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1、ReadingHow life began on the earthReading4.5-3.8 billion years agomany millions of years later250 million years ago65 million years agoSo long ago HowLifeBeganontheEarthHowLifeBeganontheEarthPredictthemainideaandstructurefromthetitleandpicture(浏览标题和图片,预测大意和结构)1.What is the passage mainly about ? A.

2、The birth of the earth B. Why dinosaurs died out.C. The appearance and development of life on the earth.D. The fact that human beings caused global warming.2.How is the passage developed according to the picture on page 26?A. in space order B. in time orderC. by giving examplesD. by comparingPredict

3、themainideaandstructurefromthetitleandpicture(浏览标题和图片,预测大意和结构)1.What is the passage mainly about ? A. The birth of the earth B. Why dinosaurs died out.C. The appearance and development of life on the earth.D. The fact that human beings caused global warming.2.How is the passage developed according t

4、o the picture on page 26?A. in space order B. in time orderC. by giving examplesD. by comparingParagraph 1:Paragraph 1:Paragraph 4:Paragraph 4:Paragraph 5:Paragraph 5:(D) The origin of the universe(D) The origin of the universe(E) The formation of the earth(E) The formation of the earth(A) The impor

5、tance of water (A) The importance of water for lifefor life(B) The development of plants (B) The development of plants and animals on the earthand animals on the earth(C) The arrival of humans and(C) The arrival of humans and their influnce on the earth their influnce on the earthParagraph 2:Paragra

6、ph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph 3:Task1:RTask1:Read the text quickly and find out the main ead the text quickly and find out the main idea for each paragraph. Check your answers in idea for each paragraph. Check your answers in groups .groups .Fast-reading(快读文本,获取大意)(快读文本,获取大意)107384 9 6 1 52 12 111. Ins

7、ects and amphibians appeared.3. The earth became a solid ball.5. Reptiles appeared.7. The earth was a cloud of dust.9. Shellfish and other fish appeared.11. Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.2. Dinosaurs appeared.4. Small plants grew on the water.6. Plants began to grow on dry land.8. Wate

8、r appeared on the earth.10. The universe began with a Big Bang.12. Mammals appeared.2. Put the order of development of life into a timeline according to the reading passage.Task1: Guess the meaning according to the context. (根据上下文猜测词义)根据上下文猜测词义).What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refe

9、r to?lWater had also appeared on other planets like Mars but unlike the earth, it had disappeared later.Which sentence in paragraph4 is the closest in meaning to the following one?It is still unknown why the dinosaurs disappeared suddenly. What does the underlined word “amphibians” in paragraph 4 re

10、fer to?lThey were followed by land animals. Some were insects. Others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water.A. 陆生动物陆生动物 B。 水生动物水生动物 C.水陆两栖动物水陆两栖动物waterwaterWhytheysuddenlydisappearedstillremainedamystery.Whytheysuddenlydisappearedstillremainedamystery.Carefulreadingfo

11、rmoredetails(Carefulreadingformoredetails(细读文本,寻找细节)细读文本,寻找细节) Task2:Read paragraph 2 -5, and answer:(1)What happened on the earth after the “Big Bang”?(2) How did water come into being(形成)形成) on the earth?(3) whatwastheimportanceofwater? Isitwrongtoshowfilmswithdinosaursandpeopletogether?Why?What p

12、roblem has been caused by humans? Carefulreadingformoredetails(Carefulreadingformoredetails(细读文本,寻找细节)细读文本,寻找细节) a cloud of dusta solid globe (1)What happened on the earth after the “Big Bang”?(2) How did water come into being(形成)形成) on the earth?The earth cooled down, water began to appear on its s

13、urface. whatwastheimportanceofwater?Isitwrongtoshowfilmswithdinosaursandpeopletogether?Why?CarefulReadingformoredetails(细读文本,寻找细节)It made it possible for life to develop.Yes.Because65millionsofyearsagotheageofdinosaursended,butabout2.6millionyearsagothehumanbeingsappeared. They are putting too much

14、carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevent heat from escaping from the earth into space. The earth may become too hot to live on .What problem has been caused by humans?The earth is becoming hotter and hotter!1 1 What is even more importantWhat is even more important is that as the earth is th

15、at as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on the earth.cooled down, water began to appear on the earth.2 2 What many scientists believeWhat many scientists believe is that the continued is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve presence of water allowed the earth

16、 to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.seas.3.3. What it was to becomeWhat it was to become was uncertain until was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years agobetween 4.5 and 3.8 billion years agothatthat与与与与whatwhat的区别的区别的

17、区别的区别。thatthat在从句中不能够充当句子成分,也没在从句中不能够充当句子成分,也没有含义;有含义;whatwhat可以在从句中作主语、表语、宾语或定语,意可以在从句中作主语、表语、宾语或定语,意思是思是” ”什么,什么,的事情的事情” ” Importantsentences重点句式l练一练,看一看你有多棒!练一练,看一看你有多棒!l(2011北京)北京) Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.lA. Which B. What C. That D. Whoml.(07全国)_mattersmostinle

18、arningEnglishisenoughpractice.lA.What B.WhyC.WhereD.Whichl06辽宁makesthisshopdifferentisthatitoffersmorepersonalservices.lA.What B.WhoC.WhateverD.Whoeverl02上海_fashiondiffersfromcountrytocountrymayreflecttheculturaldifferencesfromoneaspect.lA.WhatB.ThatC.ThisD.Which拯救地球(田震、零点乐队).flvAs a student, What d

19、o you think we should do to protect the As a student, What do you think we should do to protect the earth and make it a better place to live on.earth and make it a better place to live on. UsefulexpressionsUsefulexpressions:InmyopinionInmyopinionPersonallyPersonallyIthinkIthinkAsfarasImconcerned,.As


21、ofpapertowelsornapkinsSave electricity by turning off the light whenever we are the last to leave the classroom Save every drop of water. We shouldnt leave water running while we brush teeth.Go to school by bike or on foot instead of by car.Take a natural green bag or basket instead of a very thin p

22、lastic bag when you go shopping.Plant more trees and grow more grassWe have only one earth!We have only one earth!We should take care of the earth!We should take care of the earth!HomeworkHomework(课后作业):(课后作业):(课后作业):(课后作业):1.Write a short passage about how to save our earth, 1.Write a short passage

23、 about how to save our earth, according to the following three aspectsaccording to the following three aspects.its necessary to save the earth.its necessary to save the earth.how to save the earth.how to save the earth.summarysummary2.Self-reflection and evaluation(2.Self-reflection and evaluation(自

24、我反思与评价)自我反思与评价)自我反思与评价)自我反思与评价)Can you find out the main idea by skimming?Can you find out the main idea by skimming?Can you find out the main idea by skimming?Can you find out the main idea by skimming?Can you find out the details by scanning?Can you find out the details by scanning?Can you find ou

25、t the details by scanning?Can you find out the details by scanning?Can you guess the meaning of the words and Can you guess the meaning of the words and Can you guess the meaning of the words and Can you guess the meaning of the words and sentences according to the context(sentences according to the

26、 context(sentences according to the context(sentences according to the context(上下文)?上下文)?上下文)?上下文)?Did you take an active part in the group Did you take an active part in the group Did you take an active part in the group Did you take an active part in the group discussion?discussion?discussion?disc

27、ussion?Do you still have some difficulties? If so, how Do you still have some difficulties? If so, how Do you still have some difficulties? If so, how Do you still have some difficulties? If so, how do you plan to improve yourself?do you plan to improve yourself?do you plan to improve yourself?do you plan to improve yourself?



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