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1、FreedomFightersTheFirstPeriodWarmingup&listeningAmericanCivilWar1861-1865PresidentLincoln签署签署黑奴解放宣言黑奴解放宣言ChairmanMaoYasserArafatMartineLutherKing,JrBorn in 1929Graduated in 1955Worked in a churchOrganised his first action in 1955Formed an organisation for black leaders to work together in 1957Gave s

2、peech “ I Have a Dream” in 1963Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964Murdered in 1968MartinLutherKingNelsonMandela Born in 1918First actions while still at university in 1940Graduated in 1942Helped to found the ANC Youth League in 1944Led many peaceful actions during the 1950sPut in prison from 1962

3、 till 1989Received the Noble Peace Prize in 1993Became the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999NelsonMandela (groupwork)Discussion:From above, why do you think theyre great men? Why was struggle an important part in their lives? Has the situation improved?How is the situation in t

4、heir counties now? PowellRiceUSblackcelebrities1.Listentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions:(1) What kind of talk did MartinLutherking,Jrgive?(2)Whatwashistalkabout?(3)Whendidhegivethistalk?A speech.About the freedom for black people.In 1963.2.Whilelistentothetapeyouwillhearthatsomephrasesandshor

5、tsentences repeated s few times.Writedownthreeofthem. (1)Ihaveadream.(2)Letfreedomring.(3)Freeatlast.3.Listentothetapeagainandcompletethefollowingsentencesorpartsofsentences.(1)face, fact, free(2)nation(3)country, color, content, charecter(4)ring, sing 4.Inthelisteningtextyouhearsomewordsthat were s

6、poken by Martin Luther King, butalso some Indirect Speech. Paraphrase partsof the speech using Indirect Speech andcompletethefollowingsentences:(1)werenotfree.(2)would not be judged bytheircolorofskin.(3) White children would walktogetherasbrothersandsisters.(4)blackpeoplewerefreeatlast. DiscussionA

7、sfreedomfighters,MartinLutherKingwasmurderedandNelsonMandelawasputinprisonforabout30years.Do you think it is worth-while?Whydoyouthinkso?Homework:1.Preview the reading;2.Best design: Cloze test;TheSecondPeriodSpeakingslavery1.What do you think of the slavery?2.What were they in the greatest need of?

8、1.Ifyouwereaslave,whatwillyoudoforfreedom?2.Canyoufindgoodideastosavethepoorslaves?SavingslavesHelp them run awaystruggledemonstrationwarTake actions(Pairwork)Talkinginpairs:TheAmericanCivilWar.Born in 1800Worked as a farmerBelieved that slavery was bad Made friends and lived with free black people

9、in the 1840Helped runaway slaves in the 1850sIn 1855 he and five of his sons fought to create a safe area for black peopleJohn BrownBorn as a slave in 1820Escaped in 1849In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help runaway slavesJoined an action group to help runaway slaves in 1850Saved more than

10、 300 slaves from 1851 to 1861Fought in the Civil War and rescued more than 750 slavesActive in the womens rights movements after the warOpened a home for old and poor black people in 1908HarrietTubmanInterview:(Groupwork:wholeclassisdividedinto2groups)GroupA:JohnBrownGroupB:HarrietTubmanIfyouwereare

11、porter,interviewheroJohnBrownandheroinHarrietTubmanJohn BrownHarriet TubmanDiscussion:Talkaboutthereasonswhycertainthingshappenedandhowtheychangedthehistory.Thefollowingusefulex-pressionsmayhelpyou:WhathappenedfirstwasthathappenedasaresultofYoucouldexpectbecauseThatledtoOneofthereasonswhyisisoftenfo


13、Chorus:|:JohnBrownsknapsackisstrappeduponhisback,:|JohnBrownsknapsackisstrappeduponhisback,Hissoulgoesmarchingon.Chorus:|:JohnBrowndiedthattheslavesmightbefree,:|JohnBrowndiedthattheslavesmightbefree,Hissoulgoesmarchingon. JohnBrownsongPeriod3ReadingIHAVEADREAMracial discriminationfreedompeaceequal

14、rightsvoting rightspolitical rightsMartinLutherKingI have a dream1. Martin Luther King, Jr went to university when he was eighteen.2.Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.3.Black girls could not marry white boys.4.Rose Parks was arrested for hitting a white boys.5. The Civil Rig

15、hts Act was passed in1965.Fast-reading(F)(F)(T)(F)(F)Scan the reading passage and decide which of the following sentences are true.Why did Martin Luther King fight for civil rights for black people?Careful-readingReasonsseparation ofblacks and whites mixed race marriages forbiddenno right to votesho

16、psrestaurantshospitalsbuses/trainsschoolsWhat happened in the following time?192919551963196419651968King was born Rosa Parks eventgive the speech “I have a dream”King received the Nobel Prize for Peace Civil Rights Act was passedVoting Rights Bill became lawKing was murderedRosa Parkswhites-only se

17、ctionrefuse to stand up for a white manarrested by the policea boycott of a bus companyQuestions:What do you think of Rosa Parks?Do you think she was brave?What can we learn from her?Main idea of each paragraphParagraphMainIdeathe background of the speechKings action against racial discriminationthe

18、 famous speech “I have a dream”Martin Luther Kings messageKings deathKings successKings opinionRosa Parks event26138745 If you were asked to move paragraph 1 to another place in the reading passage, where would it best fit in ?Between para. 6 and para.7Language points:1. march: walk as soldiers doe.

19、g Demonstrators marched through the street.2. have no right to do sthe.g What right have you to do that?3.set an example to sb.e.g He arrived at the office early,to set a good example to the others.4.boycott n. refusal to deal or trade with v. refuse to handle or buy sth.e.g They have declared a boy

20、cott against that shop.5.demande.g I demand to know the truth.I demand that John (should) go there at once6.arrest: seize sb.with the authority of the lawAfter the match three youths were arrested.1.Martin Luther King, Jr fought for the civil rights of black people in America. Which civil rights did

21、 he want black people to get?Discussionpolitical rightsvoting rightsequal rights2.King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions, not through violence . Give three examples of such peaceful actions.(1)write letters(2) march on(3) boycott Imagine that the year is 1966 and that yo

22、u are a television reporter.Interview Martin Luther King, Jr, using the phrases below.1.What is life in the southern states like?2.What are some of the problems that black people have?3.What do black people want?4.Why do you organise the Alabama bus company boycott?5.Which problems do black people h

23、ave in Birmingham ,Alabama?6.Which Nobel Prize did you win?What can we learn from Martin Luther King?Martin Luther Kingbravefreedomnever give uppeacefultruth1.Read the text again to get a better understanding.2.Preview the Word Study and Grammar3. Get some information about Martin Luther King on int

24、ernet if possible.Language Study &Grammar Period 4Questions:1.How were blacks treated in southern states in the 1950s?2.Where were blacks separated from white people?3.Where were black children educated?4.Were black people given the right to vote?5.What was passed in 1964,giving black people the rig

25、ht to vote? Change the forms of the following words.(1) law(n.)-(n.) (2) separate(v.)-(n.) (3) politics(n.)-(adj.)(4)marry(v.)-(n.)(5)equal(adj.)-(n.) (6) achieve(v.)-(n.) lawyerseparationpoliticalmarriageequalityachievementWord study1.Complete the sentences with proper words from the reading passag

26、e. The first letter has been given.(1)S_ is the system by which some people are owned by others as slaves.(2)Fifty years ago, mixed-race marriages were f_.(3)There were separate s_ for blacks on buses and trains.laveryorbiddenections(4).Civil rights fighters d_ that blacks would be treated equally.(

27、5).During the Second World War, from 1937 to 1945, there were many organised b_ of Japanese goods all over China. emandedoycotts2.Choose the right word to fill in each blank.(1).Blacks could only go to _ schools, stay in _ sections in shops or restaurants. King fought against the _ of blacks and whi

28、tes. (separate, separation)(2).Andy and Ben both major in _but they often hold opposite _ views. (politics, political)separateseparateseparationpoliticspolitical(3).Freedom fighters , such as John brown and Martin Luther King, Jr, gave their lives for the goals they tried to _. The fact that black p

29、eople share equal rights in America today is in part their _.(achieve, achievement)(4).He is interested in _ and he wants to become a good _. (law; lawyer)(5).Jim is _ as a bus driver. He is lucky because the _ rate is relatively low. (employ; employment)achieveachievementlawlawyeremployedemployment

30、The form of the Passive Voice be + p.p(动词过去分词)1.一般现在时 am/is/are +p.p2.一般过去时 was/were +p.p3.一般将来时 will/shall/be going to + p.p4.现在完成时 have/ has been +p.p5.过去完成时 had been + p.p6.现在进行时 am/is/are being + p.p7.过去进行时 was/ were being +p.p8.过去将来时 would/ should be +p.p9.情态动词 may/ can / might /could /must etc

31、 be +p.p1.Put these sentences into the Passive Voice(1)The police arrested Rosa Parks, who refused to stand up for a white man.(2)(2) Civil rights activists have made many speeches against racial discrimination.(3)(3) The police arrested more than 100 activists and and kills two.(4)(4) His struggle

32、has greatly changed the whole society in the USA.(5).American people , black and white, will always remember Martin Luther King, Jr.(6).The police put the civil rights activists into prison.2.Choose the best answer(1)The police found that the house _and a lot of things _. A.has broken into; has been

33、 stolenB.had broken into ; had been stolenC.has been broken into; stolen D.had been broken into; stolen(2)-Have you moved into the new house? -Not yet. The rooms _.A.are being painted B.are paintingC.are painted D.are being paintingDA(3)If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shoutto be heard eve

34、n at the dinner table 20 years from now.A.are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have toC. do not keep ; will have to D.do not keep ; have to(4) I need one more stamp before my collection _.A.had completed B. completes B.C. has completed D.is completed(5) -_ the sports meet might be put off. -Y

35、es, it all depends on the weather. A. Ive been told B. Ive told C. Im told D. I told(6)The maths problem _ among the students soon.A.is about to be discuss B. is going to be discussedB.C. is to discuss D.is going to have been discussedADAB(7)-Harry! You _ on the phone. -Oh, _. Thank you.are wanted;

36、I come B. are wanted; Im comingC. are being wanted ; I come D.are being wanted; Im coming(8) My sister wants to work in a power plant which _ still_.is ; being built B. is ;building C. is; to be built D. has ; been built BA1.Finish the workbook exercises(Grammar)2. Go over the words in the text.3.Pr

37、eview the Integrating Skill-ReadingNOTVOICE,NOTHEARDTheFifthPeriodHarriet TubmanMartin Luther kingJohn BrownFreedom fighters The history of the strugglesWhatdidfreedomfightersfightforfrom16thcenturytonow?Fortherightsof peoplethingsSCANING:Fastreading:Howmanyperiodsarethehistoryofstrugglesdivided?Thr

38、eeperiods16th18th18th19thModerntimesthebeginningtwofamousstruggles.Para1:whatwasthestrugglefor?Forfreedomofreligionandrighttobefreedomintheirchoiceofwhichgodtobelievein.Whatmadethestrugglesstart?The ideas of the French Revolution and the American War of independence.All the people are brothers and s

39、isters ,and that all people should be equal .The beginning of the struggle.Twofamousstruggles:FortherightsofblackpeopleFortherightsofwomen ThemeRepresentativecountryorcontinentTwo strugglesParticipators(参与者)参与者)Representative personBlack peopleWomen Right to vote,chooseWhere to live,studyand work.Ne

40、lson MandelaAmerica and AfricaNew Zealand ,US,Canada and most European countries.Right to vote and go to university or choose the jobs.What do all these groups have in common?They ask to be treated with respect ,share the rights to work , good housing conditions and education and be treated equal to

41、 other people in all ways.1.WhatwastheattitudetoSamuelBulterschapters?Everybodythoughtofthatasaveryfunnyjoke.2.Inallorganisationswhichoneisthelargest?Theanimalrightsmovementthatfightfortherightsofanimals.Importantpoints:1.inoneschoiceof:choose.2.startwith:beginwith.3.slaverywasstopped.Stop:abolish4.

42、racialdiscrimination:种族歧视。种族歧视。5thoughtofthatasaveryfunnyjoke.thatwasridiculous.Extensive reading:Martin Luther King ,Jr wanted better housing conditions for black People in Birmingham,Alabama. Please add the datails and complete it. Better housing conditions for black people in BirminghamWhat is wr

43、ong now How should it be improvedMore than one family lives in a house that is too small. A family should get a house that is big enough.Black people must live separate parts of town for blacks only.Black people should have the right to choose where to live.Houses are old and in bad condition.Houses

44、 should be repaired whenin bad condition.There is no electricity.There should be electricity.Writing 1:Fill the charts. Work out tht rights for different groups below and fill in the chart.RightsPeopleAnimals/plantsRobots/machinesHousingGood and comfortableNutritionWorkHealthandcareAlways take careR

45、espectVoteGood and a littlebit comfortableGood but does not haveTo be comfortableEnough food anddrinkEnough food and waterEnough electricityPay them more money , no hard labourTreat them withrespect /care;nottoo long and hard24 hours a day and hard work ;regular work timecareRepair but not throw awa

46、y if broken too muchMost peopleSome respectAlways respectMen and women But not for childernNo voteNo voteWriting :Compare the rights of people ,animals,plants,robots and machines. Try to think whether it is necessary to fight for the rights of animals ,plants,robots and Machines.Write an essay about it.



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