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1、虚拟语气练习虚拟语气练习 1 If I_(我是你我是你),I _(抓抓住住) the opportunity to go abroad. 省略:省略:2 If you _(听从听从)my advice, you _(不会不及格不会不及格)in the exam.省略:省略:were youShould/would/could/might seizeWere I youhad takenWouldnt have failedHad you taken3. If it _(下雨下雨) tomorrow,the sports meet _(被取被取消消)put off。省略:省略:rained/we

2、re to rain/should rain Would beShould it rain/were it to rain4 If you _(努力学习努力学习), you _(上大学上大学)now. 5 . He suggested that we _(马马上动身上动身) now.(宾语从句)(宾语从句)Its suggested that(主语从句)(主语从句)He made a suggestion that(同位语从句)(同位语从句)My suggestion is that(表语从句)(表语从句)归纳:归纳:had studied harderwould be a college s

3、tudent (should) start offInsist /order, command/ demand, request, require/ advise, suggest, propose, recommend(一坚持二命令三要求四建议一坚持二命令三要求四建议)的宾语、主的宾语、主语、同位语,表语从句都虚拟语、同位语,表语从句都虚拟6 His pale face suggested that he _(be ) ill, so I suggest that he _(go ) to see a doctor.7 He insisted that he _(be ) innocent,

4、 and that he _(set) free. was(should )go was( should )be set8 It is necessary that _(你出席会你出席会议议)9 I would rather you _(回回家家)now.I would rather you_(呆在家里呆在家里)then.10 Its time that _(你你该回家该回家)。. you (should) be present at the meetingwent home had stayed at homeyou went home11.I wish/If only _(我是一只鸟我是一

5、只鸟)、(昨天遇、(昨天遇见那个歌星)、(能飞到月球上去)见那个歌星)、(能飞到月球上去)比较:你只有努力学习,才能成功。比较:你只有努力学习,才能成功。I were a birdI had met the film star yesterdayI would fly to the moonOnly if you work hard can you succeed.12 He speaks as if/as though_(他是艺术他是艺术家家)(见过那个人)(见过那个人) he were an artist he had met the man13I was ill that day. Ot

6、herwise, I _(参加参加) the sports meet.14 I would have taken part in the sports meet but _(我病了我病了)15 Einstein had little concern for money, though/although _(他可以他可以成为很富有的人成为很富有的人) would have taken part inI was ill that dayhe could have been a very rich man16 _(要是不下雨)(要是不下雨), the crops would die.17 _(要是没有你的帮助要是没有你的帮助), we couldnt have finished the work ahead of time.If it were not for the rain/Were it not for the rainIf it had not been for your helpHad it not been for your helpBut for your help/without your help



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