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1、餐饮服务英语培训深航锦江国际酒店 Showing the Guest to the Table引导客人入席引导客人入席Dialogue 对话l lS: Good morningS: Good morning,sir. Welcome to Sun Sun sir. Welcome to Sun Sun Caf. . 先生,早上好,欢迎光临深申咖啡厅。先生,早上好,欢迎光临深申咖啡厅。l lG: Good morning.G: Good morning. 早上好。早上好。l lS: How many persons of you, please?S: How many persons of yo

2、u, please? 请问你们几位?请问你们几位?l lG: A table for four, please.G: A table for four, please. 四位。四位。l lS S:Where would you prefer to sit?Where would you prefer to sit? 您喜欢那个座位?您喜欢那个座位?l lBy the window, please.By the window, please. 请给我靠窗的座位。请给我靠窗的座位。l lS: Ill show you to your table. this way, please.S: Ill s

3、how you to your table. this way, please. 我带您入座吧,这边请。我带您入座吧,这边请。l lIs this fine?Is this fine? 这个位子好吗?这个位子好吗?l lG G:OK, its fine.OK, its fine. 好的,这里很好。好的,这里很好。l lS: Please have your seat, sir.S: Please have your seat, sir. 先生,请坐。先生,请坐。l lG: Thanks.G: Thanks. 谢谢。谢谢。l lS: Here is the menu, sir, please t

4、ake a look.S: Here is the menu, sir, please take a look. 先生,这是菜单,请先看一下。先生,这是菜单,请先看一下。l lS: Our waiter/waitress will come to take your S: Our waiter/waitress will come to take your order right away. A moment ,please.order right away. A moment ,please. 我们的服务生马上会来为你点菜。请稍候。我们的服务生马上会来为你点菜。请稍候。l lS: Wish

5、you have a pleasant meal.S: Wish you have a pleasant meal. G: G:祝你用餐愉快。祝你用餐愉快。 Words & Expressions 相关词语 afternoon/evening 中午/晚上 madam/ladies/gentlemen 女士/小姐/先生 take order 点菜 right away 马上 moment 片刻的 Pleasant 愉快的 Waiter 男服务员 waitress 女服务员Asking Guest to Wait a While要求客人稍等一会要求客人稍等一会Dialogue 对话l lS: Go

6、od morning, sir. I m afraid all our tables S: Good morning, sir. I m afraid all our tables are taken at the moment, Would you mind are taken at the moment, Would you mind waiting for a while?waiting for a while? 早上好,先生,恐怕所有的位子都坐满了,您介早上好,先生,恐怕所有的位子都坐满了,您介意稍等一会吗?意稍等一会吗?l lG G: Well, how long will it t

7、akeWell, how long will it take? 要等多久?要等多久?l lS: Im not sure, maybe 5S: Im not sure, maybe 510 minutes.10 minutes. 我不确定,也许我不确定,也许5 51010分钟。分钟。l lG G:Thank you.Thank you.l l谢谢。谢谢。lS: If you are in a hurry, we also serve breakfast at Jin Yuan Shanghai Restaurant on 2/F. 如果您赶时间的话,我们在2楼的锦园上海餐厅也有早餐供应。lG:

8、Thatll be too much trouble. Ill wait. 那太麻烦了,我还是等一会吧。lThank for your co-operation, sir. 谢谢您的合作,先生。A Table becomes vacant A Table becomes vacant 有一张空桌时有一张空桌时l lS: We have a table available for you now, sir. S: We have a table available for you now, sir. This way, please. Were very sorry to have kept T

9、his way, please. Were very sorry to have kept you waiting.you waiting. 先生,现在有空位了。这边请。非常抱歉让您等先生,现在有空位了。这边请。非常抱歉让您等候。候。l lG G:Fine.Fine. 很好。很好。活用例句lHow many persons are there in your party, sir?先生,请问有几位?lDo you have a breakfast voucher? 您有早餐劵吗?lAllow me to change a table For you, sir. 先生,请允许我为您换一张餐桌。l

10、Im afraid that table is reserved. 那桌子恐怕已经被预订。活用例句lIs there anyone joining you, sir? 先生,还有人要来吗?lWould you mind sharing a table with other guest of us? 您介不介意和别的客人同桌?lIm afraid that table is under preparation. 那张餐桌恐怕还没有准备好。活用例句lIm afraid we cannot seat you at the same table, Would you mind sitting sepa

11、rately? 恐怕没办法让你们坐同一张台,你们介不介意分开坐?lWould you like a high chair for your son/daughter/child? 要不要给您的儿子/女儿/小孩一张高椅?lCould you move your chair closer to the table, please? 请把椅子拉近餐桌好吗?活用例句lExcuse my passing beside you please, miss. 小姐,对不起,请借过一下。lExcuse me, sir, Would you mind moving over a little bit? 先生,对不

12、起,您不介意移过一点?lCould you move along at one seat, please? 请移过去一个位子好吗?lAnother guest wishes to sit at the bar. 另一位客人想坐在吧台边。活用例句l lCould you wait a moment for vacant table, please?Could you wait a moment for vacant table, please? 请等一下空位好吗?请等一下空位好吗?l lWe would seat you at soon.We would seat you at soon. 我们

13、会很快安排您入座。我们会很快安排您入座。l lCould you wait a little longer, please?Could you wait a little longer, please? 请多等一会好吗?请多等一会好吗?l lWere very sorry to have kept you waiting, sir.Were very sorry to have kept you waiting, sir. 先生,抱歉让您久等了。先生,抱歉让您久等了。活用例句lWould you like a table near the window (by the stage /in th

14、e center/over there/over here)? 您喜欢靠窗(舞台旁边、在中间、在那边、在这边)的餐桌吗?lWould you prefer a table in the main lobby or in a private room? 您喜欢大厅的座位还是小房间的座位。Words & Expressions相关词语co-operation co-operation 合作合作Vacant Vacant 空闲的空闲的Available Available 可用的可用的Joining Joining 加入加入Sharing Sharing 共享共享Preparation Prepar

15、ation 准备准备Separately Separately 分开的分开的Passing Passing 经过经过Moving Moving 移动移动Wish Wish 希望希望Longer Longer 久一些久一些Stage Stage 舞台舞台in the center in the center 在中间在中间over there over there 在那里在那里Prefer Prefer 更喜欢更喜欢Private Private 私密的私密的Handling Reservation接受客人预定Dialogue 对话lGood afternoon, Jin Yuan Restaur

16、ant, may I help you? 下午好,锦园餐厅,我能为您服务吗?lG: Good afternoon, I want to book a table for four at 7:30(pm) this evening. 下午好,我想预定一张4位的桌子,今天晚上7.30到。lS: Fine, sir. May I have your name please? 好的,先生,请告诉我您的名字好吗?lG: Brown, b-r-o-w-n. 布朗。lS: Very well, Mr. Brown. Would you like to have a Private Room? 好的,布朗先生

17、,你要个小厅房吗?lG: No, thank you. I prefer to have a seat in the lobby. 不用了,谢谢,我还是比较喜欢坐在大厅里。lS: Good, Mr. Brown, you have booked a table on 2/F of our restaurant at 7:30 this evening. 好的,布朗先生,您已经预定好了我们2楼餐厅的餐台,今天晚上7.30到。lG: Quite right, thank you. 完全正确,谢谢。lS: You are welcome. 不用客气。lS: So Mr. Brown, we are

18、looking forward to having you with us then. 好的,布朗先生,我们等候您的光临。lG: Well be arriving on time, bye-bye. 我们会准时到达,再见。Words & Expressions相关词语l lHandling Handling 处理处理l lReservation Reservation 预订预订l lBook Book 预订预订l llooking forward looking forward 期待期待l lArriving Arriving 抵达抵达l lon time on time 准时准时Taking

19、 the Order of Chinese Cuisine接受中餐点菜Dialogue 对话lS: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Im Emily, hope you have a pleasant time with us. 女士们、先生们,晚上好,我是艾美莉,希望你们用餐愉快。lHere is your menu. 这是菜谱。lWould you like to have a drink before meal? 请问要来点餐前饮品吗?lG: No, thanks, we prefer to take a look at the menu. 不了,

20、谢谢,我们想先看看菜谱。lS: Fine, Ill come to you immediately when you are ready to order. 好的,您看好了我会马上回来为您点菜。lS: May I take you order now, sir? 先生,可以点菜了吗?lG: Yes, please, we would like to have 好的,可以了,我们想要l(Not yet, just a moment 还没看好,再等一会吧。)lG: Emily, is there anything special in your restaurant you could recom

21、mend to us? 艾美莉,你们餐厅有什么特别的食品可以介绍给我们吗?lS: Yes, sir, allow me to introduce Sweet and Sour Pork to you. 好的,先生,允许我介绍菠萝咕噜肉给您。l(I suggest you to have 我建议您点)Repeating orders 复述客人所点的菜lS: Sir, you have ordered a Sweet and Sour Pork, a Sauted Beef and Green Pepper, a Steamed Mandarin Fish, a Braised Egg-plant

22、, a Hot and Spicy Soup, and a Spring Rolls, am I right?l先生,您点叫了菠萝咕噜肉、青椒炒牛肉、清蒸桂花鱼、茄子煲、酸辣汤和春卷,对吗?lG: Quite right. 完全正确。lS: Please wait a moment, Ill arrange your order immediately. 请稍侯,我立刻(给厨房)下单。活用例句lI think this dish will be suitable for four persons to have. 我认为这款菜适合四个人吃。lOur chef should be able to

23、 make this. Ill check with them, just a moment, please. 我们厨师应该能做这道菜,我去问问,请稍等。lWhich dishes would you like to be served first? 您要先上哪道菜?活用例句lIm afraid the quantity of this dish will be too much for two persons. 恐怕这个菜的量对两个人来说太多了。lI would suggest you to reduce the number by two dishes. 我建议您减少两道菜。lWould

24、you like the dishes you ordered to be large or small portions? 您点的菜要大份还是小份的?活用例句lThe jasmine tea is complimentary, sir. 先生,茉莉香片是免费的。lThis is the complete course, There will be dessert to follow. 这是全部的菜,接下来还有点心。Words & Expressions相关词语Order Order 定购定购Immediately Immediately 立即立即Ready Ready 准备完毕准备完毕Rec

25、ommend Recommend 推荐推荐Introduce Introduce 介绍介绍Allow Allow 允许允许Suggest Suggest 建议建议Sauted Sauted 炒炒Steamed Steamed 蒸蒸Braised Braised 烧烧Arrange Arrange 安排安排Suitable Suitable 适当的适当的Chef Chef 厨师厨师Check Check 核实核实Quantity Quantity 量量Reduce Reduce 减少减少Portion Portion 份份Complimentary Complimentary 赠送的赠送的Com

26、plete Complete 全部的全部的Course Course 一道菜一道菜Taking an A La Carte Order西式点菜服务Dialogue 对话lS: Good morning sir, May I show you our breakfast menu? please take your time. 先生您早,您要不要看早餐的菜单,请慢慢看。lG: Ah, thank you.啊,谢谢。lMay I take your order now,sir, which kind of juice would you like?我可以为您点菜了吗,请问喜欢那一种果汁?lYes,

27、 Ill like a pineapple juice.好的,我喜欢菠萝汁.lG: And Ill like to have tow fried eggs with bacon and toast .还有我要煎双蛋配烟肉、和吐司。lS: How would you like your eggs, sir?先生,您点的鸡蛋要怎样煎法?lG: sunny-side up, please.请只煎一面。 或: over-easy 两面煎半熟 over-hard 两面全熟。lS: ok, would you like the coffee or tea, now or later?好的,您喝咖啡还是奶茶

28、,现在还是稍后再上?lG: tea, and now, please.我喝茶,请现在给我吧。lS: ok, just a moment, please.好的,请等一下。对话/Dialogue午午/晚餐点菜时用语:晚餐点菜时用语:lWhich kind of salad dressing would you prefer, French, Thousand Island or Vinaigrette? 请问您喜欢那一种沙律佐料?法式、千岛或油醋汁?lHow would you like your steak, sir ? medium rare, medium well or well done

29、? 先生,您的牛排要几成熟?三四成熟还是七八成熟?或者要全熟的。活用例句精华lWould you like to care for some more coffee, sir?先生,还要不要再来点咖啡?lExcuse me, may I take your plate, sir?对不起,先生,我可以收盘子吗?lWill there be anything else?还要不要点别的东西吗?lIm afraid it is not on our breakfast menu.我们早餐牌上恐怕没有这项。活用例句精华l lIm afraid it has been sold out.这个恐怕已经买完了

30、。l lCould you repeat the order, please?请重复一次您点的菜好吗?活用例句精华lWhich flavour would you prefer, A or B?您喜欢那一种口味,A还是B?lIm afraid gratin will take about 15 minutes to prepare, sir would you mind waiting?先生,那道菜恐怕要花15分钟来准备,您介不介意等一下?活用例句精华l lAre you on a special diet ,sir?先生,您有什么特别限定的饮食吗?l lThis dish contains

31、pork.这道菜有猪肉。活用例句精华l lAre you in a hurry?您赶时间吗?l lThe set course will not take as much time.套餐不会花那么多的时间。l lI recommend the -,sir.我推荐活用例句精华l lHave you finished your meal,sir?先生,您用完餐了吗?l lThis dish is very hot,please be careful.这道菜很烫,请小心。活用例句精华l lThis food is best eaten while hot,please enjoy your meal

32、.这食物最好趁热吃,请好好享用。l lMay I clean the table,sir.先生,我可以收拾桌子了吗?F.对食物的抱怨及应对/Complaints about the food对话/Dialoguel lG:This steak is underdone!这份牛排未熟透 overdone 太老了 raw 半生不熟 bloody 还有血水 tough 嚼不烂 hard 太硬 dry 太干涩对话/Dialoguel lThis soup is cold!这汤是冷的。 lukewarm 微温的(不够热) tepid 微温 tasteless 味道太淡 flavorless 没香味对话/

33、Dialoguel lThis salad is too oily!这沙律太油腻了! not fresh 不新鲜l lThese eggs are raw! 这些蛋没煮熟! too soft 才半熟 too hard 太老了 runny 没煮熟 undercooked 煮得不够 overcooked 煮得太久了 对话/Dialoguel lThis food tastes strangeThis food tastes strange!这道菜味道很怪!这道菜味道很怪 funny funny 不对劲不对劲 awful awful 很可怕很可怕 bad bad 很差很差l lThis toast

34、is too dark! This toast is too dark! 这土司烤得太焦了这土司烤得太焦了 too light too light 烤得不够烤得不够 burnt burnt 焦掉了焦掉了 stale stale 不新鲜不新鲜 soggy soggy 没烤熟没烤熟 damp damp 湿湿的(没烘透)湿湿的(没烘透)对话/Dialoguel lThis ice cream is soft! 这雪糕太软了! melted 融化了 runny 松松软软的l lThis tea is cold! 这茶是冷的! too weak 太淡了 too strong 太浓了l lThis jui

35、ce is warm! 果汁是温的! This beer is flat! 啤酒走味了!对话/Dialoguel lThis wine tastes sour(vinegary)! 这酒尝起来是酸的(和醋一样酸)l lThis milk is off (sour)!牛奶不新鲜(酸的)!l lTheres an insect in my salad! 我的沙律里有昆虫!l lTheres a hair in my soup!我的汤里有一根头发!对话/Dialoguel lS:Im very sorry,sir Iill return your to the chef.非常抱歉,先生,我会把您的退

36、回给主厨。l lS:Im very sorry,sir,Iill bring you another one/bottle.非常抱歉,先生,我会替您送来另外一份(瓶)。l lS:Is there anything wrong with your order,sir?您的菜那里不对劲,先生?对话/Dialoguel lS:What would you like me to do?您要我做些什么?l lS:There will be no charge for this,this is compliments of the manager,this is on house. 这不用付费,这是经理免

37、费附赠的,这由公司请客。G.对餐具的抱怨及应对/Complaints about the tableware对话/Dialoguel lG:Theres no ashtray on the table! 桌上没有烟灰缸!l lS:Im very sorry,Iill bring you one. 非常抱歉,我会替您拿一个来。对话/Dialoguel lG:Could I have some matches (toothpicks),please? 我能要些火柴(牙签)吗?l lG:Certaily,sir Ill bring you some.当然,先生,我会替您拿些过来。对话/Dialogu

38、el lG:This glass is cracked! 玻璃杯有裂痕! dirty 是脏的 smeared 被涂污了 spotted 有污点 stained 有污点 chipped 有缺口对话/Dialoguel lG:This knife is blunt! 这把餐刀是钝的! bent 弯掉了 isnt sharp 不锋利 doesnt cut 切不下去l lG:I dropped my fork on the floor.我的叉子掉在地板上。l lG:The food was dreadful,Id like a discount.这食物真可怕,我想要求打折。H.对服务的抱怨及应对/Co

39、mplaints about the wrong (late) order对话/Dialoguel lG:The service was very bad,Im certainly not paying the service charge.服务很差劲,我一定不付服务费。l lG:Our table was in a very poor position. 我们这桌子位置很差。对话/Dialoguel lG:Its very noisy (cold/freezing,hot/stifling,dark/gloomy)in here. 这里面好吵(冷/冰冷,热/闷热,暗/阴暗)。对话/Dialo

40、guel lG:Waiter,this isnt what I ordered! 服务员,这不是我点的菜!l lS:Im very sorry,sir,what was your order? 真对不起,先生,您点的是什么?l lG:I ordered a shrimp curry,not beef curry! 我点的是咖喱鲜虾,不是咖喱牛肉!l lS:I see,sir,Ill bring you at once. 我明白了,先生,马上给您送来。对话/Dialoguel lG:Waiter,I oderded my meal at least thirty minutes ago and

41、it still hasnt come,why is it taking so long? 服务员,我至少在30分钟前点的菜,到现在还没来,为什么要那么久?l lS:Im very sorry,sir,Ill check your order with the chef. 真对不起,先生,我会去厨房核对一下您点的菜。对话/Dialoguel lG:Please do and hurry up!ive got an appointment in fifteen minutes. 请快一点,15分钟以后我有个约会。l lS:Just a moment,please,were very sorry

42、for the delay. 请稍等,抱歉耽误了。I.酒水类的服务用语/Drinks service对话/Dialoguel lS:would you like to have some drinks to go with your meal, sir? 先生,您用餐时喜欢喝点什么饮料?l lG: What kind of drinks do you serve here?你这里有什么好喝的? l lS: We have Chinese Hard Liquors, Wines, Beers, and soft drinks.我们有中国白酒、红酒、啤酒和一些软饮。对话/Dialoguel lG:

43、 We prefer beer, and what sort of beer do you recommend?我们喜欢喝啤酒,有那些种类的啤酒你可推荐?l lS: I suggest you to have Qingdao, the most famous brand in China.我建议你选择青岛啤酒吧,它是中国很有名的牌子。对话/Dialoguel lG: Good, wed love to try it, but it should be chilled.好,我们很乐意试一下,但它一定要冰镇的。l l S: Yes, Sir, now Ill arrange your order,

44、 please wait a moment.好的,先生,稍等一会,我现在去安排你的菜单。J.询问餐厅的营业时间/Restaurant service time对话/Dialoguel lG:When does the restaurant open?餐厅几点开始营业?l lS:The restaurant opens at 6 am餐厅早上6点开始营业。l lG:When is the restaurant open for breakfast?餐厅几点开始供应早餐?l lS:The restaurant is open for breakfast from 6 am untill 10.30

45、am餐厅从早上6点到10.30供应早餐。对话/Dialoguel lG:What are the restaurants hours?请问餐厅的营业时间?l lS:The restaurants hours are from 2.00pm untill 1.00am.餐厅的营业时间是从中午2.00到凌晨1.00.对话/Dialoguel lG:When do you close?你们几点打烊?l lS:Our last order is at 12.00pm,Could you arrive before then,please?我们到12.00停止接收点菜,请在那以前到达好吗?K.标准结帐付

46、款方/Standard bill payment对话/Dialoguel lS:Good evening sir,May I help you?先生,晚上好,要结帐了吗?l lG:Yes,how much will this be?这帐单多少钱?l lS:Thank you,sir,your bill comes to RMB200.谢谢,一共是220元人民币。对话/Dialoguel lG:Are you sure thats right?shouldt it be RMB200?你确定没错吗?不应该是200元吗?l lS:Im afraid there is a 10% service c

47、harge.恐怕还得加上10的服务费。l lG:I see,Here you are.我明白了,这给你。l lS:Thank you,sir.谢谢您,先生。活用例句精华l lIm afraid we cannot accept currency as payment here.我们这里恐怕不能接受用外币付帐。l lCould you show me your room key,please?请给我看您的房间钥匙好吗?活用例句精华l lAre you a staying guest,sir?您是住店客人吗?l lCould you sign the bill and add your room

48、number,the bill will be added to your final room bill.请在帐单上签名并写上房间号码,金额会加在您最后的客房帐单上。活用例句精华l lWill these be on a separate bill? 帐单要分开来算吗?l lTogether or separate? 要一起算还是分开来算?L.递送食物/Delivery of food对话/Dialoguel lS:Good morning,This is room seyvice,may I come in? 早上好,这是送餐服务,我可以进去吗?l lG:Sure.当然可以。l lS:He

49、re is your meal,sir,where shall I put the tray (wagon/trolley)?这是您的食物,先生,我该把餐盘(餐车/手推车)放在那里呢?l lG:You can leave it over there. 就放在那边。对话/Dialoguel lS:Could you sign here,please? 请在这里签个名好吗?l lG:I dont have a pen,Can I use yours? 我没有笔,能借用你的吗?l lS:Certaily,sir,Here you are. 当然可以,先生,请用。 (Guest signs bill

50、客人在帐单上签字)对话/Dialoguel lS:Thank you,sir,When you have finished,could you call extension 6718 then we can take the tray back ? 谢谢您,先生,麻烦您用餐完毕以后致电内线6718,让我们可以及时回收餐盘好吗?l lG:Yes,of course.好的,当然可以。活用例句精华l lMay I move these papers aside,sir? 先生,可不可以把这些文件移到旁边?l lMay I put these papers on the writing desk? 可

51、不可以把这些文件放在写字台上?l lThats very kind of you,sir,but a service charge has already been added to your bill. 先生,谢谢您的好意,但服务费已经加算到帐单里头了。M.询问遗失物品时/When a Guest calls about lost property对话/Dialoguel lG:Is that the coffee shop?请问是咖啡厅吗?l lS:Speaking,May I help you?是的,需要我效劳吗?l lYes,I had breakfast in your resaur

52、ant this morning and left my mobile telephone there,Have you found them?我今天早上在贵餐厅用餐,把手机遗落在那里了,你们有没有看到?对话/Dialoguel lS:May I have your name,please?请问您贵姓?l lG:Yes,its Brown。我是布朗。l lS:Could you describe them,please?请描述一下那部手机好吗?l lG:Yes,its nokia,color is black.好的,是诺基亚手机,黑色的。l lS:Ok,Iill check for you.好

53、的,我查查看。对话/Dialoguel lS:Im very sorry to have kept you waiting,we have found your mobile telephone ,sir.让您久等了,我们找到您的手机了,先生。l lG:Wonderful,thanks very much.太好了,非常感谢。l lS:You are welcome,sir.不用客气,先生。活用例句精华l lWhere were you sitting?您坐那里?l lDo you remember where you left it?您记不记得放在那里了?l lWe found your sp

54、ectacles but they have been taken to the lost and found department,Could you call them on extension 6666,please?我们捡到了您的眼镜,但已经送到招领部去了,请致电分机6666好吗?活用例句精华l lCould you come to the coffee shop now,sir?先生,请现在就到咖啡厅好吗?l lMy name is jimmy,I am in charge of 我是吉米,负责管理l lCould you come to the cashiers desk at the entrance?请到入口处的收银柜台拿好吗?



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