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1、1第十四讲英语经典第十四讲英语经典散文的鉴赏与翻译散文的鉴赏与翻译2vI.课堂互动实践:vThe Delights of Books读书的乐趣vBooks are to mankind what memory is to the individual. They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages; they picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature;

2、 help us in our difficulties, comfort us in sorrow and in suffering, change hours of weariness into moments of delight, store our minds with ideas, fill them with good and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.3v书籍之于人类,犹如记忆之于个人。书籍既可记录人种之演变,亦可记载人类之发现;既有日积月累之知识,亦不乏世代相传之经验;书籍之于人类,可描绘自然

3、之奇迹与美丽,于困难无助之际予以提携,于悲伤痛苦之时施以抚慰;让困倦之时刻变为欢乐之时光,让头脑充满丰富之想象,让心灵布满美好快乐之思想,恃此而人可走出自我,超越自我。4vThere is an Oriental story of two men: one was a king, who every night dreamt he was a beggar; the other was a beggar, who every night dreamt he was a prince and lived in a palace. I am not sure that the king had v

4、ery much the best of it. Imagination is sometimes more vivid than reality. But, however this may be, when we read we may not only (if we wish it) be kings and live in palaces, but, what is far better, we may transport ourselves to the mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of

5、the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, or expense.v5v有一东方典故,言及二人:一为国王,一为乞丐。国王夜必有恶魇,魇中成乞丐;乞丐晚必做美梦,梦中变王子,居宫殿。国王是否泰然处之,余不敢肯定。想象之于现实或更栩栩然。是否如此,姑且不论,然读书时,恁可想象自己即为国王,居宫殿;且读书乃美差之事:既可使人纵情山川,嬉戏海滩,亦可使人遍访世之美景;既可使人除身心疲惫之虑,亦可使人解囊中羞涩之忧。6vMany of those who have had, as we say, all that this world can give, hav

6、e yet told us they owed much of their purest happiness to books. Ascham , in “The Schoolmaster”, tells a touching story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey . He found her sitting in an oriel window reading Platos beautiful account of the death of Socrates . Her father and mother were hunting in the

7、park, the hounds were in full cry and their voices came in through the open window. He expressed his surprise that she had not joined them. But, said she, “I wist that all their pleasure in the park is but a shadow to the pleasure I find in Plato.”v7其实,造物恩宠,应有尽有者不少。然多有感于心,曰,其真正之快乐源自书籍。阿斯克姆著有一书,题曰教师。

8、书中云及其最后拜访简格雷小姐之故事,甚为感人。书中描写,格雷小姐坐于飘窗之前,览读柏拉图所写之精彩文章:苏格拉底之死;然其父母狩猎公园,人喧犬吠,敞窗之内亦可闻见。然阿斯克姆甚为惊奇,狩猎之乐,格雷小姐竟无动于衷,无意与焉。格雷小姐曰,虽然,园中狩猎之乐,较之于柏拉图书中之乐,不过皮毛耳。8vMacaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books. In a charming le

9、tter to a little girl, he says:“Thank you for your very pretty letter. I am always glad to make my little girl happy, and nothing pleases me so much as to see that she likes books, for when she is as old as I am, she will find that they are better than all the tarts and cakes, toys and plays, and si

10、ghts in the world. If any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners, and wines and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants, on condition that I should not read books. I would not be a king. I would rather be a poor man in a garret

11、 with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading.”9v麦考利既有财富与名望,亦有地位与权力,然其传记曰,其一生最快乐之时光在于读书。麦考利尝书信一封于一女童,曰:“来信收悉,内容精彩,深表感谢。悉知汝喜好读书,且能乐焉。余倍感欣慰,若到吾今日之年岁,汝定会晓解,较之于馅饼与蛋糕,较之于玩具与游戏,较之于世之名胜风景,读书之乐远胜焉。若有人请余当史上最伟大之国王、享宫殿花园之乐,品美味佳肴,驾华车着丽服,差数以百计之奴仆,惟无读书之条件,余宁可弃做国王,而做穷人,居斗室,享书无数,亦勿做厌书之国王。”10vBooks, ind

12、eed, endow us with a whole enchanted palace of thoughts. There is a wider prospect, says Jean Paul Richer, from Parnassus than from a throne. In one way they give us an even more vivid idea than the actual reality, just as reflections are often more beautiful than real nature. “All mirrors,” says Ge

13、orge Macdonald . “The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.”11v书籍确能予人以思想宫殿,魔力无比。里希尔特曰,帕纳塞斯山较之于御座,视野广而阔焉。较之于客观现实,读书所予于人者,更栩栩然,犹如投影之美,常胜于自然。“凡事必有镜像,”麦克唐纳曰,“镜中视屋,平常之屋则成诗中之屋。”12vPrecious and priceless are the blessings which the books scatter around our daily paths.We walk, in ima

14、gination, with the sublime and enchanting regions.v有书则有福,且其贵无价,无时不在,无处莫有。有书,则可驰骋想象,畅游美景圣地。13vWithout stirring from our firesides we may roam to the most remote regions of the earth, or soar into realms where Spensers shapes of unearthly beauty flock to meet us, where Miltons angels peal in our ears

15、the choral hymns of Paradise. Science, art, literature, philosophy, - all that man has thought, all that man has done, - the experience that has been bought with the sufferings of a hundred generations, - all are garnered up for us in the world of books.14v即或静坐炉火之旁,亦可遨游地球之边际;既可翱翔斯宾塞所绘之王国:仙女婀娜群相迎;亦可畅

16、游弥尔顿所述之天堂:天使娓娓歌乐园。科学、艺术、文学、哲学人之所思、人之所做即或以世代痛苦换来之经验凡此种种,书海之中,应有尽有,享之不尽。15v一、散文的特点:v散文与小说、诗歌、戏剧并称为四大文学门类,散文的艺术魅力源自何处? 贾平凹先生说散文是美文,他甚至主张所有美的文字都应该被称为散文。 现状: 相对于其它文学样式翻译的研究,散文翻译的研究不够深入广泛。中国翻译界对散文翻译的研究较西方为盛,然而主要是就散文翻译的某个侧面开展的研究。刘士聪先生的“韵味说”和高健先生“语言个性论”及“风格可译性”研究较为系统和深入,影响广泛。散文翻译原则散文翻译原则散文翻译原则散文翻译原则:16v1文气贯

17、通,气韵生动v 英国散文翻译家Hilaire Belloc 为文学散文翻译制定了6 条原则,认为翻译的本质是异地之魂的复活之躯 (the essence of translating is the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body) ,强调散文的翻译不能拘泥于原文之字句,要视段落或部分为整体。翻译要“以意译意( translate intention by intention) ”,与林语堂提倡的翻译要“翻译要遵循行文之心理”是高度一致的,这样可以摆脱原文字句的束缚,有利于发挥译入语的优势。v17v2传神写照 “意, 气,文”三位一

18、体。在散文翻译中,我们要想译得曲尽其妙,须得传神地摹写作者的气质神韵。须知“文章以气韵为主,气韵不足,虽有词藻,要非佳作(宋陈善扪虱新话上一) 。”每一个作者有每一个的个性特点、气质精神,着手翻译之前,要先对作者进行深入的研究,把握其时代背景、人生经历、创作风格等,这样的翻译方能做到传神达意,否则,难免貌合神离 。 v3、文学翻译非文字翻译 讲求整体效果即“神韵”。有些表面忠实的译文失去了散文的文采文雅便失去了自身的价值终究是失败的译文。 18二、散文翻译 1、标题的翻译技巧 眼睛对于人来说, 是他们心灵的窗户; 而标题对于一篇文章来说, 就是它的眼睛。标题凌驾于篇章之上, 却植根于篇章之中。

19、在翻译时必须牢记: 一是真正看懂全文之后再决定译名; 二是译出的标题必须符合通用的翻译标准: 忠实、通顺、有美感。在翻译标题时, 译者充分考虑了两种语言的不同习惯和不同的文化、社会背景, 注重准确选词、增词、结构转换和结合上下文语境的理解来完成。19v翻译者在翻译一篇文章的题目时, 不能割裂文章与题目的关系撇开文章内容纯粹地就题目翻译题目, 这样很容易翻译地不够准确, 甚至与原题目或文章内容相差甚远。只有在把握了全篇文章的内容之后, 再决定题目的翻译, 这样才能把原文的题目成功地翻译成英文。对于文学翻译来说, 仅仅忠实与通顺还很不够, 还要尽可能彻底地保留原作的美学价值。 v202、标点符号的

20、转换 根据英汉标点符号对比, 汉语和英语都有16 种, 可以说在用法上是大同小异或基本相同的。但是在实际的翻译实践中却不可机械对应。照搬, 会在达意和传神方面留下诸多遗憾。文章中根据上下文语境的需要做了一些处理和调整, 更符合译语的表达习惯。 213、词的表现力和修辞手段 把作品从一国文字翻译成另一国文字, 既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵张的痕迹, 又能完全保存原有的风味,译者在翻译过程中利用增减词、词性的转换或修辞手段使文字更具感染力, 并使英译文既能符合英语的表达习惯, 又着力保持原作的神韵和风姿, 达到原作的艺术效果。译者在翻译过程中, 特别注意忠实于原文而又不拘泥于原文, 在传达意

21、义和神韵上能与原文保持一致, 采用了增词, 减词, 变通等多种手段, 显示了译者良好的英汉语言文学修养和精湛的译笔, 同时也很好地保留了原文的美感。22v4、句子层面的巧妙处理v A. 句子的衔接和连贯 由于东西方民族的思维方式和角度不同, 其语言表述上的差异当然也是不可避免 的。例如: 汉语中主语有时可以甚至必须省略, 多个没有主语的句子可以并列在一起。 但是英语的句子结构多以主语+谓语的形式出现。在照应方面, 英语可用定冠词, 而汉语没有定冠词; 英语人称代词以及响应的限定词的使用率也大大高于汉语。在句内词语的关系方面, 汉语经常省略连接词语, 依靠句内各个部分之间的内在逻辑关系达到连接 的目的, 英译时则要适时地增加关联词语,把原文的这种内在联系揭示出来,以避免句 子结构松散或脱节。 23B. 句子的分译和合译。(汉语散文的特点是形散而神不散, 但英语散文的行文紧凑严谨。) 5、习语的翻译 译者把原文的一些语句巧妙地翻译成英语中的习语; 同时也用地道的英语表达来处理原文中的一些习语



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