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1、SHANDONG UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ENGLISH TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORS OF CONTINUING EDUCATION 本科第 3 册 2 I. Vocabulary and Structure 15% There are 30 questions in this section. For each of the questions; there are 4 choices marked A; B; C; and D. Choose the ONE that best answers the question. 1. Agricultur

2、al experts always caution farmers to irrigate in regions receiving only light rainfall. D A. remind B. teach C. find D. warn 2. The manager _C_ one of the hotel servants of stealing the money. A. complained B. blamed C. accused D. scolded 3. For a beauty competition you need a pretty face and a good

3、 _D_. A. form B. formation C. frame D. figure 4. The officer said he had a good _A_ to arrest the beggar. A. mind B. head C. heart D. spirit 5. During the storm we took _C_ in the doorway of a shop. A. rescue B. comfort C. shelter D. guard 6. He was last seen in public on the _B_ of his daughters we

4、dding. A. event B. occasion C. chance D. affair 7. Confused by the situation; he couldnt make his own _A_. A. judgment B. payment C. complaint D. resentment 8. He _A _ his right hand in a car accident. A. lost B. had lost C. has lost D. losed 9. It is _A_ _ to walk on the top of the wall. A. dangero

5、us B. serious C. notorious D. vigorous 10. Analytical chemistry lays _ D_ on the development of precise methods of analyzing the chemical composition of substances. A. heavy B. focus C. center D. emphasis 11. The _A_ _ among the various sciences is determined by the nature of science. A. interdepend

6、ence B. interchange C. intervention D. interview 12. One of the main characters in Shakespeares play A Merchant in Venice is the _C_ _ Shylock. A. greasy B. great C. greedy D. greeting 13. Some measures must be taken to preserve the _C_ of the soil. A. wealth B. futility C. fertility D. rich 14. The

7、 only songs officially approved by the Puritans were very simple hymns. D A. originally B. reluctantly C. unanimously D. formally 15. Benjamin Franklin was not the first to suggest the relationship between lightning and the electricity; but his experiment with a kite was original. D A. define B. con

8、firm C. examine D. propose 16. Many of Edith Whartons best stories were completed under great personal strain. D A. poverty B. privacy C. resentment D. tension 17. For three weeks the country has enjoyed very unusual winter _B_ _ and sunshine. A. heat B. warmth C. hot D. icy 18. We are right to give

9、 these movements every _A_ _. A. encouragement B. enpowerment C. engrossment D. enchantment 19. Civilisation consists A having a constructive attitude. A. of B. on C. about D. in 20. Robert worked hard so that he could get ahead D the others. A. from B. for C. with D. of 21. A key B the back door is

10、 always kept on a high ledge above the door. A. for B. to C. of D. on 22. _D_ _ he was worried; he tried to appear calm. A. Despite B. Unless C. Yet D. Although 23. _D_ _ kind of food you like; you can get it in London. A. What B. Which C. The D. Whatever 24. Neighbours ought to respect _B_ _. A. hi

11、mself B. one another C. each one D. to each other 25. If only everything _B_ _ out as we wanted it to in life A. works B. worked C. is working D. has worked 26. His name was on the _B_ _ of my tongue; but I just couldnt remember it. A. end B. tip C. point D. edge 27. She asked for the _B_ _ of her h

12、olidays into September. A. impression B. extension C. expansion D. expression 28. Before 1949; the Chinese working class suffered from _ D_. A. property B. weakness C. anger D. poverty 29. Apart from its tourist attraction; Niagara Falls is also famous for its _C_ of electricity through water power.

13、 A. realization B. making C. generation D. building 30. Please dont get mad D me. I was only trying to help. A. on B. to C. at D. against II. Cloze 10% There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A; B; C; and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the pa

14、ssages. Until very recently there was not medical help available for many kinds of diseases or injuries of important 31C parts of the body. People 32B some kinds of heart disease or kidney disease used to become weaker and weaker 33D they died. Older people with broken bones often did not get 34A ag

15、ain. When large blood 35C broke; it usually 36B death. But in the last twenty years incredible medical 37 A has been made in fixing damaged internal parts of the body. Nowadays metal can be used to 38A bones together and plastic can be used to C 39 holes in blood vessels. A small machine called a pa

16、cemaker can be 40B inside a persons chest to help the heart beat correctly. Some new machines are used outside the 41A to help treat serious health problems. One is the heart-lung machine which can 42C the work of a persons heart and lungs while 43C fix a damaged heart. People with serious kidney di

17、sease 44D to have little hope; but now the 45 A kidney machine can do the kidneys work for it. The patient has to be C 46 to the machine about twice a week for a period of eight hours. During that time; the machine 47 D his/her blood. Doctors have learned how to use human body 48C to save lives also

18、. Everyone is familiar with blood transfusions 49D patients who have lost a lot of blood. Badly burned persons often need new skin; and doctors can transplant skin 50D the uninjured parts of their bodies to the burned parts. 31. A. external B. inside C. internal D. outside 32. A. in B. with C. of D.

19、 over 33. A. before B. to C. after D. until 34. A. well B. good C. work D. start 35. A. tubes B. flutes C. vessels D. pipes 36. A. mended B. meant C. intended D. tended 37. A. progress B. program C. process D. problem 38. A. keep B. maintain C. attain D. hold 39. A. mix B. suit C. fix D. fit 40. A.

20、located B. placed C. moved D. pushed 41. A. body B. heart C. kidney D. lung 42. A. meet B. do C. make D. get 43. A. scientists B. physicians C. surgeons D. experts 44. A. using B. being used C. use D. used 45. A. artificial B. artful C. natural D. national 46. A. attacked B. fixed C. tied D. attache

21、d 47. A. claims B. cleans C. clears D. purifies 48. A. bits B. fragments C. parts D. pieces 49. A. for B. of C. to D. on 50. A. of B. on C. off D. from III. Reading Comprehension 40% There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some True-False questions or Multiple-Choice questions

22、. Choose among A; B; C; and D or between T and F to answer each question. Write the letter of your choice on your Answer Sheet. Passage 1 Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers; whereas the people who really he

23、lped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg; or launched a seaworthy boat; or calculated the length of the year; or manured a field; but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them; so much so that on all t

24、he highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries ruled over them as conquerors. It is just possible they are; but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight; so do sa

25、vages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good; but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you and telling them how to do it most efficientlythis; after all; is what conquerors and generals have doneis not

26、being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing; and civilized peoples ought to be able to find some way of settling their disputes other than by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side; and then saying that that side which has killed most has won

27、. And not only has it won; but; because it has won; it has been in the right. For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right. That is what the story of mankind has on the whole been like. Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history; in which millions of peo

28、ple were killed or mutilated. And while today it is true that people do not fight and kill each other in the streets while; that is to say; we have got to the stage of keeping the rules and behaving properly to each other in daily lifenations and countries have not learnt to do this yet; and still b

29、ehave like savages. But we must not expect too much. After all; the race of men has only just started. From the point of view of evolution; human beings are very young children indeed; babies; in fact; of a few months old. Scientists reckon that there has been life of some sort on the earth in the f

30、orm of jelly-fish and that kind of creature for about twelve hundred million years; but there have been men for only one million years; and there have been civilized men for about eight thousand years at the outside. These figures are difficult to grasp; so let us scale them down. Suppose that we re

31、ckon the whole past of living creatures on the earth as one hundred years; then the whole past of man works out at about one month; and during that month there have been civilizations for between seven and eight hours. So you see there has been little time to learn in; but there will be oceans of ti

32、me in which to learn better. Taking mans civilized past at about seven or eight hours; we may estimate his future; that is to say; the whole period between now and when the sun grows too cold to maintain life any longer on the earth; at about one hundred thousand years. Thus mankind is only at the b

33、eginning of its civilized life; and as I say; we must not expect too much. The past of man has been on the whole a pretty beastly business; a business of fighting and bullying and gorging and grabbing and hurting. We must not expect even civilized peoples not to have done these things. All we can as

34、k is that they will sometimes have done something else. 51. In the first sentence; the author says that C . A. most history books were written by conquerors; generals and soldiers B. no one who really helped civilization forward is mentioned in any history book C. history books tell us far more abou

35、t conquerors and soldiers than about those who helped civilization forward D. conquerors; generals and soldiers should not be mentioned in history books 52. Most people believe that the greatest countries are C . A. those that built the highest pillars B. those that were beaten in battle by the grea

36、test number of other countries C. those that were ruled by the greatest number of conquerors D. those that won the greatest number of battles against other countries 53. The author says that civilized people C . A. should not have any quarrels to settle B. should not fight when there are no quarrels

37、 to settle C. should settle their quarrels without fighting D. should settle their quarrels by seeing which side can kill off the greater number of the other side 54. “Even our own age has fought the two greatest wars in history.” The author says this in order to show that our own age is B . A. diff

38、erent from those of the past B. not much better than those of the past C. much better than those of the past D. not so civilized as those of the past 55. The scale which the author uses for representing time is A . A. one month=one million years B. one hundred years=eight thousand years C. one year=

39、one million years D. one month=twelve hundred million years Passage 2 The environment is everything that surrounds us: plants; animals; buildings; country; air; waterliterally everything that can affect us in any way. The environment of a town; with its buildings and traffic and its noise and smells

40、; where everyone is on top of everyone else; is a far cry from that of the countryside; with its fields and crops; its wild and domestic animals and its feeling of spaciousness. And the environment differs in different parts of the world. Ecology is the science of how living creatures and plants exi

41、st together and depend on each other and on local environment. Where an environment is undisturbed; the ecology of an area is in balance; but if a creature is exterminated or an alien species introduced; then the ecology of the district will be upsetin other words; the balance of nature will be dist

42、urbed. Man is a part of the environment and has done more to upset the ecology during his short span on earth than any other living creature. He has done this by his ignorance; his greed; and his wastefulness. He has poisoned the atmosphere and polluted both land and water. He has squandered the ear

43、ths natural resources with no thought for the future; and he has thought out the most destructive ways of killing his fellow menand every other sort of life at the same time. Since man has done so much damage; it is up to man to try to put matters rightif it is not already too late. If there is to b

44、e any remedy for our ills; that remedy ultimately lies in the hands of the young; and the sooner they start doing something about it; the better. One of the main causes of the earths troubles is that the world is overpopulated and that this overpopulation is growing at an ever-increasing rate. At th

45、e same time we are using up our natural resourcesfuels and mineral oresat an ever-increasing rate with no hope of replacing them. For many years the earth has been unable to provide enough food for these rapidly expanding populations and the position is steadily deteriorating since the fertility of

46、some of our richest soils has been lost and vast areas that were once fertile lands have turned into deserts. And the trouble with deserts is that they tend to creep outwards on to the fertile soils. What is now the northern Sahara Desert fed much of the civilised world 2;500 years ago. Even at this

47、 moment many of the earths natural treasures are being destroyed; many valuable animals and plants are being killed off; and it is becoming increasingly difficult to grow enough food to preserve much of the earths population from starvation. The situation is getting out of hand. Time is running out.

48、 But with your help; we may be able to reverse the trends which threaten our very existence. 56. The environment of a town; ; is a far cry from that of the countrysideA. A. a great deal different from B. a long distance from C. a loud cry from D. a cry from distance 57. Man is a part of and has done

49、 more to upset the ecologyB. A. turnover B. causeto be disturbed C. causeto worry D. cause confusion to 58. he has thought out the most destructive ways of killing his fellow menB. A. colleagues B. other members of the mankind C. countrymen D. men working for him 59. If there is to be any remedy for

50、 our ills; that remedy ultimately lies in. A A. bad deeds B. illness C. disease D. sickness 60. One of the main causes isthat this overpopulation is growing at an ever-increasing rate. C A. value B. cost C. speed D. charge or payment Passage 3 The people who lived in Rome 2;000 years ago were alread

51、y complaining about the noise in their city. They couldnt sleep; they said; with all that traffic in the streets. For them; noise was merely a disturbance. For us it has become a real danger. We know that the sounds of an average city are loud enough to cause serious damage to the inhabitants hearin

52、gin the United States; one person out of twenty has suffered some hearing loss. And all over the world the situation is getting worse all the time; since noise increases with the population. Noise has also increased enormously in the 20th century with the development of machines. We live surrounded

53、by loud planes; trucks; motorcycles; buses; electric tools; radios; pneumatic drillsthat roar day and night up to 90 or 100 decibels. The decibel is the unit used to measure the loudness of sound. A normal conversation reaches 55 decibels; thunder roars at 70 decibels; a jet plane goes to 100 decibe

54、ls and more; and an ordinary subway train; approaching the station; can be twice as loud as the loudest jet. The average discotheque reaches around 118 decibels. At 120 decibels the ear stops hearing sound; and pain starts. Unfortunately; the human ear does not judge clearly the degree of loudness o

55、f a noise. A sound ten decibels louder than another one is felt as twice as loud; when in fact it is ten times louder. Since we cannot measure the increase or decrease of noise; we never know to what danger we are exposed. But it is not only our hearing that is threatened. It has been established th

56、at loud noises; over a period of time; cause loss of sleep; anger; and many mental and physical problems. Such problems have been observed among factory workers; prisoners in large prisons; and people who drive heavy trucks; operate pneumatic drills; or go frequently to rock-and-roll concerts. Is th

57、ere a solution We do know how to build quieter machines; if the public wants them. But merchants point out that people who buy motorcycles; for instance; prefer the loudest ones because they sound more powerful. Some cities are trying to enforce more strictly their anti-noise laws. In Memphis automo

58、bilists are fined fifty dollars for honking; they may lose their right to drive if they do it again. People who carry noisy radios in public places may lose them if they are caught with them. Actually; it will take everybodys efforts to keep city noises from increasing. Even so; say the experts; in

59、twenty years the cities will be twice as loud as they are today because of the growth of the population. The inhabitants will have to shout to be heard at the dinner table. Unless; of course; they have all become completely deaf. 61. The sounds of an average city wont cause serious damage to the inh

60、abitants hearing. F 62. The development of machines is the only cause of the increase of noise.F 63. The human ear cannot judge the loudness of a noise clearly. T 64. We dont know how to build quieter machines. F 65. If everybody makes his efforts to keep city noises from increasing; the cities will

61、 become quieter in twenty years. F Passage 4 Why all the fuss about inflation True; some people are paying higher prices for goods; but this clearly means that some people are also being paid more. The problem is that inflation redistributes economic welfare. Those who have fixed incomesperhaps a pe

62、nsion or interest from bondssuffer because the standard of living their incomes will buy falls lower and lower. Workers whose salaries are fixed by law or by long-term contracts are injured in the same way. At the same time debtors and employers are better off. Old debts are being repaid with cheap

63、money; money that can be earned with a fraction of the effort that they represented when borrowed initially. Employers are profiting because the prices of their products are rising while the cost of the most important inputlaborremains unchanged at the contracted wage. But inflation also affects the

64、 distribution of income in more subtle ways. Since the American tax system is progressivesince it takes a larger share of incomes in taxes as incomes increaseinflation redistributes income from private households to the public sector. Widespread use of labor contracts; which often extend over three

65、or more years; has recently resulted in reductions in the real wages paid to some workers. This in turn has made production more profitable. If prices paid to firms rise with inflation while wages are fixed by a contract negotiated earlier; the firm will earn greater profits and wish to expand its o

66、utput. Inflation affects both the functional distribution of income the allocation between wages and profits and the level of employment. This phenomenon may be analyzed formally within the framework of the theory of wage determination. If wages and prices are stated in nominal terms; the effect of

67、inflation is to increase the marginal revenue product of labor. Marginal revenue product; you will recall; is the increase in total revenue that results from hiring an additional worker. If prices rise; so will marginal revenue product. But wages have been set after nights of shrill bargaining by un

68、ion and management representatives; and the nominal wage rate remains constant in spite of the rise in prices. Workers are worse off; of course; moreover; the most profitable levels of employment and production increase. In order to restore equilibrium; the firm must increase employment until the no

69、minal wage is again equal to marginal revenue product. Inflation also affects the level of national income. Through its effects on the share of incomes going into taxes; inflation changes the value of the multiplier. Over the past decade this change has been significant. Also; by altering the size o

70、f distribution of incomes; inflation is likely to influence the marginal propensity to consume; at least in the short run. Finally; inflation at home reduces the competitiveness of exports in foreign markets and; if not matched by foreign inflation; increases the attractiveness of imports. Both of t

71、hese phenomena reduce domestic aggregate demand and thereby lower equilibrium between national income and employment. The net effect of inflation on national income is unclear. Some of its consequences are expansionary its effects on labor markets; but others are contractionary its impact on net exp

72、orts. The precise implications of inflation thus depend on how strong each of these effects is. 66. During inflation debtors and employees are better off. T 67. As a result of inflation; employers are profiting because the prices of their products are rising; but the cost of labor remains unchanged

73、at the contracted wage. T 68. Long-term labor contracts protect labors from being injured by inflation. F 69. Inflation also affects the level of national income by changing the value of the multiplier between incomes and taxes. T 70. Inflation in a country discourages both export and import. T IV.

74、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 10% 71. In Japans capital city of Tokyo; earthquake danger limits the height of building. 在日本首都东京;地震危险限制了建筑高度. 72. Right now Im going through a difficult period of my life which is hard for me to talk about. 现在;我经历一个人生困难的时期;这是我很难去谈论. 73. The image-orie

75、nted technology is older and more fully developed. 图片为导向的技术是更旧并更充分发展过的. 74. But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earths starving millions 但是太空军备竞赛已做了些什么来减轻地球数百万挨饿的痛苦 75. He was convinced as a result of three years practice that reading aloud is of great help to English st

76、udy. 他相信;3 年的实践证明大声朗读对英语学习有很大的帮助. V. Translate the following sentences into English. 10% 76.与她所受的伤害相比;我的遭遇算不了什么. Compared to the harm she suffered; I suffered nothing. 77.生态平衡一旦被破坏;就会引起不可想象的严重后果. Ecological balance is damaged; it will cause unimaginable serious consequences. 78.自然科学的各大门类构成一个系统化的知识体系

77、. systematize The major categories of natural sciences constitute a systematized body of knowledge. 79.我们无法估量噪音会给我们造成多大的伤害. measure We can not measure how much noise would harm us. 80.他们所做的一切;只不过是浪费更多的时间 . What they have done is only waste more time. VI. Writing 15% For this part; you are allowed th

78、irty minutes to write a composition on the topic MY BEST FRIEND. You should write at least 100 words and base your opinions on sound proofs or facts. The following points may serve as a framework. 1 你最好的朋友是谁 2 他/她为什么会成为你最好的朋友 3 你从她/他那儿学到了什么 1 My best friend is Shi Shumin. Were in the same class. She

79、 is eleven years old. She is a pretty girl; and always smiles. She has big eyes; a small mouth and long black hair. She always wears T-shirt and jeans. She is good at all subjects. She likes English and Maths very much. Her favourite sports are basketball and running. She does well in basketball. Sh

80、e likes listening to the song “Welcome to Beijing”. She likes singing and watch animated cartoon; too. She was awarded as “ Student Star ” in our school last term. Why are we best friends Because we can play games and see the film in the cinema together. She often teaches me on rope skipping. We fee

81、l very happy when we are together. 2 I have a best friend. She has long;straight;black hair;big;black eyes and a small nose. She is very thin and kind;she is cute;too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer;because its hot ;she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ;reading books and singing songs. Whos she She is my best friend -Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name;too-Angle.



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