专题03 阅读理解 云南省昆明市2020-2022三年中考英语真题分项汇编(解析版)

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《专题03 阅读理解 云南省昆明市2020-2022三年中考英语真题分项汇编(解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题03 阅读理解 云南省昆明市2020-2022三年中考英语真题分项汇编(解析版)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题0 3阅读理解 云南省昆明市2020-2022三年中考英语真题分项汇编第 三 部 分 阅 读 理 解 ( 2022年昆明市中考真题)AIt is well-known that silk was discovered in China. It is wonderfully strong, light and soft. Asone of the best materials for clothes, silk has a perfect look and feel that no other materials canmatch.There is a story about how sil

2、k was discovered. Lei Zu, the wife of Huang Di, was having teaunder a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon ( 蚕茧) fell into her cup. As she tried to take thecocoon out, it started to unwind ( 展开) and the line” seemed endless. She realized that the strongline could be used to make clothes. Then Lei Zu

3、 taught her people how to raise silkworms and howto get silk. In this way, the silk industry was born.For hundreds of years after that, silk was only used by rich people. It was a symbol of identityand status ( 身份和地位) . With the development of the silk industry, more silk was produced. It wasno long

4、er just for rich people. In the Han Dynasty, silk was transported as far away as Spain, Romeand many other countries. The trade road was famously known as the Silk Road, which connectedChina with the rest of the world.Today, silk can be used for many kinds of things, not just for clothes but also fo

5、r paintings,writing brushes, kites and even fishing nets. Wherever silk goes around the world, it is alwayswarmly received.根据短文内容,判断句子正( T) 误( F) 。46. Silk is one of the best materials for clothes.47. Huang Di discovered silk could be used to make clothes by accident.48. As more silk was produced, i

6、t reached more peoples homes.49. The silk industry was born because of the Silk Road.50. This passage mainly talks about the history and the popularity of silk.【 答案】46. T47. F48. T49. F50. T【 解析】【 导语】本文主要介绍了丝绸的发现过程和用途。【 46题详解】细节理解题。 根据As one of the best materials for clothes, silk has a perfect look

7、 and feel that noother materials can match.”可知,丝绸是最好的服装面料之一,故选T。【 47题详解】细节理解题。根据“There is a story about how silk was discovered. Lei Zu, the wife of Huang Di,was having tea under a mulberry tree when a silkworm cocoon ( 蚕茧) fell into her cup 可 矢 口 , 是皇后发现丝绸可以用来做衣服,并不是皇帝,故选F。【 48题详解】推理判断题。根据With the

8、development of the silk industry, more silk was produced. It was nolongerjust for rich people 可知,随着丝绸工业的发展,生产了更多的丝绸,它不再是富人的象征,它到达了更多的家庭,故选T。【 49题详解】细节理解题。根据Then Lei Zu taught her people how to raise silkworms and how to get silk. Inthis way, the silk industry was bom 可知, 雷祖教她的人民如何养蚕, 如何获得丝绸, 就这样,丝绸业

9、诞生了,故选F。【 50题详解】主旨大意题。 根据It is well-known that silk was discovered in China.及Today, silk can be usedfor many kinds of things, not just for clothes but also for paintings, writing brushes, kites and evenfishing nets. Wherever silk goes around the world, it is always warmly received.”及整个文章的理解可知,本文主要是介

10、绍丝绸的历史和流行,故选T。B ( 2022年昆明市中考真题)I asked my dad if I had ever made him cry before because I couldnt remember ever seeing himcry.“There was once,“ he said.He told me that when I was one year old, he put a pen, a piece of paper money and a toy in frontof me. He wanted to see which one I would pick. It5s

11、 a tradition that a lot of Chinese people do whentheir kids are one year old. According to this tradition, it shows what the kid will value most whenhe or she grows up. For example, if the kid takes the pen, it means he or she will be an intelligentperson in the future. If the kid takes the money, i

12、t means he or she will value money more than othersand become rich. If the kid takes the toy, it means he or she will like fun things and play a lot.My father was doing it because he was curious ( 好奇的) . It was interesting for him to seewhich one I would pick.He said that I just sat there and stared

13、 at the three things. He sat across from me and waited tosee the result.According to him, I moved toward him and he held his breath. Then I pushed everything asideand went right into his arms. Tears ( 眼泪) came to his eyes. He didnt realize that he was one of thechoices.And that was the first and onl

14、y time I made him cry.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。51. How many choices did the father prepare?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.52. According to the tradition, if the kid takes the pen, it means he or she will be.A. rich B. intelligent C. humorous D.successful53. Which one did the writer finally pick?A. The fathe

15、r. B. The pen. C. The money. D. The toy.54. The father felt after the writer pushed everything aside and went into his arms.A. curious B. nervous C. relaxed D. moved55. Which of the following could be the best title for this passage?A. A fathers warm hug B. Joyful tears for an old traditionC. Differ

16、ent choices of a father D. A tradition for a kids first birthday【 答案】51.C52. B53. A54. D55. B【 解析】【 导语】 本文主要讲述r 作者的爸爸通过作者抓周的经历感受到了作者对他的爱, 所以他感动的哭了的故事。【 51题详解】细节理解题。根据He said that I just sat there and stared at the three things”可知作者的父亲为他准备了三件东西。故选C。【 52题详解】细节理解题。根据文中“if the kid takes the pen, it mean

17、s he or she will be an intelligent person inthe ftiture”可知,如果一个孩子选择了钢笔,意味着将来他或她会非常的聪明。故选B。【 53题详解】细节理解题。 根据文中“Then I pushed everything aside and went right into his arms”可知作者选择了爸爸。故选A。【 54题详解】推理判断题。 根据“Tears ( 眼泪) came to his eyes. He didnt realize that he was one of the choices.可知看到作者选择了自己,作者父亲感动得热

18、泪盈眶。故选D。【 55题详解】最佳标题题。 通读整篇短文可知, 本文主要讲述了作者的爸爸通过作者抓周的经历感受到了作者对他的爱,所以他感动的哭了的故事,故以选项B“ 为古老的传统流下欢乐的泪水” 为标题更合适。故选B。C ( 2022年昆明市中考真题)For 16-year-old Ma Yifei, the violin performance of the Beijing 2022 Olympic theme song,Snowflake, was her best present for Paralympians ( 残奥运动员) all over the world. Even th

19、oughsnowflakes are related to winter, she let others feel warmth, hope and light through her performance.Tm also disabled and I want to do something for them with my music,“ said Ma.Ma went blind at the age of two because of an illness. She became interested in music when shewas young. She started t

20、o learn to play the piano at five and the violin at nine, experiencing the“colorftd“ music through sound and emotion.Mas mother Ha Chunyan, a former music teacher in a primary school, helped her memorizethe music score ( 乐谱) before she played the piano. Ma could not see the keys and always played th

21、ewrong notes. It took her thousands of tries to play a piece coiTectly.Learning the violin was more challenging. Ma needed to feel the teachers hands, arms andback to leam the movements, and listen to the strings ( 弦) over and over again to feel the muscles( 肌肉) herself.After three years of learning

22、, she still could not make any sound except terrible noises,saidHa, who advised her daughter to give up the violin. But Ma said, As Ive been practicing so long,its hard to give up. I believe I will play better if I persist in practicing.”In 2018, Ma got a chance to follow Sheng Yuan and Cao Yuhan, f

23、amous musicians from theCentral Conservatory of Music, to study music in Beijing. She left her home in Ningxia to followher musical dream, though she knew there would be more challenges ahead.Ma expressed her excitement about perfbnning at the big event. All my hard work has paid off.Im proud of sta

24、nding on the stage today.”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。56. The violin performance made people feel.A. regret, hope and light B. fear, warmth and hopeC. warmth, hope and light D. pity, warmth and light57. How does the writer describe Mas difficulties in learning the violin?A. By questioning.C. By offering advice.58

25、. Which of the following is TRUE about Ma?B. By listing numbers.D. By giving examples.A. Ma began to learn to play the piano at nine.B. In 2018, Ma got a chance to study music in Beijing.C. It was more challenging for Ma to learn the piano than the violin.D. Ma could memorize the music score by hers

26、elf before playing the piano.59. What does the underlined phrase “persist in probably mean in Paragraph 5?A. keep onC. take pride in60. Mas story tells us.A. old habits die hardC. practice makes perfect【 答案】56. C57. D58. B59. A60. CB.end upD. look forward toB. there is no place like homeD. a good fr

27、iend is like a mirror【 解析】【 导语】 本文主要讲述了在北京残奥会闭幕式上演奏小提琴的盲人少女马奕菲努力学习音乐的艰难过程。【 56题详解】细节理解题。根据she let others feel wannth, hope and light through her perfbrmance”可知她让别人通过她的表演感受到温暖、希望和光明。故选C。【 57题详解】推理判断题。根据Learning the violin was more challenging. Ma needed to feel the teachershands, arms and back to lea

28、rn the movements.”可知她需要感受老师的手、手臂和背部来学习动作等,所以作者通过举例说明她学习小提琴的困难。故选D。【 58题详解】细节理解题。根据“In 2018, Ma got a chance to follow Sheng Yuan and Cao Yuhan, famousmusicians from the Central Conservatory of Music, to study music in Beijing”可知 2018 年她得到了去北京学习音乐的机会。故选B。【 59题详解】词义猜测题。 根据As Ive been practicing so lon

29、g, its hard to give up. I believe I will play betterif I persist in practicing”可知她相信自己会弹得更好, 只要坚持练习, 故此处划线部分意为“ 坚持 故 选 A。【 60题详解】推理判断题。 本文主要讲述了在北京残奥会闭幕式上演奏小提琴的盲人少女马奕菲在学习小提琴的过程中遇到了很多困难,但是她不放弃,不断地练习,终获成功,所以她的故事告诉我们熟能生巧。故选C。第三部分 阅读理解( 2021年昆明市中考真题)AThe colorful clothes we wear today are made by machine

30、s. But what did ancient people do ifthey wanted to wear something colorful? Tie-dye ( 扎染)was a way to do this.More than 1,000 years ago, the Bai people in Yunnan used tie-dye to dye their clothes. Thenthis skill became so popular that people gave tie-dye clothes to the emperor as gifts.To tie-dye, y

31、ou need to first use tools to tie, sew ( 缝制), or clip ( 夹住)your cloth ( 布料).The folded cloth is then put in dye. The Bai people usually make blue dye from a plant.As the cloth is folded, some parts become dark blue, while other parts have a lighter color.When you unfold the cloth, you will see beaut

32、iful patterns.In the 1960s, tie-dye became a fashion trend in the US. People tie-dyed T-shirts and jeans inimaginative ways. Many children in the US still learn tie-dye in their art classes.At a recent famous fashion show, an Italian designer surprised people with tie-dye dresses, islike an experime

33、nt ( 实验). People cannot imagine the patterns of the cloth if they dont see them.Its a surprise, the designer said. There is no doubt that the tie-dye trend has never really gone away.根据短文内容,判断句子正( T )误 ( F) o26. Tie-dye is a way to make clothes colorful.27. To tie-dye, people put the unfolded cloth

34、in dye.28. The Bai people usually use a plant to make blue dye.29. Tie-dye is no longer popular with common people.30. When we tie-dye, we have no idea what the patterns look like until we see them.【 答案】26. T 27. F 28. T 29. F 30. T文章介绍了古代人们印染布料的方法一扎染, 这个方法如今仍然受人们欢迎, 扎染潮流从未真正消失。【 26题详解】细节理解题。根据“But

35、what did ancient people do if they wanted to wear something colorful?Tie-dye ( 扎染)was a way to do this.”可知,扎染是一种让布料染色的方法,题干表述正确,故选T。【 27题详解】细节理解题。 根据To tie-dye, you need to first use tools to tie, sew ( 缝制) , or clip ( 夹住) yourcloth ( 布料). The folded cloth is then put in dye.”可知,要扎染,你首先需要使用工具来扎,缝,或夹

36、你的布。然后把折叠好的布染上染料。题干表述错误,故选F。【 28题详解】细节理解题。根据“The Bai people usually make blue dye from a plant.可知,白族人通常用植物制造蓝色染料。题干表述1E确,故选T。【 29题详解】推理判断题。根据In the 1960s, tie-dye became a fashion trend in the US. People tie-dyedT-shirts and jeans in imaginative ways. Many children in the US still leai*n tie-dye in

37、their artclasses.”可知,扎染在普通人中很受欢迎,题干表述错误,故选F。【 30题详解】细节理解题。根据“As the cloth is folded, some parts become dark blue, while other parts have alighter color. When you unfold the cloth, you will see beautiful patterns.“可知, 当我们扎染的时候,我们不知道图案是什么样子的,直到我们展开布料才能看到它们。题干表述正确,故选ToB( 2021年昆明市中考真题)Felicia Grimmenhag

38、 from Sweden doesnt let anything get in her way, even a life-changingaccident.After a serious car accident, Felicia had to get used to getting around in a wheelchair ( 轮椅).But that didnt stop her from following her dream of becoming a top horse rider.In early June 2011 17-year-old Felicia got hit by

39、 a car. When she woke up in the hospital, shefound both of her legs were missing. However, Felicia didnt quit trying to achieve her dream. Shewanted to get back on the horse. She had ridden as a little girl and decided in the hospital to try again.She wasnt sure if she would be able to. But after te

40、n weeks, training, she could ride once again!“The horses have meant a lot to me,“ Felicia said. When I sit on a horse, I dont feel like thedisabled Felicia, I feel like the confident ( 自信的)Felicia.She has since taken part in competitions around the world, showing she doesnt need legs towin. Last yea

41、r, she won silver at the Swedish Championships, and now she is preparing for theTokyo Paralympics.“What I have learned from all this is that you should dare to challenge yourself and rememberthat you are the only person that sets your own limits ( 限制) J Felicia said.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。31. What did Felici

42、a lose in the car accident?A. Her arms. B. Her legs. C. Her ears. D. Hereyes.32. What does the underlined word quit in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Keep. B. Enjoy. C. Begin. D. Stop.33. How long did it take Felicia to train to ride a horse again?A. one year. B. Nine years. C. Ten weeks. D.Seventeen

43、weeks.34. The horses have meant a lot to Felicia for reasons of the following E XCE P T .A. becoming a top horse rider is her dreamB. she is filled with confidence when riding a horseC. she can get around on a horse instead of in a wheelchairD. she doesnt feel disabled anymore when sitting on a hors

44、e35. Which of the following can best describe Felicias experience?A. Never say never. B. Better late than never.C. Never think of yourself. D. Ifs never too late to learn.【 答案】31.B 32. D 33. C 34. C 35. A文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了来自瑞典的菲莉西亚在一次车祸中失去了双腿,只得坐着轮椅四处走动, 但这并没有阻止她追逐成为顶级骑手的梦想,经过刻苦的训练,她又可以骑马了, 而且在瑞典锦标

45、赛中获得银牌, 现在她正在为东京残奥会做准备的励志故事。【 31题详解】细节理解题。根 据 When she woke up in the hospital, she found both of her legs were missing.可知,菲莉西亚在车祸中失去了双腿,故选B。【 32题详解】词义猜测题。根据下文“She wanted lo get back on the horse.她想重新开始去骑马,可知菲莉西亚并没有放弃实现自己的梦想,quit的意思应是“ 放弃、停 止 ,与 stop意思相近,故选 D。【 33题详解】细节理解题。根 据 But after ten weeks, t

46、raining, she could ride once again!” 但经过十周的训练,她又能骑马了! 可知,费利西亚花了十周的时间才重新学会骑马,故选C。【 34题详解】细节理解题。根 据 But that didnt stop her from following her dream of becoming a top horserider. 以 及 “The horses have meant a lot to me J Felicia said. When I sit on a horse, I dont feellike the disabled Felicia, I feel

47、like the confident ( 自信的)Felicia. 可 知 , A D 选项均符合题意,故选C。【 35题详解】推理判断题。根 据 Felicia Grimmenhag from Sweden doesnt let anything get in her way, even alife-changing accident.n 以 及 “What I have learned from all this is that you should dare tochallenge yourself and remember that you are the only person th

48、at sets your own limits ( 限制)JFelicia said.可知A 选 项 “ 永不言败”符合题意, 故选A。C( 2021年昆明市中考真题)According to UNESCO, a large number of children in villages in some African countries likeKenya and Tanzania do not go to school. They have to work to make money for their family. Andmore than half of people in these

49、 countries live without electricity.A company is now working to solve both of these problems. It has created a special solar ( 大阳的) power station, which is in the shape of a cow, called “Solar Cow”. The company encouragesparents in those poor villages to send their children to school by setting up S

50、olar Cows at schools.Just as its name suggests, the Solar Cow can charge batteries ( 给电子也充电) called SolarMilks”. The Solar Milks provide electricity for the families.The batteries can only be charged using the Solar Cow, so children have to go to school to getthe electricity. Every day, children put

51、 their batteries into the bottom of their schooPs Solar Cow.They go to class while the batteries are being charged. At the end of the day, they take the chargedbatteries home.Each fully-charged Solar Milk battery can charge a mobile phone three or four times, or a radioonce or twice. The battery is

52、also a flashlight, and it can provide ten hours of light. 可知,Joe和他的爸爸在英国的Anglesey西海岸划皮艇。故选Ao【 32题详解】细节理解题。根据短文第三段“Then they found out there was a hole in the floor of the boat.Without another choice, Paul turned the boat over*.” 可知,当 Joe 和爸爸发现皮艇漏水的时候,他们把皮艇翻了过来。故选C。【 33题详解】细节理解题。根据短文第四段“But when he l

53、ooked back, he found his dad was no longerswimming. Risking his life, Joe jumped back into the cold water and managed to drag his dad uponto some rocks.” 可知,当Joe发现他的爸爸不再游泳了的时候,他冒着生命危险,重新跳回水里,把爸爸拽到了岩石上。故选D。【 34题详解】词义猜测题。根据第四段“Then Joe did CPRon his dad until he came around.” 可知,Joe 的爸爸溺水了,他把爸爸救上来之后,给

54、爸爸做心肺复苏直到他醒过来。B选项came back to life意 为 “ 苏醒”,符合文意,故选B。【 35题详解】推理判断题。根 据 短 文 第 二 段 “When 13-year-old Joe Rowlands and his dad were in akayakaccident, the brave teenager chose to fight. He not only fought for his own life, but also savedhis fathers.可 知 , 当 Joe面临生死境地的时候, 他选择勇敢地面对, 不仅自己很安全, 而且救了爸爸的生命。故选B

55、。C( 2020年昆明中考真题)Yuan Longping, a great scientist, is the first person to develop a kind of hybrid rice ( 杂交水稻) which helps fight hunger in China.Food was a big problem in China in the past. This was because China had 22 percent of theworlds population, but only 7 percent of its farmland. In the 1960

56、s, China suffered ( 遭受)serioushunger. Millions of people died because they had no food. As an agronomy ( 农学) teacher, Yuanwas very sad to see this. How can I help them have enough fbod?” he thought. He decided to workon a kind of hybrid rice. It has a high output ( 产量).At that time, other scientists

57、 didnt think hybrid rice was worth studying. But Yuan and his teamworked on it every day. They took very good care of their rice seeds.At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind of hybrid rice. This rice is strong. Farmers can grow it inmany different kinds of farmland and also in bad weather. It can al

58、so fight disease. Its output wasmuch greater than common kinds of nice. With the new kind, about 70,000,000 people could havefood every year.Yuan solved the food problem in China. But he is still working on rice. Before he retires ( 退休), he hopes to grow rice in the sea!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。36. Why was foo

59、d a big problem in China in the past?A. Because farmers didnt grow nice.B. Because farmers didnt have rice seeds.C. Because China had no money to buy plenty of food.D . Because China had a large population but a little farmland.37. How did Yuan Longping help people have enough food?A. He discovered

60、another kind of food.B. He borrowed enough food from other countries.C. He developed a kind of hybrid rice with his team.D . He started being an agronomy teacher to study nice.38. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the new kind of hybrid rice?A. It is able to fight disease.C. Its output i

61、s much higher.39. Yuan Longping wishes to before he retires.A. grow rice in the seaC. keep several pet cats40. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. The new kind of hybrid rice is worth studying.B. It is grown across the world.D . It can be grown in different farmland.B. have a good restD . he

62、lp people in AfricaB. The new kind of hybrid rice was invented in China.C. Yuan Longping grew the new kind of hybrid rice for many years.D . Yuan Longping has played an important role in solving Chinas food problem.【 3640题答案】【 答案】36.D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D袁隆平,被誉为“ 杂交水稻之父”,他研究的杂交水稻,提高了粮食产量,为我国解决了重要

63、的粮食问题。这篇短文给我们介绍了袁隆平研究杂交水稻的背景以及他做出的贡献。【 36题详解】细节理解题。根据短文第二段Food was a big problem in China in the past. This was becauseChina had 22 percent of the worlds population, but only 7 percent of its farmland.w 可知, 在过去,粮食是中国的大问题,因为中国有世界22%的人口,但只有7%的耕地。故选D。【 37题详解】细节理解题。根据短文第二段How can I help them have enough

64、 fbod? he thought. Hedecided to work on a kind of hybrid rice.和第四段At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind ofhybrid rice.” 可知,袁隆平和他的团队种植了一种新的杂交水稻,这种水稻能对抗疾病、产量高,因而解决了中国的粮食问题。故选C。【 38题详解】细节理解题。根据短文第四段At last, in 1973, they grew a new kind of hybrid rice. This rice isstrong. Farmers can grow it in many d

65、ifferent kinds of farmland and also in bad weather. It can alsofight disease. Its output was much greater than common kinds of nice. 可知,文章中提到了这种水稻产量高、能抵抗疾病、能在不同的耕地上种植,B 选 项 “ 它在全世界种植”没有提到。故选B。【 39题详解】细节理解题。根据短文最后一段Before he retires, he hopes to grow rice in the sea!” 可知,袁隆平在退休之前,希望能够在大海里种植水稻。故选A。【 40题详解】主旨大意题。根据文意以及短文第一段Yuan Longping, a great scientist, is the first person todevelop a kind of hybrid rice which helps fight hunger in China.可知,这篇短文主要讲述了 袁隆平和他的团队是如何研究种植杂交水稻,帮助中国解决粮食问题的。D 选项最符合文意,故选D。



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