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1、定语从句考点解析一、可以做定语的成分:She is a student.She is my student.She is a girl student.She is a clever student.She is an excellent 16-yearold giel student.She is an intcreNling student.She is the girl student ( who was) invited to the parly.She will be the only student to attend he iet。 门 Mion conference.She i

2、s the student who won the firsl prize in ihc English speaking compclilion.The girl student is studying in the classroom below.The girl student in tears was criticized by her headmaster just now.二、定语从句中的基本概念及知识例:( 2011 湖北八校一联) The plane may be several hours late,( 那样的话) theres no point inour waiting,

3、 ( case)in which case或and in that case三、定语从句的考点1 . 定从中判断是用关系代词还是关系副词( 毛键是判断句子成分)含occasion, situation, point, case, film, activity等特殊先行词2 . 非限制性定从( 含as的固定表达)3 . “whose引导的定从 与the +n. +of + which/whom”的转换或与“of + which/whom + the +n.”的转换4 . 表示整体与部分关系的定从:“ 数词/ 代词等+ of + which/whom”5 . 介词+ 关系代词( which/who

4、m/whose) ( 含完全倒装的知识)6 . 先行词是way, reason后面的定从的几种情况7 . that引导的定从与同位语从句之间的区分问题8 . 一些基本的定从中的注意事项:I 指物时用which不用that的情况 I I I 指人时用who不用that的情况I I 指物时用that不用which的情况 IV 指人时用that不用who的情况四、具体解析( 一)定从中判断是用关系代词还是关系副词( 关键是判断句子成分)含occasion, situation, point, case, film,activity等特殊先行词1 . 关系代词还是关系副词?Ill never forg

5、et the year 1976 that / which was full of sadness.My parents dont remember the exact date when I was born.I still remember the day ( which / ihal) we spent together.I still remember the day when we played together.Do you know the reason why/for which he was absent?Have you asked her for the reason w

6、hich / ihal may explain her absence?He gave the reason which / that was unreasonable.What is the reason ( which / that) he raised?I have reached a point in my life when / where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.Rice grows in the south where the weather is warm.比较: Rice grows where the weathe

7、r is warm.2 . 含occasion, situation, point, case, film, activity等特殊先行词( a)几个特别的先行词后的定语从句 Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity where sight matters more than hearing. After graduation she reached a point in her career where she needed to decide what to do. There are many situ

8、ations where our ability to be honest, responsible and reliable is put to the test. Please describe an occasion when someone gave you important help in a difficult situation. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Before 1 could recognize who she was, she had run back inthe direction where she

9、 had come.( b)练习:74 . ( 赤壁一中2013届高一( 下)英语周测一) Its helpful to put children in a situation( 他们可以看待) themselves differently, ( see) where they can see79 .( 湖北省咸宁市2010-2011 学年度下学期期末考试)The present children are especially fond of telling lies totheir parent s, ( 在这种情况下) parents should attach more importan

10、ce to their inner desires, ( case)in which case练习重温: This is not the case( 我所谈论) . ( lalk) Can you think of a case? ( 你被不公正对待) ( treat) They came to a position_ ( 他们必须决定) what to do next, ( decide) Generally speaking, the media can help solve problems and draw attention to the cases( 需要帮助) . ( need)

11、Keys: ( that) Im talking about; where you were treated unequally; where they had to decide; where help is needed( 二) 非限制性定从( 含as的固定表达)1. ( 2010湖北,80)( 正如我们强调的那样) many times, Hserve the people1 1 is our first policy,( stress)Key: As we have stressed/As has been stressed2. ( 2011 湖北黄冈中学、黄石二中联考) Its li

12、kely that such a question, if it can be called a question,( 你提的) , cant be answered by any human beings, ( raise)Key: as you have raised3. Dont talk about such things_ you do not understand.A. that B. where C. which D. as4. Ill never forget such an attractive city_ I spent many happy hours with my p

13、arents.A. that B. where C. because D. as( 三) whose引导的定从 与the +n. +of + which/whom” 的转换或与“of + which/whom + the +n.”的转换1. ( 2010湖北华师一附中五月适应性训练) Willie has complained to the sales manager about the PC he bought( 其屏幕爆炸) for no reason yesterday, ( explode)2. ( 湖北省咸宁市2010-2011学年度下学期期末考试, 76) George Orwel

14、l,( 真名是)Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays during his lifetime, ( name)Keys: 1. whose screen exploded或the screen of which exploded或of which the screen exploded2. whose real name was或the real name of whom was或of whom the real name was( 四)表示整体与部分关系的定从1. ( 2011 湖北武汉部分学校联考) There are tw

15、o thousand students in our s c hool , ( 其中三分之二) are girls,( whom)2. ( 2011 湖北武昌 11 月调研) The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%( 80%的产品销往国外) . ( sell)3. The old man has two sons,( 年长的那个是位医生) 。( elder)Keys: 1. of whom two thirds或two-thirds of whom; 2. of which are sold abro

16、ad; 3. the elder of whom is a doctor( 五)介词+ 关系代词( which/whom/whose) ( 含完全倒装的知识)1. ( 2009湖北,80) Learning strategies, to( 老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawnenough attention of students, ( attach)2. ( 2010湖北黄冈中学五月二模) The house( 他付了) a large sum of money last year is nowworth twice as much. ( pay)3.

17、(2012年第27期双语报) She is looking for her mobile phone,( 没有它她觉得) as if shewere cut off from the outside world, (feel)Keys: 1. which (the) teachers attach/have attached; 2. for which he paid; 3. without which she feels4. We arrived at a farm house_( 一位老男人坐在其前面) . ( sit)5 .1 stay at the hotel( 一个小花园坐落其后)

18、. ( lie)6. There used to be a mount ai n, ( 山里有座庙) ( stand)Keys: 4. in front of which sat an old man; 5. at the back of which lies a small garden; 6. on the top of which stood atemple( 六) 先行词是reason , w ay后面的定从的几种情况选修六Unit 2中学过一个由定句型The reason why/for which is/was that 意 为 ” 的原因是”1 . 我迟到的原因是我错过了早班车。

19、The reason why I was late was that I missed the first bus.2. reason做先行词后面的定从的几种情况:1) Do you know the reason why/for which he was absent?2) Have you asked her for the reason which / that may explain her absence?3) He gave the reason which / that was unreasonable.练习:4) The reason( 他向我解释的) the other da

20、y is that he was ill.5) Can you tell me the reason( 汽车坏掉) ? (break)6) The reason( 汽车坏掉) caused the accident, (break)Keys: 4) (that) he explained to me; 5) why/ for which the car broke down; 6) that Ihe cai broke down注: 句6 s 中的that从句时同位语从句,而不是定语从句。练一练:用适当的关系词填空。1) . Do you know the reason he is absen

21、t? 你知道他为什么不在吗?2) . He gave the reason was unreasonable.他给出一个没道理的理由。3) . What is the reason he raised?他提出的理由是什么?4). Have you asked her for the reason may explain her absence?5). The reason Steven Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low.Keys: 1). why/for which; 2).

22、that/ which; 3). (that/which); 4). that/ which; 5).why/for which3. way做先行词后面的定从的几种情况:Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression4选修六Unit 2)in a w ay以一种方式此时例句中的way在定从中充当主语;再如:e.g.: We should help the poor student in a way that wont hurt his sel

23、f-respect.说明:当先行词way在定从中充当主语时,关系词可以用that/which( 除非有些情况中way被最高级或者some等修饰时就只能用that而不能用which了,详见第( 八) 点第II条) . 当先行词way在定从中充当表语时,关系词只能用that.先行词是way的时候,且在定从中充当状语,则关系词有三种:that/in which/无先行词是way的时候,且在定从中充当宾语,则关系词有三种:thal/which/省略练一练:用适当的关系词填空。1) I dont understand the way they worked out the problem.2) I do

24、nt like the way he often uses to speak to me.3) The way he explained to me was simple.4) The way he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.5) He suggested that we should solve the problem in a way_ was peaceful.Keys: 1). that/in which/无; 做状语 2). that/which/省略; 做宾语 3). that/whic

25、h/省略 做宾语; 4). that/in which/无;做状语5). that/which;做主语( 八 ) 一些基本的定从中的注意事项:I 指物时用which不用that的情况1) . 指物,关系代词在介词后。如: 2 ).先行词本身就是that时。1 will never forget the day on which 1 joined the army. What is that which flashed in the sky just now?II指审时用that不用which的情况:1)先行词是all, little, few, much, anything, everythi

26、ng, nothing, none, no one, some等不定代词。Is there anything that I can do for you?2)先行词被 all, every, no, some, little, few, much, one of, the only, the very, the right等 所修饰时。The only thing that he could do was waiting.3)先行词前有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。This is the first film that Ive ever seen. The best place that the

27、y visited was Beijing.4)先行词中既有人又有物时。We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited.5)先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 修饰时。The last place that they visited was Beijing.6)在疑问词who, which, what开头的句子中, 要用that。Whoever that is content with a little progress cant make bi

28、g achievements.7)关系代词在定语从句中作表语只用that。He is no longer the man that he used to be.This is no longer the dirty place that it used to be.8)主句是there be句型时。如:There is a table in the corner that is still free.9)有两个定从,一个定从的关系代词已用w hich,另一个要用that.如:They have set up a factory which produces things that have n

29、ever been seen before.H I指人时用who不用that的情况注意,先行词是人时一般不受上述II中提到的只能用只at情况的限制。但是:当主句是以w h o开头的特殊疑问句时, 为了避免重复,最好不用who来引导定语从句, 而用that( 宾格可以用whom)来引导。b .当先行词是one, ones, anybody, anyone, all, none, those等, 指人时一般用w ho,不用that.Those who want to go to the cinema will have to wait at the gate of the school.c .当先

30、行词和定语从句相隔离时宜用who。I met a foreigner in the street yesterday who could asked me questions in Chinesed .当一个句子带有两个定语从句时,其中一个用that另一个宜用who。The man that you met in the street yesterday is the one who stole your wallet.IV指人时用that不用who的情况在以疑问词who开头的句子中, 或关系代词在从句中作表语时, 用th at,不用who.Who is the man that is sho

31、uting there?She is not the girl that she used to be.定语从句完成句子练习1. ( 正如我们强调的那样)many times, serve the people, is our first policy, ( stress)2. Learning strategies, to( 老师们认为)importance, have not yet drawn enough attention ofstudents, ( attach)3. The city( 我成长的)is very hot and damp in summer.4. Between

32、the two parts of the concert is an interval,( 那时候听众可以购买)ice-cream, ( buy)5. English is a language shared by several diverse cul t ures,( 每种文化使用)it somewhat differently.6. A bank is the place( 他们借给你)an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when itbegins to rain, ( lend)7. Julie was good at Ger

33、man, French and Russi an,( 她都讲)fluently, ( speak)8. It is the most instructive lecture( 参 力 口 )since I came to this school, ( attend)9. The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people,( 其中很多人离开)their village homes for abetter life in the city, ( leave)10. After graduating from college, I took some tim

34、e off to go t ravel l i ng,( 结果它是)a wise decision,( turn)11. The newly-built cafe,( 其墙壁被粉刷) light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especiallyafter hard work, ( paint)12. Could I speak to( 无论谁负责) International Sales please? ( charge)13. Theyve won their last three matches,( 我觉得这很惊讶) actually

35、, ( find)14. ( 众所周知) is that Africa had contacts with India from the earliest times, ( know)15. Oh! The Geli times is comi ng! ( 据报道) , Geli, a new Chinglish word, has been shown on the NewYork Times as well as China Daily, ( report)16. In order to make the coffee clean and tidy, the secretary threw

36、 away all the n e ws p a p e r s , ( 其中有一些从未被看过) . ( read)17. Ill go back to the place( 把我养大的) and live forever, ( bring)18. My sisters,( 她们的照片我给你看过) yesterday, will come to see us this evening, ( show)19. The plane may be several hours late,( 羽 K 样的话) theres no point in our waiting, ( case)20. The

37、factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%( 产品销往国外) . ( sell)21. Fruit and vegetables are grown in areas_ ( 有充足雨水的地方) . ( be)22. Yesterday we listened to a speech made by the professor, ( 他的研究旨在) improvingagriculture. ( aim)23. A number of children( 父母遇难 了的) in the earthquake wer

38、e sent to live with families inother cities, ( kill)24. The house( 他付T ) a large sum of money last year is now worth twice as much, ( pay)25. Willie has complained to the sales manager about the PC he bought( 其屏幕爆炸) for no reasonyesterday, ( explode)26. Its likely that such a question, if it can be

39、called a quest i on, ( 你提的) , cant be answered by anyhuman beings, ( raise)27 . 1 called the clothing agent( 我发现她的电话号码) on the Internet. ( find)28. All the students show respect for their English teacher, ( 在他的帮助下) they have made greatprogress, ( assistance)29. There are two thousand students in our

40、 school,( 其中三分之二) are girls, ( whom)30. A healthy diet should include a variety of food,( 大部分富含) nutrients, ( rich)31. There are many kinds of birds on the island, and over 140 species of snakes,( 其中许多) areextremly ganderous. ( many)32. It was at the church( 我领你参观) last weekend that the accident too

41、k place, ( show)33. Medical researchers have painfully realized that there are many probl ems( 他们没有找至U ) anysolutions so far. ( find)34. According to their memory, the couple finally arrived( 他们偶遇的地方) each other for the firsttime. ( come)35. Mr. Smith,( 从他的书店) we bought a dictionary yesterday, has b

42、een working non-stop formaking donation to the poor, ( whose)Keys:I. As we have stressed/As has been stressed2. which ( the) teachers attach/have attached3. in which/where I grew up4. when the audience can buy ( 或者 during which the audience can buy)5. each of which uses6. where they lend you7. all o

43、f which she spoke8. that I have attended9. many of whom left 或 of whom many left10. which turned out ( to be)11. the walls of which are painted 或 whose walls are painted12. whoever is in charge of 或 anyone who is in charge of13. which I find a bit surprising14. What is known to all 或 What we all kno

44、w15. As is reported 或 as has been reported16. some of which had never been read17. where I was brought up18. whose photosl showed (to) you 或 the photos of whom I showed (to) you19. in which case 或 and in that case20. of which are sold abroad21. where there is enough/adequate water22. whose research

45、was aimed at (或 the research of whom was aimed at)23. whose parents had been killed24. for which he paid25. whose screen exploded26. as you have raised27. whose phone number I found 或 Whose phone number I had found28. with whose assistance 或 with the assistance of whom29. of whom two thirds 或 two-thirds of whom30. most of which is rich in 或 most rich in (独立主格结构)31. many of which32. (that/which) I showed you around33. to which they havent found34. (at/in the place) where they came across35. from whose bookshop/bookstore



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