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1、新视野英语( 三)复习题Passage 1Big Ben is one of London*s best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular atnight when the clock faces are lighted. You even know when parliament is in session,because a light shines above the clock face.The four dials( 钟面) of the clock are 23 feet square, the minute hand is 1

2、4 feet longand the figures are 2 feet high. Minutely regulated ( 校准) with a stack( 堆) of coins placedon the huge pendulum ( 钟摆) , Big Ben is an excellent timekeeper, which has rarelystopped.The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen-tonbell hung within. The b

3、ell was named after the first commissioner 行政长官) of works,Sir Benjamin Hall. This bell came originally from the old Palace of Westminster, and wasgiven to the Dean( 教长) of St. Paul by William III. Before returning to Westminster tohang in its present home, it was refashioned in Whitechapel in 1858.

4、The BBC firstbroadcast the chimes( 报时) on ihe 31st December 1923 - there is a microphone( 扩音器) in the turret ( 塔楼) connected to Broadcasting House.During the Second World War in 1941, a bomb destroyed the Lower Chamber( 众议院,下院) of the Houses of Parliament, but the clock tower remained intact and Big

5、 Bencontinued to keep time and strike away the hours, its unique sound was broadcast to thenation and around the world, a welcome reassurance ( 恢复信心) of hope to all who heardit.The tower is not open to the general public, but those with a special interest mayarrange a visit to the top of the Clock T

6、ower through their local ( UK) M P.1. When parliament has a meetingA. Big Ben lights the parliamentB. the clock faces are lightedC. a light is on above the faceD. Big Ben strikes the time2. Which of following statements is true according to the passage?A. Big Ben has only one hand.B. Coins are used

7、to make Big Ben work more precisely.C. Big Ben has never stopped.D. Big Ben has a huge pendulum made of coins.3. The bell was once owned by.A . the old Palace of WestminsterB. Sir Benjamin HallC. The Dean of St. PaulD.The BBC4. the BBC first broadcast the chimes on the eve of.A .1858B. 1923C. 1924D

8、.19145. the word “intact in Line 2, Para.4 probably means.A. uninjuredB. uncutC. unharmedD. undamagedPassage 2When the Romantic Movement was still popular, it was a common matter of debate( 辩论)whether people should marry for love or for money. The young people concerned usually favoredlove, and thei

9、r parents usually favored money. Careful parents, while admitting that theirdaughters should marry for love, took care that all the young men they met should be rich. Thismethod was sometimes very successful. It was adopted, for example, by my grandfather, who hada large number of romantic daughters

10、, none of whom married badly.In these days the matter no longer looks so simple as it did eighty years ago. We realize nowthat money may be the cause, or part of the cause, of quite genuine love; of this there arenotable( 显著的) examples in history. Mohammed is just one of them. As most people know, h

11、ewas a camel-driver to a rich widow whom he loved and ultimately married. It was her capitalwhich supported him throughout the early hard years of the prophet( 神的代言者, 预言者)business. Mohammed was not the man to give the only devotion to any one woman, but there is nodoubt that, within the limit set by

12、 polygamy( 一夫多妻) , he was genuinely fond of his wife andbenefactress.This is an example where the man was poor and woman rich, but in a world dominated by menthe opposite is the commoner case. If a very rich man asks a very poor girl to marry him, she islikely, especially if she has social ambitions

13、, to feel a kind of gratitude which will lead her to fallin love with him. At any rate, he will need a smaller degree of personal attractiveness than a poorman would need. Wealth can often purchase not only the appearance of love but its reality. This isunjust and undesirable but nonetheless( 虽然如此)

14、a fact.1. It can be inferred but not stated thatA. although people favor romantic love, many of them can not easily give up the temptation( 诱惑) of moneyB. the authors grandfather was a money-seekerC. eighty years ago, people married for loveD. in a world dominated by men, poor girls tend to marry we

15、althy but not attractive gentlemen2. Why, in Paragraph 2, does the author say M. the matter no longer looks so simple.*?A. People are making greater effort to seek for money.B. People have become more and more complex.C. People have had a new understanding of money and love.D. People are no longer s

16、o foolish as before.3. What does the example about Mohammed imply?A. Money can easily purchase love.B. Money can also cause genuine love.C. Mohammed was a real cheater.D. The widow was really foolish.4. The meaning of benefactress in Paragraph 2 is closest toA. masterB. loverC. the person who has gi

17、ven sympathyD. the person who gives money for a good purpose5. What is the authors attitude toward the matter mentioned in this passage?A. Compromising.B. Certain.C. Negative.D. Critical.Passage 3When faced with death, we all react in different ways. Most people hope for a gooddeath, however they ma

18、y define it. There are many books which are available to help youapproach death mindfully and plan for end-of-life care in a systematic way. If you are faced withmaking decisions about end-of-life care for yourself or someone you love, a good place to start iswith the Handbook for Mortals ( 凡人) , a

19、caring and authoritative guide written by a team ofexperts in the field.Ils important for a person to express preferences about health care at the end of life. Thiscan be done through the use of formal legal documents which grant a power of attorney( 律师) forhealth care to someone you trust to make d

20、ecisions for you should you become unable to doso yourself. These directives , which may be called living wills, must be tailored to your specificsituation and location, as laws vary around the world. These directives may cover any issue youconsider important. A very common concern centers around tu

21、be feeding and related issuesincluding difficult decisions about withdrawing life-sustaining ( 生命维持) treatment.A very important decision is whether or not you wish to choose home or hospice care( 临终关怀)as an alternative to a hospital setting. Whether at home or in a hospital, it*simportant to demand

22、top-quality palliative ( 缓解病) 南 )care. You can inform yourself aboutspecific diseases by researching health care texts.Many faith traditions place emphasis on the importance of conscious preparation for death as away of showing respect for and acceptance of lifes final adventure. Death is not the op

23、posite oflife-it is the opposite of birth.The decision to end one*s life when death is approaching anyway is sometimes calledphysician-assisted suicide ( PAS) , or voluntary euthanasia ( 安乐死) ; this is a special case of themore general topic of suicide. The right to die* is the subject of controvers

24、ial legal battles on aninternational scale.1. Which of the following is not true in terms of a ngood deathM?A. There are many recommendations to plan for a good death.B. A good death means a peaceful death with dignity.C. To face death mindfully is what is expected most.D. A good death* may be defin

25、ed as voluntary euthanasia.2. What is the better recommendation for health care at the end of life?A. Always leave end-of-life care with lawyers.B. Never stay at home for the final phase of life.C. Study different causes of death.D. Express the will to die without pain.3. According to the passage wh

26、ich of the following is NOT true?A. Whether or not to stop life-sustaining treatment is one of the difficult decisions to make.B. Hospice care is one of the choices to make to enjoy pain-free end-of-life care.C. Tube feeding comes to be accepted soon.D. The Handbook for Mortals is an authority for h

27、ealth care at the end of life.4. The word tailored in Line 5, Para. 2 may mean.A. cut to specific requirementsB. adapted for a particular purposeC. engaged in the trade of a tailorD. sewed clothes5. What main idea does the author intend to express?A. Euthanasia is a legal matter that causes worldwid

28、e arguments.B. Death is the last stage of life and a human being should die with respect and dignity.C. Its important to make clear what laws to follow in making directives.D. No effort is to be spared to keep life even with physical and mental sufferings.Passage 4Typical jokes or humorous stories h

29、ave a three-part anatomy that is easily recognized. First isthe Setup, next is the Body, and these are followed by the Punch Line which will make the jokefunny if it contains some humor. Usually all three parts are present, and each must be clearlypresented. It helps if the story/joke teller uses ge

30、stures and language which are well known to theaudience.“Slap-stick“ is the most obvious humor. Its language is simple, direct, and often makes fun ofanother person or group. It appeals to all ages and all cultures. Nearly every English-speakingcomedian in this century has used the following joke in

31、 one form or another. One man asksanother, 4tWho was that lady I saw with last night?” The other replies, 4That was no lady, that wasmy wife. The joke is no less funny because it is so often used.A Play on Words“ is funny because of misused or misunderstood language. My favoriteexample is the story

32、of three elderly gentlemen traveling by train in England. As the train slowedfor a stop the first man asked, “Is this Wembley?” No, said the second, Its Thursday.” So amsaid the third man. Lets stop for a beer.”Puns are even more subtle forms of word play. They use the technique of similar soundingw

33、ords or alternative meanings of the same word. Puns are thought by some critics to be the lowestform of humor, but I disagree with this. Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skillsthan humor forms, but even the very young can use them in their simpler forms. All in all, humoris alive

34、and well, and it will persist simply because there are funny things happening everyday.6. The word “typical( /, 1) here implies that.A. every joke or humorous story has three partsB. a joke or humorous story that has three parts is a real joke or humorous storyC. a common joke or humorous story is t

35、he most recognizableD. most jokes or humorous stories have three parts7. “The joke is no less funny because it is so often used“ means the joke.A. becomes less funny because it is often usedB. is not often used because it is not very funnyC. is funny even if it is often usedD. is often used because

36、it is funny8. In the story of three elderly gentlemen, the punch line is.A. Is this Wembley?”B. Lets stop for a beer.C. uIfs Thursday.D. So am I.”9. According to the author, a pun is.A. the least sophisticated form of humorB. too subtle to be understood by childrenC. difficult to understand because

37、of the sophisticated languageD. subtle but its simple forms are within childrens reach10. We can conclude from the article that the aut hor .A. thinks humor has become vulgarB. values humor highlyC. doesnt like some professional humoristsD. thinks most humorists are not creativePassage 5Just 30 year

38、s ago some 700 million people lived in cities. Today the number stands at 1,800million, and by the end of the century it will to 3,000 million - more than half worlds estimatedpopulation. By the year 2000 and estimated 650 million people will crowd into 60 cities of fivemillion or more-three quarter

39、s of them in the developing world. Only a single First World city -metropolitan Tokyo, which will have 24 million people - is expected to be among the global topfive; London, ranked second in 1950 with ten million people, will not even make 2000s top 25. Inplaces where rates of natural population in

40、crease exceed three percent annually - meaning muchof the Third World - that alone is enough to double a citys population within 20 years. Butequally powerful are the streams of hopeful migrants from the country-side.What faces and confuses urban planners is the huge scale of these trends, there hav

41、e neverbeen cities of 30 million people, let alone ones dependent on roads, sewer and water suppliesbarely adequate for urban areas a tenth that size. And the flood of new arrival in swelling Thirdworld cities far overtakes the supply of jobs - particularly as modern industries put a premium ontechn

42、ology rather than manpower. So it will be virtually impossible to find permanentemployment for 30 to 40 percent of the 1,000 million new city inhabitants expected by the year2000.Despite the terrible conditions that the city newcomers face, their numbers are growing atrates as much as twice that the

43、 cities themselves -and every step taken to improve their livingconditions in the slums only attracts more migrants.1. Which of the following is the main topic of this passage?A. The increase of world populationB. The change of urban living conditionC. The emigrants from the Third World countriesD.

44、The expansion of cities and its consequences2 .The author uses Tokyo as an example mainly to show t ha t .A. the biggest cities will still be in First World countriesB. its development speed will be greater than that of London.C. most of the biggest cities will be in the Third World countriesD. Lond

45、on is a smaller cities.3 .Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A. Over half of the worlds population will move to cities by 2000.B. London was once among the global top five.C. The world population will reach about 6,000 million by 2000.D. The developing countries will more fr

46、om the expansion of cities.4 .According the last paragraph we can i n f e r .A. the growth of urban population is faster than that of cities.B. the governments are wiling improve the living condition in the slumsC. the cities newcomers must face the musicD. the result of the governments effort is co

47、ntrary to their original will.5 .The expression “pul a premium on“ in Paragraph can be replaced by.A. . are in need ofB. put emphasis onC. have no lack ofD. think little ofPassage 6Surfing the Internet( 网上冲浪)can be as addictive as drugs, alcohol or gambling( 赌博) , aresearcher from University of Pitt

48、sburgh said last month.In a study of almost 400 men and women in Canada, researchers found Internet addictionhooked people into spending 40 hours or more a week online, most often involved in role-playinggames or engaged in chat room discussions.One 17-year-old boy was so addicted( 上瘾) to the Intern

49、et activities that his parents had toadmit him to a drug/alcohol rehabilitation( 康复) hospital for 10 days for treatment.One woman, described by friends, family and children as a perfect homemaker, wife andmother, became so addicted to the Internet that she would not cook, clean or do the laundry( 洗烫

50、衣物) and was neglecting her children and husband because she was spending as much as 12hours a day talking to acquaintances on the Internet.Finally her husband said, Choose me or the computer. She divorced him. PsychologistKimberly Young, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsbu

51、rghs Bradfordcampus, found that 76 per cent of the subjects in the study spends an average of 40 hours a weekon the Internet.Of 396 people who met Youngs criteria( 标准) for addicted Internet users, 157 were men, 239women. The men were younger with an average age of 29; the women average 43 years of a

52、ge.The largest group of addicted users of the Internet was people who were not working outsidethe home; that is, homemakers, students and those who were disabled( 伤残的) or retired( 退休的) .In a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association协会) inToronto, 82 percent of the

53、addicted users said they had slowly drifted into their addictions.1. According to the researcher in University of Pittsburgh, surfing the Internet can beA. alcoholic B. harmfulC. exciting D. stimulating2. Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?A. Many Internet surfers

54、 play games and chat online.B. Some Internet surfer has to receive medical treatment to get over the addiction.C. Nearly half of the Internet surfers spend almost 6 hours online every day.D. Internet, sometimes, can exert influence more powerful than family.3. It can be inferred from the passage the

55、 majority of addicted Internet users areA. young men B. middle-aged menC. young women D. middle-aged women4. It is implied people who are likely to be addicted Internet users are usuallyA. those who are busy with their workB. those who are not employedC. those who want to escape from their boring li

56、feD. those who want to make friends5. The writers attitude towards surfing the Internet is.A. appreciative B. satiric( 讽刺的) C. critical D. solemnPassage 7Like parental observation, teacher observation also has its pitfalls. Some teachers have atendency to overrate the abilities of docile, obedient,

57、conscientious children, Others fail torecognize potential giftedness that is suppressed by emotional conflicts or by boredom with dullroutinized, teacher-dominated situations,Identification of the gifted is best achieved by a combination of methods. To supplementaccurate observation by parents and t

58、eachers, standardized tests are widely used. Tests ofachievement or attainment identify scholastic aptitude; however, they may fail to identify,especially in elementary school, bright children whose economic and cultural backgrounds havebeen such as to lower their scholastic achievement. Group tests

59、 of intelligence, supplemented byindividual examinations such as the Binet or the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, havebeen used effectively in identifying the intellectually gifted Profiles or patterns of abilities that arederived from a set of tests are much more lightening than a general

60、 estimate such as that providedby the I. Q.; a child who is gifted in one area does not necessarily score equally high in other testsand subtests. If a discrepancy is apparent between teacher observation and test results, the childshould be given opportunity, over a period of time, to function at hi

61、s true level.1. The gifted child can be identified by.A) teachers1 observation B) parents* observationC) standardized tests and Individual exams D) a combination of the above methods2. In the second paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with.A) different tests and their function B)ways to ide

62、ntify the gifted childrenC) the importance of standardized tests D)the effectiveness of individual examinations3. The word discrepancy in the last sentence is closest in meaning to.A ) agreement B) approval C) difference D) opposition4. Which of the following statements is NOT correct according to t

63、he passage?A) A child gifted in one aspect will get high scores in any tests.B) Tests of achievement or attainment measure scholastic aptitude.C) Individual exams help to identify the intellectually talented.D) Group tests of intelligence are useful in finding out the gifted.5. Childrens potentialit

64、y might be neglected because.A) they fail to catch the teachers1 attentionB) they suffer from emotional conflictsC) they are too obedient to parents and teachersD) they have great interest in other activities instead of studyPassage 8To fill the hours of leisure created by eight-hour-work days, our

65、society has turned to sports.This leisure-time activity has become a dangerously serious business for the young male, whofeels the pressure to be a success. It is not enough for a young man to run faster and jump higherthan everyone else; he must now do it before a crowd of people for some sorts of

66、reward. Whileathletics are important, they ought to be kept in the right perspective.Schools should encourage athletic programs, but some administrators need to be reminded thatthese athletic programs are not the reason for the school* s existence. As David Martin advises,“The attitudes, appreciatio

67、ns, and ideals, of players and spectators should improve as a result oftheir experience with high school competitive athletics; and inter-scholastic sports programsshould be consistent with the general aims of a district* s education program, However, too often,the sports program offered are not con

68、sistent with these aims. As school-supported sportsdeveloped, so did a keen competitive drive in the minds of students. It has been made clear to thestudent-athletes that the “thrill of victory“ is sweeter than the agony of defeat.1. Sports might have a negative effect in the way that.A) young men n

69、eed to run fasterB) young men are highly pressured to succeedC) young men must jump higher than everyone elseD)young men must take up some sport2. The writer might agree with all of the following statements E XCE P T .A) schools should encourage sportsB) administrators should know athletic programs

70、are not the purpose of the schoolC) the success of a school lies in sportsD) sports should be kept in their proper place3. The underlined word athletics1* in the first paragraph probably me ans .A) sportsmen B) players C) rewards D) sports4. It can be inferred from the passage that.A) some schools l

71、ay too much emphasis on sportsB) a young man cannot be a success unless he excels in sportsC) a schools existence depends on a good athletic programD) sports are essential in developing a keen competitive spirit in the students5. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A) The

72、Pressure to Succeed.C) Sports and Education.B) The Aim of Education.D) Sports in High School.Passage 9Hyperinflation is defined as an economic condition during which there is a steep increase inprices. In accordance with the laws of economics, three factors combine to create this condition.First, de

73、mand must be much greater than the supply of available goods. Second, the country mustcontinuously create and thereby build up an ever-increasing supply of money. Third, thegovernmental processes that are used to collect taxes must be crippled. Lets imagine a countrywhere production is barely accomp

74、lishing goal: to keep up with demand. When this happens, thegovernment should decrease the salaries of the workers by raising taxes. But the government ispowerless to collect the fit so it prints more money to compensate for the goods it must purchase.This money goes to the workers who produced the

75、goods as a result, and the people are not forcedto give up certain things for a while they actually become richer, While this might appear to be apositive step, it is actually regressive. Every month the government is forced to print more andmore money, thereby increasing its liabilities until it is

76、 destroyed, The only way to prevent totaleconomic collapse in such a situation is for the government to increase taxes in a manner that ischaracterized by impartiality to everyone involved.1. Which of the following might occur during hyperinflation?A) A slight increase in prices. B) Rapid growth of

77、economy.C) Decrease of workers salary D) Soaring prices.2. The author states that during h y p e r i n f l a t i o n .A) goods appear to be overabundantB) the country has to supply more moneyC) government may become richer by collecting more taxesD) people are forced to give up certain things3. The

78、passage implies that.A) hyperinflation is just a passing phase in the economic developmentB) people could benefit a lot from hyperinflationC) hyperinflation is used by a government to raise taxesD) hyperinflation may cause the downfall of a government4. The word regressive in Line 12 probably means

79、.A) harmful B) negative C) going back D) progressive5. In this passage the author centers on.A) the cause of hyperinflationB) the dangers that hyperinflation brings to a countryC)the relationship between taxes and hyperinflationD)the supply of money and hyperinflationPassage 10Suicide has been a cau

80、se of concern in most societies for a long time. The classical Greeks, forexample, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. Whilethis law is not without humor by todays standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problemin times gone by. In todays society,

81、 suicide is much more prevalent than we want to admit. Whydo people try to take their own lives?The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention,stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change fromperson

82、to person, making it difficult to depict ( 描述; 描绘) the typical victim. To make theproblem even more involved, people will often camouflage( 伪装; 隐瞒) their true feelings, thuscausing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious.In the United States, a network of centers has bee

83、n created to attempt to prevent suicides.People who are bitter, worried, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers.These workers, often trained volunteers, offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help thecallers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illu

84、sion. The accomplishments of thesecenters, in so far as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, theyhave helped a lot of people with a wide variety of problems. So, in the somewhat amorphous ( 无定形的) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success.1.

85、 Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A) The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide.B) Suicide has always been prevalent in the all parts of the world.C) In todays society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide.D) Nowadays suicide is not

86、as common as it was in the past.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide?A) Insanity. B) Pressure.C) The need for attention. D) Great anger.3. Which of 由 e following statements is NOT true?A) People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings.B) It is dif

87、ficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide.C) Suicide has been a problem in most societies since ancient times.D) People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics.4. The word benevolent in Line 3, Para. 3 means.A) relevant B ) kind C ) serious D ) effective5. The third

88、paragraph mainly tells us that.A) a net work of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicideB) a network of centers help the callers to realize that suicide is a common social problemC) people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and in a way, they aresuccessfulD) in t

89、he United States, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to gethelpPassage 11A well-established distinction in memory theory is that between short-term and long-termmemory. The former refers to our ability to do such things as remembering telephone numberslong enough to dial the

90、m; the latter concerns the wide range of ways in which experiences canaffect behavior many years later. Given the two different kinds of ability it is reasonable tohypothesize that each is represented differently in the brain. An experiemnt was designed to testthe hypithesis that long-term memory im

91、plies a chemical change in the brain cells whileshort-term memory involves patterns of impulses in circuits of never cells.One group of rats were taught to run through a maze. Five minutes after learning the task, theywere cooled to 5, the temperature at which all electrical activity in the brain ce

92、ased. They werethen kept at this temperature for 15 minutes before being allowed to return to their normaltemperature. They were then run through the maze again.A second group of rats were taught to run the same maze and then immediately cooled to 5for 15 minutes. After the rats were alollowed to re

93、tum to their normal temperature, an attempt wasmade to run the second group through the maze again. It was found that rats in the first group hadno difficulty with the maze the second time, suggesting that they di d not have to relearn the task.Rats in the group which were cooled immediately after l

94、earning the maze, on the other hand, couldnot negotiate the maze successfully, i.e., they apparently could not remember what they hadlearned.11. The author believes that between short-term and long-term memory there is.A) a slight difference B) an unbelievable differenceC) no difference D) a clear d

95、ifference12. Long-term memory refers to the ability to.A) remember telephone numbers to dial them laterB) remember successful behaviorsC) remember how to run through a maze the second timeD) remember things which affect you for a long time13. The experiment with rats was conducted to.A) see if short

96、-term and long-term memory are represented differently in the brainB) test the chemical change in the brain cellsC) test the electrical activity in the brain cellsD) teach rats how to go through a maze14. At the temperature of 5 .A) chemical change in the brain starts B) chemical change in the brain

97、 stopsC) electrical activity in the brain starts D) electrical activity in the brain stops15. The experiments indicate that disruption of electrical act i vi t y.A) affects long_term memoryB) affect shot-term memoryC) has no effect on short-term memoryD) affects both short-term and long-term memoryV

98、ocabulary and structure1. The newly-built residential area can three hundred households.A) accommodate B) accomplish C) accelerate D) accumulate2. If anything unexpected happens, you should a doctor as soon as possible.A)call off B)call in C)call out D)call at3. The judge all the charges against Smi

99、th on the ground of insufficient evidence.A) prevented B) stopped C) dismissed D) opposed4. In his time, Dr. Stockton reads all the books that he can lay his hands on.A)light B) casual C)leisure D)easy5. He lives in a world of where he believes everyone envies him.A ) fantasy B) fashion C) fallacy D

100、) fame6. It is such a day that he can hardly do anything right.A) cheerful B) hopeful C) greedy D) gloomy7. He used to hold an extremely attitude towards the blacks.A) close B) hostile C) distant D) psychological8.1 have an that his mother knows the truth.A) intuition B) institution C ) invention D)

101、 inspiration9. A book or a play that is has been made shorter by removing some parts of it.A) abridged B) absorbed C) cut D) summed10. They finally brought the price to a reasonable figure.A) on B) down C) out D) about11. All these fees to a total of $ 5,000.A) add B) account C ) attach D) amount12.

102、 If you a door or a barrier, you hit it so hard that it falls to the ground.A) break up B) break of C) break down D) break out13. He was arrested and with a variety of offences.A) clenched B) charged C) sentenced D) continued14. They had to decide whether they should some classes.A)call off B)call o

103、n C)call up D)call in15. Most of the motorway network in that region is in need of repair.A)mere B)tense C) urgent D)rare16. With both my fr i ends, I lived alone for some time.A) go B)gone C)going D) have gone17. The next mo me n t , s h e had time to realize what was happening, she was hit overthe

104、 head.A) when B) after C) before D)as18 Public pressure is towards more street lighting rather than less that people feelsafer in well lit streets.A)for the reason B)for some reason C) for reason that D)by reason that19. 1 meant to write to you, but.A)I forgot writing it B) I forgot writing C)I forg

105、ot to do D)I forgot20. everything to go wrong and you wont feel quite so bad when it does.A) Having expected B)Expected C) Expecting D) To expect21. your role is, knowing who you are and what you are good at is critical forsuccess.A) Whatever B)However C)Whoever D)Whomever22. a free hand, he would t

106、urn the magazine into a profitable business.A)Giving B)Given C)To give D)Being given23. The Americans celebrate Christmas the Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival.A) just as B)as just C)just so D) just the same24. his arguments that even those who came to sneer became his firm supporters.A)Forceful

107、 were so B) Were so forceful C)So were forceful D)So forceful were25. People around her had few good words for her c onduc t , .A. she did neither B. neither did she C. did she neither D. neither she did26. Because of our excellent s e r v i c e , we received a large number of orders.A) not long bef

108、ore it B) it was not before longC) not long before that D)it was not long before27. When he was elected director of the factory, he found himself a severe shortageof funds.A. to face B. facing C. to be faced D. faced28.of the large population of China and you will see that a big success the Chineseg

109、overnment has achieved in feeding its people.A. Having thought B. Thinking C. Think D. Being thought29. It is still to be proved way is the shortest to the top of the mountain.A. which B. where C. when D. how30. At first, Jack did not want to write for the student paper, but I persuaded him.A. to do

110、 B. to C. do D. do it31. Ive never been to Beijing, but its the pl ace.A. where Id like to visit B. in which Id like to visitC. I most want to visit D. that I want to visit it most32.1 dont of smoking in the waiting-room.A. approve B. agree C. approach D. sanction33. How do we go building a boat?A.

111、about B. to C. in D. in for34. Extensive reporting of media has helped to interest in football.A. assemble B. generate C. collect D. yield35. The calm sea gave no of the storm that was coming.A. symbol B. hint C. implication D. inference36. They had to decide whether they should some classes.A. call

112、 off B. call on C. call up D. call in37. The next mo me n t , s h e had time to realize what was happening, she was hit overthe head.A. when B. after C. before D. as38. 1 meant to write to you, but.A. I forgot writing it B. I forgot writing C. I forgot to do D. I forgot39 .everything to go wrong and

113、 you wont feel quite so bad when it does.A. Having expectedB. Expected C. Expecting D. To expect40 . your role is, knowing who you are and what you are good at is critical forsuccess.A. Whatever B. However C. Whoever D. Whomever41 .a free hand, he would turn the magazine into a profitable business.A

114、. Giving B. Given C. To give D. Being given42 .his arguments that even those who came to sneer became his firm supporters.A. Forceful were soB. Were so forceful C. So were forceful D. So forceful were43 . Because of our excellent s e r v i c e , we received a large number of orders.A. not long befor

115、e it B. it was not before longC. not long before that D. it was not long before44 . When he was elected director of the factory, he found himself a severe shortageof funds.A. to face B. facing C. to be faced D. faced45.of the large population of China and you will see that a big success the Chineseg

116、overnment has achieved in feeding its people.A. Having thought B. Thinking C. Think D. Being thought46. After the harvest, the peasants began to and enjoy the results of hard work.A. set back B. settle down C. load down D. sit back47. The murderer was_ and sent to jail.A. charged B. convicted C. acc

117、used48. The imorovement in his mental health is beingD. committedA. remained B. attained C. obtained D. maintained49._ allow the vegetables to go bad, Mr Smith sold them at half price.A. Other than B. Instead of C. But for D. Rather than50. We all left the meeting, that the project was feasible.A. c

118、onvinced B. being convinced C. to convince D. convincing5 l.May I _that if we dont leave now we shall miss the bus?A. point out B. point to C. speak out D. refer to52. The book has been well reviewed, but_actual sales it hasnt been very successful.A. in need of B. in terms of C. in contrast to D. in

119、 place of53 . The boy often imagined himself_before a clapping audience.A. perform B. to perform C. performing D. performed54. They have had three_days of heavy rain.A. continual B. running C. gradual D. successive55.1 dont care when you mow the lawn. When you do it is_you.A. settled by B. all for C

120、. up to D. all by56. Our club seven new members at the last meeting.A. enrolled B. ensured C. enrichedD. entitled57. He is to getting up early and doing morning exercise in the nearby park every day.A. intended B. accustomed C. probable D. easy58. According to the American federal government, reside

121、nts of Hawaii have the longestl i fe: 77.2 years.A)rank B)span C)scale D)scope59. Our daughter doesnt know what to at the university; she cant make up her mindabout her future.A) take in B) take after C)take up D) take over60. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field,

122、 hesucceeded other more well-informed experimenters failed.A) which B) that C)what D)where61. He is under of the police.A) doubt B) suspect C) suspicion D) question62. The old building has been.A) restored B) retailed C) restrained D) restarted63. They the room with expensive tables, chairs and drap

123、es.A) ornamented B) furnished C) decorated D) restored64. We should the glorious revolutionary tradition and much more progress in thesocialist construction.A) accept B) receiveC) gainD) inherit65. I sold all my houses_ .A) in auction B) by auctionC) at auctionD) to auction66. I think we should rais

124、e a glass _our success.A) for B) toC) onD) with67. he is examined the susoicion of beins an enemv agent.A)about B)aboveC) onD) beyond68. The crisis sent the citizens out to the shops to_ as they could.A) buy off B) buy outC) buy upD) buy in69. The nrisoner court for trial.A) was brought to B) was ma

125、de toC) was brought intoD) was made into70. She him when he fell on dark davs.A) stuck by B) stuck withC) stuck onD) stuck to71. The of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1.A) proportion B) rationC) ratioD) fraction72. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given_A) permission B) admissionC)insuranceD)

126、 allowance73. He_himself to smoking two cigars a day.A) hinders B) maintainsC) restrictsD) retains74. From this table you canthe total orofit we made this month.A) calculate B) countC) accessD) assert75. These are defensive behavior patterns which from our subconscious fears.A) derived B) deprivedC)

127、 deceivedD) deducted76. We are young enough to_ from failure.A) come back B) get backC) bounce backD) come over77. _two thousand people were killed in the earthquake.A) Amount to B) Up toC) Add up toD) Sum up to78. The nurses, life is_ .A) at risk B) at a riskC) in riskD) in a risk79. He is mentally

128、 sick. , he is crippled.A) Plus B) ThusC) WhereasD) Though80. Your total scores to 89.5.A) sum up B) summing upC) summed upD) sums up81. After making agreement with the management, the union_strike action this week.A) attended B) suspendedC) participatedD) held82. Our orisons aim to criminals, not s

129、imoly to punish them.A) reform B)informC)confirmD) perform83. It is difficult to convince them that it is for them to study this project.A) worth B) worthy C) worthwhile D) worthily84. We do have trouble in our relationship, but I feel that we can it between uswithout professional help.A) work up B)

130、 work -off C) work -over D) work-out85. They the new president the hope of the country.A) see 一as B) see-to be C) consider-as D) refer- to86. If you allow the child to attend school he could spread the bad cold all the otherchildren.A) around B) among C) to D) with87. This fall, the Hyde Foundation

131、a preliminary public school program.A) is scheduled to begin B) is scheduled to beginningC) schedules to begin D) schedules to beginning88. A nuclear plant was built in the area the farmers protests.A) with B) in C) over D) among89. There is a good hotel not far from the ci t y, a swimming pool and

132、a garden leadingdirectly to the beach.A) to complete with B) completing with C) complete with D) completed with90. Students are required responsibility for each other at school.A) to take B) taking C) by taking D) to have takenClozeAs researchers learn more about how childrens intelligence develops,

133、 they are increasinglysurprised by the power of parents. The power of the school has been _J_ by the home. To beginwith, all the factors which are 2 of intelligence curiosity, and the childrens understanding oflanguage learning patterns are 3 well before the child enters 4 at the age of six. Study5_

134、 it has shown that even after school 6 childrens achievements have been far more influencedby 7 than by teachers. This is particularly 8 about learning what language is related. Theschool 9 than the home is given 10 for variations in achievement in 11 such as science.12 view of their power, ifs 13 t

135、o see so many parents not making the most 14 theirchildrens intelligence. 15 recently parents had been intimidated 16 educators whoasked them 17 to educate their children. Many teachers now 18 that children cannot beeducated 19 at school and parents are being asked to contribute 20 before and after

136、thechild enters school.1. A ) producedB) replacedC) takenD) made2.A)someB) onesC)partD)those3. A) establishedB) madeC) increasedD) replaced4. A ) societyB) homeC) studyD) school5. A) afterB)byC)inD) with6. A ) lifeB) studyC) opensD) begins7. A) intelligenceB) schoolC) societyD) parents8. A) trueB) w

137、rongC) importantD) correct9. A) moreB) lessC ) betterD) rather10. A) helpB) courageC) creditD) trust11. A) itemsB) mattersC) subjectsD) lessons12. A) AtB) InC) WithD) On13. A) gladB)easyC) sadD) difficult14. A) forB) inC) withD) of15. A) UntilB) WhenC) UpD) Before16.A) fromB) forC) withD) by17. A) o

138、nlyB) whyC) notD) by18. A) recognizeB) realizeC) hopeD) show19. A) onlyB)butC) evenD) when20. A) neitherB) eitherC) bothD) allSo who will _ 1_ take advantage of cloning? Perhaps a couple whose child is dying. Thismight seem psychologically suspect. But a cloned child born to such suspect parents sta

139、nds nogreater or_2_ chance of being loved, or rejected, than a child created the normal way. infertilecouples are also likely to seek out cloning. That such couples have other options (artificiallybringing egg and sperm together, or _ 3 a child) is not an argument for _ 4_ them the right toclone. Or

140、 consider an example raised by Judge Richard Posner: a couple in which the husband hassome unfortunate genetic _ 5. Currently, if this couple wants a genetically related child, theyhave four not altogether pleasant options. They can reproduce naturally and resign themselves6_ the risk of passing on

141、the disease to the child. They can go to a sperm bank and _ 7 achance on unknown genes. They can bring egg and sperm together artificially and _ 8 of anyaffected baby before placing it in the mother, or before birth though that might be objectionable,too. 9 they can get a male relative of the father

142、 to be a sperm donor, if such a relative exists.This is one case _ 10_ even people bothered by creating a child under the lens of a microscopemight see cloning as not the worst option.1.A. likeB. likelyC. probableD. unlikely2.A. lesserB. lessC. fewerD. least3.A. adaptingB. givenC. adoptingD. foster4

143、.A. denyingB. entitlingC. givingD. depriving5.A. infectB. perfectC. defectD. effect6.A. ofB.offC. outD. to7.A. haveB. takeC. giveD. make8.A. discardB. throwC. disposeD.abandon9.A. OrB. ButC. Or elseDSo10. A. whenB. whichC. whereD. whyIron deficiency is very common among woman 1 , affecting one 2 our

144、 femaleteenagers and one in five woman aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the 3 is even greater amongactive woman, affecting 4 80 percent of the female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says,that “too many women ignore the amount of iron they 5 Women of child-bearing age are6 _ greatest risk, since

145、 their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. 7 manyhealth-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, 8 contains the most easilyabsorbed form of iron. And because women often 9 their diet in an effort to control weight,they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are lia

146、ble to 10 a deficiency.1. A) generallyB) in generalC) in the wholeD) on general2. A) inB)ofC) toD) among3. A) rateB) proportionC) ratioD) part4. A) nearlyB) almostC) up toD) exactly5.A) take inB) eatC) consumeD) use6.A) inB) atC) onD)for7. A) Additionally8. A) which9. A) control10. A) experienceB) A

147、ndB) whoseB) restrictB) haveC) MoreoverC) thatC) cut downC) sufferD) PlusD) whatD) reduceD) takeCommitment 1parents is a key ingredient in the Hyde mixture.2 the student togain admission, parents also must agree 3and demonstrate the schools philosophies andoutlook. The parents agree 4 to meet monthl

148、y in one of 20 regional groups, go to a yearlythree-dav regional retreat, and spend 5 three times a year in workshops, discussion groupsand seminars 6 Bath. Parents of Maine students have an attendance7 of 95% in themany sessions. Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend 8 their utmost when they

149、 seetheir parents 9 similar efforts. The biggest obstacle 10 many parents, they say, is torealize their own weaknesses.1. A) amongB) forC) ofD) between2.A) AsB) ForC) BecauseD) Since3.A) on acceptingB) to acceptC) with acceptingD) in accepting4.A) to writeB) on writingC) in writingD) with writing5.A

150、) at leastB) at mostC)aboutD) almost6.A) inB) atC) onD) to7.A) ratioB) proportionC) rateD) part8.A) to dongB) doingC) in dongD) to do9.A) to makeB) makingC) makeD) to making10. A) toB)ofC) forD) amongWriting (20%)1. Directions: For this part you are required to write a composition entitledGeneration

151、 Gap in about 120 words. You should base yourcomposition on the outline given below.1. Today there is often a lack of understanding between parents and their children.2. The gap remains wide for many reasons.3. In my opinion, most problems could be sovlved by joint efforts.2. Directions: For this pa

152、rt you are required to write a composition entitled“Which is more important, Wealth or Happiness? in about 120 words.You should base your composition on the outline given below.Which is more important, Wealth or Happiness?Outline:Not necessary related, material condition, state of mid, acknowledge, wealthypeople, more likely, happy, poor, cause of misery, materialistic world, happiness,derive from content, satisfied, possess, would rather, choose.



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