Unit 3 HolidayFun

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《Unit 3 HolidayFun》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 HolidayFun(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Tell me about your holiday(假日). Holiday Holiday funfuneatwatchplayhavevisitgoholidaysWhat holidays do you know?May Day holidayMid Autumn festival holidayDragon Boat festival holidaySpring Festival holiday Holiday Holiday funfunNational Day holiday 国庆节假日国庆节假日 Holiday Holiday funfunNational Day(国庆节) H

2、oliday Holiday funfunTell me about your National Day holiday.常熟市教研室 潘志琴The students came back to school after thecome的过去式come back to school 回到学校 Holiday Holiday funfunNational Day holiday .What holiday is it?1. Who are talking about the holiday?2. Where did they go for the holiday?Task1:watch and a

3、nswer Holiday Holiday funfun(do的过去式) Holiday Holiday funfun1. Who are talking about the holiday?2. Where did they go for the holiday?Task1:watch and answer Holiday Holiday funfunDo you feel(感受)fun?What did they do? Holiday Holiday funfunTask2:read and answerLiu Tao visited _.He also went to the _and

4、 visited the _. Mike picked some_ and went _.要求:自读课文,不认识的单词可以尝试朗读或者寻求老师和同学的帮助。the Bund 外滩外滩/Shanghai Museum上海博物馆上海博物馆mjuzi:mWhat did LiuTao do ?Liu Tao visited _.He also went to the _and visited the _. Holiday Holiday funfunBundShanghai Museumhis auntWhat did Mike do on the farm?He picked some_ and

5、went _. Holiday Holiday funfunorangesfishingAt aunts house,heHow was Liu Taos holiday?Task3:work in pairs(同桌交流)At the Bund and the Shanghai Museum,he提示:1. 自读课文P26,想象LiuTao 在上海的活动。2. 互相交流和补充。Shanghai Museum数量:数量: 馆藏珍贵文物14万件,其中尤其是以青铜器、陶瓷器、书法、绘画为特色。馆藏精品馆藏精品 战国商鞅方升、大克鼎、草书前后赤壁赋卷、龙纹扁足鼎等 。 在文物界有“半壁江山”之誉。 H

6、oliday Holiday funfunI saw many interesting things.Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home.Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt.Mike: What did you do there?Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interes

7、ting things. werent=were not Holiday Holiday funfunTask4:read and think 1. How was Mikes holiday?It was great fun.2. What do you think is very fun?要求:自读课文P27,寻找你认为有趣的活动。I caught a big fish.(catch的过去式.) Thats great. Why did you call me? Because I wanted to give you the fish. Wheres the fish now? I at

8、e it ! Holiday Holiday funfuneat的过去式Good friends!Liu Tao: How was your holiday, Mike?Mike: It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing.Liu Tao: Did you catch any fish?Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish!Liu Tao: Thats great. Why did you call

9、me?Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish.Liu Tao: Wheres the fish now?Mike: I ate it! 星星湖星星湖 请你给出提示,怎样读好本课,请你给出提示,怎样读好本课, 哪些单词朗读时要注意重音或者哪些单词朗读时要注意重音或者发音?发音? Task5:Lets read.你还能补充什么问题?How was ?Where did?What did?Did you?Think:How do they talk about holidays? Underline the questions.他们是怎么交流节日活动的

10、,划出相关问题。How did you get there?What was the weather?Who went there too?Were you?Homework1.Read the story fluently. 流利朗读课文。2.Talk and share:和同桌分享彼此的快乐假期,下节课汇报。如何分享?如何分享?Tips:1.调查同桌的国庆活动。2.准备向全班同学介绍你同桌的国庆活动。Keys:1、Hello/Good morning!.2、Where did do?3、What did do? 4、 Did you ? 5、 Why did you ? 6、How was ?_went to_.He _and_. (.) His holiday was_.汇报汇报



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