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1、Chapter 4Language and Culture Main contents: 1 Color Words 2 How to talk about the world in different cultures pp. 121-135 3 Problems found in translating across cultures pp. 136-142 4 Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: linguistic relativity pp. 150-158颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红The color RED is usually associate

2、d with celebrations and joyful occasions (喜庆场合喜庆场合). This is true in English-speaking countries as well as in China.red-letter days 纪念日,喜庆的日子(反义纪念日,喜庆的日子(反义词:词:black-letter day 倒霉的一天)倒霉的一天)paint the town red 狂欢狂欢roll out the red carpet for 隆重地欢迎某人隆重地欢迎某人红双喜红双喜 double happiness written in red开门红开门红 t

3、o begin well, to make a good start颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红RED is also associated with certain emotions.to become red-faced 脸红脸红(embarrassment)to see red 激怒,突然发怒(激怒,突然发怒(to be made angry, to become angry suddenly)waving a red flag 某事能迅速激怒某人某事能迅速激怒某人e. g. The mere mention of his hated cousins name was

4、 like waving a red flag in front of him.你红光满面。你红光满面。 You look so healthy and full of pep.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红RED is the color associated with revolution and socialism (革命和社会主义革命和社会主义).红卫兵红卫兵The English word Red with a capital “R”, is often used as a synonym for a communist, usually in a derogato

5、ry sense.又红又专又红又专 both socialist minded and professionally qualified一颗红心一颗红心 as loyal to the Party, having socialist virtues颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红redneckUsed as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States. 红脖子,乡下红脖子,乡下佬:对属于农村劳动阶层,特别是美

6、国南方这佬:对属于农村劳动阶层,特别是美国南方这一阶层白人的贬称一阶层白人的贬称One who is regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted sociopolitical attitude. 红脖子:被认为是持红脖子:被认为是持有狭隘保守,经常是有偏见的社会政治观点的有狭隘保守,经常是有偏见的社会政治观点的人人颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红Red Nose DayRed Nose Day refers to a day on which an appeal is made for donatio

7、ns for research into sudden infant death syndrome, marked by the distribution of plastic red noses to donors.Red Nose Day 第一次举行这个节日是在第一次举行这个节日是在1988年年2月月5日,是英国一个比较喜剧性的慈善日。日,是英国一个比较喜剧性的慈善日。在这一天,被认为一向缺乏幽默感的英国人忽在这一天,被认为一向缺乏幽默感的英国人忽然童心大发,很多人然童心大发,很多人“乔装打扮乔装打扮”,把头发染,把头发染红,戴上滑稽的红鼻子,全然没有了平日的严红,戴上滑稽的红鼻子,全然没

8、有了平日的严肃。肃。颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红Red Light Districta neighborhood where prostitution and other businesses in the sex industry flourish 红灯区红灯区颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红Some Westerners take RED as an evil omen (不祥之兆不祥之兆) or RED for danger (危险危险), stemming from the spirits of bullfighters (斗斗牛士牛士).RED f

9、urther develops to be the synonym for political radical. Furthermore, RED has some extended meanings, such as cruelty, disaster, trivial formalities, etc.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红有上述意思的一些例子:有上述意思的一些例子:red alert: alarming in emergencya red battle: a cruel battle in which a lot of lives have been lostb

10、e caught red-handed: be caught on sitehave red hands: commit a murderred ideas: revolutionary concepts颜色词颜色词 Color WordsRed 红红有上述意思的一些例子:有上述意思的一些例子:red ruin: fire (as a disaster)red tape: bureaucratic writings 官样文官样文章,繁文缛节章,繁文缛节in the red: in debt 赤字,亏损赤字,亏损dont care a red cent: dont care at allto g

11、ive the red light to : 亮红灯亮红灯颜色词颜色词 Color Words在翻译古典小说红楼梦时,英国翻译家DavidHawkes认为书中的”红色”对汉语文化的人而言,表示喜庆、幸福、吉祥,但在英语国家的人眼中,绿色和金黄色具有类似的联想意义,而红色则意味着流血、危险或暴力。因此,他在翻译时涉及红色的词语时作了一定的变通处理:颜色词颜色词 Color Words贾宝玉神游太虚境,警幻仙曲演红楼梦。Jiao Baoyu visits the Land of Illusion; And the fairyDisenchantment performs the Dream of

12、Golden Days.颜色词颜色词 Color Words贾宝玉品茶栊翠庵,刘姥姥醉窝怡红院。Jia Baoyu tastes some superior tea at Green Bower Hermitage;And Grannie Liu samples the sleeping accommodation at Green Delights.译者在翻译原文中的”红楼梦”和”怡红院”时没有选用red一词,而是分别译为Golden和Green这两个虽然不同色彩,但对译语读者来说具有相近意义的颜色词。 颜色词颜色词 Color WordsWhite 白白To most Chinese an

13、d Westerners, WHITE has certain similar connotations: purity, innocence, 洁白洁白, 清白无辜清白无辜. 颜色词颜色词 Color WordsWhite 白白white lie a harmless lie 无恶意的谎言无恶意的谎言white man 忠实可靠的人忠实可靠的人颜色词颜色词 Color WordsWhite 白白红白喜事红白喜事 weddings and funerals (婚礼和葬礼婚礼和葬礼)WHITE is the traditional color for brides (新娘新娘) at Weste

14、rn weddings. To have white at funerals would be offensive; to have funerals described as happy occasions would be absolutely shocking to Westerners. 颜色词颜色词 Color WordsWhite 白白红人红人In Chinese, those who are popular and find favor with their bosses are called 红人红人. In English, they are blue-eyed boys.

15、白毛女白毛女white-haired girl颜色词颜色词 Color WordsWhite 白白包含包含white的其他习语:的其他习语:the white area: an anti-revolutionary area 白区白区White Day: 白色情人节(白色情人节(3月月14日)日)white light district: ever-bright areaa white elephant: something burdensome and valueless; huge burdenshow the white feather: show fear 露露出胆怯出胆怯颜色词颜色词

16、 Color WordsWhite 白白包含包含white的其他习语:的其他习语:a white slave: someone who is forced to be a slave 沦为奴隶的白人沦为奴隶的白人days marked with a white stone: happy days 幸福的日子幸福的日子a white war: a war without a bloodshed; an economic competitionbleed white: extort every cent from someone 敲骨入髓,榨干最后一滴血敲骨入髓,榨干最后一滴血颜色词颜色词 Col

17、or WordsWhite 白白有一些中文词组中有有一些中文词组中有“白白”字,但与颜色无字,但与颜色无关,译成英文时不要出现关,译成英文时不要出现white:白菜:白菜:Chinese cabbage白熊:白熊:polar bear白蚁:白蚁:termite白费事:白费事:in vain, a waste of time and energy白送:白送:free of charge, for nothing颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlack 黑黑In both English and Chinese there are various terms indicating that

18、black is often associated with negative qualities (负面特征负面特征):blacklist 黑名单黑名单black market 黑市黑市black-hearted 黑心的,恶毒的黑心的,恶毒的颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlack 黑黑However, in business English, in the black has a good meaning; i. e., running a business profitably(盈利)(盈利).The opposite of this is being in the red, me

19、aning running a business at a loss, not making profit(亏损,赤字)(亏损,赤字).颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlack 黑黑Besides, BLACK implies gloom (忧郁忧郁), disgrace (耻辱耻辱), misfortune (不幸不幸), extreme anger (极端愤怒极端愤怒), etc.black and blue: full of bruises 遍体鳞遍体鳞伤,身上青一块,紫一块伤,身上青一块,紫一块black day: unlucky dayblack dog: unhappy 沮丧

20、,意志消沉沮丧,意志消沉a black look: an angry look; glare at somebodyin a black mood: in a low spirits 沮丧沮丧颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlack 黑黑Besides, BLACK implies gloom (忧郁忧郁), disgrace (耻辱耻辱), misfortune (不幸不幸), extreme anger (极端愤怒极端愤怒), etc.black sheep: evil member of the herd 害群之马,败家子害群之马,败家子a black stranger: a st

21、ranger out and out 不折不扣的陌生人不折不扣的陌生人turn black white: confuse right and wrong 颠倒黑白,混淆是非颠倒黑白,混淆是非颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝It seems that blue is a favorable word to Chinese:the blue sky: can arouse us to yearn for a better future.the blue sea: full of uncertainty indices boundless imagination颜色词颜色词 Col

22、or WordsBlue 蓝蓝In Western culture, however, BLUE does not associate with happiness and imagination, but gloom and depression.in a blue mood; having the blues: a sad, gloomy, or depressed mooda blue Monday: the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝BLUE i

23、s also associated with high social position or being aristocratic (贵贵族的族的).He is a really blue blood.: He is from an aristocratic family. 他确实出身豪门。他确实出身豪门。blue book: a book with the names of well-known persons, especially government officials. 名人录名人录颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝blue chip篮筹股篮筹股在赌博游戏中,蓝色筹码

24、的分值最高。在赌博游戏中,蓝色筹码的分值最高。20世纪初,世纪初,blue chip被用于股市,指被用于股市,指那些业绩良好,分红和收益稳定的上那些业绩良好,分红和收益稳定的上市公司发行的普通股。市公司发行的普通股。 颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝有有blue的其他词组:的其他词组:blue about the gills: in depression 沮沮丧,垂头丧气丧,垂头丧气blue devil (bluebird, blue angel): 沮丧沮丧的人的人blue film: erotic film 黄色电影黄色电影once in a blue moon: occ

25、urring only once in a thousand years 千载难逢千载难逢out of the blue: unexpected 突然地突然地颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝有有blue的其他词组:的其他词组:blue in the face: look pasty 脸色发青,脸色发青,(气得,累得)说不出话来(气得,累得)说不出话来blue murder: 可怕的谋杀(可怕的谋杀(like blue murder风驰电掣般地,以最快的速度,风驰电掣般地,以最快的速度,发疯似地)发疯似地)sing the blues: in low spirits; very

26、 depressed 垂头丧气垂头丧气颜色词颜色词 Color WordsBlue 蓝蓝有有blue的其他词组:的其他词组:out of the blue: a thunder from the clear sky; the sudden coming of something unexpected 突然地,晴天突然地,晴天霹雳霹雳blue pencil to censor: 校订、审查、删校订、审查、删改改 颜色词颜色词 Color WordsYellow 黄黄Yellow appears in such Chinese expressions as 黄色电影,黄色书刊,黄黄色电影,黄色书刊

27、,黄色音乐色音乐.For 黄色黄色, one might use pornographic, trashy, obscene, filthy, or vulgar, as in pornographic pictures, obscene movies, filthy books, and vulgar music.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsYellow 黄黄Yellow JournalismIn English, yellow journalism is a journalism with heavy emphasis on scandals (丑闻丑闻), or presenti

28、ng ordinary news in a sensational (耸人耸人听闻的,过分渲染细节的听闻的,过分渲染细节的) manner, sometimes even distorting the facts to create a sensational (哗众取宠的哗众取宠的) effect.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsYellow 黄黄Yellow PagesThis is a book with the telephone numbers of different shops, businesses, organizations, etc., arranged accord

29、ing to different categories; for example, all the food stores, all the radio shops, all the amusement parks, all the airlines, all the hospitals. 黄页黄页颜色词颜色词 Color WordsYellow 黄黄Generally speaking, YELLOW is to some extent derogatory (贬义贬义) that carries the connotations of cowardice (怯懦,胆小怯懦,胆小), jea

30、lousy (忌妒忌妒), suspicion (猜疑猜疑), and contemptibility (卑鄙卑鄙). yellow alert: alert in advanceyellow boy: gold coin 金币金币a yellow dog: a contemptible person 不参加或不协助工会的人,卑鄙之徒不参加或不协助工会的人,卑鄙之徒颜色词颜色词 Color WordsYellow 黄黄Generally speaking, YELLOW is to some extent derogatory (贬义贬义) that carries the connotati

31、ons of cowardice (怯懦,胆小怯懦,胆小), jealousy (忌妒忌妒), suspicion (猜疑猜疑), and contemptibility (卑鄙卑鄙). the sear and yellow leaf: an old ageyellow looks: suspicious looks 阴沉多阴沉多疑的眼神疑的眼神yellow streak: tending to be coward and chicken-hearted 胆怯胆怯颜色词颜色词 Color WordsPurple 紫紫In the eye of Westerners, PURPLE is th

32、e symbol of emperor and power. In particular, the purple refers to the throne of the emperor (皇帝皇帝) or the pope (教皇教皇). to be born in the purple: to be born in a royal family 出身于皇族出身于皇族to be raised to the purple: to be promoted to the position as a pope 成成为教皇为教皇purple messages: too florid words 过过分华

33、丽的辞藻分华丽的辞藻颜色词颜色词 Color WordsPurple 紫紫In Chinese, PURPLE indicates the degree of popularity.红得发紫红得发紫: popular to the extreme颜色词颜色词 Color WordsPurple 紫紫其他词组:其他词组:marry into the purple: marry into a family of high social positionpurple patches: pompous messages 辞藻华丽的段落辞藻华丽的段落turn purple with rage: fly

34、into a fury 大怒大怒Purple Heart: (US) an insignia awarded to those wounded in the battle 授予战争伤残者的勋章授予战争伤残者的勋章颜色词颜色词 Color WordsPink 粉红粉红tickle somebody pink: 使某人很高兴使某人很高兴in the pink: 身体健康身体健康颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGrey 灰灰GREY is often used to suggest darkness (黑暗黑暗), sullen weather (阴沉的阴沉的天气天气), blue mood (

35、忧郁的心情忧郁的心情), or gloomy outlook (令人沮丧的前景令人沮丧的前景). He looks grey and tired. 他看上去愁眉他看上去愁眉不展,疲惫不堪。不展,疲惫不堪。The prospect of the market is grey. 市市场前景黯淡。场前景黯淡。颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGrey 灰灰GREY also suggests wisdom (机智机智) and tact (老练老练). grey wisdom 智力智力grey matter 头脑头脑grey experience 老练老练颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGre

36、en 绿绿GREEN associated with plants and springA person with a “green finger/thumb” (指园丁指园丁) must be skill at gardening.A “greenbelt” (城市周围的绝色带城市周围的绝色带) is an area of open land around a city, where building is strictly controlled.People “go to the green wood” (成为成为绿林好汉绿林好汉) refer to those choose to bec

37、ome forest outlaws.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with plants and springgreenhouse effect 温室效应温室效应green winter: a warm winter with no snow 没有雪的暖冬没有雪的暖冬汉语里汉语里“苍苍”意思是意思是“dark green”;“青青”常常作为常常作为“绿绿”的的代名词。代名词。颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with freshness and health (新鲜和健康新鲜和健康)g

38、reen cheese: fresh cheesegreen beer: the beer before processinggreen goods: fresh vegetablesgreen meat: fresh meata person in the green: a teenager or youngster颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with freshness and healthgreen signs: signs of renewalgreen room: a room in a theater, TV studio,

39、 etc., where the performers can relaxgreen pasture: something newer or better (or perceived to be better), such as a new job颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with freshness and healthOne who is “in the green tree” is in his advantage.To “keep ones memory green” means not letting someone (de

40、ad) to be forgotten.Somebody is “in the green wood” suggests he is in good condition.Someone in his “green old age” may refer to a senior citizen who is still sound and healthy despite his age.颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with freshness and health在汉语中也有类似的用法。在汉语中也有类似的用法。“绿绿”可用指年轻貎美的女子,

41、可用指年轻貎美的女子,“闺房闺房”可称作可称作“绿窗绿窗”。近年来出现很多新词:绿色冰箱、近年来出现很多新词:绿色冰箱、绿色食品、绿色家俱、绿色物流绿色食品、绿色家俱、绿色物流颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with permission and safety (准许,放行和安全准许,放行和安全)to get the green light: to get the permission to do something 亮绿灯亮绿灯绿色通道绿色通道颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with

42、sickness (疾病疾病)Green is the most common color of poison (绿色是最常见的毒药的颜色绿色是最常见的毒药的颜色), which may lead to its association with sickness.The passengers turned quite green with sea-sickness. 那些乘客由于晕船,那些乘客由于晕船,脸都变绿了。脸都变绿了。green about/around the gills: used to describe a pale person 面色青黄面色青黄颜色词颜色词 Color Wor

43、dsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with evil (邪恶邪恶)墓地磷火是绿色的,恶毒的王后给白雪公墓地磷火是绿色的,恶毒的王后给白雪公主有毒的那半苹果是绿色的,西方世界龙主有毒的那半苹果是绿色的,西方世界龙也是绿色的,因此西方人将绿色与邪恶联也是绿色的,因此西方人将绿色与邪恶联系在一起。系在一起。然而,在中国,绿色是高贵的颜色:青史然而,在中国,绿色是高贵的颜色:青史留名,青睐,苍龙。因为古代中国是典型留名,青睐,苍龙。因为古代中国是典型的农耕文明,绿色代表希望,因此在中国的农耕文明,绿色代表希望,因此在中国绿色不可能是邪恶的颜色。绿色不可能是邪恶的颜色。颜色词颜色词

44、Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with money (钱钱)美元背面是绿色的,因此美元也被称作美元背面是绿色的,因此美元也被称作“greenback”或者或者“green note”。一些类似的一些类似的词汇也容易理解:词汇也容易理解:green power(金钱的力量,(金钱的力量,财团),财团),green stamp(美国救济补助券),(美国救济补助券),green sheet(政府预算明细比较表(政府预算明细比较表 ),),green pound(绿色英镑,指原欧共体内部计算农产品(绿色英镑,指原欧共体内部计算农产品价格而规定的高汇率英镑),等

45、等。价格而规定的高汇率英镑),等等。在中国,人民币不是银色的,因此绿色与钱无关。在中国,人民币不是银色的,因此绿色与钱无关。颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with inexperienced (无经验无经验)green wood: wood not yet dry enough for usegreen tobacco: tobacco not driedSomebody is still green.: He/she is untrained or inexperienced.a greener or a green hand: a y

46、oung novice or a beginner颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with inexperienced (无经验无经验)green goose: young goosea green field: a land with no buildings constructed on previouslyas green as grass: a vivid description of ones infantilitynot as green as one is cabbage-looking: not so stupid as h

47、e/she appears to be颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with envy (嫉妒嫉妒)green-eyed monster: the rhetorical expression of jealousy 嫉妒嫉妒green spit: a vicious depreciation due to envy 恶意贬低或藐视恶意贬低或藐视to see somebody through green glasses: One treats another unfairly due to great jealousy.颜色词颜色词 Col

48、or WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with envy (嫉妒嫉妒)在汉语里,在汉语里, 眼眼“红红”代表嫉妒:代表嫉妒:眼红眼红:green with envy红眼病红眼病: green-eyed monster颜色词颜色词 Color WordsGreen 绿绿GREEN associated with anger (愤怒愤怒)在汉语里,在汉语里, 人们用人们用“绿色绿色”表示生气。表示生气。气绿了脸气绿了脸气得脸色发青气得脸色发青青筋暴起青筋暴起在英语里,人们用在英语里,人们用“purple”表示生气。表示生气。purple with anger颜色词颜色词

49、 Color Words注意汉语里颜色词的注意汉语里颜色词的“一词多义一词多义”:青青:可以指绿色(可以指绿色(green),如),如“青椒青椒”(green pepper);可以指蓝色,如);可以指蓝色,如“青天青天”(blue Sky);也可以指黑色,);也可以指黑色,如如“青布青布”(black cloth)。)。 黄:一般是指黄色,但也可以指褐色,如黄:一般是指黄色,但也可以指褐色,如“黄酱黄酱”(soy bean paste);可以指金);可以指金色,如色,如“黄金黄金”(gold)。)。 颜色词颜色词 Color Words注意,不同的语言中对同一物体或现象注意,不同的语言中对同一

50、物体或现象却用不同颜色来加以描述。却用不同颜色来加以描述。英国人喝的英国人喝的 black tea在汉语中不叫在汉语中不叫“黑黑茶茶”而叫而叫“红茶红茶”。美国人谈到皮肉受伤时说美国人谈到皮肉受伤时说to be bruised black and blue,而中国人则说,而中国人则说“被打得被打得青一块,紫一块青一块,紫一块”(直译为(直译为to be beaten blue and Purple,当然应译为地道的英,当然应译为地道的英语语to be beaten black and blue)。)。 Kinship terms: Kinship terms: (p. 128)(p. 128)

51、 Chinese EnglishChinese English 姑夫;姨夫;舅舅 uncles 叔叔;伯伯 堂兄;表兄;堂弟 cousins 表弟;堂姐;堂妹 表兄;表妹 连襟 妯娌 I. How to talk about the world in different cultures Translate: (p. 128) a. 林黛玉的母亲是贾宝玉的林黛玉的母亲是贾宝玉的姑母姑母,贾宝玉的母,贾宝玉的母亲是林黛玉的亲是林黛玉的舅母舅母,又是薛宝钗的,又是薛宝钗的姨母姨母。 b. Three cousins of the French Presidents were also to rec

52、eive diamonds. Connotations of words: (p. 129) Chinese English Red: wedding; happiness; violence; warningGreen: life; youth envy; inexperienceBlue: clearness gloomWhite: death wedding Chinese EnglishIce: crystal clear; purity Jade: purity; innocence; chastity 冰清玉洁 芙蓉楼送辛渐芙蓉楼送辛渐 王昌龄王昌龄 寒雨连江夜入吴,寒雨连江夜入吴

53、, 平明送客楚山孤。平明送客楚山孤。 洛阳亲友如相问,洛阳亲友如相问, 一片冰心在玉壶一片冰心在玉壶。 * An sinologists translation: Put a piece of icy heart in the vase of jade. Translate:许渊冲许渊冲s version Farewell to Xin Jian at lotus tower Wang Changling A cold rain mingled with the Eastern Stream at night; At dawn you leave the Southern hills lone

54、ly in haze. If my friends in the North should ask if Im all right, My heart is free of stain as ice in crystal vase.Witt Bynners Version AT HIBISCUS INN PARTING WITH XIN JIAN With this cold night-rain hiding the river, you have come into Wu. In the level dawn, all alone, you will be starting for the

55、 mountains of Chu. Answer, if they ask of me at Loyang: One- hearted as ice in a crystal vase. Categorization of farm animals (p. 125-126) English sex (male, female, castrated) maturity (mature, immature or newborn) Amazonian Indian Good for work (inedible): stallion, mare, gelding Good for food (us

56、eless for work): cow, ewe, lamb, sow ChineseChinesebull:bull:公牛公牛steer (steer (被阉割的被阉割的) )公牛公牛 cowcow母牛母牛heiferheifer:小母牛小母牛calf: calf: 小牛小牛( (年幼的母牛或公牛年幼的母牛或公牛) ) (milk; beef;butter) (milk; beef;butter)way of thinking: holistic vs analytic way of thinking: holistic vs analytic Categorization of chai

57、rs (p. 124 ) EnglishEnglishChairs and couches: related to each other; both belong to the category of household furniture African African Chair and spear; related to each other; both are emblems of authority Distinction between dew, fog and snow in English is not found in Koyas of India (p. 124)A Koy

58、a distinguishes 7 different of bamboo (p. 124) 动物词汇动物词汇 Animal Words中文中文英文英文牛牛Oxdevotion/hardworkingfood马马Horsedevotion/hardworking龙龙Dragonmajestyevil凤凰凤凰Phoenixqueenlyrebirth/resurrection蛇蛇Snakeslithery/harmfulslithery兔子兔子Rabbittimidattractive鸡鸡Chickenprostitutetimid动物词汇动物词汇 Animal Words中文中文英文英文蚂蚁蚂

59、蚁Antsolidarityhardworking蜜蜂蜜蜂Beehardworkingbusy鸳鸯鸳鸯Mandarin ducklove鸽子鸽子Dovelove猫头鹰猫头鹰Owlbad luckwisdom动物词汇动物词汇 Animal Words中文中文英文英文龟龟Turtle/鹤鹤Cranelongevity象象Elephantclumsy/uselesslongevity鹊鹊Magpiesymbol of good luckgossip海猩海猩Beavereager/anxiousimpatient天鹅天鹅Swangraceful/noblegraceful/noble动物词汇动物词汇

60、Animal Words中文中文英文英文孔雀孔雀Peacocksymbol of luck/beautyproud/showy猪猪Pigstupiditydirty驴驴Ass/鹅鹅Goosestupidity蝙蝠蝙蝠Batgood fortunehappinessugly/frighteningblood sucking小羊小羊Lambfoodsymbol of religion动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsFavorite Animals:Chinese: Crane, Cat, Rabbit, Ox, Horse, Panda, Swan, Peacock, Gold Fish

61、, BirdsEnglish: Dog, Cat, Horse, Birds, Sheep动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsSome English Expressions:as surly as a bull (公牛公牛)as fat as an oxas strong as a horseas happy as a lark (百灵鸟百灵鸟)as merry as a cricket (蟋蟀蟋蟀)as dumb as an oyster (蚝蚝)动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsSome English Expressions:as regal/majestic as a

62、lionas sly as a foxas slippery as a eel (鳗鲤,或鳗鲤,或loach泥鳅泥鳅)as blind as a batas eager as a beaver (海狸海狸)动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsSome English Expressions:as regal/majestic as a lionas sly as a foxas slippery as a eel (鳗鲤,或鳗鲤,或loach泥鳅泥鳅)as blind as a batas eager as a beaver (海狸海狸)动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsDog汉

63、语里:狗仗人势,狗急跳墙,狼心狗肺汉语里:狗仗人势,狗急跳墙,狼心狗肺In English:Every dog has its day.富贵无常,凡人皆有得意时。做人要富贵无常,凡人皆有得意时。做人要厚道,不要看低别人。厚道,不要看低别人。Love me. Love my dog.爱屋及乌爱屋及乌动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsDogIn English:work like a dog工作真卖劲。工作真卖劲。teach the dog to bark教狗怎么叫(多此一举)教狗怎么叫(多此一举)a lucky dog幸运儿幸运儿动物词汇动物词汇 Animal WordsDogIn En

64、glish:You cant teach an old dog new tricks.老人难改变。老人难改变。Dont wake a sleeping dog.别惹是生非。别惹是生非。lead a dogs life 过着猪狗不如的生活。过着猪狗不如的生活。II. Problems found in translating across culturesII. Problems found in translating across cultures 1.Lexical equivalence: (p. 137)2. snow in Eskimo and English blue in Rus

65、sian and English 2. Idiomatic equivalence: (p. 138) eat ones word and SHI YAN in Chinese a fly in the ointment 美中不足之处 3. Grammatical-syntactical equivalence: (P. 138) English: third person singular, definite article, tense, plurality of nounsChinese: 量词:一把,一架,一份,一块,一条,一 片,一头,一匹,一只4Experiential equiv

66、alence: (P. 138) west wind and east wind Translate: When the east wind blows, neither Russel nor Shaw can flower with their pens. 5. Conceptual equivalence: (P. 139) bird in English and NIAO in Chinese wear in English and CHUAN in Chinese female: NV; MU male: NAN; GONG Translate: He wears long hair. He is wearing a smile. He wears a watch. He wears glasses. (to love in Spanish; kinship terms; livestock classification) I.I. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: linguistic relativity linguistic relativity 此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!



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