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1、 As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in humans development, help in many aspects. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children.LabradorlRetrieverlLarge dogslGentle lIntelligentlEasy to trainlActivelLoyal to masterlNo aggression lHigh IQ lSuitable for being chosen fo

2、r guide dog or other working dog The sense of smell is the most sensitive in all kinds of dogs.GoldenRetrieveruGolden fur uStrong , powerfuluBack fur is elastic(弹性).uBelly fur is waterproof.uResponsibleuAlertuSensitive smelluNoble(高贵) temperament uUnruffled(镇定的) calmu The ability of discovering and

3、tracking is great. Except for the family dog, it is also used as a show dog, retriever, and can also be used to search for drugs, guide blind people. HuskySoft furBlack/grey/whiteAcuteEnthusiasticSometimes mad Look like wolf Their eyes are different colours, some are suntan, some are light brown, so

4、me are blue. Even a huskys two eyes are different colours. For example, one is brown and the other is blue; or one is blue and the other is colourful. Pomeranian(Squirreldog)One kind of Spitz(狐狸犬)Small,less than 3.5KGToy dogAlertIntelligentNimble(敏捷的)CuriousHatchi:A Dogs StoryPS:It is a true story.P

5、lot: Parker ,a college professor, encountered an abandoned dog. Its lonely figure sparked his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first, and does everything possible to pack it off .But then she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the f

6、amily. Parker called it Hatchi. Hatchi accompanied the Parker entire family to grow together , then it grew gradually from the puppy into the colossus. Parker who was gentle even lay in ground and picked the ball with the mouth to set an example for Hatchi , but it is actually unable to teach Hatchi

7、 to do it . During leisure time , Parker also made the massage for Hatchi.Everyday,HatchiaccompaniedParkertoworkontimeandat5:00intheeveningappearedatthestationentrancetowaitParkerback.Thatwasthetimeonlyforthem!Inthetown,intheopinionsofthestationmaster,thehot-dogvendorandthestoreproprietress,thiswast


9、ddenlyfellintheuniversitylecture,hediedoftheheartdisease.Thenheneverreturnedtothestation.Afterward,Hatchiwaitedtheprofessorat5:00pmeveryday,waitedwaited.thenextday,thethirdday. Ten years later after Parker had died , when Parkers wife returned to their past house, she happened to see Hatchi still wa

10、iting at the train station. She was really moved by the faithful dog . Hachi was old but he still waited at the train station with the belief that Parker would be back some day as usual . And he died in this place . A little early before he died he dreamed of Parker . We all knew that this was unrea

11、l . It just implied that Parker came up to bring Hatchi to the heaven . Hatchi spent ten years waiting for his master , his only friend coming back . Ten years time, maybe it is just one-tenth of a human life, but for a dog that means the whole life. During those years Hatchi hadnt exact place to li

12、ve , just come and go to the train station everyday at the same place and time.StrayDognstray dog: adogwithoutahomeandadogthatneedsahomenA stray dog can simply be classed as a dog without an owner that is present or in control nMost stray dogs are family pets that have escaped nSome dogs may have be

13、en abandoned by their owners nThepuppiesweraiseathomearethemostblessed.Theyhavefood,placetosleep,tobeloveddearlybyitsfamily. Onthecontrary,thosestraydogswalkonthestreet,havenothingtoeat,andhavenoplacestohide.Besidestheyareworriedthecollisions(碰撞)碰撞)bycars,killedasmeatbypeople,andlivealifeoffear.From

14、theexpressionintheireyes,theyrevealsensesofunsafeanddistrusttowardhumanbeings. HeisastraydogHeisastraydog,nooneknowsnooneknowshisname,wherehecomesfromhisname,wherehecomesfromandhowlonghasherove.andhowlonghasherove.Canyourecognizewhatbreed(Canyourecognizewhatbreed(品品种)种)heis?heis?Heissohungrythatheca

15、ntstandupandhavetolietoeatfood.After eating, he gets enough energy to stand up. Acording to the witness, his former owner drived here and discared him merciless.Though he tried his best to catch up with the vehicle, but failed endly.This is a only harbor of refuge(避避风港)风港)during its vagrant life(流(流

16、浪生活)浪生活). Afterhalfofmonth,restoretheviewofSaintBernard(圣伯纳犬).Butoneday,theyarelostbyus,nomatterintentionallyorunintentionally.Theyrovingandroving,andwecallthemstarydogs.MostofthemRoving hungryly, Get a beaten, Have a euthanasia SomeofthemSomeofthemevenbemadeintoadeliciousdish.uChinamainland:straydo


18、uMylifeislikelytolasttentofifteenyears.Anyseparationfromyouwillpainfulforme.Rememberthatbeforeyoubuyme.Dontbeangryatmeforlonganddontlockmeupaspunishment.Youhaveyourwork,yourentertainmentandyourfriends.I have only youRememberbeforeyouhitmethatIhaveteeththatcouldeasilycrushthebonesofyourhand,butInever

19、choosetobiteyou.Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps Im not getting the right food, or Ive been out in the sun too long or my heart is getting old and weak.Dogshavebeenmoreandmorerecognizedbysocietyasvaluablemembers,especiallyintodayssociety.Pleasecareaboutdogsanddeliveryourlovetothem.Tothem,youarethegod!The public micro film about stray dog 彼此的彼此我知道我只是你生命中的万分之一,可你知道吗,你是我的唯一To you, i am the 1/10000but you knowyou are my only



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