纺织服装外贸(英文课件)chapter 2 Subject Matters of an International Sales Contract

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1、Chapter2SubjectMattersofanInternationalSalesContractSubject mattersn nName of goodsn nQuality of goodsn nQuantity of goodsn nPacking & Marking2.1 Name of Goods2.1.1 Key Points (1) Name of commodities must be specific and concrete, not (1) Name of commodities must be specific and concrete, not vague

2、and general in stipulation;vague and general in stipulation;(2) The name contracted must be that of the goods which the (2) The name contracted must be that of the goods which the seller is able to supply and the buyer is in need of; any seller is able to supply and the buyer is in need of; any irre

3、levant or irrelevant or unfulfilableunfulfilable description should be excluded; description should be excluded;(3) World standardized names are advisable;(3) World standardized names are advisable;(4) Proper choice of name helps reduce customs tariffs, (4) Proper choice of name helps reduce customs

4、 tariffs, facilitates import and export and brings down freight.facilitates import and export and brings down freight.2.1.2 HS Code (1)HS: the harmonized commodity description and (1)HS: the harmonized commodity description and coding system, general referred to as “harmonized coding system, general

5、 referred to as “harmonized system” or simply “HS” .system” or simply “HS” . (2) China adopts the HS in 1992. (2) China adopts the HS in 1992. (3) Over 98% merchandise in international trade is (3) Over 98% merchandise in international trade is classified in terms of the HS.classified in terms of th

6、e HS. (4) Oftenly used in the fulfillment of customs clearance. (4) Oftenly used in the fulfillment of customs clearance.HS Code e.g. e.g. 第十一类第十一类 纺织原料及纺织制品纺织原料及纺织制品 520710520710 棉棉85%85%的棉纱线(供零售用)的棉纱线(供零售用) 550200550200 人造纤维长丝丝束人造纤维长丝丝束 2.2QualityofGoods Quality of goods Quality of goods : the the

7、 intrinsic qualityintrinsic quality and and outside form or shapeoutside form or shape of the of the goods.goods.2.2.1MethodsDescribingQualityofGoodsSales by sampleSales by sample sales by sellers samplesales by sellers sample sales by buyers sample sales by buyers sample sales by description or ill

8、ustrationsales by description or illustrationSales by specificationsSales by specifications sales by gradesales by grade sales by brand or trade mark sales by brand or trade mark sales by name of origin or by sales by name of origin or by geographical indication geographical indication sales as seen

9、 sales as seen2.2.1.1salesbysample Suitable for commodities that are difficult to Suitable for commodities that are difficult to standardize and normalize , such as textiles, arts and standardize and normalize , such as textiles, arts and crafts.crafts. e.g. : e.g. : Plain Satin Silk, 100% silk, wid

10、th 55/56 inches, Plain Satin Silk, 100% silk, width 55/56 inches, length 38/42 yards.length 38/42 yards. (1)Sales by sellers sampleSeller representative sample/original sample/ type sample representative sample/original sample/ type sample BuyerBuyer sample sellerseller return sample/ counter sample

11、 return sample/ counter sample Buyer(2) Sales by buyer sampleBuyer sample seller2.2.1.2SalesbySpecifications This applies to the goods, the quality of which can be indexed scientifically. (e.g. the goods of set specification, standards or grade.) (1) Sales by description or illustration (2) Sales by

12、 grade(3) Sales by standard (4) Sales by brand or trade mark(5) Sales by name of origin or by geographical indication e.g. China flax table cloth Heilongjiang Jiamusi(6) Sales by seen e.g. Arts and craft, jewelry, painting etc. One of Chinas foreign trade company exported One of Chinas foreign trade

13、 company exported soybeans to Germany, the contract describes “. a soybeans to Germany, the contract describes “. a maximum 15 % moisture and impurities do not exceed maximum 15 % moisture and impurities do not exceed 3%.”. However before the two companies make 3%.”. However before the two companies

14、 make the deal, the Chinese company had send samples to the the deal, the Chinese company had send samples to the German company, and also informed them “the goods in German company, and also informed them “the goods in transactions is similar to the sample ”.transactions is similar to the sample ”.

15、 When the goods arrived in Germany, the buyer issued When the goods arrived in Germany, the buyer issued a test certification which indicated that the moisture of a test certification which indicated that the moisture of the goods are 3 % higher than the sample and the buyer the goods are 3 % higher

16、 than the sample and the buyer was seeking 600 pounds for compensation.was seeking 600 pounds for compensation.CaseStudy 分析分析 该出口公司没有充分的理由拒绝赔偿。因为卖方行该出口公司没有充分的理由拒绝赔偿。因为卖方行为已经构成双重保证。为已经构成双重保证。 在国际贸易中,凡是既凭样品买卖,又凭说明买卖在国际贸易中,凡是既凭样品买卖,又凭说明买卖时,卖方所交货物必须既符合样品要求,同时又符合说时,卖方所交货物必须既符合样品要求,同时又符合说明要求,否则买方有权利拒收货物。明

17、要求,否则买方有权利拒收货物。 本案中,合同规定水分最高为本案中,合同规定水分最高为15%15%,杂质不超过,杂质不超过3%3%。以此来看,双方是凭说明进行买卖,我方所交货物只要以此来看,双方是凭说明进行买卖,我方所交货物只要符合合同规定就算履行义务。但是,我方在成交前向对符合合同规定就算履行义务。但是,我方在成交前向对方寄送过样品,并且注明方寄送过样品,并且注明“货物与所寄样品相似货物与所寄样品相似”字样,字样,买方有理由认为这样业务既凭样品又凭说明进行交易。买方有理由认为这样业务既凭样品又凭说明进行交易。虽卖方电文中告诉对方货物与样品相似,而不是完全相虽卖方电文中告诉对方货物与样品相似,而

18、不是完全相符,但买方有权保留索赔的权利;因而买方检验货物与符,但买方有权保留索赔的权利;因而买方检验货物与样品不符,有权索赔。样品不符,有权索赔。案例启示案例启示 (1)在国际贸易中,若向对方邮寄参考样 品,一定注明“参考”字样。 (2)对于卖方在签订合同时,如能用一种方法来表示品质的,尽可能不要再提供其他的可能与前一种品质表述方法不太一致的表示品质的方法,以免买卖双方就此产生争议与纠纷。 (3)样品的管理要严格。如“复样”、“留样”或“封样”的妥善保管,是日后重要的物证。 2.2.2QualityClause(1) Quality tolerance(1) Quality tolerance

19、 e.g. China sesami : moisture(max.)8%, oil content e.g. China sesami : moisture(max.)8%, oil content 52%. Should the oil content of the goods actually 52%. Should the oil content of the goods actually shipped be 1% higher or lower, the price will be shipped be 1% higher or lower, the price will be a

20、ccordingly increased or decreased by 1%.accordingly increased or decreased by 1%.(2) Flexable ranges: allows for quality differences (2) Flexable ranges: allows for quality differences within some flexible ranges.within some flexible ranges.2.3QuantityofGoods2.3.1 Calculation of Quantity In internat

21、ional trade, calculation of quantity is often made in six way. Metrology in Foreign Trade2.3.1.1 Metrology in Foreign Trade S. I.Category Category Name Name Abbrev.Abbrev.Length Length MeterMetermmMass(Mass(质量质量) )kilogramkilogramKgKgTimeTimeSecondSeconds sElectric current(Electric current(电流

22、电流) )AmpereAmpereA ATemperatureTemperatureKelvin Kelvin K KAmount of substance(Amount of substance(物质的量物质的量) )MoleMolemolmolLuminous intensity(Luminous intensity(光强光强) )Candela (Candela (坎德拉坎德拉) )cdcd Unit of Measurementn nWeight : kg, t, MT, gm, lb, oz, LT, ST Weight : kg, t, MT, gm, lb, oz

23、, LT, ST n nCapacity: l, gal, buCapacity: l, gal, bun nNumber: pc, pkg, pair, set, doz, rmNumber: pc, pkg, pair, set, doz, rmn nLength: yd. (yard), m, ft. (foot), cmLength: yd. (yard), m, ft. (foot), cmn nArea: ydArea: yd, m, ft, square inch, m, ft, square inchn nVolume: ydVolume: yd, m, ft, cubic i

24、nch, m, ft, cubic inch2.3.1.3 Measurement of Weight (1) By gross weight: the total weight of a package, including its (1) By gross weight: the total weight of a package, including its contents and packing.contents and packing.(2) By net weight: the weight of the contents only.(2) By net weight: the

25、weight of the contents only.(3) By conditioned weight(3) By conditioned weight(公量公量): the weight equals to dry weight ): the weight equals to dry weight plus standard moisture content (wool, cotton, raw silk etc.) plus standard moisture content (wool, cotton, raw silk etc.) (4) By theoretical weight

26、: the weight is calculated by multiply the (4) By theoretical weight: the weight is calculated by multiply the total number and the weight of each unit.total number and the weight of each unit.(5) By legal weight(5) By legal weight(货物实重货物实重/ /法定重量法定重量): the weight equals to the ): the weight equals

27、to the net weight plus direct packing (inner packing), used mainly for net weight plus direct packing (inner packing), used mainly for tax calculation.tax calculation.2.3.2 Quantity Clause Content Content Including: specific quantity, unit of measurement, Including: specific quantity

28、, unit of measurement, method of measurementmethod of measurement More or less clause (also called plus or minus More or less clause (also called plus or minus clause) clause) Unless a contract stipulates that the quantity of goods Unless a contract stipulates that the quantity of go

29、ods specified must not be exceeded or reduced, a tolerance specified must not be exceeded or reduced, a tolerance of a certain percent more or less, 5% more or 5% less, of a certain percent more or less, 5% more or 5% less, will be permissible.will be permissible. Approximately or About “abou

30、t 5,000 MT” isnotadvisable as here the word “about” may be given several interpretation: some refer to 2.5% more or less, some 5% and some 10%. A company ordered 400MT of steel plates. The kinds A company ordered 400MT of steel plates. The kinds are 6ftare 6ft、8ft8ft、10ft10ft、12ft, 100MT each kind12

31、ft, 100MT each kind,5% 5% more or less at the sellers optionmore or less at the sellers option. But the delivery . But the delivery from the seller are 6ftfrom the seller are 6ft,70MT70MT;8ft8ft,80MT80MT;10ft10ft,60MT60MT;12ft12ft,210MT210MT,total does not exceed total does not exceed 420MT. Whether

32、 the seller be able to get his money 420MT. Whether the seller be able to get his money smoothly?smoothly?CaseStudy 分析分析 国际贸易中,一般对溢短装条款的解释不但总量受其约束,所列每种具体规格和数量亦受其约束。案例中虽然总量符合要求,但卖方所交每种具体规格的钢板均与5的约定相差甚大,其中12英尺钢板超装运110,这是违反合同的。所以买方完全有理由拒收拒付。 Settlement of More or Less Clause(1) According to the

33、contract price(1) According to the contract price (2) According to the prevailing market price at the time (2) According to the prevailing market price at the time of deliveryof delivery at buyers option at buyers option at sellers option at sellers optionCaseStudy The quantity term in the contract

34、said 10000MT 5% more or less according to the contract price at the sellers option, when the seller preparing the delivery, the international market prices of this goods sharply declined. Question :(1)If you are the seller, what is your real delivery amount? (2)(2) If you are the buyer, in the negot

35、iation of the terms of the contract, what should you pay attention?Choose:AccordingtotheprevailingmarketpriceatAccordingtotheprevailingmarketpriceatthetimeofdelivery”andatbuyersoptionthetimeofdelivery”andatbuyersoption2.4 Packing & Marking2.4.1 Type of packing Transport/outer packingn nCase(Case(盒盒)

36、 )n nDrums/casks/hogsheads/barrels(Drums/casks/hogsheads/barrels(桶桶) )n nBag Bag n nBundles or bales(Bundles or bales(捆捆/ /包包) )n nCrates or skeleton cases(Crates or skeleton cases(柳条箱柳条箱) )n nContainers(Containers(集装箱集装箱) ):20”20”、40”40”、45”45”、50”50” 2020尺柜尺柜: :内容积为内容积为5.69x2.13x2.18m,5.69x2.13x2.

37、18m,配货毛重一般为配货毛重一般为17.5t,17.5t,体积为体积为24-26m24-26m 4040尺柜尺柜: :内容积为内容积为11.8x2.13x2.18m,11.8x2.13x2.18m,配货毛重一般为配货毛重一般为22t,22t,体积为体积为54m54m 4040尺高柜尺高柜: :内容积为内容积为11.8x2.13x2.72m.11.8x2.13x2.72m.配货毛重一般为配货毛重一般为22t,22t,体积为体积为68m68m 4545尺高柜尺高柜: :内容积为内容积为:13.58x2.34x2.71m,:13.58x2.34x2.71m,配货毛重一般为配货毛重一般为29t,29

38、t,体积为体积为86m86m 2020尺开顶柜尺开顶柜: :内容积为内容积为5.89x2.32x2.31m,5.89x2.32x2.31m,配货毛重配货毛重20t,20t,体积体积31.5m31.5m 4040尺开顶柜尺开顶柜: :内容积为内容积为12.01x2.33x2.15m,12.01x2.33x2.15m,配货毛重配货毛重30.4t,30.4t,体积体积65m65m . . 2020尺平底货柜尺平底货柜: :内容积内容积5.85x2.23x2.15m,5.85x2.23x2.15m,配货毛重配货毛重23t,23t,体积体积28m28m 4040尺平底货柜尺平底货柜: :内容积内容积12

39、.05x2.12x1.96m,12.05x2.12x1.96m,配货毛重配货毛重36t,36t,体积体积50m50m 按用途分: (1)冷冻集装箱(Reefer container) (2)挂衣集装箱(Dress hanger container) (3)开顶集装箱(Opentop container)适合于装载体积高大的物体,如玻璃板等。 (4)框架集装箱(Flat rack container)其特点是从集装箱侧面进行装卸。以超重货物为主要运载对象,还便于装载牲畜,以及诸如钢材之类可以免除外包装的。 (5)罐式集装箱(Tank container)又称贮罐式集装箱,它用来贮运各种气体、液体

40、和干粉料。 Tank container2.4.2 Marking(1) Shipping marking:(1) Shipping marking:four types of info. four types of info. are included ( ISO standard):are included ( ISO standard):n nInitial letters or abbreviation of consignee (Initial letters or abbreviation of consignee (收货人收货人) or buyer) or buyer;n nRe

41、ference number (i.e. Number of contract, bill of lading, Reference number (i.e. Number of contract, bill of lading, L/C)L/C)n nDestination (i.e. the port of place of destination)Destination (i.e. the port of place of destination)n nPackage numberPackage number name of consignee name of consignee LON

42、DON port of destination LONDON port of destination SC9750 contract No. SC9750 contract No. No.4-20 serial No. No.4-20 serial No.ABCCO(2) Indicative marking (2) Indicative marking (标示性标示性) )Handle with care GlassHandle with care GlassFragileFragile易碎易碎 Perishable Perishable易腐烂易腐烂Liquid Keep dryLiquid

43、 Keep dryTo be protected from cold Use no hooksTo be protected from cold Use no hooksTop Top Bottom This side upBottom This side upKeep upright No turning overKeep upright No turning overDo not drop Open here Do not drop Open here Keep in dark place Lift here Keep in dark place Lift here (3)Warning

44、Marking(3)Warning MarkingCorrosives Corrosives 腐蚀性物品腐蚀性物品Compressed gas Compressed gas 压缩气体压缩气体Inflammable compressed gasInflammable compressed gas易燃压缩气体易燃压缩气体PoisonPoison有毒物质有毒物质ExplosiveExplosive易爆的易爆的Radioactive materialsRadioactive materials放射性物质放射性物质Hazardous article Hazardous article 危险品危险品(4

45、4)Weight/volume markingWeight/volume marking Facilitate loading/unloading or booking shipping space. Facilitate loading/unloading or booking shipping space. e.g. Gross weight 55kg e.g. Gross weight 55kg Net weight 50kg Net weight 50kg Measurement 50 Measurement 50 5060cm5060cm (5) Marks of origin (5) Marks of origin e.g. Made in Chinae.g. Made in China Made in US Made in US2.4.3ProductCodeChina: Code 690-695



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