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1、历年考题 1.Almost everything a manager does_ (involve ) decisions. Indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. (99.4) 答案是 involves. 考点: involve 为谓语动词,应该用一般现在时。a manager does 为省略了引导词 that 的定语从句修饰先行词 everything. 2.If there is no choice , there is no decision_ (make)。 (99.4) 答案是 to

2、 be made .考点:to be made 是动词不定式作定语修饰 decision. 3.Almost everything a manager does_decisions ; indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. (00.4)管理者所做的每件事几乎都与决策有关, 事实上,有些人认为管理过程就是作决策 A. imposes B. improvise C. involves D. indicates 答案为 C. 4.I have no idea whats standing_accomp

3、lishing our goals and objectives. ( 03.10)我不知道什么妨碍了我们的目标和目的 A.in the way of 妨碍 B.by way of 顺便问一下 C.on the way of D. in ones way of 答案为 A 5.For managers , every decision has constraints_(base) on policies, procedures, laws. (03.04) (04.10)对管理者来说,每项决策都受到基于政策、程序、法律、惯例等等因素的制约 答案为 based, 考点:过去分词短语作后置定语 6

4、.When _(present) with a common case , sales managers tend to see sales problems and production managers see production problems. (02.10)面对一件日常事件时,销售经理常易看到销售问题,生产经理则常易看到生产问题等等 答案为 presented. 考点: present 是过去分词短语作时间状语。 7.An organization is a group of people , and a decision_(make) today may have conseq

5、uences far into the future. (02.10)一个机构是一个发展中的实体,今天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响 答案是 made. 考点:make 是过去分词作定语,修饰 decision. 8.汉译英:通常管理者必须对未来的情况作出最佳的预测。 答案:Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be. 历年考题: 1.Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space _ which matte

6、r has fallen and _ which nothing can escape. A.towards towards B .into from C.out of from D.through from 答案是 B.考点:定语从句中介词+which 的结构;fall into 掉进去; escape from 从 逃离。 2.汉译英:要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的。(不定式作主语) 答案:It is impossible to say what happens inside the black hole. 3.汉译英: 只是在最近天文学家才开始对黑洞进行具体研究。(强调句型) 答案:

7、It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 4.汉译英: 有些星辰的密度达到某一点就会爆炸。 答案:Some stars explode when their density increases to a certain point . 历年考题: 1. The film _(show) Cees Van Wendels death was both moving and sensitive. (99.10) 答案: showing . 考点:showing 是现在分词作

8、定语修饰 the film . 2. Each time the programmer of Van Wendals last days before euthanasia was showed on TV , it starts a nationwide debate _ the subject. (99.10) A. for B. against C. on D. of 答案: C . 考点:词组 debate on 对 的争论。 3. 汉译英:每次播放这个节目,都引起对此话题的全国性大辩论。(99.10) 答案: Each time it is shown , this program

9、starts a nationwide debate on the subject. 4. 汉译英 : 据说那个病人曾要求医生助他一死。(00.10) 答案: The patient is said to have asked the doctor to help him die. ( 或者: It is said that the patient has asked the doctor to help him die . ) 4.历年考题 (1) When they get out of prison , they _ (increase) the level of their crimi

10、nal behavior. 答案:will increase . 考点:时间状语从句中主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。从句谓语动词是 get 一般现在时,所以从句用 will increase . (主将从现) (2) At the end of 1994 the British Government introduced new measures to help _ domestic workers from abuse by their employers.A. protect B. suspect C. expect D. inspect 答案是:A. 考点是:protect f

11、rom 保护 免受 (3)_ their differences , they fell passionately in love with each other. A. As for B. Owing to C. Despite D. Through 答案:C. 考点:despite 表示让步的关系。本句的意思是:尽管他们之间有分歧,但他们彼此深爱对方。 (四)历年考题 1.In the process of composition , it isnt easy to be inspired in a spontaneous way for long periods _ a stretch

12、A. at B. for C. over D. in 答案是 A. 考点:词组 at a stretch 一口气,连续不断的 2.汉译英 新音乐是由业已存在的材料构建出来的。 The new music was built out of materials already in existence. 3.汉译英:那时在大学生中流行的正是民间音乐。 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑

13、洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 It was folk music that was popular among college students at that time. 4.汉译英:不用说我们现在已不是生活在传统社会。 It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society. 历年考题: 1.Most todays robots are employed in the automotive industry , _ they are programmed to take ove

14、r such jobs as welding and spray painting. (99.4) A.as B.which C.when D.where 答案:D 考点:where 引导的非限定定语从句,修饰 automotive industry. 2.Robots differ from automatic machines in _ after completion of one specific task , they can be reprogrammed to be another one. (00.4) A.which B.that C.how D.whether 答案:B 考

15、点:in that 复合连词引导原因状语从句,表示“ 在于” 。 3.Robots , already taking over human tasks in the automotive field , are beginning _(see) in other industries as well. (00.4)(01.10) 答案:to be seen 考点:begin to do sth. 所以用动词不定式,而且用被动式。 4.Anyone _(want) to understand the industry of the future will have to know about r

16、obotics.(00.10)(01.4) 答案:wanting 考点:现在分词短语作定语修饰 anyone . 5.The nations that _ actively _(involve) in earthquake prediction programs include Japan, China, Russia, and the United States. 答案:are involved 考点:词组:be involved in sth. 6.汉译英:机器人将要在哪些领域替代人的工作呢?(00.10) 答案: In what field will robots take over h

17、uman tasks ? 7.It is not yet known _ computers will one day have vision as good as human vision . A.whether B.if C.that D.how 答案:A 考点:whether 引导的主语从句。 8.Robots, _(become) increasingly prevalent in factories and industrial plants throughout the developed world , are programmed and engineered to perfo

18、rm industrial tasks without human intervention. 答案:becoming 考点:现在分词作状语。 Robots , becoming _ (increase) prevalent in factories , are programmed and engineered to do more jobs. 答案:increasingly 9.There networks are on the _ for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an ea

19、rthquake.(01.10) A.eagerness B.alarm C.alert D.guard 答案:C 考点:Text B 中的短语 on the alert 10.汉译英:近年来,计算机在各个领域的应用越来越广泛。 In recent years, the application of computers is becoming wider and wider in all fields. In recent years, computers are used more and more widely in all fields. 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者

20、来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 In recent years, computers have been increasingly used in all fields. 四、历年考题 1.A good schedule must have a little give so that special projects can _(take) care of proper

21、ly. (99.4) 答案:be taken . 考点:情态动词的被动语态。 2.Since leisure is basically self-determined, one should get involved _ an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction. (99.4)A. in B. of C. towards D. with 答案: A . 考点:词组 get /be involved in 参与 ;卷入 3.The importance of these _ (vary) according to

22、 the nature of ones job and ones lifestyle. (99.10) 答案:varies 考点:一般现在时单数第三人称形式。 4.This will not only keep the study habit alive but also _ (keep) you up to date on your class assignments and projects. 答案:keep.考点:not only 与 but also 后的词的形式应一致。 5.The specific use of leisure _ from individual to indivi

23、dual. (00.4) A. ranges B. distinguishes C. varies D. covers 答案:C.分析:此题考查不及物动词 vary 的用法。搭配为:vary from to 各不相同。 6.The more time you waste , the _(easy) it is to continue wasting time. (00.4) 答案:easier. 考点:the more the more 句型,表示“ 越 越” 。 7.Such attitudes amount to a belief _ leisure can and should be p

24、ut to good use. (01.4) A. which B. if C. whether D. that 答案:that. 考点:that 引导同位语从句修饰 belief . 8.This will not only keep the study habit alive but also keep you up to _ on your class assignments and projects. (01.4) A. day B. date C. number D. time 答案:B. 考点:词组 up to date 最新的,keep you up to date 表示跟得上。

25、 9.汉译英:人们越来越关注休闲的机会。(99.4) 答案: People are increasingly concerned with opportunities for leisure. 10.汉译英:众所周知,即使同样的休闲活动,不同的人使用的方式也不同。(00.4) 答案:It is well known that even the same leisure activity may be used differently by different individuals. 历年考题 1.In practical application, concentration is not _

26、 the definition may imply. (99.4) A.as simple to deal successfully with as B.so simple to deal successfully with that C.simpler to deal successfully with as that D.as same simple to deal successfully with as 答案:A 考点:本题主要考查 as as 搭配表示“ 和。 一样” 。而选项 D 中 as 的后面还有一个词 same . 因为 same 表示的意思也是同样,与同样的意思与 as a

27、s 意义重复,因此不选 D. 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 2.Understand what Jet Lag is , and how a careful diet can minimize its worst effects, _. (99.10) A.your flight will be less stressf

28、ul B.and your flights will be less stressful C.or your flights will be less stressful D.in order that your flights will be less stressful 答案:B 分析:本句是一个 and 连接的并列句。因此只有 B 符合题意。 3.Coffee delays the body clock in the morning, and advances _ at night. (00.4) A.it B.them C.the coffee D.the body 答案:A 分析:本

29、句是个并列句,and 连接的两个句子结构应一致。因此,advances 后面的宾语应是 the body,而为了避免重复,因此用代词 it 代替。 4.汉译英:快速旅行对人体的影响比我们意识到的要大得多。(00.10) The effects of rapid travel on the human body are much greater than we realize. 5.The other timing system belongs in our internal clocks , which , left _, would tie the body to a 25-hour rhy

30、thm. (03.4) A.behind B.alone C.out D.aside 答案:B 考点:本题主要考查分词短语 leave alone,不管,不理,把放在一边。 四、历年考题 1.Your account of what happened yesterday approximates _ the real facts. (99.10) A. near B. of C. to D. upon 答案:C.考点:此题考查词组 approximate to 表示“ 与接近” 。 2.汉译英:正是由于出生率下降了,我们的社会才变得如此老龄。(99.10) It is because the

31、birthrate fell that our society had grown so old. 3.Nations are _ as “aged” when they have 7 percent or more of their people aged 65 or above. A. limited B. classified C. originated D. processed (00.4) 答案:B.本题考查词组:classify as 表示把 列为。 4.汉译英:一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,其人口便越老龄化。(00.10) The nearer a society approxi

32、mates to zero population growth, the older its population is. 5.If you are now _ , you ought to pay more attention to your health. (01.4) A. in the fifties B. in your fifties C. in fifties D. in your fifty 答案:B. 本题主要考查词组 in your fifties 表示“ 在你50岁时” 。 6.We know that we are getting even older , and th

33、at the nearer a society approximates to zero population Growth , the _(old) its population is likely to be. (01.10) 答案:older.本题主要考查“the + 形容词比较级。 the +形容词比较级” 的用法。 7.In his composition there were no other errors _ a few misspelled words. (02.4) 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案

34、为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 A. beside B. except C. then D. than 答案:D.本题主要考查词组“no other than ”的用法,表示“ 除了外,没有 ” 。 8.We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere _ (appreciate) of your help. (02.4) 答案:appreciation .

35、本题中 sincere 是形容词,因此后面接名词。Appreciate 是动词,其名词形式是 appreciation . 历年考题: 1.Victory in the eleven _(large) states alone would provide an electoral majority. (99.10) 答案:largest.此题主要考查 large 的最高级。 2.Even Democrat George McGovern , _ had the lowest level of party support among recent Nominees, was backed in

36、1972 by nearly 60 percent of his partys voters. (99.10) A.who B.whose C.that D.which 答案:A. who 引导的非限定性定语从句。 3.汉译英:这与其说取决于候选人的个人特点不如说取决于外部因素。(00.4) 答案:This depends on external factors rather than on a candidates personal characteristics. 4.In 1991, after the Gulf War , Bushs approval rating reached 9

37、1 percent , the highest level recorded since polling _ (begin) in the 1930s. (00.10) 答案:began.此题考查过去时,因为有一个明显的过去时间状语“in the 1930s”。 5.Americans have learned much about the way in which the system can be managed so as to _ the peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other. (01.4) A.make it p

38、ossible B.make possible C.make possibly D.make it possibly 答案:B.本题中 make 的宾语太长,所以放到了宾补 possible 的后面。“make possible” 表示“ 使成为可能” 。 6.In deciding _ a course of action , the candidate tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. (02.4) A.what to pursue B.which to pursue C.whether to pursue D.if to

39、 pursue 答案:C.分析:所要填的空是deciding 的宾语。而pursue 后面的宾语是a course of action. 选项 A “what to pursue”, what 是宾语。选项 B 中,which 也是作主语或宾语。选项 D. 语法结构不对,因此选 C. 7.A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election _ he has the support from the party faithful. ( 03 ,10 ) A.i

40、n that B.in which C.for which D.for that 答案:A “ 在于” (复合连词表示原因) 历年考题 1.The number of animals used in laboratory tests _ (decline) over the last 20 years. (99.10) 答案:has declined. 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要

41、说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 考点:本句中 over the last 20 years 是明显的表示现在完成时的时间状语。因此本句用现在完成时。 2.To assume the care for the pets can help bring _ the humanity in our children and even in us adults. (99.10) A.about B.in C.out D.up 答案:C. 考点: 本题主要考查词组 bring out 表示“ 使显示,显现;生产,使产生” 。 3.It is touching to see

42、how a cat or dog - especially a dog - itself to family and wants to share in all its goings and comings. (00.4) A.attributes B.applies C.assigned D.attaches 答案:D. 考点:本题主要考查词组 attach to 表示“ 把附加到,使与相关” 。 4.As research techniques become more advanced , the number of animals _ (use)in experiments may de

43、crease. (00.10) 答案:used. 考点:本题主要考查 used 过去分词 做定语修饰 animals. 5.Some people think that animal research is irrelevant _ our health and that it can often produce misleading results. (01.4) A.with B.at C.on D.to 答案:D. 本题主要考查词组 be irrelevant to 表示“ 与不相关” 。 6.汉译英:他的肤色与他是否是个好教授没有关系。 The color of his skin is

44、 irrelevant to whether he is a good professor or not. 7.As research techniques become more advanced , the number of animals used in experiments may decrease, but stopping _ (test) on animals altogether is a long way away. 答案:testing. 本题主要考查词组 stop doing sth. 停止做某事。 历年考题: 1.According to Dr. Kramer ,

45、_ people who appear in your dreams , _ you are on awakening. (99.10) A. as many as happy B. the more the happier C. the more the happier D. the most the happiest 答案:C.考点:本题主要考查 the + 比较级, the + 比较级,结构是“ 越 , 越” 2.Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough _ your minds eye , and you will be d

46、rawn toward it . (99.10) A.at B.in C.before D.in front of 答案:B.考点:本题主要考查词组 in ones minds eye 意思是“ 在脑海中,在心目中” 。 3.In the past two decades , research _(expand) our knowledge about sleep and dreams. (00.4) 答案:has expanded .本题主要考查现在完成时。“in the past two decades” 经常是表示现在完成时的时间状语。 4.It has been proved that

47、 their best ideas seem _ (occur) when they were relaxing. (01.4) 答案:to have occurred . 考点:本题主要考查 seem 后面要加动词不定式完成时作宾语。 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 5.汉译英:科学家正在研究为什么白日梦会有益于人们的健

48、康。(01.4) 答案:Scientists are studying why daydreaming is beneficial to peoples health. 6.A life _(live) without fantasy and daydreaming is a really poor life indeed. (02.4) 答案:lived .考点:lived 是过去分词作定语修饰 life . 词组“live a life ”表示过着样的生活。 历年考题: 1.The important of these _ (vary) according to the nature of

49、 ones life-style. (99.10) 答案:varies . 2.汉译英:将来还会有脑力劳动和体力劳动的区别吗?(00.04) Will there be any difference between the manual labor and the mental job in the future ? 3.A man can not be really happy if what he enjoys_ (do) is ignored by society as of no value or importance. (00.10) 答案:doing .考点:enjoy 后跟名词或

50、动名词作宾语。 4.汉译英:他被迫接受了一份他自己毫无兴趣的工作。 He is compelled to take a job which is of no interest to himself. 历年考题: 1.It was there, the police believe, _ she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag. A.until B.which C.that D.when 答案:C. 考点:本题主要考查强调句。 2.Her body, with hands and feet _ (bind) , was

51、discovered by a traveler early in the morning. 答案:bound . 考点:本题主要考查 with + 名词+ 过去分词 为独立结构做状语。 3.He will not make a _ on LaSanes side of the conversation . A.statement B.reference C.comment D.note 答案:C. 考点:本题主要考查固定搭配 to comment on “ 对评论” . 4.汉译英:这个小伙子偷偷把一块表塞进口袋,没让老师看到。 This Young man somehow slipped

52、a watch into his pocket without his teacher knowing it. 5.汉译英:那位生物学家相信,某些物种正在受到灭绝的威胁。 The biologist is convinced that some plants are threatened with extinction. 历年考题: 1.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of knowledge that contributes _ effective thinking and wise judgme

53、nt. (00.10) A.at B.in C.for D.to 答案:D. 考点:本题主要考查词组 contribute to “ 有助于 ” 译文:在教育方面,应当在知识的各个分支上有一个较好的平衡,它有助于有效思考和明智判断。 2.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. (02.4) 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是

54、一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最 A.to B.between C.for D.from 答案: D. 本题主要考查词组 distinguish from “ 从区别出” 。 译文:所有把鸟类和其他动物区分开的特征可以追溯到史前年代。 3.It is becoming increasingly clear to policy-makers _ schools cannot solve all the problems of the larger community. (0

55、2.10) A. that B. what C. when D. who 答案:A. 考点: 本句是一个主语从句,因此要填 that. 译文: 学校不能解决更大社区里的所有问题,这一点政策制定者愈来愈清楚了。 4.The continuing professional education of _ (high) educated adults will become a third tier in addition to undergraduate and professional or graduate work. (01.04) 答案:highly 本题主要考点:副词一般用于修饰动词、形容

56、词、副词。句中 educated 相当于形容词,所以要用副词修饰。 译文:在本科教育、专职和研究生教育之后还有高等学历成人的继续职业教育,这是第三种教育。 5.In some big cities in America , there are three or four elementary schools and secondary schools,_. A. with each within ones walking or bicycling distance. B. each within ones walking or bicycling distance. C. it is with

57、in ones walking or bicycling distance. D. with each that is within ones walking or bicycling distance. 答案:B 本题主要考点:主句是 there be 存在句型,A 、D 两项不能选,C 缺少连接词,B 项是名词+介词 独立主格结构, 其中 each 指代“ 每所学校” ,ones 是动名词的逻辑主语。 译文:美国的大城市中,有三到四所中小学,每所学校都很近,学生可以步行或骑自行车上学。 碍了我们的目标和目的妨碍顺便问一下答案为对管理者来说每项决策都受到基于政策程序法律惯例等等因素的制约答等等答案为考点是过去分词短语作时间状语一个机构是一个发展中的实体天所作的决策可能会对将来产生深远的影响定语从句中介词的结构掉进去从逃离汉译英要说出黑洞里面发生了什么是不可能的不定式作主语答案汉译英只是在最



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