人教版八年级下册英语 Unit5 Period 5 Section B (2a - 2e) 习题课件

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1、人教版八年级下Period 5 Section B (2a - 2e) Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 习题链接12345silencesilentrecentlyAB题组专训温馨提示:点击进入讲评答案呈现678910to wearBAAD习题链接答案呈现12345pupils/students; towercompletelyrecently; passagesdatesilence678910goesunderstandingpassagefinishingtruth课后巩固习题链接答案呈现课后巩固1112131415

2、probablythebutfriendsfinally1617181920to getsurprisedfoundearlierthankful2122232425BCACC题组专训1. I need _(silent) when I am studying.2. We all keep s about the matter, for its a secret between us. 【2021自贡】3. My grandmother is happy because she takes up a hobby _ (recent) : shopping on the Internet.sil

3、enceilentrecently题组专训4. In recent years, traditional Chinese culture_ more and more fashionable.A. has become B. becameC. have become D. had become【点拨】用关关键键词词法法。句意为“在最近的几年里, 中国传统文化已经变得越来越流行”。根据 “In recent years”可知为现在完成时,主语为第三人称单数, 故选A。A题组专训5. Jim, remember _an umbrella when you go out. It will rain

4、soon.OK. Thank you, Mom.A. take B. to take C. taking D. takesB题组专训6. Remember _ (穿) warm clothes before you go out.to wear题组专训7. He is too lazy so he _does housework. We shouldnt learn from him. 【中考铁岭】A. almost B. hardlyC. probably D. exactlyB题组专训8. When the rainstorm came, it began to rain_ and the

5、 wind blew strongly. 【2021绥化】A. hard B. hardly C. heavyA题组专训9. I have _learning math and Im so worried. Could you help me? Sure. Id be glad to.A. trouble B. interestC. joy D. funA题组专训10. I have some trouble _the English newspaper. Can you help me? Sure. Id love to.A. to read B. read C. reads D. read

6、ing【点拨】用固定结构法固定结构法。have trouble doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”。D课后巩固一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词1. More than 200 _(学生) visited the famous _(塔) on the top of the mountain.2. I think you are _(完全地) right.3. Mike has read the article _(最近). There are six _(章节) in this article. pupils/students towercompletely re

7、cently passages课后巩固4. The _(日期) of our grandfathers birth is tomorrow. Lets have a big party for him.5. People should be in _(沉默) or talk quietly in public.datesilence课后巩固二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空6. Mike often gets up early in the morning so he hardly _(go) to school late.7. I have some troub

8、le _(understand) the storybook.goesunderstanding课后巩固8. Please turn this _(passage) into English to improve your English.9. I remember _(finish) my homework just now.10. Why didnt you tell the _(true) ? passagefinishingtruth课后巩固三、语法填空三、语法填空 【改编南充】阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。Coming home after wo

9、rking for the whole night, I lost my wallet. It was _ 11 (probable) very close to my house but I couldnt find it and had to cancel my credit cards. probably课后巩固I had kept _ 12 wallet for ten years and it was a Christmas present. It was a bright, red leather wallet. Not every adult is sad about losin

10、g something, _ 13 I was very upset about losing my wallet.I spoke to my _ 14(friend) about my lost wallet. Most of them said I might get the wallet back _ 15 (final) but the money in it would disappear(消失) . thebutfriendsfinally课后巩固I had listed all the things in my wallet _16 (get) some new ones.I c

11、ame home late the next night and my red wallet was in front of my house. I checked it carefully.Besides everything in my wallet, there was a note. I was _17(surprise) when I read the note which said, to getsurprised课后巩固“I _ 18(find) this last night. It was too dark to go through it then, so I came b

12、ack tonight. I got your address from your license. Sorry. Mike.”Not only had this man returned my wallet but he was sorry for not bringing it back _ 19 (early) . There was no information about Mike so I couldnt get in touch with him to say “Thank you”. But I did hope he could know how _ 20(thank) I

13、was!foundearlierthankful课后巩固四、阅读理解四、阅读理解21. I was _ in a field when I saw something strange.A. playing football B. having a picnicC. watching a game D. flying a kite【点拨】根据第一段第一行 “We were having a picnic in the field and I saw something strange.”可知答案选BB课后巩固22. What was strange about the cat? _A. The

14、cat was in a tree. B. The cat was white.C. The cat was eating leaves. D. The cat had a pink nose.【点拨】细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “.it was eating the leaves in the tree! That was strange! Cats dont usually eat leaves.” 可知猫的奇怪之处是它吃树叶。故选C。C课后巩固23. I gave the cat some _ to eat.A. biscuits B. cake C. fish D. meat【点拨】根

15、据第三段第一行 “I found some biscuits in my pocket and gave them to the cat.” 可知答案选AA课后巩固24. Why did the cat come close to us? _A. Perhaps it was tired.B. Perhaps it lost its way.C. Perhaps it was hungry.D. Perhaps no leaves were left for it.【点拨】细节理解题。根据第二段中的 “It was possible that it wanted some of our picnic to eat”可知猫靠近我们 可能是因为它饿了,想吃我们野餐的东西。故选C。C课后巩固25. Whats the best title for the passage? _A. Close to Nature B. A Field TripC. A Strange Cat D. Goodbye to Biscuits【点拨】主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是作者和朋友野餐的时候发现一只猫,奇怪的是猫吃树叶,作者猜测它可能是饿了。后来作者给它饼干吃,猫吃完饼干就走了。标题可概括为A Strange Cat。故选C。C



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