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1、定语从句的定义首先我们先了解定语的概念定语是用来修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的。 如定语从句 在整个句子当中充当定语的小句子定语从句的分类一:限制性定语从句 先行词与关系代词之间无逗号分隔,相当于一个后置定语,如: They are the boys who you like to play with.二:非限制性定语从句 定语从句前有逗号分隔,主要起补充说明作用,如: Mr. Brown has a son, who joined the army 3 years ago.需要了解的概念先行词: 定语从句所修饰的词称为先行词 通常是由名词或代词充当 They are the boy

2、s who you like to play with. Friends are those who make you smile, always share your happiness and sorrows.关系词: 用来引导定语从句,为避免先行词的重复出现用来代替先行词的词。分关系代词和关系副词。常见关系词:that, which, who, whom, whose, when, where, why, as 先行词与关系词的联系1)先行词与关系词的内在联系先行词与关系词之间实质上是互等、互换的关系。也就是说,关系词的作用就是将先行词所表达意义代到从句中来起作用。例如: They of

3、ten become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations (先行词)where (关系词)people normally would not be afraid . 他们常在人们一般不会感到害怕的情况下却很容易感到恐惧或是感到不自在。(本句中的关系词where = 先行词(in)situations 。如果把这个复合句拆成两个分句,那就是:They often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations.people normally would not be afraid

4、 in situations. 由此可以看出,先行词与关系词之间实质上是互等、互换的关系)。2)“先行词”的意义决定“关系词”的选择“关系词”的选择往往是由“先行词”自身表达的意义,以及它在从句中的语法功能而决定的。例如:Some people who are successful language learners often fail in other fields. 有些在语言学习上很有成就的人,在其他领域常常一无所成。In our class, we have some students whose families are not in Wuhan. 我们班上有些家不在武汉市的同学。

5、There are many sounds which have a meaning and yet are not words.有许多声音有意义但不是词。Tell him to go to the classroom where we often have our English class.如果把这个复合句拆成两个分句,那就是:tell him to go to the classroom. We often have our English class in the classroom.告诉他去我们常上英语课的那间教室。关系词 定语从句中的关系词只有两类:关系代词和关系副词;没有连词。也

6、就是说,定语从句中的所有关系词不但都有具体的意义而且都在从句中担任一定的成分。关系代词常用关系代词:who , whom , whose , which , that关系代词who:who用于代替“表示人的意义”的先行词,在从句中作主语或宾语。如:I have no idea about the man who wrote the article. 我不认识写这篇文章的那个人。Do you know the man who you just spoke to?关系代词whom:只做宾语。 如: Do you know the man whom you just spoke to? 错误:I h

7、ave no idea about the man whom wrote the article.关系代词whose :用于代替表示人或物意义的先行词,在从句中作定语,往往与它所修饰的名词一起构成一个名词短语在从句中担当成分。Whose常表达某人的、某物的之意。例如: Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate? 你知道她的哥哥与你同寝室的那位女孩的名字吗? Water whose boiling point is at 100 degree Centigrade has no color, no flavo

8、r. 沸点在摄氏100度的水无色、无味。关系代词which: 用于代替表示事物意义的先行词,在从句中作主语、宾语。例如: Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept. (做主语) 那些全新的或是来自国外的观点或许也很难被接受。 Ive got a novel which you may like to read. 我有一本你或许想看的小说。(做动词read的宾语) 关系代词that: 既用于代替“表示人的意义”的先行词,也用于代替“表示事物意义”的先行词;在从句中既可以作主语,也可以作谓语动词的宾语,但是

9、不能作介词的宾语。在一定范围内,that = who / whom / which 。例如: Views that (which ) are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept. 那些全新的或是来自国外的观点或许也很难被接受。 Salaried people that ( who) earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government . 工薪在几千美元以上的人

10、必须将工资中的一定百分比交付给联邦政府。 Who is the girl to that you talked just now? (错误)关系代词的省略定语从句中作宾语的关系代词可以省略;如果关系代词在定语从句中作宾语可以省略。例如: This is the book ( which ) you were looking for yesterday. 这就是你昨天找的那本书。 I dont like the novel ( that ) you are reading. 我不喜欢你看的这本小说。 Who is the man ( whom ) youre talking about? 你们谈

11、论的那个人是谁?关系代词的单复数问题定语从句中,关系代词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数。例如: Those who are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon. 请那些年龄在四十几岁的人于今天下午去进行体检。 This is the magazine which was sent to me by post. 这是通过邮局寄给我的杂志 。只用that的情况一:先行词本身是all , everything , something , nothing , anything等不定代词时,

12、例如: Anything that can burn is a source of heat energy. 任何能够燃烧的东西都是热能源。 There must be something that happened to you .你一定出了什么事。 They had nothing that could cure of his disease .他们没有一点能治愈他疾病的东西了。二:先行词已有序数词或形容词的最高级或the last, the only等作定语时,例如: This is the most impressive TV theater that has never been p

13、ut on show before. 这是以前从未上演过的最有感染力的电视剧。 That is the only way that leads to your success .那是通向你成功的唯一之路。 We have to consider the first thing that starts our work. 我们必须要考虑启动我们工作的第一件事。只能用which的情况 当先行词表示事物意义,在从句中作介词的宾语且关系代词紧跟在介词之后,那么就只能用which。如: The world in which we live is made of matter. 我们生活于其中的世界是由物

14、质组成的。 Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影响其流经的附近地区的气候。 The world that we live in is made of matter. 我们生活于其中的世界是由物质组成的。 The world in that we live is made of matter.(错误)二:在非限定性定语从句中,当关系词表示事物意义时, 只能用which 。这是语法所规定的,没有任何解释。 The sun heats the earth, which makes it po

15、ssible for plants to grow . 太阳给予大地热,这就使植物的生长成为可能。 The most important form of energy is electrical energy, which is widely used in our daily life. 最重要的能源形式是电能,它广泛地运用于我们的日常生活之中。 关系代词as as可以作为关系代词引导限定性定语从句、非限定性定语从句。在限定性定语从句中常见于:such as和the same as 等句式中 例如: Such points as youve mentioned are really impo

16、rtant in solving the problem. 你提到的这些方面在解决这个问题上的确很重要。 People such as you describe are rarely seen nowadays. 你描述的这种人现在很少见了。 This computer has the same functions as that one has. 这台计算机有着和那台计算机一样的功能。在非限定性定语从句中:as可以作为关系代词引导非限定性定语从句时,as是指全句:也就是说,将整个主句看成一件事或是一个事实;并对其进行补充、说明。这种非限定性定语从句既可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。 例

17、如:As的用法as引导的定语从句修饰表人或物的先行词,即先行词可以是人也可以是物;在定语从句中可以做主语、宾语或表语;常用于the sameas/suchas/as(so)as句型,as不论在定语从句中作何成分,均不能省略。Such teachers as know Tom think him bright. 先行词为人such teachers, as作主语Ill buy the same bike as I lost yesterday. 先行词为物the same bike,as作宾语 ,指同一类事物As与which的区别(3)注意which引导的非限制性定语从句也可以修饰整个主句, 但

18、不能放在主句前,常译为“这一点、这件事”。She is working hard, which everyone can see. which引导的非限制性定语从句不能放在主句前She is working hard, as everyone can see.As everyone can see, She is working hard(4)注意当修饰整个主句时,as引导的非限制性定语从句含“正如”之意,因此在意义上不能和主句相抵触;which引导的非限制性定语从句则无此限制。如: Our team lost the game, which was unexpected. 我们的球队输了比赛

19、,这一点是未预料到的。此时不能用as。Our team won the game, as was expected. 我们的球队赢了比赛,正如预料的那样。 As I know, she hasnt got married. 如我所知,她还未结婚。 They won the first place in the game, as could be expected. 可以预料,他们在比赛中得了第一。 Professor Li is extremely popular among students, as is known to all of us. 如我们大家所知,李教授极受学生们的欢迎。关系副

20、词关系副词有when,where,why 在定语从句,关系副词 = 介词 + which 。也就是说,每个关系副词里本身就已经含有了一个介词:when = 在什么时候,where = 在什么地方,why = 为什么原因,等。至于在英文中用哪个具体的介词,就得依具体情况而定了。 关系副词when when 代替表示时间的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语,例如: People will always remember the time when (at which) Hong Kong and Macao returned to our motherland. 人们会永

21、远记住香港和澳门回归祖国的那一时刻。 He came at a time when (at which) we needed help. 他在我们需要人帮忙的时候来了。 We dont know the exact time when (at which) the English Evening will be held. 我们不知道英语晚会举行的确切时间。关系副词where where 代替表示地点的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。例如: The place where (in which) were to have the Speech Contest has

22、 not been decided yet. 我们举行演讲比赛的地点还未定下来。 He is living in a newly-built house where (in which place) there used to be a pond. 他现在居住的新房是原先一个池塘的旧址。 That is a beautiful cus where (in which) I made a lot dreams. 那是一座我曾经在那儿有过许多梦想的美丽的校园。关系副词why why 代替表示原因的名词,而这个名词在从句中又与介词构成了短语,在从句中充当状语。例如: He didnt tell he

23、r the reason why he was so happy. 他没有告诉她为什么他那么高兴的原因。 The reason why she was late is not so acceptable. 她迟到的原因不那么令人接受。 They explained the reason to us why they had misunderstood us before. 他们向我们解释为什么他们以前误解了我们的原因。限制性与非限制性的区别 限定性定语从句 限定性定语从句与主句的关系很紧奏,对其先行词起限定、修饰的作用。如果将其去掉,会影响句子意思的完整性;有时甚至于引起费解、误解。例如: R

24、ainforests are being cleared for valuable timber and other resources to speed up the economic growth of the nations in which they are located. 为了加速他们各自所在的国家的经济发展,热带雨林作为有价值的原木和其他资源正为人们所砍伐。 Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影响其流经的附近地区的气候。 They explained the reason

25、 to us why they had hated us before. 他们向我们解释为什么他们不喜欢我们的原因。非限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句在形式上就与主句很松散,它与主句之间有一个逗点,隔开;它对其先行词没有限定、修饰的作用,只起补充、说明的作用。有时也用它来对全句进行补充、说明。即使将其去掉,也不会影响句子意思。由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把它作定语翻译。 例如: Markers lucky bird, which led him to the beautiful pla

26、ce, was eaten by a snake. (此句中,非限定性定语从句是对先行词bird进行补充、说明。) 马克的幸运鸟被一条蛇吃了,就是那只鸟带他到了那个美丽的地方。 去掉定语从句后: Markers lucky bird was eaten by a snake. The sun heats the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. 太阳给予大地热,这就使植物的生长成为可能。 此句中,非限定性定语从句是对全句进行补充、说明, 将全句表达的意思看成一件事情。 The old man has a son, who is

27、 in the army. 那位老人有一个儿子,他在部队工作。 (此句中,非限定性定语从句是对先行词son进行补充、说明。但本句所传达的信息是:“这位老人只有一个儿子” 。 如果将此句改写成限定性定语从句: The old man has a son who is in the army. 那位老人有一个在部队工作的儿子。那么,限定性定语从句就要对先行词son进行限定、修饰。这样一来,句子所传达的信息就变成了:这位老人有一个儿子在部队工作,还有其他的儿子在干别的工作。) 合并成一句话: 1 I cant find the book. I bought a book yesterday.2. T

28、he girl is my sister. The girl is standing on the stage.3. The West Lake lies in Hangzhou. The West Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China.5. My brother likes the singers. The singers write their own music.6. The cat is mine. The cat is playing with a ball. 1. I cant find the book that/which/

29、 / I bought yesterday.2. The girl who/that is standing on the stage is my sister.3. The West Lake is one of the most famous lakes in China that lies in Hangzhou.4. I dont know the boy who/that is in blue shirt.5. My brother likes the singers who/that write their own music.6. The cat which/that is pl

30、aying with a ball is mine. 1.This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday. A. that B. who C. whom D. this2. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher. A. whom B. which C. whoD. /3. The girl _ you saw in the street is Mary. A. that B. whose C. whichD. as 4.Please show me the book _ you bought

31、yesterday. A. whichB. whom C. whoseD. this5.The man _ was here just now is a doctor. A. whomB. who C. / D. he6. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue. A. whichB. that C. / D. it20. The baby _is not hers. A. of that she is taking good care B. who she is taking good care C. of who

32、she is taking good care D. whom she is taking good care of21. (2001) The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where 22 2001) _ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D

33、. What23 (1994) The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. A. what B. which C. that D. it24 (1996) After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town, _ he grew up as a child. A. which B. where C. that D. when 25 (1998) He made another wonderful discove

34、ry, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think which is26 (1999) - I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week. - Is that the reason_ you had a few days off? A. why B. when C. what D. where27 (1992) In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom



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