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1、Lesson 8 3 After the elections 大选之后New words and expressions ( 9)election n .选举former adj.从前的defeat v .打败fanatical adj.狂热的opponent n .反对者,对手radical adj.激进的progressive adj.进步的ex prefix ( 刖缀,用于名词刖)刖,suspicious adj.怀疑的一 .IM司 解厂 election n .选举a general election 大ilan election campaign 兢 活eg : He was ele

2、cted to the S enate 惨IM院)in the last election.在上次的逗聚,他富i S I M具。E lection day 举日、投票日 米国11月(7 )第1火曜日l湍殳定太4 V 2己念日elect v .暹 聚 ( 某人)eg : Wed like to elect a chairperson now.我伴号想现在逗出一名主席。eg : T hey elect him as mayor .他伴Eil他富市; ftelect + sb + to - ( 某人)搪 任 ( 某eg : We elect her to the Board of E ducatio

3、n .我伴Eil她加入教育委员畲。elector n .遂聚人、合格i l民 former ( 1) adj.从前的、以前的my former E nglish teacher我以前的英官吾老白市in former time 力 、 二 )X.、昔 = in former days 以前、往昔( 2)( 前述雨者中的)前者的、前面的the former 前者 - the latter 彳 爱者eg : I prefer the former design to the latter .我比较喜歉前者的言殳言十方案, 不喜歉彳爱者eg : Kate and Jane are sisters .

4、T he former is a pianist ; the latter is asinger .Ml特和曾是姐妹。前者是一彳固琴家,彳爱者是一名歌手formerly adv.以前、原本nowadays 现今,琪, 在eg : Formerly this neighborhood was a poor village .以前道附近是一彳固贫鳄的村耗 defeat (2) v .打败defeat an enemy 打败商攵人,戟膀敲人eg : Our team defeated our opponent by 5 : 0 .我除以 5 比零擎散整寸手。(2) n挫折、失败eg : Our ba

5、seball team has suffered another defeat .我伴弓的棒球除再遭失败admit defeat IS输a decisive defeat 一彳固; 夬定性的失败a crushing defeat 彳散底失败 =a total defeat = an utter defeat* crush krAj vt./E碎,弄 皴;制服,屡垮* utter Ata vt慢出( 磬音) ,a.完全的,系 包 封 的 fanatical = fanatic (1) adj.狂热的(2) n .( 主羲、宗 教 等 ) 狂 信 者fan n. ( )迷、都心爱好者a baseb

6、all fan 棒球迷 ; a rocknroll fan 摇滚迷be crazy about.非 常 喜 爱 醉 心 於 = be mad about2fan letter 影迷或球迷嘉的崇拜信 opponent n .反对者,对手eg : He best his opponent by three sets to one .他以三比一擎败封手。oppose v. ( 1 )反 纵 抵 抗eg : I oppose your going there alone . 我反封你去那守里eg : T he storm opposed our advance .暴凰雨阻止我伴弓前迤(2 )使封立、使

7、封抗oppose + sth + to = oppose + sth + against 封 立 、封抗eg : He considered the matter , opposing its merits against / to itsdemerits .他封比了僵黠和缺黠来言寸言俞/ 考件事。be opposed to sth 舆某事物相封立,反封某事物eg : S he is strongly opposed to their p la n .她强烈反封他仍号的ti 蜀J。as opposed to 舆形成封照eg : I am here on business as opposed

8、to a holiday .我在ifi木里是哪公事而不是度假 radical (1) 根本的、彳散底的(thorough)radical improvements 彳散底改迤 ; radical change 裂燮(2 )遗激的、激进的、才 亟 端 的 (extreme)the radical party 激迤藁 ;radically adv,根本地,完全地,谩激地radicalism raediklizam n .急迤主羲,根本的改革主羲 progressive (1) adj.进步的 conservative kQnse: v9tiv a.保守的,守营的; fit系充的n.保守的人a ma

9、yor with progressive ideas 思想迤步的市:Reg : T he new chairman is quite progressive .新主席是相常前衡的。3( 2 )前迤的、迤 行 的 regressive rigresiv a.退步的,退化的progress (1) n .前迤、迤行make swift progress toward the destination 目的迅速前迤* * make slow progress toward the destination 目 的 慢前迤(2) n .迤步、上迤、樊展the progress of medicine 翳擘

10、迤展eg : Youve made great progress in speaking E nglish . 英福吾你已 取得了很大迤展。(3) n.i谩、谩程、迤展eg : T he patient is making remarkable progress.道 彳 固 病 人 迤 步 趣 著 。(4) v .前迤、迤行、上迤、提高eg : We are now progressing steadily with our work .我凭的工作垣正稳步推迤。eg : Youve progressed quickly in mathematics .你在晏攵擘上迤步很快 ex- (1) pr

11、efix (前缀,用于名词前) 前. . .(相当于former)ex-boyfriend 昔 彼 氏 、恋 人 ;ex-wife 前妻ex-president前任余酷充、前大统领d i d 、元社:R t L J:ex-prime Minister 前余感理、( 2 )到外面、向外面exclude vt.把排斥在外,不包括express vt.表 示 ; 快 ! n.快 隼 (凰a./ ad.特快(的)export n.出口(物) ,输出(品)v.出口,输出派新柬方未甫充:ex-husband 前 夫 ; ex-wife 前 妻 ;4ex-taxi-driver 前出租汽车司机ex-mana

12、ger 前 任 经 理; ex-headmaster 前任校长suspicious adj.怀疑的a suspicious nature 多疑的性格a suspicious glance 狐疑的目光suspiciously sespijssli adv.猜疑地, 可疑地suspicion (1) n, (c) ( n )猜疑with suspicion 1襄 疑地eg : His remarks aroused my suspicion . 他 的 展 舌 弓I起了我的】 襄疑。eg : I have a suspicion that my phone has been tapped .我,I

13、襄疑,我的手檄已被藕耳惠。(2) 一些、一黠黠eg : I smelled a suspicion of fragrance when she passed .富她i!谩畤我 到一黠黠香氯。suspect (1) v .猜疑suspsct sb o f. 猜班某人某事eg : S he suspected him of taking her money .她】 襄疑他偷她的金 菱 。(2) (口) 猜想、以焉.suspect that .【 襄疑eg : S he suspected he was lying .她, 襄疑他是在撒suspect sb to be 襄疑某人eg : I susp

14、ect him to be the pickpocket. 我 1 度疑他是扒手。二 .Key structures :现 在 迤 行 畤 :be + v.-ing一般现在畤:5一般谩去畤:现在完成畤: have / has + p.p.谩 去 完 成 畤 : had + p.p.现 在 完 成 迤 行 畤 : has / have been doing遇i去 迤 行 畤 :were / was v.-ing被 吾 魅 : be + p.p.派 新柬方襁充: S pecial DifficultiesT emper and Moodtemper n . 脾气,性情T his time, the

15、 policeman lost his temper.Whatever happens, remember to keep our temper.My sister is of a calm/quick temper. 我姐姐/妹妹性情平和/脾气急躁。T he boss is in a temper today. 老板今天脾气不好。 n . 心情,情 绪 ( 与 m ood同义)T hat morning he was in a good mood/temper.mood n . 心情,情 绪 ; 有 意 /想 要 ( 做某事) ( 不能用temper)When he is in a bad

16、temper, he gets angry easily. But when he is in a badmood, he likes to sit alone. ( bad mood 禾 口 bad temper 稍有区别)当他脾气不好时,他很容易生气。但当他心情不好时,他喜欢独自坐着“At that time I was not in the mood for talking/to talk. ( 不能用 temper)Although Jeremy is well-known for his great sense of humour, he is in nomood for telli

17、ng funny stories today. ( 不能用 temper)T extWhy did Patrick keep on asking the same question?T he former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent6elections. He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad. Myfriend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr.

18、Lanes RadicalProgressive Party. After the elections, Patrick went to the former PrimeMinisters house. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman onduty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. T he same pol

19、icemanwas just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the samequestion. T hough a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him thesame answer. T he day after, Patrick went to the house once more andasked exactly the same question. T his time, the policeman lost his temper.I told

20、 you yesterday and the day before yesterday,1 he shouted, Mr. Lanewas defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone tolive abroad!I know,1 answered Patrick, but I love to hear you say it!三 . 文 解 厂 T he former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in therecent elec

21、tions.前首相温特沃兹莱恩先生在最近的大选中被击败。X the former Prime Minister = the ex-Prime Minister 前首相x was defeated 被击败defeat sb 擎散 某 人 = beat sb 打赢某人eg : Arsenal beat Manchester United last S aturday.上彳固星期六阿森纳拳败曼耳跳win a prize.羸 得 奖 品 ; win a gam e. 赢了一埸比骞eg : Arsenal won the game .阿森纳P 家赢得了比骞 He is now retiring from

22、 political life and has gone abroad.他现在退出了政界,到国外去了。X retiring from political life 退出 了政界retire退休7eg : My father will retire at the age of 60.我的父貌60蕨耨退休。retire to曙退、彳 爰 退 、eg : He retired to his own room after supper.吃完晚他离隹去到他自己的房 本里。X go abroad 出匣Itravel abroad 海外旅行在寸马、外国( 二旅行寸马、外国 行 、外避守study abroa

23、d 留学寸马、海 外 力 力4 T勉强A i d Tlive abroad 住在I I外;be abroad 在IS外from abroad彳於海外来eg : He has just returned from abroad .他国烟雕阈外旅行回来。 My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. LanesRadical Progressive Party.我的朋友帕特里克一直是莱恩先生的激进党的强烈反对者。X Radical Progressive P a rty.激进党 After the elections

24、, Patrick went to the former Prime Ministers house.大选结束后,帕特里克来到了前首相的住处。 When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told himthat since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad.当他询问莱恩先生是否住在那里时, 值班的警察告诉他这位前首相落选后出国去7 o派duty ( 1) n .责任、羲才 务 、本份on duty在上班( 的) ,在值班( 的) off duty 下

25、了班( 的) ,不在值班( 的)do ones duty 本 分neglect ( 忽 帚 见 )ones duty( 2)睡、 税customs duty 税 力 工 ; export duties 输出税L( import duties 迤 口 税 、输 入 税 ( 二 5 On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. T he same8policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrickasked the same question.第 二 天

26、,帕 特 里 克 再 次 来 到 首 相 的 住 处 。昨天的那位警 察 正 从 门 口 慢 慢 走 过 ,帕特 里 克 上 前 问 了 和 昨 天 同 样 的 问题。X walk past prep.走 谩 、谩X entrance (1) 入 口 、 大F月 口entrance to the park 公 IS 入口the front entrance of a school 擘 校 的 正Flthe back entrance 彳 爰Fl( 2 )迤 入 、入 埸 、演具的登埸eg : T he actor made several entrances.那 位 演 具 上 谩 黑 次 台

27、了。entrance into college = entrance to college 迤入大擘gain entrance to university .才萋得迤入大阜言午可entrance examination 入学 1 ,璇 ( 二力M U 、入 社 官 式 璇entrance upon office = entrance into office 就月战、任 月 戢 T hough a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the sameanswer.虽 然 那 位 警察这次 有 点 疑心, 但还 是 对 他 作 了

28、 同样的回答。派though引蹲的示一彳固 步状 彳於句, 其中的主言吾和悬言吾都省略了, 完整的彳於句是:T hough the policeman was a little suspicious this time. . T he day after, Patrick went to the house once more and asked exactlythe same question.第 三 天 , 帕 特 里 克 又 去 了 , 提 出 了 同 前 两 天 完 全 一 样 的 问题。 T his time, the policeman lost his temper.这 一 次

29、警 察 火 了 。X lost ones temper 樊脾氟fly into a temper = get into a temper 樊脾氟X temper (1) n .脾氧eg : Keep your temper ! (dont get angry ! )别彝月卑氯9(2) n . 心情、情 eg : After what happened last night , I was surprised to find that he was insuch a good temper this morning .昨晚彝生的事情彳交我鹫 地彝现,他今天早上的情 很好。eg : You sho

30、uld apologize to him . Hes in a very bad temper. (He is angry)你愿1 亥向他道歉,他现在脾氟很壤“mood n . 心情、情绪eg : I enjoyed myself at the party . I was in a very good mood .(I was cheerful)eg : Dont disturb him . hes in a very bad mood .(He is not cheerful, but not necessarily angry 他 不 快 梨 但不一定生氟)eg : Im in the m

31、ood for a drive into the country .(I would very much like to go for a drive into the country.)我很想 聿到卿下兜兜凰。be in the mood for sth = be in the mood for doing sth=be in the mood to d o . 想做某事 I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday, he shouted, Mr.Lane was defeated in the elections. He has re

32、tired from political life andgone to live abroad!I know,1 answered Patrick, but I love to hear you say it!“ 我昨天和前天都告诉过您了, ” 他大叫着, “ 莱恩先生在大选中被击败了, 他已经退出了政界去国外了 !”“ 这我都知道, ” 帕特里克说, “ 可我就是喜欢听你说出这此! 四 . E xercise :1. He has been an opponent . He has been opposed c it .a. against b. for c. to d. from2. M

33、r. Lane was the former Prime Minister .he was the c one .a. first b. latter n.彳爰者a.彳麦者的; 彳菱一半的,末了的ioc. previous pH: vis a.先,前,以 前 的 ;( to)在之前d. before3. He was defeated in the elections . He was c .a. conquered kok vt.攻克,征 服 ; 破除,克服b. won win的谩去式( 分P )c. beaten beat的遇i去分言d. destroyed distri vt.破壤 毁

34、滋 ; 消滋 未 殳 死4. On the 1st October a new government will be c by the nation for thenext five tears .a. chosen choose的遗! 去分 官 司b. selected i l撰 挑i l a.精i l的 ; 僵等的c. elected 逗聚,推 聚 ; 逗 撵vi.迤行逗聚,作出逗撵d. voted n./ v .il( 票);逗 聚;表; 夬( 结果) ,投票五 .Review :1. Key structures :各木重畤熊2. Main Points :be defeated被擎散 ;live abroad 在阈外生活go abroad 到阈外去,出阈 ;on duty 在上班( 的) ,在值班( 的)lose ones temper 彝脾氯,苕 菱 怒 ;be suspicious 慎疑六 . 祷 充 内 容 :Bin吾:1. T ime flies ! 畤 谩的来快How time flies !畤 遇 ! 得真快 !2. T ime is a great healer. = T ime is the best heater .= T ime h e a ls畤 可 解 除 一 切 、畤 是治瘴像口的最好良槃111314



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