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1、乐山完形填空汇编中考英语专项训练含答案解析一、中考英语完形填空汇编1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。Last October; I told my pupils in Pompton School about my plan. Td like you to do jobs to makesome 1 I said. Then well buy food for someone in need.I wanted them to experience that its 2 to give than to receive. I

2、hoped they couldexperience a sense of their own ability to make a change.Early in Thanksgiving week, the children couldnt wait to 3. Before paying for theturkey and other food we chose in the supermarket, Kristine cried.Flowers! And the group all ran toward the holiday 4 .You cant eat flowers! I sai

3、d 5 . After all, it was helpful to buy more food.“But Mrs. Sherlock, came the loud 6 / we want flowers.,In the middle of the plants, there was a pot of unusually purple mums.1 1 * * 1 47 will like this11 is your close friend in the woods? Michael asked.The woman brightened. The birds. They often fly

4、 over for food 12 I share my breadwith them. She said.Then we returned to the car. Through the window we saw her walk past the turkey, straight tothe 13. She put her face in them and looked up with a big smile. She was14 before our eyes!In that one short moment, the children had seen for themselves

5、the 15 they owned tomake a change. Sometimes a person needed a pot of nice purple flowers on a dark November day.one/ the children agreed.8 the address of a poor grandmother who had lived alone for years, we set off. An hourlater; we stopped in front of a small house. A thin woman with a 9 face came

6、 to meet us.As the kids carried all the food in, the old woman oohed and achedmuch to her visitorspleasure. When Amy put the mums on the table, the woman seemed 10 . Shes wishingit was a bag of food, I thought.1. A. friendsB. mistakesC. moneyD. room2. A. cheaper B. better C. safer D. funnier3. A. ta

7、ke a walkB. do houseworkC. have a rest D. go shopping4. A. cards B. camps C. plants D. photos5. A. unhappily B. warmly C. carelessly D. freely6. A. voice B. music C. sound D. noise7. A. He B. 1 C. You D. She8. A. At B. With C. In D. After9. A. proud B. fat C. sad D. handsome10. A. relaxed B. bored C

8、. worried D. surprised11. A. Who B. How C. Why D. Where12. A. although B. but C. because D. if13. A. books B. flowers C. woods D. rooms14. A. changed B. broken C. treated D. refused15. A. habit B. ability C. interest D. courage【 答案】(1) C; (2) B; (3) D; (4) C; (5) A; (6) A;(7) D;(8) B;(9)C; (10) D; (

9、11) A; (12) C; (13) B; (14) A; (15) B;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文通过一盆漂亮的紫色花就能改变一位独居多年的老人的心情,满足老人的需要,来讲述孩子们需要看到自己的能力,从而改变自己。( 1 ) 句意:我想让你们做些工作来赚钱。A: friends朋友; B: mistakes错误;C: money金钱;D: room房间。根据下文w ell buy food for someone in need.可知为了赚钱做些工作,故选C。( 2 )句意: 我希望他们能体验到,给予比接受更好。A: cheaper更便宜的;B: better更好的; C: sa

10、fer更安全的;D: funnier更有趣的。根据句末to give than to receive,可知给与要比接收好,故选B。( 3 ) 句意:感恩节的早些时候,孩子们迫不及待地想去购物。A: take a walk散步; B:do housework 做家务;C: have a rest 休息;D: go shopping 购物。根据下文 Before payingfor the turkey and other food we chose in the supermarket, Kristine cried.可知是去购物。故选Do(4 ) 句意: 花! 所有人都跑向假日植物。A: ca

11、rds卡片;B: cam ps宿营地;C: plants植物;D: photos照片。根据上文flow ers,花,可知应该跑向植物区,故选C。( 5 ) 句意:你不能吃花!” 我不高兴地说。A: unhappily不高兴地;B: warmly温暖地;C: carelessly粗心地; D: freely自由地。根据上文 You can*t eat flowers!”可知一定是生气说的,故选A。( 6 ) 句意:但是夏洛克太太, 一 个响亮的声音传来,我们耍花。 A: voice声音; B:m usic音乐;C: sound嘈杂声; D: noise噪音。根据上文But Mrs. Sherlo

12、ck,可知是一个人的声音,只能用vo ice ,故选A。(7 ) 句意:她会喜欢这个的。A: He他,主 格 B: I 我,主格; C: You你 ( 们 ) ,主格或宾格;D: She 她,主格。the address of a poor grandmother who had lived alone foryears, we set off.可知是下文提到的一位孤独多年的穷祖母,要用s h e ,故选D。(8 ) 句意:我们拿着一位独居多年的可怜的奶奶的地址,然后出发了。A: A t 在;B:With 带着,带有;C: In 在. . . 里;D: After 在. . . 之后。由 we

13、 set off, 和 the address of apoor grandmother , 可知句子结构完整,要用介词短语作伴随状语,位于句首表示强调,要用介词with+名词,故选B。( 9 ) 句意:一个面带悲伤的瘦女人来接我们。A: proud骄傲的;B: fa t肥胖的;C: sad悲伤的; D: handsome 英俊的。根据上文 the address of a poor grandmother who had livedalone for years,可知一个人独自居住多年,她一定是悲伤的,故选Co( 1 0 ) 句意:当艾米把紫色的菊花放在桌上时,那个女人似乎很惊讶。A: re

14、laxed放松的;B: bored 无聊的; C: worried 焦急的; D: surprised 惊奇的。根据下文 Shes wishingit was a bag of fo o d ,可知花与作者认为,她希望的东西强烈的反差,可知一定是惊奇,故选 D。(1 1 )句意:你在树林里的密友是谁? A: Who谁; B: How怎样;C: Why为什么; D:Where在哪里。根据答语The birds.可知是询问谁, 故选A。(1 2 )句意:那些鸟,它们经常飞过去吃东西,因为我和它们分享我的面包。A: although虽然;B: but但是; C: because因为; D: if如果

15、。根据前后意思,可知后句是前句的发生的原因,故选C。( 1 3 )句意:A: books 书; B: flowers 花;C: woods 森林; D: rooms 房间。根据上文She put her face in them and looked up with a big smile.可知她一定把脸埋在花里,抬头露出微笑,故选B。(1 4 )句意:她在我们眼前变了 ! A: changed改变;B: broken弄破;C: treated对待;D: refused 拒绝。根据上文 When Amy put the mums on the table, the woman seemedsu

16、rprised.可知她在人前人后对花的态度发生强烈的变化,故选A。( 1 5 ) 句意:在那短短的一瞬间,孩子们看到了自己有能力做出改变。A: habit习惯;B: ability 能力; C: interest 兴趣; D: courage 勇气。根据下文 Sometimes a person neededa pot of nice purple flowers on a dark November day.紫色花能在黑暗时期激励人们,将紫色花比作激励孩子们改变的动力,可知上文是指孩子们通过看到紫色花的变化,从而看到自己改变的能力,故选B。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读- - 遍文章,跳过

17、缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A ,B C D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。One day a lion met a spider, who was just busy making a web. The lion 1 for a whileand said, How clever you are! How did you learn to do that? The spider answered proudly, Ilearned it from my mother.The lion watche

18、d a longer while. Then he asked the spider, But why dont you catch your foodin the way that I do?I am just a small animal, the spider 2 .I cannot run fast or fly. 3 with my webI can catch flying insects ( 昆 虫 ) ,and I dont even have to run after them.The lion then asked, Could you make a 4 for me? T

19、hen I would not have to run afteranimals either.Sorry/the spider said.My web can only catch flying insects. But you cannot love 5 .them.The lion was 6 with the spider. She did not have to work 7 for food. And shewould not help him get his food. So he hit the web and broke it. But the spider jumped8

20、the lions back and bit him.Now you will remember me/ said the spider as she jumped into the grass. Think carefully9 you do something bad to other animals. Some of us may be small, but we are very smart.The lion tried to scratch ( 挠)his back, but he could not reach 10 the spider bit. Ititched ( 发痒)fo

21、r several days. He remembered the smart spider for a long time.1. A. rested B. walked C. watched D. listened2. A. replied B. ranC. askedD. agreed3. A. AndB. OrC. ButD. Then4. A. coatB. webC. homeD. wish5. A. making B. finding C. sellingD. eating6. A. angryB. happy C. sadD. crazy7. A. hardB. quickly

22、C. lateD. lonely8. A. intoB. ontoC. underD. with9. A. before B. afterC. untilD. though10. A. when B. where C. whatD. how【 答案】(1) C; (2) A; (3) C; (4)B; (5) D; (6) A; (7) A; (8) B; (9)A; (10) B;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:狮子看蜘蛛织网,感叹他的生活不易,想让蜘蛛为他织一张网,捕获食物,但是狮子不喜欢吃昆虫,后来狮子破坏了网,蜘蛛咬了他。( 1 ) 句意:这个狮子看了一会儿并且说。A,rested休息

23、,B.walked走 过 , C.watched看,.listened 听。根据后文提到 How clever you are! How did you learn to do that?可知,这个狮子看了一会儿,填入watched,故选C。( 2 ) 句意:我只是一个小的动物, 这个蜘蛛回复。A.replied回复,B.ran跑,C.asked询问,D.agreed同意。根据此处对狮子的言论进行回复,可知填入replied,故选A。( 3 ) 句意;但是我的网能够抓住飞的昆虫。A.And和,B.Or或者,C.But但是,D.Then然后。根据文章提到I cannot run fast or

24、fly , 可知前后表示转折,填 入 b u t,故选C。( 4 ) 句意;你能为我做一张网吗? A.coat外套,B.web网,C.home家,D.wish祝愿。根据后文提到Then I would not have to run after animals either可知,空缺的意义为网, 填入w e b ,故选Bo( 5 ) 句意: 但是你不会喜欢吃它们。A.making制造,B.finding发现,C.selling销售,Seating吃。根据上文提到网抓住昆虫,狮子不会喜欢吃,空缺填入eating,故选D。(6 ) 句意:狮子对蜘蛛很生气。A.angry生 气 的 , B.happ

25、y高兴地, C.sad悲 伤 地 , D.crazy疯狂的。根据后文提到的So he hit the web and broke it可知,狮子很生气,填入angry,故选 A。( 7 ) 句意:她不需要努力工作得到食物。A.hard难 的 , B.quickly快速的,C.late晚,D.lonely孤独的。根据上文提到蜘蛛不需要追食物,可知空缺的意义为努力工作,填入h a rd ,故选 A。( 8 ) 句意:但是蜘蛛朝狮子的后面跳跃并咬了他。A.into进入,B.onto朝,C.under在 下 面 , D.with和。根据短语jump o n to ,跳跃到,结合宾语为b a ck,可知

26、用介词o n to ,故选 Bo(9 ) 句意;在你对其他动物做不好的事情之前三思。A.before在 之前,B.after在 之后,C.until直到. . 才,D.though尽管。根据think发生在do something bad前后, 空缺填入介词before,故选A。(1 0 )句意;但是他不能抓到蜘蛛咬的地方。A.when当 时 , B.where哪里,C.what什么,D.how如何。结合此处引导名词从句,做 reach的宾语,可知用where引导,故选B。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力, 答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型

27、、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A wealthy man loved his son very much. As he wanted his son to lead a happy life, he decidedto send him to see a wise old man for his advice on happiness.When the old man learnt about his 1 , he handed the boy an empty bowl

28、 and said, Goto the river miles away and 2 it with water. I will tell you about it 3 no water isspilt ( 洒 ) when you reach here. Although the boy was very 4 to hear this, he had nochoice but to carry out this task.The boy 5 for the river on foot and some time later came back with a bowl of water.The

29、 old man asked him, Did you notice the beautiful flowers along the road and the birds singingin the trees? The boy could say nothing about them because he paid 6 attention to thebowl in his hands.The old man smiled and said, Bring me 7 bowl of water, but this time enjoy the flowersand the singing of

30、 birds as well.When he returned, the boy was able to 8 everything he had seen to the old man. Butwhen he looked down at his bowl, he found 9 that most water was gone. He forgot allabout his bowl while enjoying the beautiful things along the road.Well, young man, the old man said. Enjoy the beauty of

31、 the world, but never forget the waterin your bowl. This is the 10 of happiness.1. A. experience B. promise C. purpose【 答案】(1) C; (2) B; (3) A; (4) C; (5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) C; (9)2. A. washB. fill C. compare3. A. ifB. until C. while4. A. glad5. A. startedB. pleased C. surprisedB. waited C. sent6.

32、 A. littleB. full C. no7. A. any8. A. change9. A. happily10. A. resultB. other C. anotherB. imagine C. describeB. sadly C. excitedlyB. decision C. secretB; ( 10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】本文讲述了一个智者教会一个孩子幸福的秘诀。( 1)句意:老人得知他的目的后,递给男孩一个空碗,说: 到几英里外的河边去,把它灌满水。A 经 历 , B 许诺,C 目的, 根据 he decided to send him to see a wise

33、old man forhis advice on happiness可知表示目的, 故选C。( 2)句意:老人得知他的目的后,递给男孩一个空碗,说: 到几英里外的河边去,把它灌满水。A 洗,B装满,C 比较,fill sth w ith ,固定搭配,用某物填充某物,故选B。(3)句意:如果你到达这里时没有水洒出来,我就告诉你。A 如果,B 直到,C 然而,此处表示假设,是条件状语从句,故用引导词i f , 如果,故选A。(4)句意:虽然这个男孩听到这个消息很吃惊,但他别无选择,只能执行这个任务。A高兴的,B喜欢的,C惊讶的,根 据 he had no choice but to carry o

34、ut this task可知是惊讶,故选C。(5)句意:男孩步行向河边走去,过了一会儿又拿了一碗水回来。A 出发,B 等,C 邮寄,根据later came back可知此处是出发, 故选A。( 6)句意:那男孩什么也说不出来,因为他全神贯注地看着手中的碗。A 很少的,B 完全的,C没有,根 据 The boy could say nothing about them 可知他全部注意力都在碗里, 故选 Bo(7)句意:再给我一碗水。A 任何的,用于否定句,B 其他的,通常修饰名词复数,C 另一,修饰名词单数,bowl可数名词单数,用 another修饰,故选C。(8)句意:当他回来时,男孩能够

35、向老人描述他所看到的一切。A 改变,B 想象,C 描述,根据 but this time enjoy the flowers and the singing of birds as well 可知回来后要向老人描述,故选C。(9 ) 句意:但是当他低头看着碗时,他悲伤地发现大部分水都没了。A 开心地,B 悲伤地,C激动地,根据most water was gone可知是悲伤地,故选B 0(1 0 )句意:这就是幸福的秘诀。A 结果,B决定,C秘密,根 据 send him to see a wiseold man for his advice on happiness可知把孩子送来的目的是得到

36、建议或秘诀, 故选Co【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.Travel can be exciting but also dangerous at times. Follow these safety tips to protect yourself.Choose your ground transportation 1 .Whenever po

37、ssible, travel in a vehicle ( 机动车) that is in good condition and offers workingseat belts. Research the safety records of bus companies, and avoid using less-safe vehicles.Find information about your destinationGet trustworthy 2 about wherever youre visiting. Find out everything, from the locallaws

38、to any travel warnings ( including crime and security warnings) . Make your plan accordingto the information.Review the escape route in your hotel roomLet*s be honestwhen you check into a hotel room, youre more 3 beds or swimmingpools than studying the map on the back of your door. But before you ge

39、t too settled in, youshould take a quick look at the emergency ( 紧急情况) escape routes. Youll be glad you did ifan emergency arises in the middle of the night.Prepare a copy of your passportBefore you leave, get a copy of your passport, take a photo of it to save on your cell phone, andemail it to you

40、rself. That way, if you need your passport while out ( but its locked up in yourhotel safe) , youll have all your information. Plus, if its stolen, getting a replacement will bemuch 4 .Confirm ( 确认)visitors with the hotel deskYoure in your hotel room and theres a knock at the door from someone sayin

41、g he is the workerin the hotel. 5 you let this person in, call down to the front desk to make sure.Save emergency numbersFind out what the local emergency hotlines are and save them to your phone. Also 6the phone numbers of your country*s embassies and save those addresses as well.1. A. regularly B.

42、 properly C. directly D. quickly2. A. conclusions B. advertisements C. memories D. details3. A. surprised at B. careful with C. interested in D. used to4. A. worse B. cheaper C. easier D. clearer5. A. While B. Before C. Until D. As6. A. look up B. fill in C. work out D. deal with【 答案】(1) B; ( 2) D;

43、( 3) C; ( 4 ) C; ( 5) B; ( 6) A;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:本文主要讲述的是有关于旅行安全的事情,有几点需要注意,第一是确保车辆安全,第二是尽可能的规划好所有的事情,第三是在陌生环境要注意人身安全,第四是其他一些事情,比如获取一些紧急联系方式、熟知旅馆逃生路线等。(1)本题考查副词辨析。句意:正确地选择地面交通工具。A 日常的,B 正确的,合适的,C 直 接 的 , D 迅速的, 根据 Whenever possible, travel in a vehicle ( 机动车) that is ingood condition and offers worki

44、ng seat belts确保车辆是否正常,有无安全带,所以应该是正确的选择安全性较高的车辆,故选B。(2)本题考查名词辨析。句意:无论你去哪里,都要获得可靠的细节。A 结论,B 广告,C 记忆,D 细节,根据 Find out everything, from the local laws t。any travel warnings 要确保知道所有的事情,包括当地的法律以及出行注意事项,由此可知是弄清楚相关的细节,故选 Do(3)本题考查短语辨析。句意:实话实说,当你入住酒店,相比于门后的地图,你对床或游泳池更感兴趣。A 惊讶,B 仔细,C 感兴趣,D 过去常常,根据beds or swim

45、ming poolsthan studying the map on the back of your door提至ij了两种东西,一个是床和游泳池,另外一个是门后面的逃生地图,由此可知是相比于地图,对床和游泳池更感兴趣,故选C。(4 )本题考查形容词辨析。句意:如果被偷了,找一个代替品更容易。A 更糟,B 更便宜,C 更简单,D 更清楚,根 据 Plus, if it,s stolen如果被偷了,因为之前拍照了,所以再办或者查找备份信息会很容易,故选C。(5)本题考查连词辨析。句意:在你让这个人进来之前,先给前台打个电话确认一下。A然 而 , B 之前,C 直到,D 当. . . . . .

46、 时候, 根据 call down to the front desk to make sure 向前台询问情况是否属实,这应该在让别人进门之前,故选B。(6)本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:还可以查询贵国大使馆的电话号码,并保存这些地址。A 查阅,B 装满,C 解决,D 处理,根据 the phone numbers of your countrys embassiesand save those addresses as well大使馆的号码,保存下来,在保存信息之前需要先找到这些信息,故选A。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。我们先阅读短文,了解短文大意。然后根据上下文的联系和语境决定句子所缺的成

47、分,从所给的选项中选出合适的词,然后将短文再仔细阅读一遍,确定问题正确答案。5 . 根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Ever since I was ten years old, I have decided to do everything on my own though I couldntreally understand them.When I was young ; I always 1 the summer holiday with my grandfather at themountain farm in Western Norway ( 挪威).

48、2 my grandfather had to work all dayhimself, he could spare some time for me.One day my grandfather said to me, Come. I have a toy boat for you. I followed him to aworkroom 3 . However, nothing like that was there 4 a block of wood. Is that theboat.? I asked curiously. No one can give you what you d

49、o for 5 . With your own hands,youll make it out of wood. Then it will be the 6 boat in your heart. Finally, I finished itwith his help. Seeing the boat 7 in the lake Storvassdal, I felt 8 and thoughteverything nice around me.Good times dont last long. I had to 9 to America. Feeling sad, I hid my boa

50、t under a bigrock at Storvassdal. Moreover, I didnt know that was the 10 time I saw my grandfather.Years later, I returned to the mountain farm with my parents and children. I searched for myboat, but 11 . I was about to 12 when I touched something different under a bigrock. Luckily, I found the boa

51、t which 13 grandfather and me. Holding it, I felt mygrandfather was there and we 14 were together again.As time went by, each time I held the boat, I carved (亥 ! | ) the year. My grandfather seemed15 . I went on the last trip to the farm with my grandchildren. High in the mountain, I hopethey would

52、understand the importance of the boat and its simple sign of self-reliance (自 立 ).1. A. spentB. tookC. paidD. cost2. A. Until B. Whenever C. Though D. Because3. A. carefully B. unwillingly C. unhappy D. excitedly4. A. with B. except C. without D. besides5. A. myself B. yourselves C. yourself D. hims

53、elf6. A. hardest B. best C. fastest D. cheapest7. A. falling B. jumping C. swimming D. floating8. A. interested B. terrible C. worried D. proud9. A. return B. enter C. reach D. leave10. A. final B. first C. next D. another11. A. succeeded B. failed C. lost D. worked12. A. look up B. set up C. give u

54、p D. pick up13. A. mixed B. separated C. connected D. contacted14. A. five B. four C. three D. two15. A. dead B. far C. near D. alive【 答案】(1) A; (2) C; (3) D; (4) B; (5) C;(6) B; (7) D;(8) D:(9)A; (10) A;(11) B; (12) C; (13) C; (14) C;(15) D;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:本文作者回忆了自己与爷爷及一艘自己做的船之间的故事。在母亲出生的山区农场里,爷爷给作

55、者提供工具和原材料,作者制作了一艘船。回美国时,作者把船藏在了大石头下。几次返回时,作者看到了船,也就好像看到了爷爷。文中的小船不是一只简单的小船,它有着作者爷爷的影子,看到小船就看到了作者的爷爷。船、爷爷之间的情愫在一代一代地传承着。(1 ) 考查动词辨析和语境理解。句意:小时候,我总是和祖父一起在挪威西部的山区农场度过暑假 took的原形是take , 作为花费时,常见句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事。;spent的原形是spend,主语是人,常与on sth. / in doing sth.连用,即人+spend + 时间/ 金

56、钱+on sth. / (in) doing sth.某人花费 做某事。;cost的原形也 是 co st, 主语是物,即物+cost sb. + 金钱。某物花费某人 做某事。;p aid 的原形是p a y ,主语是人,常与for连用,即人+pay +金钱+for sth。某人花费 做某事。根据以上的分析可知,本题的主语是I , 因此要用spend,故选A。( 2 )考查连词辨析及语境理解。句意:虽然我祖父不得不自己工作一整天,但他可以为我腾出一些时间。A. U ntil直到. . . . . . 为止;B. Whenever无论何时;C. Though尽管;D.Because 因为。 根据

57、 my grandfather had to work all day himself, he could spare me time.可知尽管我的祖父不得不整天工作,但他能抽出时间陪我。这里整天工作和抽出时间陪我之间应该是转折关系,所以这里选用though,连词。虽然,尽管。故选C。(3)考查副词辨析及语境理解。句意:我兴奋地跟着他去了一个工作室。A. carefully小心;B. unwillingly 不情愿;C. unhappy 不高兴;D. excitedly 兴奋地。根据上文 I have a toyboat for you,可知当他听到爷爷有玩具船送他的时候,他应该感到很兴奋,e

58、xcitedly,兴奋地。故选D。(4 )介词辨析和语境理解。句意:但是,除了一块木头,什么也没有。A. w ith带有;B.except除 之外;C. without没有;D. besides止 匕 外 ,还有。根据前面的However,然而,表示转折,说明除了一块木头,什么也没有。因此选择except除 之外;故选B。(5 )考查反身代词辨析及语境理解。句意:没有人能为你自己做什么。A. m yself我自己;B. yourselves你们自己;C. yourself你 自 己 ; D. himself他自己。根据下文 With yourown hands, youll make it o

59、ut of the w oo d .可知用你自己的双手,你会用这块木头做出来,可知这里应该是什么事都应该自己动手去做,这 里 for oneself,独自,单独,后面的反身代词和前面的主语保持一致,主语是y o u ,所以反身代词是yourself。故选C。(6 )形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:那它将是你心中最好的船。A. hardest最硬的;B.best 最好的;C. fastest 最快的;D. cheapest 最便宜的。根据 With your own hands, youllmake it out of wood.可知用你自己的双手,你会用这块木头做出来,那么这只船应该是你心中最好的

60、船。故选B。(7)考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:看到船漂浮在斯托瓦斯达尔湖上,我感到自豪,觉得周围一切都很美好。A. falling落下;B. jumping跳跃;C. swimming游泳;D. floating漂浮。根据Seeing the boatin the lake Storvassdal,可知这里应该是说小船在湖里游荡,所以这里用flo a t,故选Do(8 )考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:看到船漂浮在斯托瓦斯达尔湖上,我感到自豪,觉得周围一切都很美好。A. interested感兴趣的;B. terrible可 怕 的 ; C. worried担心的;D. proud骄傲的,自

61、豪的。根据thought everything around nicer,可知我认为周围的一切更好了,所以看到自己做的小船在飘荡的时候感觉很自豪。故 选 D。( 9)考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:我必须回到美国。A. return返回;B. enter进入;C. reach到 达 ; D. leave离开。根据Good times dont last long.可以推知假期结束,我不得不又回到美国,从上文Western Norway可知,他是去挪威度暑假,所以暑假结束了,还要回到自己的家,故选A。( 10)考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:而且,我不知道这是我最后一次见到祖父。A.final最后

62、的;B. first首先, 第一;C. next接 下 来 ; D. another另一个。根据下文Holding it, Ifelt my grandfather was there and we 14 were together again.可知拿着小船,仿佛感觉到爷爷又和我在一起了,可知爷爷己经去世了,所以这是最后一次见到爷爷。故选A。(11)考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:我寻找我的船,但失败了。A. succeeded成功;B.failed 失败的;C. lost 丢失的;D. worked 劳动。根据 I searched for my boat, but. 这里 but前后应该是转

63、折关系,前面说寻找小船,后面应该说没有找到,故选B。(12)考查副词辨析及语境理解。句意:我正要放弃,这时我碰到了一块大石头下的东西。A. look up 查找;B. set up 建立;C. give up 放弃;D. pick up 拾起。when I touchedsomething different under a big rock.可知,这时我碰到了一块大石头下的东西。是我正要放弃的时候,故选C。( 13)考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:幸运的是,我找到了连接祖父和我的船。A.mixed 混合;B. separated 分离; C. connected 连接;D. contacted

64、 联系。根据 Luckily, I foundthe boat which-grandfather and me.可知幸运的是,我找到了把我和祖父连接起来的东西,故选C。(14)考查基数词辨析和语境理解。句意:抱着它,我觉得祖父在那儿,我们又在一起To A. five 五;B. four Fl; C. three H; D. two 二。Holding it, I felt my grandfather wasthere and we were together again.这里指我,爷爷和小船又在一起了,可知共三个,故选Co( 15)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:我祖父似乎还活着。A. dea

65、d死的;B. far远的;C.near 近 的 ; D. alive 活着的。根据 As time went by, each time I held the boat, I carved ( 刻)the year. My grandfather s e e me d .可知随着时间的推移,我每次手里握着小船,我都会想起刻船的那一年。感觉我的祖父似乎还活着,就在我身边。所以这里用alive活着的。故选D。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。 必须在掌握全文的主旨大意的前提下,通过对故事的线索、短文各段的逻辑关系、短文内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展等的分析和理解,选出答案。6 . 完形填空My da

66、d had a keen imagination, and would play a little good-night game every day. He would1 my room to talk to me and listen to the joys and sorrows of my day. As he was leaving, Dadwould blow out my light like the birthday candles one, 2 .As he did his little routine, Dad would say, The light will be da

67、rk. As far as youre concerned, itwill be dark all over the world because your world is the one you control totally by yourself. Theworld is yours to see that way. So, keep your light 3 .When I was very young, I used to 4 there in bed after Dad left and try to understandwhat he meant, It was 5 as I w

68、as so young. What Dad was trying to tell me was that whenI went to 6 at night, the world came to a stop, When I woke up in the morning I could7 to see a fresh new world through my own eyes. In other words, if I woke up happy, theworld was happy. If I woke up not feeling well, the world felt 8 .My fa

69、thers guidance about self-aware and about the power of the eye of others wasinvaluable: Everything depends on how you 9 what happens in life. And what mattersgreatly is how you take it.”That good-night game with my father taught me that peoples 10 of me arent important.Its the way I handle them that

70、 makes the difference.1 A.searchB. cleanC. enterD.check2. A. card B. table C. bottle D. cake3. A. special B. bright C. attractive D. colorful4. A. lie B. study C. play D. cry5. A. upsetting B. botheringC. amazing D. confusing6. A. sleep B. eat C. dream D. sing7. A. design B. decide C. choose D. cont

71、inue8. A. anxious B. proud C. angry D. sad9. A. aim at B. look at C. point at D. fall on10. A. worries B. opinions C. signs D. habits【 答案】(1) C; (2) D; (3) B; (4)A; (5) D;(6) A:(7) D;(8) A;(9)D; ( 10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文主要叙述通过父亲告诉我的是,当我晚上睡觉的时候,世界停止了,当我早上醒来的时候,我可以通过自己的眼睛继续看到一个新的世界。换句话说,如果我醒来快乐,世界就会快

72、乐。如果我醒来感觉不舒服,世界就会感到焦虑。最后说明父亲对于自我意识和他人眼睛的力量的指导的重要意义。(1)句意:他会走进我的房间,和我交谈,倾听我一天中的喜怒哀乐。A: search搜寻;B: clean 清除; C: enter 进入:D: check 检查。根据句末 to talk to me and listen to thejoys and sorrows of my d a y .可知一定是进入我的房间才能跟我谈话和倾听我一天中的喜怒哀乐,故选C。(2)句意:当他离开的时候,爸爸会把我的灯吹灭,就像生日蜡烛、蛋糕一样。A: card卡片; B: table 桌子; C: bottl

73、e 瓶子;D: cake 蛋糕。根据句末 like the birthday candleso n e ,可知生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,故选D。( 3)句意:所以,保持光线明亮。A: special特殊的;B: bright明亮的;C: attractive有吸引力的; D: colorful鲜艳的。根据上文The world is yours to see that way.可知你就会保持光线明亮。故选B。(4 )句意:当我很小的时候,我经常在爸爸离开后躺在床上,试图理解他的意思,A: lie躺;B: study 学习; C: play 玩; D: cry 哭。根据下文 Dad left and t

74、ry to understand whathe meant,可知一定会躺在床上理解他的话意思,故选A,(5)句意:因为我太小了,所以很困惑。A: upsetting苦恼的; B: bothering烦扰的;C: amazing惊 奇 的 ; D: confusing困惑的。根据下句as I was so young.可知由于年龄小,不能理解父亲的话,感到困惑,故选D。( 6)句意: 爸爸想告诉我的是,当我晚上睡觉的时候,世界停了下来。A: sleep睡觉;B: eat吃; C: dream梦想;D: sing唱歌。根据下文the world came to a stop,可知晚上入睡时,一切都

75、会寂静下来,世界会停下来,故选A。(7)句意:当我早上醒来时,我可以通过自己的眼睛继续看到一个新的世界。A: design设计; B: decide 决定;C: choose 选择;D: continue 继续。根据上文 hen I woke up in them orning,可知醒来时睁开双眼,又是新一天的开始,又继续看到新的世界,故选D。(8)句 意 :如果我醒来感觉不舒服,世界就会感到悲伤。A: anxious忧虑的;B: proud骄傲的; C: angry生气的; D: sad悲伤的。根据上文If I woke up not feeling well,可知你就会感到焦虑,故选A。(

76、 9)句意:一切都取决于你如何应对生活中发生的事情。A: aim a t 目标在于; B: lookat 看. .;C: point at 指向; D: falls on 偶然遇到。根据下文 And what matters greatly ishow you take it.可知it是指上文遇到在生活中发生的事情,故选D。(10)句意:与父亲的那场愉快的夜晚游戏教会了我,人们对我的担心并不重要。A:worries 担心; B: opinions 意见; C: signs 标志;D: habits 习惯。根据 That good-nightgame with my father taught

77、m e ,可知人们对我的担心并不重要。故选A 。【 点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意, 理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐一做题,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。7 . 完形填空It was such a beautiful day that I drove to go for a look in the country. On the way back home,my car 1 .It was out of gas on a lonely road far from a town, I decided to walk 2 I got help. I

78、hadwalked almost a mile before I finally found a house near the road. I was glad to see it 3 itwas getting dark.I knocked at the door and a little old lady 4 long gray hair came out. She said. Ivebeen 5 for you for a long time, Come in, 6 is almost ready.But I only come for some gas, I answered. I c

79、ouldnt understand 7 she was talkingabout.Oh, Alfred! Gas? You used to like tea, she said.I quickly explained my problem, 8 she didnt seem to hear me. She just9 calling me Alfred and talking about how long it had passed 10 she had seen me. Sheacted very strangely and I felt very 11 . As soon as she w

80、ent to get tea, I ran out of thehouse as fast as I could.12 , there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed.When I told the man about my 13 he said, Oh, thats Miss Bronte. She lives by herselfin that big house, Shes strange. Shes out of her mind. But dont worry. She wo

81、nt hurt anybody.She is still 14 the man she was supposed to marry thirty years ago. The day before theirwedding he left home and 15 came back because of the war.1. A. jumpedB. stoppedC. movedD. arrived2. A. untilB. whenC. soD. because3. A. ifB. andC. becauseD.though4. A. withB. ofC. hadD. wore5. A.

82、cookingB. lookingC. callingD. waiting6. A. GasB. CoffeeC. TeaD.Lunch7. A. whenB. whatC. whyD.that8. A. butB. andC. orD. so9. A. suggestedB. keptC. stoppedD. enjoyed10. A. whileB. afterC. beforeD. since11. A. excitedB. worriedC.happyD. sad12. A. Fortunately B. SuddenlyC. TrulyD. Carefully13. A. incid

83、entB. surpriseC. experience D. adventure14. A. picking up B. staying with C. waiting for D. worrying about15. A. soon B. often C. never D. hardly【 答案】(1)B; (2) A; (3) C; (4) A; (5) D; (6) C; (7) B; (8) A; (9)B; (10) D; (11) B; (12) A; (13) C; (14) C; (15) C;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:短文介绍了作者去乡下旅游时遇到的一件事。( 1 )

84、句意:在回家的路上,我的车停了。A.跳跃;B.停止;C.搬动;D.到达。根 据 It wasout of gas on a lonely road far from a town,可知汽车没汽油了,所以车停了。故答案是B。(2 ) 句意:我决定走回去,直到得到帮助。A,直到;B.当. . . . . . 时候;C.因此;D.因为,本句是为时间状语从句,句子的意思是要一直走下去,直到得到了帮助为止,故答案是A。( 3 ) 句意:我很高兴见到它,因为天就要黑了。A.如果;B.和,而;C.因为;D.尽管,在天黑之前能够找到一一间房子,并得到帮助,是一件很高兴的事,设空处后面的句子解释高兴的原因,解释

85、原因使用because,故答案是C。(4 ) 句意:我敲了敲门,一个长着长灰色头发的矮个子老妇人出来了。A.带着,具有;B 的;C.有;D.穿着, long gray h a ir作定语修饰la d y ,因此使用介词with。故答案是A( 5 ) 句意:我等了你很长时间了,进来吧。A.烹制;B.看;C.打电话;D.等待,wait for等待,固定搭配,故答案是D。( 6 ) 句意: 茶就要泡好了。A.汽油;B.咖 啡 ; C.茶;D.午饭,根 据 You used to like tea RT知,卖老妇人说的是茶快要泡好了。故答案是C。( 7 ) 句意:我不明白她在谈论什么? A.什么时候;

86、B.什么;C.为什么;D.那个,句子为宾语从句,空缺处做从句的宾语,因此使用w h at,故答案是B。(8 ) 句意:我迅速解释着我的问题,但是似乎她没听见我说的话。A.但是;B.而,和;C.或者;D.因此,根据She just 9calling me Alfred and talking about how long it可知,他并没有听我说话,与前面的快速解释形成了鲜明的对比,应使用转折词连接,故答案是A。(9 ) 句意:他就是一直叫我阿尔弗雷德. . . . A.建议;B.保 持 ; C.停 止 ; D.喜 欢 , keepdoing sth.持续做某事,固定搭配。故答案是B。(1 0

87、)句意:并谈论到自从见到我已经过了多长时间了。A.当. . . . . . 时候;B.在. . . . . . 之后;C.在 之前;D.自从,本句为时间状语从句,设空处后的句子为主句的发生提供了一个延续的时间点,因此使用sin ce ,故答案是D。(1 1 )句 意 :他的表现很奇怪,我很担心。A.激动的;B.担心的;C.高兴的;D.难过的,她的表现让人无法理解,所以作者感到担心害怕。故答案是B。( 1 2 )句意:幸运的是一路走来还有一座房子,能够买我需要的汽油。A.幸运地;B .突然;C .真地;D .仔细地,根 据I w a s a b l e t o b u y t h e g a s

88、 I n e e d e d ,可知,是很幸运的,故答案是A。( 13)句意:当我告诉他我的经历的时候,他告诉我是布隆特女士。A.严重事件;B .吃惊;C .尽力;D .冒险,根据后面的叙事可知这个男的己经知道我的经历了。故答案是C。(14)句意:她仍然在等待三十年前想嫁的那个男人。A.捡起;B.与 待在一起;C.等待;D.担心,集合语境,并分析选项的意思可知,waiting for最符合语境,故答案是C。( 15)句意:婚礼前的一天他离开了家,很快因为战争再也没回来了。A.很快;B .经常;C .从不;D .几乎不,根 据b e c a u se o f t h e w a r .可知是从没

89、回来,故答案是C。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。8 .阅读短文,读懂大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problems. We can easily become unhappy 1 wesolve our problems. 2 about our problems can affect how we do things at school or athome. S

90、o how do we deal with our problems?Most of us have probably been angry 3 our friends, parents or teachers. Perhaps theysaid something you didnt like, or you felt they were unfair. Sometimes, people can stay angry foryears about a small problem. Time goes by, and good friendships may 4When we are ang

91、ry, however; we are usually the ones affected ( 影响).Have you ever seenyoung children playing together? But they fight very soon, and decide not to talk to each other.However, this usually doesnt 5 for long. They become good friends again. This is animportant 6 for us: we can solve a problem by learn

92、ing to forget.Many students often complain about school. They might feel they have too much work to dosometimes, or think the rules are too 7 .We must learn how to change these problemsinto challenges ( 挑战)As young adults, it is our duty 8 our best to deal withchallenges with the help of our teacher

93、s.By comparing yourself to other people, you will find your problems are not so 9 . Thinkabout Stephen Hawking. For example, a very clever scientist. He cant walk or even speak, but heregards his many physical problems as unimportant. Now he is known 10 a great scientistin the world. We are probably

94、 quite healthy and smart. Lets not worry about our problems. Letsface the challenges instead.1. A. unlessB. ifC. when2. A. WorryB. Worrying C. Worried3. A. ofB. toC. with4. A. loseB. be lostC. be kept5. A. lastB. doC. make6. A. program B. classC. lesson7. A. kindB. strict C. free8. A. to try B. to h

95、ave C. to keep9. A. bad B. pleasant C. useful10. A. about B. for C. as【 答案】(1) A; (2) B; (3) C; (4) B; (5) A; (6) C; (7) B; (8) A; (9)A; (10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】本文介绍了怎么解决问题才能让我们更快乐。(1)句意:如果不解决问题,我们很容易变得不快乐。A 除非,B如果,C当. . . . . . 的时候,根 据 become unhappy和 we solve our problems可知是条件状语从句的否定形式,除非 , 故选A。(2 ) 句意:

96、担心我们的问题会影响我们在学校或家里做事情的方式。此处是动名词做主语,故选B。(3 ) 句意:我们中的大多数人可能对我们的朋友、父母或老师感到愤怒。be angry withs b ,固定搭配,生某人的气,故选C。(4 ) 句意:时间一去不复返,好的友谊也会失去。根 据 Time goes b y 可知是丢失,lose, lose用 friendship是被动关系,故用情态动词的被动语态,故选B。(5 ) 句意:然而,这通常不会持续太久。A 持续,B 做,C 制作,根 据 They becomegood friends again.可知此处表示动作或状态的持续,故选A。(6 ) 句意:这对我们

97、来说是一个重要的教训。A 问题,B 课堂,C 教训,根 据 we cansolve a problem by learning to forget,可知是教训, 故选 C。(7 ) 句意:他们有时会觉得自己有太多的工作要做,或者觉得规则太严格了。A 仁慈的,B严格的,C 自由的,根据the rules可知规则都是严格的,故选B。(8 ) 句意:作为年轻人,我们有责任尽最大努力在老师的帮助下应对挑战。A 试图,B有,C保持,try ones best to d o ,固定搭配,尽某人最大努力,故选A。(9 ) 句意:通过和别人比较,你会发现你的问题并不那么糟糕。A 坏的,B 令人愉快的,C有用的

98、,根据He cant walk or even speak ,可知是强调糟糕,故选A。(1 0 )句意:现在他被称为世界上最伟大的科学家。be known as+身份或职业,be knownfor+整体中的一部分,因为. . . . . . 而出名, a great scientist是身份,故选C。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。9. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Building Our Comm

99、unityMomz I hope Steve can take me to the park next weekend, I said.Sorry, Lucy, Mom said, your brother is volunteering next weekend to help a housefor a family.I remembered Steves eyes had lit up when he first told me about the community homebuilding project. He was good at building and fixing thin

100、gs, so he was 2 to do something.Now that he was seventeen, he was finally old enough to take part in it.Its not 3 I complained. Steve can change a familys life, but what can I do? Im onlyten.Mom put on her serious look. Don*t think about it like that, Lucy, she said, people make a4 by thinking about

101、 what they can do, rather than what they cant do.Moms words echoed in my head later that day. Maybe she was right. I might not be able tophysically build a house, but I could 5 money to help.The next day before class, I talked to my teacher, Mr. Brown, about my idea. Well, we canbrainstorm about it,

102、 he said, I bet your classmates will have some good ideas. 6 will bethe best way to make this happen.After I explained my idea in class, Brason raised his hand. My uncle owns a T-shirt shop.Maybe he can print some T-shirts that we can 7 .Great idea! Mr. Brown said. Then, after a lively discussion, w

103、e decided on Building OurCommunity as our slogan ( 口 号 ) to print. Marla, our class artist, agreed to draw the design.By Friday, the T-shirts had been printed, and I had posted details about the sale on our classWeb page. Our Saturday sale was a success. We earned $ 125, After the sale, we went to t

104、hecommunity center. I 8 handed over the money.Mom and Mr. Brown had both been right. Everyone can do something, and together we canachieve something great.(6) A; (7) C; (8) B;1. A. buildB. findC. cleanD. buy2. A. afraidB. freeC. sorryD.eager3. A. easyB. fairC. safeD. interesting4. A. suggestion B. d

105、ecisionC. difference D. promise5. A.saveB. makeC. spendD. raise6. A. Teamwork B. Leadership C. Argument D. Competition7. A. showB. wearC. sellD. give8. A. honestlyB. proudlyC. bravelyD. secretly答案】(1)A; (2) D;(3) B;(4) C; (5) D;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文叙述哥哥斯蒂夫十七岁志愿为别人建房子。而只有十岁妹妹觉得不公平。妈妈告诉她,人们通过思考自己能做什么,而不是

106、他们不能做什么来改变自己。她认为妈妈说的对。我可能无法实际建房,但我可以筹集资金来帮助。最后通过与老师布朗先生和同学们的集思广益,在T恤衫上印有建设我们的社区“ 口号在班的网站上销售,取得成功。( 1 )句意:你哥哥下周末自愿帮一家人建房子.A: build建造,建立;B: find找到;C:clean 打扫;D: buy 买。根据下文 I remembered Steves eyes had lit up when he first toldme about the community home-building project.可知她哥哥才会自愿帮助一家建房子, 故选A。(2 )句意:所以

107、他很想做点什么。A: afraid害怕的;B: free空闲的;C: sorry抱歉;D: eager 渴望的。根据上文 I remembered Steves eyes had lit up when he first told meabout the community home-building project. He was good at building and fixingth in g s,可知他才渴望自愿帮助一家建房子,故 选D。( 3 )句意:这不公平,“ 我抱怨道。A: easy容易的;B: fair公平的;C: safe安全的;D: interesting 有趣的。根据

108、下文 I complained. Steve can change a familys life, but whatcan I do? Im only ten.”可知她抱怨自己十岁就不能帮助别人,是不公平的,故选B。(4 )句意:人们通过思考自己能做什么,而不是他们不能做什么来改变自己。A:suggestion 建 议 ;B: decision 决定;C: difference 不同;D: promise 许诺。根据下文 Imight not be able to physically build a house, but I could 5 money to help.可知通过自己能做到的事

109、情帮助别人来改变自己。make a difference产 生 影 响 ( 作 用 ) ,故选C。( 5 )句意:但我可以筹集资金来帮助。A: save拯救;B: make制作;C: spend花费;D: raise举起,筹集。根据下文I 8 handed over the money.可知筹集钱来帮助别人,故选Do(6 )句 意 : 团 队 合 作 是 实 现 这 一目标的最佳方式。A: Teamwork团队协作;B:Leadership 领导;C: Argument 争论;D: Competition 比赛,竞赛。根据下文 I bet yourclassmates will have so

110、me good ideas.根据下文We earned $ 125. 团队的协作实现目标最好的方式, 故选A。( 7 )句意:也许他可以印一些我们可以卖的T恤。A: show展示;B: wear穿戴;C:sell 卖;D: give 给。根据下文 By Friday, the T-shirts had been printed, and I had posteddetails about the sale on our class Web page.可知印刷口号的目的是T恤衫已经印好了,在班的网页上公布了出售的细节。故选C。( 8 )句意:我骄傲地把钱交了。A: honestly诚实地;B:

111、proudly骄 傲 地 ;C: bravely勇敢地;D: secretly 秘密地。根据上文 Our Saturday sale was a success. We earned$125, 可知他们是骄傲的, 故选B。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。10. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate Io walk home with Jemma, as

112、usual. Then Isaw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced ( 瞥了眼) atme and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend.At dinner; Mom asked. Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?I shrugged ( 耸肩)and said nothing.The next morning. Mom asked. Today is 3 . What are y

113、ou and Jemma going to do? Ishrugged again. 4 is Jemma?Mom took a look at me. Them she said, Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling.But I just went 6 her.Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.Sitti

114、ng on the sofa, I noticed a ( an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table .Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair.Thats Beth Lambert, she said. My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo. Iwas 8 at that.Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then on

115、e day, she madenew friends and said she didnt want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt10 that.I didnt say anything. I couldnt. I knew Id start 11 if I opened my mouth.Grandma hugged me again. Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen toanyone, she continued. Then, see him? Grandmas f

116、inger 13 to a boy with glasses inthe photo. He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, Isaid hello. And we became friends.So, if we want to start a new friendship, she smiled. One 15 is all it took.As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her

117、 and spoke, Hello.1. A. itB. themC. herD. him2. A. lostB. hurtC. forgotten D. beaten3. A. MondayB. FridayC. SaturdayD. Sunday4. A. HowB. WhereC. WhichD. Who5. A. AsB. BeforeC. AfterD. Until6. A. toB. pastC. withD. against7. A. cardB. photoC. posterD. advertisement8. A. gladB. angryC. satisfiedD. sur

118、prised9. A. togetherB. outsideC. differently D. quickly10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of11. A. singingB. laughingC. shoutingD. crying12. A. oldB. separateC. strongD. close13. A. movedB. connected C. returnedD. waved14. A. soB. butC. forD. and15. A. hugB. smileC. wordD. questi

119、on【 答案】(1)C; (2) A; (3) C; (4) A; (5) A; (6) B; (7) B; (8) D; (9)A; (10) C; (11) D; (12) B; (13)A; (14) D; (15) C;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是自己最好的朋友离开自己,交了新朋友。我心里很不高兴。然后妈妈带着她去看姥姥,姥姥以她自己的经历告诉她每个人在成长的过程中都会失去朋友,但是我们在失去一个朋友后我们要去开始另一段新的友情。(1)代词辨析。句意:然后我看到他和其他一些女孩在谈话和大笑。i t 它;them 他们;her 她;him 他,see sb. doing

120、 sth.看见某人在做某事, 根据 I waited at the school gate Io walkhome with Jemma, as usual.此处指她的朋友 Jem m a,根据 She glanced ( 瞥 了一眼 ) at meand left me alone there可知Jemma是女孩,可知此处用her代替,故选C。(2 ) 动词辨析。句意:直到那时我知道我失去了我最好的朋友。lo st失去;hurt伤害;forgotten 忘记;beaten 打,根据 She glanced ( 瞥了一眼 ) at me and left me alone there Rj知她

121、独自让我留着那里,不再是我的好朋友了。可知是失去的意思,故选A。( 3 ) 名词辨析。句意: 今天是星期六。你 打 算 和 Jem m a做什么呢? Monday周一;Friday 周五;Saturday 周六;Sunday 周日,根据 After school on Friday, I waited at the schoolgate Io walk home with Jemma, as usual,可知第二天是星期六, 故选 C。( 4 ) 疑问词辨析。句意:Jemma怎么了? How如何;Where在哪里: Which哪个;Who谁,根 据 I shrugged again. 可知我只

122、是耸耸肩不说话,所以母亲问Jemma怎么了,故选A。(5 ) 连词辨析。句意:当我沿着街道走时,社区的一个新女孩朝我走来,微笑着。As当. . . . . . 时 候 ; Before在. . . . . . 之前:After在. . . . . . 后 ; Until直到. . . . . . 为止,这句表达的是我正走着是女孩朝我走来,a s引导从句表示两个动作同时发生,故选A。( 6 ) 介词辨析。句 意 :但是我只是从她身边走过。根 据 t o 到达,对于;past经过;with和 一起;against反对,根 据 B u t,可知这两句之间是转折关系,表示女孩对我微笑但是我没理她,只是

123、从身边走过。故选B。(7 ) 名词辨析。句意:坐在沙发上,我注意到在桌子上有一张孩子们穿着过去流行服装照片。card 卡片;photo 相片;poster 海报;advertisement 广告,根据 Until a week beforewe took this photo.可知此处指照片,故选B。(8 ) 形容词辨析。句意:我对那个感到很吃惊。glad高兴的;angry生气的;satisfied满意的;surprised 吃惊的,根据 Thats Beth Lambert/ she said. My best friend. Until a weekbefore we took this

124、photo.奶奶和他的最后的朋友在一周前才找了这张照片,可知我对此感到吃惊。故选D。( 9 ) 副词辨析。句意: 我们一起做每件事。together 一 起 ; outside外面的; differently不同地;quickly 快地, 根据 Then one day, she made new friends and said she didnt want tohang out with me anymore.可知她们以前一起做事情。故选A。( 1 0 )短语辨析。句意:没有什么比那伤害更大了。less th an 少于;because o f 因为;more than多于;instead

125、 o f代替,相反,可知朋友离开是最自己有很大伤害,故选C。(1 1 )动词辨析。句意:我知道如果我张开嘴我就会开始哭。sin g唱歌:laugh笑;shout大喊;c ry 哭,根据上文内容可知,姥姥的故事和自己一样,所以自己很伤感,一张嘴会哭,故选D。(1 2 )形容词辨析。句意: 西门,有时朋友们会随着成长会分离的。他可能会发生在任何人身上。old老的,旧的;separate分开的:strong结实的,强壮的;close近的,根据上文内容可知朋友们在成长的过程中会分离。故选B。( 1 3 ) 动词辨析。句意:姥姥的手指移动到照片中一个戴眼镜的男孩。m ove移动;connect连接;re

126、turn返回;w ave挥手,从上文内容可知老师是指着照片给我讲故事,可知此处指瘦子移到男孩,故选A。(1 4 )连词辨析。句意: 当我自己步行回家,这个男孩也是。s。因此;b u t但是;fo r为了; and和,这两句子之间是并列顺承关系,连词用a n d ,故选D。(1 5 )动词辨析。句意:总而言之就是所有一切都过去了。h u g 拥抱;sm ile微笑;word话;question问题,one word总而言之,这是对事情进行了总结,故选C。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。做完形填空题的基本步骤是:先通览全文,掌握文章大意;然后再根据文章的语境特点从词语搭配、习惯用法、上下文的逻辑关系以

127、及一般的生活常识等方面进行分析,从而选出既合语法又合语境的答案。1 L 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。I moved to a new neighborhood two months ago. A taxi driver lived in a house with a large1 across the road. Hes a single parent with two school-age children. At the end of the day, hewould 2 his taxi on the road. Why not in

128、 the garage? I asked myself.Then one day I learned that he had another 3 In the afternoon he would come homefrom work, leave his taxi and go out 4 his personal business in his other car, not in his taxi.I felt it was 5I really want to see his personal car but did not make it. Two weeks later, I 6 to

129、 beoutside one evening, when the garage door was 7 and he drove out in his own car: aRolls-Royce ( 劳斯莱斯) ! It 8 me completely when I realized what that meant. You see,he was a taxi d r i v e r . 9 deep inside, he saw himself as something else: a Rolls-Royceowner and a (n) 10 . He drove others in his

130、 taxi but himself and his children in his Rolls-Royce. The world looked at his taxi and called him a taxi driver. But for him, a taxi was 11something he drove for a living. Rolls-Royce was something he drove for a (n) 12 .We go to bed every night and 13 every morning as parents or children, not as b

131、ankers,CEOs or professors. We go for a party as close friends or go for a vacation as a family. We love lifeas it is. Yet often, we base our happiness and 14 on how high we climb the social ladder( 阶 梯 ) how much bigger and better a taxi we have. And we fail to notice Rolls-Royce,keeping it dusty in

132、 our garage. We should pay more attention to 15 we are than what wedo! Isnt it the true meaning of life?A; (10) A; (11) C; (12) B; (13) B; (14) A; (15) A;1. A. windowB. garageC. yardD. door2. A. park B. drive C. check D. repair3. A. house B. car C. garage D. job4. A. of B. from C. for D. without5. A

133、. useful B. meaningful C. wasteful D. painful6. A. appeared B. happened C. refused D. expected7. A. broken B. shut C. painted D. open8. A. frightened B. encouraged C. shocked D. hurt9. A. But B. Because C. So D. Though10. A. father B. son C. driver D. engineer11. A. yet B. never C. just D. st川12. A.

134、 experience B. life C. position D. fame13. A. stay up B. wake up C. take up D. warm up14. A. success B. plan C. beauty D. wishes15. A. who B. what C. how D. where【 答案】(1) B; (2) A; (3) B; (4) C; (5) C;(6) B;(7) D;(8) C;(9)【 解析】 【 分析】 文章讲述的是作者通过邻居的工作生活方式,意识到了我们在对待工作和家庭生活时候应当采取的态度。(1)句意:一个出租车司机住在一个有大车

135、库的放在里。A 窗户,B 车库,C 院子,DH. 根据后文的he did not park it in the garage可知,他家里有一个大的车库,故 选 B。(2)句意:在一天结束的时候,他会把他的出租车停在路上。A 停放,B 开车,C 检查,D 修理,根据下文he did not park it in the garage.可知他把车停在路上,故选A。(3)句意:后来有一天,我获悉他又买了一辆汽车。A 房子,B 汽车,C 车库,D 工作。根据 He drove others in his taxi but himself and his children in his Rolls-Ro

136、yce 可知是车,故选Bo( 4 )句意:下午他下班回家,离开出租车,坐他的另一辆车,而不是坐他的出租车出去干他的私事。A 的,B来自,C为了,D没有,此处表示目的为了,故选C。( 5 )句意:我觉得那是浪费。A有用的,B有意义的,C浪费的,D痛苦的,作者认为有两台车很浪费,故选C。( 6)句意:两周后的一个晚上,我碰巧在外面,车库门开着,他开着他的 自己的 车:一辆劳斯莱斯! A 出现,B 发生,C 拒绝,D 预期,碰巧,happen to d o ,固定搭配,故选Bo( 7)句意:两周后的一个晚上,我碰巧在外面,车库门开着,他开着他的 自己的 车:一辆劳斯莱斯! A破碎的,B关着的,C着色

137、的,D敞开的,门开着才能看到劳斯莱斯,故选D。( 8 )句意:当我意识到这意味着什么时,我完全震惊了。A害怕的,B鼓励,C震惊的,D 受伤的,根据 he dr o v e o u t in his o w n car : a R o l l s - R o y ce 可知是震惊了,故选 C。( 9 )句意:但在内心深处,他认为自己是另一回事:劳斯莱斯的主人和一名父亲。A但是,B因为,C所以,D尽管,根 据he w a s a t ax i dr iv er和a R o l l s - R o y ce o w n e r可知是转折关系,故填bu t ,故选A。( 1 0 )句意:但在内心深处,

138、他认为自己是另一回事:劳斯莱斯的主人和一名父亲。A父亲,B儿子,c司机,D工程师,根 据he s a w hims el f a s可知此处指代的是父亲, 故选A。( 11)句意:但对他来说,坐出租车只是他的谋生手段。A 还,B 从未,C 只是,D 仍然,此处表示只不过的语气,故选C。( 1 2 )句意:劳斯莱斯是他一生所驾驶的东西。A经历,B生活,C位置,D名声,根据I s n t i t t he t r u e mean in g o f l ife 可知指 l ife,故选 B。( 1 3 )句意:我们每晚上床睡觉,每天早上醒来的时候都是作为父母或孩子,而不是作为银行家、首席执行官或教

139、授。A熬夜,B醒来,C占据,D加热,根 据ev er y m o r n i n g可知,是 醒 来 , 故选B。( 1 4)句意:我们热爱现在的生活。然而,我们常常把自己的幸福和成功建立在我们爬上社会阶梯的高度上。A成功,B计划,C美,D希望,根 据hap p in es s a nd ,可知幸福与成功相互匹配, 故选A。( 1 5 )句意:我们应该多注意我们是谁,而不是我们做什么! A谁,B什么,C如何,D哪里,根据w e ar e t han w hat w e d o可知a r e后缺少表语,此处指代人, 故选A。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其

140、大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。1 2 .完形填空Scientists study the world and learn about things using a process called the scientific method( 方法). By asking important questions and 1 the answers, it is possible to makeamazing discoveries! Sometimes a scientist is 2 to answer his own quest

141、ions, but if he hastaken good notes another scientist may come along later who is able to use new knowledge toanswer it.When you use the scientific method to 3 an experiment, you start by makingobservations ( 观察) about something that 4 you. Based on your observations, youmake a hypothesis. This is u

142、sing 5 you know to make a smart guess about what you thinkcould happen. Then you are ready to begin your experiment. Al I 6 your experiment youtake down notes, which are 7 experiment date ( 资 料 ) . You are constantly makingobservations during this time. You may make discoveries that cause you to imp

143、rove yourexperiment as you go. 8 you conclude your experiment and begin to look over your notesto decide what it all means. Based on what you have learned, you make a final statement about9 your hypothesis was correct or not. You have to have reasons and evidence to support whatyou are saying.Using

144、the scientific method can be difficult, but rewarding. Because all the steps are organizedin a process, the 10 are more valid ( 可信的) . When you provide observations asevidence to support what you are saying, your ideas are more likely to be accepted.1. A. waiting for B. searching forC. worrying abou

145、t D. complaining about2. A. unableB. sureC. readyD. surprised3. A. readB. refuseC. preventD. conduct4. A. hurtsB. representsC. interestsD. attacks5. A. whatB. whenC. whyD. which6. A. withoutB. includingC. exceptD. during7. A. controlled B. arrangedC. calledD. carried8. A. Obviously B. SuddenlyC. Fin

146、allyD. Mostly9. A. whetherB. whatC. howD. when10. A. problem B. resultsC. servicesD. aimsI答案】(1)B; (2) A;(3) D; (4) C; (5) A; (6) D; (7) C; (8) C; (9)A; ( 10) B;【 解析】 【 分析】大意:本文讲述科学研究的方法,先是提出假设,然后进行研究论证假设,最后得出结论。(1)句意:通过问重要的问题和寻找答案,有可能会有惊人的发现! A.等待;B.寻找;C.担心;D.抱怨。根据常识可知,科学家先是提出假设,然后选择根据假设寻找答案,故选Bo(

147、2)句意:有时候一位科学家不能回答他自己的问题,但是如果他做了很好的笔记,以后可能会出现另一位科学家,他可以用新的知识来回答这个问题。A.未能,无法;B.确信,一定;C.准备好;D.惊讶的。根据 who is able to use new knowledge to answer it.可知可能科学家不能回答自己的问题,故选A。(3 )句意:当你使用科学方法进行一次实验的时候,首先,对你感兴趣的事情进行观察。A.阅读;B.拒绝;C.阻止;D.引导,带领,安排,组织。根 据 experiment,可知应该是组织一次实验,用 conduct,故选Do(4 )句意:当你使用科学方法进行一次实验的时候

148、,首先,对你感兴趣的事情进行观察。A .( 使)受伤;B.代表;C.感兴趣;D.攻击,袭击。此处只有interests和 you搭配,符合题意,故选c。(5)句意:这是用你所知道的来对你认为可能发生的事情做一个聪明的猜测。A.什么;B.什么时候;C.为什么;D.哪个。using后引导名词性从句,know 后缺少宾语,因此用what引导名词性从句,what的 ( 东西/ 事情),故选A。( 6)句意:在你实验的整个过程中,你都需要做笔记。这个称为实验资料。A.没有;B.包括;C.除 之外;D.在 期间。故选D 。( 7)句意:在你实验的整个过程中,你都需要做笔记。这个称为实验资料。A.控制;B.

149、安排;C.叫;D.携带。实验笔记应该被称为实验资料,故选C。( 8 )句意:最后,你总结自己的实验并开始看一些你的笔记以便决定这一切是究竟意味着什么。A.显然,明显;B.突然地;C.最后;D.主要地,通常。根据常识可知,研究时是先提出假设,然后论证假设,最后得出结论,此处是最后环节,根据实验得出结论,故选Co(9)句意:根据你所学知识,做出最后陈述你的假设正确与否。A.是否;B.什么;C.怎样;D.什么时候。whether.or n o t,是否,固定搭配,故选A。( 10)句意:因为所有的步骤都组织在一个过程中,结果更可信。A.问题;B.结果;C.服务;D.目的,目标。由于都是按照步骤一步一

150、步进行的,所有结果更可信,故选B。【 点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。1 3 .完形填空Letting kids learn more about science at an early age is easier than you think. It is happening allaround us, and you can 1 everyday things to encourage your childrens interest.Most parents

151、believe it is difficult to help their children with science. But you dont need a highscientific 2 to teach your children science. All you need is that youre willing to try, to seethe world, and to 3 the time to encourage their natural curiosity ( 好奇心).You can help by having an active attitude toward

152、s science yourself. Then start 4 byasking your children questions about the things you see every day. And then listen to theiranswers without judging ( 评为J) them, which will 5 their confidence, and help youdecide just what your children know or do not know.Different kids have different interests, 6

153、they need different kinds of science projects.Collecting rocks may interest your young daughter, but your older son may need something moreto deal with it. Knowing your children is the best way to 7 enjoyabIe learning activities.Here are some more pieces of advice:Choose activities that are the righ

154、t 8 of difficulty. If you are not sure, pick somethingeasier.Read the suggested ages on any projects, books, and then make sure that the activity is 9for your child. Let your child choose the project or activity himself. Its easy enough to ask ratherthan force him. Suggest choosing 2 or 3 things you

155、r child can do. When a child picks somethinghe is 10 in, he w川 enjoy it and learn more from it.1. A. buyB. makeC. use2. A. degreeB. placeC. brain3. A. followB. solveC. take4. A. seriously B. simplyC. cheaply5. A.loseB. createC. improve6. A. soB. ifC. though7. A. deleteB. findC. cancel8. A. answerB.

156、wayC. level9. A. properB. famousC. cheap10. A. proudB. interested C. known【 答案】(1) C; (2) A; (3) C; (4) B; (5) C; (6) A; (7) B; (8) C; (9)A; ( 10) B;【 解析】 【 分析】大意:本文介绍激励孩子学习科学兴趣的方法。(1)句意:它正在我们所有人周围发生,你可以使用日常用品来激发自己孩子的兴趣。A.买;B.制造;C.使用。use sth to do sth使用某物做某事,此处表示用身边的东西激发孩子的兴趣,用 u s e ,使用,故选C。(2)句意:但

157、是你交自己的孩子科学不需要高学位。A.学位;B.地方;C.大脑。根据下句可知,你需要的就是愿意尝试,而不需要高学位,故选A。(3)句意:你需要的一切就是你愿意尝试,看世界,花时间激励他们自然的好奇心。A.跟随;B.解决;C.花费。此处表示愿意花时间激励他们的好奇心,用 ta k e ,花费,故选C。(4 )句意:然后先简单地询问你孩子关于你每天看见的东西的问题。A.严重地,严肃地;B.简单地;C.便宜地。一般父母问孩子的问题时都尽量简单易懂,故选B。(5 )句意:然后用不评判他们的方式去听他们的回答,他们的回答会提高他们的信心,很好地帮助你决定你的孩子知道什么或者不知道什么。A.丢失;B.创造

158、;C.提高。由于不评判,所以孩子不害怕,从而提高他们的信心,此处用im prove,故选C。(6 )句意:不同的孩子有不同的兴趣,因此他们需要不同种的科学项目。A.因此;B.如果;C.虽然。前后句是因果关系,此处用s o , 引出结果状语从句,故选A。(7)句意:知道你的孩子是最后发现愉悦学习活动的方法。A.删除;B.找到;C.取消。了解自己的孩子才能找到最好与之相匹配的活动。故选Bo(8)句意:选择同等难度水平的活动。A.答案,回答;B.方法;C.水平。难度程度应与孩子能力相一致的活动,此处用le ve l,水平,故选C。(9)句意:阅读建议年龄相匹配的项目和书籍,然后确保活动合适你孩子 A

159、.恰当的;B.著名的;C.便宜的。由于项目和书籍和孩子年龄相匹配,活动适合孩子。此 处 用 proper,恰当,适合,be proper for s b ,适合某人,故选A。( 10)句意:当孩子挑选他感兴趣的东西时,他将会喜欢它并且从它那学到更多。A.自豪的,骄傲的;B.感兴趣的;C.已知的。be interested in ,对. . . . . . 感兴趣, 固定搭配,故选B。【 点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文学握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。1 4 .根据短文内容,从各题的四个选项中选择

160、一个最佳答案。Vincent Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters he wrote to his1 from the school.Dearest Mom and Dad,Im afraid I have something terrible to tell you. I have been very naughty and the schoolprincipal ( 校 长 ) is very 2 with me. She is going to write to you. I have to be3

161、from here by you. She does not want me in the school any longer.The trouble started last night when I was 4 in bed. This is against the rules, of course.We are not 5 to smoke at all.As I was smoking, I heard 6 coming towards the room. I did not want to be caught by ateacher, so I threw the cigarette

162、 away.7 , the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too.The principal 8 the fire station. By the time the firemen arrived, the whole room wason fire. One of my roommates got hurt and he was sent to the 9 .The

163、principal said that the fire was all my fault and she will send you a bill for the damage (IM坏). The damage will 10 you two thousand dollars.Im very sorry about this. I wont break any rules. I promise.Much love,Vincent1. A. grandparents B. brothers C. friendsD. parents2. A. angryB. pleasedC. excited

164、D. nervous3. A. taken offB. taken away C. taken inD. taken after4. A. eatingB. sleepingC. smokingD. reading5. A. thoughtB. believedC. guessedD. supposed6. A. somebodyB.anybodyC. everybody D. nobody7. A. HappilyB. UnluckilyC. Amazingly D. Uncomfortably8. A. askedB. phonedC. choseD. brought9. A. hospi

165、talB. parkC. restaurant D. classroom10. A.spendB. buyC. costD. collect【 答案】(1)D; (2) A;(3) B; (4; C; (5) D; (6) A; (7) B; (8) B; (9)A; (10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】大意:本文讲述作者在寝室里抽烟引起了火灾,校长要开除他,作者写信告诉父母此事。( 1)句意:这是他从学校写给他父母其中的一封信。A.爷爷奶奶;B.兄弟;C.朋友;D.父母。根据Dearest Mom and Dad,可知他给父母写信,故选D。(2)句意:我很淘气,校长对我很生气。A.生气的;B

166、.高兴的,愉快的;C.激动的;D.紧张的。由于生气引起校长生气,故选A。(3)句意:我得被你们从这带走。A.脱下;B.拿走;C.吸收:D.像。根据下句可知,校长要开除我,因此我将会被你们带走,故选B。(4)句意:麻烦始于昨天晚上我在床上抽烟。A.吃;B.睡;C.抽烟;D.阅读。根据As Iwassmoking,可知,作者应该是在床上抽烟,被抓到了,故选C。(5)句意:我们根本就不应该抽烟。A.认为,思 考 ; B.相信;C.猜;D.假设。be supposedto do sth应该做某事,固定搭配,故选D。( 6 )句意:我正在抽烟的时候听到有人正朝房间来。A.某人;B.任何人,某人;C.每个

167、人,大家;D.没有人。此处表示有某人来了,anybody某人,用于疑问句中,此句是陈述句,故排除B, somebody某人,用于陈述句中,符合题意,故选A。(7)句意:不幸的是,香烟掉进了废纸篓里引起了火灾。A.高兴地;B.不幸运地;C.惊奇地;D.不舒服地。引起了火灾应该是很不幸的,故选B。(8)句意:校长打电话给消防站。A.问;B.打电话;C.选择;D.带来。由于发生火灾,应该打电话消防站求援,故选B。(9)句意:其中一位室友受了伤送医院去了。A.医院;B.公园;C.餐馆;D.教室。因火灾受伤,应送去医院,故选A。(10)句意:本次损坏将要花费你们2000美金。A.花费,主语为人;B.买;

168、C.花费,主语为物;D.收集。根 据 two thousand dollars.可知要花费2000美金,主语是the damage,物,用 c o st,花费,故选C。【 点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Nowadays, many people drive their cars to work. There are a lot of cars in the stree

169、t and the1 is very busy. So sometimes 2 is not easy for people to get to work on time. Whenyou are going to be late, you only dream of taking a plane there. Can your dream 3 ?Yes! You can take a plane only in months!Four engineers in Germany are 4 in making planes. They are making a newplaneLilium j

170、et. It doesnt look like a plane 5 an egg. Many people think it looks funny andinteresting. The great egg can take two people to the sky and 6 three hundredkilometres in one hour. Thats really great.Some people call Lilium jet a flying car. Why? Firstly, its not difficult for people to learn todrive

171、it. People can drive it just like driving a car. But it can go 7 and farther than a car.Secondly, Lilium jet is not very big, only a quarter of a plane. So it doesn*t need an airport. Only asmall place is OK. It can stop 8 In the future, the flying car will come into peoples lifeand 9 our ways of tr

172、ip.Lilium jet will come on the market soon. 10 you want to make your trip easy and funny,why not buy one? Im sure you will have a good time on it.1 A. trafficB. skyC. train2 A. thisB. thatC. it3 A. come on B. come backC. come true4 A. boredB. interested C. disappointed5 A. butB. andC. so6 A. walkB.

173、swimC. fly7 A. slowerB. fasterC. earlier8 A. whereB. nowhereC. everywhere9 A. changeB. findC. lose10. A. Unless B. IfC. Whether 答案】( 1) A; (2) C; (3) C;(B; (5) A; (6) C; (7) B; (8) C; (9)A; (10) B;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍目前大街上交通繁忙有时上班是很困难现状,四位德国工程师设计的一种新型的飞机一一百合喷气式飞机即将上市。( 1 ) 句意:大街上有许多车,因此交通繁忙。A: tra

174、ffic交通; B: sky天空; C: train火车。根据上文There are a lot of cars in the stre街上有许多车,可知交通繁忙, 故选A。( 2 ) 句意:因此,有时候按时上班是很难的。A: this这个; B: that那个; C: it它。根据 .is not easy for people to get to work on time.可知不定式作真正的主语, 放在句末,用 it作形式主语的句型,It is+形容词+to do sth.故选Co( 3 ) 句意:你的梦想能实现吗? A: come on加油; B: come back回来; C: com

175、e true实现。根据your dream ,可知梦想实现,故选C。( 4 ) 句意:四位德国工程师对制造飞机感兴趣。A: bored厌倦的; B: interested感兴趣的 ;C: disappointed 失望的。根据 are.in making plane,可知要用 be interested in doingsth.对做某事感兴趣。故选B。(5 ) 句意:它看起来不像飞机而像一个鸡蛋。A: but但是; B: and和,又; C: s o 因此 。根 据 根 据 It doesnt look like a plane. an e g g .它看起来不像飞机,可知要用not.but.

176、,不是 而是 ,固定用法,故选A。( 6 ) 句意:这个巨大的“ 鸡蛋可以带两个人在天上,每小时可以飞300公里。A: walk步行; B: swim游泳; C: fly 飞行,放飞。根据 to the sky到天上可知只能是飞行,故选Co( 7 ) 句意:但是它比汽车运行的快,运行的远。A: slower更慢的; B: faster更快的;C: earlier更容易的。根据根据 three hundred kilometres in one hour.每小时可以飞300公里,可知性能比汽车好,因此也应该比汽车快,故选B。( 8 )句意: 它可以停在任何地方。A: w here在哪里;B: n

177、owhere哪里都不; C:everywhere到处。根据Only a small place is O K只要一块小地方就可以,可知它到处都可以停。故选C。(9 ) 句意:在将来,这种飞行汽车将进入人们的生活,改变人们的旅行方式。A: change改 变 ; B: find 找到; C: lose 丢失。根据上文 In the future, the flying car” will come intopeoples life ,可知这种飞行汽车速度快,飞行远,停放方便。因此可以改变人们的生活方式 。故选A。( 1 0 )句意: 如果你想让你的旅行变得极容易又有趣,为什么不买一台呢? A:

178、Unless除非; B: If 如果,是否; C: Whether 是否。根据 you want to make your trip easy andfunny,你想让你的旅行变得极容易又有趣,是买一台飞行车的条件,故选B。【 点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意, 理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐一做题,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。1 6 .先通读短文,掌握其大意,然 后 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch spee

179、ding drivers, a police officer saw a cardriving along at 22 miles per hour.He thought to himself, This driver is just as dangerous as a 1 ! So he turned on hislights and pulled the driver over.Getting closer to the car, he noticed that there were 2 old ladies, two in the front seatand three in the b

180、ack wide eyed and pale faced.The driver, who knew 3 about what happened, said to him, Officer; I dont understand.I was doing exactly the speed limit! What seems to be the 4 ?Maam, the officer replied, you weren*t speeding, but you should know that driving5 than the speed limit can also be a danger t

181、o other drivers. The same as a speeder.No, sir. I was doing the speed limitexactly twenty-two miles an hour! The old woman saidin a 6 voice. The officer, almost unable to control his chuckle, explained to her that “22”was the route 7 , not the speed limit.A bit embarrassed, the woman smiled widely a

182、nd thanked the officer for 8 hermisunderstanding.But 9 I let you go, maam, I have to ask. Is everyone in this car OK? These womenseem to be 10 badly and they havent made a single sound this whole time, the officerasked.Oh, theyll be all right in a minute. We just got off Route 119.1. A. smokerB. rid

183、erC. speederD. walker2. A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six3. A. nothingB. something C. everythingD. anything4. A. excuseB. questionC. reasonD. problem5. A. closerB. slowerC. fartherD. higher6. A. sadB. sweetC. proudD. weak7. A. numberB. mapC. guideD. order8. A. laughing at B. leading to C. talking about D

184、. pointing out9. A. until B. before C. although D. if10. A. crying B. coughing C. sleeping D. shaking【 答案】(1)C; (2) C; (3) A; (4) D; (5) B; (6) C; (7) A; (8) D; (9)B; (10) D;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:本文向同学们讲述了一名老妇人和一名查超速的警察之间发生的一则有趣故事。老妇人错把公路的名称当成了速度限制。在警察的解释下恍然大悟。(1)考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个司机就是和飞车一样危险。A. smoker吸烟者;B.r

185、ider骑行者;C. speeder超速行驶者;D. walker步行者,根据语境和下文可知: 这名司机和飞车一样危险.故选Q( 2 ) 考查数词。句意:靠近车,他注意到有五个老太太,前座两个,后座有三个。A.three 三个;B.four 四 个 ; C.five 五个;D.六个,根据下文,.two in the front seat andthree in the back,.”可知有五个。故选 Co(3 ) 考查不定代词。这个司机,对所发生的事一无所知,对他说,“ 警官,我不明白,我正是精确地按照这个速度限制行驶的。 根 据 Officer, I dont understand. I w

186、as doing exactlythe speed lim it!可知,司机不明白发生了什么事。故选A。(4 ) 考查名词词义辨析。句意:警官,我不明白,我正是精确地按照这个速度限制行驶的。问题是什么? A. excuse借口; B. question问题;C. reason原因;D. problem问题, 根据 Officer, I dont understand. I was doing exactly the speed limit!可知她不觉得自己做错了什么,存在什么问题,故选D。(5 ) 考查形容词比较级词义辨析。句意: 女士 警官回答说“ 你的不是速度快,但是你应该知道开车速度比最

187、低限速慢对其他司机来说意思一种危险。A.closer更近; B.slower更慢; C.farther 更远; D.higher 更高,根据上文第二段和下文.than the speed limit can alsobe a danger to other drivers. The same as a speeder.可推知, 此处应是比最低限速还慢。故选B。(6 ) 考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 不,先生。我在限速内一一正 好 2 2 里每小时!” 这个老太太自豪地说。A. sad伤心的;B. sweet甜蜜的; C. proud骄傲的;D. weak虚弱的,根据No, sir. I was

188、doing the speed limit exactly twenty - two miles an hour!,可知老太太认为自己车速没问题,对自己的行车速度引以为豪。故选C。(7 ) 考查名词词义辨析。句意:警察几乎控制不住自己的笑声,给他解释道2 2 是这条路的号码不是限速。A.号码;B.map; C.guide指南;D.命令,根据上文“ 警察儿乎忍不住要笑和下文警察的解释可知,22不是速度限制,而是公路的号码名称。故选A。(8 ) 考查动词短语。句意:这名老妇人有点尴尬,她张大嘴巴笑了,并感谢警察指出她的误解。A. laugh a t嘲笑;B. lead to 导致;C. talk

189、about谈论; D. point out指出,根据上文可知警察给老太太指出了错误。故选D。(9 ) 考查连词。句意:在我让你走之前,我要问下,你车里的每个人都没事吧? A.until直到. .;B.before 在. . . 前;C.although 虽然;D.if 如果,根据 Is everyone in this car OK?These women seem to be 10 badly and they havent made a single sound this whole time/1 theofficer asked.可知警察对车里他人的状况比较担心。所以在车走前问一下,故选

190、B。(1 0 )考查动词词义辨析。句意:A.cry哭;B.咳嗽;C.睡 觉 D.颤抖,根 据 下 文 Oh, they”be all right in a minute. We just got off Route 119.老妇人的回答可知,老妇人之前把公路名称看做速度限制了,刚才车开得太快,其他人吓得剧烈颤抖。故选D。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。必须在掌握全文的主旨大意的前提下,通过对故事的线索、短文各段的逻辑关系、短文内容之间的逻辑关系及人物情感的发展等的分析和理解,选出答案。17. 阅 读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C 和 D ) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Whi

191、le at the beach this afternoon. I met a 1 called Bob We talked a lot. He said that itwas fun playing on the cliffs ( 悬 崖 ) . I told him 2 I was not allowed to go near thatplace (Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there) . He called me acoward ( 月旦小鬼) . I wanted to prove to him t

192、hat I was just as 3 as he was, so I agreedto go with him.We wanted to make our way down to explore ( 探索)the area, so Bob started to climb down4 I followed him. 5 , some rocks came down after us. One of them nearly hit my head.We could not get back up. We shouted and shouted for help, but for a long

193、time 6 helpcame. I was really scared ( 害怕的).1 wanted to cry. Then, we heard some 7 . Someonehad heard us. A woman tied a rope around 8 while a man at the cliff top held the rope.She 9 her way down to save us.My parents were relieved ( 宽 慰 的 ) that I was unhurt, but they were angry that I had done10

194、a risky thing. I apologized and promised that I would not do anything like that again.1. A. girlB. boyC. farmer D. worker2. A. if B. that C. how D. why3. A. honest B. kind C. silly D. brave4. A. but B. for C. and D. or5. A. Unluckily B. Hopefully C. Really D. Probably6. A. not B. none C. no D. nothi

195、ng7. A. wishes B. sounds C. songs D. winds8. A. herself B. myself C. himself D. itself9. A. did B. turned C. helped D. made10. A. such B. so C. very D. to【 答案】(1) B; (2) B; (3) D; (4) C;(5) A;(6) C;(7) B;(8) A;(9)D; (10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】大意:本文讲述作者因证明自己是一个勇敢的男孩和一个名字叫鲍勃的男孩去爬山崖,结果山崖上滚落下来,导致两个不能爬山山崖,在下面求救,幸

196、好有人听到他们的求救声,及时拯救了他们的故事。(1)句意:我遇到一个叫鲍勃的男孩,并且我们聊了很多。A.女孩;B.男孩;C.农民;D.工人。根据 Mum and Dad had always told me it was dangerous to play there 和 He called me acoward ( 胆小鬼). 可知,他们俩都是小孩,Bob是一个男孩的名词, 故选B。(2)句意:我告诉他A.如果;B.那个,引导从句;C.怎样;D.为什么。told后接了一个宾语从句,且从句的成分完整,用连接词that引导,故选B。(3 )句意:他叫我胆小鬼。我想证明给他看我和他一样勇敢。,因此

197、我同意和他一起去。A.诚实的;B.善良的;C.傻的;D.勇敢的。由前句,他叫我胆小鬼,因此此处是我想证明我和他一个勇敢,用 brave,形容词,故选D。(4 )句意:因此鲍勃开始向下爬,我跟着他。A.但是;B.为了; C.和;D.或者。前后句是顺承关系,用连词and,连接两个句子,故选C。(5)句意:不幸的是,一些岩石从我们身后掉下。A.不幸的是;B.希望地,抱有希望地;C.真地;D.可能。由于岩石从我们身后掉下,应该是一件很不幸的事,因此用unluckily,引出不幸的事,故选A。(6 )句意:我们一次又一次大声叫求助,但是很长时间没有来人帮助。A.不;B.没有一个;C.没有;D.没有什么。

198、no,没有,形容词,常放在名词前,修饰名词,no help cam e没有救援来,故选C。(7 )句意:然后,我们听到一些声音。A.希望:B.声音;C.歌曲;D.风。根 据 Someonehad heard us.可知有人听到我们的求救,他们一定会发出救援的声音,以便寻到我们,用sounds,声音, 故选B。(8)句意:当一个男人在悬崖顶上握住绳子时,有一个女人在自己身上系了一根绳子。A.她自己;B.我自己;C.他自己;D.它自己。主语和宾语是同一个人,宾语用其反身代词,主语是a w om an,其反身代词用herself,她自己,故选A。( 9)句意:她下去救我们。A.做,干;B.转动,转身

199、;C.帮助;D.制造,make ones way前往,固定搭配,故选D。(10)句意:父母感到宽慰的是我没有受伤,但是他们很生气,我做了一件如此危险的事情。A.如此;B.如此;C.very; D.朝。such和 s o 均表示如此的意思,但用法不同,s o 是副词,后修饰形容词或副词,such是形容词,后修饰的中心词是名词,so risky a thing=such arisky th in g,故选 A。【 点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文学握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。1 8 .阅读下面短文

200、,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I was in middle school, I felt I was always letting people down. Once I brought my1 Daisy to my home. I noticed that all my family members seemed to 2 Daisy betterthan me.I felt very 3 I even thought they didnt love me. I wondered whether they would missme if I di

201、ed some day. 4 I told my mum, Daisy is more patient than I have ever been. Youmust want her to be your daughter instead of me.My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but 5 could replace ( 代替) me in thefamily. She said I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even

202、 if Imade 6 , 1 was a beloved member of the family who could never be replaced.From then on, I tried to 7 out who I was and what made me special. I look at8 in a new way. Then I started to be positive ( 积 极 的 ) towards my life, and I was happyabout who I 9 was. I came to feel much better as I knew t

203、hat no one could ever replaceEach of us holds a special place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say orwhat you may think. So 10 that you will be replaced. You cant be.1. A. daughterB. sonC. friendD. uncle2. A. like B. know C. understand D. learn3. A. lucky B. sad C. bored D. glad4

204、. A. But B. So C. Though D. Whether5. A. anybody B. somebody C. everybody D. nobody6. A. mistakes B. faces C. wishes D. decisions7. A. put B. find C. look D. clear8. A. itself B. herself C. himself D. myself9. A. nearly B. hardly C. really D. almost10. A. forget B. worry C. consider D. think【 答案】(1)

205、 C; (2) A; (3) B; (4) B; (5) D;(6) A;(7) B;(8) D;(9)C; ( 10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】主要讲了作者通过朋友Daisy来家里做客,发现家人更喜欢她,作者感到不高兴,询问妈妈朋友是否可以代替她,妈妈的解释让作者明白了没人可以代替她。( 1)句意:曾经我把我的朋友Daisy带回我家。A.女儿;B JL子;C.朋友;D.叔叔。根据后文 My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely g ir l.可知 Daisy 是个女孩,即作者的朋友,故选 Co(2)句意:我注意到所有我的家人似乎更喜欢Daisyo A.

206、喜欢;B.知道;C.明白;D.学习。like.better,更喜欢. . .固定搭配, 故选A。(3)句意:我感到非常难过。A.幸运的;B.难过的;C. 无聊的;D.高兴的。作者看到家人更喜欢D aisy,所以是难过的,故选B。(4 )句意:所以我告诉妈妈。A.但是;B.所以;C.尽管:D.是否。根据前文可知作者认为家人不爱作者,所以把这种感受告诉父母,故选B。(5 )句意:但是没人可以取代家里的你。A.任何人;B.有人;C.每个人;D.没人。根据后句 She said I was the only person who could fill my role.可知作者是家里唯一的人,所以是没人

207、可以取代,故选D。(6)句意:她让我意识到即使我犯错了,我也是没有能取代的被爱的成员。A.错误;B.脸;C.愿 望 ; D.决定。make mistakes犯错误, 故选A。(7)句意:我努力发现我是谁,什么让我特殊。A.放;B.发现;C.看;D.清理。作者努力发现自己的特殊,find o u t,发现,固定搭配,故选B。(8)句意:我用一种新方式看自己。A.它自己;B. 她自己;C.他自己;D.我自己。主语是I , 所以用I 的反身代词m yself,故选D0(9)句意:我是高兴的关于我是真正的谁。A.几乎;B.几乎不;C.真地;D.几乎。根据前文可知作者发现了真正的自我,故选c 。( 10

208、)句意:所以忘记你将被取代。A.忘记;B.担心;C.考虑;D.认为。作者认为自己会被取代,最终理解了自己不会被取代,所以让我们忘记自己会被取代,故选A。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。1 9 .阅读下面短文,然后从每题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate to walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then Isaw 1 talking and laughing happi

209、ly with some other girls. She glanced ( 瞥了一眼) atme and left me alone there. I knew right then that I had 2 my best friend.At dinner; Mom asked, Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?I shrugged ( 耸肩)and said nothing.The next morning, Mom asked, Today is 3 , what are you and Jemma going to do?I shrugged again.

210、4 is Jemma?Mom took a look at me. Then she said, Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling.But I just went 6 her.Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a ( an) 7 of kids

211、 in old-fashioned clothes on the table.Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair.Thats Beth Lambert, she said. My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo.I was 8 at that.Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she madenew friends and said she didn

212、t want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt10 that.*I didnt say anything. I couldnt. I knew Id start 11 if I opened my mouth.Grandma hugged me again. Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen toanyone, she continued. Then, see him? Grandmas finger 13 to a boy with glasses inthe photo.

213、 He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, Isaid hello. And we became friends.So, if we want to start a new friendship, she smiled. One 15 is all it took.As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, Hello.1. A. it B. them C. her D

214、. him2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday4. A. HowB. WhereC. WhichD. Who5. A. AsB. BeforeC. AfterD. Until6. A. toB. pastC. withD. against7. A. cardB. photoC. posterD. advertisement8. A. gladB. angryC. satisfiedD. surprised9. A. togetherB. outsideC. di

215、fferently D. quickly10. A. less than B. because ofC. more than D. instead of11. A. singingB. laughingC. shoutingD. crying12. A. oldB. separate ( 分离) C. strongD. close13. A. movedB. connectedC. returnedD. waved14. A. soB. butC. forD. and15. A. hugB. smileC. wordD. question【 答案】(1) C; ( 2) A; ( 3)C; (

216、4) D;(5) A; (6) B; (7) B; (8) D; (9)A; (10) C;(11) D; (12) B;(13) A;(14) D; (15) C;【 解析】 【 分析】本文介绍了作者最后的朋友离开了她,她很难过,作者的姥姥告诉她要开始新的友情。(1)句意: 然后我看到她和其他一些女孩开心地说着笑着。A 它,B他们,C她,D他,根据处处her指代女生Jemma,故选C。(2)句意: 我当时就知道我失去了最好的朋友。A 丢失,B伤害,C忘记,D击败,根据left me alone可知朋友不理她,故是失去, 故选A。(3)句意: 今天是周六,你和杰玛要做什么? A 周一,B 周五

217、,C 周六,D 周日,根据After school on Friday 和 The next morning 可知周五第二天是周六,故选 C。( 4)句意:谁 是 Jemma? A 怎么,B 哪里,C 哪个,D 谁,Jemma是人,故 用 who表示不在乎的心情,故选D。(5)句意:当我走在街上,附近一个新来的女孩微笑着向我走来。A 当. . . . . . 时候,B 在. . . . . .之前,C 在. . . . . . 之后,D 直至! 根据 a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me,smiling可知女孩朝作者微笑和作者走在街上是同

218、时发生的,故是a s ,故选A。(6)句意:但我只是从她身边走过。go past s b ,固定搭配,从 身边走过,故选B。( 7)句意: 我注意到桌子上有个穿着老式衣服的孩子的照片。A 卡片,B照片,C海报,D广告,根据下文的took this photo可知是照片, 故选B。( 8)句意:我很惊讶。A 高兴的,B生气的,C满意的,D惊讶的,根 据 Beth and I werebest friends in school,可知两人是好朋友,却在姥姥家看到了 Beth的照片,故 是 惊 讶 ,故选D,(9)句意:我们一起做所以的事情。A 一起,B在外面,C不同地,D迅速地,根 据 Betha

219、nd I were best friends in school,可知经常在一起, 故选 A。(10)句意:没有比这更受伤的了。A 不到,B 因为,C 多于,D 代替,根 据 she didntwant to hang out with me anymore她不想再和我在一起了,可知作者非常受伤,否定词+more th a n ,是最高级,强调难过的程度, 故选C。( 11)句意:我知道如果我开口我会哭的。A 唱歌,B 笑,C 喊,D 哭,根据上文说作者很受伤,难过故此处是哭,故选D。(1 2 )句意: 有时朋友会分开的。A 年老的,B分离的,C强壮的,D靠近的,根 据 didntwant t

220、o hang out with me anymore,可知不再一起了是分开了,故选 B。(1 3 )句意:奶奶的手指移到一个戴眼镜的男孩身上。A 移动,B 连接,C 返回,D 招手,根据照片可知,手指是在照片上滑动,故是m ove,故选A。(1 4 )句意:当我一个人走回家的时候,这个男孩也是,我说, 你好, 我们成了朋友。A所以,B但是,C为了,D 并且,此处表示并列关系,都是回家,故是a n d ,故选D。(1 5 )句意:只需要一句话就做到了。A 拥抱,B 微笑,C 词语,D 问题,根 据 I saidhello ,可知是主动打招呼,故是说话, 故选C。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能

221、力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。20. 阅 读 下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Comfort ZoneI would never forget what I learned from the day when I left my junior high school. On the lastday our teacher told us something 1 that I would like to share with you.He

222、 began by drawing a man standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting, hedrew things like a house, a car and a few friends inside the circle.He asked, Can anyone tell me what this is? In a long silence, one student decided to 2his idea, The world? The teacher said, Thats close. Thi

223、s is your Comfort Zone. Inside yourcircle you have all the things that are important to you. Your home, your family, your friends andyour job. People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any 3Can anyone tell me what happens when you step out of this circle? A strong silence cameover the r

224、oom. The same student replied, You are afraid. Another student said, You may makemistakes, The silence continued and our teacher smiled and asked, When you make mistakes,what can the result be? The first student said/ You 4 something.Exactly, you are learning. Our teacher turned to the blackboard an

225、d drew an arrow ( 箭头)5 from the man to the outside of the circle. He went on saying, When you leave your ComfortZone, you put yourself out there, in a 6 that you are not comfortable with, The result isthat you learn something that you did not know and you enlarge your knowledge to become abetter per

226、son. He turned again to the blackboard and drew a bigger circle around the original( 原来的)circle, and 7 a few new things like more friends, a big house, etc.A lesson from this story is that if you stay inside your Comfort Zone you will never be able toopen your eyes to the outside world and learn, Wh

227、en you step out of your Comfort Zone, you will8 make your circle bigger to challenge your mind and grow to be stronger; and all in all be abetter person.1. A. personal B. naturalC. traditionalD. educational2. take B. express C. argue D.A. noise B. danger C. disagreements D.A. lose B. w

228、ant C. learn D.A. pointing B. flying C. connecting D.A. standard B. business C. programme D.A. built B. invited C. added D.A. finally B. hardly C. quickly D.答案】(1) D; (2) B; (3) B; (4)writeargumentsmissleavingsituationdividedsuddenlyC; (5) A;(6) D;(7) C;(8) A;【 解析】 【 分析】主要讲了作者想起初中毕业时老师在黑板上画了舒适区告诉学生们

229、要迈出舒适区才会让自己的圈子更大来挑战自己的头脑,成为一个更好的人。( 1)句意:在最后一天我们的老师告诉我们一些我想要和你们分享的有教育意义的事情。A.个人的;B.自然的;C.传统的;D.有教育意义的。根据后文可知作者分享的事情是有教育意义的,故选D。( 2)句 意 : 一个学生决定表达他的想法。A.花费;B.表达;C.争论;D.写。根据后句 Theworld?可知是学生在表达自己的想法,故选B。(3)句意:人们感觉在这个圈里面,他们远离任何危险是安全的。A.噪音;B.危险;C.不同意;D.同意。因为远离危险,所以是安全的,故选B。( 4 )句意:你学习一些东西。A.失去;B.想要;C.学习

230、;D.思念。根据后文Exactly, youare learning.可知是正在学习一些东西,故选C。(5)句意:我们的老师转向黑板,画了一个箭头,从那个人指向圈外。A.指向;B.飞;C.连接;D.离开。箭头表示方向,是指向圈外,故选A。(6)句意:把你自己放在那外面,在一个你不舒服的情形里。A.标准;B.商业;C.节目;D.情形。in a situation,在一种情况中,故选D。(7)句意:增加几个新东西,像更多的朋友、大房子等等。A.建立;B.邀请;C.增加;D.分开。根据前文可知是圈子大了,增加了新东西,故选C。(8)句意:最后你将让你的圈子更大来挑战你的头脑,变得更加强大,总的来说是

231、一个更好的人。A.最后;B.几乎不;C.迅速地;D.突然。根据前文可知是增加圈子,最终自己会变得更好,故选A。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项.2 1 .阅读下面短文,选择最佳的答案,并在答题卡上将其字母标号涂黑。Summer holiday is coming. Lin Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, Zhang Mei are making theirholiday 1 .Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to

232、2 his favourite football team play. He is goingto wear the team shirt and cheer the 3 . Its going to be great fun and he hopes that histeam will 4 the best score and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpfulwith his family in July. Theres a lot of litter in the park, 5 theyre going to

233、 collect it. Theyhope to do something to make their hometown 6 . Besides, they want to be volunteersand 7 farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad andwill stay with 8 Australian family. 9 does she plan to do so? Because she wants toimprove her spoken English 10 .Lin Ta

234、o and his classmates are all looking forward to their summer holiday.1. A. hotelsB. plansC. tickets2. A. watchB. smellC. feel3. A. singersB. writers C. players4. A. getB. loseC. give5. A. butB. orC. so6. A. happyB. cleanC. wide7. A. bringB. helpC. leave8. A. theB. aC. an9. A. WhyB. When C. Where10.

235、A. quickly B. quietly C. loudly【 答案】(1) B: (2) A; (3) C; (4) A; (5) C; (6) B: (7) B; (8) C; (9)A; (10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:文章主要介绍了暑假要来了,刘涛和他的同学们正在计划着如何度过暑假。(1)考查名词辨析。A 旅馆;B 计划:C 票;根据前面Summer holiday is corning暑假要来了,后面应该是制定暑假计划,故选B。( 2 ) 考查动词辨析。A 观看;B 卖;C 感觉;IKtS So he is going to 2 his favourite footb

236、allteam play后面最喜欢的足球队比赛,应该是观看,故选A。( 3 ) 考查名词辨析。A 歌手;B 作家;C 运动员;根据He is going to wear the team shirtand cheer the他将穿上队服为 加油, 应该是队员, 故选C。(4 ) 考查得词辨析。A 得到;B 丢失;C 给;根据后面win the m atch.赢得比赛,应该是取得最好的分数,故选A。( 5 ) 考查连词辨析。A 但是;B 或者;C 所以;根 据 Theres a lot of litter in thepark, 5 theyre going to collect i t . 公

237、园里有很多垃圾, 他们打算收集它。因果关系,故选Co(6 ) 考查形容词辨析。A 开心的;B 干净的;C 宽的;根据上文捡垃圾,这 里 They hopeto do something to make their hometown应该是做些事让他们的家乡更干净,故选B。( 7 ) 考查动词辨析。A 带来;B 帮助;C 离开;根据they want to be volunteers and helpfarmers with some farm w o rk,他们想成为志愿者,后面应该是帮助农民从事一 些农业工作。故选B。(8)考查冠词辨析。A 特指;B 一 , 泛指,用于首字母是辅音音素前;C

238、一个,泛指,用于首字母是元音音素前; 根据 Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad and will stay withan Australian family.张梅将去国外参加夏令营,并将与一个澳大利亚家庭住在一起,泛指,首字母是元音音素,所以用a n ,故选C。( 9)考查连词辨析。A 为什么;B 何时;C 哪儿;根据下句Because she w ants因为她想 ,上句应该是问为什么,故选A。( 10)考查副词辨析。A 快速地;B 安静地;C 大声的;根 据 Because she wants to improveher spoken En

239、glish因为她想提高口语,应该是快速地提高口语,故 A。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。先跳过空格阅读短文,理解短文大意。然后仔细阅读每个句子,根据上下文的联系确定句子中所缺的成分,根据英语语法知识和固定短文及语境,从所给的选项中选出合适选项,放在短文中,再次阅读短文,进行核查,确定正确答案。2 2 .通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。Thanksgiving was just around the corner. The menu ( 菜谱) had been set. The shopping listwas made. 1 seemed per

240、fect. I could taste turkey and mashed potatoes ( 火鸡和土豆泥). Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came into my mind. I couldnt 2 !The day before Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practicebeing 3 . We are going to 4 at a homeless shelter ( 收容所)on ThanksgivingD

241、ay. I couldnt believe this was happening. So we wouldnt cook our own Thanksgiving dinner?The holiday wouldnt be the same. I thought the day would be ruined ( 糟蹋).The next morning, we got up 5 . 1 followed my father to the shelter with my sleepy eyes.I had no great expectations and felt 6 all the way

242、. As soon as we arrived, we got to work.There was so much to be done. But all I could think about was the dinner I couldnt enjoy.However; those thoughts soon 7. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds ofpeople come through the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that wee

243、k.For others, it was the first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. The shelter was filled with 8 .Through this experience, I learned that Thanksgiving is a time to think about your blessings( 祝福)and look for ways to bless others. When I gave up what I had wanted, I discovered howmuch I have. It is much

244、 better to 9 than to receive. In the end, that Thanksgiving becamean 10 experience.1. A. SomethingB. EverythingC. Nothing2. A. waitB. careC. understand3. A. creativeB. nervousC. thankful4. A. rush outB. help outC. check out5. A. earlyB. lateC. suddenly6. A. excitedB. goodC. down7. A. appearedB. disa

245、ppearedC. rose8. A. stressB. joyC. fear9. A. give B. take C. waste10. A. uncomfortable B. unreasonable C. unforgettable【 答案】(1) B; (2) A; (3) C; (4) B; (5) A; (6) C; (7) B; (8) B; (9)A; (10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】主要讲了作者和爸爸在感恩节早上去了收容所做了一些事情后,受到人们的热情款待,作者明白了感恩节不仅仅思考自己,也要考虑祝福他人的方式。(1)句意:一切似乎是完美的。A.一些事情;B.所有事情;C

246、.没事。根据前句The menu( 菜 谱 ) had been set. The shopping list was made.可知菜谱和购物清单都准备好了,一切似乎是完美的,故选B。( 2 ) 句意: 我不能等待。A.等待;B.介意;C.理解。根 据 前 句 I could taste turkey andmashed potatoes ( 火鸡和土豆泥) . Pictures of different pies, fruit and vegetables came intomy mind.可知作者甚至可以尝到火鸡和土豆泥的味道,各种蔬菜水果印入脑海,所以作者迫不及待,不能等待,故选A。(

247、3 ) 句意:他说我们需要练习感恩。A.有创造性的;B.紧张的;C.感谢的。根据全文可知主要讲了感恩节,所以要感谢、感恩,故选C。(4 ) 句意:我们将在感恩节在收容所帮忙。A.冲出去;B.帮助解决,帮忙;C.核查。根据后文 As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done.可知去了收容所帮忙,故选B。( 5 ) 句意: 我们早起。A.早;B,晚 ; C.突然。根据后句 I followed my father to the shelterwith my sleepy eyes.可知作者还没有睡醒,所以是早起

248、,故选A。(6 ) 句意:我没有多大的期盼,整天都是沮丧的。A.兴奋的;B.好的;C.沮丧的。根据前文可知作者一大早没睡醒就去收容所帮忙,也没准备晚饭,所以作者是沮丧的,故选C。( 7 ) 句意:这些想法很快消失了。A.出现;B.消失;C.升起。根据前文可知作者以为没有感恩节晚饭,所以是沮丧的,根据 I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter.For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week.可知作者看到人们准备饭菜时,以前的想法消失了,故选B。(8 ) 句

249、意:收容所充满了高兴。A.压 力 ; B.高兴;C.害怕。根据For others, it was the firsttime to eat a Thanksgiving meal.可知人们第一次吃感恩节饭菜,所以充满了高兴、愉悦,故选 B。( 9 ) 句意:给与比接受更好。A.给;B.带来;C.浪费。根 据 When I gave up what I hadwanted, I discovered how much I have.可知作者放弃了自己想要的,给与了他人想要的,故选 A。( 1 0 )句意: 那次感恩节成为一场难以忘记的经历。A.不舒服的;B.没有理由的:C.难以忘记的。根据前文

250、可知作者明白了给与比接受更好,所以让作者难以忘怀,故选C。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。23. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Last year, we took a trip to New York City. When we arrived at our 1 , it was around 2 a.m. My son, Joseph, looked out at the lights of Times Square and said he wanted

251、 to go 2 . 1told him it was too 3 to go out, but he kept looking out of the window and said, Just fortwo minutes.My wife and I just looked at each other, smiled and said, Two minutes. We got dressed andwalked into the center of Times Square. 4 we got there, my son pointed at the lights andsaid, Dad,

252、 5 ! And then he started to fall asleep. So we had go back to the hotel.It took us 20 minutes to 6 for the 20 seconds we spent outside, but it made our son7 and that meant a lot to us. That night, I learned a lesson about happiness. We sometimeshave chances to 8 happy moments in our lives, but we of

253、ten find 9 to dosomething else.Because of my son, I learned that I am the biggest enemy to my own happiness.10 happiness is a door that is always open, we are the ones who have to decide if we aregoing to walk through the door.1. A. restaurant B. bankC. supermarket D. hotel2. A. insideB. outsideC. b

254、ackD. home3. A. hot B. early C. late4. A. If B. Unless C. Because5. A. listen B. touch C. look6. A. make rules B. get ready C. do sports7. A. sad B. happy C. bored8. A. create B. forget C. waste9. A. a place B. a book C. an excuse10. A. Because B. Although C. UnlessD. coldD. WhenD. smileD. have dinn

255、erD. patientD. avoidD. an orderD. As soon as【 答案】(1)C; (10) B;D; (2) B; (3) C;(4)D: (5) C; (6) B; (7) B: (8) A; (9)【 解析】 【 分析】本文讲述了作者通过领儿子去看路灯,而明白了人生真理,幸福是一扇永远敞开的门,但是我们必须决定是否要穿过这扇门。( 1 ) 句意: 当我们到达酒店时,大约是凌晨2 点。A 饭店,B 银行,C 超市,D 酒店,前文提到作者是去伦敦旅行,故此处应选择h o tel,故选D。( 2 ) 句意: 我的儿子约瑟夫看着时代广场的灯光,说他想出去。A 在里面,B

256、 在外面,C在后面,D 在家,时代广场的灯光应是 在外面 ,故选B。( 3 ) 句意: 我告诉他现在太晚了,不能出去。A 热的,B 早的,C 晚的,D 冷的,前文提到此时己是夜里两点,可知此处应选la te ,故选C。(4 ) 句意: 我们到了那里,我儿子指着灯说, 爸爸,快看! 然后他就睡着了。 A 如果,B 除 非 , C 因 为 , D 当. . . . . . 的时候,根 据 my son pointed at the lights and sa id ,可知此处指时间概念,故是w h en ,故选D。(5 ) 句意:我们到了那里,我儿子指着灯说, 爸爸,快看! 然后他就睡着了。A 听

257、,B触摸,C 看,D 微笑,根据kept looking out of the window ,可知是去看灯,故选C。(6 ) 句意: 我们花了 2 0 分钟准备,就为了在外面呆了 2 0 秒钟,但是这让我们的儿子很开心,这对我们来说意义重大。 A 制定规则,B 准备,C 作运动,D 吃晚餐,get readyfo r.,固定搭配,为. . . . . . 做准备,故选B。(7)句意: 我们花了 2 0 分钟就为了在外面呆了 2 0 秒钟,但是这让我们的儿子很开心,这对我们来说意义重大。A 悲伤的,B 开心的,C 无聊的,D 耐心的,根 据 I learned alesson about ha

258、ppiness,我学到了快乐的一课可知是开心的,故选B。(8)句意: 我们有时有机会在生活中创造快乐的时刻,但是我们经常会找借口做其他事情。 A 创造,B 忘记,C 浪费,D 避免,根 据 happy moments,可知快乐的时刻不是忘记,浪费或避免的,逻辑不合理,故选A。(9 )句意:我们有时有机会在生活中创造快乐的时刻,但是我们经常会找借口做其他事情。A 一个地方,B -* 本书,C 一个借口,D 一个命令,根据to do something e lse ,可知是找借口去做别的事情,故选C。( 10)句意: 尽管幸福是一扇永远敞开的门,但是我们必须决定是否要穿过这扇门。 A 因为,B 尽

259、管,C 除非,D - 就,根据 a door that is always open 和 decide if we are going towalkthrough , 可知此处是让步状语从句,故用although,故选B。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2 4 .完形填空Devon Gallagher a college graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know where shesbeen dur

260、ing her great worldwide vacation in a ( n) 1 wav.The traveler who was 2 with a bone disease, had her right leg 3 at the age offour. 4 the amputation ( 截肢)caused hardships for Gallagher early on, she, at the ageof 22 now, 5 it as an inspiration for making the 6 of her life.To spread that 7 , Gallaghe

261、r has 8 to social media, 9 she shares photosof her travels across the world, but instead of 10 using a geotag ( 地理标签), shedraws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.Now she has been taking pictures 11 Europe. I get a new leg every two years and I canchoose the design on it.

262、 One day I had a sudden 12 that my new leg could be used as ablackboard, Gallagher said. My mum and grandmother weren*t too 13 the idea, but myfriends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did.Gallagher said people often stare when shes 14 on her leg, but once she shares thephotos, she

263、 15 only praise and encouragement. My leg hasnt 16 me from doinganything Ive wanted to do/ she said. I dont know 17 it is my determination to prove tomyself that I can do it, but anyhow, Ive been able to 18 up with my peers and lead apretty great life.1Gallagher shows us that you should never let an

264、ything stand in the 19 of your dream.And if you meet with an obstacle ( 障碍), get 20 with it if life gives you an artificialleg, make art.1. A. commonB. rightC. simpleD. special2. A. bornB. chargedC. filledD. linked3. A. curedB. treatedC. cutD. kept4. A. UnlessB. Although C. OnceD. Since5. A. conside

265、rsB. thinksC.treatsD. looks6. A. coolestB. bestC. worstD. fullest7. A. evidenceB. newsC. messageD. schedule8. A. appliedB. belonged C. stuckD. turned9. A. whichB. thatC. asD. where10. A. simplyB. officiallyC. enthusiastically D. reasonably11. A. acrossB. throughC. aboutD. for12. A. attitudeB. though

266、tC. beliefD. opinion13. A. curious about B. fond ofC. patient withD. afraid of14. A. walkingB. reporting C. writingD. standing15. A. acceptsB. takesC. likesD. receives16. A. protectedB. preserved C. stoppedD. defended17. A. whyB. thatC. ifD. what18. A. makeB. comeC. putD. keep19. A. wayB.cornerC. co

267、urseD. bottom20. A. satisfiedB. creativeC. familiarD. connected【 答案】(1)D; (2) A;(3) C; (4)B;(5) A: (6) B: (7) C; (8) D; (9)D; (10) A;(11) A; (12) B; (13) B;(14) C; (15) D; (16) C; (17) C;( 1 8 ) D ; ( 1 9 ) A ; ( 2 0 ) B ;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:文章讲述了一个加德文加拉赫的残疾姑娘,她乐观向上。四岁的时候截肢,但是她把截肢当做了一种动力,他环游世界,利用社交媒体在网上

268、分享她的照片,因此收到了人们的鼓励和赞扬,她的故事告诉我们:如果你遇到障碍,创造性地使用它,如果生活给了你假肢,你把它当做艺术品。( 1 )句 意 :D e von G a l l a g h e r毕业于费城大学,想用一种特殊的方式让世界知道他在旅游中的位置。A .平常的;B .正确的;C .简单的;D .特殊的。根据后文的描述可知,她用了一种特殊的方法告诉了人们他在的位置,故答案是D o( 2 )句意:他生下来就有骨病。b e b orn wi th与生俱来,固定短语,故答案是A。( 3 )句意:在她四岁的时候截取了右腿。A .治愈;B .治疗;C .切削,砍掉;D .保持。根据th e

269、a m puta ti on ( 截肢)c a use d h a rd sh i ps f or G a l l a g h e r e a rl y on 可知他截肢了,故答案是C o( 4 )句意:尽管截肢的早期给她带来了困难,但 是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。这是一个让步状语从句,能够构成让步状语从句的是a l th oug h ,故答案是B。( 5 )句意:但 是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。A .看做,当做;B .思考;C .对待;D .看起来。c onsi d e r. . . a s. . . . . . ,把. . . . . . 当做. . .

270、 . . . ,固定短语,故答案是A。( 6 )句意:但 是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。A .最凉爽的;B. 最好的;C.最差的;D.最满的。根据an inspiration可知是把生活变得最好,故答案是B。( 7 ) 句意:为了发布消息,他求助于社交媒体。A.证据:B.新闻:C.消息;D.日程。根据social media,可知,她想利用媒体传播消息,故答案是C。( 8 ) 句意:为了发布消息,他求助于社交媒体。turn t o 求助于,求助,固定搭配,故答案是D( 9 ) 句意:在那里她分享了她在世界各地旅行的照片。这是一个非限定性定语从句。先行词在从句中做地点状语,应使用

271、关系副词where,故答案是D。(1 0 )句意:但是并没有简单地使用地理标志。A.简单地;B.官方地;C.热情地;D 合理地,根据 she draws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture.可知她在拍照之前用假肢画出她的位置,因此她并不是简单地使用地理标志,故答案是A。(1 1 )句意:现在,她正在欧洲各地拍照。across Europe遍布欧洲,欧洲各地,固定用法 ,故答案是A。(1 2 )句意:一天,我突然有了一种想法,我的腿可以当做黑板来用。A.态度;B.想法;C .信仰;D.观点。把假肢当做黑板使

272、用是一种想法,而不是态度,也不是信仰,更不是观点,故答案是B。(1 3 )句意:我的妈妈和奶奶不太喜欢这个想法。be fond o f , 喜欢,固定短语,故答案是B。(1 4 )句意:加拉赫说,当他在腿上书写的时候,人们经常盯着她。A.步行;B.报道;C .书写;D.站立。根据前面的叙述她打算把假肢当做黑板,因此本句的意思是在假肢上写字,故答案是C。(1 5 )句意: 但是,一旦把照片分享出去,她收到了只是表扬和鼓励。A.接受;B.带走;C .喜欢;D.收到,表扬和鼓励是人们在网上评论她的照片时候说的,应该说收到了表扬和鼓励。故答案是D。(1 6 )句意:我的腿没有阻止我做任何事情。A.保护

273、;B.保存;C.停止,阻止;D.保卫。stop sb. from doing s th ,阻止某人做某事, 固定搭配,故答案是C。(1 7 )句意:我不知道是否是我的决定证明了我自己能够做。A.为什么;B.那,那个;C .如果,是否;D.什么。本句为宾语从句,从句结构完整,因此使用that或 者 i f , 根 据 dontknow和 prove,可知在她心里还有疑惑,应使用if连接,故答案是C。(1 8 )句意:我能够跟得上我的同龄人,过上更好的生活。A.制作,迫使;B.来;C.放置;D.保持,keep up with sb.跟上某人,固定搭配,故答案是D。(1 9 )句意:加拉赫告诉我们,

274、你不应该让任何事情妨碍你的梦想。A.道路,方法;B.角落,拐角;C.课程;D.底部。in the way o f ,妨碍. . . . . . ,固定搭配,故答案是A。(2 0 )句意:如果你遇到了障碍,用它获得创造力,如果生活给了你假肢,那就做艺术吧。A.满意的;B.有创造性的;C.熟悉的;D.有联系的,根据文章的叙述,加拉赫创创造性的把假肢当做了黑板,故答案是B。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2 5 .完形填空One day, I heard an Am

275、erican boy say to a Chinese girl student, You speak very good English.1 the girl answered, No, no. My English is very poor. The foreigner was quite 2 at theanswer. Thinking he had not made 3 understood or the girl had not heard him clearly, hesaid, Yes, indeed, you speak very well.But the girl 4 kep

276、t saying, No. In the end the American boy could not understand anddidnt know 5 to say.Whats wrong with the girls answer? She didnt 6 a compliment (恭 维 ) in the sameway as the American people do. She should answer Thank you instead of No. She 7understood what the American boy had said, but she though

277、t she should be modest. In the west,people will feel proud and 8 when they are praised. So if someone says the dishes youhave 9 a re very delicious, you should say, Thank you.In our country we think being modest is a virtue (美 德 ) and being 10 is a bad thing,but in my opinion, being confident does n

278、ot 11 being proud. So sometimes you should beconfident 12 being modest.If you are modest and say, No, Im afraid I 13 do it well, while working in a westerncountry, the others may think that you really cannot do it. If you often say No, you will certainlybe looked down upon by 14 When asking for a jo

279、b, if one says something like Yes, I cancertainly do it instead of Let me have a try, he or she wi 1 1 15 getting it. So in the west,you should be brave to show your self-confidence.1. A. ButB. ThoughC. OrD. So2. A. excited B. surprised C. relaxed D. frightened3. A. itself B. herself C. himself D. t

280、hemselves4. A. already B. yet C. ever D. st川5. A. when B. which C. what D. how6. A. receive B. accept C. refuse D. disagree7. A. hardly B. really C. rarely D. badly8. A. dutiful B. modest C. shameful D. confident9. A. bought B. taken C. washed D. cooked10. A. proud B. impolite C. active D. patient11

281、. A. think B. say C. ask D. mean12. A. as soon as B. as well as C. instead of D. in spite of13. A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt D. mustnt14. A. another B. the other C. the others D. others15. A. fail to B. expect to C. succeed in D. believe in【 答案】(1)A; (2) B; (3) C; (4) D; (5) C;(6) B;(7) B;(8) D;(9)

282、D; (10) A; (11) D; (12) C; (13) A; (14) D; (15) C;【 解析】 【 分析】本文介绍了中西方文化的差异,并表明我们有时候应该展示自信而不是谦虚。( 1 ) 句意:但是这个女孩回答,不不,我的英语非常不好。根据上文You speak very goodEnglish,你英语说得非常好,可知这两句话之间是转折关系,but但是,表转折,故选A。( 2)句意:这个外国人对于这个回答相当的惊讶。A、excited兴 奋 的 , B、surprised惊讶的,C、relaxed放松的,D、frightened害怕的,根据中西方文化背景的不同,外国人听到她说自己

283、英语不好时应是感到惊讶,surprised惊讶的,故选B。(3)句意:想着他自己没有被理解或者这个女孩没有听清。make sb understood,使某人被理解,因主语是h e 他,应是他没有让他自己被这个女孩理解,him self,他自己,故选Co(4 )句意:但是这个女孩仍然坚持说不。根 据 but但是,可知下文女孩仍然在说不,A、already 已经,B。yet 还,C、ever 曾经,D、still 仍然,故选 D。(5 )句意:最后这个美国男孩不明白并且不知道说什么了。A、w hen什么时候,B、which哪一个,C、what什么,D、how怎么,what to s a y ,说什

284、么,故选C。(6)句意:她不是和美国人一样接受恭维。A、receive收到,接收,B、accept接受,C、refuse拒绝,D、disagree反对,此处应是从主观感受上的接受恭维,accept接受,故选B,(7 )句意:她真的理解了这个美国男孩的话,但是她认为应该要谦虚。A、hardly几乎不,B, really 真地,C、rarely 很 少 , D、badly 严重地,but she thought she should bem odest,但是她认为应该要谦虚,可知她真的理解那个男孩的话,really真地,故选B。( 8)句意:在西方,在人们被表扬的时候会感到骄傲和自信。根 据 pr

285、oud骄傲的,and表示并列关系,与 proud骄傲的构成并列关系的是confident自信的,故选D。(9)句意:如果某人说你做的菜很美味,你应该说谢谢。根据the dishes这些菜,可知应搭配动词烹饪,co o k,做饭,烹饪,故选D。( 10)句意:在我国我们认为谦虚是一种美德并且骄傲是一件不好的事情。根据上文being modest is a virtue,谦虚是一种美德,可知下文是相反的骄傲是不好的事情,proud,骄傲的,故选A。(11)句意:但是在我看来,自信不意味着骄傲。该句是作者认为自信不意味着骄傲,A、think认为,想, B、say说, C、ask问, D、mean意味

286、着,意思是,故选D。( 12)句意:所以有时候你应该自信而不是谦虚。根据上文being confident does not meanbeing prou d ,自信并不意味着骄傲,可知此处是要自信而不是骄傲,instead o f ,而不是,故选Co(13)句意:当你谦虚的说,不,我恐怕我做不好,在西方国家工作时,别人可能认为你真的不能做。根据下文the others may think that you really cannot do i t , 别人可能认为你真的不能做,可知上文是cant不能,故选A。( 14)句意:如果你经常说不,你将一定会被别人看不起。A、another三者及以上

287、中的另一个,BA the other两者中另一个,C the others一定范围内的其他人或物,D、others泛指别的人或物,此处是被别人看不起,泛指,用 。 th e rs,故选D。( 15)句意:当在找工作时,如果一个人说像如是的,我一定可以做到,而不是让我试一下的话,他或她将会成功得到工作。根据下文So in the west, you should be brave to showyour self-confidence,所以在西方,你应该勇敢的展示自信,可知上文如果那样说的话会成功得到工作,succeed in doing s t h ,成功做某事,固定搭配,故选C。【 点评】考

288、查完形填空,注意通读全文,根据上下文来选择符合题意的选项。2 6 .完形填空Two men, Mr Smith and Mr Martin were both badly ill. They were in the same 1 room.Mr Smith was able to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was 2 the onlywindow of the room.Mr Martin had to spend all his time lying on his back. The men 3 for hou

289、rs withoutstopping. They spoke of their families, their times, their jobs.And every afternoon when Mr Smith could 4 in his bed, he would pass the time bytalking to his 5 about all the things that he could see outside the 6 Mr Martinbelieved that his world was made larger by the colorful 7 world.Out

290、of the window was a 8 with a lovely lake. Mr Smith told Mr Martin about thebeautiful ducks swimming freely on the water; happy children playing around, colorful flowersand big old tress around the lake.As Mr Smith told him all this, Mr Martin would close his eyes and tried to make the richestpicture

291、s for 9 in his mind.Days and 10 passed, and finally, Mr Smith went back home. Then Mr Martin11 the nurse if he could move to the other bed 12 for him, the nurse said he could.When everything was done, he tried hard to raise himself a bit to see what was outside. To his13 as he looked out of the wind

292、ow, he saw nothing but a wall.,Mr Martin asked the nurse what made Mr Smith able to see so many wonderful things outside.The 14 answered that the man was 15 and could not even see the wall.5. A. schoolmate B. desk-mate C. roommate D. workmate1. A. training2. A. out ofB. meeting C. hotel D. hospitalB

293、. next to C. away from D. well above3. A. dancedB. sang C. walked D. talked4. A. sit upB. walk around C. stand up D. jump about6. A. boxB. doorC. windowD. bed7. A. foreign B. outside8. A. library B. market9. A. itself B. yourself10. A. weeks B. hours11. A. asked B. thanked12. A. Unluckily B. Happily

294、13. A. happiness B. joy14. A. patient B. doctor15. A. blind B. old【 答案】(1) D; (2) B;C. lonely D. greenC. park D. churchC. herself D. himselfC. minutes D. secondsC. told D. invitedC. Worriedly D. SeriouslyC. hope D. surpriseC. nurse D. friendC. poor D. ill(3) D; (4) A; (5) C;(6) C;(7) C;(8) B;(9)C; (

295、10) D; (11) A; (12) B; (13) D; (14) C; (15) A;【 解析】 【 分析】本文主要介绍了史密斯先生和马丁先生住在一间病房,每天史密斯先生会给马丁先生描述外面的风景,最后马丁先生发现史密斯先生是个盲人的故事。( 1 ) 句意:他们在同一间医院房间。根据上文Two men, Mr Smith and Mr Martin were bothbadly i l l , 两个男人,史密斯先生和马丁先生都是严重生病的,可知下文是在同一医院的房间,即病房, hospital医院,故 选 D。( 2 ) 句意:他的床在房间唯一一个窗户的旁边。根据第四段Mr Smith

296、told Mr Martinabout the beautiful ducks swimming freely on the water, happy children playing around, colorfulflowers and big old tress around the la k e ,史密斯先生告诉马丁先生关于在水上自由自在游泳的鸭子、快乐玩耍的孩子、河边五颜六色的花和老树,可知他的床在窗户旁边,next to 在旁边,紧邻,故选B。(3 ) 句意:这两个人谈了好几个小时,没有停下来。根据下文They spoke of their families,their times

297、, their jobs.他们说到了他们的家人、他们的时代和他们的工作, 可知上文是他们在谈话,talk谈话,故选D。( 4 ) 句意:每天下午史密斯先生能在床上坐起来的时候。根据in his bed在他的床上,可知是坐起来,sit up坐起来,故选A。(5 ) 句意:他会通过和他的室友谈论所有他能在窗外看到的东西来度过时间。根据第四段 Mr Smith told Mr Martin about.史密斯先生告诉马丁先生. . . . . . ,可知他是告诉同一病房的马丁先生,两人是室友,roommate室友,故选C。(6 ) 句意:他会通过和他的室友谈论所有他能在窗外看到的东西来度过时间。根据

298、第一段 His bed was next to the only window of the room ,他的床在房间唯 个窗户旁边,可知此处是看到窗户外面的事情,window窗户,故选C。( 7 ) 句意:马丁先生相信他的世界是由多彩的外面的世界而变得 更大” 了。根据上文about all the things that he could see outside the w indow ,关于所有能看到的窗外的事情, 可知他能看到的是外面的世界,outside,外面,故选B。(8 ) 句意:窗外是个有一个可爱的湖的公园。根据a lovely lake 一个可爱的湖,可知是公园,p a rk

299、 ,公园,故选C。(9 ) 句意:当史密斯先生在告诉他的时候,马丁先生会闭上眼睛并且尽量在脑海里为自己制作出最丰富的画面。根据主语Mr Martin马丁先生,可知应是为他自己,himself他自己,故选Do(1 0 )句意:几天几星期过去了,最后史密斯先生回家了。根 据 D ays几天,按照时间顺序可知接下来是几星期,weeks几星期,故选A。(1 1 )句意:然后马丁先生问护士他能否搬到另一张床上。根据if he could move to theother b e d ,他能否搬到另一张床上,可知是询问, a s k ,问,故选A。(1 2 )句 意 :对他来说很开心,护士说他可以。根据t

300、he nurse said he could,护士说他可以,可知他的心情应是开心的,happily开心地,故选B。(1 3 )句意:让他惊讶的是,当他看向窗外时,除了一面墙他什么也看不到。根据he sawnothing but a w a ll,除了一面墙他什么也看不到,可知他是惊讶的, to ones surprise,令某人惊讶的是,固定搭配,故选D。( 1 4 ) 句意:护士回答这个人是失明的并且他甚至连墙也看不到。根 据 上 文 Mr Martinasked the n u rse,史密斯先生问护士,可知此处是护士回答,nurse护士,故选C。(1 5 )句意:护士回答这个人是失明的并

301、且他甚至连墙也看不到。根据could not even seethe w a ll,甚至连墙也看不到,可知这个人是失明的,blind失明的,故选A。【 点评】考查完形填空,注意通读全文,通过联系上下文来进行选择。27. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was my 14th birthday and I would have the biggest party ever. The number of the1 had quickly grown from seven to seventeen. Nearly every girl

302、in my class was2.When each guest excitedly 3 the invitation, I was especially happy.The 4 was full of shouts and laughter. We had just finished a game of Twister when thedoor bell rang. I was so 5 and I could feel my face turning red, because when I 6the door, there at the front door stood Sarah Wes

303、tly the quiet girl who sat next to me in musicclass - and she was holding a 7 .1 thought about the guest list. How did I 8 toinvite Sarah?I remembered that I only added a name to the 9 when someone showed an interest inme. But Sarah had 10 done that. I accepted the box, a gift from Sarah, and asked

304、her tojoin the party. I cant 11 she said. My dad*s waiting in the car. At that moment I feltbad about forgetting to invite Sarah and really wanted her to rest for some time in my room.Thanks, but I have to go, she said, turning 12 towards the door. See you Monday.I didnt open the box until the party

305、 was 13 . Inside the small box was a ceramic ( 陶瓷 )tabby cat. It was the best gift I had received 14 I didnt like cats. I later15 that the gift looked exactly like Sarahs cat, Seymour. I didnt know it then, but now Irealize that Sarah was my true friend.1. A. boysB. guestsC. booksD. desks2. A. invit

306、edB. inventedC. showedD. suggested3. A. madeB. foundC. acceptedD. passed4. A. classroom B. libraryC. restaurant D. living room5. A. surprised B. angryC. proudD. sad6. A. touchedB. openedC. caughtD. saw7. A. catB. toyC. penD. box8. A. forgetB. stopC. hopeD. choose9. A. giftB. listC. diaryD. box10. A.

307、 stillB. evenC. neverD. only11. A. standB. songC. waitD. stay12. A. quicklyB. carefullyC. finallyD. early13. A. readyB. successful C. overD. interesting14. A. andB. soC. becauseD. though15. A. took out B. found out C. though out D. put out【 答案】(l) B; (2) A; (3) C; (4) D; (5) A; (6) B; (7) D; (8) A;

308、(9)B; (10) C; (11) D; (12) A; (13) C; (14)D; (15) C;【 解析】 【 分析】大意:本文讲述作者14岁生日在家里举办了一次生日派对,邀请了许多宾客,大家在一起玩得很高兴,但是,遗憾的是,没有要求Sarah Westly,惊讶的是,这位同学后来自己来了,作者为忘记邀请她而感到懊悔。(1)句意:客人的数量很快从7 人增 长 到 1 7 人。boys男孩;guests宾客;books书;desks 课桌,根据上文It was my 1 4th birthday and I would have the biggest party ever可知,由于过生

309、日,因此会邀请很多客人,故选B。( 2)句意:我班的每个女生都受到邀请。当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴。invited 邀请;invented 发明;showed 展示;suggested 建议,根据根据 the invitation,可知,我班的每个女生都应该被邀请了,故选A。(3)句意:当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴。m ade制造;found发现:accepted接受;passed经过,根据语境可知,当每名客人激动地接受邀请时,我感到特别高兴,故选C。( 4 )句意: 起居室里充满吵闹声和笑声。classroom教室;library图书馆;restaurant饭店

310、;living room ,起居室,根据下文in my room可知,声音应该是从起居室是发出,故选D。(5)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时Sarah Westly,音乐课坐在我旁边且手里拿着一个盒子的文静女孩正好就站在前门。surprised吃惊;angry生气的;proud骄傲的;sad伤心的。音乐课的那位那位文静的女孩Sarah Westly现在站在自己的门口,应该是让人感到和很吃惊的,故选A。(6)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时音乐课坐在我旁边的文静女孩Sarah W estly正好就站在前门,她手里正拿着一个盒子。touch

311、ed触摸;opened打开;caught抓住;so w 播种。 根据语境可知,打开门才发现自己的同学站在门口,用 opened,打开,故 选 B。(7)句意:我很吃惊,并且我能感觉到自己的脸通红,因为当我打开门时音乐课坐在我旁边文静女孩Sarah Westly正好就站在前门,她手里正拿着一个盒子。cat猫;to y 玩具;pen 钢 笔 ; box 箱 子 ( 盒子);根据下文I accepted the box, a gift from Sarah,可知 SarahWestly手里应该是拿着一个盒子,故选D。( 8)句意:我怎么会忘记邀请萨拉呢? forget忘记;stop停止;hope希望

312、;choose选择,根据下文At that moment I felt bad about forgetting to invite Sarah可知,作者忘记邀请S a ra h ,故选 A。(9)句意:我记得,只有当某人对我有兴趣时,我才把其名字添加在名单中。g ift礼物;list名单;diary日记;box盒子;过生日会把要被邀请的人写到邀请名单中,故选B。( 10)句意:但是萨拉从没有对我产生兴趣。still仍然;even甚至;never从不;on ly只有,根据b u t,和上句句意,可知,萨拉应该从没有对我产生兴趣,故选C。( 11)句意:她说: 我不能留下来,我爸爸正在车里等着我

313、。stand站;song歌曲;wait等;stay 停留。根据上文and asked her to join the party和下文My dads waiting in the car可知,她不能留下来,因为她爸爸正在车里等着她,故选D。( 12)句意:她一边说着,一边迅速地朝着车走去。quickly迅速地;carefully仔细地;finally最终;early早。 根据上文My dads waiting in the car可知,由于她爸爸正在车上等她,因此她应该是匆匆离去,故选A。( 13)句意: 直到聚会结束我才打开盒子。ready准备好的;successful成功的;over结束;

314、interesting令人感兴趣的。根据前半句可知应该是直到派对结束才打开,故选C。(14)句意:尽管我不喜欢猫,但是这是我曾经收到的最好的礼物。 and和 ( 并且);so因此;because因为;though尽管。前句是一个主从复合句,后句是一个让步状语从句,用 though引 导 , 故 选 D。( 15)句意:我后来发现这个礼物跟萨拉的猫西摩完全一样。to o k带走;found o u t查明;though o u t想 出 ( 发现);put out扑灭,这个礼物跟萨拉的猫西摩完全一样,是作者发现的,用 found o u t,故选C。【 点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用

315、能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。28. 阅 读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。I have invented robots which improve the work of cars. My love of making things began 1I was a kid. I really became excited about inventing after I learned about Thomas Edison.One day in fourth grade,

316、 our 2 gave us a project in class. We had to write to a companyand learn about the products. I thought and thought. 3 I chose the Thomas A. EdisonCompany. Soon after; the company sent me a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How Ienjoyed reading and re-reading about his 4 ! I like the recorded sou

317、nd and the electriclight most. The inventions were clearly printed on my brain.My dad noticed my interest in inventing and 5 me. He showed me how to turn my ideasinto plans and then into new things. Once, I surprised my dad 6 a model plane I made.Later, we found a 7 model plane in a store. I learned

318、 that different inventors often inventsimilar things. It is not unusual for this to happen. I also learned that not all great ideas 8Failure is a common part of the inventing.As my father and I worked together, I began to realize that my dad was quite an inventorhimself. He was always 9 a better way

319、 to do a simple job. His guiding hands, together withmy 10 in inventing, led me to become an engineer and an inventor. Of course, I also thankThomas Edison. He is my hero.1. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until2. A. parentB. teacherC. inventorD. engineer3. A. EasilyB. FinallyC. SafelyD. Quickly4. A. lig

320、htsB. projectsC. suggestions D. inventions5. A. mistookB. refusedC. choseD. encouraged6. A. withB. aboutC. intoD. from7. A. differentB. similarC. largeD. small8. A. workB. failC. comeD. end9. A. looking at B. looking for C. looking after D. looking through10. A. habitB. storyC. interestD. plan【 答案】(

321、1)C; (2) B; (3) B; (4) D; (5) D; (6) A; (7) B; (8) A; (9)B; ( 10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意: 本文讲述了我从小如何对发明感兴趣,并且在爸爸的带领下从发明东西中悟出的一些道理。( 1)句意:当我是孩子时,我对于制造东西的爱开始了 A: before在. . . . . . 之前; B: after在. . . . . . 之后; C: when 当. . . . . . 时; D: until 直到. . . . . . 故选 C。( 2 )句意:四年级的一天,老师在课堂上给了我们一个项目。A: parent父 ( 母)

322、亲;B: teacher 教师; C: inventor 发明家; D: engineer 工程师。由关键词 in fourth grade 和in class,可知推出老师给的项目,故选B。(3)句意:最后我选择了托马斯A 爱迪生公司。A: Easily容易地; B: Finally最后; C:Safely安全地; D: Quickly迅速地。根据上文I thought and thought.可知最后的选择托马斯A 爱迪生公司,故选B。(4 )句意:我多么喜欢阅读和重读他的发明。A: lights灯 ;B: projects项目;C:suggestions 建议; D: invention

323、s 发明。 根据下文 like the recorded sound and the electriclight most.可推知是发明物。故 选 D。(5)句意:我爸爸注意到我对发明感兴趣,并鼓励我。A: mistook误会; B: refused拒绝; C: chose 选 择 ; D: encouraged 鼓励。根据下文 He showed me how to turn my ideasinto plans and then into new things.爸爸向我展示如何把我的想法变成计划然后变成新东西,所以是鼓励我,故选D。( 6)句意:我用这个模型飞机使我爸爸惊讶。A: w it

324、h带有;B: about关于; C: into进入. . . . . . 里; D: from 自从。surprise动词,使惊讶;with在这里是 使用 的意思。故选A。(7)句意:后来,我们在一家商店里发现了一架类似的模型飞机。A: different不同的;B: similar 相似的; C: large 大的; D: small 小的。根据下文 I learned that differentinventors often invent similar things. It is not unusual for this to happen.不同的发明家经常发明相似的东西,可知要用si

325、m ilar,故选B。( 8 )句意:我也知道不是所有伟大的想法都有效。A: w ork工作,起作用;B: fa il失败; C: come 来; D: end 结束。根据下文 Failure is a common part of the inventing.可知失败是发明中常见的一部分,可推出不是所有的想法都会起作用,故选A。(9 )句意:他总是苦苦寻找更好的方法来做一件简单的工作。A: looking a t 看; B:looking for 找; C: looking after 照看; D: looking through 浏览。根据上文 I began to realizethat

326、 my dad was quite an inventor himself.可知才会总是寻找更好的办法做简单的工作,故选 B.(10)句意:他的指导,加上我对发明的兴趣,使我成为一名工程师和发明家。A: habit习惯; B: story故事; C: interest兴趣; D: plan计划。根据最后一段总结全文呼应开头 。由首段作者对发明的喜爱和介词in , 可知是我对发明的兴趣。故选C。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。2 9 .完形填空On 1 1st, Mike decided to pl

327、ay a joke on his friend. At lunchtime he said to Tom, Ithink were going to have a science test ( 测验)this afternoon.A test? said Tom. Really?Yes, its quite 2 said Mike. When I was passing by Mr. Hills room, he was talkingwith 3 teacher about test. I think there will 4 a science test this afternoon. T

328、ellBob and Kate about it.Later, Tom told Bob and Kate about the test. 5 almost all the students in Mr. Hillsscience class knew about it. They quickly went into the classroom and began to 6 .But not Mike. He was laughing to himself 7 his classmates. That fools! he thought.April fools.When class began

329、, Mr. Hill said to the students.Class, were going to have a test today.Mike was surprised. He could not 8 what to do.When Mr. Hill handed out the 9 , the students began to write. But not Mike. He10 think and think and think.It really was April Fools Day for Mike.1. A. MarchB. AprilC. MayD. June2. A.

330、 trueB. wrongC. reallyD. right3. A. the otherB.anotherC. othersD. all the Others4. A. beB. haveC. holdD. take5. A. After a long time B. After schoolC. After the science class D. Soon6. A. playB. do maths exercises C. studyD. read7. A. aboutB. atC. forD. by8. A. knowB. wantC. likeD. do9. A. testB. bo

331、oksC.paperD. papers10. A. couldB. mightC. shouldD. had to【 答案】(1) B; (2) A; (3) B; (4) A; (5) D; (6) C; (7) B; (8) A: (9)D; (10) D;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:讲述了迈克在愚人节这天骗朋友说今天有一场测试,结果大家都去学习,除了迈克,没想到自己的玩笑成真,于是迈克进行了一场没有复习的测试。( 1)句意:4 月 1 日,迈克决定和他的朋友开个玩笑。A 三月;B 四月;C 五月;D 六月。根据文中的语句Mike decided to play a joke on h

332、is friend.提示可知, 四月一号愚人节符合句意,故选B。(2)句意: 是的,这是真的。” 迈克说。A 真实的;B 错误的;C 的确;D 正确的。根据上文语句一一 A test? said Tom. Really?一一 Yes.提示可知这是真实的,故选A。(3)句意:当我路过希尔先生的办公室时,他正在和另一位老师谈论考试。A 另一个,两者中的另一个;B 三者或三者以上的另一个;C 其他的;D 所有其他的。此句表示泛指的另一个,没有特指,故选B。( 4)句意: 我想今天下午有一个科学考试。分析句型结构I think there will .a science testthis aftern

333、oon.可知,这是there be结构的一般将来时, 此空需要系动词b e ,故选A。(5)句意:不久,希尔先生的科学班几乎所有的学生都知道了这件事。A 很长时间以后;B 放学后;C 科学课以后;D 不久。根据上文语句Later, Tom told Bob and Kate about thetest.提示可知,同学之间在相互传播这个消息,时间应该很短,故选D。(6)句意:他们很快走进教室开始学习。A 玩耍;B 做数学作业;C 学习;D 读书。根据上文语句I think there will be a science test this afternoon.提示可知, 马上进行科学考试,学生们

334、听到这个消息以后,应该是抓紧学习,故选C。( 7)句意:他在嘲笑他的同学。固定短语,laugh at s b ,嘲笑某人,故选B。(8)句意:迈克很惊讶。他不知道该怎么办。A 知道;B 想要;C 喜欢;D 做。根据上文语句 But not Mike. He was laughing to himself at his classmates. That fools! he thought. Aprilfools.提示可知,其他同学在复习时,M ike在嘲笑他们,现在真得考试了,不知道咋办了,故选A。(9 )句意:当希尔先生分发试卷时,学生们开始写作。A 测验;B 书籍;C 纸张;D 试卷。根据上

335、文语句Class, were going to have a test today.提示可知, 老师在分发试卷,故选D(10)句意:他必须思考,思考,思考。A 会;B 可能;C 应该;D 不得不。根据文中语句the students began to write. But not Mike.提示可知,别人都复习了,只有Mike没有,现在的他不得不努力思考,故选D。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。30. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。q 2fI

336、 have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch ( 牧场).He has let me use hisranch to raise money for youth at risk programs.The last time I was there he told me his story. When he was young, his family is too1 to have a house to live in. When he was in high school, he was asked to write a p

337、aper about2 he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven-page paperdescribing his goal of someday 3 a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great4 and he even drew a picture to show a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acredream ranch. The next day he handed it

338、 in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paperback. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, See me after class.* Robertswent to see the teacher and asked, Why did I receive an F? His teacher said, This is a (an)5 dream for a young boy like you. Having a horse ranch requi

339、res a lot of money. Theres noway you could ever do it. Then the teacher added, If you will rewrite this paper with a morepossible goal, I will reconsider your 6The boy went home and thought about it for a 7 and hard time. He asked his fatherwhat he should do. His father said, Look, son, you have to

340、8 your own mind on this.Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no 9 atall. He told his teacher/ You could keep the F and I w川 HO keep my dream.HMonty tells me this story because I am sitting in his 4,000-square-foot house in the middle ofhis 200-acre hors

341、e ranch. He said kids dreams can be stolen. Dont let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart, no matter what.1 A. smallB. busyC. poorD. lazy2. A. what B. which C. whom D. why3. A. renting B. donating C. owning D. raising4. A. difficulty B. detail C. dialogue D. doubt5. A. surprising B. wonderful

342、C. terrible D. unrealistic6. A. achievement B. grade C. family D. ability7. A. happy B. long C. short D. hurry8. A. take up B. open up C. make up D. give up9. A. decisions B. reasons C. excuses D. changes10. A. never B. still C. ever D. even【 答案】(1)D; ( 10) B;C; (2) A;(3) C;(4) B; (5) D; (6) B; (7)

343、B; (8) C; (9)【 解析】 【 分析】本文讲述了一个关于坚持梦想的故事.( 1)句意:他年轻时,他的家庭很穷,没有房子住。A 小的,B 忙碌的,C 穷的,D 懒惰的,too.to.,太. . . . . . 而不能,故根据 to have a house to live in 是因为穷,故选 C。(2)句意: 当他在高中的时候,他被要求写一篇关于他长大后想成为什么和做什么的论文。根 据 he was asked to write a paper about可知是宾语从句,从句在缺少宾语指代物或事故用w h at,故选A。(3)句意:那天晚上,他写了一篇七页的文章,描述了他有一天拥有一

344、座养马场的目标。A 租,B 捐赠,C 拥有,D 饲养,根据 Having a horse ranch requires a lot of money可知是拥有,故选C。( 4)句意:他非常详细地描述了他的梦想,甚至还画了一幅画,画了一座4000平方英尺的房子,坐落在200英亩的梦幻牧场上。A 困难,B 细节,c 对话,D 怀疑,根 据 he evendrew a picture to show a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dreamranch可知此处指细节,故选B。(5)句意: 对于像你这样的小男孩来说,这是一个

345、不切实际的梦想。 A 意外的,B 精彩的,C 可怕的,D 不切实际的,根据 Having a horse ranch requires a lot of money.Theres no way you could ever do it 可知是不切实际的,故选 D。(6)句意:如果你愿意用一个更有可能的目标重写这篇论文,我将重新考虑你的分数。A成就,B成绩,C家庭,D 能力,根据You could keep the F 可知是成绩,故选B。(7)句意:男孩回家后,想了很久。A 开心的,B 长的,c 短的,D 匆忙的,根 据 andhard time可知长修饰时间, 故选B,( 8)句意: 你必须

346、自己决定。 根据your own mind可知, make up ones mind , 固定搭配,决定,故选C。(9)句意:最后,考虑了一个星期之后,男孩又交上了同样的试卷,没有做任何改变。A决定,B理由,C借口,D 改变,根 据 the boy turned in the same paper,可知是没有改变,故选D。(10)句意:你可以保留F ,我仍然会保持我的梦想。A 从未,B 仍然,C 曾经,D 甚至,根据the boy turned in the same paper ,可知他仍然不放弃梦想,故选B。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后

347、细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3 1 .阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。One afternoon in June, Maggie was driving back to her house. Her sheepdog, Patches, wassitting in the back with 1 head out of the window to help it cool down. 2 , Maggieheard a loud noise and she began to lose

348、control of the car. Then the 3 crashed into atree.Maggie opened her eyes and looked around to 4 that her dog was all right. Then shefelt a great pain in her left leg. And she realized that the car was filled with thick black smoke. Shepushed the car door open and tried to get out, but her trousers w

349、ere caught in 5 . Thatswhen Patches proved ( 证明是)to be a 6 dog hero.It started biting her trousers until Maggie could pull her leg. Unluckily, that wasnt enoughbecause Maggie 7 couldnt move. Patches grabbed ( 抓住) her jacket with its teeth andbravely pulled her out of the car. She 8 to the ground, bu

350、t Patches kept pulling until itmade Maggie far away from the car. After a while, the car blew up ( 爆炸).Finally, the emergency services 9 and they took Maggie to a hospital.Maggie is very proud of Patches. She says that she wouldnt be here today to tell his 10 ifthere were no her brave dog.1. A. her

351、B. its C. my2 A. FinallyB. CertainlyC. Suddenly3 A. dogB. carC. house4 A. depend on B. think about C. make sure5 A. something B. anythingC. everything6 A. richB. luckyC. real7 A. stillB. onlyC. hardly8 A. fellB. jumpedC. led9 A. stoppedB. arrivedC. left10. A. jokeB. problemC. story【 答案】(1) B; (2) C:

352、 (3) B; (4) C; (5) A; (6) C; (7) A; (8) A; (9)B; (10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】这篇短文讲述的是Maggie在开车回家的路上出了交通事故,是她的狗救了她。( 1 ) 句意:她的牧羊犬Patches坐在后面,它的头伸出了窗外来凉快。h e r她的;it s 它的;m y我的。根据句中Her sheepdog, Patches.可知, 这句话说的是Maggie的狗, 故选Bo( 2 ) 句意:突 然 M aggie听到了一声巨响,她开始失去了对车的控制。Finally最后;Certainly 当 然 ; Suddenly 突然。根据上文 One

353、 afternoon in June, Maggie was driving back toher house可知,Maggie正在开车, 而空后是a loud n o ise,故应表示“ 突然 ” ,故选C。( 3 ) 句意:然后车撞到了一棵树上。d o g狗;ca r汽车;house房子。根据上文 and shebegan to lose control of the car.可知,Maggie失去了对汽车的控制,所以是车撞到树上。故选 Bo( 4 ) 句意:M aggie睁开眼,向四周看,确保她的狗没事。depend o n 依靠,取决于;think about 考虑,想起;make s

354、ure 确保。根据空后 her dog was all right 可知,Maggie 先看看她的狗是不是没事强调在意,故是确保,故选C。(5 ) 句意:她推开车门,想下车,但是裤子被什么东西夹住了。something某事;某物,用于肯定句;anything任何事,常用于否定句或疑问句中;everything每件事。根据Maggie的裤子被某个东西夹住了,这是一个肯定句,故选A。( 6 ) 句意:那个时候Patches被证明是一个真正的狗英雄。rich 富有的;lucky幸运的;real 真正的。根据下文 It started biting her trousers until Maggie

355、could pull her leg. Unluckily,that wasnt enough because Maggie 7 couldnt move. Patches grabbed ( 抓 住 ) herjacket with its teeth and bravely pulled her out of the car. She 8 to the ground, but Patcheskept pulling until it made Maggie far away from the car.可知,Patches 是一个真正的英雄,故选 C。(7 ) 句意:不幸的是,那还不够,Ma

356、ggie还是不能动。still仍然,还是;o n ly仅仅,只 ; hardly几乎不。根据句中的Unluckily和空后.couldnt m ove可知,Maggie还是不能动,故选A。( 8 ) 句意:她摔倒在地面上,但 是 Patches继续拉她直到它使Maggie远离汽车。fe ll掉下;jumped跳 ; led领导。根据文意可知,Maggie受了伤,她不可能跳到地面上, C 意思也不合适。故选A。( 9 ) 句意:最后急救服务到了,他 们 把 Maggie送到了医院。stopped停止;arrived到达;left离开。根据空后they took Maggie to a hospi

357、tal.可知,这里应表示救援人员到了,故选Bo(1 0 )句意:她说如果没有她勇敢的狗,她今天就不会在这里讲述她的故事了。jo ke 玩;problem问题;story故事。根据文意可知,短文描述的是M aggie的狗勇敢地救了她的故事,故选C。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。32. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。What you want, she said/ isnt always what you need, My

358、 mother always told me.1 my husband and I were talking 2 Christmas. I want a real tree, I said.Why? he asked. Whats wrong with our fake ( 假的)one? A real 3 makes aperfect Christmas. Fine/* he muttered ( 咕).So we 4 o n e home and set it up. Then Ipoured a bottle of water in the tree.Thats plenty, said

359、 my husband. No/ I said, a little more. I began pouring again. Thensuddenly, the tree started to swim. We 5 the water with every towel ( 毛巾)in thehouse, Sorry, I said. He didnt reply. 6 later the floor was dry and he was 7 to meagain. The tree smells good, he said. I 8 . Then we finished the lights

360、and put the angelon top.Still, it wasnt quite 9 So the next day I added s n o wf I a kes 10 the tree. Its stillnot perfect, but its done. And Im done, 1 1 . But its still not perfect. The lights on thetree are in a mess. The top snowflakes are showing their age. The berries are falling on the floor.

361、12 at least it smells good. I will always remember that lovely 13 and the look myhusband gave me.My mother was 14 . What we want isnt always 15 we need. I dont need aperfect Christmas. I only need the perfect gifts that Christmas brings: joy and laughter with family.1 A. RecentlyB. FinallyC. LastlyD

362、. Suddenly2 A. aroundB. outC. aboutD. back3 A. giftB. oneC. lightD. smell4 A. borrowed B. fixedC. plantedD. bought5 A. cleaned up B. poured overC. filled inD. cut off6 A. A minuteB. An hourC. A weekD. A year7 A. singingB. cryingC. listeningD. speaking8. A. disagreedB. smiledC. criedD. shouted9. A. t

363、errible10. A. over11. A. again12. A. As13. A. tree14. A. right15. A. what【 答案】(1)B. uglyB. underB. tooB. SoB. dayB. wrongB. whenA; (2)C. perfect D. cleanC. off D. downC. though D. eitherC. And D. ButC. smell D. snowflakeC. interesting D. lovelyC. where D. whyC; (3) B; (4) D: (5) A; (6) B: (7)D; (8)

364、B; (9)C; (10) A;(11) B;(12) D; (13)C; (14) A; (15) A;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:这篇短文通过作者与她丈夫为圣诞节布置圣诞树的故事,使她意识到自己想要的是圣诞节带给她的礼物和家人一起的快乐和笑声而不是完美的圣诞节。于是她想起母亲长对她所说的话你所想要的不是你所需要的。( 1 )副词辨析。句意:近来我和丈夫正在讨论圣诞节。根据下文内容怎样装扮圣诞树,可知最近在讨论圣诞节。recently最近,近来;finally最后;lastly最后,最后一点;suddenly,突然,故选A。(2 )词义辨析。句意:近来我和丈夫正在讨论圣诞节。talk a

365、bout讨论,固定短语,around在. .周围;out在 外面;about关 于 ;back后面,故选C。( 3 )词义辨析。句 意 :一个真的树会有一个完美的圣诞节。根 据I want a real tree 可 知此处指一棵真的圣诞树,one表示一类东西中一个,g ift礼物;one ; light灯;sm ell味道,故选B。( 4 )动词辨析。句意:因为我们买回家一棵并且把它安置好。根 据1 want a real tree;1可知此处指买了一棵真的圣诞树,borrow借;fix修理;plant种植,buy买,故选D。( 5 )短语辨析。句意:我们用家里的所有的毛巾来清理水。m Th

366、en suddenly, the treestarted to swim.然后突然,树开始游泳了。可知我浇水太多了,所以水漫出来了,所以我们要清理房子。dean up清理;pour over浇,灌;fill in填写;cut off切断,故选A。(6 )名词辨析。句意:一个小时后地板干了他又对我说话了。根 据We cleaned up thewater with every towel ( 毛 巾 )in the house.我们用毛巾清理水,可知一个小时后后地板干了,minute分钟;hour小时;week周;year年,故选B。( 7 )动词辨析。句意:一个小时后地板干了他又对我说话了。s

367、peak to sb.和某人说话,固定搭配,sing唱 歌 ;cry哭;listen听;speak说 , 故 选D。( 8 )动词辨析。句意:“ 这树闻着很好闻。他说。我笑了。根 据nThe tree smells good;*he sa id .可知他在夸奖我,所以我笑了,disagree不同意;sm ile微笑;c ry哭;shout大喊,故选B。( 9 )形容词辨析。句意:仍然,不是很完美。根 据So the next day I added snowflakesover the tree.可知我认为树不是很完美。terrible糟糕的;ugly难 看 的 ;perfect完美的;cle

368、an干净的,故选C。(1 0 )词义辨析。句意:因此第二天我在树上加了一些雪花。根据常识在西方国家过圣诞节时会在树上布置雪花。over在 上;under在. . . . . . 下;off离 开 ;down下 面 , 故 选A。(1 1 )词义辨析。句意:而且我也做了。但是仍旧不完美。根 据 But its still not perfect.The lights on the tree are in a m ess.可知我还在树上挂了灯。again 又一次;too 也,还;though虽然;either也,too用在句尾,用逗号和句子隔开,故选B。(1 2 )连词辨析。句意但是至少他闻起来很

369、好闻。根 据 The top snowflakes are showingtheir age. The berries are falling on the floor.可知这两句之间是转折关系, 连词用but,as由于;so因此;and和;but但是,故 选 D。(1 3 )名词辨析。句意:我仍旧记得可爱的味道和我丈夫给我的表情。根 据 at least itsmells good.可知我将永远记得那个味道, tree树;day白天;smell味 道 ;snowflake雪花,故选C o(1 4 )形容词辨析。句意:我母亲是正确的。根据 What we want isnt always wh

370、at weneed.可知母亲说的话是正确的。right正确的;wrong错误的;interesting有 趣 的 ;lovely可爱的,故选A。(1 5 )连词辨析。句意:我们想要的不是我所需要的。根据句子结构need后需要宾语,代词可以作宾语,what什么;when何时;where何处;why为什么,故选A。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。做完形填空时,要始终抓住文章本身,联系双语境来判断,既大语境一一全文中心和基调,小语境一一空格前后句子所构成的语境;再根据前有伏笔后有呼应的思路来做题。绝对矛盾法是从选项着手分析,若四个选项中有两个选项是绝对矛盾和对立,那么正确选项大多在这两个对立项之间产生。

371、在完形填空题中,同义词或同义短语的位置多半比较靠近,很容易找到,所以同义复现法是很好的解题技巧。注意句子和句子之间的衔接,可应用不同的连接词连接相同的两个句子,观察其产生的意义有何不同。在平时的阅读中也可以指导学生善于发现句子和句子或段落和段落之间的连接词,并适时对连接词进行总结和归类。3 3 .通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an1 home. We sang songs

372、and performed a play for them. The old people were very 2 .We should be allowed 3 time to do things like that more often. For example, we shouldvisit primary schools and 4 teach young students. I want to be a teacher 5 Imolder; so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to d

373、o 6 jobs.For example, my friend Tian Ge 7 to write for a newspaper. She should be allowed tovolunteer 8 the newspaper office once a week. On Friday afternoons, many students are9 after a long week of classes. Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons10 to volunteer and help others.1.

374、 A. childrens B. animals* C. old peoples2. A. sad B. happy C. deep3. A. to take B. to bring C. to finish4. A. help B. to allow C. clean5. A. with B. and C. when6. A. otherB. another C. others7. A. wantsB. likes C. finishes8. A. at9. A. tired10. A. for【 答案】B. for C. ofB. happy C. hungryB. up C. off(1

375、) C; (2) B; (3) A; (4) A; (5) C; (6) A; (7) B; (8) A; (9)A; ( 10) C;【 解析】 【 分析】这篇短文讲述的是作者以及同伴们助人为乐的事情。去年去一家敬老院为老人们唱歌、表演。老人们非常高兴。作者也表达了自己的助人为乐的愿望,如:可以参观小学,帮助教小学生们等。作者认为应该抽出更多的时间来做这样的事情。(1)句意:去年我们去了一所老年之家。我们为他们唱歌、表演。老人们很高兴。通过下文可知我们为他们唱歌、表演。老人们很高兴。老年之家短语是old peoples home。故选 C。(2)句意:老人们很高兴。通过上文 去年我们去了一所

376、老年之家 。我们为他们唱歌、表演。因此可以推断老人是高兴的。故选B。(3)句意:应该允许我们花费更多的时间来做这样的事情。A 项 take花费、带 走 。B 答案是带来的意思。C 答案是完成的意思。花费时间做某事是take time to d。sth.某人被允许做某事 Sb be allowed to do sth。故选 A。(4 )句意:我们应该参观小学,去帮助每一个小学生。依据上文参观小学,对于小学生来说肯定是要帮助他们的。故选A。( 5)句意:当我长大后我想做一名教师。作者现在是一名学生,将来想要做一名教师,因此要说当我长大以后。当什么时候是when。故选C。(6 )句意:别的学生想做其

377、他的工作。依据下文我的朋友田歌喜欢为报纸写文章可知。别的学生不想做老师而想做其他的工作。A 答案的意思是其他的。B 答案的意思是三者或三者以上的另外一个。C 答案的意思是其他人。故选A。(7)句意:我的朋友田歌喜欢为报纸写文章。依据下文允许她每周在报社做一次志愿者可以推断。田哥愿意在报社当志愿者,她喜欢为报纸写文章。故选B。( 8)句意:她被允许每周在报社做一次志愿者。依据句意在报社应为at the newspaperofficeo 故选 A。(9)句意:星期五下午,许多学生在上了一周课后感到疲倦。依据句意分析可知星期五下午了,学生们肯定是上了一周的课了,感觉一定是疲倦的。不可能是开心快乐的。

378、故选A。(10)句意:可以允许一些学生周五下午放假去做志愿者帮助别人。本题考查的是固定短语搭配have. off放假、休假 。例如:放/ 休假一天have a day off。故选C。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。34. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳答案。Children all like playing games. For most children, the most useful way o

379、f 1 their timeis playing a game. It doesnt matter what the game is. Things become better when they need a(n) 2 to play with. On the one hand, it is quite 3 for the development of achilds personality ( 个 性 ) to win and to 4 the best ways to get that. On the otherhand, if a child only cares about 5 th

380、en for him, playing a game is funny only when hewins. Or if he finds a better partner, he will get 6 and he doesnt want to go on playing.It*s parents 7 to make their children know that: you cant always win and there aremany unpleasant moments 8 when you have to learn how to lose. The idea is tocompe

381、te, to prove you are good, not only to win.In a word, playing a game is not funny only when you win. It is funny 9 you enjoy itand try your best to win. If you are just a little bit unlucky, dont 10 a lot. You will surelyprove your abilities some other day.1. A. findingB. wastingC. spendingD. trying

382、2. A. owner B. worker C. student D. partner3. A. useful B. simple C. correct D. special4. A. pay attention to B. take pride in C. jump out of D. think of5. A. playing B. studying C. winning D. losing6. A. unhappy B. lonely C. relaxed D. excited7. A. rule B. duty C. plan D. habit8. A. in life B. in t

383、he future C. in fact D. in the way9. A. or B. and C. when D. before10. A. worry B. believe C. wish D. imagineC答案】(i) c;(10) A;(2) D; (3) A; (4) D;(5) C; (6) A;(7) B;(8) A;(9)【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:孩子们都喜欢玩游戏. 父母的责任是让他们的孩子知道:你不能总是赢,生活中有很多不愉快的时刻,你必须学会如何失败。这个想法是为了竞争,证明你是好的,而不仅仅是为了胜利。( 1 ) 句意:对大多数孩子来说,最有用的消磨时间的

384、方法就是玩游戏A: finding找到;B: wasting 浪费;C: spending 花费; D: trying 尝试。根据 playing a gam e., 可知玩游戏就得花费时间。故选C。(2 ) 句意:当他们需要一个合作伙伴时,事情会变得更好。A: owner所有者; B:worker工人; C: student学生; D: partner同伴,搭档。根据句末play with与 一起玩游戏,只能是同伴或搭档,故选D。( 3 ) 句意:它对儿童个性的发展非常有用.A: useful有用的;B: simple简单的; C:correct正确的;D: special特殊的。根据下文t

385、o win and to 4the best ways to get that.此处是不定式短语作真正的主语,it是形式主语。可知取胜和想出最好的方法对个性发展是有用的,故选A。(4 ) 句意:对于孩子的个性发展来说,取胜和想出最好的方法是非常有用的。A: payattention to 关注;B: take pride in 以. .为骄傲;C: jump out of hk. . . 跳出来;D: thinko f考虑,想到。根据上句中的to w in ,可知为了获胜,就会想出办法获胜, 故选D。(5 )句意:如果一个孩子只关心赢,那么对他来说,玩游戏只有在他赢的时候才是有趣的。A: pl

386、aying 玩 ;B: studying 学 习 ;C: winning 赢;D: losing 失败。根据下文 playinga game is funny only when he wins.玩游戏他赢时才会觉得有趣,可知上文只关注赢,故选C。(6 )句意:如果他找到一个更好的搭档,他会很不高兴,不想继续玩下去。A: unhappy不高兴;B: lonely孤独的;C: relaxed放松的;D: excited兴奋地。根据下文he doesntwant to go on playing.踏步想玩了。可知他一定是不高兴了。故选A。( 7 )句意:父母有责任让他们的孩子知道:你不可能总是赢。

387、A: rule规则;B: duty义务,责任;C: plan 计 一 划 ;D: habit 习惯。根据下文 to make their children know that: youcant always win and there are many unpleasant moments 8when you have to learn how to lose. The idea is to compete, to prove you are good, notonly to win. 你不能总是赢,生活中有很多不愉快的时刻,你必须学会如何失败。这个观念是为了竞争,证明你是好的,而不仅仅是为了

388、胜利。可知让孩子懂得这些是父母的责任,故选Bo(8 )句意:生活中有很多不愉快的时刻,你必须学会如何失败。A: in life生活中;B: inthe future 在将来;C: in fact 实际上;D: in the way 阻挡。根据 when you have to learnhow to lose. The idea is to compete, to prove you are good, not only to w in .你不能总是赢,有很多不愉快的时刻,你必须学会如何失败。这个想法是为了竞争,证 明你是好的,而不仅仅是为了胜利。这部分不是谈论游戏而是谈论生活中的赢与失败。故

389、选A。( 9 )句意:当你享受它并尽最大努力去赢得它时,这是很有趣的。A: o r否则,或者;B: and 又 , 和 ;C: when 当. . . . . . 时;D: before 在. . . . . . 之前。根据上文 playing a game is notfunny only when you w in.只有当赢时玩游戏并不有趣,下文应该谈下什么时候才有去趣。也就是有趣发生的时间,要用引导词w h e n ,故选C。(1 0 )句意:如果你只是有点不走运,别担心太多。A: w orry担心;B: believe相信;C: wish 希 望 ;D: imagine 想象。根据下文

390、 You will surely prove your abilities some otherday. 总有一天你会证明你的能力。可知告诉你是失败只是小的不幸,不必担心太多。 故选Ao【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。3 5 .完形填空A young man was walking in the desert. He felt very 1 . Just then he suddenly found aspring of delicious and clear water. The water w

391、as cool and sweet for a man who had 2 itfor such a long time. He drank a lot, and then he 3 his bottle so that he could bring someback to his village and gave it to his teacher who had taught him in middle school.After a four-day 4 , he gave the water to the old man and he took a deep drink, smiledw

392、armly and 5 his student for the sweet water. The young man returned to his home witha happy heart.Later; the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out at once, saying it was6. The student said the water had become bad because the bottle was too old.The student asked his teacher, Ma

393、ster; the water was bad and it was bitter. Why did you7 to him that you liked it? The teacher replied, You only tasted the water 8 I tastedthe gift. The water which has been put in loving and kindness is not 9 water.” Nothingcould be 10 than love.1. A. thirstyB. tiredC. hungryD. angry2. A. avoidedB.

394、 processed C. expected D. checked3. A. openedB. filledC. emptied D. carried4. A. illnessB. holidayC. restD. trip5. A. thankedB. praisedC. paidD. taught6. A. wonderful B. awfulC. safeD. dangerous7. A. reportB. sayC. lieD. explain8. A. afterB. beforeC. whenD. while9. A. actuallyB. simplyC. mostlyD. ne

395、arly10. A. sweeter B. heavierC. dearerD. cleaner【 答案】(1 ) A; (2) C; (3) B:(4) D; (5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) D: (9)B; (10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:一个年轻人在沙漠中取了一瓶水准备送给他的老师,经过四天的长途跋涉,他终于把水带回去送给了他的老师。尽管那瓶水味道很糟糕,但老师却觉得它无比甘甜。( 1 ) 形容词辨析。句意:一个年轻人正在沙漠里走着,他感到很渴。thirsty 口渴的;tired劳累的;hungry饥饿的;angry生气的。根据下文He drank a I

396、 o , 可知他很渴。故选A。( 2 ) 动词辨析。句意:对于一个已经期待很久的人来说,此时的水又凉又甜。avoided避免 ; processed加 工 , 处 理 ; expected期待,盼 望 ; checked检查,核对;根据上文He feltvery thirsty。可知他吩望喝水,故选C。(3 ) 动词辨析。句意: 他喝了很多水,然后又把他的瓶子 装满 了水。A. opened打开,B. filled 装满,C. emptied 倒空,D. carried 携带;根据后文 so that he could bring someback to his village and gav

397、e it to his teacher who had taught him in middle school.故此处是 装满” 了瓶子,故选B。( 4 ) 名词辨析。句意:四天旅行之后,他把水给了这个老人。A. illness疾病,B. holiday假期,C. rest休息,D. trip旅行,根据句意这个年轻人是在沙漠中进行了四天的旅行,故选D。(5 ) 动词辨析。句意:这个老人痛快地喝了水,微笑着感谢他的学生给他带来那么甘甜的水。A. thanked感 谢 , B. praised赞扬,C. paid付 钱 , D. taught教,学生从遥远的沙漠给他带来水,所以老师很感谢他。以及后

398、面的介词fo r可知,这里用到 为. . . . . . 而感谢 ,thankfo r.,故选 A。(6 ) 形容词辨析。句意:后来老师让另一个学生品尝了水,这个学生立即吐了出来,并说非常难喝。wonderful精彩的;awful糟糕的;safe安全的;dangerous危险的。根据上一句 的 He spat it out at o n ce ,可知水并不好喝,故选Bo(7)动词辨析。句意:你为什么要对他撒谎说你很喜欢这个水呢? 7. A. report报告,B.say 说,C. lie 说谎,D. explain .解释;根据 The student asked his teacher, M

399、aster, thewater was bad and it was bitter.可上文老师说水好喝可知老师是在撒谎,故选C。(8)介词辨析。句意:老师回答到,看你品尝的是水,而我品尝的却是礼物。after在 .之后;before在.之前;w hen当. . . . . . 时;w hile然而;根据句意可知这两句表示对比,故选Do(9)副词辨析。句意:被装入了爱和善良的水不仅仅是水。A. actually实际上,B. simply仅仅, C. mostly大 部 分 的 D. nearly几乎,将近;根 据 I tasted the gift.可知这里表示这不仅仅是水,故选B。(10)形容

400、词辨析。句意:没有什么比爱更甜。A. sweeter更甜B. heavier更重C. dearer更贵 D. cleaner更干净;结合文章内容可知此处指人们对爱的感觉,所以此处表示更甘甜,故选A。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。把握短文大意后再认真复读短文,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先确定空格处所需词语的意义,再根据空格在句子中的位置,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定所填词的词性,再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填的词的正确形式。选出正确答案,最后再次阅读短文,确定正确选项。36.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、

401、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。My friends and I joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains. The first day wasreally 1 there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite, We were divided into groupand given a tent, some food, a 2 and a compass, Sunning next to a small river, Fanny3 camping in the gra

402、ssy area nearby. However; our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that itmight flood if it rained. In the end, we found a higher area. Putting up the tent was very hard.Luckily Mr. Lee helped us a lot.By the time we had put up the tent, everyone was really hungry. We wouldnt have got thishungry if we h

403、ad brought some snacks, Peter said. We all told him to 4 complaining andhelp us start a fire to cook our food 5 , Realizing we were having trouble making the fire,he finally 6The next day started early, Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was happening.some cows have eaten our breakfast

404、! he shouted.Thats all because you didnt 1 the food properly last night, said Mr. Lee.Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next task-using the map andcompass to find a secret location. We made it to the location 8 the other groups did. Weall felt very proud of 9The survi

405、val training course was a great 10 .Now I feel I could survive anywhere!1. A. different B. boring2. A. book B. mapC. disappointing D. difficultC. light D. knife3. A. imaginedB. enjoyedB. startC. finished4. A. continueC. stop5. A. insteadB. againC. too6. A. started out B. worked out C. gave out7. A.

406、eat upB. put awayC. sell out8. A. afterB. whenC. before9. A. himB. themC. you10. A. activityB. competition C. experience【 答案】(1)D; (10) C;D: (2) B;(3) D; (4)D. suggestedD. mindD. yetD. helped outD. throw offD. tillD. ourselvesD. exampleC; (5) A; (6)D; (7) B; (8) C; (9)【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文讲述了我和我的朋友们参加生

407、存训练课的经历。( 1 ) 句意:第一天真的很难有这么多事情要做! A: different不同的; B: boring无聊的 ;C: disappointing 失 望 的 ; D: difficult 困难的。根据下文 there was so much to do!和对第一天的描述,例如需要搭建帐篷、生火等。作者评论Putting up the tent was veryhard.以及“we were trouble making the fire ” ,所以第一天是充满困难的。 故选D。( 2 ) 句意:到了营地,我们分成几个小组,给了一个帐篷、一些食物、一张地图和一个指南针。A: b

408、ook 书; B: map 地图; C: light 灯 ;D: knife 刀。根据上文 My friends andI joined a two-day survival training course in the mountains.可知在山上进行的生存训练,需要必备一些东西包括帐篷、食物、指南针之外, 还需要地图。并且第四段Worried thatMr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next task-using the map.可矢口还需要地图。故 选 B。( 3 ) 句意:范妮建议在附近的草地上露营。A: im

409、agined想象; B: enjoyed喜欢; C:finished 完成; D: suggested 建议。根据上文 We were divided into group and given atent,可知范妮建议在附近的草地上露营。故选D。( 4 ) 句意:我们都叫他停止抱怨,帮我们生火做饭。A: continue继续; B: start开始;C: stop 4 字止; D: mind 介意。根据下文 complaining and help us star a fire to cook ourfo o d ,可知我们告诉他不要抱怨没有带零食,要用stop doing sth.停止做某事

410、。 故选C。(5 ) 句意:我们都叫他停止抱怨,帮我们生火做饭。A: instead代替; B: again又,再; C: to。也; D: yet然而。根据前后句意思,可知生火做饭代替抱怨,故选A。( 6 ) 句意:幸运的是李先生帮了我们很多忙。A: started out出 发 ; B: worked out解出;C: gave out 分发;D: helped out 帮忙。根据上文 Realizing we were having troublemaking the fire,他才会过来帮忙, 故选D。(7 ) 句意:这都是因为你昨晚没有把食物妥善地放好。A: eat up吃光; B:

411、 put away收起来,收好; C: sell out 售完;D: throw off 炫耀。根据上文 some cows have eaten ourbreakfast!可知昨晚没有妥善保管好食物, 故选B。( 8 ) 句意:我们在其他小组之前赶到了目的地。A: after在 之后; B: when当 时;C: before在 之前;D: till直到 为止。根据上文we tried very hard on our nexttask-using the map and compass to find a secret location.可知这样的目的是在其他小组到达之前赶到目的地。故选C

412、。(9)句意:我们都为自己感到骄傲。A: h im 他,宾格; B: them 他/ 她/ 它们,宾格;C: yo u 你 ( 们),主格或宾格;D: ourselves我们自己,反身代词。根据空格所在的句子主语是we。be proud of oneself,为某人感到自豪。宾语与主语是同一个人,要用反身代词ourselveso 故选 Do( 10)句意:生存训练课程是一次很棒的经历。A: activity活动; B: competition竞赛,比赛; C: experience 经历; D: example 例子。根据下文 Now I feel I could surviveanywher

413、e!可知这次生存训练是很棒的经历。故选Co【 点评】考查完形填空。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意, 理清文章的内容和逻辑关系。然后逐一做题,注意上下文的提示和空前后的搭配;最后再读短文,印证答案。3 7 .通读下面的短文,然后从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案填空,使短文完整通顺。Cindy was just seven years old when she started going on walks. Since then, she has joined asports club with her 1 Kevin.We started walking around the c

414、ountryside, 2 Cindy. There are a lot of paths nearour house, and now we go walking all year round, even 3 winter. My first 4 was 2kilometers away. But we did it little by little over quite a long time. After I 5 the sportsclub, I became more and more energetic (精力充沛的) . Walking has made me much6. I

415、think it would be a really good idea to 7 other kids of my age to walk becausemany kids are getting fat nowadays.Cindys father, Kevin is really 8 of his daughters opinion of walking. I wish we couldget more kids out w a l k i n g . 9 now lots of children are busy with TV programs andcomputer games,

416、so its not 10 for them to go out. But I think I should try my best to helpthem.1. A. fatherB. friend C. teacher2. A. speaks3. A. inB. says C.talksB. on C. at4. A. runB. change C. walk5. A. joined6. A. richerB. left C. attendedB. healthierC. shorter7. A. need B. order8. A. kind B. afraid9. A. Unlucki

417、ly B. Happily10. A. difficult B. easy【 答案】(1) A; (2C. encourageC. proudC. EasilyC. importantB; (3) A; (4) C;(5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) C; (9)A; ( 10) B;【 解析】 【 分析】短文大意:介绍了 Cindy和她的父亲Kevin的故事,父女两个加入运动俱乐部,变得精力充沛、更加健康。同时他们号召更多的孩子远离电子产品,参加锻炼。(1)名词辨析。句意:从那之后,她和她父亲凯文加入了运动俱乐部。father父亲;friend朋友;teacher老师,根据下文

418、Cindys father, Kevin,可知两者为父女关系, 故选A。(2)动词辨析。句意:辛迪说 我们开始在这个村周围转。speaks说,宾语通常为语言种类;says强调说话的内容,此处及表达说话的内容;ta k s 强调说话的方式为相互交流,故选 Bo(3)介词的辨析。句意:在我们家附近有很多小路,现在我们全年散步,甚至在冬天。此处介词表示时间。in 用在年,月前面。O n表示节日、星期、确定的某月某日,或确定的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。at用在时间点前面,故选A。(4)名词的辨析。句意:我的第一次散步是两公里远。ru n 跑步;change改变;w alk散步,根据上文now we g

419、o walking all year round,可知此处指散步,故选C。(5 )动词的辨析。句意:在我加入运动俱乐部以后我变得越来越精力充沛了。根 据 Ibecame more and more energetic ( 精力充沛的). 可知我加入了运动俱乐部,jo in ,加入,attend,出席,left离开,故选A。(6)形容词比较级辨析。句意:散步使我变得更健康。richer更富有;healthier更健康;shorter更矮,根据常识可知段落会使人更健康,故选B。( 7 )动词的辨析。句意:我认为这将是一个好办法来鼓励我同年龄段的其他的孩子走路,因为现在许多孩子正变得发胖。A .需要

420、;B .命令;C .鼓励;根 据 many kids are gettingfat nowadays.可知此处指鼓励他们运动锻炼,故选C。( 8)形容词辨析C。句意:Cindy的父亲,Kevin真得以女儿走路的观点而自豪。 A. kind善良;B. afraid 害怕;C.proud 自豪。根据 I wish we could get more kids out walking.可知父亲以女儿的观点为骄傲,故选C。(9)副词的辨析。unluckily不幸的是;happily快乐地:easily简单地,容易地,根 据 Iwish we could get more kids out walkin

421、g.可 知 Kevin认为许多孩子忙于电子设备是不幸的事,故选A。(10)形容词的辨析。句意:不幸的是现在很多孩子们都忙着看电视节目和玩电脑游戏,因此让他们出去是不容易的。根 据 now lots of children are busy with TV programs andcomputer games,孩子们忙于游戏,所以出门不容易。故选B。【 点评】此题考查完形填空。 从语篇层次上把握语言材料,在阅读理解的基础上进行逻辑推理,综合运用所学习的语言知识。对于词汇的意义和用法的理解和运用能力; 根据生活常识进行推理和判断能力; 对于习惯用语和短语的固定搭配掌握能力。3 8 .阅读下面短文,

422、掌握大意, 然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Do you know anything about the invention of the bar code ( 条形码) ?A small food store owner found it was to keep records of the product information. In1948, he asked the Drexel Institute of Technology to solve this 2. Bernard Silver, agraduate student, was 3 . He and his f

423、riend Norman Joseph Woodland 4 to workon it. 5 , they invented their first working system.The system did work 6 , but it was very expensive and 7 the system didnt workwell. If the invention was to become 8 in stores, the problems had to be solved. Finally,Woodland solved 9 .The patent ( 专 利 权 ) for

424、the bar code system was 10 for by Silver and Woodland in1949, but the patent was not given until 1952. 11 this patent was given, the system wasstill not popular 12 store owners.In 1970, a business named Logicon Inc. 13 the Universal Grocery ProductsIdentification Code ( 通用杂货产品识别码) . Marsh Supermarke

425、t in Troy was the first store to14 this bar code reading system. It has become very popular ever since, and now its15 in all types of stores all over the world.1. A. easyB. difficultC. interesting D. boring2. A. plan B. problem C. project D. doubt3. A. bored B. tired C. interested D. surprised4. A.

426、started B. continued C. refused D. failed5. A. First B. Soon C. Recently D. Exactly6. A. at first B. for example C. on time D. in person7. A. often B. seldom C. sometimes D. never8. A. lively B. cheap C. direct D. popular9. A. it B. him C. her D. them10. A. asked B. offered C. made D. divided11. A.

427、Unless B. Although C. If D. Since12. A. between B. among C. during D. in13. A. found B. mentioned C. invented D. remained14. A. give up B. put up C. set up D. clean up15. A. repaired B. tried C. learned D. used【 答案】(1)B; (2)B; (3) C; (4) A; (5) B;(6) A;(7) C;(8) D;(9)D; (10) A; (11) B; (12) B; (13)

428、C; (14) C; (15) D;【 解析】 【 分析】本文介绍了条形码的发展历史。(1)句意: 一个小食品店老板发现保存产品信息的记录是非常困难的。A 容易的,B 困难 的 , C 有 趣 的 , D 无聊的,根据 he asked the Drexel Institute of Technology to solve 他要求德雷克塞尔理工学院解决,可知要解决的都是难题,故是困难的,故 选 B。( 2 ) 句意: 1948年,他要求德雷克塞尔理工学院解决这个问题。A 计划,B 问题,C 项目 , D怀 疑 , solve the problem,解决问题,故选B。( 3)句意: 研究生伯纳

429、德西尔弗对此很感兴趣。A 感到无聊的,B 感到累的,C 感兴趣的,D感到惊讶的,根据,故选C。(4)句意: 他和他的朋友诺曼约瑟夫伍德兰开始去做这件事。A 开始,B 继续,C 拒绝,D 失败,根 据 to work on it 可知开始去做这件事是因为感兴趣,故选A。(5)句意:很快他们发明了第一套工作系统。A 首先,B 很快,C 最近,D 恰当地,上文是开始去做这件事,故此处强调效率高,故是时间段,强调快,故选B。(6)句意: 该系统起初确实有效,但是非常昂贵,而且有时工作不太好。A 起初,B 例如,C按时,D亲自,根据Finally可知此处表示顺序,故是起初,故选A。(7)句意:该系统起初

430、确实有效,但是非常昂贵,而且有时工作不太好。A 经常,B 很少,C 有时,D 从未,根 据 didnt w ork可知已经是否定句故不用否定副词seldom和never,前文The system did work认可它有效,故此处表示只是偶尔失灵, 故选C。(8)句意: 如果这项发明要在商店里流行起来,问题就必须解决。A 活泼的,B 便宜的,C直接的,D流行的,根据the system was still not popular可知,此处是流行起来,故选D。( 9)句意: 最后,伍德兰解决了它们。 problems是名词复数,第三人称,故用them指代做宾语, 故选D。( 10)句意: 条形码

431、系统的专利权在1949年由silver和 woodland公司提出的,但是直到1952年才获得专利。ask fo r ,固定搭配,请 求 , 故选A。( 11)句意: 虽然这一专利被授予,但是该系统仍然不受店主的欢迎。A 除非,B 尽管,C 如果,D 自从,根据 this patent was given 专利被授予和 the system was still notpopular,仍然不受店主的欢迎可知是让步关系,故是although ,故选B。(12)句意:虽然这一专利被授予,但是该系统仍然不受店主的欢迎。A 在. . . . . . 之间,强调两者,B 在. . . . . . 之间,三

432、者以上,C 在. . . . . . 期间,D 在. . . . . . 里 面 , be popular+范围,在. . . . . . 中受到欢迎,根据owners可知表示三者以上,故是among,故选B。( 13)句 意 : 1970年,一家 名 为 Logicon inc.的企业发明了通用杂货产品识别码。A 发现,B提到,C发明,D保留,条形码是一种发明,故选C。(14)句意: 洛伊的马什超市是第一家建立这种条形码阅读系统的商店。A 放弃,B 过夜,C建 立 , D清理,根据system ,可知系统是建立的,故选C。(15)句意: 全世界所有类型的商店都使用。A 修理,B 尝试,C 学

433、会,D 使用,条形码是被使用的,故选D。【 点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3 9 .完型填空I was born with the ability to run very fast. As a result, I was the best runner in my school. I1 get the first place in every race. But that was before a terrible traffic accident, which

434、changed my life completely.After I woke up in a hospital, I found that I lost all feeling in my legs. I 2 sitting in mywheelchair. Sometimes when I thought about it, I got really sad inside. When I was 3 inmy room, I even cry. However, thanks to my father; I am not going to cry about it any longer,

435、andIm not sick or helpless.Not long ago, Dad talked with me in person. And this conversation helped me to change. Hetold me to be brave. You can be good at 4 else besides running. Try to find it out, Jane!said my father, with a 5 expression on his face. 6 I started playing chess. Before Inever thoug

436、ht of playing something like chess, but now Im getting pretty good at it. I7 Dad last night. Dad said I could enter their chess competitions.Before my accident I used to be good at a lot of things and I never really thought about it. Butwith chess I really have to think about it a lot and practice a

437、nd t r y. 8 , now I have topractice lots of things, and when Im able to do a thing without 9 , I have the feeling ofwinning though it isnt a/an 10 .1. A. went along to B. used to C. couldnt help D. paid attention to2. A. found outB. gave outC. gave upD. ended up3. A. patientB. aloneC. activeD. bored

438、4. A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing5. A. seriousB. wiseC. correctD. special6. A. ButB. SoC. BecauseD. Since7. A. wonB. punished C. beatD. trick8. A. In factB. As a result C. At lastD. For example9. A. requestB. abilityC. brainD. help10. A. successB. secretC. raceD. event【 答案】(1)B; (2)

439、D;(3) B; (4) C; (5) A; (6) B; (7) C; (8) A; (9)D( 10) c ;【 解析】 【 分析】主要讲了作者之前有跑得快的能力,在每次比赛中得第一名,但是自从出了交通事故,这改变了作者的生活,但是作者爸爸鼓励作者,让作者尝试下象棋,最终作者非常擅长它。(1)句意:我过去常常在每次比赛中的第一名。A.继续;B.过去常常做某事;C.情不自禁;D.关注。作者讲的是发生事故之前的事情,即过去的事情,used to do sth.过去常常做某事,固定搭配,故选B。(2)句意:我最终坐在轮椅上。A.发现,查明;B.分发;C.放弃;D.结束。作者发生交通事故后,最终腿

440、部失去知觉,坐在轮椅上,end up doing sth.最终做某事,固定搭配,故选D(3)句意:当我独自在我的房间时,我甚至哭了。A.耐心的;B.独自的;C.积极的;D.无聊的。作者独自一人时会哭泣,故选B。(4 )句意:除了跑步之外,你可以擅长其他任何事情。A.每件事情;B.任何事情;C.一些事情:D.没有事情。除了跑步外,其他任何事情,anything else其他任何事情,故选B。(5)句意:我的爸爸脸上带着严肃的表情说。A.严重的,严肃的;B.明智的;C.正确的;D. 特殊的。作者爸爸鼓励作者可以尝试其他爱好,所以表情是严肃的,故选A。(6)句意:所以我开始下象棋。A.但是;B.所以

441、;C.因为;D.自从。因为爸爸鼓励作者尝试其他爱好,所以作者开始下象棋,后句表示结果,所以用s o ,故选Be(7)句意:昨晚我打败了爸爸。A.赢得;B.惩罚;C.打败;D.取笑。w in 赢得,一般指的是赢得比赛;beat打败,一般指的是打败某人,故选C。( 8)句意:事实上,现在我不得不练习许多东西。A.事实上;B.结果;C.最后;D.例如。根据 Before my accident I used to be good at a lot of things and I never really thought about it.可知在我出事之前,我曾经擅长很多事情,我从来没有真正想过。而现

442、在事实上,作者练习许多东西,故选A。(9 )句意:当我能在没有帮助的情况下做一件事时,我有获胜的感觉,尽管这不是一场比赛。A.要求;B.能力;C.大脑;D.帮助。作者尽管坐在轮椅上,但是没人他人帮助能做好一件事情,所以作者有获胜感,故 选 D。(10)句意:当我能在没有帮助的情况下做一件事时,我有获胜的感觉,尽管这不是一场比赛。A.成功;B.秘密;C.比赛;D.事件。作者尽管坐在轮椅上,但是没人他人帮助能做好一件事情,尽管不是比赛,但是作者有获胜感,故选C。【 点评】考查完形填空,首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。4 0

443、.完形填空We sometimes call the lion the king of the forest, because it is stronger and more dangerousthan other animals. It can 1 faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highestanimal in the 2 food chain.In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim

444、faster than3 other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them.What is at the top of the worlds food chain? People are! We are not the biggest or fastest, butwe are the 4 . We could not run faster than cheetahs ( 猎豹), so we 5 cars andnow we can move the fastest. We could not fight better t

445、han lions, so we invented guns. Now wecan hunt the best.Peoples inventions are clever; but they can be 6 , too. For example, people built7, and now they make the air and rivers dirty. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers killfish. 8 bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food

446、chain, other parts also willdie. Remember that we are a part of the food c h a i n , 9 we are in danger, too! If weprotect animals, we are protecting 10 ! We could and we should do something for theworld!1. A. walk B. swim C. run D. jump2. A. sea B. land C. mountain D. desert3. A. mostB.anotherC. an

447、yD. more4. A. strongestB. cleverestC. most special D. most important5. A. usedB. hadC. inventedD. made6. A. interesting B. dangerous C. carefulD. helpful7. A. factoriesB. hotelsC. schoolsD. hospitals8. A. IfB. WhenC. WhileD. Then9. A. andB. soC. butD. or10. A. ourselves B. oneselfC. yourselvesD. the

448、mselves【 答案】(1) C; (2) B: (3) C; (4) B; (5) C; (6) B; (7) A; (8) D; (9)B; (10) A;【 解析】 【 分析】文章大意:本文通过介绍食物链上动物之间的关系,告诉我们要保护动物,保护食物链,从而保护生态平衡。(1)句意:它能比许多动物跑得更快,而且捕猎得最好。 A.walk走; B.swim游泳;C.run跑步; D.jump跳。根据hunt the best捕猎得最好, 可知应该是跑,故选C。( 2 ) 句意:是陆地食物链中最高的动物。 A. sea海 洋 ; B. land陆地; C. mountain山; D.des

449、ert沙漠。根据常识狮子生活在陆地上可知应该是陆地,故选B。(3 ) 句意:它游得比其他任何海洋动物都快。 A. m ost大部分,后跟名词复数; B.another另一个,后跟单数名词; C. any 一些,后跟名词或other; D. more更多,后跟名词。根据句语法知识,故选C。( 4 ) 句意:但是我们是最聪明的。 A. strongest强壮的; B. cleverest最聪明的; C. mostspecial 最特别的; D. most important 最重要的。根据 so we invented guns. Now we can huntthe best.可知我们发明枪,捕

450、猎最好。应该是最聪明的,故选B。(5 ) 句意:所以我们发明了汽车现在我们可以跑得最快了。 A. used用; B. had有; C.invented发明; D. made制造。根 据 now we can move the fastest.现在我们可以跑得最快了 。可知应该是发明汽车,故选C。(6 ) 句意:人们的发明是聪明的,但是他们可能也是危险的。 A. interesting有趣的; B.dangerous 危险的; C. careful 细心的; D. helpful 有帮助的。根据 now they make the air andrivers dirty.可知他们污染河流,应该是

451、危险的,故选B。( 7 ) 句意:例如人们建造工厂。 A. factories工厂; B. hotels旅馆; C. schools学校; D.hospitals医院。根 据 now they make the air and rivers dirty . 可知他们污染河流。应该是工r ,故选A。( 8 ) 句意:那时熊不能吃鱼。 A. I f 如果; B. W hen什么时候; C. W hile当时候; D.Then那时。根据Dirty rivers kill fish.脏的河水杀死鱼。可知那时熊不能吃鱼, 故选D。(9 ) 句意:所以我们也有危险!记住,我们是食物链的一部分,所以我们也有

452、危险! A.and和,表并列; B. so 所以,表结果; C. but但是,表转折; D. o r或者,表选择。根据Remember that we are a part of the food chain,记住,我们是食物链的一部分,可知应用所以,故选B。(1 0 )句意:如果我们保护动物,就是保护我们自己。 A. ourselves我们自己; B. oneself自 己 ; C. yourselves你自己;D. themselves他们自己; 反身代词作宾语时,反身代词应与句中的主语保持一致,主语是w e ,应用ourselves ,故选A。【 点评】答题首先要跳过空格,通读文章掌握大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌作答,注意考虑句型句法搭配,语境等因素,最后通读一遍验证答案。



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