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1、请同学们大声跟请同学们大声跟录音读单词录音读单词Unit4 After-School (课后的,课余的)Activitiesgo to English corner 英语角英语角go to the drawing club 美术俱乐部美术俱乐部Today we will learn about Jims and Stevens after-school activitiesLesson19 A Dinner Date (约会约会) 学习目标:学习目标: 能够掌握本课重点单能够掌握本课重点单词和短语;词和短语; 能够运用有关课余活动能够运用有关课余活动和个人爱好的句型。和个人爱好的句型。 语法:

2、一般将来时语法:一般将来时be going to 结构的灵活运用结构的灵活运用 activity n. 活动活动Steven 史蒂文史蒂文volleyball n. 排球,排球运动排球,排球运动practice n. & v. 练习练习 chess n. 国际象棋国际象棋club n. 俱乐部;社团俱乐部;社团volunteer v. & n. 自愿帮助自愿帮助,志愿者志愿者bingo n. 宾戈游戏宾戈游戏both adj. & pron. 二者(的)二者(的)nothing n. & pron. 无事;无物无事;无物1. 活动活动 2. 排球排球 3. 练习练习 4. 国际象棋国际象棋5.

3、 _ 二者二者 6. 社团,俱乐部社团,俱乐部7. volunteer8_bingo 9._无事,无物无事,无物 activityvolleyballpracticechessbothclub自愿帮助,志愿者自愿帮助,志愿者宾戈游戏宾戈游戏nothing单词记忆我最棒单词记忆我最棒words learningactivity 活动,pl.(activities) after-school activities; take part in an activity; weekend activities; outdoor activitiesvolleyball 排球,排球运动 play voll

4、eyball , volleyball practicechess 象棋 play volleyball/chess club 俱乐部 join a club; go to the chess clubbingo 宾戈游戏 play bingo 重难单词详解重难单词详解1.practice(1)I have volleyball practice tomorrow.明天我进行排球训练。(2)She practices playing the guitar every day.她每天练习弹吉他。思考:1)观察例句,practice意为:_,既是_词,又是_词。 2)根据例句2,“练习做某事”应用

5、_. 3)你还记得哪些动词后面跟动词的-ing形式做宾语吗?请举例。 _名名练习,训练练习,训练动动practice doingenjoy doing; have fun doing;finish doing; keep doing; what about doing; miss doing, forget doing.2.I usually volunteer at the Old Age Home on Thursday. 词性词性 ( ) 意思是(意思是( ) e.g. Many doctors volunteer to help the patients in Wuhan. e.g.

6、She wants to be a volunteer in the school.词性词性 ( ) 意思是(意思是( ) 她想在学校里做一名志愿者。她想在学校里做一名志愿者。星期四我通常在老年之家做志愿者星期四我通常在老年之家做志愿者 很多很多医生志愿去帮助武汉的病人们。医生志愿去帮助武汉的病人们。 volunteer to do volunteer to do 自愿去做某事自愿去做某事自愿去做某事自愿去做某事动词动词志愿,自愿帮助志愿,自愿帮助 名词名词志愿者志愿者 3. Were both busy all week. both 代词代词 二者都二者都 (all 三者或以上都三者或以上都

7、) both of . .都都 ; both A and B A和和B都都. 我的父母都是老师我的父母都是老师Both of my parents are teachers.Both my father and my mother are teachers.eg.There are trees on both sides(侧,边) of the street. eg. Both the books are interesting.both 在以上句子中词性是形容词,直接加名词复数。4. nothing (n. & pron. )无事,无物无事,无物=not .anythingsomething

8、, anything, somebody, anybody, nobody 都是不定代词都是不定代词考点一,形容词后置考点一,形容词后置考点二,考点二, 谓语动词用单数谓语动词用单数There is nothing interesting in todays newspaper.同义句:同义句:There is not (isnt)anything interesting in todays newspaper.Task1: Listen and tick the pictures. What is Jim going to do this week? (听力指导:听之前在每幅图下听力指导:听

9、之前在每幅图下面写出关键词)面写出关键词)Read after the tape 第一遍纠音第二遍理解各句子含义Task2: Read the lesson and write down his schedule for the week. What is Steven going to do? Volunteer at the Old Age HomeHave math classesNothingHave volleyball practice 重点句子解析1231.What day is it today?-Its Monday/Tuesday.Whats the date today?

10、-Its March 16.2.Would you like to come over for dinner?(肯定和回答)-Yes, I d like/love to. -I d like/love to, but . /Sorry,Im afraid.would like to do ;would like sth ;would like sb. to do sth.(would like=want) come over 过来, 顺便来访 454.I m not doing well in math this year.do well in .在某方面做得好= be good at.后接名

11、词, 代词, 动名词姚明擅长打篮球Yao Ming does well in playing basketball.Yao Ming is good at playing basketball.5.How about coming over for dinner this evening?how about后面跟动词时要跟_, how about 还可用_来表达。放学后打篮球怎么样?_ _ _ basketball after school?v-ingwhat aboutWhat /How about playing 1. 你每天练习讲英语吗? Do you _ _ English every

12、 day? 2.他什么都没对我说。 She _ _ to me.=She didnt say _ to me. 3. 他们两个都是老师。 They are _teachers.=_ of _ are teachers. 4. 他英语学得好。 He does well in English.=He_ _ _English. 5. I think you need more _ (练习) 6. She has many _ (活动) after work. 7. How about _ (过来) for dinner this evening? 8. She _ (not do ) well in

13、 math.practice speaking said nothingbothanythingboththem is good atpracticeactivitiescoming overdoesnt do2.(1)I am going to the chess club after school. (2)What are you going to do this weekend? (3)We are going to plant trees .思考: 1)be going to后接_,意为“将要;打算做某事”,表示动作_发生,构成_时态,其中be要随着主语的人称和数的改变而改变, 2)

14、be going to的否定形式是_.将例句1 变为否定 _ 3)be going to的一般疑问句形式是_将例句3 变为一般疑问句_动词原形将要将来be not going toI am not going to the chess club after school.be + 主语+going to.?Are you going to plant trees ?4、Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “be going to”。1) We _ ( have ) a party for Mums birthday tomorrow.2) A

15、lice _ (borrow) some books from the library after school.3) My family _ (go) on a trip to Beijing next week.4) Tom and Jim _ (make) a model plane together this weekend.5) I _ (be) a volleyball player in the future. I enjoy volleyball so much!are going to have is going to borroware going are going to

16、 make am going to be Summary 1)重要的单词:)重要的单词: 来源:学_科_网activity 活动,工作( take part in many activities) club 俱乐部(join a club,go to the music club ) volleyball 排球,排球运动(play volleyball )practice n./v练习 (have volleyball practice /practice doing sth)both 二者的 (both of ./both.and . ; both+n.复)nothing 无事,无物(not anything 谓语动词用 单数,形容词后置)chess 国际象棋(play chess)volunteer n./v. 自愿帮助,志愿者(volunteer to do) 2)重要的词组:)重要的词组:come over do well in (doing)=be good atwould like to dowhat/ how about doing 3)重要的语法:)重要的语法:be(am/is /are)(not) +going+to+V(原形原形)Thanks!Bey!个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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