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1、第02讲双宾语结构_L【 基础知识】句型结构:S + V + 10 + DO ( 主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语)She tells me jokes. 她给我讲笑话。S-V -ld DOWe gave them some money. 我们给了 他们一些钱。S V IO D O -注: 谓语动词为及物动词, 接双宾语, 常见的动词有bring, give, hand, pass, pay, post, promise,return, sell, send, serve, show, teach, tell 等。【 真题演练】1. ( 2020甘肃金昌中考真题)The sentence

2、pattern of I enjoy living in Gansu.u isA. S+V+OB. S+V+PC. S+V +10+ DO D. S+V +DO+ OC【 答案】A【 详解】句意:I enjoy living in Gansu.我喜欢住在甘肃, 的句型是主语+ 谓语+ 宾语。考查基本句型。S+V+O主语+ 谓语+ 宾语;S+V+P主语+ 连系动词+ 表语;S+V+IO+DO主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语;5+丫+ 0+0( : 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语。力 可0丫 1所的皿Gansu”这句话中, I 作主语, enjoy作谓语, 动名词living in Gan

3、su作宾语, 故本句为“S+V+O”句型。故选A。2. ( 2019河南中考真题)You may know all the words on the right, but which of the followingcarries meaning?secondfriendself aA. A friend self is a second.B. A second is self a friend.C. A friend is a second self.D. Self a second is a friend.【 答案】C【 详解】考查连词成句。这是本试卷中的新题型,同学们要引起足够重视。题干

4、的意思是:你可能知道右面所有的单词,但是下列哪个句子是有意义的? C 为正确选项,意为:朋友是另一个自己。故选C。3. ( 2019甘肃定西中考真题)What is the sentence pattern of I love English. ?A. S+VB. S+V+OC. S+V+PD. S+V+O+OC【 答案】B【 详解】句意“I love English这句话句子结构是什么” 。A.主语+ 谓语;B.主语+ 谓语+ 宾语;C.主语+ 系动词+ 表语;D.主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补。Hove English中主语为I, love为谓语,English为宾语,是“ 主谓宾” 结 构

5、 , 即 S+V +O ,故选B。4. ( 2017甘肃白银中考真题) What is the sentence pattern ( 句型) of the sentence Linda boughta book yesterday.”?A. S+V B. S+V +O C. S+V + IO+DO D. S+V +O +O C【 答案】B【 详解】句意:Linda bought a book yesterday.”这句话的句型是什么?考查句子成分。在此句中,Linda是主语,bought是谓语,a book是宾语,yesterday是时间状语,符合“ 主语+谓语+宾语” 句子结构。故选B。5.

6、 ( 2017四川内江中考真题)My father gave me fifteen yuan to buy an English dictionary.A . 宾补 B . 状语 C . 间宾 D . 直宾【 答案】D【 详解】句意:我父亲给了我十五元去购买一本英语词典。考查双宾语。give sb. sth.给某人某物,其中sb.表示“ 人” ,是间接宾语,sth.表示“ 物” ,是直接宾语,句中划线部分“fifteen yuan”表示“ 物” ,在句中作直接宾语。故选D。翱【 过关检测】6. ( 2022江苏 景山中学八年级期末)Which sentence structure is “S+

7、V+DO+OC”?A. Sandy gave her cat some food. B. I found the story very interesting.C. The bird sings beautifully. D. The dish smells good.【 答案】B【 详解】句意:哪个句子是“ 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补” 的结构?考查句子结构。Sandy gave her cat some food.的句子结构是“ 主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语“ ;I found the story very interesting.的句子结构是“ 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾补”

8、:The bird singsbeautifully的句子结构是“ 主语+ 谓语+ 状语” ;The dish smells good.的句子结构是“ 主语+ 系动词+ 表语” 。结合选项,故选B。7. ( 2022江苏常州八年级期末)The sentence structure of My cousin is five years old.” isA. S+V【 答案】CB. S+V+OC. S+V+PD. S+V+O+OC【 详解】句意:“ 我的表姐五岁了” 的句子结构是主系表。考查句子结构。S+V主谓;S+V+O主谓宾;S+V+P主系表;S+V+O+OC主谓宾宾补。根据“My cousi

9、n is five years old.“可知, 本句主语为My cousin”, 系动词为is,表语为five yearsold,符合S+V+P 主系表” 结构。故选C。8. ( 2022江苏南通八年级期末)The sentence structure ofEnglish is my favourite subject. isA. S+V+O B. S+V C. S+V+DO+OC D. S+V+P【 答案】D【 详解】句意:“ 英语是我最喜欢的科目 的句子结构是主系表。考查句子的结构。S+V+O主谓宾;S+V主谓;S+V+DO+OC主谓宾宾补;S+V+P主系表。根据English is m

10、y favourite subject.“可知,主语为English”,系动词为“is”,表语为“myfavourite subjecf, 符合“ 主系表” 结构。故选D。9. ( 2022江苏盐城市大丰区教师发展中心八年级期末) The sentence structure of Our teachersalways make their classes lively. is.A. S+V +O B. S+V +IO +D O C. S+V +O +O C D. S+ V + P【 答案】C【 详解】句意:Our teachers always make their classes live

11、ly.” 的句子结构是“ 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语” 。考查句子结构。 Our teachers作主语; always作状语; make作谓语; their classes作宾语; lively是形容词作宾语补足语,故选C。10. ( 2022江苏苏州八年级期末) The sentence structure of Some tree leaves never turn brownin winter. is.A. S+V+O B. S+V+P C. S+V+IO+DO D. S+V+DO+OC【 答案】B【 详解】句意:Some tree leaves never turn brow

12、n in winter.”这句话的句子结构为. . .。考查简单句句子结构。S+V+O主+ 谓+ 宾;S+V+P主+ 系+ 表;S+V+IO+DO主+ 谓+ 双宾;S+V+DO+OC主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补。“Some tree leaves作主语;turn”作系动词;“brown”作表语。故此句句子结构为主系表。故选B。11. ( 2022山东乳山市教学研究中心八年级期末)The doctor told me not to play computergames anymore.句 子 结 构 是 A . 主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语B . 主语+ 系动词+ 表 语 C . 主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语

13、+ 宾语补足语【 答案】C【 详解】句意:医生告诉我不要再玩电脑游戏。考查句子结构。 told“ 告诉” 及物动词作谓语; the doctor“ 医生” 动作的执行者, 为主语; me“ 我”动作的承受者,为宾语;not to play computer games anymore动词不定式对宾语补充说明,为宾语补足语。故选C。12. ( 2021山东乳山市教学研究中心八年级期末) I saw some cannibals trying to kill two menfrom a broken ship.A . 主语+ 及物动词+ 宾 语 B . 主语+ 系动词+ 表 语 C . 主语+ 及

14、物动词+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语【 答案】C【 详解】句意:我看到一些食人族试图从一艘破船上杀死两个人。考查句子成分。分析句子成分可知:I 为主语;saw是及物动词,为谓语;some cannibals为宾语;trying to kill two men from a broken ship 为宾语补足语。故选 C。13. ( 2021江苏扬州八年级期末) The sentence structure of “We think John the best student. isA. S+V+DO B. S+V+IO+DO C. S+V+DO+OC D. S+V+P【 答案】C【 详解】句意:“ 我

15、们认为约翰是最好的学生。” 的句子结构是主谓宾宾补。考查句子结构。分析句子可知,w e主语;think谓语;John宾语;the best student宾语补足语。故此句子结构是主谓宾宾补。故选C。14. ( 2022江苏扬州八年级期末)Which of the following sentences has the structure ofS+V+IO+DO?A. Autumn leaves turn brown. B. Sandys mum bought her a new hat.C. I found him very interesting. D. Tommy does his ho

16、mework every day.【 答案】B【 详解】句意:下面哪个句子的结构是主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语?考查句子结构。Autumn leaves turn brown是主语+ 连系动词+ 表语结构;Sandys mum boughther a new hat是主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语结构;I found him very interesting是主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾语补足语结构;Tommy does his homework every day是主语+ 谓语+ 宾语结构。故选 B。15. ( 2022江苏盐城八年级期末)Which of the followi

17、ng sentences has the same structure as“Lily gives me much help.?A - Lily is 13 years old. B. Lily is a member of the Reading Club.C. Lily reads books every day. D. Lilys Dad will buy her a new book.【 答案】D【 详解】句意:以下哪个句子的结构与“ 莉莉给了我很多帮助 相同?考查句子结构。 Lily is 13 years old 莉莉 13 岁, 是主系表结构: Lily is a member

18、of the ReadingClub莉莉是读书俱乐部的成员,是主系表结构;Lily reads books every day莉莉每天读书,是主谓宾结构;Lilys Dad will buy her a new book莉莉的爸爸将给她买一本新书,是主谓十间宾+直宾结构。题干句子“Lily gives me much help”是主谓+间宾+直宾结构。故选D。二、完形填空( 2022 江苏 扬州市梅岭中学八年级期末)阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。White Fang was 16 fully grown. He had no more problems with Li

19、p-Lip, whostayed away from him. The other young dogs knew that he was 17 , and they also keptaway from him.Even the older dogs, such as Baseek, tried not 18 him. One day, however, whenWhite Fang was eating a large piece of meat, Baseek forgot how dangerous White Fang19 be. He ran at White Fang and t

20、ried to steal the piece of meat. White Fang attackedhim and 20 him away.A short time after this, White Fang went with Gray Beaver to visit 21 village.Kiche was there with her new cubs ( 幼崽) . White Fang remembered who she was his22. . He ran up to her, but she did not remember him. She-wolves do not

21、 remember theirown cubs 23 after a time. She thought he was a dangerous wolf trying to take her cubs.She attacked White Fang, 24 him badly.When White Fang was three years old, he could catch small animals, such as squirrels, betterthan the dogs could. He was three-quarters 25 and had learned how to

22、hunt when he wasa cub. He was even 26 to kill an old wolf, weakened by hunger. One day, 27he was trying to find food in a village, he saw Lip-Lip. He attacked him, and they fought fbr along time. White Fang was 28 now and killed Lip-Lip. That dog would never troublehim again.There 29 no people or an

23、y food in the village and he moved on. He travelled formany days 30 he came to another village. This one was different. There was the smell offood. There were the sounds of happy people and animals.一 Taken from White Fang16. A. mostlyB.almostC. nearD. most17. A. dangerousB.kindC. safeD. angry18. A.

24、to fightB.fightedC. foughtD. fighting19. A. shallB. couldC. mustD. should20. A. droveB.killedC. kickedD. shouted21. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other22. A. friendB.masterC. sisterD. mother23. A. smellB.tasteC. soundD. looks24. A. biteB.bitC. bitingD. bited25.A. dog B. animalC. cubD. wolf26.A.

25、glad B.ableC.strongD. lucky27.A. before B.becauseC.thoughD. while28.A. strongest B.strongerC.weakD. weaker29.A. is B.areC.wasD. were30.A. after B.untilC.soD. but【 答案】16. B 17. A 18. A19. B 20. A21. C22. D 23.A 24, C 25.26.B 27. D 28. B29. D 30. B【 导语】本文是一篇小说。小说节选自 White Fang,讲述了一只具有四分之三狼血统的狼 White F

26、ang在人类社会饱受冷暖,历经险恶而不断成长的故事。16 . 句意:White Fang几乎完全长大。mostly 主 要 地 ; almost 几 乎 ; near 附近;most 大多数。根据“fully grown”和“He had no moreproblems with Lip-Lip”可知应是几乎完全长大,故选B。17 . 句意:其它的小狗知道他是危险的,并且他们也保持远离他。dangerous 危险的;kind 善良的; safe 安全的; angry 生气的。根据 they also kept away fi*omhim.”可知应是害怕他,故选A。18 . 句意:甚至较大的狗,

27、 例如B aseek,尽量不和他打架。to fight打架, 动词不定式; fighted错误表达; fought过去式; fighting动名词。 try to do sth.“ 尽量做某事” 符合语境,故选A。19 . 句意:然而,一天当White Fang正在吃一大块肉时,Baseek忘记了 White Fang是多么的危险。shall将,主语为第一人称;cou人能, 可能;must必须;should应该。结合备选项可知应是他能有多危险,故选B。20 . 句意:White Fang攻击他并且把他赶走。drove驱赶;killed杀;kicked踢;shouted喊。结合备选项可知, dr

28、ive off, 赶走” 符合语境,故选Ao21 . 句意:这之后不久,White Fang带着Gray Beaver去拜访了另一个村子。other其它的, 形容词;others别人, 代词;another另一,可做形容词;the other另一个,代词。根据village”可知为可数名词单数,故选C。22 . 句意:White Fang记起了她是谁-她的妈妈。friend 朋友; master 主人; sister 姐姐; mother 妈妈。 根据“Shc-wolves do not remember their owncubs”可知应是妈妈,故选D。23 . 句意:母狼在一段时间后就不记

29、得他们自己幼崽的气味。smell气味;taste味 道 ; sound声 音 ; looks长相。根据常识可知狼靠气味识别东西, 故选A。2 4 .句意:她攻击White F an g ,把他咬得很严重。bite咬;bit过去式;biting动名词;bited错误表达。 此处作状语, 其逻辑主语是句子的主语,应用动名词,故选C。25 . 句意:他是四分之三的狼并且当它是一个幼崽时就学习怎样狩猎。dog狗;animal动物;cub幼崽;wolf狼。根据小说原文可知White Fang具有四分之三狼的血统,故选D。26 . 句意:他甚至能杀死一只因饥饿而虚弱的老狼。glad高兴的;able有能力的

30、; strong强壮的; lucky幸运的。结合备选项可知, be able to能符合语境,故选B027 .句意: 一天,当他正在一个村子尽量寻找食物时,他看见了 Lip-Lip0before在. . .之前;because因为;though虽然;while当. . . . 时。结合备选可知应是当觅食时,故选D。28 . 句意:现在White Fang是更强壮的并且杀了 Lip-Lipostrongest 最强壮的;stronger 更强壮的;weak 弱的:weaker 更弱的。 根据“and killed Lip-Lip”可知应是White Fang是更强壮的,故选B。29 . 句意:在

31、村子里没有人和食物,他继续向前走。is是,主语为第三人称单数;are是,主语为第二人称和复数;was是,is的过去式;were是,are的过去式。句子主语people or any food为复数,而文章时态为一般过去时,故选D。3 0 .句意:他走了许多天,直到他来到另一个村子。afler在之后;until直到;so所以;but但是。结合备选项可知应是在他到达另一个村子前走了好几天。故选B。三、阅读理解A( 2022 福建三明八年级期末)A son took his old mother to a restaurant for dinner. His mother was very old

32、and weak.While eating, she dropped food on her dress. Others watched her and some of them laughed at her.However, her son was still very quiet.After the mother finished eating, the son quietly took her to the washing room. He cleanedher dress, and made her hair clean and tidy( 整洁) . When they came o

33、ut, people in the restaurantwere watching them quietly. They all felt very sorry for how they felt about the mom and her sonjust now. They thought they were wrong, because they could not treat their mothers so well likethe son.After dinner, the son walked out with his mother. At that time, an old ma

34、n in the restaurantcalled out to the son and asked him, Dont you think you left something behind? The sonanswered, t4No, sir.”The old man said, “Yes, you did! You have left a lesson fbr every son and hope for everymother.31. The mother was very.A. old but strong B. old and weak C. beautiful but weak

35、 D. ugly and old32. Others in the restaurant laughed at the sons mother b e c a u s e .A she was quite poor B. she was very shortC. she couldnt eat well D. she had no new dress33. The restaurant was when the son and his mother came out of the washing room.A. quiet B. noisy C. clean D. dirty34. What

36、did the son leave in the restaurant?A. A lesson for all the sons.B. An idea fbr all the mothers.C. An interesting story for all the people.D. A difficult problem for all the people.35 . What would be the best title for the passage?A. A Quiet Restaurant B. A Big DinnerC. A Weak Old Man D. A Careful a

37、nd Loving Son【 答案】31. B 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. D【 导语】 本文主要讲述了一个儿子带着母亲去餐馆吃饭时发生的故事, 告诉我们要关爱和照顾我们的父母。31 . 细节理解题。 根据“His mother was very old and weak”uj知他的母亲年事已高, 身体虚弱。故选B。32 . 细节理解题。 根据“While eating, she dropped food on her dress. Others watched her and someof them laughed at her”可知吃饭时,她把食物掉在衣服上,其他人看着她,

38、有些人嘲笑她。故选C。33 . 细节理解题。 根据When they came out, people in the restaurant were watching them quietly可知当他们从洗手间出来的时候,餐馆里很安静。故选A。34 . 细节理解题。根据You have left a lesson for every son and hope fbr every mother”可知这个儿子给所有的儿子都上了一课。故选A。35 . 最佳标题题。本文主要讲述了 一个儿子带着母亲去餐馆吃饭时发生的故事,告诉我们要关爱和照顾我们的父母,故以选项D“ 一个细心而有爱的儿子” 为标题最合适

39、。故选D。B( 2022 福建福建八年级期末)Julio Iglesias comes from Spain and he is a world-famous singer and songwriter.He has sold more than 350 million records across the world and has given lots of concerts.Most people think he is very lucky. But when he was young, he was not so lucky. Iglesias was afootball playe

40、r and had a great job ( 工作) in Real Madrid Football Club in Spain while studying ina university ( 大学) . Unfortunately ( 不幸的是) , he met with a car accident and could never playfootball.After the accident, he spent a year in hospital and had to stop his studies. While he was inhospital, a nurse gave h

41、im a guitar so that he could improve the movements of his fingers. Hestarted learning to play the guitar. He learnt how to play the guitar by listening to the radio. At thattime, he found he loved singing.After Iglesias left hospital, he finished his law studies because he wanted to be a lawyer ( 律师

42、) . However, he became more interested in singing. In the end, he decided to work as a musician.Iglesias doesnt become a lawyer but he does very well as a singer and songwriter. As thesaying goes: when God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.36. What does Iglesias do?A. A songwriter and lawye

43、r. B. A singer and songwriter.C A singer and football player. D. A musician and football player.37. Julio Iglesias started learning to play music when he.A. stayed in hospital B. studied in a universityC. was in the football club D. was a middle school student38. Which is the right order according t

44、o the text? He finished his law studies He worked in a football club( 3) He learned to play the guitar He decided to work as a musicianA . B . C . D . 39. Julio Iglesias didnt become a lawyer b e c a u s e .A. he thought it difficult to work as a lawyerB. he wanted to become famous and richC. he did

45、nt finish his law studiesD. he liked music better40. What do you think of Iglesias from the passage?A. Friendly. B. Kind. C. Active. D. Lucky.【 答案】36. B 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. C【 导语】本文主要讲述了世界著名的歌手和歌曲作者Julio Iglesias的经历。36 . 细节理解题。根据“Julio Iglesias comes from Spain and he is a world-famous singer ands

46、ongwriter”可知他是一名歌手和歌曲作者。故选B。37 . 细节理解题。根据“While he was in hospital, a nurse gave him a guitar so that he couldimprove the movements of his fingers. He started learning to play the guitar.“可知当他在医院的时候,他开始学习音乐。故选A。38 . 细节理解题。根据“Iglesias was a football player and had a great job ( 工作) in Real MadridFoot

47、ball Club in Spain”可知刚开始他在足球俱乐部工作,即;根据He started learning toplay the guitar”可知他了事故之后,在医院开始学习弹吉他,即;根据“After Iglesias lefthospital, he finished his law studies”可知在离开医院之后, 他完成了法律学习,即;根据“hebecame more interested in singing. In the end, he decided to work as a musician”可知他想要成为律师,但是他发现自己对唱歌更感兴趣,所以想成为音乐家,即。故选B。39 . 细节理解题。根据Iglesias doesnt become a lawyer but he does very well as a singer andsongwriter”可知他想要成为律师,但是他发现自己对唱歌更感兴趣,所以想成为音乐家。故选 D。40 . 推理判断题。本文主要讲述了 Julio Iglesias在经历车祸之后,没有消沉,他刚开始想成为律师, 在发现自己对音乐更感兴趣之后, 他就努力让自己成为音乐家, 可见他非常的积极。故选C。



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