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1、初中英语外研版七年级下册 Modle-Wht-nyou-d-单元练习 作者: 日期: 初中英语外研版七年级下册dule2 at can you d? 单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共0 小题;共 2分) . 听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) 1. A. rightB. wite C. white A. findB. rienC. knd 3.A. hB. ishC. ish . . by B. beC. bu . skirt B. shirtC. skn . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5 分) 6. A. Surfing the Intnet.

2、 B. Radin a book.C. Sudying n h room. 7. A tae.B A worker C singer. 8. Pers.B. Stawbries C Apples 9 . Sh is tall. B he has hot ai. C he ha i nos. 1. A. A homeB. estaran . At school. . 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 听第一段对话,回答第112 题。 1. Wat lub oes Jack want t join? A. Te singig clb. . Te chess cub C. T

3、he painting lub. 12. Wht can Jk do? A Play the guita. Sing. C. Paint 听第二段对话,回答第315 题。 13. Wat are thy talking bout? A. A picure B. A e. C. spors meting. 14. What ca ac d? . Pay fal. Play basketbl.C Pay tnns. 5. cn swim well? A ve B. Lily.C Linda . 听短文,完成表格信息。短文读两遍。(5 分) Li H ay Age e s 16. yes ld ct

4、ity H 7. at :5. ood e usualy as bread and 18 or rakfast. Ho He ges to schol with his fiend 19. . Clase e ha thre lases in h 20. . 6. 17. . 19. 20. 二、单项选择(共 5 小题;共 5 分) -Can yo ply he pano? - Yes , , and Im good at it A. ma B. can C nedD mut 2. -you ly gf? -No. But I an lay tale tenni. A. Can . MayC.

5、 Must Ned 23. - you ie? - No, cat. Bu I larn drive net year. I m ot sur. Wil; ay B. Can; may C. Sd; udD Can; must 4. l ke ask tball, bu w I lik tnni. A. to ply; payingB. plying; layi C. payin; to playD to plain; to pain 2. e you ln(种植) tree on March 12th? . rd B. redy ith C ready n . ready to 三、单词拼写

6、(单句首字母填空)(共 10 小题;共 10 分) 26. Ss helpful. hes alws to help . Gia scarf vy b . like vey muc. . I cn play the gutar bu cant lay the . 2 My thr ls o a bike to work. 30. Of all the teams, ous go te b ra. 31. Paul is qit inerestd in footll. Nw he is a member of a fotball c . 32. Kon Linghui s god at payn

7、g tabl . 33. Bob is te catai(队长) f h sool sktball t . 3. If o p soehing to ohes, ou mus ry your bes ep it. 5. My othe Englh at a sool. 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共0 小题;共 1分) 36. Lisen, hw (美妙) the muic is! 37. S is te (最好的) runne i our cls. 38. D you hve a (网球)? 9. o (担忧) out me. I an e it! Sally sid to er

8、parnts. 0. I thk ts not sy to b a ood (班长) 41. Suzy plays basketall I think s wil et into t schl tem ext (学期). 42. Trust m. ll keep t betwen you and me, (承诺). 4. r te ope air has made my fatr vey (健康的). W alway keep our clsrom clen and (整洁) 45. -Ca ou help me, Kate? - (当然) Im coming. 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子

9、)(共 5 小题;共0 分) 6. M (不能忍受) the CDs that is thr playsthre o nis. 47. 贝蒂想加入舞蹈俱乐部。 (词数不限) ety on the Dne Clu 48. 不要担心你们的未来。会很美好的。(词数不限) yor futur. It will e brllant 4. 我们已经准备好去滑冰了。 e are eady . 50. 汤姆和他的朋友相处得不好。 Tm dosnt hs frinds 六、完形填空(共 10 小题;共 1分) A obby i a od thin. Chldren shuld have 5 . Chilen c

10、 52 these obies ino adthod(成年). 53 sul help tei ildren get hob r two Ad cdre shu 5 t hbby. Parents ct for(强迫) a hoby ono their ildrn, 5 i snt a hoby tn How can prns hep thi cldren 6 hbbie? Here are oe 7 . Pars shol 58 o teir childrn aut hbi. Prent shuld aso thi chin hir on oes. In fac, uestang obbie

11、 is not 6 for hilre. Fn a oby for chidrn s not difficu, ither. 51 A dramB. ike. bgs. hbie 52. A. angeB omeC. maD. cary 53 . Docor Teachers . Prns D. armer 54.A met B. ed smile D. lik 5 A. beaue B. butC. thughD. if 6.A. teachB ind. kill cloe 7.A ideasB. lssons C. questin D plans 58A sakB. sy. alk D.

12、tll 59.A mak B hep . showD. need .A. ffiulB excitingC. importantD. intin 七、阅读理解(共 18 小题;共 36 分) A Peter oe t ee his iend Nw Yok. His fin i in n art club there. Peer goes there for h t ime, so he dosnt know Ne Yor ey wll. An cant id hs way to t rt ub. A gir is a a bus sp. He wks to h ad as, xuse me,

13、cn u tel me the way t ee Street? he i s riend. She sile, but he cant speak Englsh Sh n speak rench. Sh is lso ew ee. She taks out small tbook from her ba and rites somehin n it I m sorry. I can t sp Enlis 61. eter goes t New Yo t . A. fid a jo. se te girl . r i th at clubD se hi friend 6 Pete friend

14、 wrk in . A. a ar cu B. a school a ches clb D a us sp 63 Peter cnt find his w becuse(因为) . A. he s new in Nw r. h ant ee hing C h ol D. he is ired 4. Whs te maig friendl i iese? A. 生气的 B. 热情的 冷淡的D 友好的 65. Which of following is IGH? A. Te i at te bu stop i an ecan. B he grl c hep Peter . Th irl cant

15、help ee. D. Te gl gis the ntebo to Peter. B T w hby is an itesting word. Eey per has oe h he o he iks to do for fun(娱乐). ome people lk to ollt(收集) hing l saps or sto boks. te lie pa fooball or go window oping were yu c lok at man autifu this without buing them. I hve mny hobies d or fun I smims pla

16、gof with my sns. pay tenis wit al he aml. I ik t lect mui books I lso llet musical instuments(乐器) rom hina ike t erhu, he dzi, th xao, te uona, an he pia. These are h istumens of Chna wi cannot be foun n erica My favouie hobb s fihng. like to g an se m bther i the state(州) of Alas whee fihig wonderu

17、 The two of us take a boat n o to a small ier were sh for slm, eric mos famus fish. 6. The word hoby means collet tam . playin tnnis ith you ies C. sting ou enjy doin n or free tim D. omthing you can see at te wiow shping 67 hat the wries most lkd hobb? A Paying glf with hi so. B ing C. Clletin Ciee

18、 usil instuments. D. Clleing msic oos. 68 alon A. a rer e eople can o ihing B. a tow ear Alaska C. a kd o instment D. a d o fh C Bll was a o of 1. His paets idn cae aut h. Bill ften sept i clas ad always faed in his xams. Nither his techs o his classes like him. One day, Mis Jons, a new eacer, ae Bi

19、l s cass. She ba he lessn he asked a queson “I d li te saes oy to nswer my qustion.” en he id lodly, “Bil, please!” Bill was surrisd. d he stood up ihout a word “Jut r it! I beliv ou cn!” She encurged(鼓励) Bill. After sco, iss Jones h long tl it Bill. Se od hi that she aed about hm nd ieved in him il

20、l tough ot tat evnig. Fom te on, e okd har ad Miss es helpd hi wit s homework in he afternoon. Se ven cooked for im La, ill ad another exam. H was ey exited to pas the ex. A chane oo lace n Bills hea. 69. At fist, likd Bl A. Bil arets. Blls eachers . Bils lamaes D. n ne 70 Bill wy failed i the exam

21、ese e . A. set in clasB tlkd i clss C. didnt answe qustons. didnt o t hoo 71. iss Jone cnged Bll by doing hoework fr him B. ncourgng an elpg him C. giing ill noth exa D. cookng delicous fo for him 72 From the passage we ca ea A. Mss es as lvng nd aefl eahr Bills paets cared bout hm ery muc C. ss Jon

22、s loved to aswer Bills quion D Bill didn ike to play ith hs clasmas 7 Wich my the est te or the assage? A. Paets DayB. Lay By C. A Boys Chane D. A Stict Teacher Th Chnese tae tennis team beg to ma nother start on Snday The worl hamionsips oened in Shana ad China wnts t win everthng. h mpitio i held

23、evey two yas and run until ay . At the chapionshi in 001, Chia ok all h itles in saka, Japan. But t st the mes le at te next caminsh in aris Mo dsappointmn fllowed a te 04 Oympc mes: Sout Koan Ru eug Min beat Chas an Ha in the men inle final S ts tie he Chnese tabe enns ta maks up heir mind t get th

24、is title again. Cai Znhua, h o the able tenns d dmintn iitraio Center (乒羽管理中心), as set Cinas goal: “W mut win back te ns single ties t n st” Worl .1 Wang Lii i wdely expeced to tke th et ng, fom Sagai, fist wo in 20 ha il face ltle chalge in winning th es sigle d obles, mn dules and mi dubes ils thi

25、s tie gin. There will be 574 plers fro 10 countries Thas rcod for the worl campionshi 4. T ta le ennis champ on ip s held in the years xcept . A 200. 01 C. 2003D. 004 5. Chia won th mens singls at . . the chaminsp in 2001 B. th cminshi in 2003 . the 004 Oym GaesD. te cmponsip in 2005 6. a doe all th

26、 title ma? A Too rt in all he ms t th caionsp . Won he woens ngles ad dubl, ens ingles nd ubes ad mxe dule C. Tok ll the layers of he Cinee tabl tnnis te tre D. Won eery ear 7. e chamionip in 003 was he in . A. Japa B. Chia. FracD. erman 7. in will face geat alleg in ts . A. the ens tites B. he mixe

27、 dls . the mes dobles D. he omen oubles 八、短文选 5(5 选 5 等)(共 4 小题;共 8 分) Round ir is a lov ly bird. He has big bod ut little wing 79. very day, he praties flying in may ways. t he stil n ly. 0. s ve ard for a ittle br to clim up the tr, but e des i 8. H kep on faping, bt h jst can fly. Luckily, thee r

28、e may leaes on t grund and h dosnt get urt He cli b up and sit o m. He nks a lo . . At st, he knows tha even tho e iss hrd and tries rd, ere are us som his some irds cant o. Roun Bd sys to hisef, I secial and I an y d sme speil tngs. H cn fl, bu he wants to l lke other birds. B e sts n the tre and f

29、laps(拍打) his win. C. He orks ver had. D Then he thinks t y be eter t ue he e. E O his way om, e keep on thinkng. 九、阅读与表达(问答式)(共小题;共0 分) ad dad are the most important peoe i your lfe. They hv ee loing after you snce you wee born, you shld alays lve te. You soud also gt o wel wih them. But some hldrn

30、dont know how o do tis Here are som way to hel yo. Spend more tme with ou pae ont spend too muc time plaig ompter games o watchin T. Ak our parets t py wih you. alk or go outside wh hem e id t you parents. Yo an ke thm happy with a smile hen y cme home ou can sn your mher cad on Mohr Day o tel yu ft

31、hr jo his brday ou an also ean your ro y ursl Work hr. If you do your bt n you studis, you paret l roud f you. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 83. are the mo oant peopl in yor life? 84. o need to ped r ti wth your pares, dnt you? 85. t can u do on Mthr Day? 86 Wil your arent b proud f ou if you wr hr? 7 Hw mny ys ca

32、n you use to get on wel ih your parnt in the passage? 答案 一、听力(听力) . A . B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. 7. 8. 9 C10 . A 11. B 12. A .3A14 B15 . 16. 13/tirten 7 gets u 1. mi 1. on fo . ftnn 听力原文 s . 听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。 1 Tis i my right hnd. 2. My ood frend Jac i 1.5 meters tal 3. dn like fish ll. 4 Wat u b

33、fr your mother on er brtday? 5 T rd sirt is only to ollrs . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 M: Were is Dniel? W: He is n the om. He is oking fo thin on th Itern. Q: What is Danil doing? 7 M: Wat is itty ding? W: Oh, se ants to b n and now she is ngg. Q: Wat e Kity an to e? 8. M: ik pear. o you like tm? W:

34、 No, I dnt like strawbrres. Q: Wa fri es th gil ik? . M: Wht oes yor istr ook lke? W: Sh has long air. Her nse is big. : Wha des the il sse look lie? 10. M: Where o you have brakfast, at om o i the rstaurnt? W: At oe. Wht bout you? M: have t at hom, to. Q: Wer doe he girl ave breafst? . 听两段较长对话,选择正确

35、答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第 11-12 题。 : Wha clb do ou t join, Jack? M: I wn o join the ches clu : Can yu play hes? M: No, cn. But I ca play te guta. 听第二段对话,回答第35 题。 W: Wh i the by in th piture? M: Its Jack H is a oo baetll plye in o shool. W: o i th boy next to Jak? : e is ave He is runner e un very fs. W

36、: Do you like them? M: Yes, I o. I lk bth of them But m faie payr is ina. She is a swimme in o scool tea. 听短文,完成表格信息。短文读两遍。 Li Hua is a midle shool stuent. H is years od. e es p at 6:15. Wat tm doe he et breakfast? H et brekfst t : H uually has bread an mil fr brakfast. After bkfast he ges school wi

37、th his frien n foo. chool tarts at 8:00. He has our classes i he mring n tree ls i h atroon. He o home at :00. 二、单项选择 21. 22. A 23. B .42C 52 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 26. ready 7. eautiul 28 ian 29. ride 3 best 31 club 2 tennis 3. ta 34. proise 3. teachs 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 36. eutiful/wonefu 37. bt . tni 39.

38、 worry 0. monitor 4. em 4. promis 4 health/ft . tiy 5. SueCeainly 五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 46. ant sta . would lik to 48. Don worry bout . to g kaing 0. ge o ell with 六、完形填空 51 52 . D53 . C54 . D 55. A 6. B 7. A58 . C 5 C 6. 七、阅读理解 6. .A .3A 6 D65 . C 7. B68 . 6. D . 7 A 7. .A 7. 74 A 75. A 76. B 7 78 A 八、短文选(5 选 5 等) 9. A . 8 81. . 8 E 九、阅读与表达(问答式) 83. Mm and a. 84 Ys (, we d) 5 end (mom) card 6 es (,hey a). 87. hre/.



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