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1、名校版英语经典句型考点解析介词in和after用法在时间表达上,in 和 after在表示 之后 的区别:afterafter可以与时间点或时间段连用,一般不与现在时间发生关系,故常和动词的过去时或过去完成时连用。请看例句:Two hours later, Jcak came back with an axe.= After two hours, Jcakcame back with an axe两小时之后,杰克拿着一把斧头回来了。He goes to work after 7:30. 七点半以后他去上班了。She told me she would be here after 6:00. 她

2、告诉我她在六点后来这儿。He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage.他和妻子在结婚20年后分居了。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典She went after three d a y s.她是三天以后走的After school he went home.放学以后,他回家去了。She began her study after moving to London.搬到伦敦后她开始了自己的学业。He came to see me after he had arrived.他到达后就来看我了。After ten years Im used to

3、the strange British ways.十年之后,我习惯了英国人的奇异习俗。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.虽然过了两百年,这房子的大部分还保持完好。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales.两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,

4、人民渴望永久和平。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典通过以上经典例句,小编认为“after可以与时间点或时间段连用,一般不与现在时间发生关系,故常和动词的过去时或过去完成时连用。” 应该拓展为根据句意需要自由正确选择时态。当然,after还可以表示某个 事件、活动等” 之后,例如:People will visit friends after New Years D ay.新年之后, 人们会拜访朋友。The rose after the rain.雨后河水上涨。Well leave after lunch.我们将在午饭后动身。After winning the prize she became famou

5、s overnight.她获奖后一夜之间成名了。He was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。He was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。Shall we go for a drink after work?我们下班后去喝一杯好吗?after还可以用作连词, 后跟时间状语从句, 此 时 一 , 要掌握连词after和介 词 after之间的转换。After he had had breakfast, he lookd over

6、 the newspapers and left.他吃过早饭后,翻了翻报纸就走了。 ( 连词)=After having had breakfast, he lookd over the newspapers and left.( 介词)inin 与时间段连用,用在将来时中,表示“ 一段时间之后 例如:Hell come back from London in about a month.他大约一个月之后就从伦敦回来。I will go to London in two weeks,我两周之后去伦敦。She will go in three d a y s.她三天以后要走。It will be

7、 ready in a weeks time.只需一周的时间就会准备好。She learnt to drive in three weeks.她花三个星期就学会了开车。在 in 后面出所有格的时候,到底是用, s 还 是 s1的问题,我们先看例子:The next train will arrive in five hours tim e.火车将在 5 小时之后到达。句中,五个小时five hours中 hour要 加 s , 后面再跟上tim e 以表达” 五个小时的时间 ,这里 五个小时的” 就只加一个撇号一 five hours,time。当然,如果没有time 一词,就 直 接 in

8、five hours;另外,如果不是个复数时间名词,就 只 加 s , 如:in a weeks time = in a week ( week是单数, 不会影响发音,就加s)in two weeks time = in two weeks (两周就是个复数词了 weeks, weeks)The next Rugby World Cup will take place in three years time.下一届橄榄球世界杯赛将于三年后举行。. 牛津高阶英汉双解词典The researchers hope that such a vaccine could be available in a

9、boutten years time研究人员期望能在大约10年内研制出这样的疫苗。 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典We will be a net exporter of motor cars in just a few years time.我们将在仅仅几年时间里成为汽车净出口国。 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典in也可以与时间段连用,表示 一段时间之内 :Its the first letter Ive had in ten days.这是我十天来收到的第一封信。The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds.全部运算在三秒内

10、完成。 牛津高阶英汉双解词典小结介 词 in 之后接时间段, 表示说话时为起点的” 在 之后” , 但有时候也用于表示 在 之内” 。例如:We will meet each other in three days.我们将在三天后会面。You must finish the work in three days.你必须在三天内做完这件工作。介词after后面既可接时间段也可接时间点。接时间段用于过去时态;接时间点用于过去或将来均可。例如:She married after two years.两年后她结婚了。( 时间段)She came back home after two oclock,她

11、两点钟之后回到了家里。 ( 时间点)She will come back home after two oclock.他两点钟之后将会回到家里。( 时间点)in five hours和in five hours time真的一样吗, 最近小编在看英语的过程中看见了不少这样的结构, 也有的英语辅导书上说, 这两个结构可以通用, 果真如此吗? 下面小编就来给大家做一个这方面的归纳:1. 当表示各种将来时态的在说话者说话时算起的一段时间以后即 在多长时间以后将做某事 的时候,in five hours和in five hours, time这两个类似结构是可以通用的。这种结构也可以用在祈使句中。Th

12、e material will be ready in five hours.= The material will beready in five hours, time.材料将在5小时以后准备好。The bull-fight was to commence in five hours.= The bull-fightwas to commence in five hours, time.斗牛将在5小时以后开始。He said the next train would arrive in five hours time. = He saidthe next train would arriv

13、e in five hours.他说下一班火车将在5小时之后到达。We will meet each other in three days. = We will meet eachother in three days* time.我们将在三天后会面。Do it now please not in five hours time.= Do it now please notin five hours.请 现 在 就 干 , 而 不 是5个小时之后。( 祈使句),Wasn, t Joan supposed to be here by now? Dont worry, sheII be here

14、 in about twenty minutes.,Joan不是现在就到达这儿吗? 别 急 , 她 将 在20分钟以后到达这样。上面最后一例是托福真题, 难度好像不大啊。顺 便 说 一 下 , 非要说将在某一段时间以内做某事的说法:He will be here for sure within an hour.他肯定会在一小时内到达的。He will be here for sure in an hour.他肯定会在一小时后到达的。The fire engine would have arrived within five minutes.消防车五分钟之内就到了。The fire engine

15、 would have arrived in five minutes.; 肖防车五分钟之后就到了。2. 当表示 在多长时间内做( 完 成 ) 某 事 , 只 能 用in five hours类似结 构 , 如果用了 in five hours time类似结构都是错的。这种结构可以运用在需要的各种时态中。Tom will run a mile in five minutes.汤 姆 将 在5分钟之内跑完一英里。The bird covered the distance in three minutes新概念 2. 第 5 课)这只鸽子三分钟便飞完了全程。I can run 2 miles in about ten minutes.我 能 在10分钟内跑二英里。Can you finish reading those books in five hours?你 能 在5小时内内看完这些书吗?He wrote the report in two days. = It took him two days to writethe report.他写报告用了两天时间。



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