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1、中学英语中表中学英语中表示原因的介词示原因的介词 简介简介英语介词虽然很少,英语介词虽然很少,但大多数介词的用法但大多数介词的用法及其搭配关系比较复及其搭配关系比较复杂,因此本讲就杂,因此本讲就SEFC 中出现的表示中出现的表示“原因原因”的介词作一归纳。的介词作一归纳。1、after: “因为,由于因为,由于” ( as a result of ,because of )Eg. After the way he treated me, I shall never want to see him again. 他那样对待我,我再也不想见到他了。他那样对待我,我再也不想见到他了。You must

2、 be feeling tired after that long walk.走了那么长的路,你一定累了。2、at: 表示引起事情发生的“起因”。Eg. At the mention of money, the strange became attentive. 一提到钱,那陌生人就全神贯注起来。一提到钱,那陌生人就全神贯注起来。 The whole country was very sad at the news of his death. 听到他死去的消息,全国人民非常悲痛。听到他死去的消息,全国人民非常悲痛。The child froze at the sight of the snak

3、e.一见到蛇,小孩子吓呆了。一见到蛇,小孩子吓呆了。3、because of: “因为,因为,由于由于 ” ( as a result of ).Eg. We had to drive very slowly because of the fog. 由于有雾,由于有雾,我们只得把车开得很慢。我们只得把车开得很慢。It was all because of your necklace, your beautiful diamond necklace.那全是因为你的项链,你那美丽的钻那全是因为你的项链,你那美丽的钻石项链。石项链。4、 by: “由于-的结果”。Eg. I came upon th

4、e document quite by accident. 我发现我发现这个文件完全是偶然的。这个文件完全是偶然的。 He forced my brother to draw upon him, and fell by my brothers sword. 他迫使我兄弟拔出剑来对着他,然后他他迫使我兄弟拔出剑来对着他,然后他 就就 倒在我兄弟的剑下。倒在我兄弟的剑下。By his position as Chairman, he is entitled to attend all the meetings of the committee.他以主席的身份,有权出席委员会的各种会议。5、due

5、to : “因为、由于因为、由于” ( as a result of , because of ) 。例如:例如:The accident was due to the negligence of the signal-man. 事故是由于信号员的疏忽大意造成的。事故是由于信号员的疏忽大意造成的。His illness was due to bad food. 他的病是由于劣质食物引起的。他的病是由于劣质食物引起的。He arrived late due to the storm. 由于风暴他迟到了。由于风暴他迟到了。6、thanks to : “幸亏,由于幸亏,由于” ( as a resu

6、lt of, because of )Eg. Thanks to Toms kind help, we finished the work ahead of time. 由于汤姆的帮助,由于汤姆的帮助, 我们提前我们提前完完 成了任务。成了任务。7、for : “因为,由于因为,由于” ” , ,例如例如:You cant see the wood for the trees. 你只见树木,你只见树木, 不见森不见森林。林。Had it not been for the captain the ship would have sunk with all on board.要不是有那位船长,就会

7、连人带船要不是有那位船长,就会连人带船都沉没了。都沉没了。8、from :指一个事件或情况发生的指一个事件或情况发生的“原因,原因,理由,动机理由,动机”。( as a result of , because of ) 。例如例如:All her life she suffered from headaches. 她一辈子都闹头痛病。她一辈子都闹头痛病。He did it from kindness. 他做这件事是出于好意。他做这件事是出于好意。9、 in :表示表示“原因原因”。 例如:例如:The child cried out in pain. 小孩疼得叫出声小孩疼得叫出声来。来。He

8、gave the information in hope of a reward.他因想得到报酬才提供了这个他因想得到报酬才提供了这个情报。情报。10、of : 在为数不多的习语在为数不多的习语 中中,表示表示“原因原因”。例。例如:如:The deer died of hunger. 那只鹿死那只鹿死于饥饿。于饥饿。She was sick of a fever. 她因发烧而她因发烧而病倒。病倒。11、on : 表示表示“理由,原因理由,原因”。例。例如:如:He called to see me on business. 他因公事来他因公事来看我。看我。On his doctors adv

9、ice, he took a months holiday. 跟据医嘱,他休假一个月。跟据医嘱,他休假一个月。12、on account of : “因为,由于因为,由于” ” , ,例如:例如:On account of the weather, we had to cancel the projected outing.由于天气关系,我们不得由于天气关系,我们不得不取消原定的出游计划。不取消原定的出游计划。Trains from Shanghai may be up to ten minutes late, on account of repairs to the track. 由于修由于

10、修轨,从上海来的火车可能晚十分钟到达。轨,从上海来的火车可能晚十分钟到达。13、through : ( as a result of ,because of )。 On reading the letter, he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison, through no fault of his own. 从信中得知,他在法国家里的一个从信中得知,他在法国家里的一个仆人没有犯法却被关进监狱。仆人没有犯法却被关进监狱。The plant died through lack of water.

11、植物由于缺水而枯死。植物由于缺水而枯死。We have got into this trouble all through your stupidity.我们陷入如此困境完全是因为你的愚蠢。我们陷入如此困境完全是因为你的愚蠢。 14、out of : “因为、由于” ,例如:I came out of real interest, not just to have a good time!我是由于真正感兴趣才来的,我是由于真正感兴趣才来的,绝不仅仅是想玩得痛快。绝不仅仅是想玩得痛快。I lent her my camera just out of friendship. 我借给她照相机正是出于

12、我借给她照相机正是出于友好。友好。15、over : “由于的缘故由于的缘故”。 例如:例如:When Mum asked for some glasses, they showed her some quilts! Dad and I had a good laugh over that. 妈妈要买的是妈妈要买的是杯子,杯子, 他们却给她拿被子!他们却给她拿被子! 爸爸和我因此大笑不止。爸爸和我因此大笑不止。16、owing to : “因为,因为,由于由于” ” , ,例如:例如:Owing to rising costs, bus fares will be increased from

13、 next Monday.由於费用增加,公共汽车票价从下星期一开始涨价。We were late, owing to the snow. 由于下雪,我们迟到了。由于下雪,我们迟到了。 17、with: 指“因为,由于因为,由于” ” , ,例如:例如:Gesslor turned red with anger. 盖斯勒脸气红了。盖斯勒脸气红了。 She was shivering with cold. 她冷得发抖。她冷得发抖。 With three children we cant afford new furniture.要养活三个孩子,要养活三个孩子, 我们没钱买新家具。我们没钱买新家具。 I cant go out with all these dishes to wash. 我要洗所有这些盘子,我要洗所有这些盘子, 不能出去。不能出去。



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