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1、八年级上册 Unit 1 topic 2 I ll kick the ball to you again. 一重点句型: Section A 1. Michael, could you help me please? 迈克尔,请你帮助我好吗? 1) Could you please ? = Would you please ? 意为“ 请你 好吗?” 后接动词原形。 e.g. Could you please giveme a pen? = Would you please giveme a pen? 2) help sb.= give sb. a hand 帮某人的忙; 2. But one

2、 of my teammates。但是我的 fell 一个 ill 队友中的病了。 1) a. One of + 可数名词复数,表“ 中之一” 当它作主语时,谓语动词是单数第三人称 。 e.g. One of the girls is my younger sister. 其中一个女孩是我妹妹。 b. One of + the +最高级 +可数名词的复数,则表示“ 最 之一” e.g. Wang Hao is one of the most popular table tennis players in China. 王皓是中国最受 欢迎的乒乓球运动员之一。 2) fall ill 意为“ 生

3、病” , fall 的过去式是 fell。 e.g. My mother fell ill yesterday. 我妈昨天生病了。 3. I d be glad to. 我很乐意。 be glad to 意为“ 乐意 ” e.g. I m glad to help you. 我很乐意帮你。 P.S. I d be glad to. 是 I d be glad to join you. 的省略,答语中 to 的动词可省略,但 to 不能省略。 4. Would you mind teaching me ? 你介意教教我吗? - Not at all. 不介意。 a. mind v. 意为“ 介意

4、 ,反对 ” ,通常用于否定句、疑问句,其后 加动名词 。 e.g. He doesn tmind working too late. 他不介意工作到很晚。 b.Would you mind (not)doing sth. 你介意 (别 )做某事吗?(礼貌地请求某人做或别做某 事)。 回答去做的有: Not at all 或 Of course not 或 Certainly。not 回答不去做的有: Sorry , I won t./Yes, please don t./ You d better not. c. Would you mind + if 引导的从句 e.g. Would yo

5、u mind if I smoke here? = Would you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这 儿抽烟吗? P.S. 动名词前还可加一个逻辑主语,一般用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格。 d. Would you mind doing sth.的否定句: Would you mind not doing sth. e.g. Would you mind not throwing the litter here and there?你不要到处扔垃圾好吗? 5. Let s go and practice. 让我们去练习。 practice 作为及物动词时,其后常常跟

6、名词、代词、动名词, practise 是英式英语。 practice doing sth. 练习做某事; e.g. You should practice speaking English every morning. 你应该每天早上练习说英语。 6. I kick the ball to you. 我把球踢给你。 a. kick sth. to sb. 把某物踢给某人; e.g. Can you kick the ball to me ? 你能把球踢给我吗? 1 / 7b. kick sb. sth. 踢给某人某物; e.g. Can you kick me the ball ? 你能把球

7、踢给我吗? 7. And you pass me the ball like this. 那像这样把球传给我。 a. pass sth. to sb. 把某物传给某人; e.g. Would you mind passing the book to me? 你介意把书传给我吗? b. pass sb. sth. 传给某人某物; e.g. Would you mind passing me the book? 你介意把书传给我吗? 8. Sorry, I ll put it somewhere else 对不.起,我将把它放在别的地方。 somewhere else 别的某个地方 somewhe

8、re 是不定副词, else 是形容词。形容词修饰不 定副词、不定代词时,常放在其后。 e.g. something sweet 甜食; Can we go somewhere cool? 我们可以去个凉快的地方吗 ? Section B 1. Michael doesnt do well in soccer, but he did his best . 迈克尔足球踢得不好,但是他 尽力了。 a. do one s best = try one s best 尽某人最大努力; e.g. He didn twin a gold medal, but he did his best . 他虽然没有

9、获得金牌,但他已经尽力 了。 b. do one s best to do sth.=try one s best 某 to 人 do 尽力 sth 去.干某事; e.g. I will do my best to help you. 我会尽我最大的努力帮助你。 2. Kangkang, Michael, please don tbe angry with each other. 康康、迈克尔,不要互 相生气了。 be angry with sb. 意为“ 生某人的气” 。 e.g. Dont be always angry with others. 请不要总生别人的气。 3. Kangkan

10、g, What about saying sorry to Michael? 康康,向迈克尔道歉怎么样? a. say sorry to sb 向某人道歉; b. say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼 /问候; c. say goodbye to sb.向某人道别; 4. I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的道歉。 1) for 后面的 what I said (我所说的) 是一个宾语从句。类似的还有: what I saw ( 我 所见的 ),what I thought about( 我所考虑的 ),what I did( 我所做得); 2) be

11、 sorry for/about sth. 意为“ 为某事感到(懊悔、自责、惭愧) ” ,后面接名词、代词 、从句或动名词。 5. Keep trying ! We are sure to win next time. 继续努力,我们下次一定会赢。 1) a. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事; e.g. Why do you keep laughing all the time? 你为什么总在笑? b. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直干某事; e.g. Don tkeep me waiting too long. 别让我等太久。 c. keep on doing

12、 sth. = go on doing sth. = continue to do sth.继续做某事 ; e.g. She kept on working until it was very late. 她一直工作到很晚。 2) a. be sure to do sth. 意为“ 确信要做某事(表将来) ” ; e.g. It s sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。 b. be sure +(that)从句意为“ 确信 ” ; e.g. We are sure that we will win next time. 2 / 7c. be sure about sth. 意为“ 对某事确

13、信” ; e.g. I mnot sure about the answer. 我对于这个答案没有把握。 6. With the help of Maria and Jane, Kangkang said sorry to Micheal. 在玛丽亚和简 的帮 助下,康康向迈克尔道歉。 With the help of sb. = with one s help 在某人的帮助下; e.g. With the help of his teacher , he did better. = With his teacher s help , he did better. 在 老师的帮助下,他做得更好

14、了。 Section C 1. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world . 篮球是美国和世界上其他部分国家最流行的运动之一。 the United States 美国; 2. It has a history of over a century. 它拥有超过一百年的历史。 1) have a history + 时间段,表示有多长的历史; e.g. China has a history of more than five thousand ye

15、ars. 中国拥有五千多年的历史。 2) over = more than 超过; 3. He invented an indoor game for his students so that they could play even in bad weather. 1) a. so that 意为“ 为了,以便” ,引导目的状语从句, so 和 that 也可以分开使用。 e.g. He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. She works so hard that she could get something enoug

16、h to eat. 她拼命干活为了是能够 吃饱饭。 b. so that 还有“ 因此” 之意,引导结果状语从句,也可用作 so.that. 结构,意为“ 如 此 以致于 ” 。 e.g. I missed many math lessons this term, so that I didn tpass the exam. 我这学期缺了许 多数学课,因此我没能通过考试。 He ran so quickly that he won the race. 他跑得非常快,赢得了那场比赛。 2) invent v. 意为“ 发明” 。inventor n. 意为“ 发明家” , invention n

17、. 意为“ 发明” 。 e.g. Inventors have invented many great inventions. 发明家已经发明了许多伟大的发明。 4. The goal is to throw the ball through the other side s basket and to stop the other team from doing so.目标是把球投到对方的球筐 ,得分,并阻止对方这么做。 1) a. throw v. 意为“ 投,扔” ,其过去式: threw 。 e.g. He threw the ball 20 meters away. 他把球扔出二十米

18、外。 b. throw.into. 意为“ 把 投进” ,其反义词组为 throw.out of.表示“ 把 抛 出” 。 e.g. Tom throws himself into his job. 汤姆积极投身工作中。 He threw the letter out of window. 他把信扔出窗外。 2) across 与 through 都是介词,都有“ 穿过,通过” 的意思,但二者用法不同。 a. across 表示“ 从 的表面穿过” 。 e.g. You must be careful when you go across the street. 过马路,你要小心。 b. th

19、rough 表示“ 从 的内部穿过” 。 e.g. The river Thames flows through London. 泰晤士河流过伦敦。 5. But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a team.但是,作为 一个团队对于你和你的队友是很重要的。 Its +adj. + for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事很 ; 3 / 7e.g. Its important for us to learn English well. 对我们来说,学好英语很重要。 6. How do y

20、ou score in basketball? 你怎样在篮球比赛中得分? score 意为“ 进球,得分” 。 a. score 作名词。 e.g. The final score is 2-1. 最后得分为 2 比 1。 b. score 作动词。 e.g. No one scored in the first half. 没人得分在上半场。 7. In 1946 the National Basketball Association ( NBA ) came into being. 在 1946 年,篮 球协会 ( NBA ) 诞生。 come into being 意为“ 形成,产生”

21、。 e.g. The Earth came into being long long ago. 地球诞生于很久很久以前。 8. Basketball is becoming more and more popular around the word. 篮球在全世界变得 越来越流行。 a. more and more 越来越 . ; e.g. Our country become more and more beautiful. 我们国家变得越来越漂亮了。 b. 当 and 前后连接 两个相同的形容词 比较级时,意为: 越来越 ; e.g. better and better 越来越好 ; c.

22、 当 and 前后连接 两个不相同的形容词 比较级时,意为:又 又 ; e.g. faster and better 又快又好 ; Section D 1. lots of people play football in parks or playground just for fun.许多的人为了娱乐在公 园或运动场踢足球。 lots of = a lot of = plenty of = a large number of 许多; e.g. There are lots of people in the park on Sundays. 星期天公园里有很多人。 2. The English

23、 love football very much and they turned most of their main players into famous persons 英.国人非常喜欢足球,而且他们使大多数的主力队员变成了名人。 turn into 把 变成 ; e.g. The new technology can turn water into wine. 这个新技术可以把水变成酒。 二重点词组: Section A 1. help sb.= give sb. a hand 帮某人的忙; 2. fall ill 生病; 3. practice doing sth. 练习做某事; 4

24、. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物; buy sb.sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买某物; make sb. sth. = make sth. for sb. 为某人做某物; pass sb.sth. = pass sth. to sb. 传给某人某物; kick sb. sth. = kick sth. to sb. 踢给某人某物; throw sb. sth. = throw sth. to sb. 扔某物给某人; bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb. 给某人带某物; teach sb.

25、sth. = teach sth to sb. 教某人某物; 5. mind doing sth. 介意做某事; Section B 1. do one s best = try one s best 尽某人最大努力; 4 / 72. do one s best to do sth.=try one s best to do sth. 某人尽力去干某事; 3. be angry with sb. 生某人的气; 4. say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉; 5. say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼 /问候; 6. say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别; 7. be

26、 sorry for/about sth. 为某事感到(懊悔、自责、惭愧) ; 8. keep doing sth. 坚持做某事; 9. keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直干某事; 10. keep on doing sth. = go on doing sth. = continue to do sth. 继续做某事; 11. be sure to do sth. 确信要做某事(表将来) ; 12. be sure +(that) 确信 ; 13. be sure about sth. 对某事确信; 14. with the help of sb. = with one s

27、help 在某人的帮助下; 15. do better 做得更好; 16. shout at sb. 对某人大喊大叫; 17. take about 谈论,讨论; 18. fight with sb. = have a fight with sb. 和某人打架 / 争论; 19. do well in = be good at 在某方面做得很好; Section C 1. the United States 美国; 2. have a history of +一段时间 拥有 的历史; 3. over = more than 超过; 4. throw into 把 投进 ; 5. throw.o

28、ut of. 把 抛出; 6. so that 为了,以便; 7. come into being 形成,产生; 8. more and more 越来越 ; 9. come into being = be born 形成,产生; 10. come from = be from 来自; 11. for example = such as 例如; 12. both.and. (两者 )都. ; 13. at first 起初; 14. in bad weather 在不好的天气里; 15. an indoor game 一个室内游戏; 16. have good skills 拥有好的技能; 1

29、7. follow the rules 遵守规则; 18. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事; 19. score points 得分; Section D 1. hold the ball 抓住球; 2. on grass 在草地上; 3. hit the ball 击球; 4.enjoy the sun 享受阳光; 5. have drinks 喝饮料; 5 / 76. watch the game 看比赛; 三重点语法: subject + vt. + indirect object + direct object 主语 +及物动词 +间接宾语 +直接宾语 1. 直接宾语表示

30、动作作用的对象, 通常指的是物; 间接宾语表示动作所指向的人, 一般人 在前,物在后 。 e.g. He gave me a ticket. 他给了我一张票。 My mother bought me a computer. 我的妈妈给我卖了一台电脑。 2. 如果物在前,人在后,则由介词 to,for 等引出 ,成为介词间接宾语。 e.g. He gave a ticket to me. 他给了我一张票。 My mother bought a computer for me. 我的妈妈给我卖了一台电脑。 3. 如果直接宾语和间接宾语同时 使用代词 时,则需由 介词引出间接宾语 。 e.g. He

31、 gave me it . 他把它给我。 will 用作表示意愿的情态动词 will 表示意愿时,用作情态动词,意为“ 愿,会,要” 。 e.g. Will you lend me your ruler?请你把尺子借给我好吗? He won t help us any more. 他不愿意再帮助我们了。 Would 也可以表示意愿,比 will 语气更委婉。 课堂练习题 一选择题。 ( )1. I m sorry for _ I said. It doesn t matter. A.how B.which C.what D.when ( )2. Would you mind if _ my b

32、ike here? Not at all. A.I putting B.I put C.me put D.my putting ( )3. Would you mind _ us in the game? Not at all. A.joining B.join C.join in D.joining in ( )4. Why were you late for the meeting this morning? I got up too late, so I _ the first bus. A.caught B.missed C.took D.forgot ( )5. You kept m

33、e _ so long. Sorry. I ll be ready soon. A.wait B.to wait C.waited D.waiting ( )6. I m so sorry for losing your dictionary. _. A.Oh, it doesn tmatter. B.You re welcome. C.That s fine. D.Thank you all the same. ( )7.There are _ people in the shopping center. A. hundred B.hundreds C. 3 hundreds D. hund

34、reds of ( )8. Would you mind _ the door? It s cold outside. OK.I ll do it right now. A.opening B.not open C.closing D.not closing ( )9. .Don t shout at me. I didn t want to fight with him ,either. . A. Don t speak. B.Oh,you are right. C.But you did. D.It s nothing. ( )10.When Lily knows the _news,sh

35、e is very _. A.exciting ; exciting B.excited ; exciting 6 / 7C.exciting; excited D.excited; excited ( ) 11.He _ill yesterday.I hope he llsoonllbe. we A. fall B.fell C. falls D.feel ( ) 12.We are good friends. I ll do my best_you when you are in danger. A. help B.to help C.helping D.helps ( ) 13.The

36、National Basketball Association _ in 1946. A.came out B.came from C.came on D.came into being ( ) 14.You can t_ your parents. What they said is good for you. A.shout at B.play with C.turn into D.look after ( )15.If every student does his/her best_ English, their teachers won tbe _ with them. A.to le

37、arn, excited B.learn, angry C.learn, excited D.to learn, angry 二 . 词汇。 1.The cat got into the kitchen _ ( 穿过 ) the window. 2.All the football players must _ (遵守) the football rules. 3. _( 没有什么 ) is a difficult if you put you heart into it. 4.Dr. White _ (发明) a kind of new medicine last year. 5.The m

38、odern Olympic Games has a history of over a _(百年) . 三. 句型转换。 1.Could you please help me?(改为同义句) Could you please _ _ _me? 2. Would you mind waiting for a little while? (作出回答) _ _ not. 3.This term he will learn French. (同义句转换) He _ _ _ _ French this term. 4.They are doing some shopping.(改为一般将来时) They _ _ some shopping next weekend. 5. He s very sorry for his words(.同义句) He s very sorry for _ _ _. 答案: 一 1-5 CBABD 6-10 ADCCC 11-15BBDAD 二 1. through 2. follow 3. Nothing 4. Invented 5. century 三 1. give me a hand 2. Of course 3. is going to learn 4. will do 5. what he said 7 / 7



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