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1、A little princess LTIntroduction of writerplotrolesMy own feelingsfamousALittlePrincessAuthor Frances Hodgson BurnettCountry United StatesLanguage EnglishGenre(s) Childrens literatureAbout the authorFrances Hodgson Burnett (1849-11-241924-10-29)English-speaking world well-known writer of childrens l

2、iterature, was born in Manchester, England, a metal factory owners families. In 1853 his father died, his mother continued to operate until the plant closed down. Emigrated to the U.S. with his family in 1865 Tennessee.英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,出生于英国曼彻斯特一英语世界家喻户晓的儿童文学作家,出生于英国曼彻斯特一个五金工厂主的家庭。个五金工厂主的家庭。18531853年

3、父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直年父亲去世,母亲继续经营,直到工厂倒闭。到工厂倒闭。 18651865年随全家移民美国田纳西州。年随全家移民美国田纳西州。Burnetts father died young, his family was poor, from the age of 18 stories published in magazines, supplement the family income.伯内特的父亲早逝,家境贫寒,从伯内特的父亲早逝,家境贫寒,从1818岁开始在杂志上发表故岁开始在杂志上发表故事,贴补家用事,贴补家用。When she was 28 years old, her

4、 best-selling book is the first published .That Lass OLowries, drawn from her childhood living in the UK coal mines. However, let Burnett famous was her childrens literature.她的第一本畅销书是她的第一本畅销书是2828岁时出版的岁时出版的劳瑞家的那闺女劳瑞家的那闺女(That Lass (That Lass O OLowries)Lowries),取材于幼年她在英国煤矿的生活。可是,让伯内特,取材于幼年她在英国煤矿的生活。

5、可是,让伯内特闻名于世的,是她的儿童文学作品。闻名于世的,是她的儿童文学作品。In 1886 she published the novel Little master Troy wrote an American boy became heir to the British Earl of story. Fang Troy has since become English words, means over-dressed children.“1886年她发表了小说年她发表了小说小少爷方特罗伊小少爷方特罗伊,写一个美国小男孩成为,写一个美国小男孩成为英国伯爵继承人的故事。英国伯爵继承人的故事

6、。“方特罗伊方特罗伊”从此成为英语词汇,指从此成为英语词汇,指“过过分盛装打扮的小孩分盛装打扮的小孩”。This book makes Burnett became the most popular and richest of the popular writers.这本书让伯内特成为当时最畅销、最富有的流行作家之一。这本书让伯内特成为当时最畅销、最富有的流行作家之一。This book and A Little Princess have been adapted into a drama.此书和此书和1905年发表的年发表的小公主小公主都曾被改编成话剧。都曾被改编成话剧。In 1909,

7、 when she decorated his home in In 1909, when she decorated his home in Long Island, New York garden, when sudden Long Island, New York garden, when sudden inspiration, the idea of inspiration, the idea of a secret garden.“a secret garden.“1909年,当她在纽约长岛布置自己家花园的时候,年,当她在纽约长岛布置自己家花园的时候,突发灵感,构思出突发灵感,构思出

8、秘密花园秘密花园。The novel was published in 1911, in her two The novel was published in 1911, in her two countries - the United Kingdom and the countries - the United Kingdom and the United States are selling, and became her United States are selling, and became her most famous, most successful works.most f

9、amous, most successful works.这本小说出版于这本小说出版于1911年,在她的两个国家年,在她的两个国家英英国和美国都畅销,并且成为她最著名、最成功的国和美国都畅销,并且成为她最著名、最成功的作品。作品。Representative works include the novel Representative works include the novel Little Lord, Secret Garden and Little Little Lord, Secret Garden and Little Princess“Princess“代表作品有小说小勋爵、秘密

10、花园和代表作品有小说小勋爵、秘密花园和小公主小公主Three novels have all the rage, the world Three novels have all the rage, the world out of several ten kinds of color version, out of several ten kinds of color version, and was adapted for film or TV series, and was adapted for film or TV series, more than a century, has be

11、en essential to more than a century, has been essential to cultivate childrens literature books cultivate childrens literature books sentiment.sentiment.三部小说都曾风靡一时,世界各国出过数十种三部小说都曾风靡一时,世界各国出过数十种彩色版本,并被改编为电影或电视剧,一个多彩色版本,并被改编为电影或电视剧,一个多世纪以来,一直是陶冶子女情操必备的文学读世纪以来,一直是陶冶子女情操必备的文学读物。物。 Full-time writing life

12、, writing a novel 40 academic books, many of the works selected for the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, primary and secondary texts.一生专职写作,创作了小说一生专职写作,创作了小说4040余部,许多作品余部,许多作品入选英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、入选英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、爱尔兰、南非等国中小学课文。爱尔兰、南非等国中小学课文。Pl

13、ot Sara Crewe is a very intelligent, polite, and creative young girl. Born to a wealthy soldier in India, Sara was brought all the way to London in Victorian-era England for a formal education. At the upscale(高档的高档的) boarding school, Sara is forced to tolerate the haughty(傲慢傲慢), disdainful(轻蔑轻蔑) hea

14、dmistress, Miss Minchin. It only gets worse for poor Sara Crewe when a distressing(令令人痛心的人痛心的) event unfolds(展开展开) to leave her impoverished and at the mercy of(在在的控制的控制下下) the jealous(嫉妒的嫉妒的) Miss Minchin. Sara undergoes numerous trials( 考验考验)as she humbly allows herself to be subjected to servitud

15、e(奴役奴役)。but with the help of several dear friends (both seen and unseen), she remains as proud and unwavering(坚定不坚定不移的移的) and imaginative(有想象有想象力的力的) as ever, proving to all that anyone can be A Little Princess.Main charactersSara CreweA kind-hearted, compassionate girl. Sarah is very intelligent, l

16、ike reading, meditation, fantasy, stories, storytelling, rich imagination, but also speak fluent French. Whether in good times or bad, the Princess Sarah always adhere to the style of learning. In particular, the use of imagination she adversity so that they are better than some. She really treat a

17、friend, regardless of class are generally cordial, to see someone being bullied would help him. The face of bullying her principals and Ravi Nia, also showed a firm attitude. 一个心地善良,善解人意的一个心地善良,善解人意的小女孩。莎拉十分聪小女孩。莎拉十分聪 敏,敏, 喜欢喜欢 读书、沉读书、沉 思、幻思、幻 想、想、编故事、讲故事,有丰富的编故事、讲故事,有丰富的想像力,更说得一口想像力,更说得一口 流利的流利的法文。

18、无论在顺境或逆境中,法文。无论在顺境或逆境中, 莎拉总是坚持学习公主的风莎拉总是坚持学习公主的风范。范。 尤其尤其 逆境时她运用想逆境时她运用想像力,像力, 让自己好过些。她让自己好过些。她真心对待朋友不分阶级真心对待朋友不分阶级 都一都一般亲切,见到有人被欺侮便般亲切,见到有人被欺侮便帮他说话。面对欺侮她的校帮他说话。面对欺侮她的校长和长和 拉维妮亚,也表现出一拉维妮亚,也表现出一种坚定的态度。种坚定的态度。Captain Ralph CreweSarahs father, rich, very loving Sarah. Because he believe the failure of

19、depressed investment in the diamond mines, and finally died of fever.莎拉的父亲,家财万贯,莎拉的父亲,家财万贯,非常疼爱莎拉。非常疼爱莎拉。 误以为误以为投投资钻石矿山资钻石矿山 失败而一失败而一蹶不振,终于死于热病。蹶不振,终于死于热病。EmilyEmily is a doll she is the only thing of Sarah after the accident things.艾米丽是个洋娃娃,艾米丽是个洋娃娃,她是她是莎拉在变故之后唯一拥有莎拉在变故之后唯一拥有的东西。的东西。People in schoo

20、lPeople in schoolMaria MinchinSchool principal, is a short-sighted, vain, bullying and fearing peopleIn her eyes, the maid is only odd jobs machine.At first in order to make rich Sara like the school, she always gave a particularly good treatment for Sarah.学校的校长,是个学校的校长,是个势利眼势利眼、爱慕虚荣、欺善怕、爱慕虚荣、欺善怕恶的人

21、。在她眼里,女佣恶的人。在她眼里,女佣 只是只是“打杂的机器打杂的机器”而已。刚开始她为而已。刚开始她为了了让让 富有的莎拉喜欢富有的莎拉喜欢学校,总是给莎拉学校,总是给莎拉 特别好的待遇特别好的待遇.But when Sarahs fathers bankruptcy news reached the school, she was trying to expelled unaccompanied Sarah from school.但是当莎拉父亲破产的消息传到学校,她一度想把但是当莎拉父亲破产的消息传到学校,她一度想把举目无亲的莎拉赶出学校。举目无亲的莎拉赶出学校。Later, while

22、 she listened to the suggestion of Mr. Barlow, Sarah stay and work, Sarah has to find ways to reduce overhead, Will be an excuse not to eat,She rushed to the attic, And when she went to do odd jobs to young students as a French teacher,Sarah hoped to train as teachers into the schools,Captain slowly

23、 pay off Crewe lifetime of debt owed to her.后来她虽然听从巴洛先生的建议让莎拉留下来做事,后来她虽然听从巴洛先生的建议让莎拉留下来做事,却想尽办法减少莎拉的开销,会借故不准莎拉吃饭,却想尽办法减少莎拉的开销,会借故不准莎拉吃饭,把她赶到阁楼,要她去打杂并当年幼学生的法文老把她赶到阁楼,要她去打杂并当年幼学生的法文老师,以此希望能把莎拉训练成学校的老师,慢慢还师,以此希望能把莎拉训练成学校的老师,慢慢还清克璐上尉生前欠她的债。清克璐上尉生前欠她的债。厨房厨房 的小女佣,在的小女佣,在莎拉九岁时来到学校帮佣。莎拉九岁时来到学校帮佣。畏缩、易紧张,常常被驱

24、畏缩、易紧张,常常被驱使。因为莎拉的亲切,两使。因为莎拉的亲切,两人成了好朋友,莎拉遭变人成了好朋友,莎拉遭变故当天就到她房里安慰她,故当天就到她房里安慰她,后来两人甚至在阁楼里以后来两人甚至在阁楼里以敲门当暗语来互通有无。敲门当暗语来互通有无。Beckya small kitchen maid, came to school in the old maid Sarah. Shrink, easy tension, often driven. Because Sarahs warm, the two became good friends, Sarah was the day of misfo

25、rtune to her room to comfort her, and later they even in the attic to knock on the door when a code word to each others needs.Lavonia HerbertSecond rich lady in school. She knew miss Minchin is money eyes of people, so she jealous Sarah started school, becauseshe afraid of their positions are.Often

26、ridiculed and criticized together with Jessie Sarah, but also with bullying other students. 学校里第二有钱的小姐。拉维妮亚很明学校里第二有钱的小姐。拉维妮亚很明白校长是个见钱眼开的人,因此从比她更白校长是个见钱眼开的人,因此从比她更有钱的莎拉入学开始就非常嫉妒莎拉,怕有钱的莎拉入学开始就非常嫉妒莎拉,怕自己地位不保。常常嘲讽并跟洁西一起批自己地位不保。常常嘲讽并跟洁西一起批评莎拉,也一起欺负其他同学。评莎拉,也一起欺负其他同学。Thomas CarrisfordCaptain Crewe primary

27、 school friend and investment partner in the diamond mines. At first he thought the investment failure, afraid to face reality and escape, but later found success when investing, Kelu captain has died, after he had fever almost died. He and his lawyer, Mr. Cameron may have been around for Kelu capta

28、ins daughter, but also to see and secretly help the hungry on Sarah Street, but he absolutely did not expect this little girl that he was looking.克鲁上尉的小学朋友,也是投资克鲁上尉的小学朋友,也是投资钻石矿山的合伙人。刚开始他以钻石矿山的合伙人。刚开始他以为投资失败,不敢面对现实而逃为投资失败,不敢面对现实而逃走,后来发现投资成功的时候,走,后来发现投资成功的时候,克璐上尉已经去世了,之后他也克璐上尉已经去世了,之后他也得了热病差点过世。得了热病差

29、点过世。 他和自己的他和自己的律师卡麦可先生律师卡麦可先生 一直到处找一直到处找寻克璐上尉的女儿,同时也看见寻克璐上尉的女儿,同时也看见并偷偷帮助对街饥寒交迫的莎拉,并偷偷帮助对街饥寒交迫的莎拉,但是他万万想不到这小女孩就是但是他万万想不到这小女孩就是他要找的人。他要找的人。My feelings1.No matter what kind of difficulties we meet, we must maintain an optimistic mood.无论遇到什么样的困难,都要保持乐观的心情。2. Treat others good, because they may help you

30、 when you distress善待他人,因为这些人可能在你危难的时候帮助你。3. Life is full of hope, everyone should be filled with hope,生活充满希望,每个人都应充满希望的生活。FamousSara:I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they arent pretty, or smart, or young. Theyre still princesse

31、s. All of us.我是公主,每个女孩都是公主。即使我是公主,每个女孩都是公主。即使她们住在破旧狭窄的阁楼里,即使她她们住在破旧狭窄的阁楼里,即使她们衣衫褴褛,即使她们不漂亮,不聪们衣衫褴褛,即使她们不漂亮,不聪明,不再年轻。她们仍然是公主,我明,不再年轻。她们仍然是公主,我们都是们都是 The difference between the child and the adult is that some believe in the make-believe, and the other dont.孩子和成人间的区别就是:孩子和成人间的区别就是: 孩子相孩子相信虚幻,但是大人不相信。信虚幻,但是大人不相信。Thank you!



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