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1、基础写作训练1一. 基础写作基本要求I. I. 基础写作考我们什么能力基础写作考我们什么能力? ? A. A. 信息处理或整理的能力信息处理或整理的能力;如如: :信息之间信息之间 能否合并为逻辑关系或处理先后顺能否合并为逻辑关系或处理先后顺序等序等 B. B. 组词造句能力组词造句能力;如内容和语言表达的准确如内容和语言表达的准确 性和合适性性和合适性 C. C. 连句成文连句成文能力能力;信息内容的完整性和连贯信息内容的完整性和连贯性性 2A. 如何处理或整理信息? 1. 存在问题 I am quite satisfied with the travel agency. First of

2、all, the local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and considerate to all tourists,especially to the older people. (1) I am quite satisfied with the travel agency and the local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and considerate to all tourists, especially to the older people.错误诊断:总体信息和细节信息不能合并错

3、误诊断:总体信息和细节信息不能合并3 (2) However, the food provided in the restaurant didnt agree with many of us. Quite a few of us had to buy extra food. 错误诊断:因果关系的信息合并错误诊断:因果关系的信息合并 However, the food provided in the restaurant didnt agree with many of us and quite a few of us had to buy extra food. (He had a high

4、fever and went to see the doctor.)4(3) I am quite satisfied with the travel agency, the local tour guide John was very enthusiastic, he could concern old men in our group.错误诊断:错误诊断: 一逗到底一逗到底”的中式英语表达的中式英语表达导致信息表达出现问题,不能用多个简单句表导致信息表达出现问题,不能用多个简单句表达多个不同类型的信息内容。达多个不同类型的信息内容。I am quite satisfied with the

5、 travel agency. The local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and he could concern old men in our group.5II. 如何处理或整理信息?一、按信息内容或逻辑关系分为五大信息块; who what why when where 二、一个完整的信息用一个句子来表达;三、信息之间如果存在逻辑关系就应该合并, 但如果它们之间没有逻辑关系就不能随便 合并。 四、总体信息和细节信息不能合并; 五、要正确使用标点符号避免影响信息的正确 表达6B. 组词造句能力;如内容和语言表达的准确性和合适性1.旅行社

6、旅行社 travel agency2. 食物不合味口食物不合味口 the food didnt agree with us3. 他讲解清晰他讲解清晰,生动。生动。 He explained everything about the places in a clear and lively way. His explanation about those places of interest was very clear and vivid. 74. 货真价实的购物场所货真价实的购物场所 the shops where we could buy good bargains the shops w

7、here we could buy nice things with reasonable prices81. 我表示对旅行社提供的服务总体感到满意。我表示对旅行社提供的服务总体感到满意。I am quite satisfied with the travelling company.I am quite satisfied with the traveler centre.2.当地导游对游客非常热情,体贴,耐心照顾团当地导游对游客非常热情,体贴,耐心照顾团中的老人。中的老人。John, who was the travel leader, was get along with everybo

8、dy and he was took good care of the older.travel agency.travel agency.The local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and considerate to all tourists,especially to the older people.错句修正错句修正93.导游对游地讲解清晰、生动,增长了我们的导游对游地讲解清晰、生动,增长了我们的见闻。见闻。The interview of the view is clear and funny and its clearly tha

9、t we improve knowledge for Johns direction.The local tour guide explained everything about the places we visited in a clear and lively way, which helped us broaden our horizons.104. 饭馆提供的膳食不合口味。饭馆提供的膳食不合口味。 我们有些人不得不自买食物。我们有些人不得不自买食物。 The diet provided in the restaurant didnt fit us so many of us and

10、 quite a few of us had to buy extra food.However, the food provided in the restaurant didnt agree with many of us and quite a few of us had to buy extra food.115.建议应该多提供货真价实的购物场所。建议应该多提供货真价实的购物场所。I suggest you can offer more and more shops.we wanted to be taken to the shops where we could buy good b

11、argains but were not. 12错句修正例:错句修正例:1) We are dont like the food. We are dont like the food.2) We dont satisfied with the food. We dont satisfied with the food.3) People had to bought some food. People had to bought some food.4) Guides spoken is very lively. Guides spoken is very lively.werent buy s

12、peech13C. C. 连句成文连句成文信息内容的完整性和连贯性信息内容的完整性和连贯性 存在问题I am quite satisfied with the travel agency. The local tour guide John was very enthusiastic and considerate to all tourists,especially to the older people. The local tour guide explained everything about the places we visited in a clear and lively w

13、ay, it helped us broaden our horizons. The food provided in the restaurant didnt agree with many of us, quite a few of us had to buy extra food. We wanted to be taken to the shops where we could buy good bargains but were not. 错误诊断:错误诊断:内容缺乏连贯内容缺乏连贯I am quite satisfied with the travel agency. First

14、of all, the local tour guide John was veryenthusiastic and considerate to all tourists,especially to the older people. The local tour guide explained everything about the places wevisited in a clear and lively way, which helped usbroaden our horizons. However, the food providedin the restaurant didn

15、t agree with many of us and quite a few of us had to buy extra food. In addition, we wanted to be taken to the shops where we could buy good bargains but were not. 14二. 基础写作基本步骤15抄改连扩抓审审写作写作基础写作基础写作步骤审审抓抓扩扩连连改改抄抄16基础写作步骤一、审题理清文字信息判断文章格式、人称、要点、时态、17基础写作步骤二、抓要点确定主要行为用一两个词或短语 写出每句的要点18基础写作步骤三、扩展成句形成基本语

16、义单位用一些简单句、不同句型、不同句式或高级词汇将要点扩展成句19基础写作步骤四、连句成文 时间 空间 细节 连贯 呼应背景(适当增加时间、地点条件等)、逻辑关系、开头与结尾、巧用连接词和过渡句20书面表达六步法五、查错改错要尽量剔除错误如要点齐全、句法、语法有无问题;单词拼写、大小写和标点符号;句数21基础写作步骤六、誊写卷面要工整22建议:1. 注重基础,单词短语多2. 培养写句意识,以动词为中心231如何在写作中避免句式单一如何在写作中避免句式单一24Rewrite the sentences 1. They arrived at the school. They felt the ha

17、ppy atmosphere. 2. I will be given another chance. I will succeed.3. He wants to improve his English. He studies hard. 方法一方法一. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档When they arrived at the school, they felt the happy atmosphere. Arriving at the school, they felt the happy atmosphere.If I am given another cha

18、nce, I will succeed.Given another chance, I will succeed. In order to improve his English, he studies hard.25方法一方法一. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档Complete the sentences with non-predicate (非谓语动非谓语动词词)1.听到这个消息听到这个消息,他们变的很激动他们变的很激动. _the news, they got excited.2. 尽管被告知许多遍尽管被告知许多遍,他仍然重复这个错他仍然重复这个错. _man

19、y times, he still repeated the mistake. 3.除非被邀请发言除非被邀请发言,你应该在会议上保持沉默你应该在会议上保持沉默. Unless _to speak, you should keep silent at the meeting.Hearing Having been toldinvited26Translate the following sentences by using non-predicate (非谓语动词非谓语动词)1,1,面对困难时,他从不放弃。面对困难时,他从不放弃。2 2,引入市场后,该产品大获成功。,引入市场后,该产品大获成功。

20、3 3,做完作业后,他回家了,做完作业后,他回家了。Faced with/Facing difficulties, he never gives up.Introduced to the market, the product made a great success. Having finished his homework, he returned home.27方法二方法二. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力1. He didnt realize his foolishness until he returned home. Not until2.We can s

21、ave the earth by changing the way we live. Only 3.He is clever but he does not work hard. as/though4. The clock tower stands on the other side of the street. On the other side of the streetComplete the sentences he returned home did he realize his foolishness.by changing the way we live can we save

22、the earth.Clever he is, he does not work hard.stands the clock tower.28方法二方法二. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力Translate the sentences by using Inverted Sentences(倒倒装句装句)1. 他从不说关于他家庭的事他从不说关于他家庭的事. 2. 只有我们每个人都意识到水的重要性只有我们每个人都意识到水的重要性, 我们才能生活得更好我们才能生活得更好. 3.只有用这种方式只有用这种方式, 我们才能有足够的精力好好学习我们才能有足够的精力好好学习.Nev

23、er did he speak about his own family.Only when each of us realizes the importance of water, can we live a better life.Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better.29方法二方法二. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力4. Describe the character by using Inverted Sentence(倒装句倒装句)Poor as/though he was, he

24、 was happy.30方法二方法二. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力5.5. 他是个孩子,却知道很多。他是个孩子,却知道很多。6.6. 墙上有个通知,上面写着墙上有个通知,上面写着“请节约用水请节约用水”.Child as/though he is, he knows a lot.On the wall is a notice saying “Please Save Water”. 31Use different ways to describe the picture 方法三方法三. 尝试多样化表达方式尝试多样化表达方式一一就受到欢迎就受到欢迎32As soon

25、 as Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport, they were warmly welcomed .On arriving at the airport , Lien Chan and his wifeLien Chan and his wife were warmly welcomed directly/ the moment they arrived at the airport.No sooner had Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport than they were Har

26、dly had Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport when they were 33方法三方法三. 尝试多样化表达方式尝试多样化表达方式 In recent years, Beijing has been advancing very fast.All these make peoples lives convenient, pleasant and colorful._ which_With the development of _ _so _ that_In recent years, Beijing has been advanc

27、ing very fast, makes peoples lives convenient, pleasant Beijing, peoples lives are becoming more and more convenient, pleasant and colorful. Nowadays, Beijing is developing fast peoples lives are getting more convenient, pleasant and colorful.34我校是一所省重点中学,我校是一所省重点中学, 位于太原东郊。位于太原东郊。校园很美校园很美,绿树成荫。绿树成荫

28、。 East of Taiyuan lies our school, which is a key school of Shanxi province. It is beautiful, surrounded with many trees/with many trees.Translate the sentences:35句式多样句式多样文章增文章增“靓靓”一一. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档二二. 巧用倒装增强句子表现力巧用倒装增强句子表现力三三. 尝试多样化表达方式尝试多样化表达方式3637知识回顾知识回顾Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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