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1、会计学1Krashen的输入的输入(shr)理论理论第一页,共21页。Stephen KrashenWhen do you know about Krashen?第1页/共20页第二页,共21页。Krashens Input Theoriesn nThe principal tenets of the theory, i.e. an amalgam of five hypotheses.n n1, The acquisition/learning hypothesisn n2, The natural order hypothesisn n3, The monitor hypothesisn

2、n4, The input hypothesisn n5, The affective filter hypothesis第2页/共20页第三页,共21页。1, The acquisition-learning hypothesis1, The acquisition-learning hypothesis AcquisitionuUnconscious process, picking up knowledge or skillsuThrough understanding language and using languageu Produce practical competenceu

3、Effects are lastingLearningu Conscious processu Formal teaching is necessary, u Produce mental-knowledgeu Information is easily lost if dont follow up with execises.第3页/共20页第四页,共21页。学习(学习(学习(学习(learninglearninglearninglearning)指学习者有意识地接受某种语言的正规教学,以获得所学语言的语言知指学习者有意识地接受某种语言的正规教学,以获得所学语言的语言知指学习者有意识地接受某



6、得一种语言。儿童习得第一语言是语言习得的典型例子。儿童习得第一语言是语言习得的典型例子。儿童习得第一语言是语言习得的典型例子。儿童习得第一语言是语言习得的典型例子。第4页/共20页第五页,共21页。2, The natural order hypothesis2, The natural order hypothesisn n The acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a predictable order. Certain grammatical structures or morphems are acquired befo

7、re others in first language acquisition of English, and a similar natural order is found in second language acquisition.第5页/共20页第六页,共21页。ING (progressive)PLURALCOPULA (“to be”)AUXILIARYARTICLEIRREGULAR PASTTHIRD PERSON SINGULAR (-s)POSSESSIVE (-s)The order for L2 learners (Krashen, 1977)第6页/共20页第七页,

8、共21页。3, The monitor hypothesisn n 1, The mordification of speech patterns, particularly in situations where there is form-focus, is known as monitoring. n n2, Conscious learning can function only as a monitor or editor and play a restricted role in monitoring production, inspecting and sometimes alt

9、ering output generated by the acquired system. 第7页/共20页第八页,共21页。n nKrashens own illustration of his monitor hypothesis. (a creative construction process)(a creative construction process)acquisitionacquisitionoutputoutputLearning (the monitor)Learning (the monitor)第8页/共20页第九页,共21页。监控监控监控监控(jinkn)(jin

10、kn)(jinkn)(jinkn)假设图示假设图示假设图示假设图示Acquired knowledgeoutputLearnt knowledgemonitoring第9页/共20页第十页,共21页。uuIn more formal situations, we may put on an accentor be particularly careful about our grammar and choice of words in some occasions where we feel on show. Learning plays its role in monitoring our

11、production.uuIn informal situations, the more standard way of speaking may involuntarily disappear. The learning fails to monitor our production.第10页/共20页第十一页,共21页。Three conditions limit the successful use of the monitorn n1, Time. There must be sufficient time for a learner to choose and apply a le

12、arned rule.n n2, Focus on form. The language user must be focused on correctness or on the form of output.n n3, Knowledge of rules. The performers must know the rules. 第11页/共20页第十二页,共21页。Box 6.2 is about New York pronunciation Box 6.2 is about New York pronunciation of the post-vocalic rof the post-

13、vocalic r Firstly, we should know that pronouncing r is considered prestigious, and leaving it out may be thought to be slovenlyin some places. One such place is the New York area in the united States.第12页/共20页第十三页,共21页。第13页/共20页第十四页,共21页。n nthe diagram shows that:the diagram shows that:n n1, all sp

14、eakers, whatever their social group, use 1, all speakers, whatever their social group, use the post-vocalic r more in situations where there the post-vocalic r more in situations where there is more more form-focus.n n2, social classes differ in their behaviors. In 2, social classes di

15、ffer in their behaviors. In general, higherclasses pronounce the post-general, higherclasses pronounce the post-vocalic r more than lowerones.vocalic r more than lowerones.n n3, it exists an interesting exception in the lower 3, it exists an interesting exception in the lower middle class. We call i

16、t social pretension.middle class. We call it social pretension.n n 4, the phenomenon of modifying language 4, the phenomenon of modifying language according to situation is too intricate and sensitive.according to situation is too intricate and sensitive.第14页/共20页第十五页,共21页。5, The affective filter hy

17、pothesis5, The affective filter hypothesisn nBox 6.5 is taken from Krashen and TerellBox 6.5 is taken from Krashen and TerellinputfilterLADAcquired competence第15页/共20页第十六页,共21页。The affective filter hypothesisThe affective filter hypothesisinputfilterLADAcquired competencePostive feelings第16页/共20页第十七

18、页,共21页。Three kinds of affective variables related to SLAThree kinds of affective variables related to SLAn n1, Motivation. Learners with high motivation generally do better. n n2, Self-confidence. Learners with self- confidence and a good self-image tend to be more successful.n n3, Anxiety. Low pers

19、onal anxiety and low classroom anxiety are more conductive to second language acquisition.第17页/共20页第十八页,共21页。the implication to our English learning and the implication to our English learning and teachingteachingn n1, Analyze students learning motivation, motivate them, and help them possess a positive attitude. n n2, Boost up students learning confidence and lower their language anxiety. n n3, Try to create relaxing and interesting atomosphere.第18页/共20页第十九页,共21页。第19页/共20页第二十页,共21页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。人的许多(xdu)能力都是自然习得的。Postive feelings第二十一页,共21页。



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