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1、现代大学英语第二版现代大学英语第二版 Unit 12 A Fundamental Technique in Handing People班级:xx英语x班姓名:xxx学号:xx教学提纲教学提纲Introduction(导入) About the author(作者介绍)(作者介绍)Main idea (文章中心)Structure (文章结构)文章结构)Words and languages focus(重点字词。句)(重点字词。句)Discussion (讨论)(讨论)Homework (作业)(作业)lWhat can we do if we want to handle people?l

2、Whats the fundamental technique?第二张 Dale Carnegige(1888-1955) described himself as “simple country boy” from Missouri but he was also a pioneer of the self-improvement genre. lSince the 1936 publication of his first book ,How to win Friend and Influence People ,he has touched millions of readers and

3、 his classical works continue to impact lives to this day.His other famous works The importance of Learning how to get along with people should stand in the front of all the knowledge in the human , and communication can lead to the power which other knowledge can not bring , So that Everything will

4、 go smoothly to the person。与人相处的学问在人所有的学问中应该是排在前面的,沟通能够带来其他知识所不能带来的力量,它是成就一个人的顺风船第二张 If we want to handle people ,we must always remember not to criticize them ,not to speak ill of them ,not to indulge in fault-finding and gossiping about others mistakes or weaknesses ,because if we do, it will alwa

5、ys hurt peoples pride ,cause bad feelings, make them defensive ,and destroy their confidence .Main idea第二张B. As president ,Lincoln learned to put himself in the position of the person he intended to criticize .(Para.5-11) structure. Criticism is usually futile and dangerous in handling people . ( Pa

6、ra.1). Lets learn a few lessons in handling people . (Para.2-21)A. As a young man , Abraham Lincoln learned not to ridicule people the hard way.(Para.2-4) C. When criticized ,people should avoid responding rudely .(Para.12-14)D. Bitter criticism is capable of ruining a promising career and even caus

7、ing suicide .(Para.15-16)E. It takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving .(Para.17-21). Instead of criticizing condemning and complaining .Lets try to understand people .(Para.22-23) 1. Later studies have shown that the same applies to humans . Criticism is usually futile be

8、cause it puts a person on the defensive (para.1)其后的研究表明,这对人类也同样适用。批评通常促使人其后的研究表明,这对人类也同样适用。批评通常促使人们为自己辩护,使人们想尽一切办法证明自己这么做是有们为自己辩护,使人们想尽一切办法证明自己这么做是有道理的道理的apply to :对对适用,适用,e.g. This law does not apply to the present situation . 向向某机构提出申请,某机构提出申请,e.g. You have to apply to the school authorities.Apply

9、 for :为某事提出申请,为某事提出申请,e.g. Do you know how to apply for a scholarship?2. and on the appointed day ,they met on a sandbar in the Mississippi River ,prepared to fight a duel.(para.3) 到了约定的那一天,他们来到密西西比河的一到了约定的那一天,他们来到密西西比河的一个沙洲上,准备决一死战。个沙洲上,准备决一死战。 on the appointed day : on the day chosen for this purp

10、ose Fight to the death :fight until one is killed “To” here is used for stating what stage of development it. 1 . Discuss the difference between “to praise “ and “ to flatter”.2. Discuss the difference between “to criticize” and “to ridicule”. Compare this text with a properly written academic paper .Draw their attention to weaknesses of most popular writings.



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