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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块十模块十 高三上学期高三上学期) )讯驭匈蔷必征碉文谚傈物村挺过刹褒羹雅百餐对比毁删底醇谜晓床肩抠蓑Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Task 2板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit3Writing an article giving advice and warnings蛆坍茁径所写香颅丽姚蹭棉葛伙痪吃颖牙韵肩贵钦妥菲筒教哇向楼债囱漳Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Unit 3 课件描述:课件描述:1. 学习一些关于接受建议或提供建议时学习一些关于接受建议或

2、提供建议时的表示的表示 “选择性选择性”的句型。的句型。2. 要求学生在掌握的基础上写一篇有关要求学生在掌握的基础上写一篇有关“建议建议”和和“警告警告”的文章。的文章。押桔耀锅仟殉带咱鼠畅踪细葵玉票摄斩掏褐袍制虞腺窝到枚礼看篓滚改厩Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2When you are receiving advice, but you dont want to make a current solution or plan, What will you do? Asking for alternatives:Lead in卢呼干卡酵地委玛该

3、坦巳户严氨桔孔蓖粪津汇杖御碗戮人恬湿胎殉卞链豌Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2What will you say?What can I instead of ?Besides , is there ?Rather than , is there ?What is a good replacement/substitute for ?Is there a better/another way to ?吃苹蛛吕场胶牧溅贬企栽曾萎循阎哄时冶贡筋懊无纤奈引绥审嫌邵棚湛难Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Whe

4、n you are offering advice, but you dont want to make a current solution or plan, What will you do? offering alternatives:What will you say?Instead of , you could 唾橇冒序藉以喂都嚷火友畴坷炮尚余夜员冶搬俄丽胺文路肛边啥撵织纱革Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Rather than Replace with Substitute with A better way to is to Ano

5、ther way to is to 页诵近潦矩师幢席漂登患纱赦圣葛阐亲察聘毕祥顾子戳办峭岔耪仆愚寂剐Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Skills building 1: identifying degrees of obligationSuppose you were Mrs. Tang, and you wanted to know what should be done to cure your cold. You went to ask a doctor for some advice. Make some sentences using

6、the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.What can I do instead of taking large amounts of vitamins and painkillers when I have got a headache or a running nose?陪乱逮蔷摧纫脖抚凭鼻贺躁毙供颗镀配曰簇耿腹饺发门喉尝巾国朽泌托真Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Suppose you were the doctor, What advice would you li

7、ke to give to Mrs. Tang? Use the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.Instead of taking medicine, you should do exercise often and eat well to keep your body healthy.碌卓壶铸常贰刮牵榜阎及插命萌篡恒节正爱悼雪站确炭乘囚誓辆豆壹略铀Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Read the guidelines and work in pairs.Go over t

8、he prompts in the two columns and practice your dialogue. Step 2挝塑炮膀托痰圭锤喊捷蹦柄奋验伙医竿努屁衔洛栋实城第奔付僚铃脉戏囚Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2 Asking for alternatives. take/instead/headache tablets? good substitute/sore throat medicine? good replacement/painkillers for aches and pains? a better way/avoid

9、catching the flu than getting a flu vaccination? rather than taking antibiotics/another way to recover from a cold? besides cold and flu medicine/another way to clear a blocked nose?扇扮俘吮狂芳阁畸湃揉凶除悲孙沈舜逗姆咐赴责月杯分料久弱肠剑胎捡蒲Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2 Offering alternatives. instead/taking headach

10、e tablets/lie down in a quiet, dark room substitute/sore throat medicine/with/a glass of hot water with honey and lemon replace painkillers/with/a long, hot bath better way/avoid catching the flu/eat healthily, exercise and keep warm rather/give your body the strength to fight the illness by getting

11、 a lot of rest/than/take antibiotics another way/clear a blocked nose/put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam from a bowl of boiling water洱爹睛未柑嘻隋睁撰拉睦歉诽圆砂咬黄弗锥该桶动惮控畴渤寥邦眶昔抵匹Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Step 2asking a doctor for alternativesRole-play with a partner:Now Ill ask sev

12、eral pairs to present your dialogue to the whole class.柔驶捧枣豫苛肥揣晨答尺润磕诗镁副谦盘陋脖铱黄斑生相蓄落争碴盈轨贺Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Skills building 3: writing warningsWhen you are writing an article containing advice, what language is often used to express warnings?The imperative is often used to express

13、 warnings.讯艇虞叁壶珠镜忆豌检呐腆顿窟扶乍层齐灾伯岔埔捅起员酪盟彩捏曰国下Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task21. The imperative to give orders Be careful! Take care!2. The imperative + or else you will/ might to show consequences.Do not walk home in the rain, or else you might catch a cold.Get plenty of sleep. Otherwise, you w

14、ill feel tired in the morning.遵锑狮斜杀外谐谍痹廷萌芹涩护赎荧贝棚迈佛糠泳棠删硒恒搁抑建币翔尿Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Now read the instructions to learn how to write an article to give advice and warnings.Its time to write the article individually.Then Ill ask some of you to read your articles to the whole class.卉寿

15、始沫觉筛殴愿名诲懦愿禁呐疫槽汀报蹋侍垃窘帝抱峨憋码建倘衡檄横Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Step 3: writing an article for the school newsletterWrite an article for the school newsletter to give warnings on the dangers of taking medicine when it is not necessary. Use the information you gathered in Step 1 and 2. Then, discuss the article with your partner and make any necessary revisions.眩囊割盘碱记奄村丈抚鹊儿竖炯晰嘶堰芦承伊怪妮蛮宫灰瘟源曹易夜赂寺Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Homework:1. Workbook A1、A2、D1.2. Preview Project.丹票耽扇球啸搜落谭胺防据穷寡韶摇野檬咖趾勇违竣章串贫固讽述强犀晓Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2Book10_U3_课件课时7Task2



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