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3、rommywork.3.Thecompany_whichIworkedwasfoundedfiveyearsago.4.Theaddress_whichmylettersweresentwasinSouthAfrica.5.Thescientist_whomIlearnedalotneverlostheartwhenhewasintrouble.with/to in in/for to from 用适当的介用适当的介词+which/whom填空:填空:1.Thisisthebook_Ispent8dollars.2.Thisisthebook_Ipaid8dollars.3.Iremember

4、theday_IjoinedtheParty.4.Irememberthedays_Ilivedthere.5.Theman_youtalkedjustnowismyneighbor.6.Icantfindthepen_Iwaswriting.7.Iknowthereason_hewaslate.四. “介词+which/whom”引导的从句, 1.介词选用原则withwhichforwhichonwhichduring/inwhichwithwhomonwhichforwhich当介当介词位于定位于定语从句末尾从句末尾时,可用,可用which/that指物指物,who/whom/that指人

5、指人,作从句中介作从句中介词的的宾语;而且作介而且作介词宾语的关系代的关系代词可以省略。可以省略。1.Dadisapersonto _Icaneasilytalk.2.Dadisaperson_Icaneasilytalkto.3.Isthistheplayabout _youweretalkingjustnow?4.Isthistheplay_youweretalkingaboutjustnow?3. 介词位于句末,关系代词的使用whomwhichwhom/who/that/省省which/that/省省v1. Is this the play _ you were talking abou

6、t just now?v2. Daniel is the person _ I want to make friends with.v3. Art is the subject _ I know little about.v4. The Maths teacher is the person _ I got an A plus from.v5. The topic _ Eric is interested in is Physics.(which/that)(who/whom/that)(which/that)(who/whom/that)(which/that)历届高考届高考题回回顾1.In

7、thedarkstreet,therewasntasingleperson_shecouldturnforhelp.(92)A.thatB.whoC.fromwhoD.towhom2.AfterlivinginParisforfiftyyearshereturnedtothesmalltown_hegrewupasachild.(96)A.whichB.whereC.thatD.when3.Wecametoaplace_theyhadneverpaidavisittobefore.A.whereB.whichC.tothatD.towhichThis is the house.A famous

8、 writer once lived in it.This is the house_ a famous writer once lived in.This is the house_ a famous writer once lived.This is the house _ _a famous writer once lived.(which)in whichwherevpreposition+which(指物指物) preposition+whom (指人)指人)How to choose the right prepositions Revision1.Doyoulikethebook

9、shespent$10?2.Doyoulikethebookshepaid$10?3.Doyoulikethebookshelearnedalot?4.Doyoulikethebooksheoftentalks?5.Hebuiltatelescopehecouldstudytheskies.onwhichforwhichfromwhichaboutwhichthroughwhich1)根据定根据定语从句中从句中谓语动词的的习惯搭搭配来决定。配来决定。ConclusionTest yourself1. Do you know the girl_ our head teacher is talki

10、ng ?2. I cant find my dictionary _I paid over $100 .3. This is the good car_ _I spent all my money.4. She is the teacher _all his students show respect .5. The teacher_ _you have been waiting is coming in a minute.More PracticeMore Practiceto/with/aboutwhomforwhichonwhichtowhomforwhomtalking to/with

11、 /about the girlpay for the dictionaryspend money on the carshow respect to the teacherwaiting for the teacherIllneverforgettheday_hemadethespeech._+On the dayOn whichThe moment _which I made the decision is exciting. _ the moment atatThe month _which I left for vocation is July. _ the month in in2)

12、根据先行根据先行词的搭配的搭配习惯来决定。来决定。Test yourselves1. This is the knife _ I usually cut my pencil.2. We cant live without the sun_ we get heat and light.with whichfrom whichAir,_whichmancantlive,isreallyimportant.根据定根据定语从句所表达的意从句所表达的意义来确定来确定withoutThepen_whichheiswritingnowwasboughtyesterday.with1)TheGermanbos

13、s_theactressworksisakindperson.2)Thehost_theguestspeakerworkslikessinging.3)Thepenfriend_thepoetwritesisgoodatliterature.for whomwith whomto whom4).看定看定语从句中形容从句中形容词与介与介词的搭配的搭配Hereferredmetosomereferencebooks_whichIamnotveryfamiliar.withIs this the watch that you are looking for?The old man whom I am

14、 looking after is better . 在固定短在固定短语中介中介词不能提前不能提前下面两句中的介下面两句中的介词能提前能提前吗?固定搭配的固定搭配的动词短短语中的介中的介词一般不能提前一般不能提前.常常见的的这类动词短短语有有:lookfor/after/forwardto,carefor(照照顾,喜,喜欢)hearof/about/from,takecareof等等.ThisistherightplaceImlookingfor.Thegirlwhomheislookingafterishissister.以以theway为先行先行词的限制性定的限制性定语从从句通常由句通常由

15、inwhich或或that引引导,而且,而且通常可以省略。如:通常可以省略。如:Theway(that/inwhich)heansweredthequestionswassurprising.他回答他回答这些些问题的方式令人惊奇。的方式令人惊奇。Idontliketheway(that/inwhich/-)youlaughather.我不喜我不喜欢你嘲笑她的你嘲笑她的样子。子。This is the teacher whose daughter is a famous doctor.=This is the teacher_ is a famous doctor.1.名名词+介介词+关系代关系

16、代词thedaughterofwhomRecently I bought an ancient Chinese vase(花瓶), _ was very reasonable(合理的). A. which price B. the price of whichC. its price D. the price of whose (What about C?)We have three foreign teachers, _are from Canada. (其中的两个)2.数数词+介介词+关系代关系代词(含基数含基数词,序数,序数词,分数和,分数和百分数)百分数) twoofwhomThe f

17、actory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of whichB. which of C. of them D. of that (How about C?)3.代代词+介介词+关系代关系代词(代(代词有有all,both,none,neither,either,some,any等)等) Theoldwomanhastwosons,_areteachers.(两个都是)(两个都是)bothofwhomLast week, two persons came to see th

18、e house, _wanted to buy it.A. both of theyB. neither of whom C. both of them D. all of whom(Think about C.)4.形容形容词最高最高级+介介词+关系代关系代词Chinahasthousandsofislands,_isTaiwanIsland.(其中最大的)(其中最大的)the largest of which There are two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high. A. the larger B. the larger o

19、f them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which 5.介介词+关系代关系代词+名名词He spent four years in college, _ he studied medicine.(在那段时间内)during which time1.Chinaisabeautifulcountry,_weareproud.2.Doyouremembertheday_youjoinedourclub?3.Thisisthehouse_Ilivedtwoyearsago.4.Inthedarkstreet,therewasntasingleper


21、ugivemesomepaper_Icanwriteanote?onwithoutwhichfromwhomwithwhichfor/fromwhomonwhichwhichpreposition+relativepronounspreposition+relativepronouns1. The person whom/who/that you should write to is Mr. Ball.2. The pen which he is writing with now was bought yesterday.3. The gas which we can not live wit

22、hout is called oxygen.The pen _ he is writing now was bought yesterday.The gas _ we can not live is called oxygenThe person _ you should write is Mr. Ball. to whom with which without whichHave you met the person _ he was speaking?He is the man _ you can turn for help. The farm _ we worked then years ago isnt what it used to be.This is the tree _ we used to play games.The pen _ he is writing now was bought yesterday.The gas _ we can not live is called oxygen.More exles about whom to whom on which under which with which without which



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