatoes, tomatotomatoes(5)以f,fe结尾的名词,变f,fe为ves。如:halfhalves,knifeknives,leafleaves,wolfwolves2. 可数名词复数形式的不规则变化。(1)单复数同形。如:deerdeer,sheepsheep,fishfish(2)oo变

5、为ee。如:footfeet,toothteeth,goosegeese【注】book, school等词变复数时,直接在末尾加s。 如:bookbooks, schoolschools(3)a 变为e。如:manmen,womanwomen【注】由man,woman 构成的复合词,也要如此变化。如:a man doctorsix men doctors,a woman teachernine women teachers(4)加词尾变复数。如: childchildren, oxoxen(5)特殊变化。如: mousemice(6)表示国家、国民的名词变复数时,其变化规则有如下窍门:中日不变

6、英法变,有man,woman 的变men, women(German除外),其余后面加s。如:ChineseChinese JapaneseJapaneseEnglishmanEnglishmen EnglishwomanEnglishwomenFrenchmanFrenchmen FrenchwomanFrenchwomenAmericanAmericans GermanGermans四、不可数名词的计量方法四、不可数名词的计量方法1. 用much/some/a little/little/a lot of/lots of/plenty of+不可数名词。如:some watera litt

7、le milka lot of money 2. 一般用“数字+计量单位+of+名词”来表示不可数名词的量。如:a piece of news two pieces of advice a glass of wine three cups of tea a drop of water 一滴水 three bottles of milk 【注】这种形式用在句子中,谓语动词的形式随量词的变化而变化。如:There are three cups of tea on the tea table. A drop of water drops on my head. 五、名词的所有格五、名词的所有格名词的

8、所有格表示人或物的所属关系,意为“(谁)的”。所有格的形式有以下几种:1. s属格由名词后加s或 构成,多用来表示有生命的人或动物的所属关系。其用法如下:(1)用于有生命的名词之后。如:Mary s coat my sister s room the ducks food【注】若名词已是复数形式,词尾又是s,只加。如: the girls dresses the boys ball 若一样事物为两人共有,则在后一个人名用所有格表示。如:Amy and Anns mother 艾米和安的妈妈 (说明Amy和Ann是亲姐妹,她们的妈妈是同一个人)如果不是两人共有,而是各自的,则两个名词都用所有格,

9、且其后的名词应为复数形式。如:Amys and Anns mothers艾米的妈妈和安的妈妈 (说明Amy和Ann不是亲姐妹)(2)用于表示天体的名词之后。如:the suns heat the moons light (3)用于表示时间、度量与货币的名词之后。如:ten minutes walk todays newspaper (4)用于表示店铺或某人的家时,所有格后面常不出现它所修饰的名词。如:the bakerys 面包店 my grandparents 我爷爷奶奶的家2. of属格名词+of+名词构成of属格, 多用来表示无生命的东西或事物的所属关系。如:a map of China

10、 the door of the house3. 双重属格of+名词 s构成双重属格,表示整体中的一个或部分。如:a friend of my father s(=one of my father s friends) a lovely baby of Mrs Green s 考点精析考点精析考点考点1 考查可数名词与不可数名词的分类考查可数名词与不可数名词的分类【例1】将方框内的名词按要求分类,并将其字母编号写在横线上。可数名词:不可数名词: A. monkeyB. bookC. studentD. milkE. baby F. rice G. paper H. weather 解析:此类题

11、要求学生掌握可数名词与不可数名词的定义及其区分方法,知道可以直接用数量加以计算的是可数名词;液体、纸张、信息等物质名词和抽象名词为不可数名词。 答案:可数名词:A, B, C, E不可数名词: D, F, G, H 举一反三举一反三 1. 给下列名词加上 a 或 an。 (1) apple (2) chair (3) jeep (4) eraser 2. 请将方框内的单词按所给的开头分类。 (1) a (2) an (3) somebook photo egg appleT-shirt water juice watermelonanaaanbookphotoT-shirtwatermelon

12、eggapplewaterjuice3. 单项填空。( )(1)There is an in the basket. A. orangeB. tomato C. potato( ) (2)Can I have water? A. a B. any C. some AC考点考点2 考查名词的分类考查名词的分类【例2】仿照例子,将下列单词分类。 解析:此类题考查学生对单词按含义或属性等方式分类的能力。 学生必须对单词的词义有充分的了解,才能将其准确归位。因而平时在记单词的时候,单词的词形、词音、词义及其用法都要用心记牢。 答案:举一反三举一反三给下列单词分类。Monday Friday Wedne

13、sdayChinese English PE yellow red greenelephant donkey fish考点考点3 考查单词的单复数变化以及单词或词组的含义考查单词的单复数变化以及单词或词组的含义及运用及运用【例3】用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There are four (child) playing football.2. How many (knife) do you have? 解析:此类题考查名词的复数变化形式。本题的第1小题There are 后跟名词的复数形式。那么child通过不规则变化得到其复数形式children。第2小题How many后跟名词的复

14、数形式。名词复数形式的规则变化有那么一条:以f或fe结尾的单词,把f或fe变为v,再加es,因此knife的复数形式是knives。 答案: 1. children 2. knives举一反三举一反三1. 写出下列单词的复数形式。写出下列单词的复数形式。(1)family_ (2)wolf_(3)baby _ (4)box_(5)woman _ (6)man_(7)foot_ (8)tooth_(9)fish_ (10)sheep_(11)mouse_ (12)bus_familieswolvesbabiesboxeswomenmenfeetteethfishsheepmicebuses【例4

15、】根据句意或括号内的提示补全单词,完成句子。1. There are four _(季节) in a year. 2. Three and four _ seven. 3. The fifth month of a year is _. 4. That blue bottle is _ (Mike). 解析:名词使用在句子中时,要考虑的不只是单词的拼写,还要考虑该名词的量,也就是其单复数,以及名词所有格等信息。第1小题要填的单词前面有数量 four,可知要填单词的复数形式,而这往往是学生最容易疏漏的地方;第2小题Three 和four 所表示的都是大于1 的量,但是本题中 three and

16、four 合成一个概念,意为“三加四”, 作不可数名词理解;所以谓语用单数形式;第3小题是一个纯粹的词义解释题;第4小题The blue bottle 和Mike 不能对应,两者只能是所属关系,故要填所有格形式。 答案 :1. seasons 2. is 3. May 4. Mikes 举一反三举一反三2. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子。根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,完成句子。(1)My mother bought many things in the s _.(2)If you walk or drive on the road, you should know the t_ ru

17、les. (3)The first month of the year is J _. 3. 根据中文提示写单词或词组。根据中文提示写单词或词组。 (1)The elephant has two long _ (牙齿).(2)_ (教师节) is on Sept.10. (3)I have lots of _ (番茄和土豆) here. upermarketrafficanuaryteethTeachers Daytomatoes and potatoes【例5】趣味英语选择。( )1. A word has all the 26 letters in it. It is“”. A.famil

18、y B. book C. Alphabet( )2. Dont play a double game. Its not good. 画线部 分的中文意思是。A. 说双关语 B. 耍两面派 C. 玩双重游戏 解析:这类题类似于脑筋急转弯,题目可能以样的单选形式出现,也可能在短文阅读中出现。建议在平时的学习和阅读中多积累。 答案:1. C 2. B举一反三举一反三4. 趣味英语填空。趣味英语填空。(1)There is a saying(谚语),“Love me, love my dog.”Whats the Chinese meaning(意思)?Its _ (in Chinese).(2)Ji

19、m, Tom and Sam have seventeen apples. Jim wants one half(二分之一)of them. Tom wants one third(三分之一)of them. Sam wants one ninth(九分之一)of them. At last do you know how many apples Sam can get? He can get _.爱屋及乌two过关检测过关检测一、写出下列名词的复数形式。1.class _ 2. bus _3. box _ 4. leaf _5. knife_ 6. baby _7. factory_ 8.

20、boy_9. tomato_ 10. potato_classesbusesboxesleavesknivesbabiesfactoriesboystomatoespotatoes11. photo _ 12. peach _13. sheep _ 14. library_15. man _ 16. woman_17. foot _ 18. child _photospeachessheeplibrariesmenwomenfeetchildren二、按要求各写四个名词。二、按要求各写四个名词。1. 职业: _2. 动物: _3. 蔬菜: _4. 颜色: _5. 国家: _6. 地点: _7.

21、 交通工具: _8. 课程: _doctor teacher student farmerdog cat cow sheepeggplant potato tomato carrotred green yellow blackChina America Canada Australiaschool hospital library shopbus car plane shipChinese English maths art(答案不唯一)三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There are some_ (child) in the classroom.2. Is this an_ (e

22、gg)?3. I can see seven_ (wolf) in the zoo.4. Look!I have two_ (box).5. How many_ (sheep) are there in your farm? childreneggwolvesboxessheep四、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1.A.panda B. tiger C. giraffe D. pencil( )2.A.schoolbag B. ruler C. plane D. eraser( )3.A.foot B. hand C. teacher D. ears( )4.A.guitar B. vi

23、olin C. piano D.student( )5.A.sunny B.Monday C.Tuesday D.Friday( )6.A.tomorrow B.yesterday C.today D.summer( )7.A.doctor B.nurse C.zebra D.policeman( )8.A.banana B.bike C.apple D.watermelon( )9.A.mouth B.leg C.eye D.nose( )10.A.airport B.rainy C .museum D.hospitalDCCDADCBBB五、单项填空。 ( )1. My name is .

24、A. Wang Xiao Lin B. Wang Xiaolin C. wang xiao lin( )2. All the in the hospital got a rise last month.A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors( )3. Are there any on the farm?Yes, there are some.A. Horse B. duck C. sheep ( )4. Mike hurt one of his in the accident(意外) yesterday.A. Tooth B. fee

25、t C. hand( )5. My mother is doctor. A. a B. an C. theBCCBA( )6. They are thirsty. Give them .A. some bottles of waters B. some water C. a water( )7. The police helpful.A. is B. are C. am( )8. The class having a maths class in the classroom now.A. is B. are C. be( )9. My brother is reading .A.todays

26、a newspaper B. todays newspaperC. today of newspaper( )10. The girl is Susan. She is .A.a friend of my sister B. my sisters a friendC. a friend of my sistersBBBBC( )11. There are three and seven in the picture.A. cows; sheeps B. cow; sheeps C. cows; sheep( )12. Chen Jie is .A. mine friend B. a frien

27、d of my C. a friend of mine( )13. My skirt is so pretty. A. sister B. sisters C. sisters( )14. Mr Green is father. A. Jim and Jacks B. Jims and Jacks C. Jims and Jacks( )15. rooms are both very pretty.A. Kates and Joans B. Kates and Joan C. Kate and JoansCCCAA( )16. I want to buy .A.two bottles of i

28、nk B. two bottle of inksC. two bottles of inks( )17. “My sister has a sweet tooth”. 中“has a sweet tooth”的意思是“ ”。A. 有一颗甜牙 B. 有一颗蛀牙 C. 喜欢吃甜食 ( )18. Johns bedroom is at sixes and sevens. 画线部分的意思是“ ”。A. 六神无主 B. 乱七八糟 C. 整整齐齐( )19. Whats the Chinese meaning(意思) for “six of one and half a dozen(一打) of the

29、other”?A. 半斤八两 B. 六分之一 C. 人云亦云( )20. Whats the Chinese meaning for“A close mouth catches no flies”?A. 闭嘴不吃苍蝇 B. 别说话 C. 病从口入ACBAC六、按要求改写下列句子。1. This woman is a nurse. (用复数形式改写句子)These _ _ _. 2. There are some old cars behind the house. (用单数形式改写句子)There _ _ old _ behind the house. 3. He has a new book. (用复数形式改写句子)_ _ new _. 4. Are these your English-Chinese dictionaries? (用单数形式改写句子)_ _ your English-Chinese _?5. Is there a sheep on the hill? (用复数形式改写句子)_ there _ _ on the hill? womenarenursesisancarTheyhavebooksIsthisdictionaryAreanysheep



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