致用英语B1Unit 1【中小学堂】

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1、Unit 11课堂特制Warm-upReadingLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnHomeworkHow is language learned2课堂特制Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnHomeworkContentsReadingWarm-up Watch the video and answer the following question: How many similarities are there between learning Chinese Kongfu and lear

2、ning a foreign language?Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkReadingReadingTask1Pre-readingActivitiesTask2ReadingComprehensionTask3After-readingActivitiesWarm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkDiscussthefollowingtopic.Titlesandsubtitlespr

3、ovidealotofinformationabouttexts.Effectivereadersalwayspredictthecontentsoftextbyreadingthesubtitles.Sobeforeyouread,workingroupsanddiscusswhatthesesubtitlesprobablymean.a. You know yourself best.b. Play with the language.c. Everything depends on you.d. Find your own way.Warm-upLanguage in useProjec

4、tLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework How to be a more successful language learner? 1. You, the language learner, are the most important factor in the language learning process. Success or failure will, in the end,be determined by what you yourself contribute; for example, how hard you work, in

5、what way you choose to learn and what goals you set for yourself. Many learners tend to blame teachers,circumstances, and the teaching materials for their lack of success. Actually, the most important reason for their lack of success can be found in themselves.Para.1T.Everything depends on you.Every

6、thing depends on you.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework2. Unless you can take charge of your own learning, you will probably not succeed in mastering the new language. You know yourself best, so you should use your self-knowledge to guide your studies. Its all righ

7、t if sometimes you disagree with some of your teachers approaches and the suggestions made in the textbook. Of course, when necessary, you need to seek advice from others.Para. 2TYou know yourself best.You know yourself best.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework3. Peo

8、ple tend to learn language in different ways. Some are fond of analyzing the language and need a rule for everything. Others are more intuitive; they prefer to gather examples and imitate them. Some need lots of repetition, while others hate repetition practice. In a classroom situation, the teacher

9、 cannot meet every students needs. Therefore, you cannot always rely on your teacher to provide you with a way that is specially designed for you. You need to experiment and discover what works best for you.Para. 3TFind your own way.Find your own way.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnCon

10、tentsReadingHomework4. In order to master another language, you need to be personally involved. You need to play with the language to develop a feel for how it works. The language must become a part of you, rather than just a system of abstract rules. Learning a language is a little like learning to

11、 ride a bicycle. Only knowing how to ride a bicycle is not enough. You must get on the bike and play with it.Para. 4TPlay with the language.Play with the language.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkfactorn. something that influences or causes a situation 因素 e.g. The

12、 rise in crime is mainly due to social and economic factors.processn. a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular resulte.g. Milk can be processed in many ways.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkdeterminev.1) if something determines something

13、else, it directly influences or decides ite.g. The amount of water available determines the number of houses that can be built.2) to officially decide somethinge.g.The date of the court case has not yet been determined.3) be determined to do something: to decide to do somethinge.g.We are determined

14、to leave at once. Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworktendv. if something tends to happen, it happens often and is likely to happen againe.g. People tend to need less sleep as they get older.Plants tend to die in hot weather if you dont water them.Does he tend to los

15、e? ( (他经常输吗?)他经常输吗?) Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkcircumstancen. 1) the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.e.g.I cant imagine a circumstance in which I would be willing to steal. 2) under no circumstances also in no circumstances(British En

16、glish) used to emphasize that something must definitely not happen e.g.Under no circumstances are you to go out. 3) under/given the circumstances also in the circumstances (British English): used to say that a particular situation makes an action, decision, etc. necessary, acceptable, or true when i

17、t would not normally be e.g. Its the best result that could be expected under the circumstances. Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworktakechargeof to have control of or responsibility for a group of people or an activitye.g. Owens came in and took charge of (=took con

18、trol of) the situation. He took full charge of the whole business.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkapproachn.1) a method of doing something or dealing with a probleme.g. a new approach to teaching language2) the approach of a particular time or event is the fact t

19、hat it is getting closere.g. Its a sign of the approach of middle age.v. to move towards or nearer to someone or somethinge.g. As I approached the house, I noticed a light on upstairs.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkseek v.1) to ask someone for advice or helpe.g.

20、 If the symptoms persist, seek medical advice.2) (formal) to try to achieve or get somethinge.g. Thousands of people crossed the border, seeking refuge from the war.intuitive adj. an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or factse.g. He seemed to have an intuitive awareness o

21、f how I felt.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkabstract adj.1) based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real eventse.g. By the age of seven, children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.2) existing only as an idea or quality rathe

22、r than as something real that you can see or touche.g. the abstract nature of beautyWarm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework译文:译文:Para.1一切取决于你自己一切取决于你自己 作为语言学习者,你是整个语言作为语言学习者,你是整个语言学习学习过程中最重要的因素。语言学习成功与否过程中最重要的因素。语言学习成功与否最终取决于你为之付出的努力。例如,你最终取决于你为之付出的努力。例如,你学习是否用功?你采取了什么样

23、的学习方学习是否用功?你采取了什么样的学习方法法? ?你为自己制定了什么样的学习目标?你为自己制定了什么样的学习目标?很多语言学习者把自己的失败归因于教师很多语言学习者把自己的失败归因于教师环境或者教材。事实上,他们失败的最环境或者教材。事实上,他们失败的最重要的原因在于他们自身。重要的原因在于他们自身。Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnHomeworkContentsReading译文:译文:Para.2你最了解你自己你最了解你自己 如果你不能很好地安排自己的学习,如果你不能很好地安排自己的学习,你可能很难掌握一门新的语言。最了解你可

24、能很难掌握一门新的语言。最了解你的人是你自己,所以你应该充分利用你的人是你自己,所以你应该充分利用对自己的了解去引导整个学习过程。如对自己的了解去引导整个学习过程。如果你有时不认同教师的教学方法或者书果你有时不认同教师的教学方法或者书本上的学习建议,这是完全可以的。当本上的学习建议,这是完全可以的。当然,必要时你还是需要寻求他人的建议。然,必要时你还是需要寻求他人的建议。Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnHomeworkContentsReading译文:译文:Para.3探索你自己的方法探索你自己的方法 人们学习语言的方法多种多样。有


26、需要亲自去尝试从而发现最适合自己的学习方法要亲自去尝试从而发现最适合自己的学习方法Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnHomeworkContentsReading译文:译文:Para.4与语言互动与语言互动 想要精通另一门语言,你一定要积极想要精通另一门语言,你一定要积极参与其中。你需要和这门语言密切接触,参与其中。你需要和这门语言密切接触,明白它的规则。这样,语言就不只是一种明白它的规则。这样,语言就不只是一种由各种抽象的规则构成的体系,而应该成由各种抽象的规则构成的体系,而应该成为你的一部分。学语言与学骑自行车有点为你的一部分。学语

27、言与学骑自行车有点相似。仅仅知道怎么骑车是不够的,你需相似。仅仅知道怎么骑车是不够的,你需要骑到车上与之互动。要骑到车上与之互动。Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework Whats the major/prior factor in becoming a successful language learner through reading the text?Right attitudes. Attitudes affect things you are doing. It is very im

28、portant for you to have right attitudes towards learning English especially at the beginning of a college life. Dont blame your teachers, circumstances, and the teaching materials for your lack of success. Actually, the most major reason for your lack of success can be found in yourselves. You have

29、to know yourself well and find your own way to study a language.1Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkLearning a language is a Little like learning to play basketball. Only knowing how to play Basketball through watching is not enough. You must get the basketball and

30、play with it. Only practice can make you master the skills of playing basketball.How is learning a language similar to learning to play basketball?2Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkLanguage in UseLanguage in UseTask 1 Grammar DevelopmentTask 2 Vocabulary BuildingW

31、arm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkCountable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count. For example: pen. We can count pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable nouns: dog, cat, animal, man, person bottle, box,

32、litre coin, note, dollar cup, plate, fork table, chair, suitcase, bag Task 1 Grammar Development : Countable and uncountable nouns Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkUncountable nouns are substances, concepts, etc.that we cannot divide into separate elements. We can

33、not count them. For example, we cannot count milk. We can count bottles of milk or liters of milk, but we cannot count milk itself. Here are some more uncountable nouns: music, art, love, happiness advice, information, news furniture, luggage rice, sugar, butter, water electricity, gas, power money,

34、 currency Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkCountableUncountableThere are two hairs in my coffee!hairI dont have much hair.There are two lights in our bedroom.lightClose the curtain. Theres too much light!Shhhhh! I thought I heard a noise.noiseIts difficult to work

35、 when there is too much noise.Have you got a paper to read? (= newspaper)paperI want to draw a picture. Have you got some paper?Our house has seven rooms.roomIs there room for me to sit here?We had a great time at the party.timeHave you got time for a coffee?Macbeth is one of Shakespeares greatest w

36、orks.workI have no money. I need work!NounsthatcanbeCountableandUncountable.In English some words can be used as bothcountable and uncountable nouns, but theirmeanings are different. For example,Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkDrinks (coffee, water, orange juice)

37、 are usually uncountable. But if we are thinking of a cup or a glass, we can say (in a restaurant, for example): Two teas and one coffee please.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkDo you know the verb/noun/adjective form of the following words from the text?Task 2 Vo

38、cabulary Building: Word Formationimportantteachlackimportanceteacher,teachingfullackness,lacking useusage,usefuldisagreedisagreementsuggestionsuggestpreferpreference,preferentialdevelopdevelopmentrepeatrepetition,repetitiveWarm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkHow can

39、we learn English better? What is the best way to learn English? The first answer is: Nobody knows. And the second answer is: Because nobody knows the best way to learn English, there isnt one. Its an old fantasy for learners and teachersto find the one perfect key. Now you may try it. Try to find ou

40、t what is the best way to learn English by interviewing people who have studied English. You may do the interview project along the following steps.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkStep 1Step 1Work in groups of four. Design at least fivequestions for the interview

41、. The topic should bearound what is the best way to learn English. Step 2 Step 2Look for suitable interviewees. The intervieweesshould be able to speak English and have someexperience in learning English. They can be yourteachers, your schoolmates or some foreigners you come across in the street.War

42、m-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework Step 3 Step 3When you do the interview, write down theanswers you get from the interviewees.Step 4Step 4Collect the results within groups and preparea presentation for the class.Step 5Step 5 Each group presents the results and gives

43、areport to the whole class. Group members mayalso talk about what they have learned from thisinterview project.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkLearning to learnLearning to learn Complete the questionnaire. Check your Complete the questionnaire. Check your answers

44、 in the key, and find out more about answers in the key, and find out more about your learning style. Maybe ityour learning style. Maybe its a good s a good suggestion for you, also, maybe it doesnsuggestion for you, also, maybe it doesnt t give give a correct evaluation a correct evaluation to to y

45、ou. It you. Its just a game. s just a game. You can accept the You can accept the advice or not advice or not according according to your own studying to your own studying situation. situation. Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkTick your answers Tick your answers t

46、o these questionsto these questionsusuallyusuallysometimessometimesalmost almost neverneverDont Dont knowknow1.1.Did/do you get Did/do you get good results in good results in grammar tests?grammar tests?. . . . .2. Do you have a 2. Do you have a good memory good memory for new words? for new words?.

47、 . . . .3. Do you hate 3. Do you hate making making mistakes? mistakes?. . . . .4. In class, do 4. In class, do you you get irritated if get irritated if mistakes are mistakes are not corrected? not corrected?. . . . .Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework5. Is your pr

48、onunciation better 5. Is your pronunciation better when you read aloud than when when you read aloud than when you have a conversation? you have a conversation?.6. Do you wish you had more time 6. Do you wish you had more time to think before speaking? to think before speaking?.7. Did/do you enjoy b

49、eing in a 7. Did/do you enjoy being in a class? class? .8. Do you find it difficult to 8. Do you find it difficult to pick up pick up more than two or three words more than two or three words of of a new language when you are a new language when you are on holiday abroad? on holiday abroad?.9. Do yo

50、u like to learn new 9. Do you like to learn new grammar rules, words, etc. by grammar rules, words, etc. by heart? heart?.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkLearning to learnLearning to learnYour score:Your score:3 points for each 3 points for each “usuallyusually”2

51、 points for each 2 points for each “sometimessometimes”1 point for each 1 point for each “almost neveralmost never”0 points for each 0 points for each “dondont knowt know”What does your score tell you?What does your score tell you?Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework

52、Score: 23-27 points: the analytic learnerScore: 23-27 points: the analytic learner You need to concentrate on improving your You need to concentrate on improving your fluency by taking every opportunity you can to fluency by taking every opportunity you can to use the language. Try talking to Englis

53、h-use the language. Try talking to English-speaking friends, tourists, etc. as often as speaking friends, tourists, etc. as often as possible, not worrying too much about your possible, not worrying too much about your mistakes. The people you speak to wonmistakes. The people you speak to wont be t

54、be listening for your mistakes, but for what you are listening for your mistakes, but for what you are trying to say, so have more confidence in trying to say, so have more confidence in yourself.yourself.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkScore: 14-22 points: a mix

55、ture of learning stylesScore: 14-22 points: a mixture of learning stylesYou need to analyze yourself because the more You need to analyze yourself because the more you know about yourself, the more easily you you know about yourself, the more easily you will be able to improve your language learning

56、. will be able to improve your language learning. Get the right balance by experimenting with Get the right balance by experimenting with different approaches to language learning different approaches to language learning activities. Try concentrating on either being activities. Try concentrating on

57、 either being fluent or being accurate. After a while, you will fluent or being accurate. After a while, you will discover which approach works best for a discover which approach works best for a certain activity. certain activity. Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomewor

58、kScore: 9-13 points: a relaxed styleScore: 9-13 points: a relaxed style You need to take time to learn things by You need to take time to learn things by spending more time thinking about and spending more time thinking about and practicing things like grammar, pronunciation, practicing things like

59、grammar, pronunciation, etc. Try to organize a regular time for learning etc. Try to organize a regular time for learning alone. Be self-critical by correcting yourself. alone. Be self-critical by correcting yourself. Try to become aware of the mistakes you make Try to become aware of the mistakes y

60、ou make regularly and then make a conscious effort to regularly and then make a conscious effort to do something about them.do something about them.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomeworkScore: 0-8 points: not sureScore: 0-8 points: not sure YouYoud better train yoursel

61、f to become more d better train yourself to become more aware of your own learning habits and aware of your own learning habits and preferences by asking yourself these questions preferences by asking yourself these questions when you are on class: when you are on class: “What am I doing What am I d

62、oing here?here?”, , “How am I learning?How am I learning?”, , “Is it good?Is it good?” Ask for help because your teacher knows about Ask for help because your teacher knows about learning and can help you analyze what you learning and can help you analyze what you do. Use your teacher to find out ab

63、out learning do. Use your teacher to find out about learning as you would use your dictionary to find out as you would use your dictionary to find out about words.about words.Warm-upLanguage in useProjectLearning to learnContentsReadingHomework HomeworkHomework Prepare a 3-minute oral report on which subject you learn well and how you learn it and present it in the next class. Also, You can show your study understanding on your blog.



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