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1、 W ha t i s i t i n pa r t i c ul a r y ou r e i nt er es t ed i n . A. Your kitchenware, I suppose. B. We have placed the order. C. Thekitchenware will be exported to the UK. We would like to place an order for some of your C&Z desk units. _ A. Thank you very much. We keep a large supply in stock.

2、B. Certainly, delivery dates depend on your location. C. We recommend payment by letter of credit. After having seen the _ and samples, Jenny makes the specificinquiry. A. category B. catalog C. calculation Our terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents_payment. A. against B. f

3、or C. in The payment is made by an irrevocable _ letter of credit in our favor. A. light B. bright C. sight 1 . International trade exchanges goods and services between different countries and regions. T 2 .Every kind of goods and services can be found on the global market.回答F F 3 .A product that is

4、 bought from the global market is an export.回答FF 4 .International trade may easily affect world economy.回答TT 5 .Political change in one country has nothing to do with international trade.回答FF It includes merchandise, packaging and shipping, duty if required, any taxes and insurance. A. Could I get a

5、n estimate before placing an order B. What does the estimate include C. How many would you like to order? What about the commission A. Its a general practice everywhere else. B. Of course, Id give you our lowest quotation. C. Im afraid you have to tell me, first, how large your order is going to be.

6、 Of course, Id give you our lowest _. A. quota B. quantity C. quotation We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer _could supply us with a large quantity of smart phonesfor the teenager market. A. whose B. which C. who Importing and exporting is transferring goodsfrom one c

7、ountry to another while_attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out orinto that country. A. to pay B. paying C. being paid 1 .International trade refers to both import and export.回答TT 2 .Only after the local customs department agrees, could you start your own business in the field o

8、f import and export.回答TT 3 .Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting.回答FF 4 .If you are exporting, you can turn to no one for help.回答FF 5 .Some countries donot allow their goods to go to a certaincountry.回答FF What does CIF refer to A. It refers to cost,investmentand freight B. It refer

9、s to cost,insurance and flight C. It refers to cost,insurance and freight A letter of _ is a document issued by a financial institution. A. credit B. complaint C. inquiry International trade gives consumers and countries the opportunityto_goods and services not available in their own countries. A. e

10、xpose to B. be exposing to C. be exposedto All the prices on the list are subject _ to our final confirmation. A. to B. at C. on International trade is the _ of goods and services between countries. A. change B. exchange C. expression They refer to the royalties, including patent right, copy right,

11、trademark right, and so on. A. What areintangible assets B. What about the tax base C. How about the tax rate What is the criminal limit A. The amountexceeds 10% of the amountthat he should declare. B. My company has been fined. C. It depends on different taxes. Does that include the turnover_ in ad

12、vance A. to receive B. received C. receiving Assets appear on your balance _. A. sheet B. flow C. statement It does in the _ of transfer of intangible assets or immovable property. A. circumstances B. operation C. case 1. Which of the following is NOT physical asset回答B A. Filing cabinets. B. Account

13、s receivable. C. Delivery vans. 2. According to the passage, where do the assets appear回答A A. The balance sheet B. The income statement C. The cash flow 3. What do you think an accountant is responsible for回答C A. An accountant is responsiblefor hair design. B. An accountant is responsiblefor compute

14、r repair. C. An accountant is responsiblefor bookkeeping. 4. According to the passage, which of thefollowing is INCORRECT回答C A. Every business has assets B. Assets can be in different forms. C.Every businesscan bring in sales without assets. 5. What is the passage discussing about回答A A. Every busine

15、ss has assets. B.Assets can be in different forms. C. Assets appear on the balance sheet. For individual income tax, it is within the first 7 days. A. What do you mean by taxable services B. What is the deadline for tax declaration C. What do you think ofthe deadline for tax declaration _ Alright, I

16、will try my best. A. Do you know about business tax B. What do you think about business tax C. Can you give me a brief introductionabout business tax It means you can _online with us. A. transact B. transport C. translate We are engaged in the development of real _. A. establishment B. state C. esta

17、te That can lead _ a bigger personal income-tax bill. A. to B. on C. in 1. Accounting mistakes cannot be avoided.回答FF 2. With a lot of credit sales, your company may have no cash at hand.回答TT 3. It is recommended not to pay bills too soon.回答TT 4. Business money and personal moneycan be mixed up.回答FF

18、 5. Try your best to know your costs before you set product or service prices.回答TT According to law, they refer to transportation, construction, finance, insurance and the like. A. Do you know taxable services B. How do you like taxable services C. What do you mean by taxable services _ you have sai

19、d is very importantto us. A. What B. That C. Whose According to law, taxable services refer to transportation, _, finance, insurance and the like. A. instruction B. construction C. introduction Generally _, business tax is based on taxable services, the transfer of intangible assetsand sale of immov

20、able property within China. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking If the case reaches thecriminal limit, the taxpayer my be accused _ criminalresponsibilities. A. at B. on C. of Dont hesitate to click on our website when you need us. .Thank you. A. Yeah, Ican B. Sure, Iwill C. Of course, Iknow Hello, thi

21、s is Steven Smith. Nice to hear your voice again. Hi, Mr. Smith. A. Do you know thecoverage of your freight forwarding business B. Please tell me thecoverage of your freight forwarding business. C. I would like to know about the coverage of your freight forwarding business. You can get the goodsto y

22、our door so quickly nowadays. A. deliver B. delivering C. delivered The total cost in logistics in China is still higher thanin many other industrialized countries. A. it B. that C. those The manager asked me I could finish my work before the weekend. A. what B. whether C. which 1.Information is so

23、important that .回答 A. it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions B. managers can only make decisions blindly without it C. managers will know nothing without it 2.Information technology.回答 A. could be used to gather and deliver information to make decisions B. can be used

24、 to determine whether to order more chips C. is necessary to make a good decision 3.Information can.回答 A. help customers to know many things but not product availability. B. not be used to reduce human resource requirements C. help to refine channel relationships 4.If you are a manager, you will use

25、 information to .回答 A. order more chips B. help improve customer service C. know which staff is not on duty and should be laid off 5.The main point of this passage is about.回答 A. how to use information B. the importance of information C. where to gather information We offer special services suchas p

26、ersonal belongings, express, holiday pick-up and delivery services and so on. A. What kind of special services do you offer B. How would you offer your special services C. Why do you offer your special services Does modern logistics mean transportation and delivery . Modern logistics is more about e

27、ffective and efficient flow of materials and information. A. Yes, youre right B. No, its not the whole story C. No, youre wrong That is the reason weve lost so many customers. A. why B. that C. which We work closelyevery large airline like Air China, Air France and American Airlines. A. with B. to C

28、. in 1. After a commercial transaction is done, logistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner.回答 A. 在完成商业交易后,物流将执行商品从卖方到买方的转移,为了最低成本和最高效率。 B. 在完成商业交易后,物流将以最低成本和最有效的方式将商品从卖方运输到买方。 C. 在完成商品交易后,物流将以最低费用和最有效的礼仪将商品从卖方转移到买方

29、。 2. Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer process, which is called the storage of logistics.回答 A. 商品在流转过程中往往有处于停滞状态的时候,这被称为物流存储。 B. 转移过程中的商品往往静止不动,这被叫做物流储存。 C. 变化过程中的商品往往停滞不前,这被定义为物流储存。 3. Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods.回答 A. 有时,分配过程会改变商品的包装形式。 B

30、. 有时,分销流程会改变产品的包裹样式。 C. 有时,配送加工会改变商品的包装形态。 4. Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions.回答 A. 信息很重要,因为它提供了事实,以便供应链管理者决策。 B. 信息很重要,因为它提供了供应链管理者用以决策的事实。 C. 信息很重要,因为供应链管理者可以利用它提供信息进行决策。 5. With the rapid economic growth in China, the logisti

31、cs industry is expanding greatly.回答 A. 随着中国经济的快速发展,物流行业也极大发展。 B. 凭借迅速发展的中国经济,物流行业迅速扩大。 C. 在中国,随着快速发展的经济,物流行业飞速延伸。 Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. Good morning. This is MaggieBonner. I would like to know more about your products. A. Who is that calling B. What do you want C. May I help you

32、1. Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the seller to the buyer.回答TT 2. Administration of information and standardization are needed during the transfer process.回答TT 3. Storage creates the location value for goods.回答FF 4.The same goods can be valued differently at different times and

33、 locations.回答TT 5. Large packages of goods should always be cut into smaller parts to create added value.回答FF Hello! _ Hello, this is Michael from Tianjin Vanguard Trading Inc. A. Who are you B. What are you C. Who is that What is your opinionfor promotion of our products . A. Why dont we try the on

34、line ads for our products B. Our main goal is to establish our brand name. C. These buzz words will pop up when people search about beer. We usually keep a large supply _ stock. A. at B. on C. in We will _ an order with your company for digital cameras. A. reserve B. book C. place Too many debts in

35、a company easily _ bankruptcy. A. resultfrom B. resulton C. resultin 1. Based on that, well decide whether to run full-page ads.回答 A 以此为基础,我们再决定是否运作整版广告。 B 以此为基础,我们再决定是否经营整版广告。 C 以此为基础,我们再决定是否奔跑整版广告。 2. A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of the country or the

36、 world.回答 A 这个销售部由很多工作在全国乃至世界不同部分的人员组成。 B 一个销售部由很多工作在全国乃至世界各部门的人员组成。 C 销售部由很多工作在全国乃至世界各地的人员组成。 3. I look forward to hearing from you by return.回答 A 期待能得到您的回信。 B 期待能够轮流收到您的信。 C 期待能很快从您那儿听到并返回。 4. Although successful salespeople often have special talents and an outgoing personality, the skills they e

37、mploy are used by us all.回答 A 虽然成功人士通常拥有特殊天赋和外出性格,但是他们开发的技能也被我们所用。 B 虽然成功人士通常拥有特殊天赋和开朗性格,但是他们运用的技能也被我们所用。 C 虽然成功人士通常拥有特殊天赋和活泼性格,但是他们雇佣的技能也被我们所用。 5. Export companies often have a separate export sales force, whose travel and accommodation expenses may be very high.回答 A 出口公司通常拥有分散的出口营销人员,谁的差旅费可能会很高。 B

38、 出口公司通常拥有分开的出口营销力量,公司差旅费可能会很高。 C 出口公司通常拥有专门的出口营销人员,其差旅费可能会很高。 MayI suggest the sales start on or about October 1 . A. What do you mean B. Isnt it a very new idea here in this city C. Great. We can start to prepare for the big event. I think a bus stop advertisement is a very wise chance to promote o

39、ur products. . A. You said it. B. Our products are popular. C. Idont like advertisement. They are talking about how to make use of advertising to_ the products. A. produce B. promote C. process They have signed the _ to export textiles. A. content B. contract C. contact Too many debts in a company e

40、asily _ bankruptcy. A. resultfrom B. resulton C. resultin 1. It is very important to understand buyersbehavior.回答TT 2. Marketers usually use different selling methods.回答TT 3. Marketers ignore transporting costs and services.回答FF 4. Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distri

41、bution of products.回答TT 5. Marketers provide creditthat makes the purchasing of automobiles, fridges and new homes possible.回答TT What kind of music are you going to have in the background Light ones. . A. Ihave a totally different idea. B. It makes the audience feel comfortable. C. I think we can ru

42、n billboard advertising. The newly-designed ad _ brought about a higher click through rate by the end of nextmonth. A. will B. have C. will have An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples _customers often respond favorably. A. to which B. in which C. which Moreover, reservations by credit

43、 card four weeks _ guarantee availability of the room size required. A. in advance B. in addition C. in agreement Our new type of treadmill _ release next month. A. is due to B. is due for C. is due We will have flown for 13 hours by the time we _to New York. A. will get B. get C. have got 1. The au

44、thor of the article intends to explain to us what the marketing mix is.回答TT 2. Customers satisfaction matters greatly to a product.回答TT 3. The price of a product must be exactly the same as rival products in the same market.回答FF 4. To make your product known to the public, advertising is the only co

45、nsideration you need to take into account.回答FF 5. A product can reach customers, according to the text, through retail outlets, hire purchase, mail order and online sales.回答FF _ your price be competitive and date of shipment acceptable, we intend to place a large order with you. A. If B. Should C. I

46、f should We sell insurance cover, the _ you pay will depend on the cover you require. A. fee B. fare C. charge She is the CEO of Roston Sport Accessories_I told you. A. who B. whom C. about whom Businesses can use free samples to build rapport and _ customers _ products orservices. A. engageto B. en

47、gagein C. engagefor So I have a number of other _ up my sleeve, as well. A. tricks B. strict C. trace 1. Whats the topic and main idea of the passage 回答 A. Selling Strategy Sales Staff B. Sales Staff What Sales Staff Should Know C. Selling Strategy Hard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies 2. Customers oft

48、en _ hard sales tactics, thus making soft-selling more effective for success.回答 A. resist B. oppose C. object 3. Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include _. 回答 A. telling customers how good a product is B. recommending products among friends C. putting pressure on customers to buy prod

49、ucts 4. Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to _. 回答 A. reduce selling costs B. arouse peoples interests C. avoid the shortage of sales staff 5. According to the passage, _. 回答 A. soft sell is expensive B. hard sell is rarely resisted by customers C. soft sell is pr

50、eferred by business companies Most banks have a section _ you set up payees. A. that B. which C. in which This will make_ easier to transfer money and make loan payments online. A. that B. it C. the thing The bank _ grand door faces south is Bank of China. A. that B. which C. whose The only thing I

51、have is this bill _ the publishers name and address _ it. A. withon B. byin C. inon In addition, you are required to _ the Bank _ your Social Security Number and two valid identification documents. A. providewith B. providefor C. provideby Clerk: Good afternoon. Can I help you Jenny: Yes,回答C.C Clerk

52、: A deposit account or a current account Jenny: Er, Im not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from the Canada Embassy and Id like to have the money paid into an account. Clerk:回答DDThe bank will give you a check book and you can take money out when you need it. Jenny: Fine. What do

53、I have to do Clerk: Do you have any form of ID Jenny: Will my passport do Clerk: Sure.回答AA Jenny: No problem. Its done. Clerk: And could you give me your signature here Jenny: Sorry回答BB Clerk: Please sign your name in the blank space below. Jenny: I see. Now here you are. Clerk: Thank you. It will t

54、ake a few days for your check book to arrive. 回答EEYou can inform your embassy of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly. Jenny: Thank you very much. In order to make proper reservations, will you send your acceptance to the attention of the General Office_ a week before t

55、hat day? A. no latter than B. no late than C. no later than This is the best business program _ has been accomplished this year. A. which B. what C. that You can send them gifts _ your best clients. A. in reply to B. in honor of C. with regard to Ill _ the exchange rate and service charge and then t

56、ype up the check for you. A. make up B. figure out C. carry out Additionally, make sure that your password is long enough to _ easily being hacked. A. prevent it from B. provide it with C. do away with 1.It is important to clear your cookies after each banking session, especially at a public compute

57、r.回答 A. 重要的是在每次银行交易业务结束后, 要清除你的上网痕迹, 尤其是在公共电脑上。 B. 重要的是在每次银行会议后,要清理掉饼干,特别是在公共电脑上。 C. 重要的是在每次银行活动结束后,要数清你的活动,尤其是在公共电脑上。 2. For further information, you can call at the banks customer service hotline 12345 to extension 3124, or pay a visit to .回答 A.为了进一步的信息,你可以拜访银行客服热线 12345和分机 3124,或者到网站查询。 B. 为了更多信息

58、, 你可以打电话给银行客服热线 12345至分机 3124, 或者浏览网站。 C. 要了解更多信息,你可以拨打银行客服热线 12345转分机 3124,或者访问网站去查询。 3. Online banking refers to banking activities that are carried out over the Internet on a secure website.回答 A. 网上银行是指通过互联网在安全的网站上实现的银行业务活动。 B. 网上银行是指各种银行活动在安全网址通过互联网实现。 C. 网上银行参考了在安全网址上通过互联网进行的银行业务活动。 4. Thus you

59、 can protect yourself from identity theft.回答 A. 这样,你就可以保护你的身份盗窃了。 B. 这样,你就可以保护自己,避免身份被盗用。 C. 这样,你就可以从身份盗窃中保护你自己。 5. You can inform your bank of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly.回答 A. 你可以把你的账号告知银行,以便你的钱直接转账。 B 你可以告知银行你的账号,结果你的钱就直接过户。 C 你可以通知你账号的银行,以便你的钱直接过户。 Kathy,Id

60、 like you to meet Maggie Jacobs. , Maggie. Youre doing a great job. A. Im pleased to meet you B. Its great to see you again C. Im happy to meet you too Thank you. I must say I have a great staff. A. Id like you to meet Joe Stevens. Hes our sales team head. The Sales Department has more than 50 emplo

61、yees. B. Please allow me to introduce my colleague to you. She is the Purchasing Manager. C. Its a pleasure to meet you, Ben. So youre the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures Ive seen. Your T shirts found a ready market in the eastern part of our country _ 2014. A. on B. in C. at The

62、y _ over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products last night. A. talk B. have talked C. talked You just send the faulty product back to them and they it free of charge. A. will replace B. replace C. have replaced 1. This passage is about Junior Achievement, an internat

63、ional movement to educate young people about businesses and economics. 回答TT 2. Junior Achievement was started by two business leaders in Massachusetts.回答FF 3. Classes during school hours have been available in Junior Achievement for more than 60 years.回答FF 4. Junior Achievementhas been worldwide sin

64、ce 1919.回答FF 5. Volunteers of Junior Achievement teach aboutthe American and world economies and business operations.回答TT We are headquartered in Shanghai. A. How about the departmental structure in the headquarters B. What is your company profile C. Where are your headquarters Yes, certainly. We ar

65、e a medium firm with about two thousand people in two different plants. A. Do you have totally nine departments in your company B. Could you tell me how your company is actually organized C. Can you tell me a little more about the four branch offices What _ we doif the company cut down on ads A. cou

66、ld B. will C. shall Young peoplecan learnhow entrepreneurship worksbytheir own companies. A. operate B. operating C. being operating Sometimes a situation will_a direct style of management. A. call up B. call for C. call on 1. Being an effective manager lies in knowing the right _.回答 A. knowledge B.

67、 skills C. management style 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a focus of different management styles回答 A. People. B. Customers. C. Project. 3.Which of the following cant be inferred from the passage回答 A. The management style is likely to change because the manager has been replaced. B.Th

68、e management style is likely to change because the desired results have changed. C. The management style is likely to change because the available resources have changed. 4. When people in your team know where they fit in the big picture, they are more likely to be _ to complete the task.回答 A. frust

69、rated B. reluctant C. inspired 5. If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that project, youcan resort to _.回答 A. teamwork B. top-down management C. tight deadline Well, it is a separate department. But there are two laboratories, one at each production plant. A.

70、What about the training manager and the human resources manager B. What about the board of directors and the chairman C. What about the Research and Development Department Finally, they return the to the people who bought shares in the company. A. cost B. price C. profits I didnt know you _ a previous supplier. A. were B. be C. are Being an manager means knowing when to use the right management style. A. affective B. valid C. effective



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