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1、会计学1UnitShoppingandSightseeing第一页,共98页。Unit Goals:Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to DoWhat You Should Learn to Do1. Ask about the price2. Ask about style, size and color of clothing3. Ask about the model, use and guarantee of appliances4. Talk about shopping5. Ask for a discount6. Understand and t

2、alking about shopping and travel ads7. Read and ask about operating instructionsWhat You Should Know AboutWhat You Should Know About1. Shopping2. Tourist attractions3. Present participle and past participle as attributives第1页/共97页第二页,共98页。ContentsSection Section Appreciating Appreciating Culture Tip

3、sCulture TipsSection Maintaining a Maintaining a Sharp EyeSharp EyeSection Talking Face Talking Face to Faceto FaceSection Being All Being All EarsEarsSection Trying Your HandTrying Your Hand第2页/共97页第三页,共98页。Section Talking Face to FaceSection Talking Face to FaceImitatingImitatingMini-talksMini-tal

4、ksSpeak and ReciteSpeak and PerformStudy and ImitateImitate and PerformActing out the TasksActing out the TasksStudying Business CardsStudying Business CardsFollowing Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample DialoguesPutting Language to UsePutting Language to UseSpeak and CompleteSpeak and CommunicateSpeak

5、and Translate第3页/共97页第四页,共98页。1) Im looking for a jacket.Shop assistant: May I help you? Tony: Yes, please. Im looking for a jacket.Shop assistant: Here is a nice purple jacket. Tony: Thats okay. Purple jackets are very popular this year.2) How much is it? Sam: Im interested in this mobile phone. Ho

6、w much is it?Shop assistant: Its on sale this week. Its only $96.99. Sam: Thats pretty cheap. Ill take it, please.Shop assistant: Certainly. And how will you pay for it?SECTION I Talking Face to FaceSECTION I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-talksImitating Mini-talksSpeak and Recite1Workinpairs.Lo

7、okatthepictureandrecitethefollowingmini-talksforshoppingandsightseeing.Back第4页/共97页第五页,共98页。3) Its the wrong size.Shop assistance: May I help you, madam? Mary: Well, its this shirt. I bought it here yesterday.Shop assistance: And whats the problem? Mary: Its the wrong size.4) Where did you go for yo

8、ur summer vacation? John: Where did you go for your summer vacation?Mary: I went to San Francisco with a few friends. John: That sounds like fun. How long did you stay there?Mary: Just one week.5) Have you ever been to Paris?Helen: Have you ever been to Paris? Tom: Yes. Therere so many places of int

9、erest to visit.Helen: Oh, Ive heard. I plan to see the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. Tom: I dont think one day is enough to see much of the city.Window on Key WordsBack紫色的紫色的 打折打折 相当相当(xingdng)(xingdng) 地地 名胜名胜第5页/共97页第六页,共98页。Speak and PerformActing out the TasksActing out the Tasks2Workinpairsandac

10、toutthetasksbyfollowingtheabovemini-talks.1 Task:Buyavaseforflowers.5 Task:Discusswheretogoandwhattosee.BackRefertotheDataBankintheWorkbookforrelevantexpressions.3 Task:Choosetherightcolorandsize.4 Task:TalkaboutthetriptoLondon.2 Task:Bargainforabetterprice.第6页/共97页第七页,共98页。Shopping and Travel AdsSh

11、opping and Travel AdsStudy and Imitate3Shoppingandtraveladvertisementsarealwayswithus.Theyprovideusefulinformationforpeopletoknowwhattobuyandwheretogo.Nowletsreadthefollowingtwoadsandtrytousetheinformationintheminyourface-to-facetalks.Back第7页/共97页第八页,共98页。Back第8页/共97页第九页,共98页。1) On the Cultural Stre

12、et Mr. Ahrens: So this is the famous Cultural Street, isnt it? Miss Zhang: Yes. Its a long street with a lot of shops on either side. You can find some real Chinese handicrafts (手工艺品手工艺品) here. Mr. Ahrens: Very good. (After a while.) Miss Zhang: Do you have anything particular in mind? Mr. Ahrens: I

13、 want to buy some souvenirs (纪念品纪念品) for my friends and relatives. Miss Zhang: Would you like to have a look at the jewels? Theyre over there. Mr. Ahrens: Certainly. Miss Zhang: How do you like this ring? Its inlaid (镶嵌镶嵌(xingqin) with a diamond in a dragon design background. Mr. Ahrens: How lovely

14、it is! And so rich in color! (To the shop assistant) How much does it cost? Shop assistant: Three thousand two hundred and fifty yuan. Mr. Ahrens: I think Ill take it for my wife.Following Sample DialoguesFollowing Sample DialoguesImitate and Perform4Readthefollowingsampledialoguesandtrytoperformyou

15、rowntasks.Back第9页/共97页第十页,共98页。2) It Was Really a Wonderful Trip(Julia had a wonderful trip to Paris and London. Peter is asking about her impressions of the two cities.)Peter:Soitwasreallyawonderfultrip.Whichcitydidyoulikebetter,ParisorLondon?Julia:Thatshardtosay.Therewerebothgoodthingsandbadthings


17、zing.Peter:Metoo.IlovethegalleriesinLondon,butIliketheonesinParisevenmore.Back第10页/共97页第十一页,共98页。Putting Language to UsePutting Language to UseSpeak and Complete5Imagineyouarebuyingacassetterecorder.Completethefollowingconversationwiththeshopassistantbyfillingintheblanks.Shopassistant:MayIhelpyou,si

18、r?You:Yes.Couldyou1 _mesomecassetterecorders?Shopassistant:Sure.DoyoupreferproductsmadeinJapan,theU.S.ortheU.K.?Wehavevarious2 _here.Youmaychoosetheoneyoulikebest.Buthowmuchareyougoingto3 _?You:Aboutonehundreddollars,Ithink.Shopassistant:Ifso,Illshowyouaverygoodcassetterecorderonsale.You:4 _isit?Sho

19、passistant:95dollars.You:Sounds5 _.CouldIhavea25%6 _?Shopassistant:Sorry.Itsalreadythesaleprice.You:Allright.Ill7 _it.MayIusemy8 _cardhere?Shopassistant:Sure.Unit|Unit|SixSixcreditshowbrandsspendHow muchreasonablediscount takeBack第11页/共97页第十二页,共98页。Speak and Translate6ImagineyouareWangNa.Youwanttobu


21、ikethisstyle?Itsthelatestfashion,verypopular.Andthequalityisexcellent.You:3_?(看上去不错。我能试一条深蓝色的吗?)Shopassistant:Certainly.Whatsizeareyou?You:4_.(我想是中号。)Medium, I thinkYes, please. Im looking for a pair of jeansWhat style would you likeThat looks fine. Can I try a dark blue pairBackUnit|Unit|SixSix第12页

22、/共97页第十三页,共98页。Shopassistant:Hereyouare.Theresafittingroomjustoverthere.You:Thecolorisfine.ButImafraiditstoobigforme.5_?(有小点尺码的吗?)Shopassistant:Waitamoment,please.Oh,Ithinkthispairwillbetherightsizeforyou.You:6_?(是的,我也这样想。多少(dusho) 钱?)Shopassistant:$90,plustax.You:7_.(太贵了。比我想的多多了。)Shopassistant:Youk

23、now,whattheysay,yougetwhatyoupayfor.Youcantgowrongonthat.You:OK.Illtakeit.8_?(你们接受信用卡吗?)Shopassistant:Sure.Speak and TranslateBack6ImagineyouareWangNa.Youwanttobuyapairofjeans.FillintheblanksaccordingtotheChineseprovided.Do you accept credit cardsHave you got any smaller sizeYes, I think so. How muc

24、h is itIts too expensive and much more than I wanted to payUnit|Unit|SixSix第13页/共97页第十四页,共98页。Speak and Communicate7ImagineyouareSelenaandyouaretalkingwithLindaaboutyourtriptoBeijinginthesummervacation.Playyourroleaccordingtothecluesgivinginbrackets.1) Linda, Im going to visit Beijing this summer va

25、cation.2) Have you been to Beijing? What is there to see in the ancient city?3) I do plan to see the Forbidden City first, and then the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven.4) Climbing the Great wall is what I have been dreaming of.5) III stay for a week.Selena:1(告诉Linda你这个暑假要去北京旅游。)Linda:Really?T


27、etabouttheGreatWall.Selena:Certainly.4(表示登长城一直是梦寐以求的事情。)Linda:Howlongwillyoustaythere?Selena:5(说你要待上一周时间。)BackUnit|Unit|SixSix第14页/共97页第十五页,共98页。SECTION SECTION IIII Being All Ears Being All EarsLearning Sentences for WorkplaceLearning Sentences for Workplace Communication CommunicationListen and Re

28、peatListen and MatchListen and TranslateHandling a DialogueHandling a DialogueListen and DecodeUnderstanding a Short Speech / Understanding a Short Speech / TalkTalkListen and CompleteListen and MatchListen and AnswerListen and CompleteListen and Answer第15页/共97页第十六页,共98页。SECTION SECTION II Being All

29、 EarsBeing All EarsLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationLearning Sentences for Workplace CommunicationListen and Repeat1Listentotentopic-relatedEnglishsentencesforworkplacecommunicationcross-referencedwiththeirChinesetranslationandtrytorememberthem.第16页/共97页第十七页,共98页。Window on Key Wordsone-

30、day tour 一日游一日游special 特别特别(tbi)的的Back第17页/共97页第十八页,共98页。Listen and Match2Listenagaintotheabovesentencesrearrangedinsequence,andthenmatchthemwiththeirChinesetranslation.1)a.我想买一件白衬衫。2)b.你穿多大号的?3)c.多少钱?4)d.你想买什么?5)e.我们(wmen)有适合你穿的号,但没有你要的颜色。6)f.你们有一日游吗?7)g.暑假你打算去哪儿?8)h.你有特别想去看看的地方吗?9)i.这次旅行大约需要五个半小时。

31、10)j.你会在那里待多久? b a e c d f j h i gBack第18页/共97页第十九页,共98页。Listen and Translate3Listentotentopic-relatedEnglishsentencesforworkplacecommunicationandtranslatethemintoChineseorally.1) 1) 听上去你的假期过得很好啊。听上去你的假期过得很好啊。2) 2) 我今年夏天打算去欧洲。我今年夏天打算去欧洲。3) 3) 我去观光了三天。我去观光了三天。4) 4) 北京是个古老的城市,是一个游览的好地方。北京是个古老的城市,是一个游览

32、的好地方。5) 5) 我一直梦想去看看我一直梦想去看看 (kn kn)(kn kn)那里美丽的风景。那里美丽的风景。6) 6) 我对这种电脑游戏很感兴趣。我对这种电脑游戏很感兴趣。7) 7) 你要怎么付款你要怎么付款 ? ?8) 8) 牛仔裤的款式这么多,我真的很难挑选。牛仔裤的款式这么多,我真的很难挑选。9) 9) 有什么问题吗?有什么问题吗?10) 10) 颜色不错。恐怕我穿太大了。有小号的吗颜色不错。恐怕我穿太大了。有小号的吗? ?Back第19页/共97页第二十页,共98页。1)Itsoundslikeyouhadaprettygoodvacation.2)ImgoingtoEurop


34、e.ButImafraiditstoobigforme.Doyouhaveasmallersize?Script:Script:Back第20页/共97页第二十一页,共98页。Mr.Andersonisshoppingatadepartmentstore.Hewantstobuysome1 silk, pottery, jewelry .Heaskstheshopassistantforsomethingalittle2 darker, brighter, lighter .Theassistantshowshimthedesignwithblueandyellow3 birds, cats,

35、 dogs .Helikesthe4 color, size, design andwantstobuyoneandhalfmetersforhis5 wife, sister, daughter tomakeashort-sleeveddress.Itwillcosthim6 one hundred and fourteen, one hundred and forty, one hundred and four yuan.Handling a DialogueHandling a DialogueListen and Decode4Listentoadialogueanddecodethe

36、messagebyfindingthecorrectchoicesinbracketsaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.ScriptScriptBack第21页/共97页第二十二页,共98页。Shop assistant: Goodafternoon,sir.WhatcanIdoforyou? Mr. Anderson: Canyoushowmesomesilk,realChinesesilk?Shop assistant: Certainly.Howdoyoulikethisdesign? Mr. Anderson: Haveyougotanythingbrighter

37、?SomethingmoreChinese?Shop assistant: Howaboutthedesignwithblueandyellowbirds?Itsatraditionaldesignandthecolorsarebright. Mr. Anderson: Oh,itslovelyandveryChinese.Isitpuresilk?Shop assistant: Yes,onehundredpercentpuresilk. Mr. Anderson: HowmuchdoIneedforashort-sleeveddress?Itsformydaughter.Shesabout

38、myheight.Shop assistant: Ithinkoneandahalfmeterswouldbeenough. Mr. Anderson: Allright.Pleaseletmehaveoneandahalfmetersthen.Shop assistant: Thatwillbeonehundredandfortyyuan.Script:Script:BackUnit|Unit|SixSix第22页/共97页第二十三页,共98页。Listen and Answer5Listentothedialogueagainandthenanswerthefollowingquestio

39、nsorally.Back1)WhatdidMr.Andersonwanttobuy?2)Whatcolordidhewant?3)Whatdesigndidtheassistantshowhim?4)Howmuchdidhebuyforhisdaughter?5)Howmuchdidhespend?Some real Chinese silk.Bright color.A design with blue and yellow birds.One and a half meters.One hundred and forty yuan.第23页/共97页第二十四页,共98页。Shopassi


41、istant:Yes,onehundredpercentpuresilk.Mr.Anderson:HowmuchdoIneedforashort-sleevedress?4_.Shesaboutmyheight.Shopassistant:Ithinkoneandahalfmeterswouldbeenough.Mr.Anderson:Allright.Pleaseletmehaveoneandahalfmetersthen.Shopassistant:5_.Listen and Complete6Listentothedialogueforthelasttimeandfillinthebla

42、nksaccordingtowhatyouhaveheard.Backreal Chinese silkIts a traditional designits lovely and very Chinese.Its for my daughter.That will be one hundred and forty yuan.Unit|Unit|SixSix第24页/共97页第二十五页,共98页。Understanding a Short Speech / TalkUnderstanding a Short Speech / TalkListen and Complete7Listentoan

43、announcementtwiceandduringthesecondlistening,putbackthemissingwordsintheblanks.Ladiesandgentlemen,thecaptainhasturnedontheFastenSeatBeltsign.Pleasetakeyour1 _andfastenyourseatbelt.Atthistime,werequestthatallcellphonesbeturnedoffforthe2 _durationoftheflight.Werequestthatallother3 _devicesbeturnedoffu

44、ntilweflyabove10,000feet.Wewillnotifyyouwhenitis4 _tousesuchdevices.We5 _youthatthisisanon-smokingflight.Smokingisnot6 _ontheentireaircraft,includingthelavatories.Ifyouhaveany7 _duringourflighttoday,pleasedont8 _toaskoneofourflightattendants.Thankyou.hesitateseatfullelectronicsaferemindallowedquesti

45、onsBack第25页/共97页第二十六页,共98页。a.readtheinstructionsb.listentohimc.fastentheirseatbeltsd.watchthevideoa.onanairplaneb.onabusc.onatraind.onashipColumn A Column BListen and Match8ListentotheannouncementagainandmatchtheincompletestatementinColumnAwiththechoicesinColumnB.1)Theannouncementismade_.2)Thesignth

46、atthecaptainhasturnedonistoremindpassengersto_.Back第26页/共97页第二十七页,共98页。putersb.cellphonesc.radiosd.MP3sa.thecaptainb.flightattendantsc.otherpassengersd.theengineersa.thererebabiesonboardb.mostpassengersareagainstsmokingc.smokemayactivatethealarmd.itsanon-smokingflightColumn A Column BBack3)Duringthe

47、wholeflightpassengershavetoturnoff_4)Passengersarenotallowedtosmokeontheplanebecause_.5)Whentheyhavequestionsabouttheflight,passengerscanturnto_.第27页/共97页第二十八页,共98页。Listen and Answer9Writeoutthegeneralideaoftheannouncementinoneparagraphbyansweringthefollowingquestions.Back1)WhohasturnedontheFastenSe

48、atBeltsignandwhy?2)Whatelectronicdevicemustbeturnedoffforthefulldurationoftheflight?The Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign to remind the passengers to take theirs seats and fasten their seat belts.Cell phones must be turned off for the full duration of the flight.第28页/共97页第二十九页,共98页。3)W

49、hatkindofelectronicdevicescanbeturnedonduringtheflightandwhenarethepassengersallowedtodoso?4)Whyissmokingnotallowedontheflight?5)Whomcanpassengersturntoforhelpiftheyhaveanyquestionsduringtheflight?Listen and AnswerGeneral ideaGeneral idea9Writeoutthegeneralideaoftheannouncementinoneparagraphbyanswer

50、ingthefollowingquestions.Other electronic devices are allowed to be turned on during the flight only when passengers are notified to do so.Smoking is not allowed because this is a non-smoking flight.Passengers can turn to flight attendants for help if they have any questions during the flight.Back第2


52、lowedtosmokeontheplane.Passengerscanturntoflightattendantsforhelpiftheyhaveanyquestionsduringtheflight.General idea:General idea:Back第30页/共97页第三十一页,共98页。SECTION SECTION IIIIII Trying Your Hand Trying Your HandPracticing Applied WritingPracticing Applied WritingWrite and SimulateSimulate and CreateWr

53、iting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWrite and Correct MistakesWrite and TranslateWrite and Describe a PictureWrite and Apply Rules第31页/共97页第三十二页,共98页。SECTION SECTION IIIIII Trying Your Hand Trying Your HandPracticing Applied WritingPracticing Applied WritingWr

54、ite and Simulate1Readthefollowingtwosamplesofinstructionsandlearntowriteyourown.BackUnit|Unit|SixSix第32页/共97页第三十三页,共98页。Back第33页/共97页第三十四页,共98页。Simulate and Create2MatchtheEnglishexpressionsinColumnAwiththeChineseequivalentsinColumnB.Back第34页/共97页第三十五页,共98页。3Readthefollowingtraveladandfindoutthedeta

55、ils.BackCanadaFriendlySkiing on the snowy mountaintops, swimming in lakes, enjoying clean air and touring cities.)Travel agent or Holiday, Inc. (800-324-4839)第35页/共97页第三十六页,共98页。Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarWriting Sentences and Reviewing GrammarBackPresent Participle and Past ParticipleUn

56、it|Unit|SixSix第36页/共97页第三十七页,共98页。4Makecorrectchoicesofwordsorexpressionsgiveninbracketstocompletethesentences.Write and Apply Rules1)Therearealotoffans_(hoped,hoping)foraglimpseofthemoviestar.2)Thetourist_(lookingat,lookedat)themapisarelativeofmyfather.3)People_(lived,living)incitiescanenjoymoreofm

57、odernlife.4)Hereisanotice_(warned,warning)peoplenottolitterthebeach.5)Computers_(imported,importing)fromabroadareusuallymoreexpensive.hopinglooking atlivingwarningimportedBack第37页/共97页第三十八页,共98页。6)People_(wishing,wished)togoonthetourhavetobookinadvance.7)Doyouhearaman_(talkedwith,talkingwith)yourbro

58、therinthelivingroom?8)Thosehouses_(pulleddown,pullingdown)werebuiltthirtyyearsago.9)Thedevices_(using,used)byadvertiserstogainpeoplesattentionseemtobeeffective.10)Mostofthepeople_(invited,inviting)tothereceptionareoldfriendsofmine.Write and Apply RulesBack4Makecorrectchoicesofwordsorexpressionsgiven

59、inbracketstocompletethesentences.wishingtalking withpulled downusedinvited第38页/共97页第三十九页,共98页。Write and Correct Mistakes5Correcttheerrorsinthefollowingsentences.1)HeisreadingabookcallingTheWayofAllFlesh.2)Enginesaremachinesproducedpowerormotion.3)Youdbetternotwakeupthesleepbaby.4)Shewantstobuyaready

60、-makedress.5)Alosingopportunityneverreturns.calling called produced producing sleep sleeping ready make ready made losing lostBack第39页/共97页第四十页,共98页。6)Thereweretwentypeopleinjuringintheaccident.7)ThelanguagespeakinginthatAfricancountryisFrench.8)Hethoughtsomethingexcitedhadhappened.9)Manyproductsmak

61、ingfromcrudeoil(原油(yunyu)arenowindailyuse.10)Animalscandomanyamazethingswhenproperlytrained.BackWrite and Correct Mistakes5Correcttheerrorsinthefollowingsentences.injuring injuredspeaking spoken excited excitingmaking made amaze amazing第40页/共97页第四十一页,共98页。6TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.W

62、rite and Translate1)昨天讨论的问题十分重要。2)他是一个举止(jzh)得体的人。3)已经养成的习惯很难改变。4)主席宣读了一份预先准备好的声明。The question discussed yesterday is of great importance.He is a well-behaved man.The established customs are difficult to change.The chairman read out a prepared statement.Back第41页/共97页第四十二页,共98页。6Translatethefollowing

63、sentencesintoEnglish.Write and TranslateBack5)孩子们更喜欢由橘汁、糖和水制成的饮料。6)他得在规定的时间内做出决定。7)我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出(tch)的计划。8)你认识在台上唱歌的那个女孩吗?Children prefer the drink made of orange juice, sugar and water.He has to make a decision within a given period.Well discuss the plan put up by him at the next meeting.Do you kn

64、ow the girl singing on the stage?第42页/共97页第四十三页,共98页。Write and Describe a Picture7Writeashortpassageofabout100wordstotellastoryrelatedtothepicturegiven.Someusefulwordsandphrasesareprovidedtohelpyou.Thetitleofyourpassageis“MaryEnjoysShoppinginChina”.Back第43页/共97页第四十四页,共98页。Mary Enjoys shopping in Chi



67、ION SECTION IVIV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Maintaining a Sharp EyePASSAGE IPASSAGE IPASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLanguage PointsLanguage PointsRead and ThinkRead and CompleteRead and SimulateRead and JudgeRead and Trans

68、lateInformation Related to Information Related to the Reading Passagethe Reading PassageTextTextLanguage PointsLanguage PointsRead and RewriteRead and Translate第45页/共97页第四十六页,共98页。FromthefirstWorldExpoheldinLondonin1851,theWorldExposhavebeenheldsuccessivelyformanyyears.In1933,WorldExpoChicagosetupit

69、stheme,andthenthefollowingexposalsohadtheirspecialthemes.SECTION SECTION IVIV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Maintaining a Sharp EyeInformation Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading PassageBack第46页/共97页第四十七页,共98页。Back第47页/共97页第四十八页,共98页。Back第48页/共97页第四十九页,共98页。An Overseas Visitor

70、s Personal Experience My aunt in Vancouver shared a wise Chinese saying recently: “If you dont go to the Shanghai Expo, you will regret it. If you go to the Shanghai Expo, you will regret it even more.” I laughed. There is a lot of truth to the statement. For the price of an admission ticket to the

71、Expo, you will get to witness a great human accomplishment: Over 200 architecturally cutting-edge national pavilions in a 4-km2 exhibition site. At the same time, you will get to witness and experience the exhausting 4 or 5 hours long queuing lines. But contrary to my aunts advice, you can go to the

72、 Expo and still have a good time. In addition, dont just visit Shanghai for the Expo. Shanghai is a dynamic, modern, international city the “city of the future” and it is really worth breaking up your Expo visit with trips to the Bund, to Nanjing East Road, to ultra-modern Pudong, maybe even neighbo

73、ring Hangzhou and Suzhou. Believe me: the Expo itself will wear you out after Day One. And if youve been to Shanghai many times already and have seen all these sights, then use the rest of your time to do the one thing Shanghai is best known for: shopping, shopping, shopping.PASSAGE IPASSAGE IHow to

74、 “How to “SurviveSurvive” the Shanghai ” the Shanghai ExpoExpoUnit|Unit|SixSix第49页/共97页第五十页,共98页。The Best Pavilions to See “What are the best pavilions to see?” This is a good question. With over 200 pavilions and such limited time and such long lines, you dont want your day at the Expo site to go t

75、o waste. Actually, answering this question starts with you. Ask yourself: If youve been to France, theres no point waiting an hour to see the Fisher Price version of France in the French Pavilion (although still quite beautiful).The Real Stars: Mid-sized Countries You might be very much exhausted by

76、 queuing before the heavy hitters of the Expo the China pavilion and the big “brand-name ” countries but you will also discover that there are some real gems mid-sized countries pavilions.第50页/共97页第五十一页,共98页。 Mid-sized countries have short lines (10-30 minutes at most) and their displays can be quit

77、e beautiful and informative! Two that I enjoyed are: Indonesia and New Zealand. Indonesia had a long, snaking exhibit that showcased everything from coral reefs to ruins of culture. New Zealand, while short on the actual interior display, had a roof garden with everything from stuffed animals to Kiw

78、i trees and herbs. Additionally, some countries are too small or poor to afford their own stand-alone pavilion. In that case, they rent space in a pavilion warehouse , usually grouped by region or continent. The Africa pavilion reminded me of a college activities fair, with booths and stands for ind

79、ividual countries. These places are also great if youre looking to learn more about a lot of countries in a short amount of time. Simply stated, the Shanghai Expo is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Maybe its because, after visiting the Expo, you will probably tell yourself that you never want to do

80、 this again. But once you get to recall this rare Shanghai Expo experience sometime in the future, you will probably be happy that you had the chance to partake in such a world-class event and such an unusual experience.BackUnit|Unit|SixSix第51页/共97页第五十二页,共98页。1. (Para. 3) Shanghai is a dynamic, mode

81、rn, international city the “city of the future” and it is really worth breaking up your Expo visit with trips to the Bund, to Nanjing East Road, to ultra-modern Pudong, maybe even to neighboring Hangzhou and Suzhou.Analysis: This is a long compound sentence, with several parallel phrases to , to , t

82、o , even to as attributives modifying the word trips. It is really worth breaking up your Expo visit means there is a good enough reason for visiting some other places except the Shanghai Expo.Translation: 上海是个充满活力的现代化的国际城市上海是个充满活力的现代化的国际城市“未来之城未来之城”,因此的确,因此的确(dqu) 值得把你参观世博会的时间分一点去游览一下外滩、南京东路、值得把你参观

83、世博会的时间分一点去游览一下外滩、南京东路、 超现代化的浦东,甚至临近的杭州和苏州。超现代化的浦东,甚至临近的杭州和苏州。Example: Its well worth getting to the lecture early if you want a good seat. His proposal is really worth considering.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第52页/共97页第五十三页,共98页。2. (Para. 3) And if youve been

84、 to Shanghai many times already and have seen all these sights, then use the rest of your time to do the one thing Shanghai is best known for: shopping, shopping, shopping. Analysis: This is a complex sentence, in which you can is omitted before the verb use in the main clause. And the relative clau

85、se (the word which is omitted) (which) Shanghai is best known for modifies one thing, with shopping, shopping, shopping as the appositive to one thing.Translation: 如果你之前已经如果你之前已经(y jing)多次去过上海,上述景点都参观过,那多次去过上海,上述景点都参观过,那么你可以把其余么你可以把其余 的时间用在上海最著名的一件事上:购物、购物、再购物。的时间用在上海最著名的一件事上:购物、购物、再购物。Example: The

86、region is best known for its fine wines. This small town is best known for its handicraft products.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第53页/共97页第五十四页,共98页。3. (Para. 5) If youve been to France, theres no point waiting an hour to see the Fisher-Price version of France

87、 in the French Pavilion (although still quite beautiful).Analysis: Fisher-Price is a brand name of toys. Here it implies pocket size. There is no point doing sth. means there is no reason for doing something.Translation: 如果你以前去过法国,就没有必要排一个如果你以前去过法国,就没有必要排一个(y )小时的队去参观小时的队去参观微缩版的微缩版的 法国馆了(尽管这个展馆很美)。法

88、国馆了(尽管这个展馆很美)。Example: I see no point in arguing over the details of the contract. Thank you. Theres no point in being surprised about it.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第54页/共97页第五十五页,共98页。4. (Para. 7) New Zealand, while short on the actual interior display, ha

89、d a roof garden with everything from stuffed animals to Kiwi trees and herbs.Analysis: while here means although; short on means having few.Translation: 在新西兰国家馆,尽管里边实际的展品很少,却有一个在新西兰国家馆,尽管里边实际的展品很少,却有一个(y )屋顶花园,屋顶花园, 里面有很多东西,从动物模型到猕猴桃树和草药。里面有很多东西,从动物模型到猕猴桃树和草药。Example: While there was no conclusive e

90、vidence, most people thought he was guilty. While she is a likable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第55页/共97页第五十六页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words1. share v. to divide or use (sth.) with other

91、s 分享分享(fn xin)e.g. Students were able to share their experiences. They meet to share secrets and relive old memories.Back第56页/共97页第五十七页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words2. regret v. to feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it 后悔后悔(huhu)e.g. If we dont

92、act now, well regret it in the future. Ive never regretted the decision. Im going to regret eating all this food.Back第57页/共97页第五十八页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words3. sights n. ( plural) famous or interesting places that tourists visit 风景风景(fngjng)e.g. We enjoyed seeing the sight

93、s of San Francisco. In the afternoon, youll have a chance to relax or see the sights.Back第58页/共97页第五十九页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words4. experience n. something that happens to you or something you do, especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think 体验体验(tyn) v. if

94、 you experience a problem, event, or situation, it happens to you or affects you 经历,体验经历,体验(tyn)e.g. This was my first experience of living with other people. Children need to experience things for themselves in order to learn from them.Back第59页/共97页第六十页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Importan

95、t Words5. display n. an arrangement of things for people to look at or buy 展品展品(zhn pn) v. to show something to people, or put it in a place where people can see it easily 展示展示 e.g. The window display caught her eye. Local train and bus timetables are displayed in the station.Back第60页/共97页第六十一页,共98页

96、。6. informative a. providing many useful facts or ideas 提供大量提供大量(dling)资料的资料的e.g. This is really an informative and entertaining book. The engineers lecture was very informative.Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important WordsBack第61页/共97页第六十二页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words7. r

97、ecall v. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 回想起回想起e.g. v I seem to recall Ive met him somewhere before.v I cant recall who gave me the information.Back第62页/共97页第六十三页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words8. fair n. an event at which people or businesses sh

98、ow and sell their products 商品商品(shngpn)展览会,集市展览会,集市e.g. a trade fair (where companies show their newest products) a craft fair (where people sell handmade products such as jewellery, paintings, etc.)Back第63页/共97页第六十四页,共98页。Read and Think1Answerthefollowingquestionsaccordingtothepassage.1)Whatdoyouth


100、xpo?It presents to us a great human accomplishment.The Shanghai Bund, Nanjing East Road and ultra-modern Pudong.They can be quite beautiful and informative.Because people can learn more about a lot of countries in a short amount of time.Visiting the Shanghai Expo is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.B

101、ackUnit|Unit|SixSix第64页/共97页第六十五页,共98页。Read and Complete2Fillintheblankswithoutreferringtothepassage.Mid-sizedcountrieshaveshortlines(10-30minutesatmost)andtheirdisplayscanbequitebeautifuland1 _!TwothatIenjoyedare:Indonesiaand2 _.Indonesiahadalong,snakingexhibitthatshowcasedeverythingfromcoralreefst

102、oruinsof3 _.NewZealand,whileshortontheactualinteriordisplay,hadaroof4 _witheverythingfromstuffedanimalstoKiwitreesandherbs.Additionally,somecountriesaretoosmallorpoortoaffordtheirownstand-alone5 _.Inthatcase,theyrent6 _inapavilionwarehouse,usuallygroupedbyregionor7 _.TheAfricapavilion8 _meofacollege

103、activities9 _,withboothsandstandsfor10 _countries.Theseplacesarealsogreatifyourelookingtolearnmoreaboutalotofcountriesinashortamountoftime.individualinformativeNew ZealandculturegardenpavilionspacecontinentremindedfairBack第65页/共97页第六十六页,共98页。1)AttheShanghaiExpoexhibitionsitepeoplegetto_theexhausting


105、ashortamountoftimeyoucangoto_.3Completeeachofthefollowingstatementsaccordingtothepassage.Backthe Africa pavilionexperiencesightssome real gemsdisplays第66页/共97页第六十七页,共98页。1)Juliewenttoaweddingattheweekendand_there.2)Mostpeoplebelievethatthegovernmentsactionsare_thepublicinterest.3)Anewsecuritysystemw


107、ankswiththeproperexpressionsgivenbelow,changingtheformifnecessary.Backcontrary to have a good time in addition break upwear out in that case remind . of be known forhad a good timecontrary toIn additionreminded ofbreak upwear outis known forIn that case第67页/共97页第六十八页,共98页。The medical website enables

108、 patients to share information and offer each other support.Im glad youre going with us. You wont regret it.It was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced.He is known for his popular science novels.Twenty years later he could still clearly recall the event.That song always reminds me of

109、our first date.5TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish.BackRead and Translate1)医疗网可以使病人共享信息和相互给予支持。2)我很高兴你和我们一起去。你不会因此后悔的。3)那是她所体验过的最奇妙的感觉。4)他以科普小说而闻名(wnmng)。5)二十年后他还能清楚地记起这件事。6)那首歌总是让我想起我们的第一次约会。shareregretexperiencerecallremind . ofbe known for第68页/共97页第六十九页,共98页。Read and SimulateIt is reallywo

110、rth breaking upyourExpovisitwithtripstotheBund,toNanjingEastRoad,toultra-modernPudong,maybeeventoneighboringHangzhouandSuzhou.It is worth talking withyourfinancialadviserbeforemakingyourfinaldecision.这个地区的许多小镇绝对值得去参观一下。这个地区的许多小镇绝对值得去参观一下。在签合同之前在签合同之前 (zhqin),你核查一下合同中的详细条款是值得的。,你核查一下合同中的详细条款是值得的。6Pay

111、attentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.Many of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting.Its worth checking the details of the contract before you sign it.1Back第69页/共97页第七十页,共98页。Read and Simulate

112、Believe me:theExpoitselfwillwearyououtafterDayOne.Andbelieve me,mywifedoesnotenjoyremindingmetwice.当他们当他们(t men)发现这件事后就会有麻烦了,相信我。发现这件事后就会有麻烦了,相信我。这一切会惹出许多麻烦,相信我。这一切会惹出许多麻烦,相信我。6PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsen

113、tences.Believe me, therell be trouble when they find out about this matter.Believe me, all this is going to cause a lot of problems.2Back第70页/共97页第七十一页,共98页。Read and SimulateWithover200pavilionsandsuchlimitedtimeandsuchlonglines,youdontwantyourdayattheExpositetogotowaste.TheAfricapavilionremindedmeo


115、 all the uncertainties about this job, its difficult to make out a complete plan.She sat there facing the interviewer, with her hands on her lap.3Back第71页/共97页第七十二页,共98页。Read and SimulateIfyouvebeentoFrance,theresno point waitinganhourtoseetheFisherPriceversionofFranceintheFrenchPavilion(althoughsti

116、llquitebeautiful).Theresno point (in)payingrentontheapartmentifyourenotgoingtolivethere.为他担忧为他担忧(dnyu)是没有什么意义的。是没有什么意义的。我觉得再讨论下去已经没有什么意义了。我觉得再讨论下去已经没有什么意义了。6PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.Theres no poi

117、nt (in) worrying about him.There is no point discussing this any further, Im afraid.4Back第72页/共97页第七十三页,共98页。Read and SimulateSimplystated,theShanghaiExpoisaonce-in-a-lifetimeexperience.Simplyput,thetaxcutsmeantheaveragepeoplewillbeabout3%betteroff.简单地说,他被解雇简单地说,他被解雇(ji g)了。了。简单地说,这就是我所能做的一切。简单地说,这就

118、是我所能做的一切。6PayattentiontotheitalicizedpartsintheEnglishsentencesandtranslatetheChinesesentencesbysimulatingthestructureoftheEnglishsentences.BackSimply put, he was fired.Simply stated, this is all that I can do.5第73页/共97页第七十四页,共98页。Yiwuisacitywithapopulationofover2millionpeopleandislocatedinZhejiangP

119、rovince.Yiwuisabout100kmsouthofHangzhou.ItsGDPwas52billionYuanin2009andthepercapitaGDPoverUS$10,000.AWorldBankreportdescribesYiwulikethis:“Yiwu,300kilometersawayfromShanghai,isthelargestmarketofpettycommoditywholesalesintheworldwherevariousforeignbuyersgotoplaceorders.”PASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIInformatio

120、n Related to the Reading PassageInformation Related to the Reading PassageBack第74页/共97页第七十五页,共98页。 Measuring around 1,100 square kilometers, almost the size of Hong Kong, Yiwu seems just like another ordinary small inland city in eastern China. However, in the past two decades , the city has grown i

121、nto a mega market that is attracting attention from all over the world. Every day, over 1,000 TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) containers of products are sent from Yiwu to around 200 countries and regions. In the first half of this year, the city saw over 800 million US dollars in trade volume. Wit

122、h the fame of Yiwu as a mega market for small commodities growing globally, more and more foreign businessmen are flooding into the city. While searching for good business here, they also brought opportunities and fortune to the city.PASSAGE IIPASSAGE IIYiwu, a Yiwu, a MegaMega Market for Small Mark

123、et for Small CommoditiesCommodities第75页/共97页第七十六页,共98页。 As foreign businessmen have become an important part of the citys economy and social life, Yiwu is embracing more and more newcomers of different nationalities and diverse cultures. Some foreigners choose Yiwu to start their career and the city

124、 has become their home outside their motherland. Azimi from Afghanistan arrived in Yiwu to start his business after he graduated as an overseas student in Beijing. Just like some other foreign businessmen in the city, now he owns a trade company here and speaks fluent Chinese. However, two years ago

125、, Yiwu was somewhere he had never heard of. “I came to Yiwu in 2001 for the first time, when my cousin told me that there was a city in China called Yiwu, which sounds like YOU, and I had no idea where it was.”第76页/共97页第七十七页,共98页。 During his first visit to Yiwu, Azimi saw the early phase of the smal

126、l commodity market there, which impressed him a lot. After he finished his studies, he finally decided to start his career in Yiwu, and the fast development of the city has brought big profits to him. At the beginning, Azimi planned to stay in Yiwu for a year to earn some extra money before continui

127、ng his study, but he had to change the plan later. “Now Ive decided to continue my stay in Yiwu, because my business is going quite well, which is out of my expectation.” Now, Azimis company sells various products for daily use from Yiwu to many other countries, including the U.S. and European count

128、ries. As for many other foreign businessmen in the city, Yiwu has now become what their lives and careers are all about. Pushed by the integration of different cultures, the small inland city is turning into the foreland of globalization. People with different backgrounds gather here and try hard to

129、 realize their business dreams. They profit from the citys development, and also fuel thefuture development of the city.Back第77页/共97页第七十八页,共98页。1. (Para. 3) While searching for good business here, they also brought opportunities and fortune to the city.Analysis: while here means at the same time whe

130、n something is happening. In this clause, they are has been omitted.Translation: 他们他们(t men)在义乌寻找良好的商机的同时,也为这座城市带来了机遇和财富。在义乌寻找良好的商机的同时,也为这座城市带来了机遇和财富。Example: She met Andy while working for the production department of Carmen. I bought a magazine while waiting for the train.Language PointsLanguage P

131、oints1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第78页/共97页第七十九页,共98页。2. (Para. 5) however, two years ago, Yiwu was somewhere he had never heard of. Analysis: Be had never heard of is a relative clause with that omitted, modifying somewhere. Translation: 然而然而(rn r),两年前义乌却是一个他从没听说过的地方。,两年前义乌却是一个他从没听说过的地方。

132、Example: Its odd that I havent heard of you. Ive heard of a job which would be just right for you.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第79页/共97页第八十页,共98页。3. (Para. 7) During his first visit to Yiwu, Azimi saw the early phase of the small commodity market there, which

133、 impressed him a lot.Analysis: which impressed him a lot is a relative clause, which refers to the whole clause before it. This clause is used to add more information about the event just mentionedTranslation: 当第一次来到义乌时,阿兹米看到的是这个小商品市场的早期状况当第一次来到义乌时,阿兹米看到的是这个小商品市场的早期状况(zhungkung), 这给他留下了深刻印象。这给他留下了深刻

134、印象。Example: A skilled workforce is essential, which is why our training program is so successful. Bogart starred in the film Casablanca, which was made in 1942. Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第80页/共97页第八十一页,共98页。4. (Para.9) As for many other foreign businessmen

135、 in the city, Yiwu has now become what their lives and careers are all about.Analysis: what their lives and careers are all about is a subject complement clause.Translation: 至于城里的许多其他外国商人,义乌现在已经成为至于城里的许多其他外国商人,义乌现在已经成为(chngwi)他们生活和事业的他们生活和事业的 全部。全部。Example: I could get you a job here if thats what y

136、ou want. Peter always does his best, and thats what I like about him.Language PointsLanguage Points1 Explanation of Difficult SentencesBack第81页/共97页第八十二页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words1. grow v. to increase in amount, size, number, or strength 发展发展(fzhn),增长,增长e.g. In the early

137、part of the century, our foreign trade grew steadily. He has spent the past seven years growing his business.Back第82页/共97页第八十三页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words2. search for to try to find someone or something by looking very carefully 找寻找寻(zhoxn)e.g. Ive searched high and low fo

138、r my glasses.A plane was sent to search for the missing tourists.Back第83页/共97页第八十四页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words3. flood v. to arrive or go somewhere in large numbers 蜂拥而至蜂拥而至(fng yng r zh) n. a very large amount of water that covers an area that is usually dry 洪水洪水e.g. Donat

139、ions have been flooding in since we launched the appeal.The village was cut off by floods.Back第84页/共97页第八十五页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words4. hear of to find out that something has happened 听说听说(tn shu)e.g. I was shocked to hear of his death.This was the first time that Id hear

140、d of any trouble in the area.Back第85页/共97页第八十六页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words5. expectation n. the belief that something will happen 预料预料(ylio),预期,预期e.g. The team set off without any expectation of success.Gina has succeeded beyond our expectation.Back第86页/共97页第八十七页,共98页。Langu

141、age PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words6. impress v. to make someone admire and respect 留下留下(li xi)印象印象e.g. We were very impressed by the standard of work.One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.Back第87页/共97页第八十八页,共98页。Language PointsLanguage Points2 Important Words7. profit n

142、. money that you gain by selling things or doing business after your costs have been paid 利润利润(lrn) v. to get advantage or benefit from doing something 收益收益e.g. All the profits from the auction will go to cancer research. Some industries, such as shipbuilding, clearly profited from the war.Back第88页/



145、aplacetorealizetheirdreams.Read and Judge7Arethefollowingstatementstrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage?WriteT/Faccordingly.Back第89页/共97页第九十页,共98页。Read and Translate8TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoChinese.1)However,inthepasttwodecades,thecityhasgrownintoamegamarketthatisattractingattentionfromallover


147、义乌作为巨大的小商品市场的名声在全球传开,越来越多的外国商人正蜂拥来到这个城市。随着义乌作为巨大的小商品市场的名声在全球传开,越来越多的外国商人正蜂拥来到这个城市。有些外国人选择义乌来创业,这个城市已经成了他们有些外国人选择义乌来创业,这个城市已经成了他们(t men)(t men)故乡以外的家园。故乡以外的家园。Back第90页/共97页第九十一页,共98页。4)DuringhisfirstvisittoYiwu,Azimisawtheearlyphaseofthesmallcommoditymarketthere,whichimpressedhimalot.5)Now,Azimiscomp

148、anysellsvariousproductsfordailyusefromYiwutomanyothercountries,includingtheUSandEuropeancountries.6)Peoplewithdifferentbackgroundsgatherhereandtryhardtorealizetheirbusinessdreams.Read and Translate8TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoChinese.Back当第一次来到义乌时,阿兹米看到的是这个小商品市场的早期状况,它给他留下了深刻印象。当第一次来到义乌时,阿兹米看到

149、的是这个小商品市场的早期状况,它给他留下了深刻印象。如今,阿兹米的公司将各种各样的生活用品从义乌销往许多国家如今,阿兹米的公司将各种各样的生活用品从义乌销往许多国家(guji)(guji),包括美国和欧洲国家,包括美国和欧洲国家 (guji)(guji)。不同背景的人们聚集在这里,努力实现自己的商业梦想。不同背景的人们聚集在这里,努力实现自己的商业梦想。第91页/共97页第九十二页,共98页。Read and Rewrite9Shortenthepassagetolessthan200wordsaccordingtothepointsbelow.1)LocationandareaofYiwu2




153、e.HiscompanysellsvariousproductsfordailyusefromYiwutomanyothercountries,includingtheU.S.andEuropeancountries.BackKey:Key:第93页/共97页第九十四页,共98页。SECTION SECTION V V Appreciating Culture Tips Appreciating Culture TipsDiscuss, Appreciate and CommentDiscuss, Appreciate and CommentAppreciatethefollowingcult

154、uretipschosenaroundlifephilosophyandbusinessethics,andthensearchonlinefornewlogos,advertisingslogansormottoestointroducetotheclass.第94页/共97页第九十五页,共98页。SECTION SECTION V V Appreciating Culture Tips Appreciating Culture TipsDiscuss, Appreciate and CommentDiscuss, Appreciate and Comment第95页/共97页第九十六页,共98页。SECTION SECTION V V Appreciating Culture Tips Appreciating Culture TipsDiscuss, Appreciate and CommentDiscuss, Appreciate and Comment第96页/共97页第九十七页,共98页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。Key:。Translation: 上海是个充满活力的现代化的国际城市“未来之城”,因此的确。值得(zh d)把你参观世博会的时间分一点去游览一下外滩、南京东路、。e.g.第九十八页,共98页。



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