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1、Text Decide the summary sentencesGo to the text1教学运用Our supposedly exciting times are really rather dull Theres nothing new about our obsession with the new, says Dominic Sandbrook.1 We live in a world of unprecedented, dazzling change. Thanks to globalization, national frontiers are collapsing arou

2、nd us, while technological innovations are fundamentally reshaping our lives in ways we can barely comprehend. In the early 21st century, history is moving more and more quickly; there has never been anything quite like it, and things will never be the same again.Text 2教学运用 2 So run the clichs, anyw

3、ay. But it is only our obsession with novelty, ignorance of deeper historical patterns and arrogant insistence on our own importance that leads us into this kind of talk. Hoping to prove our superiority over the generations that preceded us, we boast that we live in a period of unprecedented change.

4、 Yet there is a good case that we do not, in fact, live in very interesting times at all.Text 3教学运用 3 Take the example of globalization, which, according to its American champion, Thomas Friedman, is a new international system, influencing the politics, environment, geopolitics and economics of virt

5、ually every country in the world. In a historical context, however, the word is almost entirely meaningless. What society has not been, to some extent, globalized?Text 4教学运用 4 The Roman Empire, for example, is nothing if nota multi-ethnic, multicultural, transnational entity, with dozens of differen

6、t tongues and religions competing in the capital alone. Not only did the Romans import grain from Egypt, they bought spices and vessels from China and India, and hoards of the pottery they sold in return have been found as far away as Pondicherry. We may get excited about call centres in Bangalore b

7、ut as so often, the Romans were there first.Text 5教学运用 5 And while it is easy to point to areas of life that have changed in the last few decades the status of Western women, for example it makes more sense to point out the sheer stability of modern life. Most national borders have remained unchange

8、d for more than half a century, while the Western world has avoided major wars since 1945. And although we like to boast of our modernity, Britain today, with its physical landscape of suburbs and skyscrapers, would hardly have surprised the typical citizen of the 1940s and 1950s.Text 6教学运用 6 For al

9、l our enthusiasm about the Internet and the iPod, meanwhile, we simply do not live in an age of great technological innovation. Most of the technologies we use every day toasters and kettles, central heating and televisions, planes and trains and automobiles were invented decades ago. And for all th

10、e hype about the Internet, the brutal truth is that most of us use it to do remarkably old-fashioned things, whether ordering books or writing to friends. We are always being told that the Internet has opened up the world, yet a staggering 90 per cent of all web traffic is local.Text 7教学运用 7 The pac

11、e of change looks even slower when we compare it with typical expectations only a few decades ago. When Stanley Kubricks film 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968, for example, it seemed reasonable to imagine that people would be catching Pan-Am flights to space stations, talking to sentient c

12、omputers and living on the Moon. But the cinema-goers of 1968 would have been deeply disappointed to realize that in fact they would be living in Milton Keynes and watching Midsomer Murders.Text 8教学运用 8 Even our neophilia is nothing new. I do not know how often I have met with the statements that th

13、e aeroplane and the radio have abolished distance and all parts of the world are now interdependent, George Orwell grumbled in 1944. No doubt he would find such views equally irritating today.Text 9教学运用 9 And although the baby-boom generation like to brag that they have experienced greater change th

14、an any other, we do not need to look back very far for much more sweeping transformations. Imagine an Englishman born in 1865 into a rural landscape of horses and carts, freezing winters and limited horizons. Text 10教学运用 10 May you live in interesting times, runs the Chinese curse, the implication b

15、eing that interesting times bring chaos and anxiety in their wake. If so, then we are lucky, because we dont.Text 12教学运用 我我们们所所谓谓的激的激动动人心的人心的时时代其代其实实很乏味很乏味“我我们对们对新奇事物的新奇事物的过过度迷恋其度迷恋其实实并不新奇并不新奇”,多米尼克,多米尼克桑桑 德布德布鲁鲁克如是克如是说说。1 我们生活在一个变化的世界里,这种变化前所未有,让人 眼花缭乱。正是因为全球化,国之界限正逐渐瓦解,同时,技 术革新正以我们几乎理解不了的方式从根本上重塑着

16、我们的生 活。在21世纪初期,历史的变迁日益加速;这种变迁史无前 例,一切都和从前不一样了。Text 13教学运用 2 不管怎么说,这就是我们耳熟能详的套话。可是,让我们有这种论调的正是缘自我们对新奇事物的过度迷恋,对深层次历史模式的无知,以及我们的狂妄自大。为了证明相比于先辈们的优越性,我们夸耀说自己生活在一个前所未有的变革期。但是,有一个很好的例子可以用来证明,实际上我们并没有生活在多么有趣的时代。Text 14教学运用 3 就以全球化为例。其拥护者美国人托马斯弗里德曼认为,全球化是一个全新的“国际体系”,它影响着“全世界几乎每一个国家的政治、环境、地缘政治以及经济”。但是,如果把它置于历

17、史的环境中,这个词几乎毫无意义可言。有哪个社会不曾或多或少地被全球化过呢?Text 15教学运用 4 例如,罗马帝国完完全全是一个多民族、多文化、跨国界的实体,仅在它的首都就有几十种不同的语言和宗教相互竞存。古罗马人不但从埃及进口谷物,还向中国和印度购买香料以及器皿,同时,他们出口陶器到其他的国家,甚至卖到了遥远的本地治里。我们可能会为班加罗尔的呼叫服务中心而兴奋不已,殊不知最先到达那里的还是古罗马人,他们可是常为天下先的。Text 16教学运用 5 尽管过去的几十年间生活中方方面面的变化随处可见比如西方妇女的地位的变化但我们更应该指出现代生活稳定的一面。1945年以来西方世界没有发生过大规模

18、的战争,多数国家的国界线半个多世纪以来都保持着原样。虽然我们总喜欢吹嘘自己的现代性,但是,今天的英国,虽然有美丽的郊野景色和高耸的摩天大楼,对于20世纪四五十年代的人来说,一点都不新奇。Text 17教学运用 6 尽管我们对互联网,还有iPod十分热衷,但我们并非生活在一个伟大的技术革新的时代。大多数日常生活中用到的技术比如烤面包机、水壶、中央供暖系统、电视、飞机、火车、汽车都是几十年前就问世了。虽然推介互联网的广告铺天盖地,可一个残酷的事实是:我们大多数人都用互联网来做一些非常传统的事情,无论是购书还是给朋友写信。总是有人跟我们说互联网“打开”了一个新的世界,然而,令人吃惊的是,90的网络流

19、量都发生在本地网。Text 18教学运用 7 和几十年前人们对变化的普遍期待相比,如今变化的速度还是要慢一些。例如,当斯坦利库布里克的电影2001:星际漫游于1968年上映时,人们似乎有理由想象有一天将乘着泛美航空的航班飞往空间站,和有知觉的电脑聊天,并且住在月球上。但是1968年去看过这部电影的那些观众们要是知道直至现在他们还住在米尔顿凯恩斯,看着杀机四伏时,肯定会大失所望的。Text 19教学运用 8 我们追求新奇事物也不是什么新奇的事。1944年,乔治奥威尔就忿忿不平地抱怨说:“我不知道听过多少遍飞机和收音机消除了距离,还有世界各地如今都是互相依存着的这样的话”。假如他还活着,毫无疑问,

20、他也同样会为现在相类似的观点而气恼不已的。Text 20教学运用 9 虽然婴儿潮那代人喜欢吹嘘说他们经历的变化比其他时代的人都要多,但我们用不着向前追溯太远就能找到更为巨大的变化。试想一个英国人,他于1865年出生在一个乡村里,那儿人们还骑着马,驾着马车,冬日里冰天雪地的,视野很有限。Text 21教学运用 假设他能活到80多岁或是90多岁(这完全有可能),他就能亲眼目睹汽车、飞机、收音机、电话、电影、家庭电器、大众普及教育及妇女选举权这些事物的诞生这样的世界与当今社会差距并不大。换句话说,到他去世前,他所看到的变化之大,是我们难以想象的。我猜想,在他看来,我们自认为激动人心的时代也许真的很乏

21、味。Text 22教学运用 10 中国有句咒语:“但愿你生活在有趣的时代,”意思是紧随有趣时代而来的是混乱和焦虑。果真如此的话,我们算是很幸运了,因为我们没有生活在有趣的时代。Text 23教学运用Words & Phrasessupposedlyobsessionunprecedenteddazzlinginnovationfundamentallyreshapetransnationalmulticulturalmulti-ethniceconomicsgeopoliticsboastinsistencetoasterskyscrapersuburbmodernityunchangedst

22、abilitypotteryclichignorancearroganthoardvesselentitybrutalhypeautomobile24教学运用Words & Phrasesstaggeringstaggersentientneophiliainterdependentgrumblebragimplicationcursemagnitudeadventplausiblecartsweepinghorizon25教学运用Words & Phrasesthanks tobe nothing if notfor allin sb.s/sth.s wake26教学运用Words & Ph

23、rasesDominic Sandbrook 多米尼克桑德布鲁克(英国作家、历史学家)Thomas Friedman 托马斯弗里德曼(1953-,美国记者)Pondicherry 本地治里(印度东南部港市)Bangalore 班加罗尔(印度南部城市)Milton Keynes 米尔顿凯恩斯(英国地名)George Orwell 乔治奥威尔(1903-1950,英国作家、新闻记者和社会评论家)27教学运用supposedly ad. as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this 据认为;据称e.g. 1.

24、Professor Smith said: “Students are in virtually full-time employment while supposedly studying full time. 史密斯教授说:“学生本应将全部时间用于学习,但实际上都将全部时间用来工作”。 2. Both reports are from supposedly reliable sources, but they are out of square. 两份报道据说来源都可靠,但不吻合。Word family: supposed a. suppose v.Words & Phrases28教学运

25、用obsession n. U ( with) an emotional state in which someone or something is so important to you that you are always thinking about them, in a way that seems extreme to other people 着魔;迷恋e.g. 1. Americans are quite open about their obsession with money. 美国人毫不讳言对金钱的迷恋。2. He has an obsession with posta

26、ge stamps. 他为邮票着迷。Words & Phrases29教学运用Word family:obsess v. if something or someone obsesses you, you think or worry about them all the time and you cannot think about anything else - used to show disapproval 使痴迷,使迷恋,使心神不定(含贬义)e.g. 1. The fear of death obsessed her throughout her old age. 她晚年一直受著死亡

27、恐惧的困扰。2. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight. 很多少女都过于担心自己的体重。Words & Phrases30教学运用unprecedented a. never having happened or existed before 前所未有的;史无前例的e.g. 1. The unprecedented flood caused great damage to many places in the South. 这空前的洪水,使南方许多地方遭受了重大损失。2. Contemporary natural science i

28、s being applied to production on an unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed. 当代的自然科学正以空前的规模和速度,应用于生产当中。 Words & Phrases31教学运用dazzling a. extremely impressive 令人赞叹的;给人深刻印象的e.g. 1. The evening was crowned by her dazzling performance. 她那令人赞叹的表演把晚会的气氛推向高潮。2. Tibetan culture has all along been a

29、 dazzling pearl in the treasure-house of Chinese culture as well as that of the world as a whole. 藏族文化一直是中华文化和世界文化宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。Word family: dazzle v. Words & Phrases32教学运用innovation n. C a new idea, method, piece of equipment etc. 新观念;新方法;新设备e.g. Farmers are introducing innovations which increase the

30、 productivity. 农民们正引进提高生产力的新方法。Word family: innovate v. innovative a. e.g. Many of the problems presented by the countrys geographical features found solutions in innovative engineering projects. (CET4-2006-06) 创新性的工程项目为该国因地理特征而产生的问题提供了解决办法。Words & Phrases33教学运用fundamentally ad. in a very important

31、or basic way 根本地;基本地e.g. 1. He holds that the issue of population is fundamentally one of development. 他认为人口问题从根本上讲是一个发展问题。 2. Fundamentally, this is a matter for doctors. 从根本上讲,这是医生的事。Word family: fundamental a. Words & Phrases34教学运用reshape vt. change the way that sth. operates or develops 给以新形式,再塑

32、造e.g. 1. The launching of euro and the completion of the EMU will be instrumental in reshaping the international monetary system. 欧元的发行和欧洲货币联盟的形成将在世界货币体系重新整合的过程中发挥至关重要的作用。2. You will not only improve your English greatly this way, but also totally reshape your life. 这样的话你不但可以大大提高你的英语,还可以彻底重塑你的人生。Wor

33、ds & Phrases35教学运用clich n. C a phrase or idea that is boring because people use it a lot and it is no longer original 陈词滥调;老生常谈What do the following clichs mean? Dont put off for tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事今日毕。As easy as pie.Theres no place like home. A chain is only as strong as its weakest

34、 link.一环薄弱全局坏。Many hands make light work.Words & Phrases易如反掌。在家千日好。众擎易举。36教学运用ignorance n. U lack of knowledge or facts about a situation or a particular subject 无知;愚昧;不知e.g. 1. Not ignorance, but the ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. 不是无知本身,而是对无知的无知,才是知识的死亡。 2. Fear always springs

35、from ignorance. 恐惧源于无知。3. Im only afraid of ignorance today Im not afraid of knowledge. 今天我害怕的只是被蒙在鼓里我可不怕了解情况。Word family: ignorant a.Words & Phrases37教学运用arrogant a. someone who is arrogant thinks they are better or more important than other people and behaves in a way that is rude and too confiden

36、t 傲慢的;自大的e.g. 1. He is so arrogant that no one will keep company with him. 他很狂妄自大,谁也不愿意与他交往。2. He saw behind his patients arrogant pride an anxiety that he could not dispel. 他发现病人的傲慢自大掩盖着一种无法摆脱的焦虑心情。Word family: arrogance n.Words & Phrases38教学运用insistence n. U ( on) a very firm statement that someth

37、ing must happen or that something is true 坚持;坚决要求;坚决主张e.g. 1. The union has dropped its earlier insistence that workers should receive bonus payments. 工会起先坚持工人应当得到奖金,但是现在已经不再坚持了。2. Tom has queered himself with many prospective clients by his foolish insistence on full payment in advance. 汤姆坚持预付全部款项,

38、这一愚蠢的做法得罪了许多可能成为客户的人。Word family: insist v.Words & Phrases39教学运用boast v. ( of / about / that) proudly tell other people about what you or someone connected with you has done or can do, or about sth. you own, especially in order to make them admire you 自吹自擂;夸耀;吹嘘e.g. 1. Nobody should boast of / about

39、 his own learning. 谁也没有必要炫耀自己的学识。 2. He boasted that he had never had a serious illness. 他自夸从未生过大病。Words & Phrases40教学运用geopolitics n. U the study of how a countrys position, economy, and population influence its politics, especially in relation to other countries 地缘政治学;地理政治学e.g. 1. If Europe is to

40、play a bigger role in geopolitics, much will depend on how much France and the UK can do together. 要使欧洲在地缘政治方面扮演更大角色,在很大程度上取决于法国和英国能共同发挥多大作用。2. The other challenge has to do with geopolitics. As the balance of economic power in the world changes, mustnt the balance of political power change too? 另一个

41、挑战则与地缘政治相连。难道随着世界经济力量均势的变化,政治势力的均衡不会相应发生变化吗? Words & Phrases41教学运用economics n. U the study of the way that goods and services are produced and sold and the way money is managed 经济学e.g. 1. development economics 发展经济学 2. ecological economics 生态经济学3. home economics 家政学 Word family: economic / economica

42、l a. economy n. Words & Phrases42教学运用multi-ethnic a. of or having to do with a society, community, etc. made up of people of many different ethnic backgrounds 供多种族用的;涉及不同种族的e.g. China as a united multi-ethnic country was created by the Qin Dynasty and consolidated and developed by the Han Dynasty. 经

43、过秦朝的开创、汉朝的巩固与发展,中国统一的多民族国家从此奠定。 multi- (prefix) many or several, used with some adjectives and nouns 有很多的e.g.1. a multilingual translator2. a multi-storey car parkWords & Phrases一位通晓多种语言的翻译者一个多层的停车场43教学运用multicultural a. involving or consisting of people of different cultures 多元文化的;多种文化的e.g. 1. Sinc

44、e Australia is a multicultural and unique society, it is probably hard for Chinese students to fit in with it. 由于澳大利亚是一个有着多元文化的独特的社会,所以对中国学生来说或许较难适应。2. They have multilingual, multicultural children who think of Europe as their nationality. 他们的孩子说多种语言,有多国文化背景,以欧洲为祖国。 Words & Phrases44教学运用transnation

45、al a. affecting or involving several different countries 影响数国的;数国参与的;跨国的e.g. In May 1994, police in Yunnan Province cracked an extraordinarily serious transnational drug smuggling case. 1994年5月,云南省警方成功破获特大跨国贩毒案。trans- (prefix) on or to the far side of something 在(到)的另一边;横穿,横贯e.g.1. a transatlantic f

46、light2. a transcontinental highwayWords & Phrases一次横渡大西洋的飞行一条穿越大陆的公路45教学运用entity n. C (fml) a separate unit that is complete and has its own character 独立存在体;实体e.g. 1. The country is no longer one political entity. 这个国家不再是一个统一的政治实体了。2. As tax laws affect virtually every entity (persons and businesses

47、) in a political subdivision, entities must be encouraged to voluntarily comply with the tax laws. 因为税法实际上影响到政府管辖之下的所有主体(个人和商事主体),政府因此应当鼓励每一个纳税主体自觉遵守税法。 Words & Phrases46教学运用vessel n. C (fml) a large boat or ship 船;舰e.g. 1. This is a commercial fishing vessel. 这是一条商业捕渔船。2. The warfare vessel fell of

48、f her course. 那艘战舰改变了航向。 Words & Phrases47教学运用hoard n. C a large amount of something that someone has saved or hidden somewhere 贮藏物;私藏物e.g. 1. a squirrels hoard of nuts 松鼠储藏的坚果2. He kept a little hoard of chocolates in his top drawer. 他在最上面的抽屉内藏了一些巧克力。Words & Phrases48教学运用pottery n. U objects such a

49、s plates and cups that are made out of clay and baked in an oven so that they become hard 陶器;陶制器皿e.g. 1. Tang tricolor pottery 唐三彩 2. antique pottery and porcelain 陶瓷古玩Words & Phrases49教学运用stability n. U a situation in which things happen as they should and there are no harmful changes 稳固;稳定e.g. 1.

50、global strategic balance and stability 全球战略平衡和稳定2. Terrorism is a scourge that undermines stability. 恐怖主义是破坏稳定的社会公害。Word family: stable a.Words & Phrases50教学运用unchanged a. remaining the same 未改变的;无变化的e.g. 1. You will see an unchanged side for tonights home game. 你会看到今晚主场比赛阵容不变。2. The basic configura

51、tion and development trend of the cross-straits relations remain unchanged. 两岸关系的基本格局和发展趋势没有改变。Words & Phrases51教学运用modernity n. U ideas and practices that use modern methods, styles etc. 现代性;现代思想;现代做法e.g. 1. The building is a global expression of cultural modernity. 该建筑物是文化现代性的一种全球表述。 2. Constructe

52、d in1934, the residence reflects the trends of that time in China: an unhesitating mixture of western modernity and Chinese tradition. 这住宅建于1934年,它的设计风格很能体现当时中国的建筑设计流行理念:中西合璧。 Word family: modern a. modernize v.Words & Phrases52教学运用suburb n. C an area or town near a large city but away from its cent

53、re, where there are many houses, especially for middle-class people 城郊;近郊;(尤指中产阶级居住的)郊区城镇e.g. 1. The two roads intersect at the suburb of the city. 两条路在城郊交叉。2. Toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out. 靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐稀少。3. As soon as we can afford it, well move out to the suburbs. 只要负担得起,我们就会马上搬到郊

54、区去。Words & Phrases53教学运用skyscraper n. C a very tall building containing offices or flats 摩天大楼e.g. 1. The skyscraper have been built with no regard for us. 摩天大楼的兴建丝毫不考虑我们的利益。2. A skyscraper has been erected. 一栋摩天大楼拔地而起。Words & Phrases54教学运用toaster n. C a piece of electrical equipment used for making

55、toast 烤面包器;烤炉;烤箱e.g. The hot toast popped up in the toaster. 热土司砰的一声从烤面包机中跳起 Words & Phrases55教学运用automobile n. C relating to cars汽车Words & Phrases56教学运用hype n. U (infml) the use of a lot of advertisements and other publicity to influence or interest people 大肆的广告宣传;炒作e.g. There is a big media hype f

56、or that new movie. 那部新推出的电影有很大的媒体宣传。 To hype up (v.) means to make sth. sound more interesting or impressive than it is.e.g. Theyre so lacking in confidence in the attraction of the games they televise that they feel they have to hype up with some hysterical commentator in order to get anyone to wat

57、ch them. 他们对于用电视播映比赛的吸引力太缺乏信心, 以至于他们感到必须要用一个说得天花乱坠的讲解员来做实况广播, 以便招揽观众。Words & Phrases57教学运用brutal a.1) extreme and unpleasant 严峻的;令人不快却又无可否认的e.g. Lets be brutal here hes not good enough. 我们直说吧他不够好。2) extremely violent 野蛮的;凶残的e.g. He delivered a verbal protest against their brutal acts. 他对他们的野蛮行为向他们提出

58、了口头抗议。 Words & Phrases58教学运用staggering a. extremely surprising 令人极其震惊的e.g. 1. What they have achieved within my lifetime is staggering. 就我过去所见,他们取得的成就,实在令人惊叹。 2. The public response was absolutely staggering. 公众的反应非常令人惊愕。See also: stagger.Words & Phrases59教学运用stagger1) vt. surprise and shock someone

59、 使震惊;使惊愕e.g. 1. The difficulty of examination staggered him. 考试的难度使他很震惊。2. The task is one to stagger the imagination. 这个任务的艰巨是难以想象的。Words & Phrases60教学运用2) vi. ( backwards / towards / into / out of) walk in an uncontrolled way, as if you are going to fall over 蹒跚;摇摇晃晃地行走e.g. 1. I was so tired I cou

60、ld hardly stagger to my feet. 我太累了,摇摇晃晃的都站不稳了。2. I saw the injured man stagger out of the bar like someone drunk. 我看见那个受伤的人像个喝醉了酒的人似的摇摇晃晃地走出酒吧。See also: staggering.Words & Phrases61教学运用sentient a. (fml) capable of feeling things through physical senses 有感觉力的;有知觉力的e.g. 1. Like a sentient creature, a

61、program must manipulate its world and make choices during execution. 就象任何有感知的生物一样,程序必须能操纵自己的世界,在执行过程中作出判断与选择。2. She had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms. 她从一出生就被教导一切有感知的生命形式都是平等的。Words & Phrases62教学运用neophilia n. U a tendency to like anything new; love of novelty

62、 喜新成癖;追求新奇e.g. He has a strong case of neophilia. 他喜新成癖。-philia (suffix) a love of sth. 喜爱的倾向,爱好的倾向,亲e.g. 1. Franchophilia2. AnglophileWords & Phrases亲法亲英,英国崇拜63教学运用interdependent a. things that are interdependent are related to one another in such a close way that each one needs the others in order

63、 to exist 相互依赖的;相互依存的;相互需要的e.g. They in Europe are all increasingly interdependent. 在欧洲,他们之间是日益相互依存的(关系)。Word family: interdepend v. Words & Phrases64教学运用grumble v. ( about / at / that) complain, especially continuously and about unimportant things(尤指不停地对小事)抱怨,发牢骚,挑剔e.g. 1. Children always grumble a

64、bout school dinners. 孩子们总是抱怨学校的午餐。2. She grumbles at her employees over the slightest thing. 她不停地为一些小事挑剔员工。3. He grumbled that it was Saturday night and he had nothing to do. 他发牢骚说星期六晚上无事可做。Words & Phrases65教学运用brag v. talk about your achievements or possessions in a proud way that annoys other peop

65、le 吹牛;自夸e.g. 1. Actually, the desire to brag is rooted in insecurity. 事实上,吹嘘的欲望是源于缺乏安全感。2. This is a real opportunity to toot your own horn. Do not brag or get too egotistical, but let the employer know that you believe in yourself and that you know your strengths. 这是你“展示自己”的最佳机会。不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道

66、你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。 Words & Phrases66教学运用sweeping a. a sweeping change or development has a major effect 有重大影响的;彻底的e.g. 1. make a wide, sweeping search 作大范围的彻底的搜索2. We knew the honeymoon was over when the new manager started to make sweeping changes to increase efficiency. 当新经理开始作大刀阔斧式的变动以提高效率时,我们明白和谐时期

67、已过去了。Words & Phrases67教学运用cart n. C a vehicle with four wheels and no roof that is pulled by a horse and is used for carrying things 马拉的大车;马车e.g. 1. A cart clattered along the street. 一辆马车沿著街道咔嗒咔嗒地前行。2. The overturning of the cart in front is a warning to the carts behind. 前车之履,后车之鉴。 Words & Phrases

68、68教学运用horizon n. 1) (s) the limits of your experience 阅历的范围;眼界e.g. The course in philosophy opened up new horizons for the students. 哲学课使学生们打开了新的视野。2) C (the ) the line in the distance where the sky seems to meet the earth 地平线e.g. The sun dipped below the horizon. 太阳沉入地平线以下。Word family: horizontal a

69、. 地平线的;水平的Words & Phrases69教学运用plausible a. likely to be true 可能正确的;有道理的e.g. 1. Your explanation sounds plausible; I think I believe it. 你的解释听来有理,我认为可以相信。 2. Such talk, however plausible, is actually specious and groundless. 这些话讲起来好像有道理,实际上是似是而非、毫无根据的空谈。Word family: plausibly ad. Words & Phrases70教学

70、运用advent n. (the of sth.) the introduction of a new product, idea, custom etc.(新产品、新思想、新习俗等的)出现e.g. 1. A lot of small grocers have gone out of business since the advent of the supermarkets. 自从超市出现后,许多小副食店已关闭。 2. Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agr

71、iculture. 迄今为止,史学家作过这样的假定:日历是伴随着农业的出现而产生的。 Words & Phrases71教学运用magnitude n. U great size, importance, or effect 巨大;重要性;严重性e.g. 1. I hadnt realized the magnitude of the problem. 我没有认识到这个问题的重要性。2. A decision of this magnitude had to have national support. 如此重大的决定必须得到全国的支持。Words & Phrases72教学运用curse n

72、. & vt.1) n. C an offensive or very impolite word or phrase 咒语;骂人的话;咒骂e.g. She shrieked out a curse at the enemy. 她尖声地咒骂敌人。2) vt. say or think bad things about someone or something because they have made you angry (嘴上或心里)咒骂e.g. He cursed his bad luck in arriving just after shed left. 他骂自己运气不好,到达的时候她

73、刚刚离开。Words & Phrases73教学运用implication n. C, U something that you suggest is true, although you do not say it directly暗示;暗含;意味e.g. 1. The implication of the new legislation will need to be looked at. 新法规的含义需研究一下。2. He smiled, with the implication that he didnt believe me. 他笑了,暗示着不相信我。 Word family: im

74、ply vt.Words & Phrases74教学运用thanks to: 1) used for saying that someone or something is responsible for something good that happened 多亏;幸亏;归功于 e.g. 1. Thanks to his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness. 幸亏他体质好,杰克才得以平安度过了最近这场大病。2. Thanks to these effective meas

75、ures, we have overcome many difficulties and increased our exports substantially. 由于措施得力,我们克服了种种困难,实现出口大幅度增长。Words & Phrases75教学运用2) used for saying that you blame someone or something for something bad that happened 归咎于;因为e.g. 1. It was thanks to your stupidity that we lost the game. 都是你笨,我们才输了这场比赛

76、。2. Thanks to ecological devastation, the wilderness is shrinking. 由于生态的毁坏,荒野正在日益缩小。Words & Phrases76教学运用be nothing if not: used for emphasizing that someone or something has a lot of a particular quality(用于强调)极其,非常e.g. 1. The holiday was nothing if not varied. 假日活动极其丰富多彩。 2. He is nothing if not a

77、gentleman. 他是个很有教养的人。Words & Phrases77教学运用for all: although 虽然;尽管e.g. 1. I wouldnt like to be in his position, for all his wealth. 尽管他很有钱,我怎么也不愿意处在他那个位置。2. For all her faults, Tallulahs friends tolerated and even adored her. 尽管塔卢拉有缺点,她的朋友们却宽容她,甚至崇拜她。3. He never stopped trying for all his failures. 尽

78、管他失败,但他从没放弃努力。Words & Phrases78教学运用in sb.s / sth.s wake: after someone or something 紧紧跟随某人/某事物;在某人/某事物之后e.g. 1. The war brought many social changes in its wake. 经过这场战争,社会发生了很多变化。 2. He walked off with three of us in his wake. 他突然走开,把我们三人落在后面。 Words & Phrases79教学运用Dominic Sandbrook 多米尼克桑德布鲁克(英国作家、历史学

79、家)Words & PhrasesDominic Sandbrook (born October 1974) is a Britishhistorian. Born in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, he was educated at Malvern College and studied at Balliol College, Oxford, the University of St Andrews andJesus College, Cambridge.80教学运用Previously a lecturer in history at the University o

80、fSheffield, he has been a senior fellow of theRothermere American Institute at Oxford Universityand a member of its history faculty, and is now afreelance writer and newspaper columnist. In 2007 hewas named one of Waterstones 25 Authors for theFuture.Words & Phrases81教学运用Thomas Friedman 托马斯弗里德曼(1953

81、-,美国记者) Words & PhrasesThomas Loren Friedman (born July 20, 1953) is an American journalist, columnist and author. He writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times. He has written extensively on foreign affairs including global trade, the Middle East, and environmental issues and has won the P

82、ulitzer Prize three times.82教学运用Pondicherry 本地治里(印度东南部港市) Puducherry is a Union Territory of India. It is a former French colony, consisting of four districts, and named for the largest, Pondicherry. Words & Phrases83教学运用Bangalore 班加罗尔(印度南部城市) Bangalore is Indias third most populous city. As a large

83、 city and growing metropolis, Bangalore is home to many of the most well-recognized colleges and research institutions in India. Bangalore is known as the Silicon Valley of India because of its position as the nations leading IT exporter. Bangalore is a major economic and cultural hub and the fastes

84、t growing major metropolis in India.Words & Phrases84教学运用George Orwell乔治奥威尔(1903-1950,英国作家、新闻记者和社会评论家)Words & Phrases George Orwell was an English author and journalist. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social injustice, a passion for clarity in language, and

85、a belief in democratic socialism. Considered perhaps the twentieth centurys best chronicler of English culture, Orwell wrote fiction, journalism, literary criticism and poetry. He is best known for the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) and the satirical novella Animal Farm (1945). Orwells influence

86、on contemporary culture, popular and political, continues decades after his death. 85教学运用Words & Phrases86教学运用 Thanks to globalization, national frontiers are collapsing around us, while technological innovations are fundamentally reshaping our lives in ways we can barely comprehend. Because of the

87、situation of globalization that the whole world is developing a single complex economy, communication system and culture it seems that there are no national borders and new technologies are influencing our lives in basic ways which we cannot really understand. 正是因为全球化,国之界限正逐渐瓦解,同时,技术革新正以我们几乎理解不了的方式从

88、根本上重塑着我们的生活。Language Points 翻译:翻译:87教学运用 So run the clichs, anyway. The expression so run the clichs means these are the clichs you often hear. 不管怎么说,这就是我们耳熟能详的套话。Language Points 翻译:翻译:88教学运用 But it is only our obsession with novelty, ignorance of deeper historical patterns and arrogant insistence o

89、n our own importance that leads us into this kind of talk. Historical patterns refer to major events in history which make patterns because they are related to each other or similar. 可是,让我们有这种论调的正是缘自我们对新奇事物的过度迷恋,对深层次历史模式的无知,以及我们的狂妄自大。Language Points 翻译:翻译:89教学运用 Yet there is a good case that we do n

90、ot, in fact, live in very interesting times at all. A case here is a set of facts or arguments that you can state for or against something. A case for something is positive support or a good case; a case against something is a counter-argument or reasons why the case is not valid; a poor case is wea

91、k and does not have solid facts or reasons behind it. You can state, make or argue a case. 但是,有一个很好的例子可以用来证明,实际上我们并没有生活在多么有趣的时代。Language Points 翻译:翻译:90教学运用 Take the example of globalization, which, according to its American champion, Thomas Friedman .influencing “the politics, environ-ment, geopoli

92、tics and economics of virtually every country in the world”. The word champion here refers to someone who publicly supports or defends a set of beliefs or political aims, ie a strong supporter. 就以全球化为例。其拥护者美国人托马斯弗里德曼认为,它影响着“全世界几乎每一个国家的政治、环境、地缘政治以及经济”。Language Points 翻译:翻译:91教学运用 The Roman Empire, fo

93、r example, is nothing if not a multi-ethnic, multicultural, transnational entity The Roman Empire was controlled by the city state of Rome between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD. The empire stretched from the present-day countries of Britain, Germany and Romania in the north to around the

94、 entire Mediterranean, from Portugal to Egypt, Turkey and Iraq. Language Points 92教学运用 At first, Rome was governed by aristocratic families, then a republic before it became an empire led by the emperor. Roman culture, law and organization spread throughout the empire and left a lasting influence on

95、 many countries. 例如,罗马帝国完完全全是一个多民族、多文化、跨国界的实体Language Points 翻译:翻译:93教学运用 And for all the hype about the Internet, the brutal truth is that most of us use it to do remarkably old-fashioned things . The brutal truth refers to the truth that is extremely honest, given in a way that seems unkind. 虽然推介互

96、联网的广告铺天盖地,可一个残酷的事实是:我们大多数人都用互联网来做一些非常传统的事情Language Points 翻译:翻译:94教学运用 We are always being told that the Internet has “opened up” the world, yet a staggering 90 per cent of all web traffic is local. Many people would think that much or most use, or traffic, of the World Wide Web would be global or i

97、nternational, but the writer says that, surprisingly, 90 percent is local. 总是有人跟我们说互联网“打开”了一个新的世界,然而,令人吃惊的是,90的网络流量都发生在本地网。Language Points 翻译:翻译:95教学运用 When Stanley Kubricks film 2001: A Space Odyssey talking to sentient computers and living on the Moon. Sentient computers are computers which are ca

98、pable of feeling things through the physical senses. 当斯坦利库布里克的电影2001:星际漫游于1968年上映时和有知觉的电脑聊天,并且住在月球上。Language Points 翻译:翻译:96教学运用 But the cinema-goers of 1968 would have been deeply disappointed to realize that in fact they would be living in Milton Keynes and watching Midsomer Murders.This sentence

99、presents a contrast with the previous sentence which gave a picture that people had in 1968 of possibly going into space. Language Points 97教学运用 Instead, their future turned out to be living in a very ordinary town of many new streets which all seem identical (like Milton Keynes) and watching detect

100、ive stories about rural villages on TV (like Midsomer Murders, a TV series based in rural southern England). 但是1968年去看过这部电影的那些观众们要是知道直至现在他们还住在米尔顿凯恩斯,看着杀机四伏时,肯定会大失所望的。Language Points 翻译:翻译:98教学运用 If so, then we are lucky, because we dont. We are lucky because we dont live in interesting times, which means we should avoid the chaos and anxiety of interesting times. 果真如此的话,我们算是很幸运了,因为我们没有生活在有趣的时代。Language Points 翻译:翻译:99教学运用



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