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1、东风雪铁龙2003年712月公关宣传计划提纲Dongfeng Citroen PR PlanFrom Jul to Dec in 2003北京星原文化艺术广告有限公司北京星原文化艺术广告有限公司By xingyuan Advertising Company2003年上半年工作回顾Review From Jan to Jun in 2003 2003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003 产品投放 Product Launch:富康新浪潮舒适版上市Launch FK爱丽舍VTS上市Launch ELYSEE VTS 爱丽舍SX16V上市Launch ELYSEE SX16V赛纳XSARA上市L

2、aunch XSARA产品后续宣传 Post Launch Communication各新上市车型的后期推广Maintain media exposure of new models after launch32003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003事件公关 PR Events富康夺取全国汽车锦标赛上海站冠军FK as a champion in Shanghai Motor Race爱丽舍在亚运村市场销量夺冠ELYSEE has a good sales volume in Yayuncun market42003年上半年 Jan to Jun 2003其他 Others:东风雪铁龙

3、武汉商务大会召开Dongfeng.Citroen business convention was held in Wuhan龙讯创刊 Launch the dealers publication “Dragon Communication” 5工作小结 Work Summarization爱丽舍16V推出,强化了爱丽舍系列产品,竞争优势得到增强Launch of Elysee 16V has strengthened the Elysee line up and increased competitiveness6工作小结 Work Summarization赛纳XSARA的推出,使东风雪铁龙

4、在16万元以上的中高档轿车市场竞争能力得以加强;Launch of XSARA has strengthened the competitiveness in the mid-tier sedan segment at the price of RMB160,000;对外公关宣传网络初步建立,并具备进一步扩充的基础;Established the foundation of PR network, and prepared for future expansion7工作小结 Work Summarization上半年侧重产品投放,以至整体品牌建立的比重较少。Major focus on pro

5、duct launches leading to less emphasis on brand level communication82003年下半年工作方向What We Will Do From Jul To Dec In 2003我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition下半年市场竞争环境更加激烈,消费者面对越来越多的选择,单一的产品利益点已不足以促使购买行为;The competition will get more fierce, thus need more distintive benefits for consumers to rationalize their purc

6、hase 竞争对手在背景上的全面提升。目前丰田、福特、大宇等世界汽车巨头已经介入中档轿车市场,今后的竞争层面将由产品提升至品牌With the worldwide motor giants like Toyota, Ford, Hyundai, etc. becoming more aggressive, a stronger BRAND will become more important to maintain competitiveness10我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition在2003年下半年将正式上市的新车型:New vehicle models to be launch

7、ed in 2nd half of 2003:赛纳XSARA竞争对手 XSARAs Competitor:一汽-大众高尔夫:7月上市,1.6L售14.98万,2.0L售18.5万VW-GOLF: To be launched in July, Price range RMB 149,800 - RMB 185,000;帕萨特2.0:预计售价20万元左右PASSAT2.0 RMB 200,000;别克凯越预计售价16 - 19万元BUICK Excel Price range RMB160,000 - RMB190,00011我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition爱丽舍竞争对手 ELYS

8、EEs Competitor:一汽大众高尔夫:1.6L售价14.98万元;VW-GLOF 1.6L will launch in July, price RMB149,800;本田Fit1.5L售价应在13 - 15万元;HONDA FIT1.5L price range RMB130K 150K富康竞争对手 FKs Competitor:据悉铃木一款小型车即将推出,售价8万元左右.It is reported a mini car will launched , the price is about RMB 80,000.12我们面临的市场环境 Mkt Condition现有竞争车型动态 T

9、he Competitors Condition:捷达改型车将在2003年底或2004年初推出;JD remodeled car will launched;桑塔纳改型车将在下半年推出;SANTANA remodeled car will launched;福美来1.6,预计售价1214万元;FML 1.6 price range :RMB 120,000-RMB 140,000;中华2.0自动档,预计售价1416万元;ZH2.0 price range : RMB 140,000- RMB 160,000;三厢POLO,预计售价1720万元;POLO price range : RMB170

10、,000- RMB 200,000;13我们可利用的资源 Our Resources东风雪铁龙依托法国雪铁龙和东风汽车集团的强大背景号召;The strong background of Dongfeng.Citroen;东风雪铁龙在中国轿车市场10年发展所建立的营销网络和成熟的营销队伍;The strong sales network of Dongfeng.Citroen;东风雪铁龙产品在中国市场积累的良好口碑;Positive word-of-mouth of Dongfeng.Citroen products以往公关工作所建立的对外宣传网络和立体化的宣传体系。Strong PR net

11、work and good media relationship14我们需要加强的资源 To Strengthen扩充目前的对外宣传网络、媒体资源,丰富对外宣传手段;Expand PR network and media resources;提升遍布全国的营销网络在一线宣传中的作用;Exploit the sales network in PR communication;加强与消费者的直接沟通,注重提升消费者对东风雪铁龙品牌及其产品序列的深入了解。Strengthen direct communication with consumers on Dongfeng.Citroen brand

12、and product line up152003年下半年工作计划2003 2nd Half Plan公关策略 PR Strategy品牌公关 Brand PR加强消费者对东风雪铁龙品牌的认识和理解Establish a stronger awareness and understanding of Dongfeng.Citroen Brand改变市场对“神龙富康”为整体品牌的印象Rectify markets generalization as “Shenlong FK”建立东风雪铁龙的品牌文化,并加深市场理解Establish Dongfeng.Citroens BRAND VALUES

13、and communicate to market17公关策略 PR Strategy企业公关 Corporate PR强化东风雪铁龙的企业形象及正面观感Strengthen the corporate image and positive attitude to Dongfeng.Citroen18公关策略 PR Strategy产品公关 Product PR强化各产品线的独特定位Strengthen values for product line:爱丽舍:精致生活,精彩演绎Elysee: Elegance and Refinement赛纳:不妥协Xsara: Uncompromising毕

14、加索:独特风格Picasso: Individuality 19品牌公关Brand PR法国寻根活动 France Media Tour目的 Objective:让媒体对法国雪铁龙的品牌理念加深理解Let media to have a stronger understanding of Brand Philosophy of Citroen透过媒体报道把品牌理念信息传递给消费者Generate media coverage to channel brand values to consumers强化媒体关系Strengthen media relationship21活动目标 Target

15、Achievements让媒体感受法国雪铁龙的企业品牌内涵:无可比拟的推动Let Media feel Citroens brand essence : Nothing moves you like CITROEN参观法国雪铁龙公司、雪铁龙赛车基地;Visiting Citroen company and Citroen racing base;了解雪铁龙产品在法国及欧洲的重要作用;Understanding the significance of Citroen brand and products in France and Europe;22活动目标 Target Achievement

16、s感受法国雪铁龙公司产品的竞争优势:Experience Citroen products competitive advantage;试驾法国雪铁龙产品;Test drive;访问雪铁龙公司总设计师及工程师;Interview with designer and engineer of Citroen;对法国的雪铁龙用户进行访问。Interview with Citroen owners in France.23活动目标 Target Achievements感受法国悠久文化和独特魅力;To experience French culture;参观法国标志性文化载体,如卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔等;

17、Visit major cultural monuments in France;参观与东风雪铁龙中国产品有关的景点:香榭丽舍大街、赛纳河以及毕加索作品展,对东风雪铁龙中国产品序列的法国文化传统予以暗示;Through visit to Picasso museum etc., strengthen the product concept24宣传计划 PR Coverage即时报道 Instant Report选择媒体:网络及日报类Media : Network and Daily以行程日记的方式记录当天活动情况Diary reporting style专题评论 Special Feature

18、s选择媒体:中央级媒体及地区强势媒体,网络予以转载Media: Central and major regional media and network对此次活动收集信息进行深度报道In-Depth report25宣传计划 PR Coverage总结性宣传 Follow-up Reporting选择媒体:所有参与活动的媒体Media: all media宣传内容:从各自媒体的立场对本次活动进行总结性陈述,据此对东风雪铁龙的品牌形象进行宣传;Reporting from media angle to further strengthen Dongfeng.Citroens brand cult

19、ure and philosophy26企业公关Corporate PR售后服务 After-Sale Service目的 Objective:通过售后服务的加强,进一步确立东风雪铁龙的企业形象To build Dongfeng.Citroen corporate image via extension of after-sale service建立口碑Create positive word-of-mouth28“家庭轿车保姆”式服务 After-Sale Service结合“龙腾计划”的实施,推广“家庭轿车保姆”式服务主张,配合并指导各区域及经销商将售后服务战场延伸到用户家门前,使用户及其

20、周边人群对东风雪铁龙独具特色的服务模式产生深刻印象及良好评价。Extend after-sale service to reach the door of the owners, creating positive attitude to brand and corporate29活动方案 PR Approach发动所有龙腾网点经销商实施服务计划:All dealers to practice the new after-sale service 在当地居住人口较为密集的住宅小区进行现场服务咨询,对所有东风雪铁龙产品进行检修和保养;On-site maintenance service in

21、residential areas. 对购买时间超过3个月的用户进行电话回访,了解车辆磨合状况,如有必要派专人上门进行技术性指导。After-sale follow up with new users at 3 months after purchase to sort feedback, and provide technical support if required.30宣传计划 PR Coverage对此次服务模式及推广状况进行宣传;Announce the service breakthrough征集用户回馈,进行后续宣传;Build stories with user feedba

22、ck;31产品公关 Product PR爱丽舍 ELYSEE 爱丽舍X上市 Elysee X Launch使爱丽舍产品线更丰富Enrichment of Elysee line up爱丽舍“精致生活,精彩演绎”主张的延续Extension of Elysees “Elegance & Refinement”34爱丽舍X上市 Type-X Launch举办爱丽舍X上市新闻发布会Media Launch地点Place:北京 Beijing新闻发布会及记者招待酒会 Press Conference爱丽舍X投放后续报道Post-Launch Media Coverage重要地区推广Key Region

23、al Promotion35爱丽舍系列 ELYSEE宣传目的 Objective加强“精致生活,精彩演绎”的生活理念Strengthen the values for “Elegance & Refinement”巩固并确定爱丽舍系列在中档轿车市场“家庭轿车第一品牌”的号召力Strengthen ELYSEE position in mid-tier sedan segment36宣传方式 PR Approach配合媒体栏目,传播爱丽舍精致优雅生活主张:Further establish ELYSEEs lifestyle - Elegance and Refinement, via medi

24、a sponsorship赞助媒体“精致生活”,介绍时尚精致生活方式Sponsor media program like “Elegant Lifestyle”, introduce ways of enjoyment in life37富康 FK富康改型车上市 FK Face-Lift富康改型车推出令富康系列更现代化及年轻化FK face-lift modernizes the FK series and makes it more suitable for younger segment39活动策略 PR Approach宣传重点:Emphasis:富康改型车在保留了老富康产品成熟稳定可靠

25、实惠特点的基础上更加现代和时尚,更符合年轻入门级消费者的要求。New FK is more modern,and fit for youngman as theirs first car.40活动策略 PR Approach强调新款产品的现代感和新鲜感;New FK is stylish; 强调新款富康在产品理念上的全新阐述,以及其属于东风雪铁龙品牌的产品系列。Emphasize the new FKs product concept and is a product series under Dongfeng.Citroen brand41活动策略 PR Approach强调作为老三样之一在

26、中国市场的成熟品质和雄厚的售后服务能力;Proven quality with established after sales service;与东风雪铁龙产品一脉相承的法国文化特点Have France culture characteristic; 无可替代的入门级家轿产品首选;The best entry level sedan;42富康系列 FK“寻找富康明星用户”活动 FK Star在8月份举办“寻找富康明星用户”活动,征集使用富康超过5年的用户,请他们谈驾驶富康的切身感受,并对这些用户提供在售后服务方面的优惠政策,同时围绕这一主题进行宣传;Interview owners of F

27、K for more than 5 years. Report their feedback on product, after-sale service with special after sales offer or offers to upgrade their cars to higher end of DF Citroen product43赛纳系列 XSARA赛纳系列 XSARA宣传目的:Objective巩固赛纳XSARA的上市销售效果;Strengthen the foothold after launch确立赛纳XSARA在中高档家庭轿车的优势地位;Establish th

28、e unique character of Xsara;与竞争对手进行有效区分。Differentiate with competitor.45赛纳系列 XSARA宣传策略 Strategy在重点区域加强用户体验类活动;Strengthen consumer experience in key region;强调赛纳XSARA的“不妥协”精神;Established Xsaras “Uncompromising” attitude;在赛纳XSARA 2.0排量配置与价位对比角度,提出家庭轿车性价比的对比数据,强调在同级别车型中赛纳最适合中高档家庭用车的优势。Build on Xsaras co

29、mpetitive advantage.46赛纳系列 XSARA举办赛纳XSARA重点区域推广Xsara event in key region在广州、北京举办以推广赛纳XSARA产品定位为目的的区域推广;Events in Guangzhou and Beijing strengthen Xsaras positioning of “Uncompromising Car”47赛纳系列 XSARA其他宣传方案 Others Recommendations发动各重点城市区域和经销商举办赛纳XSARA(包括毕加索)消费者试乘试驾;Test drive hosted by dealers;赞助赛纳X

30、SARA冠名 “中国原创音乐大赛”;Sponsor “Xsara China Original Music Competition”;48展会配合宣传Auto Show展会项目 Auto Show下半年将举办的展会项目包括:Auto show to be participated:7月份长春车展 Changchun (Jul)8月份武汉车展 Wuhan (Aug)10月份杭州西博会Hangzhou (Oct)11月成都车展 Chengdu (Nov)11月广州国际车展Guangzhou (Nov)根据以上展会的参与内容进行策划支持及组织媒体参与宣传。Line up media coverage

31、 for Dongfeng.Citroens participation and activities in the above shows.50区域大区宣传机构 District Branch PR Network区域大区宣传机构的确定 District Branch PR Training 为扩大东风雪铁龙的对外宣传网络建设,直接处于市场前沿的区域和经销商是很重要的宣传阵地,应在下半年有意识地对区域大区和重要经销商的宣传意识和宣传机构的形成予以支持;PR Training for dealers to extend the PR network to the strategic front

32、line. 总部应指令各区域配备专门的人员负责对外宣传和媒体联络事宜,并同时负责协调本区域经销商对外宣传。Assigned PR reps. in each region52区域大区宣传机构的确定 District Branch PR Training由总部公关新闻部组织,星原广告提供支持,通过集中培训、提供操作模版及相关图片文字资料、提供媒体联络支持等方式对各区域有实力的经销商予以必要的培训支持;Organized by DCAC Corporate PR Dept. Xingyuan provides corresponding support such as training, trai

33、ning manuals, picture & collaterals and media contact lists when necessary. 总部和星原广告公司将逐步与各区域经销商沟通,探讨能够充分调动经销商积极性的操作方式。Headquarters of Dongfeng and Xingyuan should communicate with District Branch at a regular base. Try to find out the best way to encourage the branchs activity.53常规服务项目Regular Servic

34、es常规服务 Regular Services危机公关 Crisis Management媒体监控及分析 Media Monitoring & Analysis维护及开拓媒体关系 Media Relations根据情况举办媒体的座谈会Media Forum or Seminar 55常规服务 Regular Services与东风雪铁龙车迷组织保持联系Contact With Dongfeng.Citroen Fans Club其他固定项目,如龙讯的设计印刷等Design and Print of Long Magazine 56下半年公关活动一览PR Activities (7-12 200

35、3)项目Project7月July8月August9月September10月October11月November12月December产品宣传Productcommunicationm爱丽舍系列Elysee富康系列Fukang赛纳系列Xsara富康明星用户活动FK Star中国原创音乐大赛China Original Music Competition爱丽舍X上市Elysee X Launch“享受精致生活”媒体栏目“Elegant Living” Program Sponsorhip富康改型车上市FK Face-Lift赛纳重点区域推广Xsara Regional Promo.57下半年公

36、关活动一览PR Activities (7-12 2003)项目Project7月July8月August9月September10月October11月November12月December东风雪铁龙企业形象宣传Dongfeng Citroen Brand Communication展会配合宣传Auto show区域培训Regional Training法国寻根游东风雪铁龙品牌文化宣传 东风雪铁龙售后服务宣传长春车展武汉车展杭州西博会成都车展广州车展集中培训提供模版及其他方式支持58下半年公关活动预算 PR Budget 品牌公关 Brand PR主流媒体法国寻根游及后期宣传 300万Med

37、ia France Tour & Post-coverage企业公关 Corporate PR东风雪铁龙龙腾服务宣传 160万DongFeng.Citroen ASC赞助社会公益活动 150万Social Activities Sponsorship新产品上市 New Product Launch爱丽舍X上市活动及后期宣传70万Elysee X Launch & Post-coverage富康改型车上市及后期宣传120万Fukang Launch & Post-coverage59下半年公关活动预算 PR Budget 产品延续宣传 Product Support Communication爱

38、丽舍系列(6个月) Elysee Series 200万富康系列(6个月) FuKang Series 180万赛纳系列(6个月) Xsara Series 160万毕加索宣传(6个月) Picasso 70万产品公关活动及后期宣传 PR Events & Coverage爱丽舍媒体栏目 Elysee Media Spon. 80万赛纳重点区域推广 Xsara Regional Promo 195万富康寻找明星用户 FK Star 60万赛纳“中国原创音乐大赛” Xsara Music Contest 80万60下半年公关活动预算 PR Budget展会配合宣传(5个展会项目) 120万Auto Show (5 shows)企业形象宣传(广告) 600万Corporate Image (Ad)区域公关培训及机构建设 30万Regional PR training & Branch Establishment小计 Total: 2575万61



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