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1、5 Habits Keep Your Procrastination Away We all procrastinate. Sometimes its not We all procrastinate. Sometimes its not a bad thing, but it can turn into something evil a bad thing, but it can turn into something evil and nasty if we arent careful. Try these and nasty if we arent careful. Try these

2、procrastination beating techniques to destroy procrastination beating techniques to destroy this deadly foe once and for all.this deadly foe once and for all. 人人都有拖延症。有时候这并不是件坏事,不过如果我们一不留神,它可能就变得像魔鬼一样十恶不赦。试试看以下技巧,让我们永远摆脱这个可怕的敌人。 Get up and move Get up and move 站起来动一动站起来动一动 One of the best ways to “c

3、hange the channel” of procrastination is to change your scenery. Rather than sit in front of your computer or TV all day, get up, do some stretches, jog in place, do pushups, and move until your frame of mind has changed. 改变拖延症的一个极佳渠道就是改变改变拖延症的一个极佳渠道就是改变你的视线范围。与其整天坐在电脑或电视你的视线范围。与其整天坐在电脑或电视前,不如站起来,做做

4、伸展运动,原地慢前,不如站起来,做做伸展运动,原地慢跑,做几下俯卧撑,一直到你的心境有所跑,做几下俯卧撑,一直到你的心境有所转变再停下来。转变再停下来。 Setup reminders Setup reminders 设置备忘录设置备忘录 Setup a daily (or hourly) reminder that you should be working on something or at least not wasting your time (unless you have time to waste). You can also set up reminders that giv

5、e you motivational quotes. 每天(或者每小时)建立一个备忘录来提醒自己做些什么,或至少没有在浪费光阴(除非你有很多光阴可以挥霍)。你也可以设置一些备忘,来记录一下激励自己的名言警句。Get a motivation buddy Get a motivation buddy 交一个上进的朋友交一个上进的朋友 There is nothing like having someone on your side when it comes to making your goals a reality. If you start to slip into procrastina

6、tion, your motivation buddy will get you back in the game. 有一个朋友支持自己最能督促你去实践自己定下的目标。如果你在过程中又犯了拖延症,你这位积极向上的朋友会把你拉回正途。 Make yourself accountable Make yourself accountable 学会言出学会言出必行必行 You can do this with people around you or even with your motivation buddy above. A great way is to announce your chang

7、e publicly and be vocal about it. Hit the social networks, your blog, write letters, whatever it takes to make yourself more accountable to getting work done. 这条技巧可以与身边人甚至是与上文提及的那位上进的朋友一起来做。一个好方法就是在公开场合清晰地表达出你将作出改变的决定。比如上社交网络、写博客、写信,采取一切能让你践行自己承诺的方法。Create something everyday Create something everyday 每天有所创新每天有所创新No matter what it is. Artwork, photos, videos, a journal, some code, anything that gets you into a creative mood and gets you working.无论是怎样形式的创新。艺术作品、照片、视频、日记、代码,只要能让你养成创造性思维,开动脑筋。EndEndThank youThank you



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