Business English

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《Business English》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Business English(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Business English C Cl li ic ck k a an nd d s st ta ar rt tContents The new wordsThe key sentences The dialogue Functional expressions The culture tip New wordsNew words 1 1: the city bank : the city bank 美国花旗银行美国花旗银行 2 2: consulting company consulting company 咨询公司咨询公司 3 3:computer company computer c

2、ompany 电脑公司电脑公司 4 4: whenever you are free whenever you are free 无论什么时间有空都行无论什么时间有空都行 5 5: yeah yeah 是是 6 6:call at call at 访问访问 7 7:advertising company advertising company 广广 告公司告公司 8 8: advertising agent advertising agent 广告代理商广告代理商 9 9:what are you up to what are you up to 怎么了有什么?怎么了有什么? 1010: pr

3、omote promote 促销促销 1111:you are find the right person you are find the right person 你找对人了你找对人了 1212:sell well sell well 畅销畅销1313:exploring into the shanhai market exploring into the shanhai market 进入上海市场进入上海市场 1414:consumer consumer 消费者、用户消费者、用户 1515:potential marketpotential market 潜在的市场潜在的市场 16: t

4、reat one16: treat ones child like a king s child like a king 像像 对待国王一样对待孩子对待国王一样对待孩子 1717: be confident about be confident about 对、有信心对、有信心 1818:definitely definitely 当然当然 1919: will you excuse us will you excuse us 请原谅请原谅 20: venture 20: venture 风险投资风险投资 21:public place 21:public place 公共场公共场 所所 22

5、22:shopping center shopping center 购物中心购物中心 23:amusement park 23:amusement park 游乐场游乐场 24:jingle 24:jingle 广告歌曲广告歌曲 25:draft aproposal 25:draft aproposal 起草协议文本起草协议文本 26: if you like 26: if you like 如果你愿意的话如果你愿意的话 27:would you care for a drink 27:would you care for a drink喝一杯怎喝一杯怎 么样么样 28: it must b

6、e very hard work to be a ballet dancer 28: it must be very hard work to be a ballet dancer 做一名芭蕾舞演员很辛苦做一名芭蕾舞演员很辛苦 29:get together 29:get together 相聚相聚 30: make time in our schedules 30: make time in our schedules挤出时间来挤出时间来 31:picky 31:picky 吹毛求疵的吹毛求疵的 32:choosy 32:choosy 好挑剔的好挑剔的 Unit one introducti

7、on Key sentcenes 1: in front of 在、前面2:its + adj of sb to do sth 对于某人来说做某事怎么样?3:talk with sb about sth 与某人谈论某事4:continue to do sth 继续做某事5:encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事6:be confident about 对、有信心7: talk to sb about sth 对某人谈论某事8:as long as 只要9:too adj to do 太、而不能Unit one introduction Functional express

8、ions a: introducing somebody 1:by the way ,do you know each other ? 2: do you know mr carl monad ? Mr monad is chairman of alfa club 3:have you meet nathan malcolm , cathy ?4:hey , heres david .david ,meet john.5:Id like to introduce to you our director , mr. Dongling gao 6:I dont think you have met

9、 each other before . This is my sister , anna . Anna , this is my friend frank jackson .7: ladies and gentlement , allow me to introduce to you mrs.jenny samson, chairman of the world wild life fund 8:let me introduce to you mr. John grant , president of the china-britain business association 9:look

10、 , heres john ! John, tkom , john , this is jane , jane brown,10: may I introduce mr .stanley young, assistant manager of general electric ? Meet my brother walker .11: mr .lynx I want you to meet mr.naomi service , the director of cambridge research institute 12: oh look , wendys here . Wendy ,com

11、and meet whitman ,Unit one introduction Functional expressions b: introducing yourself 1:allow me to introduce myself , jenny heywood , an engineer from general motor .2: excuse me , I dont believe weve met , Im edgar snow3: excuse me , my names sidney carson4:hello ! Isaac livingston ,Im tony hello

12、rid,5:how do you do ? Im john west .6: how do you do ? My names steven white .Unit one introduction Functional expressions c: responding to an introduction 1: glad to meet you .2: happy to meet you .3: how do you do ? Im teresa searls.4: its a pleasure to meet you .5:Ive know so much about you .6: I

13、ve often heard about you .7: Ive wanted to meet you .8: please to know you .Unit one introduction Functional expressions D: asking somebodys name 1: arent you mrs. Clarke?2: are you mr、?3:could you le t me know your name?4: I believe you are mr.jackson , arent you ?5: may I have your name , please .

14、6: may I know your name ?7: what are you doing to call the baby ?8: whats your name , please .9: you must be mr. Edmond. Unit one introduction New wordsNew words 1:colleague 1:colleague 同事同事 2 2:on sick leaveon sick leave休病假休病假 3: Chinese herbs3: Chinese herbs中药中药 4: profit 4: profit 利润利润 5:plunge s

15、omebody into 5:plunge somebody into 全力投入于全力投入于 6:I 6:Im not pushing you m not pushing you 我可没我可没有摧你有摧你 7:I7:Im just doing my job m just doing my job 我只是尽责而已我只是尽责而已 8:something urgent that 8:something urgent that comes up comes up 出现紧要情况出现紧要情况 9:my stomach9:my stomachs sending signalss sending signal

16、s我肚子呱呱叫我肚子呱呱叫 10: Thanksgiving 10: Thanksgiving day day 感感 恩节恩节 11:family reunion 11:family reunion 全家团聚全家团聚 12: on the occasion 12: on the occasion 在这种场合在这种场合 下下 13:turkey 13:turkey 火鸡火鸡 14: the Metro supermarket 14: the Metro supermarket 麦德龙超麦德龙超 市市 15:telephone receiver 15:telephone receiver 电话听筒

17、电话听筒 16: that 16: thats it s it 就那些就那些 17:gardening 17:gardening 园艺园艺 18:enthrusiastic 18:enthrusiastic 热热 心的心的 19: it sounds good to me 19: it sounds good to me 听上去满听上去满 不错的不错的 20: oven 20: oven 烤箱烤箱 、烤炉、烤炉 21:authentic 21:authentic 真正的真正的 22: home 22: home made food made food 家乡菜家乡菜 23:millionaire

18、 23:millionaire 百万富翁百万富翁 Unit Two Greeting Key sentcenes 1: have a cold 感冒2: look after = take care of 照顾、3:as you wish 如你所愿4:it takes sb sometime/many to do sth 做某事花费某人多少时间或金钱5: the other end of the street 另一端6:say hello to sb for sb 代某人向某人问好7: pour out / pour into 倾诉/倒入8: be patient with 对、有耐心9: g

19、et used to 习惯于10: take cours 上、课11: remind sb of 使某人想起、Unit Two Greeting Functional expressions a:greeting somebody 1:ah , Dave , just the man I was looking for .2:bumping into you like that was a bit of luck . 3: glad to meet you here jane .4:havent seen you form some times .5:hello , jane 6:hi , j

20、ane , just the person I wanted to see .7:hi , there ,jane 8:how are you , jane 9:howdy , my dear friends 10: how is your new job 11: I m glad you could com to my sisters birthday party .12:its been a long time . 13: it was good to see you again . 14:long time no see .15:nice having you come to my we

21、dding . 16: this is a pleasant surprise 17: what brings you here today .Unit Two Greeting Functional expressions b:stating how you are 1:all right , thank you .2:as usual .3:cant complain 4: could be better , but not bad ,5: couldnt be better , thanks ,6:Fine , just fine .7:Im just so-so 8:I am much

22、 better 9: I am full of the joys of spring 10: I am just gteat 11: I am on top of the world , thanks 12: I am very well indeed, thank you 13: the usual rounds ,14: pretty good , thanks 15: quite well . Thanks . 16:really fine 17: same as ever . 18: so-so , thanks 19: still alive just not at all well

23、 .20: well , not too good yet , better than I was though . Unit Two Greeting Functional expressions c:asking after somebody 1: anything new ? 2: are you better ?3: are you feeling better now . 4 : are you well .5: how are things , 6: how are things going with you .7:how are you doing 8: how are you

24、keeping 9: how is everything with you .10 : how was your weekend .11: in good shape , are you ?12: what are you doing these days , 13: what are you up to these days.14: whats happening to you ?15whats new 16: whats new with you ?17:whats the news ? Unit Two Greeting Culture tip Generally speaking ,

25、there are two kinds of greetings : special greetings and everyday greetings . The former refers to the greeting used on special occasions ,such as “Happy New Year “and “Merry Christmas “: and the latter refers to the greeting used every day ,for example , “Good morning “and “How are you “, Forms of

26、address are also important in English speech community . You are obliged to address certain people by their social identity in formal situations : public officials ( congressman ,your honor ) , educators ,(professor, Doctor ) leaders of meeting (Mr. Chairman),roman catholic priests (Father Gansberg),nuns (sister Anna), and so forth You may have also noticed that native speaking tend to say “Nice to meet you “more often than “How do you do “although they dont know each other before. The dialogue Unit two Greeting



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