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1、2 0 1 5 . 6 . 6Lesson 66 Sweet as honey 像蜜一样甜!一、 课文原句1、 over the years在这么多年里. 在这里over = during如果over遇到数字就译为“ 超过”2、 remained undisturbed 没有受破坏 remained 后接 adj.3、 an aerial survey of the island 一次小岛的航空勘察4、 by this time 至 !J这时5、 in reasonable condition 良好=in good conditionin condition 在不好的状态6、 worth re

2、scuing 值得抢救be worth doing 值得做* * *7、 had the plane packaged让人把飞机包装起来have的第五种用法,使役用法,让* * * * , 把* * * *格式:have +物 + v.过去分词同样的还有:Have the plane restored 一 部 部 分Have only three of them rebuilt8、 imagine their surprise and delight9、 was sweet as honey10 in perfect condition11、 a colony of bees12、 hurne

3、d the engine into a hive二、单词讲解L a n c a s t e r1. 兰开斯特( 美国P e n n s ylva n ia东南部一城市)B o mb e r n .轰炸机b o mb n .炸 弹v.轰炸,对* * * 投炸弹n .e g: a b o mb a t t a c k/ b la s t / e xp lo s io n 炸弹爆炸r e mo t e a d j.偏僻的1 )偏远的;偏僻的 ( fr o m s t h. )E g: o n e o f t he r e mo t e s t a r e a s o f t he wo r ld世界

4、上最遥远的地方之一E g: T he fa r mho us e is r e mo t e fr o m a n y o t he r b uild in gs .2 ) 关系较远的;远亲的a r e mo t e c o us in比较:R e mo t e villa ge 遥远的村庄( 指距离的远)L o n e ly a d j. 偏 僻 的 ( 孤零零的)指孤单的意思L o n e ly is la n d 孤岛P a c ific 太平洋A P E C 亚太经济合作组织N A T O 北大西洋公约组织d a ma ge v .毁坏l) V t . 损害;伤害;毁坏;破坏E g:

5、T he fir e b a d ly d a ma ge d t he t o wn ha ll.2 ) n.( 有形的)损坏,破坏,损失E g: T he s t o r m d id n,t d o muc h d a ma ge .wr e c kl) n . 残骸沉船;严重损毁的船; ( 事故中)遭严重毁坏的汽车( 或飞机等)E g: T wo p a s s e n ge r s a r e s t ill t r a p p e d in t he wr e c k.有两名乘客仍被困在失事的车辆里。Wr e c k强调坏了没用的东西( 一个坏了的整体,完整的)Wreckage强调

6、坏成碎片的东西2 ) v. 破坏、损坏、毁坏E g: T he b uild in g ha d b e e n wr e c ke d b y t he e xp lo s io n .那座楼房被炸毁了。r e d is c o ve r v. 重新发现a e r ia l a d j. 航空的s ur ve y n . 调查1 ) n . 民意调查;民意测验( 和数据有关)Eg: The survey found/revealed that 民意测验发现/ 显示conduct/carry out a survey 进行一项民意调查2) an aerial survey航空测量3) v.查看

7、;审视;审察Eg: The next morning we surveyed the damage caused by the fire.rescue v . 营救1) V.挽救,解 救 ( 通常是从危险情况中)eg. They rescued a boy from drowning.他们从水中救起了 一个男孩子。eg. The firemen rescued a baby from the burning house.消防员从着火的房子里救出了一个婴儿。Noun. n . 挽救come to a person s rescue 来营救某人go to a person, s rescue 去营

8、救某人。rescuer n . 求助者,搭救者近义词:save1) v . 挽救,拯救,搭救eg. He saved his child from drowning. 他从水中救起了他的孩子。2) v . 储 存 ( 金钱,体力);储蓄,保留eg. He is saving his money to buy a bicycle. 他存钱是为了买自行车。 package v . 把打包1) n . 包open a package 打开一个包a package of books 一包书2) v t 将 ( 某物)包装,将打 包 ( 为了出售)Eg:They packaged the mouse i

9、n a beautiful box and sent it totheir teacher.他们把老鼠包在一个漂亮的盒子里并送给了老师。enthusiast n.热心人restore v . 修复1) V . 重建,修 复 ( 建筑、艺术品等),恢复原状( 恢复健康)restore one s health 恢复健康restore one s confidence 恢复信心restore the plane 修复飞机restore a china vase 修复瓷花瓶2) v . 恢复原职( restore sb. to )eg. The company restored him to him

10、 former job.公司恢复了他原来的工作。扩展:re前缀再次进行或发生rebuild 重建 review 复习 restore 修复 rewrite 改写rename重新起名 remarry 再婚 imagine v t . 想像1) v . 想 象 ( 不可用于进行时)imagine + n.eg. Can you imagine life without electricity?你能想象没有电的生活吗?Eg:imagine it 想象一下吧! ( 口语)imagine doing sth.2) Vt.料想、猜想imagine doing sth 想象* * *eg. I didn,

11、t imagine becoming a writer in my childhood.小时候我从没想过会成为一个作家。eg. He imagined owning a big house with a beautiful garden.他想拥有一间有花园的大房子。imagine that/wh-( 宾语从句)eg. Imagine that you are studying in Harvard University.想象一下你正在哈佛大学学习。2) v . 想,推测eg. Can you imagine what he is doing?你能猜到他在干什么吗?packing case 包装

12、箱colony n.群、殖民地1) n.殖民地,侨民,( 聚居的)一群同业、一批同行、( 生物)群体Eg:a colony of ants 一群蚂蚁a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂a colony of artists 一群艺术家注意:A flock of goats 羊群A berd of cows 一群奶牛A crowd of 一 群 ( 用于人)2) n .殖民地eg. Australia used to be a colony of Britain.澳大利亚过去是英国的殖民地b e e 蜂b e e - k e e p e r n.养蜂人 h i v e 蜂房p r e s

13、e r v e v . 保 存 ( 经过特殊手段而保存下来)E g : p r e s e r v e d f r u i t 果脯p r e s e r v e d m e a t 腊肉p r e s e r v e d f i s h 腊鱼s m o k e d f i s h 熏鱼区别:D K e e p v . 保存,保持c a n i k e e p y o u r p h o t o ?我能保存你的照片吗?h o w l o ng c a n i k e e p i t ?c a n i k e e p i t f o r y o u ?2 ) s t o r e v. 储存,保

14、存 ( 以便日后使用)E g :s t o r e t h e c a bba g ebe e s w a x 蜂蜡三、课文讲解1 ) I n 1 96 3 , a L a nc a s t e r bo mbe r c r a s h e d o n W a l l i s I s l a nd , ar e mo t e p l a c e i n t h e S o u t h P a c i f i c , a l o ng w a y w e s t o f S a mo a .( 背景知识)英国兰开斯特轰炸机作为二战中皇家空军轰炸机的主战机种,“ 兰开斯特”累计出击1 5 6 1

15、92架次,雄居全英之首!累计投弹6 0 86 1 2吨,占皇家空军战时总投弹量的三分之二。1 94 3年5月 “ 炸坝行动”,攻击德国工业中心周围的水坝, 进而衰减德国的军事工业生产。1 94 4年11月12日,皇家空军完成了第二次世界大战中最为成功的精确轰炸任务,击 沉 了 德 国 的 “ 提尔皮茨海军上将”号战列舰。1 ) c r a s h vi .从上往下掉E g : c r a s h i n t h e mo u nt a i n 掉到山里2 )在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个i n, o n, t oI n:隶属关系E g :H a e r bi n s i n t h e no

16、 r t h o f Ch i naO n:是指跟一个地方有接触面E g :K o r e a i s o n t h e no r t h o f Ch i naT o :是相离的概念E g :j a p a n i s t o t h e e a s t o f Ch i na .前面又没 t h e ,又没介词,t h e w e s t o f =t o t h e w e s t o f( w e s t o f前面没有任何词修饰的时候,我们认为处于相离的概念)w a s t o o ba d l y d a ma g e d 损坏的太厉害2 . T h e p l a ne w a

17、 s n,t t o o ba d l y d a ma g e d , bu t o ve r t h e y e a r s , t h ec r a s h w a s f o r g o t t e n a nd t h e w r e c k r e ma i ne d u nd i s t u r be d . o ve r t h e y e a r s = d u r i ng t h e y e a r sD o v e r译为在* * * 期间/之中( 相当于d u r i ng , o ve r后如有数字则译 为 “ 超过”)o ve r t h e y e a r s

18、这些年来o ve r t h e ne w y e a r 在新年期间o ve r t h e Ch r i s t ma s 在圣诞期间o ve r S p r i ng F e s t i va l 在春节期间e g :h e w o r k e d ve r y h a r d o ve r t h e l a s t y e a r s .2 ) r e ma i n + a d j . r e ma i n看作系动词b e理解E g :t h e r o o m r e ma i ne d w a r m房间还是那么暖和注意:与 th e ro o m w a s w a rm ”的

19、区别,re m a in有保持的意思3 . By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable conditionwas rare and worth rescuing.1)by this time到这时2)in condition处于状态in reasonable condition = in good conditionin perfect condition处于完美状态in poor confition状态不好eg:keep the house in good condition3)be worth doing sth 值得* * * , 具有*

20、 * * 的价值( 表达了被动的含义,用主动ing表达被动含义)Eg:这些书值得一读。This books are worth reading.Eg:这蛋糕值得吃The cake is worth eating.扩展:同样主动表被动的还有Want doingNeed doingBe worth doing4 .The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved inparts back to France.1) have sth done ( 让某人做某事)2) in parts=little by little=bit by bit

21、一部分一部分5. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke openthe packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweetas honey - still in perfect condition.1)was sweet as honey=still in perfect conditionimagine后面可以直接加宾语eg:imagine my excitement when i found my mother outsideeg:imagine their exc

22、itement and delight when thePeoples Republic of China was founded2) he door opened ( open是动词) the door is open( open是形容词)break sth open 打开cut open 切开cut it o p e n 剪 开 ( 信 封 )tear it open撕 开 ( 信 封)i t 要放在中间3)在固定短语中asas中的一个as可省略原文中as busy as a bee中第一个as省略eg:i am busy as a bee( as busy as a bee中第一个as省

23、略)sticky as glue 胶水一样粘stong as horse 马一样强壮4 ) turn.into 把变成eg:when it is cold enouht,water is turnd into ice知识点:H ave的用法1) have + a + n. eg:have a bath 洗澡2) have + a + v. eg:have a lood 看3) have + 三餐一茶 eg:have tea 喝茶4) have + a/an + 疾病. eg:have a cold 感冒5) h a v e / h a s/ h a d + sth . + d o n e 使某

24、人干. 使役式( 强调的是让人去做,但不关心/ 不知道谁去做)e g : h a v e p la n e re sto re d 让人修复飞机h a v e / h a s/ h a d + sb . + d o 使某人干* * *e g : h a v e m e c ry.6 ) h a v e 作复合名词1 . 做“整体”概念讲时,谓语动词用单数2 . 做”成员/ 个体”讲时,谓语动词用复数。类似的还有:p o lic e 、f a m ily te a m ( 队) 、c re w ( 船或飞机上的全体工作人员) 、c la ss、a u d ie n c e ( 观众) 、g o v e rn m e n t ( 政府) 、sto f f ( 全体教员) 、g ro u p



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