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1、SystemsThe way managerscollectively behavewith respect to useof time, attention,and symbolic actionsThe people in the organization, consideredin terms of corporate demographics,not individual personalitiesThe organization chart andaccompanying baggage thatshow who reports to whomand how tasks are bo

2、thdivided up and integratedThose ideas of what is right anddesirable (in corporate and/orindividual behavior) which aretypical of the organization andcommon to most of its membersThe processes and proceduresthrough which things get donefrom day to dayA coherent setof actions aimedat gaining asustain

3、ableadvantage overcompetitionStrategyCapabilitiespossessed bythe organizationas a whole asdistinct from theindividuals. Somecompanies performextraordinaryfeats withordinary peopleSkillsStaffStyleSharedValuesStructureA coherent set ofactions aimed at gaininga sustainable advantageover competitionThos

4、e ideas of what is rightand desirable (in corporateand/or individual behavior)which are typical of theorganization and commonto most of its membersThe organization chart andaccompanying baggage that showwho reports to whom and how tasksare both divided up and integratedThe way managerscollectively b

5、ehavewith respect to useof time, attention andsymbolic actionsThe processes and proceduresthrough which things get donefrom day-to-dayThe people inthe organization,considered interms of corporatedemographics, notindividual personalitiesSkillsSharedvaluesStrategyStaffStructureSystemsCapabilitiesposse

6、ssed bythe organizationas a whole asdistinct fromthe individuals.Some companiesperform extraordinaryfeats with ordinary peopleStyleStyleStructureStaffStrategySystemsSkillsSharedvalues A coherent set of actions aimedat gaining a sustainable advantageover competitionThose ideas of what is rightand des

7、irable (in corporateand/or individual behavior)which are typical of theorganization and commonto most of its membersThe organization chart andaccompanying baggage that showwho reports to whom and how tasksare both divided up and integratedThe way managers collectivelybehave with respect to use of ti

8、me,attention and symbolic actionsThe processes and proceduresthrough which things get donefrom day-to-dayThe people in theorganization, consideredin terms of corporatedemographics, notindividual personalitiesCapabilities possessed by theorganization as a whole as distinctfrom the individuals. Some c

9、ompaniesperform extraordinary feats withordinary peopleCommitmentCapabilityConvictionCourageEnablingdevicesIndividualactivityChangevisionChiefexecutiveDown thelineExternalconstituentsLeadershipgroupsDevelopingfelt need. . . . . . andvision. . . amplifyingchange andbuildingskills . . . . . . andreinf

10、orcingchangeInstitutional-izing achangemindset 1. Preparing for change 2. Bringing about change 3. Sustainingchange Launchingchange . . . Vision andLeadershipOrganizationalInfrastructurePerformancemeasurementPeopledevelopmentCommunicationsProblem solvingprocess Implementation ornear implementationof

11、 required structureand systems Flow of 2-waycommunications Peoples understanding,belief and contributionto act on vision andaction plans Accurate measurementof action and results Clear accountabilities Early wins Action plans sufficient toachieve goals Agreement on objectivesby line management Manag

12、ement of high-involvement process Visibledemonstrationof new vision andvalues by clientleadership Client managers (particularlymiddle management) haveskill to lead programimplementation Change in actual behavior P Delta Governmentderegulation ofthe industry Licensing of 16new (mainlyforeign) banks F

13、reeing-up of mostinterest rates Virtuallyunrestricted entryinto foreignexchange dealingAvailability of new,low-cost networkingtechnology ATMs Low-cost,high-speed datacommunicationslinks “Smart” plastic cardsSubstantially reducedconcentrationInflux of new “players” withdiverse methods, valuesand back

14、grounds, etc.Formation of strategicgroups of banks “Full-line/high-tech/maximize-share” bankers “Niche” bankersIncumbent banks stuck withhigh-cost “bricks and mortar”networks; entrants able touse electronic/plasticnetworks more intensivelyIncreased price rivalry,especially in commercialsegment and f

15、oreignexchangeIncreased focus on marketsegments (e.g. consumer,rural and commercial)through Products Outlets Staff trainingReduced marginsReduced costsImproved serviceP R O D U C E R SExternalshocksChanges inConductCChanges inPerformancePI N D U S T R YChanges inStructureSProductivityContributionTot

16、al selling costsSelling marginContributionSalesSelling rateSalesAvailable selling timeUtilizationAvailable selling timeTotal sales timeSupport intensitySupport costsTotal selling costsEffectivenessContributionAvailable selling timeEfficiencyAvailable selling timeTotal selling costsSupport leverageTotal sales timeSupport costsProduct offeringPlacePricePositioningpromotionProductPackageP R O D U C E R SI N D U S T R YtructureSonductCerformancePExternalshocksFeedbackP R O D U C E R SChanges inConductCChanges inPerformancePI N D U S T R YChanges inStructureS



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