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1、英国本科教学模式英国本科教学模式吴宗杰 浙江大学全国高校教师网络培训中心(文科)综合式(integrative)与集合式(collective)精英教育:apprenticeship导师制潜课程:visible and invisible (课堂仅仅是大学文化的一部分)跨学科文化多样性批判思维可选择最好的老师作为导师(兴趣一致)课堂是一种见面制度的安排制定共同的研究性学习计划(学生兴趣引导)课堂的核心是学生汇报教师的作用是“诊断”与阅读引导提问甚于答案课堂结束时不是带着知识而是带着一系列待研读的问题离去个性化辅导决策讲座活动课程考试The purpose of these courses is

2、 to allow students to pursue interests which are not represented in, or central to, established courses, subject to the availability of qualified staff. Students will engage in a programme of supervised reading and produce an extended piece of coursework .Anyone interested in taking either of these

3、courses should discuss the matter with a member of staff before enrolling. Please note that in order to enrol for an Please note that in order to enrol for an independent study unit you must normally have: independent study unit you must normally have: (i) (i) decided on a topicdecided on a topic, a

4、nd , and (ii) obtained the agreement of (ii) obtained the agreement of a member of staff a member of staff to supervise youto supervise you. . 每周听五次课定期与导师和同学见面(tutorials)每周一篇论文(图书馆研究)学位方案学位方案(Scheme)(Scheme)(文学与历史、语言学)(文学与历史、语言学)专业模块(专业模块(ModulesModules):某一领域的课程:某一领域的课程集合(语言描述、文学批评,比较文化)集合(语言描述、文学批评

5、,比较文化)课程(课程(CourseCourse):文学批判、:文学批判、英国法律制度、话语分析、英国法律制度、话语分析、视觉艺术(就是国内理解的课程)视觉艺术(就是国内理解的课程)方向性导入必修课方向性导入必修课研究专题选修课研究专题选修课跨学院课程跨学院课程高级讲座高级讲座Tuesday, 31 January 2012Tuesday, 31 January 2012Title: Title: Cultural identity and Language Shift in the Romanisation of ItalySpeaker: Speaker: Dr David Langslo

6、w, ManchesterVenue: Venue: Iannou School of Classical and ByzantineTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:45 pmSummary: Summary: Strengths and weaknesse of the linguistis evidenceTuesday, 7 February 2012Tuesday, 7 February 2012Title: Title: Linguistic Diversity in Ancient CyprusSpeaker: Speaker: Dr Philippa Steele

7、 CambridgeTuesday, 21 February 2012Tuesday, 21 February 2012Title: Title: Southern Gaul and the MediterraneanAlex Mullen (Oxford) Speaker: Speaker: Alex Mullen (Oxford) Tuesday, 28 February 2012Tuesday, 28 February 2012Title: Title: Was Greek a killer language?Speaker: Speaker: Stephen Colvin (UCL)T

8、uesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) : : Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speak

9、er: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: S

10、peaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeake

11、r: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSp

12、eaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egy

13、ptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique

14、 EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Ant

15、ique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late

16、 Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and

17、Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman

18、and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graeco-Ro

19、man and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in Graec

20、o-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism in G

21、raeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraphism

22、in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and bigraph

23、ism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and big

24、raphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism and

25、 bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: Tuesday, 6 March 2012Tuesday, 6 March 2012Title: Title: Bilingualism

26、 and bigraphism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique EgyptSpeaker: Speaker: Luigi Prada (Oxford) Venue: Venue: Ioannou School of Classical and Byzantine Studies, 66 St GilesTime: Time: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSummary: Summary: Abstract: Abstract: 就业去向:法律、银行、广告、公务员、出版、记者、媒体、教育、博物馆历史:相关课程(考古学、人类学、艺术历史、古籍)历史与经济历史

27、与英语:相当于文史专业历史与外语历史与政治艺术历史导师帮助如何选好专业至关重要。不要求学生已经有这方面的知识,而是一种兴趣,执着包括阅历。Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford Archaeology and Anthropology at Oxford Oxford is a leading centre for research and teaching in archaeology and anthropology. Six institutions specialise in these subjects:Institute of Archaeol

28、ogy Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Ashmolean Museum Pitt Rivers MuseumOxford University Museum of Natural History, Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art. 每一模块下有10-30门课,模块体现的是课程资源Accounting & FinanceEconomicsEntrepreneurshipManagementManagement ScienceMarketingOrga

29、nisation, Work & Technology超学科特色超学科特色目的: 促进欧洲不同国家间文化的比较认识。任何外语专业的学生都可以选择,由兰开斯特大学欧洲语言系开设。卡塔兰语言(西班牙某一地区的语言,旨在从语言认识文化)欧洲日常生活文化文化理解影院与欧洲及拉美社会20世纪世界文学作者及其文本1945年来法、德、西经济与社会变化FREN 233: Shaping Contemporary France: Culture, Politics and the Legacy of HistoryGERM 233: Becoming German: identity-formation in

30、modern German society and cultureSPAN 233: Power and Resistance in Spain and Spanish America: From the Spanish Empire to the 21st CenturyITAL 233: Troubled Rebirths: A Cultural History of Italy 一年级:外语模块1(外语+文化导论);外语模块2;电影研究模块(当代艺术研究院开设)二年级:高级外语模块;特定外语文化模块;比较文化模块;电影文化模块;其他模块三年级:高级外语模块;电影文化论文;其他模块课程目标

31、设定(专题化、研究化)课程的实施(讲座与讨论会)活动课程(田野与设计)教材观考试观课堂观案例观ENGL 203: VICTORIAN LITERATURE ENGL 203: VICTORIAN LITERATURE 维多利维多利亚文学亚文学ENGL 307: LITERATURE AND FILM ENGL 307: LITERATURE AND FILM 文学与电文学与电影影CREW 205: POETRY, GENRE AND PRACTICE CREW 205: POETRY, GENRE AND PRACTICE (reading poems, discussing poems an

32、d writing poetry 读诗、论诗与写诗)目的不在于含盖(cover)知识,而是让学生对要含盖的知识产生个人的兴趣教师presentation(鼓励打断提问):目的抛出议题或展示核心内容(讲课灵魂在即兴中)Pair (or group) discussion:学生消化与交流准备)Comments与提问(引子,教师会应对)Whole class interaction(高潮,教师淡出)总结与assignment组织形式(10到20人,每个同学都能被关注到)完全由学生组织助教组织教师组织成功与否取决于:讲座时的问题是否布置清晰,课外阅读任务是否明确;讨论时是否形成共同兴趣点,并围绕它自由

33、发言每个同学展示自己的学习成果(阅读理解)田野调查案例设计社会能力Teamwork 合作精神Leadership书目代替课本核心篇目与支撑篇目综述与研究论文同一内容尽可能用不同书的不同章节来展现有一个问题贯穿在整个书目中Select Bibliography:Select Bibliography:S Ackroyd (2002) The Organisation of Business. OUP.S Clegg (1990) Modern Organisations. Sage.M Reed (1992) The Sociology of Organisations. Harvester W

34、heatsheaf.H Tsoukas and C Knudsen (2003) The Oxford Handbook of Organisation Theory. OUP.Main textbook:Main textbook:Myers, G. (1994) Words in ads. Arnold Also recommended: Also recommended: Cook, G. (2001) The discourse of advertising 2nd ed. Routledge Gieszinger, S. (2001) The history of advertisi

35、ng language: the advertisements in The Times from 1788-1996. Peter Lang. Goddard, A. (1998) The language of advertising: written texts. Routledge. Hermeren, L. (1999) English for sale: a study of the language of advertising. Lund U.P. Leech, G. (1966) English in advertising: a linguistic study of ad

36、vertising in Great Britain. Longman. (A more detailed reading list will be made available at the start of the course.) 牛津大学艺术史专业First University examinations: Three written papers and one extended essay Final University examinations: Four or five written papers, one or two extended essay(s) and one

37、thesis 理解媒体(语言学领域)Portfolio based on seminar tasks Term 1 (15%) plus mark for submitting weekly portfolio tasks by the deadlines (5%) plus essay (25%) plus exam (55%).语言与广告:Poster presentation (25%) project essay (45%), exam on key concepts from the lectures/readings (30%)只有diversity才能有思维交锋,别人的发言才能引




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