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1、9A Unit One Star signsComic strip and welcome to the unit第一部分简要提示年级:九年级二 . 教学内容:9A Unit 1 Star signs三. 课型:Comic strip and welcome to the unit四 . 教学目标1 .知识目标:1 )词汇:能够运用本课时的四会单词。2 ) 词组:star sign worry about (not) doing sth.3 ) 句型:Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper.You shouldnt worry about not h

2、aving breakfast then.2 .能力目标:熟悉本单元的话题,了 解 “ 中国的十二生肖” 和 “ 西方的十二星座 的相关知识。五. 教 学 重 点 :1 .重点:1 )掌握本课时的四会单词和词组。2 )熟悉本单元话题“Starsigns”,并激发学生对该话题的兴趣。2 .难点:1) 理解 Its nice of you to bring me the newspaper.2) 了 解 “ 中国的十二生肖” 和 “ 西方的十二星座” 。第二部分教学流程用时:16分钟Part One Welcome to the unitStep 1 .Warming up 用时:3 分钟T: B

3、oys and girls, welcome to my class. Id like to start with two interesting questions:(PPT6)令 Do you know yourself ? How do you know that?今 What kind of person are you?You see, in this unit we are going to have such funny topics. But first lets look atthe pictures. (PPT 7 )瞧,在这个单元,我们将谈论这些有趣的话题。首先,让我们来

4、看一看这些图片。What are these? They are twelve lovely animals.What do they represent? Can you name them? What are they used for? (PPT8) Pleasetalk about them in pairs and then share your ideas with the whole class.他们代表什么?叫什么名称?用来做什么?请同座的同学互相讨论, 然后与全班进行交流T: All right. These lovely animals make up of the 12

5、animal signs in Chinese culture.(PPT 9) They are used to count years. Besides, people also use the animal signs toknow themselves because someone thinks that each animal represents one kind ofperson5 characters. Do you think it funny?这些可爱的动物组成了中国的十二生肖。他们被用来计算年份,除此以外人们还用他们来了解自己,预测未来。因为有人相信每一种动物代表了不同类

6、型人物的性格。Step 2. Lead-in 用时:2 分钟T: Do you know the animal sign of this year? (PPT 10) Its the year of the pig. Peoplewho were born this year are all under the sign of the pig. So the year you were bom indecides your animal sign.你知道今年是什么年吗?是猪年。在这一年出生的人同属这一属相。由此可见,人们的属相由他们出生的年份所决定。Discussion: (PPT 11)Wo

7、uld you like to talk in the small groups about what animal sign you were bom under?你的属相是什么? what kind of person you may be according to the animal sign? (PPT 4) 根据你的属相你有怎样的性格?These sentences can help you. My animal sign is . I was born in the year of . It says I am .Step 3.Welcome to the unit A 用时:3

8、 分钟T: Do you believe it? Anyway, its really interesting. And Western countries use adifferent way to do the same thing. That is 12 star signs.(PPT 12) However, if youlook carefully at these signs, you may find some of the signs look like some certainanimals. Please point them out and tell their name

9、s.你相信吗?无论怎样,这的确很有趣。而且在西方,人们用另一种不同的方法来做这同样的事。这就是我们通常所说的12星座。请仔细观察这些星座,你会发现有些样子很像某个动物,你能指出并说出他们的名称吗?The sign in Picture 1 looks like a horse but it has a mans head. We call it cnetaurThe sign in Picture 2 looks like a sheep and We call it “ramThe sign in Picture 3 looks like a big crab while the sign

10、in Picture 4 looks like a lion.The sign in Picture 5 are two fish.The sign in Picture 6 is a bull.Part Two Welcome to the unit (B)Step 4. Welcome B 用时:2 分钟T: Do you want to know what the other six star signs are represented by? Then helpMillie join the dots on P.7 to find out and colour the pictures

11、 after that. (PPT 13 )你知道其余的六个星座分别像什么吗?请看书本第七页, 帮助Millie将小圆点连成线,再涂上颜色看一看。Attention: (PPT 14)T: There are 12 star signs in total because a year is divided into 12 months. Each starsign represents a period of time in a year. The time of your birthday decides your starsign.因为一年有12个月,所以共有12个星座。每个星座代表一年中

12、的某段时间,你的生日决定你的星座。So,缴 The Chinese animal sign system is based on the year you were born in徵 The Western star sign system is based on the month you were born in.你所属的生肖是由你出生的年份决定的,而你出生的月份决定了你的星座。Part Three Comic stripStep 5. Comic strip 用时:4 分钟T: I think you become interested in star signs now and you

13、 may want to learn moreabout them. Eddie and Hobo also have fun doing that. Well listen to their dialogue.(PPT15) First look at the questions for listening. (PPT 16)我想你一定开始对这些星相产生兴趣了而且渴望了解更多相关的知识。Eddie和Hob。也 和 你 样 。我们一会儿来听他们之间有趣的对话。在这之前,先了解以下给你准备的问题:What did Eddie ask Hobo to do? Eddie 要求 Hobo 做什么?

14、What does his star sign tell him for today? Eddie 的星座告诉它今天的运势如何? Is he happy to hear that? What about Hobo? Why? 得知自己今天的运势,Eddie开心吗?为什么? Do you think its nice of Hobo to bring Eddie the newspaper?你认为 Hobo给Eddie带来报纸真的是出自一片好心吗?T: Lets check the answer together. (PPT 17-18)T: Can you guess what star si

15、gns Eddie and Hobo may be? I think you may know thatafter finishing learning this unit. But we all know that (PPT 19)-Its very lazy of Eddie to sleep and eat a lot every day.-Its very clever of Hobo to play tricks on Eddie quite often.What do these two sentences mean? Can you put them into Chinese?对

16、 于Eddie来说每天只知道贪吃贪睡实在是太懒惰了。对 于Hobo来说常常作弄Eddie真实太聪明了。Part Four PracticeStep 6 Listen, read and act 用时:2 分钟1) Listen to the dialogue again and finish the blanks according to it. (PPT 20-21) 再听一遍对话,听完后,根据所听对话内容填空。T: Lets check it together.2) Read the dialogue after the tape and carry out the dialgue in

17、pairs.跟磁带朗读对话并两人一组进行表演。 -Lets make a summary for today,s lesson.下面让我们把今天的课做个小结吧。通过这堂课的学习,我们初步了解了“ 中国的十二生肖 和 西方的十二星座” ,掌握了一些相关的单词和句型。 同时, 我们也了解了它们之间的相同点与不同点,以及在各自不同的文化中所起的作用,为进一步学习本单元内容打了一个基础。Step 7. Homework1 Practise reading the dialogue and try to recite it.2 Copy the new words and phrases that we

18、ve learnt today.3 Prepare for the next period.4 Do some additional exercises.T: Tm sorry we have to come to stop here today. Class is over. Goodbye.第三部分说明本课时是9A第一单元的第一课时。其目的是引出本单元的话题“Star signs”,同时让学生了解本单元的Main task,通过写推荐信的方式描述人物, 尤其是对人物 “ 性格特征” 方面的描述。可根据情况,尽可能地用各种方法或活动来激发学生对这一话题的兴趣。Additional Exerc

19、ises一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. It is careless of y o u ( m a k e ) lots of mistakes.2. There are twelve s t a r ( s i g n ) in the Western horoscope.3. We want to learn more a b o u t ( w e s t ) culture.4. You shouldnt worry about not(have) breakfast.5. You should read every wor d(careful).二、根据中文提示完成句子1 . 你真

20、好,把报纸给我拿来了。you the newspaper to me.2 .今天我有很多吃的和喝的.Fil have today .3 .不用担心我的安全问题。Dont my safety.4 .米莉想知道更多关于星座的知识。Millie wants to star signs.Keys to the exercises一、to make signs western having carefully二、 1. It5s nice of; to bring 2. lots to eat 3.worry about 4.know more aboutGrade: Grade 9Target les

21、son: 9A Unitl CheckoutTeaching Objectives: To review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit. To give students the opportunity to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary items learnt in thisunit, and to give confidence through doing so. To allow students to check their progress and ask any

22、questions they may still have.Teaching method: Group workTeaching aids: A computer A slide Colored chalkBlackboard design:Teaching Procedure:Step 1 Review the adjectives describing characteristics in this Unit.1. Teacher can divide the students into 2 groups- a girl group and a boy group.2. The two

23、groups have a competition. The rules are below: Teacher shows the students someadjectives, the students who know their negatives can stand up quickly and give the answer.The group which gets more negatives wins the competition.Positives Negativespolite impolitesuccessful unsuccessfulwise foolish/sil

24、lypowerful powerlessproud modestlazy hard-workingstrong weakpatient impatientfair unfairgenerous selfishactive inactive3. Ask the students to read each word twice to help them memorize the words better.4. Play a game to consolidate the uses of the adjectives they have learned in this unit. Teacherdi

25、vides the students into groups of 4 people. Teacher gives each group a piece of paper onwhich there is a students name. Then the students of the group talk about the studentscharacteristics and guess what the students star sign is. Finally one reporter from each groupreports to the whole class their

26、 comments and then the student who they are talking aboutstand up tell the class what his/her star sign is.5. Ask the students to do Part B on page 23 to test if they have grasped the spelling of theadjectives.Step 2 Review the two sentence patterns learned in grammar: It is +adjective+ of +.+ (not)

27、to -infinitive; Verb to be +adjective+ enough + toinfinitive.1. Provide the students with some situations and ask the students to give comments on them.The new term has been on for almost a week. A lot of things have happened in our class. Whatdo you think of them? Jimmy bought a new basketball for

28、our class. Andy got a full mark in the first maths test. Millie helps an old granny do some housework after school every two days. Eddie ate all of the food and left nothing for Hobo.Possible answers: It is generous /kind of Jimmy to buy a new basketball for our class. It is clever of Andy to get a

29、full mark in the first maths test. It is helpful/kind of Millie to help an old granny do some housework after school everytwo days. It is selfish of Eddie to eat all of the food.2. Some of our classmates have some problems with their life at school, what do you want to sayto them?(Ask the students t

30、o give as many answers as possible.) Amy thinks it too difficult to learn chemistry. She even thinks that she is too silly tostudy chemistry. She wants to give it up.Possible answers:It is silly of Amy to think so because she is clever.She does well in English, so she is clever enough to study chemi

31、stry well. Some students think that Alice is neither beautiful nor clever. They say that she has noadvantages at all and shouldnt be a monitor.Possible answers:Alice is energetic enough to be a good monitor.Alice is brave enough to make a speech in the assembly.Alice is kind enough to help anyone in

32、 our class at all times.3. Ask the students to conclude the sentence patterns they learned in grammar and write it on theblackboard. Make sure that each student can use the sentence patterns correctly and properly.4. Do Part A on page 23 to check their understanding of the grammar items.Step 3 Revie

33、w basic sentence elements.Provide the students some words in random. Ask the students to rearrange the words to formsentences, and then judge what sentence element of the underlined word(s) is.1) hard I work Jim plan to term with this2) unhappy Andy looks today3) present my nice father bought a yest

34、erday birthday me4) he competition Jim excitedly when first in the jumped won5) such Millie girl a lovely that almost every likes is her teacherAnswers:1) I_plan to work hard with Jim this term. Subject2) Andy looks unhappy today. Predicative3) My father bought me a nice birthday present yesterday.

35、Indirect object4) Jim jumped excitedly when he won first in the competition. Adverbial5) Millie is such a lovely girl that almost every teacher likes her. AttributiveStep 4 Homework一. 请根据句子意思,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Fm afraid of ( s t ay) at home alone at home.2. Jimmy is a ( c r e a t e ) boy, he always has

36、 a lot of new ideas.3. Amy has many g o o d ( p e r s o n ) qualities. All of us appreciate her.4. Dont b e ( p a t i e n t ) ! Trust yourself. You can work out this exercise.5. Lucy is not afraid of this test. She is full o f ( c o n f i d e n t ) .二. 单项选择。1. You shouldnt worry about supper.5. Some

37、times my aunt worries about her son. He is too naughty.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too参考答案:2.A. not havingIt is kindB. no having C. no to haveAndy help meD. not to havemy work.3.A. of; with; to B. to; of; with C. with; to; ofI will all my summer homeworkD. of; to; withthe first week.

38、4.A. finish to do; in B. finish doing; on C. finish doing;You should be patient and do not_ .A. give up it easy B. give it up easyC. give up it easily D. give it up easilyin D. finish to do; on. 1. staying 2. creative 3. personal 4. impatient 5. confidence二.1. A 2. D 3.C 4. D 5. A9A Unit 1 Star sign

39、sGrammar ( I )一、教学目标1 . 知识目标: 学习并掌握语法 It is + adj.+ of sb. +(not) to + do sth.;Verb to be+ adj. + enough + to do sth.2 . 能力目标: 能理解并运用句子结构It is + adj.+ of sb.+ (not) to do sth.去评价某个人的行为;能理解并运用句子结构Verb 4to be,+ adj. +4enough, + (f do sth .去描述某个人的性格和能力。二、教学重难点1 . 重点:掌藉语法结构,并理解其含义。2 . 难点:运用语法结构进行正确表述。三、

40、教学流程Grammar A It is + adj. + of sb.+ (not) to do sth.Part One Lead-in (3 min)T: Hello, boys and girls! Today I ll give you a grammar lesson. First, please tell me the title of thisunit.S: Star signs.T: Do you want to know what star sign I am? Let me tell you. I was born on November 6th. Sowhat star

41、sign am I?S: Youre Scorpio.T: Can you guess my characteristics? Fm powerful and energetic. I usually keep secrets, but Idont forgive others for their mistakes. According to this point, what do you think of me? Youmay think Im silly. I also think so. I often say to myself “it is silly of me not to fo

42、rgive othersfor their mistakes. Now, I want to change myself. I am learning to forgive others for theirmistakes. Because I think it is wise of me to forgive others for their mistakes.Part Tvvo Learning for use (23 min)T: In last two sentences, I used a sentence structure. That is it is +adj.+of sb.+

43、(not) to do sth/We use this sentence structure to express what we think of someones action. In this sentencestructure, we usually these following adjs.Next, lefs do some activities. Pay attention to using the correct sentence structure.Activity /: (5 min )T: Today, I also bring you four new students

44、. They were born under these four star signs, Gemini,Cancer, Libra, Pisces. Who are they? Who would you like to make friends with?Lets meet David first. He solves all kinds of problems easily. What do you think of him?S: He is clever.T: Please use the sentence structure to describe his action.S: It

45、is clever of David to solve alll kinds of problems easily.T: Next, let?s meet Millie.She often takes care of others. What do you think of her?S: She is kind.T: Please use the sentence to describe her action.S: It is kind of Millie to take care of others.T: This boy is John. He treats everyone equall

46、y.What do you think of himS: He is fair.T: Please complete this sentence.S: It is fair of John to treat everyone equally.T: Finally, lets meet Suzy. She has all kinds of different ideas. What do you think of her? She isimaginative. Please complete this sentence.S: It is imaginative of Suzy to have a

47、ll kinds of different ideas.T: Well, among these four new students, who would you like to make friends with? Please tell meafter class.Activity2: (10 min)T: Next, lefs come to activity 2.Here are two pictures. Please make up a dialogue in pairs accordingto these pictures. Here is a model. Please rea

48、d after me.Now, lets complete the dialogue in our textbook on P13. Please check the answers byyourselves. There is a new word in this dialogue. Read after me balloon”. Read this dialoguetogether.Part Th ree Rule out (5 min)T: Boys and girls, do you still remember this sentence structure? What does i

49、t mean? Whals thedifference between these two sentence structures? Lets complete two sentences first.Part Fo ur Practice ( 3 min )T: Next, lets do some exercises.Grammar B Verb 6to be+ adj. + enough + to do sth.T: It is great of them to help the children in poor areas. Can you say this sentence in a

50、nother way?Well, lets come to Grammar B to learn another sentence structure Verb to be +adj.+enough+todo sth.Part One Lead-in ( 3 min)T: Here are three sentences. Please read after me. Then, please find out the same sentence structurethey have. They have the same sentence structure: to be+adj.+enoug

51、h+to do sth. We use thissentence structure to describe sbs personality and abilityLets come back to this sentence again. Please say it in another way.S: They are great enough to help the children in poor areas.Part Two Learning for use (10 min)T: Next, lets do some activities. Ill show you four star

52、 signs. Lets talk about them by using thesentence structure “to be +adj.+enough+to do sth.” and the given adjs. Then please tell me yourfavourite star sign.ActivityI:( 3 min)T: A Leo is generous. How generous is a Leo? Please give me one sentence.S: a Leo is generous enough to buy gifts for all his

53、friends.T: This is Capricorn. A Capricorn is patient. How patient is a Capricorn?S: A Capricorn is patient enough to wait without getting angry.T: This is Pisces. A Pisces is imaginative. How imaginative is a Pisces?S: A Pisces is imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.T: This is Libra. A Libr

54、a is polite. How polite is a Libra?S: A Libra is polite enough not to argue with othersActivity2:( 2 min )T: Well, a Leo is generous, a Capricorn is patient, a Pisces is imaginative, and a Librais polite. Which is your favourite star sign? Can people born under these four starsigns be good leaders?

55、Why or why not? What kind of people can be good leaders?Activity3:(5 min)T: The Students Union has chosen David to be the new chairperson. Why?Lets look at some facts about David. Then use one adj. and one sentence to describehis personality or ability according these facts.He always gets good marks

56、 in tests. What do you think of him? Please give me oneadj. and one sentence to describe his ability.S: He is clever. He is clever enough to get good marks in tests.T: He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best. What do you think of him? Canyou give me one adj.?S: confidentT: What about one s

57、entence?S: He is confident enough to think he can do anything if he tries his best.T: He helps other students at all times. What do you think of him? Can you give meone adj.?S: helpfulT: What about one sentence?S: He is helpful enough to help other students at all times.T: He always does extra work.

58、 What do you think of him?S: He is hard-working. He is hard-working enough to do extra work at all times.T: He never forgets to do the things he needs to do. What do you think of him?S: He is businesslike. He is businesslike enough to remember the things he needs todo.T: well, do you think David is

59、suitable for the post of chairperson? I think he isexcellent enough to be a chairperson.Part Th ree Rule out (1 min)T: Well, boys and girls, when we use this sentence structure “to be+adj .+enough+to dosth., please pay attention to this point: enough-adv.修饰形容词, 放在它们的后面。adj. + enoughPart Fo ur Practi

60、ce (3 min)T: Now, let do some exercises. Please finish off the exercises on Page 14.Please check the answers by yourselves.在第一句中有一个短语一at all times,刚才的活动中我们已多次见到这个短语,你们能猜出它的意思吗? yes, it means “always”.Please read these three sentences after me.Please check the answers to No.4 and No.5.Please read aft

61、er me.Next, lets do another exercise. Please say these sentences in another way.Part Five Summary (1 min)T: Well, boys and girls, so much for this period. Lets make a summary.同学们,在这节语法课上,我们通过活动和练习的形式帮助大家理解并运用了it is +adj.+of sb.+(not) to do sth.和 to be +adj. enough+to do sth.这两个句子结构。课后,希望大家多做练习进行巩固,并

62、能注意运用。Part Six Homework (0.5 min )Oral work Revise this periodWritten work Do some additional exercises四、Additional exercisesComplete the following sentencesL那个电视节目是够无聊的,使我睡着了。The TV programme is to make me fall asleep.2 . 这个问题很容易,他能回答出来。The question is to answer.3 . 你帮我修车子,真是太好了。you help me mend my

63、 bike.Youto help me mend my bike.4李阿姨很大方,送给我这么多漂亮的礼物。ts Aunt Li me so many nice gifts.5. 对与毅行者来说,在行走前训练几个月是很有必要的。ts trailwalkers for a few months beforethe walk.9A Unit 1 Star signsGrammar II一、教学目标:1 .知识目标:了解并能正确判断句子的不同成分:主语、谓语、宾语( 直接宾语和间接宾语) 、表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语。2 .能力目标:能正确识别句子的不同成分, 并能加以运用。二、教学重难点1 .重点

64、:理解句子不同成分2 .难点:正确运用句子的不同成分写出正确的英语句子。三、教学流程Part One Lead-in (5 min)T: In last period, I introduced four new friends to you. Do you still remember twoof them? lets look at two pictures. Who are they?S: He is David. She is Millie.T: Can you use two sentences to describe each of them? Pay attention to u

65、sing thesentence structures weve learned in last period.S: David is clever. It is clever of David to get good marks in tests. David is cleverenough to get good marks in tests.T: What about Millie?S: Millie is kind. It is kind of Millie to take care of others. Millie is kind enough totake care of oth

66、ers.T :同学们,你们已经较好地掌握了上节课所学的两个句子结构. 而你们刚才所说的四个句子在英语中被称为简单句. 为了更好得理解英语句子的含义,今天我们就来学习一下简单句中的七个不同句子成分.T: These are the different parts of a sentence. Please read after me.Part Two Learning for use (20 min)T: Next, Ill use seven star signs to represent these parts of a sentence. Lets learnthem one by one

67、. First, lets look at Subject.总的来说,在主动句中主语是动作的执行者,而在被动句中主语是动作的承受者. 我们先来看这两个句子:Simon looks after his brother carefully. Simon精心地照顾他的兄弟。在这个句子里,Simon是look after这个动作的执行者,因此S imon是这个句子的主语;再来看第二个句子:He was taken to the hospital five minutes ago.几分钟前,他被送到了医院。在这个句子里,H e是take这个动作的承受者,因此h e是这个句子的主语. 而这两个句子都是用人

68、who来做主语的.我们再来看两个句子.Leaves fall down from the trees in autumn.秋天,树叶从树上落下来。这同样是个主动句.Leaves是fall down这个动作的执行者,因此leaves是这个句子的主语; 最后, 我们来看这个句子:A year is divided into 12 different star signs.年被分成12个不同的星座。在这个被动句中,a year是divide这个动作的承受者,因此a year是这个句子的主语. 比较1、2两句,3、4两句是用事物what来做主语的. 由这几个句子我们可以知道:主语是由名词、代词及其它具

69、有名词性质的词来充当的。谓语通常是主语发出的动作。我们来看两个句子:He runs fast.他跑得快。在这个句子里,run是主语he发出的动作,因此,run是这个句子的谓语;再看第二个句子:Somedogs just like to run after cats. 些狗就是喜欢跟在猫后面跑。 在这个句子里,like to runafter cats是主语some dogs发出的动作,因此, like to run after cats就是该句的谓语。由这两个句子我们可以知道谓语一般由动词或动词短语来充当。宾语是谓语动词所涉及的对象。宾语分直接宾语和间接宾语两种。下面我们来看两个句子: Som

70、e boys like football very much. 一些男孩非常喜欢足球。 这里, football 是 like涉及的对象,因此,它是宾语;He passed me a glass of milk jusl now.刚才,他递给我一杯牛奶。在这个句子里有两个宾语,即 m e和 a glass of m ilk.其中,a glass of milk是 pass直接涉及的对象,因此,它是direct object直接宾语,而 m e则是indirect object间接宾语. 在这样的句式中,我们通常用物sth.来做直接宾语,用人sb.来做间接宾语。总之,宾语一般是由名词、代词及其它

71、具有名词性质的词来充当。那么, 我们用什么来描述宾语, 补充说明宾语的状态呢?那就要用到object complement宾语补足语了。英语中通常用什么来做宾语补足语呢?我们来看四个句子:If you letme go, Til make you king.如果你让我走,我将让你成为国王。在这句话里,king在第二个简单句中补充说明you的身份,我们认为king就是宾语补足语。Dont make yourhands dirty.不要弄脏你的手。 这里, 我们用dirty作为your hands的宾语补足语。 The boyordered the dog to lie down.男孩命令狗躺下。

72、这里,to lie down告诉我们男孩命令狗做了什么,因此,它就是这个句子的宾语补足语。I saw him running into the building at7a.m. 我至少七点看见他跑进了大楼。 这里的running into the building补充说明了我看见他做了什么,因此,running into the building就是该句的宾语补足语。纵观这四个句子,我们可以得出这样的结论:宾语补足语是由名词、形容词、动词不定式、现在分词等来充当,它们与句子的宾语有关,用来描述宾语。Well, lets come to predicative.下面,我们来看看表语。首先,我们应

73、该知道表语是用来描述主语的状态或表示主语的身份的。这里有三个句子: The policeman is tall andstrong.这个警察高而强壮。 这里的tall and strong是用来描述主语the policeman的外形的,这是以形容词短语来充当句子的表语;The出sh smells nice.这道菜闻起来不错。这里的nice用来表示闻起来怎么样,这是以形容词来充当句子的表语,同样跟在其它感观动词taste,sound,feel,look后的形容词也在句中作表语;All of them are doctors.他们所有人都是医生。这里的doctors是对他们身份的说明,这是用名词

74、来充当表语的。因此,表语可以山名词或形容词短语来充当。What is an attributive?什么是定语呢?我们先来看两个句子:Jim is one of the excellentstudents in his class. Jim是他班上优秀学生之一。 这里, 用形容词excellent修饰students,excellent即为该句的定语。我们再来看一个形容词做定语的例子: Have you foundanything interesting in thenewsp叩e r? 你在报纸上有没有发现什么有趣的新闻啊?这里用形容词interesting修饰不定代词anything, i

75、nteresting就是该句的定语。同样是形容词做定语,请注意这两个定语的位置:即名词前,不定代词之后。What else can be an attributive?还有什么能作定语呢? I am a woman teacher.我是一名女教师。这里我们用woman来修饰teacher,这是用名词作定语;Do you know the manunder the tree?你认识树下的那个男士吗?这里的under the tree是一个介词短语,我们用它后置于名词man后作定语。由此可见,定语是由形容词、名词或介词短语来充当的。Finally, lets come to adverbial.最

76、后,让我们了解一下状语。同样来看几个句子: Dontgive up easily.不要轻易放弃。 这里我们用副词easily修饰动词词组give up, easily即为这个句子的状语; We will go to school by bike.我们将骑车去上学。 在这句话里, by bike告诉了我们上学的方式,因此,它是该句的方式状语。对于这两句的状语,我们可以用 how来提问。再来看一个句子:He is on his way home now.他现在在回家的路上。这里,我们分别用home作地点状语,用 where提问,now则作为时间状语,用 when提问。请注意:hom e在这里作为地

77、点状语,是副词。在这种情况下,它前面不能有to. here, there也有同样的用法。Part Th ree Rule out ( 2 min)T :通过以上的举例说明,同学们对句子的不同成分有了一定的了解。Now, lets work outthe rule.Part Fo ur Practice (10 min)T: Next, let?s do some exercises.Underline the parts of sentences according to the requirements.根据括号内的要求划出下列句子的不同成分。下面我9J来看第二项练习 o Fill in t

78、he blanks with proper words and point out what parts ofsentences they are.根据句意填入适当的词,并指出其在句中所充当的成分。Look at one example first.先来看一个例句。在例句中,我们可以填入诸如tired, sad等表示人的感受的形容词,它们在句中作表语。Next, lets finish off the exercises in your textbook on Page 16. There are some new wordsand expressions in the exercises.

79、Please read after me.Please check the answers by yourselves.Finally, please finish off the exercises in your textbook on Page 17.Please check the answers by yourselves. Now, please read these sentences after me.Part Fi ve Summary (1 min)Well, so much for this period. Lets make a summary.这节课的教学内容就到这里

80、了。让我们来小结一下。通过对本课时的语法学习,同学们对句子的不同成分有了一定的了解,并能做出正确的判断,这对于大家正确地写出英语句子是很有帮助的。课后,希望大家能有意识地多做练习,以便更好地掌握句子成分。Part Si x Homework (1 min)Oral work: Revise this periodWritten work: Do some additional exercises四 、Additional exercisesPoint out what parts of sentences the underlined parts are.1 Amy wants to trav

81、el around the world.2 Mr. Li is angry now.3 An energetic person has a lot of energy.4 His jokes made me happy.5 My mother bought me a new bike in the supermarket yesterday.9A Unit one Integrated skills教学目标:1 . 知识目标1)词汇:本课时的四会单词。2)听懂并理解本课听力材料所传达的信息。2 . 能力目标:能够理解中国的12生肖和西方的12星座的含义,并能从所听材料中提取需要的信息。3 .

82、情感目标:经过一系列的训练以及讨论以后,能够辨别真伪,正确认识那些迷信的说法,并用积极向上的态度对待生活中遇到的挫折。教学重难点:如何能应准确地从听到的材料中提取需要的信息。教学手段:tape-recorder, computer, (if possible, ask students to bring some booksabout star signs; if not, just use the information given in the PowerPoint)板书设计:教学步骤:I. Free talk:T: Do you want to know what will happen

83、 to you today? Has anybody brought anybook about star signs?.T: I have prepared some for you here. Who wants to know what your luck is today?Hands up, and I will show it to you.(ask two or three students about their star signs, and show them the properprediction today. After that, ask them, Who does

84、 Millie think would be a good chairperson?A Why does she think so?2. Please read after the tape and try to remember the dialogue. Later m ask you tomake up your own dialogues, using Millie and Kittys as a model.3. However, other students dont agree with her. You are one of them. You need toexpress y

85、our own ideas. Please make up your own dialogues in pairs. You canrecommend Suzy or David. Remember: give your reasons.4. Maybe you dont think anyone of them is suitable for this position. Who elsewould be more suitable? This time, you can recommend anybody you know.Maybe he or she is one of your cl

86、assmates. Just remember: give us enoughreasons.III. Formal and informal language:1. T: Great. You have chosen the most suitable person. In this unit, you need to writea formal letter to recommend him. Do you know the differences between formaland informal language?Please look at me:令 Hi, guys!令 Hell

87、o, ladies and gentlemen!Which one is formal and which one is informal?Ss: The first one is informal; the second one is formal.T: Now I will give you another two sentences:。Excuse me, could I borrow your eraser please?令 Eraser, please!This time, which one is formal? Which is informal?Ss: The first on

88、e is formal, and the second one is informal.2. Give them more expressions to decide if they are formal or informal.3. T: So far, we have know some formal and informal expressions used in oralEnglish. Do you know the differences between a formal recommendation letterand an informal letter to a close

89、friend?4. T: I have an example here, (ask Ss to have a look at the letter in their latest extrahomework. Thats a formal recommendation letter.)Formal recommendation letterDear Professor,I am very happy to recommend an excellent student,Alice Green, to your MBA courses.Finally, let me state my strong

90、 recommendation forAlice Green. If you have any question or need moreinformation, I will be happy to talk to you. Pleasefeel free to contact me.Sincerely yours,Michael BrownInformal letter:Hi Jim,Glad to hear from you again.It looks cool.Hope to see you soon.Yours,Millie3. Conclusion: (try to ask st

91、udents to make the conclusion. If they cant, teacher cando it.)In formal written language, we cant use informal greetings (hi Jim), informalendings (yours, Millie), slang words (it looks cool), informal words (Hope to seeyou soon), jokes (David has much more hair than my uncle). Abbreviations(No. 1)

92、and contractions(He9s) can be used in formal oral English, but they cant be usedin fonnal written English.4. Correct the mistakes in a letter:(Correct the mistakes in the letter on P16 in Students9 books) (explain to thestudents that we should give our full names at the end of such a formal letter)I

93、V. Homework:1 .听磁带,熟读Speak u p部分的对话,并能背诵。2 . 根据课堂讨论的内容编一个新的对话,内容是:推荐一人做班长。3 .完成补充练习。补充练习:I .以下对话是讨论新班长人选的。请根据首字母提示完成对话。A: Do you think Ricky would be a good m?B: Well, I think so. He is smart and really h. He always listens cin class and reads a lot of extra books after class.A: Yes. Thats why he of

94、ten passes every exam s.B: He is also very 1 and has been to a lot of places. He has a goodknowledge of geography and history.A: Yes. Then why not r him as our new monitor?B: The idea s great! He is the most s person to be our monitor.A: I a with you. Lets go.I I .指出下列句子划线部分是何种使用情况。A. informal greet

95、ings B. informal endings C. slangD. jokes E. abbreviation E contraction1. HL Mr Wu, lid like to thank you for your help.2. We usually start school on Sept. 1st.3 .1 have to stop writing and go to bed. So long!4. Peter is tall and really cool when he is playing basketball.5. She couldnt swim when she

96、 was young.6. Somebody says if you are clever enough, youll have little hair on your head.I I I .以下是一封邀请信。你觉得这里面的用语恰当吗?请画出不够正式的部分,说明为什么并改正。Hi parents, teachers and classmatesWed like to invite you to a farewell party for ourfriends from Britain. We will hold the party on 26lh Apr.WeH meet at the gat

97、e of the Sunshine Park.Please bring your own food and drink. (If you dont,you will have nothing to eat and drink. Haha!) will feel cool if you join us.We look forward to seeing you at out party.Cheers!6._7._Chen Dan答案:I. monitor, hardworking, carefully, successfully, lucky, recommend,

98、 sounds, suitableagreeIL 1. A,F 2.E 3. BIII. 1. hi (informal greetings)3. 26th Apr. (abbreviation)5. If you dont, you will have nothing t6. feel cool (slang)9A Unit One4. C 5. F 6. F, D2. Wed (contraction)4. We4l (contraction)eat and drink. Haha! (jokes)7. cheers (informal endings)Star signsVocabula

99、ry第一部分简要提示年级:九年级二 . 教 学 内 容 : 9A Unit 1 Star signs三 . 课型:Vocabulary四 . 教学目标1 .知识目标:1)词汇:能够掌握本课时的八对互为反义的形容词。2)词组:explain sth. to sb. show off2 .能力目标:掌握八个表示人物性格特征的形容词的反义词及相关的构成方法, 能运用这些形容词描述人物的性格。五. 教 学 重 点 :1 . 重点:结合本单元的话题学习八对表示人物性格特征的形容词的反义词。2 .难点:1)掌握相关形容词反义词的构成方法。2)理解句型:Mr Wu spends a lot of time

100、explaining things to us.第二部分教学流程用时:22分钟Part One Lead- in 用时:6 分钟Step 1. RevisionT: Hello, boys and girls. We have known something about the 12 star signs. Peoplebom under the different star signs have different characteristics. Now tell us what starsigns the following people may be born under.同学们, 我

101、们现在对 12 星座已有所了31解,不同星座的人也许会有不同的性格特征。请你根据下面的描述,说说他们可能是什么星座的人。T: Lets look at the first four, please.先看前四个。( PPT 4 )1) He is energetic and active but sometimes impatient.2) He is wise and always tries to be different.3) He is stubborn and doesnt like change. He is hard-working and seldom gives up.4) S

102、he is fair and elegant. She doesnt like to argue with others .Do you know the answers? Lets check together. The first one is Aries. The secondone is Aquarius. The third one is Taurus. The fourth one is Libra.T: Ok, lets look at another four.好的,下面我们再来看四个。This time, I will giveyou some pictures of sta

103、r signs and descriptions. Match the picture with the correctdescription. (PPT5)这次,我将给你一些星座的图片和一些描述。请把图片和与之相应的描述连起来。5) He is modest and practical. He pays attention to details.6) He is businesslike and often successful7. He has a sense of humour. He is lucky .8) He is curious and outgoing . He loves

104、to talk.Lets check. We match picture 1 with sentence 8, its Virgo. We match picture 2 withsentence 5, its Capricorn. We match picture 3 with sentence 7, its Sagittarius. Wematch picture 4 with sentences 6, its Gemini.T: Good. Then lets look at the last four. Read these descriptions and choose thecor

105、rect star signs.好,下面我们来看最后四个。读这些描述,选择与之相应的星座名称。(PPT6)9) She is easy-going, gentle and generous. She is creative and imaginative .10) He is powerful. He doesnt forgive others for their faults.ll)She loves home and family . She likes saving money .12) He is confident and generous .He likes to buy gift

106、s for friends.Now, lets check the answers. Number 9 should be Pisces. Number 10 should beScorpio. Number 11 should be Cancer. Number 12 should be Leo.Part Two. Par A on page 12 用时:2 分钟Step 2. PresentationT: As we know, people born under Capricorn is patient enough to wait without gettingangry while

107、an Aries is impatient sometimes.( PPT 7 )Pay attention to these two words. They are used to describe someones characteristics.But they have opposite meanings. Can you find any other pairs of words like this? 注意这两个词,patient & impatient,他们可以用来描述一个人的性格,不过这是一对反义词。这 里“patient”的意思是“ 有耐心的” ,而“ impatient”的意

108、思是“ 不耐心的“ 。Can you find any other pairs of words like this?注意这两个词你能找出别的类似的词吗?Step 3 Part A on page 12There are some pairs on page 12 in your book. Millie is making a list of them. Pleasehelp her complete the list and then read them loudly.在课本第 12 页的 A 部分里,32Millie列出了一些这样的词,请你帮她将他们对应起来并大声朗读。 (PPT8)Pa

109、rt Three PracticeStep 4. Practice 用时:10 分钟T:Now lets choose the correct words to finish the following sentences.(PPT 6)1. Some peole think a person born under Aries is at times,(generouse/selfish )2. If you were born under Taurus, you are a person and do not give upeasily, (hard-working/lazy)3. A Ge

110、mini is an/a person and he loves to talk, (shy/outgoing)4. He is a and confident person. Maybe he was born under the sign ofLeo.(strong/weak)T: Shall we check it together?我们起核对以下答案好吗? (PPT 9-10)T: All right. Lets watch a short film. After watching, choose some given/suitablewords to describe the per

111、sons characteristics.现在我们一起来看一个短片,看完后请你在所给的词当中,挑选恰当的词来描述一下主人公的性格特征。(PPT11-12)T: Is the film interesting? What do you think of the cat? At first, he doesnt want thedog to watch TV with him, so we can say he is selfish. I think you can use differentwords to describe the cat.Part Four Part BStep 5 Part

112、B 用时:5 分钟T: Mille wants to practise using these words as well. Help her complete the sentencesbelow. ( PPT 13 ) Lets do them together.Step 6 Discussion 用时:5 分钟T: I have a question for you: How do you form opposites of some adjectives? Pleasediscuss it in the small groups.最后,我要问同学们一个问题:一些形容词的反义词是怎样构成

113、的?请以小组的形式进行讨论。Rules: (PPT 14-15)1. We can add prefixes im-, “in-, ir-”, dis-”, to some adjectives to formopposites.我们可以在一些形容词的前面加上前缀,如:un-, im-, in-, ir-, d is-,得到他们相应的反义词. eg.2. We can also change some of the adjectives with the suffix 6 6-ful?, into “-less“ to getthe opposites. (PPT14)我们还可以把一些形容词的

114、后缀“-ful” 改为后缀“-less”,从而得到他们的反义词。eg.当然,也有一些词是例外, 例如:“delightful” 的反义词不是“delightless”“endless” 的反义词不是“endful”Please trmember these rules. I think they can be useful.Step 7 Game (PPT 16-18)T: Next, were going to play a game. Here are some letters. Each letter represents astar sign. If you choose one of

115、 them, you should use some adjectives you have learntto describe the person born under it.33下面我们来做一个游戏。这里有一些字母,每个字母都代表一个星座,你可以任意选择。一旦选中其中一个,你必须用你所学的一些形容词来描述这类人。T: For example, if I choose letter A, the picture in A is Virgo, so I have to say like this:(PPT17)假设如果我选A ,里面的图片是处女座,那我可. 以这么说:The people b

116、orn under Virgo are modest. They worry too much sometimes. They arealso practical and always pay attention to details.Are you clear? Lets do it now. (PPT18)Lets make a summary for todays lesson. (PPT 19)下面让我们把今天的课做个小结吧。通过这堂课的学习, 我们识别了一些描述人物性格的褒义和贬义的形容词, 并能恰当的运用这些形容词来描述周围的人。 此外, 我们还学会了部分形容词变为相应反义词的规律

117、,这有利于平时的单词记忆。Step 8 Homework1 Remember the words we learnt today.2 Remember the rules for changing some words into their opposites by addingprefixes or suffixes.3 Prepare for Grammar.4 Do some additional exercises.第三部分说明本课时是9A第一单元的Vocabulary。 要求学生学会运用八对互为反义的形容词,其真正目的是帮助学生用这类词来描述人物的性格特征,为实现本单元的Main t

118、ask服务,这部分仍然是对学生语言知识“ 输入” 。因此,在学习这些词后,如果条件许可,教师可有意识地引导学生将这些词放在一定的情境中进行练习;同时还可结合8B教材中的相应部分复习归纳“ 部分形容词反义词” 的构成方法。Additional Exercises34一、写出以下形容词的反义词1.selfish_2 .clever_3 .practical_ _4 .p o lite _5 . lu c k y _6.successful_7 .cheap _8 . e a s y _9 .fast_lO .good_11 .happy_12 .high_13 .hot_14 .new_15 .

119、same_16 .1ong_-35二、用所给词的反义词完成下列句子1 .There i s ( e nd) homework to do before the exam.2. Betty is a kind a n d ( h e l p ) girl. We all love her.3. Some people are always happy. They can be (cheer) every day.4. Smoking i s ( h a r m) to your health. You should give it up.5. This TV set was dropped to

120、 the ground and couldn * t be mended. It s(use) now.6. Amy saw so m a n y ( c o l o r ) dresses in the shop and she couldn, t stopbuying one after another.三、根据汉语提示完成句子1 . 他是一个随和老师, 学生们都很喜欢他.He is and all his students like him very much.2 .Amy是一个聪明的女孩儿, 她会自己做生日蛋糕.Amy is so that she can by herself.3 .

121、Kitty每天练习舞蹈两小时. 她非常活跃.Kitty practices.She is an always4 . 是一个外向的女孩, 她总是爱和别人聊天.Mary is. She always loves.5 . 我的3 岁儿子有时很自私, 不喜欢和别人分享他的玩具.My three-year-old son is and he doesn t want to6 .Peter是一个想象力丰富的男孩儿, 总是爱梦想每件事.Peter is, and he always.Keys to the exercises- 1 1 generous 2 silly 3 impractical 4 imp

122、olite 5 unlucky 6 unsuccessful7 dear/expensive 8 hard/ difficult 9 slow 10 bad 11 unhappy 12 low13 cold 14 old 15 different 16 shortendless; helpful; cheerful; harmful; useless; colourful1. an easy-going teacher2. clever; make a birthday cake3. dancing for two hours every day; active4. an outgoing g

123、irl; chatting with others5. selfish at times; share his toys with others6. an imaginative boy; dreams about everything简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容: 9A Unit 2 Color三、课 型 : Comic strip & Welcome to the unit四、教学目标361 . 知识目标掌握本课时的重点词汇。2 . 能力目标能辨别颜色并向朋友介绍彩虹的颜色。3 . 情感目标通过学习有关颜色的词汇, 加深对绚丽多彩的世界的热爱。五、教学重难点理解并正确运用描述颜色的

124、词汇。教学步骤I. Welcome to the Unit Part One1. Lead-inT: Hi, everyone. Nice to meet y o u .同学们好.T: Look, here are two pictures. Are they the same?A: No. Whats the difference between them?T: The first one is black and white. But the second one is colorful.T: Which one do you like better?T: I like the color

125、ful one better than the black and white one.T: I would rather choose the colorful one than the black and white one.T: What is this?T: It is a rainbow.T: Have you ever seen a rainbow? When?T: Yes. After the rain.T: How many colors are there in a rainbow?T: Seven.T: Do you know what the seven colors a

126、re?T: Orange, red, yellow, green, indigo, blue, violetT: Now please read after me. Indigo, violet2. PracticeT: Do you still remember the names of the colors?T: red, indigo, yellow, violet, green, orangeT: What colors can you find in this picture?T: Yellow, orange, black, white, blue, indigo, violet,

127、 red, brown and green.T: What color is this little pig?T: It is pink.粉红色T: Now please read after me. PinkT: Now please read the new words after me.II. Welcome to the UnitT: What is your favorite color?T: What about Eddie? What is his favorite color?T: Listen to the tape and find out the answers to t

128、he questions.T :我们来听听Eddie和 Hobo的对话,回答以下问题吧T: Now lets check the answers.T: 1. He would rather wear blue than pink.他宁愿穿蓝色也不穿粉红色。37T: 2 He thinks there is nothing wrong with pink.他认为粉红色没问题。T: 3 He thinks blue looks good on Eddie.他认为爱迪穿蓝色好看。T: Now please read the new phrases after me.T: Open your book

129、s to page 24, read Eddie and Hobos dialogue together.T: Work in pairs and act the dialogue out.T :请同学们把书翻到第二十四页,读读Eddie和 Hob。的对话,和你的同伴把它演出来。III. Welcome to the Unit Part BT: Please finish the following dialogue and act it out with your partner.T :请完成下列对话并且和你的同伴把它演出来。T: Can you guess the Chinese mean

130、ing of the following phrases?T : 同学们,你们能猜出以下词组的中文意思吗?T: Which hair clip do you like best? Why?T: Work in pairs and use the following sentence patterns to make a dialogue.请同学们和同伴用下列句型编个对话。IV. Homework1 Copy the new words and phrases.2 Find at least 10 colors around you.说明本课时是9A U nit2的 Comic strip &

131、Welcome to the unit。本课时的任务是引入单元话题color 教学内容均围绕颜色展开。Comic strip中出现的重点句型对本单元语法的教授起了铺垫作用。Welcome to the u n it中对于彩虹的七种颜色的了解和讨论有利于对Reading的教学。教师在教学过程中应该联系生活实际,引导学生去了解更多的颜色。简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 2 Colour三、课型:Integrated skills四、教学目标1 . 知识目标能听懂与颜色治疗相关的词汇和句型。2 . 能力目标1) 从广告和电视节目中获取信息。2) 描述某种服饰的优缺点,提出合理建

132、议。3 . 情感目标学会使用颜色来调节情绪并根据自己不同的情绪选择不同颜色的服饰。五、教学重难点1 . 通过听力的训练获取有关颜色治疗的信息。2 . 能有礼貌地对他人的着装的颜色提出合理的建议。教学步骤I. Pre-listening1. Lead in new words38T: Hi, everyone, nice to meet you. 同学们好。T: What colors can you find in this picture?T: . violet means purple.T: Can you divide them into different kinds.T :.2. L

133、ead in the topicT: What is the use of color?T: It can affect our moods.T: Anything else?T: It can make our world more beautiful.T: Can it make people more beautiful?T: Yes.T: Do you know what colors look good on them?T: What is the difference between the two ladies?T: So what colors should they wear

134、?T: Do you know?T: She knows!T: Who is she? Where does she work?3. Get some information while reading the advertisementT: Open your textbook to page 36, try to find the answers.把书翻到36页,试着找出问题的答案。T: Oh, she is Mrs. Rainbow.T: She works in a color therapy center. Now please read after me, therapyT: Op

135、en your textbook Page 36, read the advertisement and complete the notes in Part Al withas much information as you canT: How many blanks can you fill in?T: Three.T: What are they?T: 1,2, and 3.T: Please read the new words after me.II. While-listening1. Al, Page 36T: listen to the interview and comple

136、te the notes in Part A1.T: Now lets check the answers.2. A3, Page 37T: Open your books to page 37, listen to the tape and finish A3.T: Lets check the answers.T: Now please read the new phrases with me.3. Extra exercisesT: Now can you tell me what colors look good on them?T: Red and purple look good

137、on the first lady.T: Orange and green look good on the second lady.T: What about this beautiful lady? What colors look good on her?T: Her hair is blonde.39T: What color of hair clips look good on her?T: Orange and green.T: What about the dress?T: Red and purple.III. Speak-upT: My best friend Mr. Rab

138、bit is going to attend a party and he is a bit stressed.What color should he wear?Could you give him some advice?T: Make a conversation with your partner to give advice to Mr. Rabbit onwhat to wear.Try to use these sentence patterns.T: By the way, Mr. Rabbit is going to attend a party. He is a bit s

139、tressed now.IV. HomeworkUse Speak up as a model and make a new dialogue to give your mother advice onwhat to wear tomorrow.说明本课时是9A Unit 2 的 Integrated skills。其重点是培养学生如何从阅读和听力中获取颜色对人情绪影响的信息的能力以及如何综合处理信息的能力。尽管本课时是关于颜色治疗信息的介绍, 但是有许多相同的句式。 在学生进行听力训练之前,教师必须要做相关铺垫。学生听完之后不能仅仅核对答案,可以设计各种活动,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。Sp

140、eak up教学尽可能给学生提供说的机会。简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容: 9A Unit 2 Colour三、课型:Main task四、教学目标1 . 知识目标正确理解运用本课相关词汇和句子。2 . 能力目标写一份关于情绪,颜色以及它们所代表的事物的报告。3 . 情感目标客观评价不同颜色不同用途,培养正确的审美观。五、教学重难点运用本单元的语言知识写一篇有关颜色运用的文章。教学步骤I. Lead-in1. Lead in the topicT: Hello everyone. Nice to meet y o u .同学们好。T: What colors can you find i

141、n this picture?T:.40T: What kinds of colors do they belong to?T: Can you name some of the calm colors?T: Blue. What moods does it represent?T: It is represents sadness and calm.T: What about white?T :.T: What about black?T :.T: What moods does orange represent?T: What moods does green represent?IL S

142、tructure through readingT: Please open your books to page 39, complete the table while looking atthe picture.T :请同学们把书翻到第三十九页,看图完成表格。T: Please check the answers.T: Can you divide the text into three parts?同学们,你们能把文章分成三段吗?T: The first part is the first paragraph.T: The second part is the 2, 3 paragra

143、phs.T: The third part is the 4 paragraph.T: What does each part tell u s?每段告诉了我们什么内容呢?T: Whats the use of each part?每段起什么作用呢?T :.III. Practice1. B, Page 40T: Open your books to page 40, finish BT: Please check the answers.2. OutlineT: Now lets divide the answers into three parts.我们来看看这些答案分别属于哪个部分。3.

144、 Possible Version略, 见 pptIV. HomeworkUse your notes to write an outline and a report on the moods of the other model inPart B.说明本课时是9A Unit 2 的 Main task。 通过前几课时大量的语言知识输入,本课时的任务是利用写作形式将语言知识综合输出。通过本课时的学习, 学生要学会写一篇评价使用颜色的文章。 教师要指导学生了解文章的框架,做到主题明确,语言正确,结构清晰。切忌把本课当成习题课来处理。简要提示一、年级:九年级41二、教学内容:9A Unit 2

145、Colour三、课型:Reading四、教学目标1 . 知识目标掌握本单元四会词汇以及描述颜色对情绪产生影响的相关短语和句型。2 . 能力目标了解不同颜色与其所代表的情绪。3 . 情感目标通过了解颜色对人心情的影响,在生活中适当运用颜色来调节心情。五、教学重难点1 . 重点通过阅读,了解不同颜色对情绪产生不同的影响。2 . . 难点1) This report explains what colors can do and what characteristics they represent.2) Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room

146、 is good for our mind andbody because this color creates a feeling of harmony.教学步骤I. Pre-reading1. Lead-inT: Hi, everyone. Nice to meet you.同学们好。T: Have you ever seen a rainbow?T: Yes. We saw it on last English class.T: What are the seven colors in a rainbow?T: They are red, orange, yellow, green, i

147、ndigo, blue and violet.T: What color is missing in this rainbow?T: Indigo.T: What colors can you find in this picture?T: White and blue.T: What feeling do you have while looking at it?T: I feel calm.T: So we say white and blue are calm colors.T: Now lets play a game called “Brain-storm”现在我们来玩个游戏,叫做头

148、脑风暴。T: I will show three of my friends.我的三个朋友将和同学们见面。T: Can you use one word to describe their feelings?你们能用一个英文单词来描述他们的心情吗?T: feelings means moodsT: He is sleepy.T: He is sad.T: He is satisfied.T: He is relaxed.T: Now please read after me. Sleep, sad, satisfied, relaxed, moods42T: There are some mo

149、re new words in the text.T: Now please read after me.IL While-reading1. Fill in the tableT: Open your books to page 26. Read the text by yourself and fill in the table.T :请同学们把书翻到第二十六页。默读课文,完成表格。T: What colors can you find in picture.T :.T: What kind of colors are blue and white?T: They are calm col

150、ors.T: What about red?T :.T: While looking at the color yellow, what feeling do you have?T: I feel warm and comfortable.2. Fill in the tableT: Now lets read the text with the tape and fill in the following table.让我们合着朗读带跟读课文,然后完成表格。T: Have you finished? Lets check the answers.T: Calm colors can make

151、 us feel calm and peaceful.Warm colors can make us feel warm and give us a happy and satisfied feeling.Energetic colors can make us feel energetic.Strong colors can give us physical and mental strength.T: Now please read the following phrases with me.3. B2, Page 28T: Please open your books to page 2

152、8, lets finish B2T: Lets check the answers.III. Post-reading1. B2, Page 28T: Please open your books to page 28, lets finish B2T: Lets check the answers.III. Post-reading1. Bl, Page 28T: Please open your books to page 28, lets finish B1T: Lets check the answers.2. Cl, Page 29T: Please open your books

153、 to page 29, lets finish C1T: Lets check the answers.3. Language PointsT: Some of my friends have some problems now. Would you like to help them?我的几个朋友有麻烦了,同学们想要帮助他们吗?T: She may prefer yellow stationery.T: She can wear an orange dress.T: We choose D.T: He should wear a red jacket.434. Describing the

154、 following picturesT: Please describe the following pictures.T : 同学们可以用今天学的知识描述这些图片吗?IV. Homework1 Copy the new words and phrases.2 Finish C2 on page 29.说明本课时是9A Unit 2 的 Readingo在第一课时介绍彩虹的七种颜色的基础上, 本课时介绍了颜色对人情绪的影响。文章把颜色分成“calm colors, warm colors, energetic colors, strongcolors四类。并举例说明了每类的代表颜色及其对人情

155、绪的影响。因此在课堂设计上, 教师首先引导学生正确划分颜色的种类, 接着导入不同颜色对人情绪的不同影响。并通过对话题的讨论来解释文中出现的重点词汇和句型。9A Unit Three Teenage problemsMain task第一部分简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三、课型:Main task四、教学目标1 . 知识目标:掌握并运用本单元的重点词汇和句型给朋友写封信,谈谈自己遇到的问题以及解决的办法。2 . 能力目标:1)能选择正确的方法解决生活、学习中遇到的问题。2)能够根据文章的结构,写一封信,谈论自己遇到的问题以及解决的办法

156、。3 . 情感目标学生要敢于面对自己在学习、生活中的困难,并积极的寻找方法解决这些困难。五、教学重点:学会写甫一封信的结构,并综合运用所学知识完整的写一封信, 谈谈自己在学习、生活中遇到的一些问题,以及解决这些问题的方法。第二部分教学流程Part one Lead-inStep 1 RevisionT: Boys and girls, we have learned many students* problems in this unit. Some students felt sad.Some students felt stressed and angry. They asked Sigm

157、und Friend, a famous youth worker or44their friends for help and got many useful suggestions.在这个单元里,我们了解了许多学生遇到的问题。有的学生感到很不高兴,有的学生感到有压力,还会感到很气愤。他们会向位很有名的青少年辅导员, Sigmund Friend或是他们的朋友们寻求帮助并得到很多有用的帮助。Now, do you still remember their problems and the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend or theirfriends?

158、现在, 你们还记得他们的问题,以及Sigmund Friend或是他们的朋友给他们的建议了吗? Now lets look at them together. (PPT5)eg. Who is the girl? She is Millie,What are her problems? Yes. She has too much homework and she has no time for her hobbies.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He asks her to plan her time carefully

159、andmake a list of ail the homework she has to do. She also should choose one hobby each day.What is her another problem? Good. Her penfriend hasn t replied to her last three e-mails.What are suggestions given by her friend, Amy? Amy asks her not to worry. She can send ane-card to her penfirend and l

160、et her know she misses her.Who is the boy? He is Simon. (PPT6)What s his problem? He Spends too much time on football and always stays out too late.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He advised Simon not to give up but notto forget about his family,eithe匚 He should go home earlier.Who

161、 is the girl? She is Sue.What s her problem? She is not good at sport and doesn t have many friends. Many of herclassmates call her a bookworm.What are the suggestions given by Sigmund Friend? He advised her to try her best in PE. Sheshould share her problems with her friend and pay no attention to

162、the students who laugh at her.Step 2 Finish the Part A on page 57 (PPT 7-10)T: Ok, I think these ways are useful. Mr Wu wants to find out whether his students know how todeal with problems. He has given them a quiz. Open the books and look at Page 57. Circle the bestanswers.我想这些方法都很有用。 吴老师想知道他们的学生是否

163、会处理下的问题。 他给他们做了一个测验。请打开书看书本第57页。在最佳答案上打勾。T: Lets check the answers together.让我一起来核对答案。Part Two StructureStep 3 Discuss what should write in 3 partsT: When you have these problems, do you feel stressed?当你有这些问题的时候,你感到有压力吗? Some of these problems may be the causes of your stress, but I think you know h

164、ow todeal with them some of your suggestions are very good and useful. Do you want to share themwith your friends? Maybe you can write a letter to them. Lets learn how to write this kind ofletter?有些问题可能是你感到压力的原因,但是我想大家都知道该如何解决这些问题。相信其中的一些建议将会是很有用的。 你想将这些与朋友们分享吗?现在我们将学习如何来写这一类的信件。Mr Wu suggested that

165、 his students write to their penfriends about the causes of their stress and thesolutions to the problems. Open the book and turn to page 58. Here is a writing plan. Lets look attogether.吴老师建议他的学生们写信给他们的笔友谈谈他们压力的原因以及解决的办法。把书打开到58页,这里有一个写作提纲,让我们一起来看看。45Look at the writing plan and answer:(PPT11)How m

166、any parts are there ? What are they? (PPT 12)Good! They are 3 parts, “Introduction, “Main body, and “conclusion”.它们是介绍、主体和结论。Which part is the most important one? Of course, “ Main body” is the most important one.Now look at the writing plan again and tell me what to write in the main body.现在再仔细看这个提

167、纲然后告诉我在这个部分里写什么?Yes. We should write two kinds of information: the cause of the stress and how to deal with it.You d better write down at least two causes of stress and solutions. On Page 58, it gives us anexample. What, s that? (A lot of homework is one cause of stress. We should plan our timecaref

168、ully.)在主体部分你会写些什么呢? 当然是写你产生压力的主要原因。但是只写这些吗?不,你还要写下解决的途径。你最好写两个原因以及各自解决的途径。在书上58 页,给出了一个例子。请问是什么?许多的作业是一个原因,解决的途径是仔细安排你的时间。Can you think more? 还有什么其它的原因和解决的途径?Step 4 Discuss and complete the writing planPlease discuss with your friends:1. What are the causes of your stress?2. What are your ways to de

169、al with stress?Think at least two causes and write down them.(PPT26)讨论并完成这个写作提纲。你压力产生的主要原因是什么?你解决压力的主要途径是那些?想出至少两个原因以及各自的解决途径。Have you finished?Good, Now I give you 2 examples. What are they? (PPT12) 现在给你们两个例子,请回答是什么?Step5 Do Part C on page 58 (PPT13-14)T: let s see Part C on Page 58. Here is the be

170、ginning of M illies letter. She doesn t have time tofinish it. Help her complete the second paragraph. 让我们来看看书上 58 页, 这是 Millie 信的开头。她没有时间完成。帮她完成信的第二小节。T: Now, lefs check the answers. 现在让我们一起来核对答案。Ok, can you name the each part? 现在你能告诉我每一小节是哪个部分吗?The first paragraph is “Introduction”. The second par

171、agraph is “Main body”. 第小节是介绍部分,第二部分是主体部分。Part Three WritingT: Now, can you help Millie finish the whole letter? Please write down one more paragraph as themain body, which means write down one more cause of stress and how to deal with it. And thenwrite down the conclusion of this letter. Here are s

172、ome useful words and phrases for you. I willgive you some time to finish it. You can discuss with your partner and finish writing by yourselves.现在你能帮助Millie完成这封信吗?请你再写一小节作为主体部分, 也就是再写一个产生压力的原因和解决的途径。然后写一个结论。这里给你们提供了一些有用的单词和短语。我将给你们一些时间去完成。你可以先和你的同桌位讨论一下,然后独立完成。 (PPT15)T: Have you finished? Who would

173、 like to read? (PPT16-17)写完了吗?谁可以来读一读?Ok, now I will give you an example. 现在我给你们一个例子。T: Lets make a summary for todays lessons.下面我们把今天的课做个小结吧。通过这堂课的学习, 学会了如何谈论你在学习和生活中遇到的问题和困难,以及你自己是如何解决他们的。 请同学们要记住文章的写作结构,还要记住在文章的主体部分一定要46包含两种信息:产生压力的原因以及你采取的措施。Homework1 Finish the Part D on page 54. Write a letter

174、 to your penfriend to tell him/her about the problemsyou have and how you deal with them. Use the beginning of Millies letter in Part C as a model.2 Do some additional exercises.第 三 部 分 说明本课时是9A Unit 3 的 Main ta sk ,其目的是将前面课时大量的知识信息的输入到这一课时利用写作形式将语言知识综合输出。 通过本课时的学习, 学生要学会写一篇自己在学习和生活中遇到的一些困难、烦恼和压力,以及

175、如何应对这些问题。此外,教师要指导学生了解文章的框架,主题要明确,语言要正确,结构要清晰,要让学生养成写作前先列提纲的好习惯。Additional exercises- 、用所给词的适当形式填空。1 What will y o u ( d o ) if so m e o n e (la u g h ) at you.2 Some students dont have enough tim e ( f in is h ) their homework.3 They are quarrelling (noise) than usual.4 . Some students should give u

176、 p ( p l a y ) computer games.5 You are so nervous now. You should g e t ( r e l a x ) .二、选用所给词( 组) 的适当形式填空。shout at blame give upkeep ones worries to oneself get worse1 My father smoking a month ago.2 It is impolite to others.3 Tom a l wa ys , so he often feels stressed.4 She likes others for littl

177、e things.5 I want to solve the problem as soon as quickly before it.三、根据中文提示完成句子。1 刚才我没有注意到他。( 两种译法)I him just now.I him just now.2 如果你想学习更好,你应该更仔细地安排你的时间。If you want to study better, you should.3 不要担心考试,你能够通过。_, and you will pass it.4 当压力问题变严重时,人们应该放松,去度假。When the problem of st ress, people should.

178、5 当你感到有压力时; 你最好让你的朋友和你一起来解决你的难题。When you are, youd better your problems your friend.Answers 1 do, laughs 2 to finish 3 more noisily 4 playing 5 relaxed二 1 gave up 2 shout at 3 keeps his worries to himself 4 blaming 5 gets worse47三 1 didnt pay attention to, paid no attention to2 plan your time more c

179、arefully3 Dont worry about the exam4 gets worse, relax and take a holiday5 feeling stressed, share, with9A Unit Three Teenage problemsVocabulary第一部分简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三、课型:Vocabulary四、教学目标1 . 知识目标:了解并掌握“get”的不同含义。2 . 能力目标:掌握“get” 作为连系动词和行为动词在不同情境中的使用。五、教学重点:辨别“get”一词作为连系动词和

180、行为动词的区别。第二部分教学流程Part One Lead-inStep 1 .PresentationT: Boys and girls, welcome to my class. Last period, we learnt two letters from Millieand Simon, and now we know their problems. But now, I have got a problem and Ineed your help. Look at the picture. (PPT4)上节课,我们学习 了亲自 Millie 和Simon的信,并且知道了他们遇到的问题

181、。但是现在,我有一个问题,而且需要你们的帮助。请看图片。令 Who is s h e ? 她是谁? She is my little niece. 她是我的小侄女。T: Her birthday is coming. I want to buy a present for her. Can you help me? 她的生日就快要到了。我想给她买一件礼物,你们能帮我吗?First, what should I get? Do you know the meaning of the word get”? Here“get” means 46buy. (PPT5)这里的get” 是“ 买” 的意思

182、。 There are some choices.Can you give me your advice? 这里有些选择, 你能给我你的建议吗? You cansay “ You should get.,Good. I think I can a Hello Kitty for her. Then, where may I get .? Here getstill means “buy”. ( PPT6)这里的 “get” 还是“ 买” 的意思。48Yes, maybe I should go to the shop. But how should I go to the shop? (PPT

183、7)Here are still some choices. Can you give me your advice? If you think the bus is agood choice, you can say You should go to the shop by bus or you should get a bus.Can you guess the meaning of the word get” ? Yes, here “get” means “take” .这里的get是 乘 的意思。 What other good advice?I think I have to go

184、 to there early. If I get there late, maybe the shop will beclosed and I cant buy anything. Right? Can you tell me what the word get” meanshere? Good, here “get means “arrive”. 这里的 get 意为到达。 ( PPT8)Now, I know what and where I can buy for my little cousin. I am sure she willget happy. Here “get” mea

185、ns “become”. 这里的get” 是“ 变得” 的意思。 (PPT9)Part Two VocabularyStep 2 Finish Part A on page 48T: Thank you for helping me deal with my problem, but look at picture. Who is she?She is Amy. she has got problems too and she wants to write to her penfriend. Beforethat, she wants to learn the different meanin

186、gs of “get” . We have learnt some, right?First, lefs finish the Part A. (PPT10)感谢你们帮我解决了我的问题, 但请看图。她是谁? Amy0 Am y也遇到了困难,她想写信给她的笔友。在这之前,她想学习“get”一词不同的意思。我们已经学过了一些,不是吗?首先,让我们来完成书上Part A 部分的练习。T: Lets check the answer together.让我们来一起对答案。(PPT11)T: Good. Then look at these two phrases: 看着两个短语。 (PPT12 )ge

187、t angryget a letterPay attention to the word after “get” . In the first phrase is “angry, it is an adj., sohere “get” is a linking verb. In the second phrase is ua letter , it is a none phrase,so here “get is a verb. So get can be a verb, or also can be a linking verb. 注意“get”后面跟的单词。第一个短语中的“get” 后面跟

188、的是形容词,说明这个“get”是连系动词。第二个短语中的“get”后面跟的是一个名词短语,说明这个“get”是行为动词,后面是宾语。所以“get”这个词既可以是系动词,也可以是行为动词。Step 3 Finish Part B on page 48T: Now, Amy is writing a letter to her penfriend, Tommy. She is telling him aboutsome of her problems. Help her complete herlette匚 现在,Amy 正在写信给她的笔友 Tommy。她正在告诉他她遇到的一些问题,帮助她完成她的

189、信。T: Have you finished? Lets check your answers together. (PPT13)你们完成了吗?让我们一起对答案吧。 Read the letter together.请大家一起齐读。Step 4 RevisionT: Lets go over Amys letter again and answer me some questions. 让我们再回顾一下 Amy的信并回答我的一些问题。(PPT14-15)Why is she very busy?她为什么这么忙?Why does she arrive home late? 她为什么到家那么晚?W

190、hy doesnt she have much time to revise for tests?她为什么没有时间为考试复习?Why does she become angry? 她为什么变得生气?49So now, tell me what Amys problems are?那么,告诉我 Amy 的问题是什么?(PPT16)Yes, she usually joins in some activities after school and takes a bus home. There isalways a lot of traffic on the road, so she gets h

191、ome late. She usually gets a lot ofhomework to do, so she doesn? t have much time to revise for test. Sometimes, shedoesn? t get a high mark, so she feels sad. They are Amys problems. 她放学后经常要参加一些活动,然后乘车回家。而路上车辆很多,所以她经常到家很迟,而她又有很多作业要做,所以她又没有太多的时间来复习考试。有时,她没有能够得到高分,她有感到很不高兴。这些因素都使得Amy感到很苦恼。这些也是她在学习和生活

192、中遇到的困难。Part Three PracticeStep 1 ExerciseT: In today s lesson, we listened to Amy s problems and also learned many differentmeanings of “get”. Can you remember them?Now, let s do some more exercises. (PPT17-18)请用英语解释划线的单词l)Where did you get that skirt?2) Go and get your breakfast.3) I got a lot from

193、 the story.(buy)(eat)(learned)4) Let me go and get the doctor, (ask for)5) Every day we get a lot of homework to do. (have)6) Li Ming study hard, so he often high marks in test, (achieves)7) You should get your friends to help you. (ask)8) Dad has gone to Hong Kong.He got there last night. (arrived)

194、Have you finished? Let s check the answers together.Step 2 Some more exercisesT: You see, the word “get” has many different meanings. Can you guess moremeanings of “get” ? Now I have three more sentences. Try to guess the meaningof the word “get”. ( PPT19)1. Did you get enough money to pay for your

195、house? (earn)2.1 didn t get what you said. (understand)3. Have you got a cold? (caught)Have you got the answers? Lets check together.你们知道答案了吗?让我们起来核对答案。Part Four Summary 小结T: Lets make a summary for todays lessons.下面我们把今天的课做个小结吧。今天我们学习了“get”一词在不同的语境中表示不同的含义。同时,“get” 一词既可以做系动词,后面跟形容词;也可以做行为动词。在今后的学习中

196、,同学们一定要通过上下文来判断同一个词在不同句子中的含义。Homework501 . Remember the different meanings of the word “get”.2 Read Amys letter.3 Do some additional exercises.第 三 部 分 说 明本课时是9A Unit 3的Vocabulary。 通过本课时的学习, 学生掌握了“get”的不同意思,学会了运用“get”短语表达生活中的烦恼,还了解到“get” 一词既可以做系动词,又可以做行为动词,这样学生可以更加正确的使用这个单词,也培养了学生通过语境来理解单词、 猜测词意的能力。教

197、师可在教学活动中设计各种活动,让同学们进一步了解“get”的更多含义。Additional exercises一、用get的适当形式填空。1 My father a bus to work every day.2 Dont angry. Be quiet.3 I have many good friends.4 Our country is stronger and stronger.5 My uncle married last year.6 The e-mail yesterday. I have read it.二、根据中文提示完成句子。1在上次考试中,Tom的得分最高。Tom in t

198、he last exam.2 我们总是从老师那里得到很多作业。We always teachers.3 我没有足够的时间复习考试。I dont have tests.4 昨天老师叫我打扫卫生,所以我回家迟了。I _by the teacher, so Iyesterday.5在 大城市车辆很多。过马路要小心。There in big cities. Be careful when you三、请猜出画线短语在句中的意思。1 He is a good student. He gets along well with his classmates.2 Tom has got ahead of all

199、 the other boys in the class.3 It is a secret. Dont get it out.4 Amy didnt agree at first. But we got round her at last.5 I spoke slowly, but my meaning didnt get across.Answers一 1 gets 2 get 3 got 4 getting 5 got 6 was got二 1 got the highest marks2 get a lot of homework from513 enough time to revis

200、e for4 was asked to clean the classroom, got home late5 is a lot of traffic, cross the road三1和处 得 很 好 2超 过 3泄 密 4说 服 5被理解9A Unit Three Teenage problemsReading第一部分简要提示年级:九年级二 .教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三 . 课型:Reading四 . 教学目标1 . 知识目标:能够掌握本课时的重点单词、词组和句子。2 . 能力目标:熟练运用本课时所学知识来谈论自己遇到的困难和烦恼,并学会如何向别人寻求

201、帮助。3 . 情感目标:结合所学内容了解青少年常遇到的一些困惑和烦恼,激发学生思考如何正确面对并解决这些问题。五. 教学重难点:1 . 重点:会准确运用描述青少年问题的相关词汇。2 . 难点:准确理解文章中的长句。1) I doubt whether it is worth working so hard.2) Then I get into trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to playoutside after 6 p.m.第二部分教学流程Part 1 Lead-inStep 1 .Revision Different

202、problemsT: Hello, boys and girls, welcome to my class. Last period, we learnt many differentproblems.令 Do you still remember them?The following pictures may help you. Look at them and tell me.eg. Who is she? She is Sandy.What is her problem? Her parents work all day and they don t have time for hei;

203、So you can say : Sandy s parents work all day. They don t have time for her.(PPT5)T: What about Picture 2? Good! Simon doesnt have enough time to do hishomework. (PPT6)T: What about picture 3? Yes.52The TV is always on at Kitty s home. The noise almost drives her mad. (PPT7)T: What about this one? G

204、ood.Daniel doesn*t have any close friends to talk to. Sometimes, he feels lonely. (PPT8)T: Look at picture 5? What is the problem?Amy s cousin always makes a lot of noise, and disturbs her when she is studying.(PPT9)T: What about picture 6? Yes.Millie doesn t get enough sleep. She feels tired in cla

205、ss. (PPT10)Part Two Pre-readingStep2 PresentationT: We know that Millie doesn t get enough sleep and she feels tired in class. Can youguess why? Maybe she has too much homework to do and she sleeps late at night.Of course, she also has no time for her hobbies. How about you? Please think over:(PPT11

206、)How long do you spend on your homework?How long do you spend on your hobbies?T: So your life maybe like this. (PPT12)You spend much more time on yourhomework than on your hobbies. Do you like that? What do you want your life to be?Of course, I think you want your life to be like this. Why? Because

207、it achieve abalance. (PPT13)T: I guess too much homework is the biggest problem for you. Sometimes, you mayhave no time to complete it. Here complete” means “finish”. 我猜对你们来说,最大的问题就是拥有太多的作业。 有时你们都可能没有时间去完成。 Can you refuseit? Here refuse” means “to say no” . Can you? No, you just accept it.你们会拒绝吗?这里拒

208、绝就是说不,你们会吗?不,标们就只能接受。And your parentsmay not allow you to do your hobbies. Here “allow” means “let sb. do sth. 而且你们的父母可能会阻止你们的兴趣爱好。 They are very strict, aren, t they? Here“strict“ means: when someone wants you to do sth., you must listen to him and dowhat he wants.他们很严厉,不是吗?Is it worth doing homewo

209、rk? Of course yes.作业值得写吗?当然!Why? It may help us study better. Right?为什么?写作业可以让我们的学得更好,对吗?So we have to solve, or we can say we have to deal with this problem. 所以, 我们要解决这个问题。But how? May be we can find the answer in todays lesson today.但是如何解决呢?也许我们可以在今天的课文里找到答案。Here are the new words. Read these word

210、s together. (PPT14)T: When you have problems, who do you ask for?当你有问题的时候,你会像谁倾诉?You also can ask a youth worker for help.你们也可以告诉青少年辅导员。Here is ayouth worker and his name is Sigmund Friend. I think he can help 这儿有个青少年辅导员,他的名字叫Sigmund Friend,我想他可以帮助你的。( PPT15)Today, we 1 1 read two letters from two s

211、tudents. They have some problems so theywrote letters to Sigmund Friend to ask for h e lp .今天我将阅读来自两名同学的两53封信。他们遇到了一些问题,所以他们写信给Sigmund Friend寻求帮助。Part Three While-readingStep 3. Task one First Reading (PPT16-17)Read the two letters quickly and answer the follow questions:Who are the two students? 这两

212、名学生是谁?What are their problems? 他们的问题是什么?Check the answers together.Step 4 Task two: Second ReadingT: Look at Exercise B on P.46. Here are some key words appeared in the letter. Wemay know some words but some we dont. Read the letter again, match the words onthe left with the meanings on the right. 看

213、书上第46页的练习B。这儿是一些在信上出现的关键词。 有些词的意思我们知道,但有些词我们不知道。再读一遍这两封信,将左边的词与右边相对应的英文解释连起来。The answers are: g, d, e, b, h, f ,c, a (PPT 18)Step5 Task three: Third Reading (PPT)T: Listen to the tape , read these two letters silently and finish the following exercises.听录音默读。(PPT19)First is about Millie. Judge the f

214、ollowing statements true or false. 首先是关于 Millie的,判断下列句子是否正确。( PPT20), 1. Millie often stays late to complete the exercise, but she doesnt feel tirednext day.0 2. Sometimes, she refuses to do so much homework.0 3. Millie thinks that handing in her homework on time can help her makegood progress in sc

215、hool.0 4. Millie is sure it is worth working so hard.T: Now is about Simon. Please answer the following questions: 现在是关于 Simon的,请回答下列问题。(PPT21)令 1. What does Simon like doing after class?0 2. Why does Simon say his parents are strict?。 3. How does Simon feel from time to time?0 4. What does Simon th

216、ink of spending some time on hobbies?Please read the whole passage together. 请大家齐读全文Part Four Post-readingSetp 6 Task 1 Revision: Exercise C (PPT22)T: Now, do you still remember Millies and Simons problems? Look at Exercise C onpage 46. It may help you.首先, 让我们来复习一下。还记得Millie和 Simon的问题吗?看书上第46页的练习C ,

217、这会给你些帮助。 来回答问题。 Now, lets checkthe answers.Step7 Task 2 Fill in the blanks with words and phrases. First is Millies letter.(PPT23)Millies letter (PPT24)Millie has a problem and she doesnt know how to( 处理) it. She has a lot54of homework but she cant ( 拒绝) it because she understands that it isimportan

218、t to do her homework and( 准时交作业) . She usually justa it and often stays up late to c the exercises. However, she has nos time for her hobbies. She d whether it is( 值得如此努力工作) . She is ( 期待) a holiday without homeworkand wants Sigmund Friend ( 提供她一些建 议 ) .Lets look at some languge points in this short

219、 passage.T: (PPT26) l.deal with sth. 处理,应 付 eg .翻译下列句子:你昨天有没有处理那些信件啊? Did you deal with these letters yesterday? Go back to the passage.Let, s see the next one.2. refuse v. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 Look at it and try to fill it with thecorrect form.看下面的题目用所给词的适当形式填空。eg. He refused t o ( r e c e i v e

220、) their presents. The answer is “to receiven . Goback to the passage. Let s see the next one.3. hand sth. in (to sb.) 上交某物给某人 Look at it and choose the correct one.The answer is B.eg. Remember to tomorrow.A. hand in it B. hand it inC. hand D. hand it on注意:当短语中某物时代词时,只能放在hand和 in 之间。4. on time 按时,准时e

221、 g . 翻译下列句子:火车准时到了。 The train arrived on time.eg. The train arrived on time.补充:in tim e 及时Go back to the passage. Let s see the next one.T: (PPT27) 5. worth adj. be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 Look at the eg.eg. The book is w o r t h ( r e a d ) . The answer should be “ reading” . Goback to the passage.

222、Let, s see the next one.6. offer v .提议 offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb.eg .翻译下列句子:他给她提供了一杯水。He offered her a glass of water./ He offered a glass of water to her.suggestion u.n.建 议 c.n.建议或提议的内容近义词:advice (u.n.)劝告,建议 advise (v.)Next, let, s look at Simon? s letter. (PPT28)Simons letter (PPT25)Simon

223、would like some a on his love of football. He is so c aboutfootball that he s out late at night to play it. His parents are very( 对. 严格) him and they dont a him to play outside after 6 p.m. Simon feelss and angry( 时不时) . He wishes he could have hisparents, s. He wants Sigmund Friend to tell him how

224、to( 在之间达到平衡) his school work and his hobbies.T: Lets look at some languge points in this short passage. (PPT29)strict adj.严厉的 做定语: a strict teacherbe strict with sb .对某人严厉 look at it and choose what?55eg. She is strict her children.A. of B. to C. with D. forThe answer should be C. Go back to the pas

225、sage. Let s see the last one.8. allow u 允许 allow sb. (not) to sth. 允许( 不允许) 某人做某事eg. 翻译下列句子:老师允许我们明天交作业。The teacher allows us to hand in the homework tomorrow.OK. Try to remember these important words and phrases after class.Step8 Task 3 Retell the letters (PPT30-31)T: Now, lets retell the letters.

226、I will give you some phrases and try to say somethingabout letters with your won words.现在让我们来复述这两封信。我将给你一些短语,请你试着用自己的话来复述。First is about Millie. Second is about Simon.Step9 Task 4 Exercise D (PPT32)T: Millie and Simon have these problems. Do you want to know Sigmund Friendssuggestions? He is replyin

227、g to Millies and Simons letters. Here are the letters onpage 47. Please help him complete the letters. Millie 和 Simon 有这些问题, 你想知道Sigmund Friend的建议吗?他现在正在给他们回信,书上第47页上有两份信,请帮他完成。Let s check the answers together.Step 10 Task 6 Discussion (PPT33)Fimally, lets have a discussion. Do you have these proble

228、ms?First, work in pairs and thinkT: What kind of problems do you meet? Discuss in pairs and tell us your problems.你遇到了什么问题呢?两人小组讨论。然后告诉我们你们遇到的问题或烦恼。Then pleaseT: Exchange your problems with another pair. Listen to another pairs problem andgive them your suggestions.和另一对同学交换你们的问题, 听别人的问题,并给出你们的建议。Ste

229、p 11 Homework这些练习同学们可以根据自己的需要选做。T: Im sorry we have to come to stop here today. Class is over. Goodbye.1 Remember the new words.2 Read two letters.3 Do some additional exercises.Step 12 Summary 小结T: Lets make a summary for todays lessons.下面我们把今天的课做个小结吧。今天我们阅读了两封来自Millie和 Simon的信。 从阅读中, 我们了解了他们在学习和生活

230、中遇到的一些烦恼和困惑,学习和掌握了有关的单词、短语和句子,并知道如何运用这些知识来谈论自己生活中遇到的一些问题和困惑。同时, 我们还阅读了 Sigmund Friend的回信,知道了在今后的学习生活中该如何克服这些困难。第三部分 说明本课时是9A第三单元的第二课时reading,通过学习本课时,同学们可以了56解如何谈论自己在平时的学习和生活中遇到的些烦恼和困惑, 并且知道如何写信来向别人寻求帮助。同时,在教学过程中,老师还可以根据本课阅读内容适当介绍一些阅读技巧,让学生学会针对不同的阅读任务采用相应的阅读技巧, 还要让学生学会如何利用所给出的一些单词或短语来复述课文。Additional

231、ExercisesI .根据所给出的中文或英文注释填入适当的词。1. Sue asked Mr Li for help and he gave her a usef ul( 建议) .2. She decided not to( 接受)the job.3. She has just( to finish doing or making sth.) her degree( 学位)inLaw.4. There seems no reason to( to feel that sth. is not true) her story.5. Will you please teach me how t

232、o ( s u c c e e d in doing something) thebalance between my homework and my hobbies?II.选用词组的适当形式填空。offer me some suggestions feel relax be strict with sb.achieve a balance between .hear from6. I wrote a letter to my pen friend last month, but I haven*t him yet.7. I am lucky that my close friends alw

233、ays when I am in trouble.8. It is better for us to before exams.9. I like sweet food, but I dont want to get fat. Can you tell me how I can_eating and weight?10. Our teachers treats us as his friends and he us, too.III.翻译下列句子。1 . 老师叫我们准时交作业。The teacher asked us our h o m e w o r k .2 .我感到有压力,不知道如何解决

234、它。I feel, and I dont know.3 他每天花很多时间在练习打篮球上。He a lot of time.4 .谁能教我在学习和爱好中达到平衡么?Who can teach me?5 .我们应该捐款来支持慈善事业。We should donate some money.Keys to the exercisesI. 1. suggest 2. accept 3. completed 4. doubt 5. achieveII. 1. heard from 2. offer me some suggestions 3. feel relaxed 4. achieve abalan

235、ce 5. is strict withIII. 1. to hand in, on time 2. stressed, to deal with it 3. spends, practicing playingbasketball 4. how to achieve a balance between study and hobbies 5. to support57the charity9A Unit Three Teenage problemsIntegrated skills第一部分简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 3 Teenage problems三、课型:In

236、tegrated skills四、教学目标1 . 知识目标:1) 听懂并掌握与本单元话题teenage problems有关的词语。2) 掌握提建议的句型。2 . 能力目标:1) 能准确从阅读和听力材料中获取相关信息,完成任务。2) 能说出自己在学习和生活中遇到的问题和烦恼,并给出自己的建议。3 . 情感目标要让学生正视在学习和生活中遇到的些困惑和烦恼。五、教学重点:正确理解下列句子Pay no attention to those students who laugh at you and be proud of yourschoolwork.Thats what friends are f

237、or.第二部分教学流程Part One Lead-inStep 1 .RevisionT: Boys and girls, welcome to my class. Do you till remember Millie and Simon?They had some problems and wrote letters to Sigmund Friend for help.你彳门还记得Millie和Simon吗?他们遇到了一些问题, 并写信给Sigmund Friend寻求帮助。Answer me the questions:回答我两个问题:( PPT5) What are Millies

238、problems? What are Simons problems?Good. Millie has too much homework and she has no time for her hobbies. Simonis crazy about football and always stays out late to play football.What about Sigmund Friends suggestions? 那么 Sigmund Friend 的建议又是什么呢?令 What suggestions did he give to Millie?令 What sugges

239、tion did he give to Simon?Yes. Sigmund friend advised Millie to plan her day carefully and make a list of allthe homework she has to do. Choose one hobby to do every day.He advised Simon not to give up but not to forget about his family, either. He58thought it was better to play football for an hour

240、 or two and then go home.Part Two Dealing with problemsT: Look at the picture.看这幅图。(PPT6)令 Who is she? She is Sue.T: Yes, she is the top student in Classi, Grade 9. Even she has problems. She went tosee Sigmund Friend for help. Today, we are going to see her problems and SigmundFriend suggestions.是而

241、。她是九年级一班的尖子生。她也遇到了问题。她去向 Sigmund Friend寻求帮助。今天我们来看看她的遇到的问题以及SigmundFriend给她的建议。Step 2 Read the profileT: Please read her profile and answer me two questions:阅读她的情况介绍, 回答我两个问题。 l.What subjects does she like?她喜欢什么科目?02. What is her problem? 她遇到的问题是什么?Step 3 Do Part Al (PPT7)T: Here is a note. Look at

242、Sues profile and help Sigmund Friend complete his noteswith as much information as you can.这里是关于她的纪录。看 Sue的情况介绍,用你所知道的信息帮助Sigmund Friend完成他的笔记。T: Have you finished? Lets check the answ ers.完成了吗?让我们一起来核对答案。Step 4 Do Part A2 (PPT7-8)T: Do you know more information? No, we cant find more information fr

243、om herprofile. Now, Sigmund Friend is talking to Sue about her problems. Listen to theirconversation twice and help Sigmund Friend complete his notes in Part Al. 你还知道更多的信息吗?不, 从她的情况介绍中, 我们只知道这些了。 现在, SigmundFriend正在和Sue谈论她遇到的问题。 听他们的对话两遍, 帮助他完成他的笔记。T: Have you done? Lets check the answ ers.好了吗?让我们来核

244、对答案吧。T: Any new words for you? This word may be a new word: bookworm” . Can youguess its meaning? It means someone who spends a lot of time reading books.是指花了很多时间读书的人。( PPT9)Step 5 Read the profile again and answer the questionsT: Now, please read the notes again answer the following questions: 现在再读

245、 遍,回答问题。 (PPT10-12)令 1. How many problems does Sue have?0 2. Whats her first problem?0 3. What advice did Sigmund Friend give her?0 4. Whats her second problem?。 5. What advice did Mr. Friend give her?Step 6 Do Part A3 on page 55 (PPT13-14)T: OK. Sigmund Friend needs to write a report on Sues visit.

246、 Now I think it is easyfor you to help him complete the report on page 55. Sigmund Friend 需要就 Sue 的来访写一个报告。现在我想对你来说帮助他完成这个报告就很简单了。T: Lets check the answer. Id like someone to read your answers.让我们来一起核59对答案吧。我想请一些同学读出自己的答案。T: Please read the whole report together.请齐读这篇文章。Part Three Speak up: sharing

247、problems and giving adviceStep 7 Listen to the dialogue and answer some questions (PPT15)T: I think Sues problems are very common. Have you ever had those problems? Doyou know who to deal with them now? Every one has problems that worry them. Doyou want to share yours with your friends? Now, we will

248、 learn how to share problemsand give advice. First, lets listen to Millie and Amys conversation and judge thefollowing statements.我 想Sue的问题是很普遍的。你曾经有没有遇到类似的问题呢?你现在知道如何解决它们吗?每个人都有困扰他们自己的问题。 你想与你的朋友们分享你的问题吗?如何余你们的朋友交流并给出建议呢? 这将是我们接下来将要学习的内容。先让我们来听听Millie和Amy的对话。Listen to the tape and judge the followi

249、ng statements true or false (PPT16-17)。( )1 Amy has got a problem and she is worried.令 ( )2 Millie thinks her penfriend hasnt replied to her last three e-mailsbecause she doesnt want to write to her any more.令( )3 Amy agrees ( 同 意 )with Millie.0 ( ) 4 Amy advises Millie to send an e-card to her penf

250、riend and let herknow Millie misses her very much.Step 8 Sum up the useful expressionsT: Read the conversation again and think over:再读这个对话,并仔细考虑:When someone tells you about his/her problems, how do you respond? 当有人告诉你他的问题后,你首先该如何回应?You should express the sympathy/ encouragement.你应当表达出你的同情和鼓励。(PPT18

251、) You can say like this:你可以这样说:Oh, dear. What s the problem?r m sorry to hear that.Oh, that s a pity.Oh, Tm sorry. Can I help?Then how do you offer help and give advice?然后如何给出帮助呢? Think over.仔细考虑。(PPT19) You can say:你可以这样说:My advice is to .Talk to your best friend when .Pay no attention to .Be proud

252、 o f.Im sure thats not true.Why dont you .How about, , 7 What about /Why not*/ Shall we /You d betterIts a good idea to.I think you should.Part Four PracticeT: Lets play a game. Here are two numbers. There are two tasks behind each number.60Choose one of the number and finish the tasks, then you wil

253、l win the game.(PPT20)Are you ready? G o.好,现在让我们来玩一个游戏。这里有两个数字。每个数字后面都有两个任务需要你完成。 选择其中的一个数字并完成这两个任务, 你就赢得了游戏。Group 1 (PPT21)Task 1: There are three common problems and their solutions( 解决办法) . Match theproblem with the correct solution.Task 2: Choose one of the problems and make a conversation using

254、 Millie and Amysas a model.任务一: 这里有三个常见的问题和问题解决得办法。 把问题和与之对应的解决方法相对应。任务二:选择其中的一个问题,仿照Millie和 Am y的对话,做一个新对话。Group 2 (PPT22)Task 1: Here are only three pictures. Look at the pictures carefully and think overwhat problems they are and their solutions( 解决办法) .Task 2: Choose one of the problems and make

255、 a conversation using Millie and Amysas a model.任务一:这里只有三幅图片。仔细看图思考图中表明了什么问题,以及如何解决这些问题。任务二:选择其中的一个问题,仿照Millie和 Am y的对话,做一个新对话。T: I really want to listen to more pairs but time is up. I think some of you did verygood job. When you have problems, try to talk to someone and listen to his/her advice.So

256、metimes, their advice is useful.T: Lets make a summary for todays lessons.下面我们把今天的课做个小结吧。通过本课的学习,我们了解了 Sue在学习和生活中遇到的烦恼,并从听Sigmund Friend给 Sue的建议中学会了如何应对这些问题。同时,通过speak up的学习, 我们学习并总结了如何和别人分享问题并给出建议的短语和句子, 进一步提高了我们语言的表达能力。Homework1 Remember the new words and phrases.2 Read the report on page 55.3 Rec

257、ite the conversation between Millie and Amy.4 . Write down your own conversation.5 Do some additional exercises.第 三 部 分 说 明本课时是9A U nit3的Integrated Skillso重点是要求学生从阅读和听力中获取 Sue在学习和生活中遇到的困难和烦恼以及Sigmund Friend给她提出解决这些问题的建议。 因此教师可以设计不同的听力任务来培养学生获取信息并综合处理运用信息的能力。 本课时的Speak up部分是对之前语言学习的“ 输出” , 教师可61以设计不同

258、的活动形式,尽可能的让学生说,让他们学会分享别人的烦恼,给出自己的建议。Additional exercises一、根据首字母提示补全对话。A: Why arent you h_ 1_ ?B: Pm very w_2_.A: Im sorry to hear that. Whats the p_ 3_.B: My p_4_hasnt r_ 5_ to me for a long time. Perhaps he doesnt want tomake f_ 6_with me.A: Dont worry. Maybe he doesnt have e_7_time.B: Youre right.

259、 I s_8_worry so much.二、按要求改写句子。1 Tom does well in playing basketball.( 改为同义句)Tom playing basketball.2 Her classmates often laugh at h e r .( 改为被动语态)She her classmates.3 We call America Uncle Sam.( 画线部分提问)_ America?4 Sue seems much happier.( 改为同义句)It much happier.三、根据汉语提示完成句子。1 .Kitty唱歌得好,也擅长跳舞。Kitty

260、 singing.She is also dancing.2 . 当同学们答不出问题时,我们不应当嘲笑他们。When our classmates cannot correctly, we shouldnt3 .丽 春 丽 展 丽 施 并 给 我 一 些 建 议 。Thank you and.4 . 做运动对他说仍然很困难。still very di f f i c ul t .5 .Jim为他的烹饪技巧感到骄傲。Jim his cooking skills.6 . 你应该与你的老师、父母或朋友分享你的问题,他们会给你提供很多有用的建议。You should your problems you

261、r teachers, parents or your friends.They can.Answers- 1 happy 2 worried 3 problem 4 penfriend 5 replied 6 friends7 enough 8 shouldnt二 1 is good at 2 is often laughed at by 3 What do we call 4 seems that Sueis62三 1 does well in, good at2 answer questions, laugh at them3 for listening to my problems,

262、give me some advice4 Doing sports is, for him5 is proud of6 share, with, offer you some useful suggestions9a unit 4 Grammar教学目标1 . 知识目标:语法:*如何使用时间介词between . and 和 from to ;*如何使用时间状语从句的连接词, befokjafterumirwhile, 和 as;*如何使用副词的比较级和最高级。2 . 能力目标:能运用恰当的时间介词和时间连词谈论生活? 能正确运用副词的比较级和最高级。教学重难点: 如何在时间状语从句中正确运用

263、动词的各种时态; 如何在不同的语境下恰当地运用副词的比较级和最高级。教学步骤:I. Using prepositional phrases of time: between . and and from . to1. Presentation:T: I like watching TV. There is a special programme called Nanjing Zero Distance. I watch itevery day if I have time. I also like watching movies. Here is a time table. Please re

264、ad it andanswer my questions: When is NJ Zero Distance on every day? How long can we watch movies every night?2. Work out the rule:T: So NJ Zero Distance is on TV from 18.50 to 19.50. And we can watch movies for nearly oneand a half hours from 10.05 to 11.30. Now tell me how to use from.to.Rule: The

265、 action lasts for a period of time. There is no pause or interruption.T: Look at another two sentences.I will be at school this afternoon. You can come to see me between 13.00 and 14.00.Dong Shengs talking programme on the radio is from 8.30 to 9.30. You can call him between8.30 and 9.30;How can we

266、use between . and .?Rule: The action happens at a dot of time during the period.3. Practice:1) Please look at the time table and complete some sentences.632) Millie likes watching Golden TV. It is her favourite TV channel. Help her plan what to watchthis Saturday night. Please finish her sentences o

267、n P69.3) These two phrases can be used not only in describing timetable, but also in describing manyother things. Lets have a look. He will be in Beijing November January. She will come 3.00 p. m. 4.00 p.m. I will wait for her at home. We have classes Monday Friday. The film is on 5 p. m. 7.30 p.m.

268、We need to buy something to eat.IL Using before, after and until.1. Revision: Translate some sentences into English. 在颁奖开始之前,我们要采访一些明星。在你看完这个节目后,你就能认识到老虎面临着多大的危险。 直到看到结尾,你才能找出答案。2. Work out the rule:T: From these sentences, we can find out how to use before, after and until.Rule: * Before means at a

269、n earlier time than9;*6After9 means at a later time than;* Until means up to the time that9.3. Practice:1) Complete the following sentences with proper words.2) Look at the pictures below and make some sentences, using before, after and until5.3) Do you want to know Millies TV schedule? Lets read he

270、r words on P70 and complete hersentences with before, after and until.HL Using while and1. Revision: Translate some sentences into English. 在你观看颁奖仪式时,你可以写下答案,并发送文本信息到1396。 米莉看电视时,艾迪一直在睡觉。在第一句中, watch the awards是长动作, write down your answers是短动作。 而在第二句中,watch T V 是长动作,sleep也是长动作。2. Work out the rule:T

271、: Do you know how to use them now?Rule: They can be used to introduce a longer action that started before a shorter action. “As”can also be used to join two short actions that happen at the same time, but “while cant.3. Practice:1) Complete the following sentences with while or as.2) Look at some pi

272、ctures and make sentences using while, as.3) Millie had a good night. What about Daniel? Please help Daniel answer Millies questions onpage 72 using while and as.IV. Using comparatives and superlatives of adverbs o1. Revision:1) Do you know what Millie thinks of the programmes she watched on Saturda

273、y night? Pleasefinish her words with proper forms of the given words.2) In Millies words, she used the comparative and superlative of adjectives. Do you stillremember how to use them? Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given adjectives.642. Presentation.Look at some pictures and describ

274、e them with comparatives and superlatives of adv. Dolphin A swims fast. Dolphin B swims faster (than Dolphin A).A Dolphin C swims the fastest (of the three).3. Work out the rule:1) We can form comparative and superlative adverbs in the same way as we do forcomparative and superlative adjectives.2) R

275、ead the following adverbs, then tell the rules.A单音节词和少数双音节词, 词尾加-er, est 大部分双音节词和多音节词前加一more , most不规则变化:wellbetter- best, badlyworse- worst, muchmoremost, littlelessleast, farfarther/further- farthest/furthest4. Practice:1) Do you know what Millies classmates think of different drama series on TV?

276、Please finish thereport on P73.2) Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the given words.3) Please find out the mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.V. Homework:1 Finish the extra exercises.2 Read the short passages on P6973 more carefully. Try to understand how to

277、 use themproperly.9a unit 4 Integrated skills教学目标:1 .知识目标1 )词汇:本课时的四会单词。2 ) 听懂并理解本课听力材料所传达的信息。2 . 能力目标能够在阅读已有信息后预测未知信息:能够将得到的问卷笔录扩展成一篇报道。3 . 情感目标能够正确认识各种电视节目,学会合理地安排时间。教学重难点:如何根据采访笔录写一篇报道。教学步骤:I. Pre-listening.1. Read Part A1 and focus on the following questions:1) Whatyre their names?2) Which clubs

278、 are they in?652. Guessing game:Now we have known their names and their interest. We also know which clubs they are in.please try to guess which may be their favourite TV programmes.IL While-listening.1. Listen to the tape and write down the programmes they like and dislike.2. Listen to the tape aga

279、in and finish the other informationIII. After-listening.1. Try to remember the information you have got in Part Al and A2. Then complete the report inPart A3 without looking at page 74.2. Analyze the structure of the report:1) Sam is a Grade 9 student. grade2) Hes a member of the Drama Club. club3)

280、He likes watching music programmes because they are really fun. interests/likes4) He watches TV for about half an hour every day. Time spent on TV5) He finds programmes about sports boring. DislikesT: while we are trying to interview somebody and write a report about him or her, we need tothink abou

281、t these aspects.IV. Speak up1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.* Whats Millies favorite TV programme?* Does Kitty share the same interest with Millie?* How much time do they spend on TV programmes every day?2. SpeakingT: After knowing their television viewing habits, would you

282、like to talk with your partner aboutyour television viewing habits? Please do it in pairs. You can use the following questions to helpyou.* What grade are you in?* What club are you in?* What TV programmes are you interested in? Why?* How much time / How long do you spend on TV every day?* What prog

283、ramme do you dislike? Why?3. Think about what your partner likes and dislikes, then make a short report about his/her TVviewing habits and report it to the whole class.V. Homework1 Listen to the tape again and try to follow most of its words.2 Try to recite the dialogue in Speak up.3 Write a short r

284、eport on your partners TV viewing habits, using the information you have got inthe class. You can use the report in Part A3 as a model.9a unit 4 Main task教学目标1 . 知识目标:掌握运用本单元所学语言知识。2 . 能力目标:能用所学语言知识清楚地表述一个故事的情节。3 . 情 感目标:根据所学内容,鼓励学生在小组合作中相互帮助、相互启发,挖掘出更多奇66思妙想。教学重难点:运用所学语言知识写一个完整有趣的故事。教学步骤:I. Free ta

285、lk.1. Look at the pictures and talk about them one by one.T: What can you see in this picture?Picture 1: Two people are quarreling. Maybe they are quarreling about which TV program towatch because the girl has a remote control in her hand.Picture 2: They are throwing something. Maybe they cant agree

286、 with each other. So they begin to由row the remote control.Picture 3: The remote control falls onto the girls foot. Maybe she will get very angry and throw itback to the boy. Or maybe she will be very happy because she can watch her favouriteTV program.IL Writing.1. Read the background and the outlin

287、e of the story on P77 and complete their first half of thestory.2. Try to write an ending for it.T: What will happen next?* Maybe the boy will find the girfs program is also very interesting. He begins to sit down andenjoy it with the girl.* Maybe the boy will go out to play with his friends.* Maybe

288、 their parents come back at that time and they have to go back to their rooms and dotheir homework.T: Do you have your own endings? Talk about it in groups of four and try to write one for it.Maybe your ending is more interesting than mine.3. Complete the writing plan on page 78 with the help of the

289、 story on page 77.* Place: at home* Character list:number of characters: 2characters: 1 Nancy sister2 Victor brother* Personalities of characters: Nancy and Victor disagree all the time.* Favourite activities: watching TVIII. Write a new story.1. Look at the following pictures and think about what i

290、s happening.Picture one: Where are they?Who is the teacher?What is she saying? She says, Well have an autumn outing next week.Picture two: Who is this girl?What is she doing?Picture three: Its midnight. Whats she doing now?What will happen next?2. Writing:T: ril give you the beginning of the story.

291、You need to write your own plan and finish the story.67You can discuss it with your partners first.IV. HomeworkGo on with your story if you havent finished it in class and invite some students to act out thestory.9a Unit 4 Reading教学目标1 .知识目标1 )词汇:本课时的四会单词。2 ) 基本词组:be covered live, send text message

292、to, vote for, be full of, a weekly round-up,up-to-date information, kill oneself, solve mysteries, take a close look at, win an award for .2 . 能力目标通过阅读,了解文中所出现的四个电视节目的基本情况, 并能够运用学到的一些表达方式简单描述生活中的其他电视节目。教学重难点1 . 重点:能够理解所介绍的四个节目的主要内容及其特点。2 . 难点:如何指导学生模仿课文内容简单描述其他的电视节目。板书设计:be covered livesend text mes

293、sage tovote forbe full ofa weekly round-upup-to-date informationkill oneselfsolve mysteriestake a close look atwin an award for .教学步骤:I. Revision:Talk about their favourite TV program. (T: Please make a dialogue in pairs. Tell us what yourfavourite program is.II. Pre-reading:1. T: Do you know my fav

294、ourite TV program? ril show it to you. Whats it? (Super Girls.). It wascovered live on Human TV channel.T: What were they doing? (They were sending text messages to 1396.) Why? (Because theywanted to vote for their favourite stars.T: And next, what was happening? (The result was announced.)T: Whats

295、it? (The presentation was held at once.)T: Besides this kind of presentation, I like watching many kinds of movies. Do you know what68kinds of movies they are? (horror movies, romantic movies, action movies and fictionmovies)2. Read the new phrases they have learnt.3. Complete some sentences with th

296、e phrases they have learnt.IL While-reading:1. Fast reading.Try to find out the answers to the following two questions in one minute.1) I like watching movies. I like watching competitions, too. Which TV programmes may Ichoose?2) Which channels are they on?2. Further reading:1) Read the TV guide mor

297、e carefully and try to answer some questions.2) Read the passages after the tape loudly and try to find some more details. Read the 1st passage together and decide if the following sentences are true or false. Read the 2nd passage and complete the following table. Read the 3rd passage and fill in th

298、e blanks. Read the 4th passage and choose the best answers.III. Post-reading.1. Match the following new words with their explanations.2. Fill in the blanks with the words they have learned.3. Find out some phrases in the text and do more exercises about them.4. Describe some TV programmes, (complete

299、 some short passages with the help of the givenletters.)5. Ask the students to try to write a short introduction for one of their favourite TV programmes.Give them some questions for help.* What is it called?* What is it about?* How do you feel while watching it?IV. Homework1. Finish the exercises o

300、n pages 6667.2. Read the passage loudly after the tape.3. Try to write about five sentences to describe one of your favourite TV programmes.Grade: Grade 9Target lesson: 9A Unit5 ReadingTeaching Objectives: To learn and grasp the uses of some new words. To learn about Audrey Hepburns life and achieve

301、ments by reading the text. To learn to talk about favourite film stars using the languages learnt in the reading.Teaching method: pair work, play a gameTeaching aids: A computer A slide69Blackboard design:Teaching procedure:Step 1 Pre-reading: Present the topic and new words of the reading.1. T: (Sh

302、ow the students photos of director Zhang yimou and talk with the students.)What makes him a successful director?S: Answer freely.T: He devotes all his time to his career.2. T: (Show the students photos of Zhang ziyi, a famous actress.) What makes her a famousactress?S: Answer freely.T: She is hard-w

303、orking. She puts all her effort into film industry. She is lucky. She playedthe lead role in the film My father and Mother, which made her well-knownimmediately. Her beauty and charm has also attracted many famous directors ofHollywood. She has got chances to act in several Hollywood films and has b

304、ecomefamous throughout the world.T: (Ask the students) What prizes has she got?S: Answer freely.T: She has earned a nomination in the Golden Globe Awards ( 美国金球奖) .3. T: (Show the students photos of Jackie Cheung, a famous actor.) Introduce Jackie Cheungsachievements in Charity. In 2006, Jacky Cheng

305、 was honoured with China Charity Awardfor his efforts in Charity. He is a humanitarian.4. Check the students understanding of some of the new words.Match the words with their meanings.devotehonourwell-knowncareerput ones effort intoearna. to give wholly or completely tob. to get or to winc. try ones

306、 bestd. to present honour or award toe. famousd. a jobStep2 Reading1. T: Kitty also has her favourite film star. She is a great beauty and a successful actress.Kitty has collected many photos of hers. Do you want to see them? (Show photos ofAudrey Hepburn.)2. First readingT: Do you want to know more

307、 about the beauty? Kitty has found an article on the star in amagazine. Please turn to page 82, read the article and take some notes about her.Kittys favourite starName: Birthday:Bi r t hpl ace: Death date:Death cause:_703. Second readingT: Kitty wants to make a homepage for Audrey Hepburn. She divi

308、des the homepage intoseveral parts. Can you find out in which paragraph we can find information for the fourparts?S: Para.2Personal details Para.35 Film career Para6. TV series Para7.Other achievements.T: Ask the students to read Paral and Para8 and get the main ideas of each paragraph.Para. 1Genera

309、l Introduction Para.2 Endings.4. Third readingT: Ask the students to read Para. 1 and answer the question: Is Audrey Hepburn onlyfamous in America? Then explain the phrase: not only.but also.T: Lets read Para.2 together and try to get some information for Kiltys homepage.Questions: 1. What lessons d

310、id she begin to take at a very young age?2. What was her dream at that time?Teach some useful language points.T: Ask the students to read Para.3一5 and fill in the form below first.Some important events in Hepburns lifeThen ask the students to name all the films mentioned in the reading and find outi

311、nformation about her achievements in the filming career.T: Ask the students to read Para. 6 and answer the questions first and then explain somelanguage points.1. How many TV series did she act in?2. What did Hepburn want to remind us according to the TV series?T: Ask the students to read Para 7 and

312、 answer the questions first and then explain some ofthe language points.1. What else did Hepburn do besides acting?2. Was she honoured with a number of awards because of her effort in charity?5. Ask the students to read the whole text and conclude the structure of the reading material.Step 3 Post-re

313、ading1. T: Kitty didnt know the meanings of some words in the article before reading. Lets helpKitty check if she has worked out the meanings of these words. Ask the students tofinish Part B1 on page 84.71The students do the exercises by themselves and then check the answers together.2. T: Kitty is

314、writing about Audrey Hepburns life. Help her check the notes. Ask thestudents to finish Part B2 on page 84.3. T: Kitty wants to make sure she knows everything about Audrey Hepburns life as anactress. Look at the magazine headlines she has found. Help Kitty put them in thecorrect order. Ask the stude

315、nts to finish Part C1 on page 85.4. T: Kitty writes an article about Audrey Hepburns career. However, she has dropped someink onto the paper. Help her fill in the missing words. Ask the students to finish PartC2 on page 85.Step4 Homework1. Read the text until you can read it correctly and fluently.2

316、. Do some extra exercises, (see ppt)Grade: Grade 9Target lesson: 9A Unit5 Integrated skillsTeaching Objectives: To learn and grasp the uses of some new words. To learn to definite information in the listening material. To learn to talk about different types of films.Teaching method: listening, talki

317、ngTeaching aids: A computer A slide A tape-recorderTeaching procedure:Stepl Presentation1. Show the students posters of different types of films and ask them to tell what kind offilms they are.2. Tell the students that there are many different kinds of films in the world, but not all ofthem are suit

318、able for children. So Sandy plans to do a project on it. Ask the students tolisten to Sand and Kittys talk and answer the questions.a. What does Sandy think of fights in action films?b. What kind of film does Kitty like?3. Ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs and then act it out.4. Ask

319、 the students to talk about their favourite film in the similar way.Step2 Listening1. T: There is a film festival in Sunshine Town. Sandy is writing a report on some of thefilms. Lets read the film guide and help Sandy take some notes abut the names of thecinemas and their locations. Ask the student

320、s to try finishing Part A1 on page 92.2. Ask the students to listen to the tape and finish Part A1.3. Ask the students to talk about the film festival with the help of the questions given inPPT.4. Ask the students to finish Part A3 on page 93.725. Ask the students to discuss how to deal with the fil

321、ms which are not suitable forchildren.Step3 Homework1. Read the dialogue on page 93.2. Different people may have different favours in films. Write a short passage introducingwhat kind of film you like best. You should also state the reason why you like this kind offilm.Grade: Grade 9Target lesson: 9

322、A Unit5 Study skillsTeaching Objectives: To learn and grasp the uses of some new words. To learn to show agreement and disagreement to others ideas. To learn to talk about favourite films. To learn to choose proper films for teenagers.Teaching method: pair work, play a gameTeaching aids: A computer

323、A slideBlackboard design:AgreementI agree.Thats a good idea.Thats a good idea.Yes, youre right.DisagreementI disagree.That may not be a good idea.No, I dont think so.Im not sure if you are right.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Presentation1. Present the lesson by playing a song and then talk with the stud

324、ents about the songs.T: (Ask the students) What do the girl think we should if we are happy?S: Clap our hands; Stomp our feet; Shout hooray; Let our face surely show it.T: (Ask the students) What do you think of her ideas? Do you agree with her or disagreewith her? Please talk in pairs.S: Talk in pa

325、irs about the girls opinions.T: Ask several pairs to talk in class and ask students to pay attention to their ways ofexpressing agreement and disagreement.2. Present the ways of expressing agreement and disagreement.T: There are different phrases expressing agreement and disagreement. Millie wants t

326、olearn more about it so that she can discuss what is a perfect film with her friends. Helpher complete the table in part A on page 94.S: Do the exercises by themselves.T: Check the answers together.Step 2 Practice731. T: Sandy and Millie are discussing a film they watched yesterday. They sometimes a

327、greewith each other and sometimes disagree with each other. Please help them completetheir conversation in part B on page 94.2. Check the answers together.3. T: Lets read the dialogue in pairs. Please take turns to be Sandy and Kitty.4. Ask several pairs to act the dialogue out.5. T: (Ask the studen

328、ts) Are these sentences useful in our daily life? Lets go to some scenesto see it. (There are four scenes for the students to choose.)Scene 1: At the clothes shopMillie: Hello! Kitty! I dont know what clothes to buy. Can you help me?Kitty: I think the red skirt is a good choice.Millie:. Red reminds

329、me of fire. It makes me feel hot,especially in summer.Kitty:. What about the white one?Scene2: At schoolMillie: Who do you think can be our new chairperson?Kitty: I think David is suitable.Millie:. David has many good personal qualities.Sandy:. A chairperson should be good at all subjects, but David

330、is quite weak in physics.Scene3: At homeMillie: Dad, I have got a problem. I am very worried.Dad: Whats wrong?Millie: I think Im not clever enough to go to university. I want to give up.Millie:. You are very good at English. If you put allyour effort into study, you can learn it quite well.Scene4: I

331、n the classroomSandy and Millie are talking about TV series and films. Sandy prefers TV serieswhile Millie prefers films. Suppose you and your partner are Sandy and Millie.Please make a dialogue using the sentence patterns expressing agreement anddisagreement.Step3 HomeworkRead Part B on page 94.Tar

332、get lesson: 9A Unit5 Main taskTeaching Objectives: To learn and grasp the uses of some new words. To learn to write about favourite stars.Teaching method: pair work, play a gameTeaching aids: A computer A slideTeaching Procedures:74Step I Presentation1. Revise the information about Audrey Hepburn: b

333、irthday, birthplace, talents, films,Awards.2. Present the famous star- Gongli.3. Present some of the films starring Gongli.4. Ask the students to read the profile of Gongli and try to grasp some of the informationabout her.Questions:1) When and where was she born?2) What is she experienced in?3) Whe

334、n and how did she start acting?4) Did she get any award for acting?5) Among all of her films, which have you seen? Which do you like best?Step2 Writing1. Ask the students to finish Part A2 on page 95.2. Check the answers in class.3. Ask the students to analyse the structure of the writing.Para 1 Sta

335、rtingPara 2 Basic introductionPara 3 Film (football/writing.) careerPara 4 Ending4. Ask the students to write about their favourite star. Ask them to use the fact sheet inpart B on page 96 as a help.5. Ask the students to write about their favourite star.Step3 Homework1. Read the passage about Gong

336、Li on page 95 in the book.2. Do you have any other one who you appreciate ( 欣赏) very much? Please complete thefollowing fact sheet with information that you can think of.9A Unit 6 Checkout Solving crimes主讲教师:吕华兵( 南京市第十三中学)一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 6 Detective stories三、课型: Checkout四、教学目标1 . 知识目标系统复习本单元的

337、话题及语法知识。2 . 能力目标:75帮助学生自主地建构本单元所学习的语言知识,并能正确地运用。3. 情感目标:让学生在这一部分中查漏补缺,学有目标,学有方法,进而增强学习的自信心。五、教学重难点1 . 重点检查学生掌握所学语言的情况,并有针对性地进行训练。2 . 难点如何构建合理的知识体系。六、教学步骤Step 1 Lead-inAt the very beginning of the lesson, ask the students if they want to be a detective and be adetective like the famous detective Cona

338、n. If the answer is yes”, tell the students that here isa good chance: a local police station needs new detectives. Encourage the students to have atry-Show a picture of the Detective Lu, the top detective in Valley Town. And say that DetectiveLu would like to see if you can be a good detective.Step

339、 2 First, hed like to test your vocabulary. Get the students to open their books to page 115and complete part B.Check the answers.Step 3 Say As a detective, you also need to write reports about cases. Invite the students tocomplete the report about the murder in Valley Town.The m u r d e r place nin

340、e o?clock yesterday e v e n i n g one oclockthis morning. He was with a knife and to death as a. There was alsoevidence of a. The victim obviously put up a good.The only is a short, thin man who was seen down Upper Street at 10last night. He was breathing and had on his shirt. But he had evidence to

341、 provethat he w as another place at the time of the and insisted that he was notThe police are not sure the victim was killed somewhere and then broughtto Valley Town,_killed at the place he was . They are now checking the scene forthe and o t h e r . They are interested in knowing if the victim had

342、 anyThey have found out that the victim was with into several computersystems over the last year. Anyone with information should the police _ 55501212 . The victims parents have offered a of 50,000 for any information thatto the arrest of the murderer.Step 4 Give some comments and introduce the new

343、task by saying Good, Detective Lu is verypleased to see that you are good at writing reports. He also brings us a pieces of good news.He has just solved the case. He is now TV now. An interviewer is talking to him about themurder. vInvite two of the students to read the dialogue and the other studen

344、ts should keep their booksclosed and listen carefully. Try to answer the following questions:1 Who murdered the programmer? (His boss.)2 Was the suspect with blood on his shirt guilty? (No, he wasnt.)76Tell the students that Millie also watched Detective Lu on TV. Her father has just come homefrom w

345、ork and she wants to tell him about it. Complete what Millie is saying.Invite the students to finish Part A on page 115 and then check the answer together.Step 5 Tell the students that, “As a detective, you also need to report what others say. invite thestudents to practice reporting what others say

346、.1 I want some water,“ said the suspect.The suspect said (that) he/she wanted some water.2 The earth moves around the sun,“ said my teacher.My teacher said (that) the earth moves around the sun.3 Tve seen the said my father.My father said (that) he had seen the film.4 The man is running quickly,“ sa

347、id the witness.The witness said (that) the man was running quickly.5 I was born in 1998,“ the boy said.The boy said (that) he was bom in 1998.6 Do you like reading detective stories? asked Millie.Millie asked if/whether I liked reading detective stories.7 Where are you going? asked Mr. Smith.Mr. Smi

348、th asked where you were going.8 Have you finished your homework? asked my mother.My mother asked ifYwhether I had finished my homework.9 We will be back tomorrow,said Mr. Jones.Mr. Jones said (that) they would be back the next day.10 Lucy said, “I will have supper outside tonight.”Lucy said (that) s

349、he would have supper outside that night.Give a summary to the key points of changing a direct speech into a reported speech.Direct _ reportedspeech speech卜司接引语| , 卜用接引语|/ 人I人 称 的 变 化I语序的变化时态的变化连词的应用Remind the students that we also need to change the adverbials of a sentence when a directspeech is ch

350、anged into a reported speech. Give a summary and help the students to figure outthe methods.Step 6 Prepare a quiz for the students to do and check the answers.A. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.I We were very surprised that Tom was charged w i t h ( r o b ) .2 Uncle Wang s

351、ells newspapers for a ( l i v e ) .3 The policemen caught t h o s e ( t h i e f ) and took them to the police station.4 He i s ( c h a r g e ) with breaking into a computer system.5 A terrible took place last night.77A nice girl was in her home between 10p.m. and 12p.m., but the policemenhavent foun

352、d the yet. ( murder)6 The police are asking people who saw a n y t h i n g ( usual) to be( witness )7 All the boys were b r e a t h i n g ( heavy) after the race.8 I will never forget my dog s ( die) .I still cant believe he has be e n( die) for almost a year.B . Transform the sentences.1 Someone sa

353、w him running down Upper Street at 10 pm last night.( 改为被动语态)He down Upper Street at 10 pm last night.2 She said, He will be busy.( 改为间接引语)She said.3 The detective said, The victim was attacked with a knife.( 改为间接弓| 语)The detective said that a knife.4 4What did you do here yesterday? the old man ask

354、ed my brother.( 改为间接引语)The old man asked my brother.C. Complete the following sentences.1 We were not sure( 他是否犯有谋杀罪) .2( 他将被逮捕) for computer crimes.3 Unluckily, ( 他最后因为失血过多而死亡) .4 Who( 闯入你们家) last night?5( 他被看见在打网球) at ten pm last night.6( 他有证据证实) he was not there at that time.Step 7 HomeworkA Revi

355、ew the whole unit and get ready for the test.B Do some additional exercises.A. Complete the sentences with the words.1 Dont blame them any more. They are all( 受害者) .2 The police are trying to search for the( 凶手) .3 Ive just left my bag( 某处) . But I cant find it.4 My little cousin Tom likes( 侦探) stor

356、ies very much. He asks me tell himone every evening.5 After the long race, John was( 呼吸) heavily.B. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.1 Hey, Tom! You are( want) on the phone.2 Nearly 70( thief) have been caught by the police since last year.3 The second suspect had a ( crime

357、) record for theft.4 The boy is too young( dress) himself.5 The man was charged wi t h( rob) .C. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given phrases.1 People cut down forests every year. , there is less and less space for thewildlife.2 When I walked out of the shopping mall, I found that my

358、 purse had.3 Last night a man my house but he didnt steal anything.4 She likes singing and I can every time I pass here house.785 A body of a young man was found by the ri ver.Keys:A 1 victims2 murderer3 somewhere4 detective5 breathingB1 wanted2 thieves3 criminalC4 to dress 5 robbery1 As a result3 b

359、roke into5 the following day2 gone missing4 hear her sing七、说明本节课是第六单元的综合检测,在教学过程中教师不应只局限于课本本身所提供的内容,而应着眼于整个单元,对单元的话题( 侦探故事) 以及语法( 间接引语) 作 个系统的回顾,确保学生能够掌握并运用。9A Unit 6 Integrated skills: The kidnapping主讲教师:吕华兵( 南京市第十三中学)一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 6 Detective stories三、课型: Integrated skills四、教学目标1 .知识目标1 )

360、 四会单词:record, prison2) 词组:have no criminal record, be in prison, be involved in3) 句型: He seems to be a nice man.2. 能力目标能听懂有关案件的录音,提取相关信息,并能就这些信息和同伴交流。五、教学重难点1 . 重点帮助学生听懂并提取案件的相关信息。2 . 难点如何让学生条理清楚地表达自己对不同嫌疑犯的看法。六、教学步骤Step 1 Lead-inShow the students the picture (on the left) and say “Look at the man.

361、Hisname is Guan Dawei. He is a rich man. He has lots of money. He is amillionaire.Invite the students to read the new words.Tell the students something terrible has occurred and at the same time, showthe students another picture. Make an briefintroduction to the boy like this:“Look at this picture.

362、This is Guan Fei, Guan Daweisson. And then ask the students *What is a happening? As the studentsto the answer: a kidnapping, say “The kidnapping occurred! Ithappened. And Guan Fei was kidnapped.”79Get the students to think about how Guan Dawei and Guan Fei felt by asking them the followingquestions

363、:Do you think Guan Fei was scared? (Yes.)How did his father feel? (He felt worried)Ask the students what Guan Dawei should do then. (Call the police.)Say “Yes, he called the police and Detective Lu came quickly. He has found two suspects.Showthe students the following pictures and introduce some mor

364、e new words that they may meet in thelistening part.Look at this man. Hedeliver letters. He takesletters to their house.Do you know his job?(Yes, he is a postman.)And the woman givespeople haircuts. She is ahairdresser.Step 2 Read and search for information.Invite the students to read Detective Lus

365、notes in part Al, page 110 quickly and fill in theblanks with as much information as possible.Check the information that they can find through reading.Step 3 Listen and complete the profilesTell the students that the information is not enough to solve the case. Ask them the followingquestions:Do you

366、 think Detective Lu should talk to them?What kind of questions will he ask?(Before listening, it is important to get the students ready for the task.)What will the detective ask?1 Whats your name?2 Do you know Mr. Guan ?3 How long have you known Mr. Guan ?4 Do you know his son , Guan Fei ?5 Did you

367、go to Mr. Guans house on the 28th of December ?6 Where were you from 7p.m. to 8 p.m. on the 28th of December ?Play the tape and students complete the profiles while listening.Check the answers.Step 4 Completing the reportTell the students that Detective Lus assistant is writing a report on the kidna

368、pping case.However, he didnt hear everything clearly. Invite the students to complete the report for him.Check the answers.Step 5 DiscussionDivide the students into groups of four to have a discussion on the following questions;1 Who do you think is guilty? Why?2 How much money will he/she ask for?

369、And why?Invite the reporters from several groups to speak out their opinions.Step 6 Speak up80Tell the students Detective Lu and Policeman Li are also talking about the suspects.Invite the students to listen to their dialogue and then answer the following questions.Does Policeman Li think Wang Gang

370、was involved in the case? Why?Get the students to read the dialogue together and then answer the following question:Why doesnt Policeman Li think Wang Gang is guilty?(Remind the students there may be several reasons and encourage them to find them all.)Wang Gang seems to be a nice man.He was at his

371、sisters wedding at the time of the crime.He doesnt have a criminal record.Ask the students to open the books and read the dialogue in roles.Ask them to work in pairs and take turns to read different roles. (They may need thisdialogue in making up their own dialogues.)Step 7 Making up a new dialogueE

372、ncourage the students to make up their own dialogues. Make it clearly that their can talkabout either of the suspects or both of the suspects.Invite several pairs to act out their dialogues.Step 8 HomeworkA. Read the passage on Page 111.Make sure you can read it correctly and fluently.B. Write down

373、what you think, about the two suspects.Are they guilty? Why or why not?七、说明本节课是第六单元的综合技能课, 侧重于对学生听说能力的培养。 过多的生词将影响听力理解, 所以教师在教学的过程中一定要做一些听前的铺垫工作,如:交代清楚背景或情景,教授生词等等。9A Unit 6 Main task A detective story主讲教师:吕华兵( 南京市第十三中学)一、年级:九年级二、教学内容: 9A Unit 6 Detective stories三、课型: Main task四、教学目标1 . 知识目标学习如何根据所给

374、图片提示写一篇侦探故事。2 . 能力目标能根据所提供的图片,展开合理的想象,写出语意清晰、结构合理的侦探故事。3 . 情感目标通过对侦探或警员办案过程的了解,让同学们养成积极思维、关注细节的好习惯。五、教学重难点1 . 重点能依据所提供的图片或文字,按事件发展的顺序编写出合乎逻辑的侦探故事。2 . 难点如何让学生用熟悉的语言来表述案件的一些细节问题,而且做到语句流畅、条理清晰。81六、教学步骤Step 1 Warming-upTell the students that they are going to have a good time in this period and they are

375、 going tobe turned into detectives and solve cases on their own.Say “First, lets learn from a famous detective. Do you know him?”Play a short flash about the famous detective Conan.(Conan is the most popular detective they know. It may be easier for them to talk about him.)Ask the students the follo

376、wing questions:Do you think he is a good detective? Why or why not?(I think so. Because he careful and brave.)Would you like to be a detective like Conan?(If the answer is Yes.”, it is very natural to take a small test before becoming a detective.)Crime scene! Do not!* protect the crime scene* check

377、 the scene for objects or clues check the scene /objects for fingerprints* look for witnesses and ask them for information* decide who the suspects are and talk to them* find the murdererUse questions to help the students figure out the general ways of solving a case. (This will bevery important in

378、helping the students to organize their detective stories.)Step 2 Modeling the taskEncourage the students by saying that they have already knows a lot about how to solve acase. And then, ask them for help. Say “one of my friends, Tom, was arrested yesterday.”Show the following pictures and introduce

379、the new words: be under arrest; a diamondnecklace; be charged with robbery; a jewellery shop; shocked.Tell the students that Tom is not guilty. But it is also hard to prove it. Millie has learned aboutthis and she has drawn some pictures about it. Get the students to label the pictures withnumbers a

380、nd put the pictures in right order.Show the pictures one by one and at the same time, invite the students to read out thesentences matching the picture to check if students have developed the right story line.Tell the students that Millie has also written an article about it. But she missed a few wo

381、rds.Ask the students to help her complete the sentences and do part A2 on page 113.Check the answers.Divide the students in groups of four and find a way to help Tom. Each group writes anending to the story.82Encourage the students to share their stories with their classmates.Step 3 Writing a Detect

382、ive StoryAsk the students to open their books. Look at the pictures carefully and match the sentenceswith them. Do part B1 on page 114.Give the students some instructions about how to develop the story and how to have moreideas!Make it clear that it is a good way to ask oneself more questions.Show t

383、he first picture and encourage the students to ask as much questions using the wh-words given beside.Show the second picture and ask the students, “What the policeman will do?” Encouragethem to guess what the police can find there.Ask the students what else the policeman can do. And then show pictur

384、e 3&4.* Talk to the witnesses* Talk to a cook in a nearby restaurant(If possible, we can also invite the students to think about the questions and the answersthat they ask and answer.)Show picture five and ask “what has the policeman find.” What do you think he will do withthem?Show the last picture

385、 and ask The policeman arrests the cook.”* How does the detective know the cook is the murderer?* Why did the cook do this?Show the student all the six pictures and help them to catch the story line.Remind the students the elements of writing a detective story by saying “There are also someelements

386、( 要素) youd better include in your.”Encourage the students to find them in their books and then help them to understand it bytranslating them.Remember to include these elements in your story.* A description of the crime火对案发现场的描述* Any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime*在案发现场找的物品或线索* A de

387、scription of the suspect* 对嫌疑犯的描述* How the detective knows he or she has found the right person*侦探们是如何知道他们找对人了Step 4 Homework* Write your own detective story!You can write about either the story in Part Bl or a totally creative story.Try to make your story interesting.七、说明本节课是第六单元的主要任务, 要求学生编写一个侦探故事

388、。 教师需在平常的教学过83程中多关注侦探办案的流程, 从而潜移默化地教会学生如何去组织和表述自己的侦探故事。本节课上教师引导学生合理地运用设问来拓展自己的思维。 这些问题本身就没有固定的答案, 老师也不宜加以限制。 在问题的引导下, 学生可以自由地建构自己的侦探故事,充分地体现他们的主观能动性。9A Unit 6 Reading Murder in Valley Town主讲教师:吕华兵( 南京市第十三中学)一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Unit 6 Detective stories三、课型:Reading四、教学目标1 . 知识目标1)本课的四会单词。2) 词组:be attack

389、ed with, bleed to death, as a result, be guilty of, be charged with2 . 能力目标:能阅读有关凶案的报道并获取相关信息。能灵活运用所学知识,简单介绍有关事件的情况。五、教学重难点1 . 重点让学生了解办案的过程,熟练掌握所学语言知识,培养一定的阅读能力。2 . 难点如何让学生能熟练运用所学语言知识清晰完整地介绍案件的情况。六、教学步骤Step 1. Lead-in:At the very beginning, let the students listen to the siren of a police car. And a

390、sk the students:T: What did you hear?S: The sound of a police car.T: Can you guess what happened?S: . ( Students give their own answer.)T: Let me tell you. A murder happened, and this is the scene of the murder.T: Now if you are there, what will you do?S: Call the police.T: Yes. You are clever. Now

391、the police are here. What do you think they will do?84S: Checking the scene for Clues.T: What do you think they can find there?S: (Students give their own answers.)T: (Show the possible answers and get the students to read it.)a knife, a gun, footprints, fingerprints, some hair, evidence of struggle

392、/fight, .What else do you they will do?S: Talking to someone. (Students may come up with other answers. It doesnt matter. Givethem more hint and help them get it.)T: Yes, talking to someone. Who do you think they will talk with? What kind of informationthey will ask for?the witnesses: something unus

393、ual they saw or heardthe victims friends/workmates: the victims unusual behaviors ( 不正常的举动) ;thevictims enemiesT: All these clues will lead to the arrest of the murderers. (Show Picture 3) Look ! The policearrested the murderers.Step 2 First-reading:Tell the students that a murder happened in valley

394、 town last night and invite them to read thepassage. Get the students to find the answers to the following questions as quickly as possible.1 Who was murdered? (A 22-year-old computer programmer.)2 Who was the only suspect? (A short, thin man.)Step 3 Read and guess the meaning of the new words.There

395、 are some important new words in the text. Do you know their meanings? Lets try toguess. Ask the students to read and finish Part Bl on page 102 and them check the answerstogether.Step 4 Second-readingGet the students to read the passage again carefully for some detailed information. And then, tryto

396、 answer the following questions orally.1 Where did the victim work, in Valley Town or New Town?2 When was he last seen?3 Was the man killed at the clothes shop?4 What did the murderer use to attack?5 Did the man put up a good fight?6 What does the suspect look like?7 How much is the reward the victi

397、ms parents offered?Step 5 Detailed-readingGet the students to read the passage one part by another. Try to specify the information andsimultaneously, highlight some of the most important language points.1 Read Para. 1 and complete the table.TimePlaceHis body was foundlast nightin the doorway of a cl

398、othes shopHe was last seenat about 7 p.m.leaving his office2 Read Para. 2 and learn something about the murder.1 When was the victim murdered?The murder took place between 9 p.m. yesterday and 1 a.m. today.852 Where did the murder happened?The police are still working hard to find out the answer.* T

399、he police are still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim waskilled somewhere else and then brought to valley town, or killed at the place where he wasfound.somewhere及相关的不定副词* somewhere* anywhere* everywhere* nowhere在某处, 到某处任何地方,随便什么地方到处,处处无处, 任何地方都不1 Lets play hide-and-se

400、ek. You can hide in this room, (anywhere)2 I looked for my lost ring, (everywhere)3 The letter is among the newspapers, (somewhere)4 Lets go out and have supper . (somewhere)5 Kangaroos live in China, (nowhere)3 Read Para. 3-4 for clues and evidence.check the scenefor cluesevidence ofa stinggleput u

401、p a good fightwas attacked witha knifebled to deathmore thanone attackerGet the students to fill in the blanks:The police have found clues to show that the victim a knife and as a result.There was also evidence of a struggle. Detective Lu said that the victim a good fight. It ispossible that there w

402、as more than one.Explain the following language points:attack v t.攻击 attacker n .攻击者I The prisoners each other. At last, some of them were badly hurt.2 She began the thief with a piece of wood.3 The village by the French army before we came.4 Its reported that the were caught by the police.* bleed t

403、o death 流血至死* bleed v i.流血,出血* 过去式, 过去分词bled bled* 名 词 blood861 He lay in the road and terribly.2 My little son is afraid of s e e i n g .3 The patient now.4 Read Para. 5-6 and learn more about the victim.1 What kind of young man was he?He had many friends and an interesting, well-paid job.2 Was he

404、once guilty?Yes. He was guilty of computer crime.He was charged with breaking into several computer system.be charged with 被指控charge v t.指控, 控告break in to 强行闯入她因杀死了一只丹顶鹤而被指控。She killing a red-crowned crane.他被指控强行闯入约翰家。He was charged with the Johns.5. Read Para. 7 and learn more about the suspect.App

405、earancea short, thin manSeenPlaceat Upper StreetTimeat 10 p.m. yesterdayReasons for being suspectedbreathe heavily; have blood on his shirt6 Read Para. 8 and answer the following questions.1 What have the victims parents offered the reward for?Any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer

406、.2 How can we contact the police?We can contact the police on 5550 1212.Step 6 Get the students to discuss the following questions:If you have some information, will you contact the police?Why or why not?( Personally, I think, it is our duty to contact the police if we have some information. Do youa

407、gree?)Step 7 Tell the students that Millie wants to know how well Amy knows the case. She is playingthe role of Detective Lu. Help Amy answer Millies questions. Invite the students to do Part B2on page 102 and then check the answers.Step 8 Tell the students that Millie is talking with her classmates

408、 about the murder at lunchtime.Help them complete their sentences. Invite the students to do Part Cl on page 103 and thencheck the answers.Step 9 Homework:A Finish Part C2 on page 103 to see if you know the case well.B Read and retell the case to one of your classmates.C Additional exercises.Fill in

409、 the blanks with the words you have learnt.871 There was more than one( 攻击者) .2 The man must be ki l l e d( 某处) else.3 My classmates are interested i n ( k n o w ) if we are going to have an exam.4 Tm surprised at h i s ( d i e ) .5 He was last s e e n ( l e a v e ) his office at 7p.m. yesterday.6 P

410、erhaps this has made him s o m e ( e n e m y ) .7 Would you please offer the police s o m e (in fo rm a tio n that may help solve a crime)?8 His nose i s( t o lose blood) now.9 I go t h e r e ( m o r e than a few but not many) times each year.10 Detective Lu is Valley T o wn s (the best) detective.K

411、EYS:1 attacker 2 somewhere 3 knowing 4 death 5 leaving6 enemies 7 clues 8 bleeding 9 several 10 top七、说明:本节课是第六单元的阅读课。 在教学过程中, 教师可引导孩子根据侦探办案的过程从整体上把握文章。 从了解案件的基本信息、 警方的行动以及受害者和嫌疑犯的情况等方面着手,帮助学生整理和记忆文中的语言知识,以达到灵活运用的目的。讲授语言点时, 也不应割裂学生对文章的理解。Teaching Plan for Project 1, 9AModule 1: Getting along with oth

412、ersWho am I?第一部分简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Project 1 Getting along w汕 others三、课型:实践课四、教学目标1 . 知识目标:复习及综合运用9八15曲口一151 3 所有语言知识,语法知识及写作知识。2 . 能力目标:1)通过讨论,阅读,游戏的方法了解自我介绍所涉及的几个方面,并能有意识地将所学的知识进行运用。2)能合理整合所收集信息。3)如何制作并美化自己的海报( poster) o4)展示所有作品, 突出作品的优点。3 . 情感目标:1)学生在运用所学知识的时, 逐渐提升自己语言运用的自信程度,更为充分地调动学生的学习积极性,培

413、养英语学习的兴趣和自信心。2)学生在这一活动中更加增进彼此的了解,为发展更加和谐的生生关系,作出贡献。五、教学重难点1 . 重点:1)自我介绍的几个方面。882 ) 自我介绍的写作。3 ) 海 报 (poster)的制作与美化。2 . 难点:1 )如何如何详简得当地介绍自己,并突出自己鲜明的特点?2 ) 如何适当地在写作的过程中,运用所学的知识。六、教具多媒体教学设备,练习纸第二部分教学流程第 1 模块 PlanningStep 1: Lead-inT: Hello, everyone! Today will learn Project One: Who am I. We are going

414、to make some posters.I know you are very good at making posters. Take a look at some of the works. Here are postersfrom Lucy. She made poster about: My Friends, My Hometown, A Rainstorm and A Day Out.Are they good! Sure! Here are some more posters from Leta. They are also very good. Do youagree? Let

415、a made posters about: the Educational Computer Game, A trip to Xiamen, Naning:Past and Present and A Storm Hit Nanjing. Today, we are going to make some special ones forourselves. However, you can not mention your name in the posters because we are going to letothers to guess who you are.T: Since we

416、 have learned a lot in last three units, I think you can have a lot to talk about. Nowyoud better discuss with your partner about what to talk about?(Students have a discussion and the teacher tries to collect as many ideas as possible. Writethem on the blackboard.)第 2 模块 PreparingStep 2: Pre-work (

417、Modeling the writing)T: Now can you say something? . Thats all? Good! Lets open your book to P56 and see whatideas the textbook offers.T: Well, we can write about: Age, Personality, Appearance, Achievements, Star Sign, Color,Teenager Problems, Hobbies and Favorite Subjects.T: But how to write about

418、this. Lets see here is an example.Someone is writing about her appearance.AppearanceHey! Do you know me? No? But do you remember the two big smiling eyes.I have should-length hair. It makes me look smarter.PersonalityI am confident, too. I can speak in front of the whole school without feeling (feel

419、) nervous. Ithink, it is important for us to be (be) confident. Do you think so?AchievementsWell! Let me give you more information. I am very good at English. I got full mark in last test. Ialso won the first prize of the English Speaking Contest.Star signsAnd look here this is my star sign. Yes, yo

420、u are right. I am born under Leo, so I am generousand like to buy my friends gifts.89Colors:Among all the colors, I prefer orange. Orange is a warm color and it can cheer you up.ProblemsSometimes, I have problems, too. But I never keep my worries to myself. Td like to talk withmy friends and teacher

421、s about my problems.SubjectsI like English just as you do. Mr. Li is a wonderful English teacher. And I think English is reallyuseful.第 3 模块 DesiwningStep 3: While-work (drafting & designing)T: Well, do you think there are too many to write about? I think, you can choose several aspects towrite abou

422、t instead of write about everything. Go more details, if possible. In this way, yourclassmates can get to know who you are more easily.Now lets get to write your drafts( 草稿) . Remember to keep your poster a secret before it isshown in the classroom.T: Now you must have finished your drafts. Td like

423、you to read your drafts carefully and check forcareless mistakes. If you are not sure, you can come to me for help.T: Good! Here are some more things I want to mention. Some tips for you to make your postersmore interesting.A. Using pictures and colours to make your poster look more beautiful and in

424、teresting. You candraw some pictures of your hobbies, star sign, etc. on the poster.B. Think about what colours to use and the position of the text and pictures.C. Remember to make your words big enough and clear enough so that your classmates canread it easily.Remember all these. I am sure you can

425、do a very good job this time.(Students take the drafts home and start to design their posters.)第 4 模块 Presentation & AssessmentStep 4: Post-work(The next day, the teacher collects all the posters, mark them with numbers (e.g. 1, 2, .) andposts them beautifully around the classroom before class with

426、the help of the monitors.)(With all the posters posted around the classroom)T: As you can see, you have done a very good. Take a look! How beautiful these posters are. NowI am going to give you a table. You can leave your seats and walk around the classroom to readthese posters.Here is how to do.A.

427、Walk silently and dont make too much noise.B. Read as quickly as possible.C. Choose 3 that you think are the best. Write their numbers down in the table.D. Guess the owner of the posters. Write the numbers and their names in the table. Lets seewho can get the mostTHE BEST(WRITENUMBER ONLY)FIRSTSECON

428、DTHIRDNO.NO.NOGUESSING THEIR NAMES90NUMBERSNAMESNUMBERSNAMESNO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.T: Now, all of you go and find your own posters. And now I am going to several students to saysomething about their posters. (Give comments, as they finished.)T: Good! Thank you for your wonderful job. You may continue to

429、read these posters after classand find more interesting things about your friends. Good- bye!第三部分说明一、Project1在 9 A 中的作用:1)复习9AUnit 1U nit3的语言知识,语法知识和写作知识Unit 1 Star signs介绍星座和性格的联系。介绍写作推荐信,用事例来表明人物的性格。Unit 2 Colors介绍颜色和人物情绪的联系。介绍如何利用穿着来调适自己的心情。Unit 3 Teenage Problems介绍青少年所面对的各种问题。介绍青少年解决问题的方法和途径。 学习

430、通过口头或笔头的方式向朋友倾诉自己的问题, 寻求帮助解决自己面临的问题。2)是 9A Unit 1Unit 3 基础知识的综合实际运用,是知识和能力的提高。二、9A Project 1 完成时间:1 课时第 1课 时 : 第 1 2 ,3 模块第 2 课时:第 4 模块三,教学中的注意问题1)处理好课内活动和课外任务的关系。课内:明确任务,提供信息,教会方法,个别指导,解疑答惑,评比表扬;课外:查找资料,整合信息,查漏补缺,修改进步,展示作品,评比表扬。1)教师起主导作用。教师让学生明确这一部分的制作目标,提供部分信息。教师指导学生如何写作草稿,如何整合信息,如何制作。指导学生如何有序地进行制

431、作。2 )学生起主体作用。学生可自由组合,学生确定自己的写作内容,自主收集信息,筛选信息,自由制作,美化作品。作品的展示和评价由学生群体完成。Teaching Plan for Project 2, 9AModule 2: Teenager LifeEntertainment in your hometown第一部分简要提示一、年级:九年级二、教学内容:9A Project 2 Entertainment in your hometown三、课型:实践课91四、教学目标1 . 知识目标:复习及综合运用9人1; 疝41; 血 6 所有语言知识,语法知识及写作知识。2 . 能力目标:1)能就娱乐方

432、式这一话题,和他人进行简单的交流,并表达自己的看法。2)用调查,讨论等方法收集人们如何娱乐等信息,并简单思考其成因。3)对所收集而来的信息进行整合,并形成报告性短文。4)掌握制作booklet的制作方法,并对其进行适当的装饰。3 . 情感目标:1)学生在熟练运用前面三单元所学的语言知识的过程中,培养和建立学习语言的自信,并切身地感受语言的美。2)学生在完成这一个PROJECT的过程中,感悟如何处理好娱乐和学习、工作的关系。3)在积极投入制作自己的BOOKLET的过程中, 学生容易形成积极对待学习、 生活的态度。五、教学重难点1 . 重点:1)围绕前面三个单元所学习的内容,展开对娱乐方式的讨论。

433、2)有效地组织收集而来的信息,并形成短文。3)指导学生分组完成BOOKLET的制作,并将其美化。2 . 难点: 信息的收集和整合,形成有条理的文章。六、教具多媒体教学设备,练习纸第二部分教学流程第1模块PlanningStep 1: Lead-inT: Hello, everyone! Its very glad to see you again. Before todays class, Id like to show you avery famous old saying: All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Do you know its me

434、aning?Lets me tell you. In Chinese, it means,“ 只工作不休息聪明的孩子也变傻。”For us students, it means we should not study all the time. Sometimes we need to take a breakfrom school work and relax ourselves to study better later. By the way, what do you usually doto relax?T: Well, I am very glad that you have so

435、many ways to enjoy yourselves. How about the peoplearound you? Do they read books and magazines? What TV programmes do they usually watch?How often do they go to the cinemas?Lets work together to find all the answers to these questions. And we are going to make abooklet about the Entertainment in ou

436、r Town. Lets go.第 2 模块 PreparingStep 2: Pre-work ( Modeling the work)T: First, lets start the survey with the people around us. I would like you to ask you somequestions. ALL ABOUT BOOKS AND MAGZINES92Do you often read books and magazines?Which do you prefer, books or magazines?What types of magazin

437、es do you like to read? Why?Which is your favorite magazine?Do you also read books?What types of books do you like to read? Why?Who is your favorite writer? Why?How often do you buy books / magazines?When do you like to read?Thank you. Reading can may you rich in knowledge. And it can be an amazing

438、experience.Here is what one of my friends, reading habit.Richard is one of my best friends. He is a kind of bookworm person. He spends most of hispocket money buying books.Richards favourite are magazines. He says magazines help to keep him up-to-date. As aresult, Richard always knows a lot about wh

439、at is happening around the world.Richard is also fond of detective story. He reads every detective book he can find. He enjoyssoloving the mysteries.T: Watching TV is another very important way for people to relax themselves. Now, guys, hereare some types of TV progammes. Tell me what types of TV pr

440、ogrammes they are and whichis your favorite. ALL ABOUT TV PROGRAMMESWhat type of TV programme do you usually watch?Which is your favorite TV show?Who is your favorite TV actor or actress?Which is your favorite TV Channel?How many hours of TV do you watch every week?What time do you usually watch TV?

441、Let me show you what TV programmes I prefer.My Television ViewingWhen I was a child I prefer to watch drama series because I enjoyed the stories. I no longer likeit now because it takes me too much time and the story develops too slowly. Whats more I canonly 2 periods and have to wait until tomorrow

442、.I start to love news progammes. News programme brings the world to us. We can always get theup-to-date information about what it happening around the world.T: There are many very good cinemas in the town. A lot of people go there to enjoy movies everyday. ALL ABOUT FILMSWhat types of films do you e

443、njoy most?Which is your favorite film?93Who is your favorite film actor/ actress?How often do you go to a cinema?Which cinema do you usually go to?Here is a passage about movies. Lets try to find more information about movies .MoviesPeople all around the world enjoy watching movies. There are many d

444、ifferent types of movies.Action movies make you feel excited and energetic. However, they have bad effects on peopleespecially teenagers. They can easily make people angry.Comedies are also very popular. Some of the films can make you laugh while watching.However when it finishes, you will find that

445、 there is nothing left.Documentaries tell people about history, nature, science and real-life events. We can learn alot of facts about the world. Of course, some of the documentaries show you everything aboutnature. You will be surprised by the beauty of nature when you are watching them.T: Good! Ju

446、st now we discussed about the common ways of entertainment. It is time for you totalk about it by yourself. Work in groups of four and talk bout books, magazines, TVprogrammes and films. Make some note, if possible. You may need the information later.Step 3 while -work (drafting)Now, you have got en

447、ough information. How will you present the information? It is time for youto write about your drafts. You four students all have different jobs. One will write about booksand magazines. One will write about TV programmes. One will write about films. And rememberto choose one to plan where to put the

448、 text and pictures. If you are able, try to write about someother ways of entertainment.Exchange you drafts. Check for careless mistakes.Take your drafts home. And design different pages of the booklet. You can also interview otherpeople and get more information. Add the information to your draft, i

449、f possible.第 3 模块 DesiwninwStep 4: While-work (designing)T: Well, boys and girls, how is your booklet? Now I can see that each group at least gets threepages. And today we are going to put them together and get our booklets.Heres what we need to do. Please do follow the steps.A. Design a cover of yo

450、ur booklet. Write Entertainment in on it, as well as the names. Putan attractive picture on the cover.B. The first page of your booklet, write Types of books, films and TV Programmes as the title.Then add the table from Part A.C. The second page of your booklet. Write the heading Books and Magazines

451、.D. The third page of your booklet. Write the heading Films.E. The fourth page of your booklet. Write the heading TV.94Use pictures to decorate the inside of your booklet. Use bright colors for your booklet.第 4 模块 Presentation & AssessmentStep 5: Post-workT: Its time to show your booklets. Now I wan

452、t each group to come to the front and show youbooklet to all of us.Which three do you think are the best? Write it on a piece of paper. Vote for the best threebooklet!No.l : No. 1. . No.3: .( choose from the other booklet: Best Designing; Best Art Work; Best Handwriting, BestCompositions)Put up or h

453、ang up the booklet for class display.( Recommend works to English Post for Junior Students.)第三部分说明一 、Project 2 在 9 A 中的作用:1)复习8A Unit 4Unit 6 的语言知识,语法知识和写作知识。Unit 4 TV programmes介绍电视节目的种类,以及每种电视节目各自的特点。介绍朋友喜欢或不喜欢某种电视节目的原因。Unit 5 Films介绍电影的种类,以及不同类型电影的各自特点。介绍喜欢或不喜欢某种类型电影的原因。 介绍自己最喜欢的影星的情况,以及喜欢他或她的原因。

454、Unit 6 Detective stories学习与侦探办案有关的词汇。介绍侦探办案的过程,享受通过合理想象、仔细推敲解开谜团的快乐。2)是 9A Unit 4Unit 6 基础知识的综合实际运用,是知识和能力的提高。二、9A Project 2 完成时间:二课时第 1 课时:第 1, 2 模块第 4 课时:第 3, 4 模块二、教学中的注意问题1)教师起主导作用。教师让学生明确project2的制作目标,提供部分信息。教师指导学生如何收集信息,如何归纳信息,如何写作,如何制作。指导学生如何分工合作。必要时可由教师帮助学生分组。2 )学生起主体作用。学生在合作的过程中自主收集信息,筛选信息,自由制作,美化作品。3)在完成任务阶段教师要给学生充分课内和课外时间进行信息的收集筛选。学生自己的作品进行充分的调整和修改。 在评价阶段教师要创造机会让学生充分展示作品, 提供发展平台。4)处理好课内活动和课外任务的关系。课内:明确任务,提供信息,教会方法,个别指导,解疑答惑,评比表扬;课外:查找资料,整合信息,查漏补缺,修改进步,展示作品,评比表扬。95



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