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1、Revision of Units 1-3目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 频度副词频度副词1)always: adv. 总是总是, 一直一直2)她总是乘公交去学校。她总是乘公交去学校。 She always goes to school by bus. 2) usually: adv. 通常通常 often: adv. 经常经常我们经常放学后写家庭作业。我们经常放学后写家庭作业。 We usually/often do homework after school.Language points目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习3) sometimes: adv. 有时有时有时,我步

2、行去公园。有时,我步行去公园。 Sometimes I walk to the park.4) hardly ever: 几乎很少几乎很少, 几乎不几乎不我几乎不看电视。我几乎不看电视。 I hardly ever watch TV.5) never: adv. 从不从不, 决不决不她从来不停止工作。她从来不停止工作。 She never stops working.目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习其他表示频度的短语其他表示频度的短语every dayonce a week/month/yeartwice a week/month/yearthree times a week/month

3、/yearfour times a week/month/year目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习sometimes与几个形似的词的区别与几个形似的词的区别a.sometime是副词是副词, 意为意为“某个时候某个时候”, “某时某时” 。 她将要某个时候去北京。她将要某个时候去北京。 She is going to Beijing sometime . b. some time是名词词组是名词词组, 意为意为“一段时间一段时间”, 做时间状语用。做时间状语用。 我将等一段时间。我将等一段时间。 I m waiting for some time. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习

4、c. some times是名词词组是名词词组, 意为意为“几次几次, 几倍几倍”。 上个月我见过他几次。上个月我见过他几次。 I met him some times last month. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习be good for 对对有益有益 Vegetables are good for our health. 蔬菜对我们的健康有益。蔬菜对我们的健康有益。be bad for 对对有害有害 Junk food is bad for our health. 垃圾食品对我们的健康有害。垃圾食品对我们的健康有害。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 . but Im p

5、retty healthy. 但是我很健康。但是我很健康。 pretty adv. 非常非常 pretty 做副词时表示程度上加深做副词时表示程度上加深, 可可以修饰形容词。以修饰形容词。 pretty good 非常好非常好 pretty happy 非常开心非常开心目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习try v.努力,尝试努力,尝试 try to do sth. 尽最大努力做某事尽最大努力做某事 I try to eat a lot of vegetables. 我尽量吃很多蔬菜。我尽量吃很多蔬菜。try doing sth. 试着做某事试着做某事 He tries making thi

6、s plan. 他试着制定这个计划。他试着制定这个计划。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习help v. 帮助帮助help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人 他帮助我学历史。他帮助我学历史。 He helps me with my history. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事帮某人做某事 他帮助我打扫房间。他帮助我打扫房间。 He helps me (to) clean the room. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习have vt. 患患(得得)病病 一般情况下用一般情况下用havean. 表示患了某种表示患了某种 疾病

7、。如:疾病。如: have a cough 咳嗽咳嗽 have a cold 感冒感冒 He had a bad cold last week. 他上周患了重感冒。他上周患了重感冒。 She often has a stomachache. 她经常胃疼。她经常胃疼。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习嗓子疼嗓子疼, 喉咙疼喉咙疼背疼背疼感冒感冒头疼头疼牙疼牙疼have a sore throathave a sore backhave a backachehave a coldhave a headachehave a toothache表示身体不适的常用词组表示身体不适的常用词组:目标英语

8、八年级上册Units1-3复习 Im not feeling well. 我感到不舒服我感到不舒服, 也可说成也可说成I dont feel well。 feel在句中是系动词在句中是系动词, 意为意为“觉得觉得, 感觉感觉”。 类似的答语还有类似的答语还有: I feel terrible. 我感到不舒服。我感到不舒服。 I feel ill. 我感觉生病了。我感觉生病了。 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 1) a balance of平衡平衡 keep a balance of 保持一个保持一个平衡平衡 keep a balance of nature 保持自然(生态)平衡。保持自

9、然(生态)平衡。2) be healthy, keep healthy, stay healthy, keep in good health 都是保持健康的意思。都是保持健康的意思。 healthy是形容词是形容词, 其名词形式为其名词形式为health.目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 maybe 副词副词 “也许也许, 可能可能“, 常用于句常用于句首。首。 may be 意思是意思是“也许是也许是, 可能是可能是”, may是情态动词是情态动词, be是动词原形是动词原形 。 也许她是对的。也许她是对的。 Maybe she is right. She may be right.目

10、标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习too much “太多太多”, 常用来修饰不可数名词常用来修饰不可数名词, 一般情况下一般情况下, 能用能用much修饰的就用修饰的就用too much。 我今天有太多工作要做我今天有太多工作要做。 I have too much work to do today.much too “太太”,副词短语。常用来修饰,副词短语。常用来修饰形容词或者副词形容词或者副词 。 他太聪明了。他太聪明了。 He is much too clever.目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 动词不定式作主语时动词不定式作主语时, 常用常用 it 作形式作形式 主语主语,

11、而把不定式放在后面。即而把不定式放在后面。即: It is + adj. + 动词不定式动词不定式 ( to do ) 饮食平衡是很重要的饮食平衡是很重要的。To eat a balanced diet is important. =Its important to eat a balanced diet. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 Im going to Tibet for a week. 我要去西藏一个星期。我要去西藏一个星期。 for 通常接表示一段时间的词组。通常接表示一段时间的词组。 We walked for two hours. 我们走了两个小时。我们走了两个小时。

12、 Im in this city for 10 years. 我在这个城市我在这个城市10 年了。年了。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习go swimminggo camping go skating go fishing go hiking go bike riding go horse riding 去游泳去游泳去野营去野营去滑冰去滑冰去钓鱼去钓鱼去徒步去徒步去骑车去骑车去骑马去骑马“go + v-ing”是一种固定结构是一种固定结构, 意思是意思是“去去” 其中的动词多表示户外活动。其中的动词多表示户外活动。 例如:例如:目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习think about

13、 意思是意思是“考虑考虑”, 其中其中about是介词是介词, 后接名词、代词或动词后接名词、代词或动词的的-ing形式。例如:形式。例如:Let me think about this book.让我考虑一下这本书。让我考虑一下这本书。I thought about buying a new car.我考虑过买辆新车。我考虑过买辆新车。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 动词动词plan作作“计划;打算计划;打算”解解, plan on doing sth. plan to do sth. 计划做某事计划做某事 She plans on hiking. 她计划去徒步旅行。她计划去徒步旅行

14、。 Were planning to visit London this summer. 我们打算今年夏天参观伦敦。我们打算今年夏天参观伦敦。目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习1. It + takes sb + some time + to do sth 表示做某事花了某人多少时间。例如表示做某事花了某人多少时间。例如: 做作业花了我半天时间。做作业花了我半天时间。 It took me half a day to do my homework.1) sb + pay + 金钱金钱 + for + 物物 表示某人花钱买某物。表示某人花钱买某物。 她要花她要花50元买这本字典。元买这本字典

15、。 She paid 50 yuan for this dictionary. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习2) sb + spend +时间时间/金钱金钱 (in) doing sth.如如: 他玩了两小时电子游戏。他玩了两小时电子游戏。 He spent two hours (in) playing computer games.3) sb + spend +时间时间/金钱金钱 on sth.如如: 她买那本书花了她买那本书花了10元。元。 She spent 10 yuan on the book. 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 leave v. 离开离开 leave

16、 for 表示表示“动身去动身去” 她明天要去北京。她明天要去北京。 Shes leaving for Beijing tomorrow. leave A for B 离开离开A到到B 她明天要离开上海去日本。她明天要离开上海去日本。 Shes leaving Shanghai for Japan tomorrow.目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习 taketo带带(某人或某物)(某人或某物)去去(某地)(某地) 他明天要带我们去动物园。他明天要带我们去动物园。 Hes taking us to the zoo tomorrow. 请把这些书带到教室去。请把这些书带到教室去。 Take

17、the books to the classroom, please.目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习1. The old man _ (锻炼锻炼) every morning.2. I often _ (购物购物)on weekends.3. We must _(保持保持 )our classroom clean.4. There are some _(不同不同) between the two pictures. Fill in the blanks.exercisesshopkeepdifferences目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习5. He _ (几乎不几乎不)goes

18、 to restaurant for dinner.6. Katrina doesnt often _ (喝喝) coffee, she likes green tea.7. My eating _(习惯习惯) are not very good.8. Everyone must _(设法设法) to work hard.hardly everdrinkhabitstry目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习9.The old woman feels _ (疲劳疲劳) after a long walk.10. His son has a _ (头疼头疼).11. I have a _ _(嗓

19、子疼嗓子疼), so I cant speak a word.12. I brush my _ (牙牙)twice a day.13. The little boy eats too much, he has a _(胃疼胃疼).tiredheadachesore throatteethstomachache目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习. 单项选择单项选择1. I like English very much, so I _ listen to the tape in the morning. A. usually B. hardly ever C. never2. Milk is

20、good _ our _. A. to; healthy B. to; health C. for; healthy D. for; health3.What does your father do in the evening? He usually _. A. watch TV B. exercise C. reads booksA D C 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习4. _ do you go skating? Every day. A. How often B. How many C. When5. Most students in my class _ exercise

21、every day. A. does B. do C. is doing D. are doing6. _ students in your class are from Beijing? Only one. A. How often B. How many C. How much A B B 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习7. _do your grandparents come to see you? Twice a week. A. How oftenB. How many C. When 8. What _ she _ on weekends? A. is, do B. doe

22、s, does C. do, do D. does, do 9. Hes a very lazy student, as a result, he always gets _ grades. A. a good B. high C. terrible D. an awfulA D C 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习10. -What are you doing for vacation? -_. A. Go to see a movie B. Going to see a movie C. To go to see a movie D. Went to see a movie11. I

23、t is a _ trip. You will feel very_. A. relaxing; relaxing B. relaxed; relaxing C. relaxed; relaxed D. relaxing; relaxedBD目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习1. Can you take care of my little daughter? (同义句转换)同义句转换)Can you _ _ my little daughter?2. I dont want to do the same things. ( (同义句转换)同义句转换) I want to do _ _.

24、句型转换句型转换 look aftersomething different目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习3. Hes leaving Hong Kong and flying to Beijing. (同义句转换)同义句转换) Hes _ Hong Kong _ Beijing by _.4. Im calling you this evening. (同义句转换)同义句转换) I _ _ you this evening. leaving will call forplane目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习5. He will arrive here at three oclock. (划线划线 部分提问部分提问) _ _ he arrive?6. They are going to fly to Hong Kong tomorrow. ( (划线部分提问划线部分提问) ) _ _ _ going to fly tomorrow? When will Where are they 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习7. We will visit our teachers next Sunday. (划线部分提问划线部分提问) _ _ _ visit next Sunday?Who will you 目标英语八年级上册Units1-3复习



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