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1、人称人称代词代词单数单数复数复数一一二二三三一一二二三三主格主格 I you he, she, it weyou they宾格宾格 me you him, her, it us you them物主物主代词代词单数单数复数复数一一二二三三一一二二三三形容形容词性词性物主物主代词代词myyour his, her, its ouryour their名词名词性物性物主代主代词词mine yours his, hers, its ours yours theirs反身代词反身代词单数单数复数复数第一人称第一人称 myself ourselves第二人称第二人称yourself yourselves

2、第三人称第三人称 himself, herself, itself themselves人称代词和物主代词的用法:人称代词和物主代词的用法:1 Who taught her (她她) English?- She taught herself (她自己她自己).2. This is your book, and that is mine (我的我的).3. Can you hear us (我们我们)?4. I saw it with my own (我自己的我自己的) eyes.5. Is this a friend of yours(你的你的) mine(我的我的) hers (她的她的)人

3、称代词做主语时的顺序:人称代词做主语时的顺序:1你,我他,你,我他, You , he and I2.我们和你们我们和你们 We and you指示代词的用法:指示代词的用法:-请问请问, 你是谁?你是谁?-我是我是Lucy。-Hello, whos that speaking?-This is Lucy speaking.我能跟我能跟Lucy 讲话讲话吗?吗?-May I speak to Lucy?人称代词的人称代词的it 可指天气,时间,距离,形式主语可指天气,时间,距离,形式主语/宾语等:宾语等:1. -谁在敲门?谁在敲门?-是我是我. Who is knocking at the d

4、oor?- Its me.3. 天就要下雨了。天就要下雨了。Its going to rain.4.大约十分钟的步行。大约十分钟的步行。Its about ten minutes walk.5. 对我们来说学习英语很重要。对我们来说学习英语很重要。Its important for us to learn English.我发现学习英语很重要。我发现学习英语很重要。I find it important for us to learn English. such/ so 的用法区别:的用法区别:1.Its such a hard problem that neither of the twin

5、s can work it out.2. Its so hard a problem that none of the students can work it out.注意:注意:that 和和those 分别可用来代替前面提到过分别可用来代替前面提到过的不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式,以防止重的不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式,以防止重复。但是如果是代替单数可数名词,应用复。但是如果是代替单数可数名词,应用the one.1.这里的天气比我国的天气冷的多。这里的天气比我国的天气冷的多。The weather is much colder than that of my country.2.

6、这个房间比隔壁的那间大一点。这个房间比隔壁的那间大一点。This room is a little bigger than the one next door.3.这里的轿车比香港的廉价多了。这里的轿车比香港的廉价多了。The cars here are much cheaper than those in HK. who/ what :1. Who is he? He is my brother.2.What is he?- He is a pilot. whose/ whom/ who1. I dont know the girl who are waiting for you.2. Th

7、e girl with whom I went to the Great Wall is my sister.3. That boy who comes from America is good at Chinese.4. That boy who/whom you are waiting for is my brother.疑问代词的用法:疑问代词的用法:1 teach oneself2 enjoy oneself3 buy oneself4 help oneself to5 look after oneself6 dress oneself1 自学自学2 玩的愉快玩的愉快3 给自己买给自己

8、买4 随便吃随便吃4 照顾自己照顾自己5 打扮打扮反身代词的反身代词的固定短语及固定短语及用法用法 one/ it/ ones/ 1.I bought a TV, but it didnt work now, so I had to choose a new one.2.Which boy is Tom?The one who is sitting near the door.3. My shoes are similar to the ones you have.4. One should try to think of others. no, no one/nobody, nothing,

9、 none1. There is nothing in the fridge.2. No one/ Nobody wants to go with you.3. None of us has been to Beijing.4. I have no time.5.How many apples are there in the bag?-None .6. Who is going to Beijing?- No one/ Nobody.7.Whats in the box?- Nothing . every, each1.- Is everyone here?Yes, no one is la

10、te.2. Each of you has a computer.3. We each have a computer.4. There is a bottle in each hand.5.There are trees on each/either of the road.6. Not every man can do it.一切都准备好了吗?一切都准备好了吗?Is everything ready?每三年每三年 every three years 每隔三年每隔三年 every other three years 专用专用some的情况:的情况:Would you like some wa

11、ter?Could you lend some money?May I ask some questions? 下面的单词或短语修饰可数还是不可数?下面的单词或短语修饰可数还是不可数?many +可数名词复数可数名词复数;much+不可数名词;不可数名词; a lot of/ lots of/ some+可数或不可数名词;可数或不可数名词; a little/ little +不可数名词不可数名词; a few/ few +可数名词可数名词 1. I have spent much money, so I have little left.2.Could you give me a littl

12、e milk?3. Few of the tourists want to go , because there is noting interesting.用用 a little/ little a few/ few填空填空 both, either, neither, all, none1.Do you speak English or French?- Neither. I speak Chinese.2. Neither of my parents is a teacher.3. Either of the twins has to stay at home , they cant b

13、oth go to the park.4. Both of my parents are teachers.5.-Which drink do you prefer, Coke or green tea? Either is OK./ Both are OK.6. All of my classmates have gone abroad.7. I took several (假设干,几个假设干,几个) kinds of medicine, but none of them worked.another 指三者以上不定数目中指三者以上不定数目中“另一个,又一个另一个,又一个, the othe

14、r +名词名词=the others 特指特指“另外的,另外的,其他的其他的 onethe other 指指 “一个一个另一个另一个 other+名词名词+others 泛指另外的人或物,泛指另外的人或物,1. I dont like this shirt, please show me another .2. one of my eyes is better than the other one.3. Children grow quickly in some ways but slowly in other ways.4. Some apples are good, but the oth

15、ers in the bag have gone bad.5. You like Changyuan so much, why not stay here for another two days? another+数字数字= 数字数字+more 表示表示 “再,又多少再,又多少1.Would you like tea or coffee?-_ is OK, I really dont mind.2.Is the woman a teacher?- Yes, she teaches _ English.3.Lily! You are so special that you seem diffe

16、rent from other girls.Everyone is different. So , just _! Its the best way of life.4.-_ is your teacher? The one in red. 5.Your mobile phone is quite nice. Where did you buy_? I want to buy_.6.Who is singing in the next room?- _ must be Maria. (None/ Neither/ Either/ Both) (you/ us/ our/ your) (enjoy yourself/ be yourself/ help yourself/ take care of yourself) ( one; one/ it; it/ one; it/ it; one)(What/ Where/ Which/ Whose) ( It/ She/ This/ There



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